MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1993 MEETING:¢ =====================================¢¢¢ NEW MEMBERS:¢¢ JOHN HARDIE, (an old member¢ returns) the Resource Editor of A.C.¢ re-joined our group. WILLIAM V.¢ SMINKEY contacted us (thanks to JOHN¢ McGOWAN) wrote to us and also joined¢ our group. WILLIAM is our most¢ senior member, (80 plus!.) BOB¢ WOOLEY also joined. BOB is a hardware¢ hacker extra ordinaire. BOB uses a¢ 1200XL which he loves. He has written¢ many articles about the mods he has¢ done. JOHN R. DOUGLAS from Bethlehem¢ PA. also joined us. JOHN is¢ interested in TURBO BASIC for SPARTA¢ DOS 3.2. (Look elsewhere on this disk¢ for TURBO BASIC 3.2Q.) ANDREW¢ KOLSTEAD from Washington DC joined¢ us. ANDREW uses a BLACK BOX from CSS¢ with two 20Meg. SYQUEST hard drives,¢ two QUINTOPUS' and 2 expanded memory¢ computers. I think fellows you will¢ have a good time and make many new¢ friends, and I'm sure we will all¢ learn from your own experiences.¢¢ WANTED:¢¢ ===> ALEX and I purchased the¢ ALIEN VOICE BOX. We need the DISK¢ PROGRAM that goes with it. If anyone¢ can make us a copy it would be much¢ appreciated. <===¢¢ CORRESPONDENCE:¢¢ ALEX wrote to ROWLAND GRANT of¢ the GARDEN CITY ACE-in B.C. CANADA.¢ ALEX asked if we could get some of¢ JOHN PICKEN'S latest work for the 8-¢ bit. JOHN PICKEN is one of the¢ premiere programmers for the 8-bit.¢ ROWLAND answered and said he will¢ send us a disk of JOHN's works, as¢ soon as they are completed. He also¢ complimented us on our newsletter.¢¢ A letter from STUART MURRAY our¢ member in Scotland. He thanks us for¢ the back issues of our newsletter. He¢ put them into the NOSAUG library. He¢ said he is going to spread the word¢ of the OL' HACKERS in Europe. ALEX¢ responded jokingly and said if he¢ spread the word too well, we might¢ get overloaded with new members¢ (grin!).¢¢ A message on GENIE from CHARLES¢ COLE a member of our club and the¢ HARDWARE EDITOR of AC. He assumed we¢ are the ones that duplicate the disks¢ for AC. He offered help with¢ duplicating. We informed him that we¢ do not duplicate the disk for AC, but¢ we thanked him for the offer. STEVE¢ HOFFEE is in charge of duplicating.¢ We are in charge of packing, stamping¢ and mailing the disks. A message from¢ STEVE HOFFEE. He thanked us for our¢ message to him about CHARLES COLE'S¢ offer. He will contact CHARLES. He¢ sends his regards to the "WORKER ANTS¢ who do the grunt work. My hat is off¢ to you OL' HACKERS". Thanks STEVE,¢ but you too deserve our thanks for¢ all the grunt work you do in¢ duplicating 300 plus disks for A.C.¢¢ A letter from JIM CUTLER our¢ member from England. JIM said he, and¢ DAVE EWENS, another OHAUG member,¢ finally got the bug out of the SILENT¢ PARTNER disk and it will now work OK.¢ Thanks guys!¢¢ DEMOS:¢¢ We started our meeting by¢ packaging, staamping and mailing 100¢ of our disks to be mailed to the¢ members. Each member should have¢ received a 2nd disk with "LIBRARY II"¢ in it. HAROLD PEGLER again out-did¢ himself and produced a great 2nd¢ LIBRARY DISK, reviewing, printing¢ descriptions etc., a job that must¢ have taken many many hours of grunt¢ labor. It is members like him that¢ make a club great.¢¢ ALEX put in the library disks¢ #406 and #407. They come from England¢ and give you Plans, Docs and Parts¢ lists to make gadgets to attach to¢ your computer. This is for you¢ electronics guys - so you can O.D. on¢ all the projects. The disks are¢ written with Atari Writer.¢¢ RON FETZER showed how to use the¢ 1ST XLEnt Word Processor and DAISY¢ DOT III. RON made a disk that has the¢ wordprocessor and DDIII on it. The¢ disks outoloads 15 DDIII fonts and¢ then loads the wordprocessor. The¢ disk uses the file "FINGERS.BAS" to¢ outoload the fonts and the DDIII¢ PRINT PROCESSOR into the RAM DISK D8:¢ You also have to use the file BASIC¢ OFF to disable BASIC. You can go back¢ and forth to the wordprocessor or the¢ print processor by going to DOS¢ Option L and loading the appropriate¢ file from the RAM DISK. It all goes¢ very fast because of the RAM DISK.