Computer Buyer 1996 December
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The Guide!
an experiment in Turbo Vision/OOP to implement
The HitchHiker's Guide to the Known Galaxy
developed and written by Steve Baker
Our Shadow's SoftWorks
> swbaker@vela.acs.oakland.edu <
Initial Release Documentation
moderately revised 05/25/93
0.0 Legal Stuff
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Adding new articles into The Guide!
3.0 Search and Query
4.0 Print and Save
5.0 Optimizing The Guide!
6.0 The Guide.INI Configuration file
7.0 The Guide! and Networks
8.0 Conclusions
0.0 Legal Stuff
This system is Copyright (c) 1992-1993 Steve Baker, Our Shadow's
SoftWorks. Permission is granted to any individual or institution
to use, copy, and redistribute these executables and associated files
so long as they are not modified and that they are not sold for profit
(hence the motto, "Share and Enjoy!").
The TG! system is provided "as is" and comes with no warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the copyright
holder(s) be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this
There, got that stuff out of the way. Now then, if you *do* discover
any glitches and/or problems, please feel free to Email them, along
with a complete description of your PC system and configuration, to
me (swbaker@vela.acs.oakland.edu). I will do my very best to resolve
any problems that are discovered.
1.0 Introduction
Many virtual eons ago, Douglas Adams wrote some radio scripts for a
new radio humor series entitled _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_.
In the shows (which have evolved into a series of novels, TV episodes,
records and CD's, and even computer games), the heroes "consult the
Guide," the best-selling electronic book with "Don't Panic" inscribed
in large, friendly letters on the cover, in times of duress.
Since then, the concept of consulting an on-line electronic
encyclopedia-like Guide while exploring the (known) universe has
intrigued and baffled mankind.
Until now.
The Guide! is my "vision" of the Hitchhiker's Guide: a DOS-based
article consultation system, similar to the "real" Hitchhiker's Guide
that Ford and Arthur consult whilst exploring the universe (suitable
for use on laptop/palmtop systems as well as full desktop and network
environments). With TG!, the roving hitchhiker can search for, read,
print, and capture to disk the life-saving articles that roving hitch-
hikers have come to expect from the Project Galactic-Guide staff.
1.1 Overview
Before we start, let me mention that if you're impatient and want to
get going with this thing, take a look at the ASCII text file called
READ.ME, which summarizes the steps required to get up-and-running.
The Guide! is a full-featured, multi-windowed, pop-up and pull-down
menu'ed, mouse-supporting anomaly. It reads in new entry articles
from standard ASCII files, and supports multiple entries per .NEW
input file (archive).
TG! features a nifty search and query engine, allowing the user to
search in many different ways. The following are verbose examples of
searches you may request:
* Give me all entries which have the word "wazoo" in the title, are
written by Joe Schmoe, and are completely real.
* Show me all entries written between Date1 and Date2.
* I want any articles with "meatball" in the summary, written
before Date1, which are both real and unreal.
... and any combination of title, summary, author, date, indices, and
reality (being either real, unreal, or semi-real) imaginable.
As one would expect from an encyclopedic-type device, TG! offers a
Table of Contents, a full Index, author and editor biographies, and
cross-references which link articles together. (If an article has
cross-references to a second article which has not yet been added to
the system, The Guide! is aware of that "incomplete" xref and will
automatically link it if/when the second article is eventually added.)
1.2 Command-line parameters
Both programs have command-line parameters, which you may use to
configure the programs. To view the list of available command-line
parameters, load the desired program with the [ /? ] parameter. Thus,
to see what you can do with Guide.EXE, type [ GUIDE /? ]. Likewise,
[ UPDATE /? ] displays its help screen.
