¢¢-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¢¢8 Bit News Flash¢¢By Carlos Hurtado¢¢-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=¢¢¢Once again Black Moon Systems in Wind¢Gap, Pa. has done it again! Coming out¢real soon Small Business Systems 1.4!¢I know that you remember them. They¢have productivity programs to run on¢your 8 Bit systems for a small¢business.¢¢¢LABELMASTER¢-----------¢¢Allows you to create and edit data on¢screen. You design your label,¢compatible with any DOS, written in¢machine language.¢¢¢MULTI-COLUMN LISTER¢------------------¢¢Another machine language program which¢interfaces with LABELMASTER. This¢program lets you print one to six¢across labels. Using the Printer¢Driver Editor, makes this program¢compatible with any printer. A must¢program for the mailing list users.¢Black Moon systems is looking for¢users who have written their own¢Printer Driver for this program.¢Please write to them along with a¢printout of the Printer Driver, for¢them to place in the next upgrade.¢¢¢SMALL BUSINESS SYSTEMS¢----------------------¢¢A group of programs that allow small¢business owners to run their business¢on the Atari Computer.Included in this¢package is are following programs:¢INVOICE, PURCHASE ORDER, EXPENSE¢REPORTS, PROFIT & LOSS, SALES & TAX¢REPORTS, INCOME ENTRY AND INVENTORY¢PROGRAMS.¢¢¢Black Moon Systems are in the process¢of Upgrading to 1.4. If you need more¢information on any of the above¢programs or want to send them a copy¢of your Printer Driver for¢Multi-Column Lister, here is their¢address, tell them Carlos sent ya!¢¢¢Black Moon Systems¢P.O. Box 152¢Wind Gap, Pa. 18091¢ ¢