======= ======== ==== =======¢ MINUTES FEBRUARY 1992 MEETING¢ -----------------------------¢¢NEW MEMBER:¢¢ DANE L. STEGMAN joined our club.¢He lives in Akron N.Y. and he uses an¢130 XE. He writes us that he lives a¢little bit too far away from any Atari¢Group. The nearest group to him is an¢ST Group, not 8 BIT. We welcome you to¢the club DANE, and we hope you enjoy¢being an OL' HACKER!¢¢SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:¢¢ ALEX PIGNATO the president of our¢club opened the meeting by announcing¢that this newsletter is dedicated to¢the memory of KRIS HOLTEGAARD. KRIS¢was killed in an auto accident.¢ The club observed a minute of¢silence in KRIS HOLTEGAARD'S memory.¢Four members of our club ALEX, RON, AL¢ATKINS and HAROLD went to the funeral¢home to pay our last respects to KRIS.¢KRIS was a dear friend to all of us.¢He helped us with any problem we had.¢KRIS was one of the outstanding¢programmers in the ATARI WORLD. He was¢a great family man and and a valued¢member of our club. All of us will¢miss him greatly. The club made a cash¢donation to his memory.¢¢BULLETINS :¢¢ The NEWEST 2 DISK set of "DISK¢MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" consisting of 7¢programs by our RON FETZER and STAN¢SCHENFELD-is available for $6.00. Send¢check or money order made out to RON¢FETZER, and mail to HAROLD PEGLER, 129¢KETCHAMS Road, SYOSSET, NY 11791.¢¢ ALEX at a great sacrifice (?),¢went and checked out the CAFE 20 SOUTH¢where we will have our annual club¢dinner. He took his family to dinner.¢It is a nice room and the food was out¢of this world. ALEX we know it was a¢GREAT sacrifice, and a DIRTY JOB, BUT¢SOMEBODY HAD TO DO IT.¢¢IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:¢¢ STAN SCHENFELD informed his¢employer that he will RETIRE May 31,¢1992, so that he can devote more time¢to his 8 BIT. Welcome to the world of¢leisure and fun STAN. The club also¢gave a rousing rendition of "HAPPY¢BIRTHDAY" to ALEX who was 66 years¢young.¢¢IMPORTANT MEETING DATE CHANGE:¢¢ Our APRIL MEETING DATE has been¢changed from APRIL 25, to APRIL 18,¢one week earlier.¢¢ITEM:¢¢ LIAUG is planning a BBS FEST on¢March 7, 1992. The entire NEST BBS¢will be at the show. There will also¢be 8-Bit systems there to teach how to¢log on to the NEST. There will be¢DEMOS on just about anything having to¢do with a BBS.¢ From WNYAUG ALEX made reprints of¢"BASIC 101" by JOHN KASUPSKI. It is a¢series of articles JOHN wrote on¢programming. ALEX will distribute an¢article for each member at every¢meeting. The articles assume no prior¢computer programming experience. A¢great way to learn how to program.¢ WORD MAGIC, SPELL MAGIC and¢GRAPHICS MAGIC a 2 disk set now put¢into Public Domain by its author, may¢be ordered from our library. The disk¢numbers will be 179 and 180 in our¢library catalog.¢ In the latest issue of CURRENT¢NOTES JAN/FEB 92, there is a¢classified advertisement in it urging¢8-Bit users to write to JEFF MC¢WILLIAMS indicating that they would be¢interested in subscribing to an 8-Bit¢only magazine.¢¢Re: KRIS HOLTEGAARD:¢¢ Less than a week before KRIS died¢he had called ALEX and told him that¢ownership and all proprietary interest¢in his 8-Bit work reverts to the OL'¢HACKERS. On January 27, 1992 ALEX¢wrote a letter confirming KRIS's gift¢to our club. Little did we know that¢in a few days hence he would be dead.¢He will be missed by us and the entire¢Atari community.¢¢ JIM HARRIS the SYSOP of the NEW¢NEST BBS(516 234-4943) created a new¢message base "WQNR THE ROCKET". It is¢a public message base dedicated to¢KRIS HOLTEGAARD. If you want to write¢anything about his life, his work or¢any thoughts about KRIS please log on¢to this message base. This is message¢base #9. You hit the "=" sign. That¢tells you what base you want to go to.¢ALEX urged all members to go on line¢and add a few words and thoughts about¢KRIS.¢ ALAN SHARKIS said he would¢periodically save any messages that¢were on that message base. We want to¢make a disk copy of these messages and¢keep them.¢ Several other SYSOPS both of¢Atari and IBM put up a notice on their¢BBS' about KRIS and made a donation in¢his memory.¢ ¢CORRESPONDENCE:¢¢ AL SHARKIS wrote to our friend¢HADJILA in ALGERIA informing him that¢books on MACHINE LANGUAGE programming¢for the 8-Bit are mostly out of¢print.¢ALEX asked the editor of ATARI¢INTERFACE MAGAZINE to correct our LOGO¢listing of the club.¢ A letter from an outstanding NON-¢LOCAL member, JIM CUTLER from England.¢He informed us that the disks that¢HAROLD sent him arrived safely. JIM¢has and continues to send us new¢programs he comes across in the U.K..¢Thanks JIM!