The parameters for Guide.EXE are:
/Help or /? ; displays DOS help screen and parameters
/Mono ; loads in Monochrome, if available
/43 or /50 ; loads in High-Resolution, if available
/Load=[path\]filename ; specify GuideNET file to load by default
/TOC ; default to Table of Contents, not Index
/NoBanner ; do not display the intro title screen
/NoINI ; do not update the Configuration file
/ShowLoad ; brings up the Load dialog box at startup
/Load=[path\]filename ; specify GuideNET file to load by default
/Config=path\ ; tells TG! where to save Guide.INI, etc.
The parameters for Update.EXE are:
/Help or /? ; displays DOS help screen and parameters
/NoBanner ; do not display the intro title screen
/NoINI ; do not update the Configuration file
/Auto ; load all *.NEW files via Auto-Pilot
/Auto=filename ; use Auto-Pilot with [filename], not GUIDE
/Config=path\ ; tells TG! where to save Guide.INI, etc.
Many of the command-line parameters (like /TOC, /NoBanner, and /NoINI)
can be made permanent with the Standard Options dialog box, available
in the File pull-down menu. See "Using the Standard Options dialog
box," Section 6.1, for more information.
1.3 Moving around in The Guide!
TG! features what is becoming an industry-standard user interface.
This interface is comprised of three parts:
1) the pull-down menu bar, at the top line of the screen
2) the main "desktop" area, in the middle of the screen
3) the status-line bar, at the bottom line of the screen
The Guide! is great for those with a mouse, and is also easy to use
with the keyboard. Access the menu bar by either pressing [F10], or
by clicking the [ The Guide! ] "button" on the status bar, or by
pressing one of the Alt+Letters (i.e., [ Alt+F ] for the [F]ile menu).
Numerous hot-keys have been defined which bypass the menu structure
and invoke the desired function directly. These hot-keys are listed
along side of the functions they invoke in the pull-down menus; browse
through the pull-down menu bar to note these functions. Here are some
of the highlights:
[F1] Display a command summary reference screen
[F2] Define title, summary, author, and factuality
search parameters, without evoking a search
[F3] Define date search parameters
[F4] Consult the Index of the current GuideNET base
[Alt+F3] Close active window
[F5] Zoom/unzoom active window
[F6] Activate next available window
[Shift+F6] Activate previous available window
[F7] Browse forward from current location
[Ctrl+F7] Browse backward from current location
[F8] Define title, summary, author, and factuality
search parameters, and begin a new search at the
beginning of the GuideNET base
[F9] Continue using results of most recent search
[Alt+L] Load a new GuideNET base
[Alt+P] Print the current article
[Alt+T] Consult the Table of Contents
[Alt+V] Save the current article as an ASCII text file
[Alt+X] Exit The Guide!
Many functions bring up dialog boxes with modifiable data fields.
These are common ways to maneuver through these dialog boxes:
* [TAB] moves forward one option or field
* [Shift+TAB] moves backward one option/field
* cursor/arrow keys moves the "radio-buttons" options around
* the space bar toggles the "check-box" items
* [Enter] (or click the [Ok] button) to proceed
* [Esc] (or click the [Cancel] button) to abort the process
(where applicable)
Mouse users may click the various "buttons" on the status line at the
bottom of the screen. For example, the [ --> ] button is the "Browse
forward" command, and the [ <-- ] button is the "Browse backward"
command. You may click on the functions described on the status line
(i.e., click anywhere on the "F4 Index" to bring up the index, etc.).
In Guide.EXE, this status line is "context-sensitive" in that it
changes to the Alt+Commands if you hold down either Alt key, the Shift+
Commands if you hold down either Shift key, and the Ctrl+Commands if
you hold down either Ctrl key. While you hold one of these keys, the
buttons on the status line may be selected with the mouse.
The index list, cross-reference list, table of contents, and search
results list are shown in "list-boxes". These list-boxes support
multiple-key "speed-searching." If you press either [ R ] or [ r ]
(case is not important), the highlight bar moves to the first entry
beginning with the letter "R" (if available). Then, pressing [ I ]
or [ i ] moves the highlight bar to the first entry beginning with
"RI" (if available), etc. Press any non-character key (i.e., the
arrow keys, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, etc.) to clear the speed-search
You may disable the multiple-key speed search in the Standard
Options dialog box. If disabled, single-key speed search is
activated instead.