¢ RON made some macros of his address¢ and the clubs address on the¢ wordprocessor to use with the¢ program.¢¢ The difference between the SHAREWARE¢ version and the COMMERCIAL version of¢ DDIII is that in the COMMERCIAL¢ version you can use an unlimited¢ amount of fonts in your document. In¢ the SHAREWARE version you can use¢ only one font. This is a BIG¢ DIFFERENCE. The COMMERCIAL version¢ sells for $25.00 from the author RON¢ GOLDMAN. RON said that next to the¢ wordprocessor he uses DDIII the¢ most.¢ ALEX showed a very similar¢ program that was created by our¢ member from France - DANIEL¢ CARRODANO. He uses TEXTPRO 2.5r and¢ the shareware version of DDIII to¢ create a similar program. You still¢ need a 256K computer. He creates 2¢ RAMDISKS, and in one he loads the¢ fonts and DDIII and in the other he¢ loads TEXTPRO. This program is faster¢ loading because both DDIII and the¢ wordprocessor are in a RAMDISK. To go¢ to DDIII you just press START. To go¢ to TEXTPRO you just press RESET.¢ Since both programs are in a RAMDISK¢ you get virtually instant loading.¢ This disk is in now available in our¢ library.¢ The beauty of using DDIII is¢ that you have about 60 Near Letter¢ Quality Fonts you can use. In¢ addition you have several hundred¢ DDII NLQ fonts that will work with¢ DD3. There is no printer regardless¢ of price that has that many built in¢ NLQ fonts. Check the library disk for¢ DDII and DDIII fonts.¢¢ ALAN SHARKIS built a voice¢ synthezier (ANALOG #29). It was¢ called "CHEAP TALK". You need a chip¢ that at that time was sold in RADIO¢ SHACK. It is not available anymore.¢ In A.C., April 1993 it is mentioned¢ again. LUIS MARCOTTE picked it up¢ again and wrote some ML routines for¢ it. So now you just can type in words¢ in BASIC and the program will say it.¢ He created a T HANDLER. This T¢ HANDLER will then translate the word¢ into sound. A.C. does cover a lot of¢ territory, so you never know which¢ article is just the one you were¢ looking for. ALAN now has a great¢ program to go with his voice¢ synthezier. The sound was quite¢ remarkable. I think it was even¢ better than S.A.M.¢¢ ALAN also demonstrated a great¢ DOS program that lets you write notes¢ while in DOS. It does not work with¢ TURBO BASIC. It has a great little¢ pop up editor. It has many nice¢ features. It will also give you the¢ internal code, the ATASCII code and¢ the keyboard code of any key. It also¢ has a built in calculator. You use¢ CNTL & SHIFT & 1,2,or 3. For HELP you¢ press the HELP KEY. The calculator is¢ a pretty good calculator. It also has¢ a ML monitor. A great little program¢ to get. It is in also in our¢ library.¢¢ ALEX showed a working WINDOWS¢ PROGRAM called DESKTOP. A remarkable¢ resemblance to the drop down windows¢ on the ST's. It works with the¢ joystick. On side two of the disk we¢ have MEC DOS. This DOS is very close¢ to SPARTA DOS and MS DOS. It is #409¢ in our library.¢¢ We saw FUTURA DISK #7 from¢ NOSAUG, SCOTLAND. We saw several¢ games on this disk. A great disk to¢ get. There are lot of programs on¢ this disk. Now in the Library.¢¢ We saw an ABBUC disk from¢ Germany with some very nice music on¢ it. PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, ANGEL, and¢ a lot of other songs from the opera.¢ Side two has more songs on it.¢ Library disk #405. For you guys to¢ O.D. on songs.¢¢ RON showed an ART DISK. On it¢ are 6 art programs. ANIMATOR.BAS,¢ ARTCLASS.BAS, PERFECT BAS,¢ PIONTSET.BAS, SCRENGEN.BAS, ARTMAKER.¢ The disk is documented. On the other¢ side of the disk we have FONT DATA¢ WRITER, from GARDEN CITY ACE (CANADA)¢ program with demos and docs.¢¢ DOOR PRIZES:¢¢ AL SHARKIS¢ HARRY TUTHILL¢ RON FETZER¢ JACK GEDALIUS¢¢ Submitted by¢ Ron Fetzer¢¢ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<¢