¢ On a sad note, we were recently¢advised of the passing of JIM'S¢mother, and the OL'HACKERS sends him¢our condolences.¢ ALEX answered JIM's letter and¢sent a disk, and told him that he has¢been busy as helllll. His daughters¢were in a car accident and other¢personal matters.¢ A letter and disk to the SAN¢LEANDRO ATARI CLUB. ALEX requested ¢BOB SCHOLARS PROGRAM D.O.M. from the¢club.¢ A letter to HARRY TUTHILL from¢GINA BRYANT, IN VIRGINIA BEACH. She¢thanked HARRY for the good advice on¢how to correct a hardware problem. The¢printer now works fine. ONCE AGAIN WE¢SEE THE VALUE OF BELONGING TO A USERS¢GROUP!¢ ALEX sent a disk, and wrote to¢JOHN COLLINS from the NORTH WEST¢PHOENIX ATARI USERS GROUP. JOHN is an¢expert in graphics and ALEX asked him¢about programs that work with the¢Atari Light Pen and 62 sector printer¢converters.¢ From LARRY TISHBEIN, Our¢PENNSYLVANIA MEMBER, we received an¢"OLD TIMERS EYE EXAMINATION CHART".¢LARRY, I'm sorry to a say that most of¢us failed the eye exam!¢ A letter to SAM CORY, our NEW¢JERSEY member, about KRIS HOLTEGAARD'S¢untimely death. SAM and the JERSEY¢ATARI COMPUTER GROUP, were also very¢friendly with KRIS.¢ A letter to DANE STEGEMAN, our¢new upstate NY member, from RON¢welcoming DANE to the club.¢¢HARDWARE MODIFICATIONS:¢¢ HAROLD bought a 3 1/2" disk drive¢modification from BOB PUFF of COMPUTER¢SOFTWARE SERVICES. He had problems¢with it. He contacted BOB and was¢helped immediately. I have had similar¢experiences with BOB. It is a great¢company to deal with. Very¢responsible. By the way, BOB was voted¢last month as the AUTHOR OF THE MONTH¢by the club. SUPPORT THIS COMPANY!¢¢TRENTON COMPUTER FAIR:¢¢ ANTHONY FALCONE reported on the¢history of the TRENTON COMPUTER FAIR.¢The fair has been corrected from April¢25 to April 11 and 12 as reported by¢ANTHONY.¢¢DEMOES¢¢ JACK GEDALIUS demonstrated the¢LIGHT PEN. JACK tested all the light¢pens bought by the club, they all¢worked. JACK then demonstrated mirror¢effects, how to change colors,¢resolution of the pen etc. JACK is the¢expert on the LIGHT PEN. It was a¢great demonstration. JACK also showed¢some games that can be played with the¢light pen such as checkers and some¢other games. Sorry to report that JACK¢is being laid off because of the¢recession. We all hope you get a new¢job soon JACK!¢ ALEX showed a GERMAN PROGRAM¢called DESIGN MASTER. It will take¢light pen pictures and print them out¢as hard printer copies. ALEX showed¢some fantastic things that he did with¢DESIGN MASTER. This is such a¢fantastic program that it rivals PRINT¢SHOP. ALEX also showed some really¢nice things that he had printed out.¢It would be great for making large¢labels and many other graphic designs.¢¢ RON FETZER demonstrated how to do¢DESK TOP PUBLISHING with the 1st XLEnt¢word processor. With this word¢processor you can load pictures into a¢word processing file and print it. The¢word processor has a PICTURE FORMATTER¢that processes pictures to be used in¢your word processor file. RON¢distributed a DESK TOP PRINTING file¢to each member. Look for his article,¢and demo on this disk. To use the¢demo, these three files must be on the¢same side of the disk:¢DESKTOP.EPS, 35 sectors.¢RON1.DSJ, 65 sectors.¢TRECK1.DSK, 67 sectors.¢ ALEX demonstrated B&G SLIDE SHOW.¢This program stretches, distorts,¢fades, dissolves etc. the pictures. It¢runs a series of pictures¢automatically. You can show a whole¢show without doing anything. It is¢Library number 181.¢ TOBASIC.OBJ (1 sector) was shown.¢This is particularly useful with TURBO¢BASIC. With TURBO BASIC, when you go¢to DOS you don't have BASIC. If this¢program is on the disk you just go to¢OPTION [L] and type TOBASIC.OBJ and¢you get BASIC back again. A very neat¢program. This file will also be on¢disk #181.¢ ALEX showed the MYJONG game. It¢is from the AIM disk. A fantastic¢game. You can very easily become¢addicted.¢ A BRIDGE playing game was shown.¢Also a TICKET GAME and a SCRATCH OFF¢lottery game was also shown. Two very¢nice games. We also saw PAC MAN type¢game where you play against time. We¢also saw a game where you go through ¢various rooms to pick up objects, in¢order to complete your mission. All¢were from the AIM Disk.¢¢DOOR PRIZES:¢¢RON FETZER¢JOE LEBER¢HARRY TUTHILL¢ANN RAWLINSON¢¢ELECTION OF CLUB OFFICERS¢¢ The same slate of officers were¢elected as last year. The secretary¢RON FETZER cast the YEA vote for the¢entire club. Each officer was¢presented with a ribbon medal¢signifying his office.¢¢ Suddenly it was 5:00 P.M., and we¢had to leave the Library....Time sure¢does fly when you are haveing a good¢time!¢Submitted by ¢ Ron Fetzer¢¢>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<¢¢