... This is pretty much standard stuff, for those who have dealt with
these types of interfaces before. As mentioned earlier, this type of
interface is becoming an industry-standard, with more and more packages
adopting this consistent interface.
2.0 Adding new articles into The Guide!
There are two methods to add new articles to the system; automatically
(via the Auto-Pilot) and interactively (via dialog boxes, etc.). Both
functions are performed by a program called Update (Update.EXE).
Consult the ASCII text file READ.ME for quick, let-me-get-going
information on adding articles to the system.
2.1 Automatic article inclusion
At the DOS prompt (and in the appropriate sub-directory, ie C:\GUIDE),
type [ UPDATE /AUTO ]. The system will process the supplied articles,
and then return to the DOS prompt.
Data loading may take a few minutes (especially on slower systems,
and those without disk caching). GuideNET Update displays a status
window to show its progress (i.e., what entry number, file name,
and article name it's currently processing).
When the program has finished, Update displays the number of articles
added into the system.
2.2 Interactive article inclusion
At the DOS prompt, type [ UPDATE ] to load the Update utility program.
Pull down the <U>tility menu, and select <U>pdate (or simply press F4).
The first time you perform an update, the system will first ask you to
define the GuideNET NAME and DESCRIPTION. This information is required
for TG! to proceed. The name must be eight characters or less (and a
valid DOS filename), while the description can be up to fifty (50)
characters of any nature. A default name (GUIDE) and description are
displayed, unless overridden.
Next, GuideNET Update displays the Update dialog box. This box has
several Options and Toggles, most of which are described in Section
2.5, below. If you desire, modify these options and toggles. Then,
press [O]k (or Enter) to proceed, or [C]ancel (or Esc) to quit.
The data-loading process may take a few moments, especially on slower
systems, and those without hard disk caching (see "Optimizing The
Guide!," Section 5.0, below). The Guide! displays a status window
with its progress (i.e., what new entry number, file name, and article
name it's currently processing).
When finished, The Guide! displays how many articles have been added
to the current GuideNET. Before exiting GuideNET Update, be sure to
save your data by either pressing [F3] (Save) or by using the
<F>ile | <S>ave pull-down menu function.
2.3 Duplicate entries, indices, and cross-references
Duplicate entries are incoming articles which have titles that are
already in the system (thus, they are called "duplicates" even if the
articles themselves are completely different, and the fact that the
titles are the same may be "purely coincidental").
TG! allows duplicate entries, indexes, and cross-references. It
takes care of all the busywork, and lets you get on with using TG!.
The Guide! distinguishes between original entries and subsequent
duplicates (if allowed into the system; see Section 2.6, below) by
appending the phrase ", Entry x" to the duplicate's title.
For example, if an article entitled "Gallifrey" already exists in the
system, and another article with the same title is added to the system,
TG! will modify the second title so that it becomes "Gallifrey, Entry
2" and so on.
Any index and cross-reference links to duplicate entries will access
the original entry, just as any index and cross-reference links to
the original entry access that original entry. From the article
displayed, you may Browse forward/backward to other duplicate entries.
Update.EXE is now especially aware of "updated" articles. These are
pieces which were previously released, but have since been updated with
new information. TG! (via the GuideNET Update program) now auto-
magically updates any existing articles with their new replacements,
as they arrive.
This is possible since each article must have a UNIQUE %n (ID)
field. Thus, if a "new" incoming article has the same %n field
as an article already in the GuideNET, then it MUST be the same
article. To determine if the "new" one is really newer than the
existing article, their dates are compared. If the "new" article
has a more recent date, then the update is performed. Otherwise,
the "new" article is discarded (since you presumingly have a newer
version of the article already in the GuideNET).
2.4 Saving the data
The Guide! supports multiple data files, and each file may have a
50-character description associated with it. Thus, you may maintain
several GuideNET files by choosing Manual Control in the Update option,
and selecting desired articles for each collection.
The GuideNET name and description were defined before the system
performed the updating process. If you wish to rename the current
GuideNET file, you may use the "Save [A]s..." function, in the <F>ile
pull-down menu, to modify the name and description.
Before you exit Update.EXE, you should save the updated GuideNET file
information either by pressing [F3] or by using one of the Save
commands from the <F>ile pull-down menu.
2.5 Inside the Update Process
The Guide! is designed to be very flexible with its data input. It
will read in as many new archive files (files which contain articles)
as you want to throw at it, providing they meet these criteria:
1. The articles must conform to the current format standards.
These are described in the article "Article Writing Guide for
Field Researchers and Guide Editors" (available in TGxxx.ZIP as
ARTICLE.NEW). This paper describes the proper formatting and
article fields agreed upon by Project Galactic-Guide.
2. Each ASCII file must end with a [ .NEW ] extension, ie:
This way, whole batches of files may be processed at once,
following the simple idea that every .NEW file shall be added
to the system (i.e., these are the "new" articles to add).
3. Multiple entries may reside in a single ASCII file, but every
article MUST be terminated (ended) with this special flag:
which means "End Of Article." This flag must appear in the
FIRST column of a line, and must be the only item on the line.
Of course, you want this *EOA* flag to be AFTER the article,
not before or somewhere in between.
Available system memory cannot be exceeded. The Guide! has built-in
protection against "out of memory" crashes, and can perform partial
updates (i.e., read in some, but not all, of the articles available)
if memory becomes low.
To avoid memory problems, and to allow greater organization of
articles into logical collections, TG! supports multiple GuideNET base
files. Thus, when one GuideNET base becomes full, simply begin another
one, analogous to starting a new volume of an encyclopedia when the
current one becomes "full."
2.6 Update dialog box options
The Guide! offers several ways of handling these .NEW files. The
following items, dealing with the .NEW files, can be selected in the
Update dialog box:
1. Rename - the system changes their extension to [ .OLD ], so
they are not processed again, but are still available if
required (this is the system default).
2. Delete - the files are usually no longer necessary once
the articles have been loaded, and can safely be deleted to
free up additional disk space.
3. Preserve - any .NEW files found and processed will be preserved
as .NEW files. A note of caution - when this is used, you may
inadvertently load in the same data every time you update,
since all files with a .NEW extension are processed (and if
they are not changed to something else, they could be
processed again the next time you Update your GuideNET).
Update options and user-interaction are fully supported. In
particular, you may:
1. Automatically accept each and every article found, including
duplicate articles. If a new article has a title which is
already in the GuideNET, a special message is appended to the
new title. This ", Entry x" message denotes that the article
is the 2nd, or 3rd, or xth, article with the same title.
2. Automatically accept only new, unique articles, and skip any
duplicate articles found (i.e., if an article already exists
in memory, then skip any new, incoming articles with the same
3. Accept new articles, and also automatically update existing
articles with data from new articles with matching titles
(if any are found).
When this occurs, all indexes and out-going cross-references
associated with the "old" article are removed, and the new
article's indexes and out-going cross-references are inserted
in their place. Any in-coming cross-references to the
article remain intact.
4. Manually decide whether or not to accept each article found.
You are shown the new article's title, summary, author, date,
and factuality. At this point, you may choose to [A]ccept
or [S]kip the article.
When you accept an article with the same title as an entry
already in the current GuideNET, the ", Entry x" flag is
appended (see above).
General observations:
Each new article is "stamped" with a unique identification field
when it is approved by an editor. This ID field (%n) is the only
way that a given article can be distinguished from other articles,
particularly if they have the same title.
When an existing article is updated (for example, the author has
done some more field research, or an editor decided he didn't
really like that last bit as much as he thought he did, etc.), the
system updates the GuideNET base with the revised article. This
updating is performed automatically and transparently by TG!.
2.7 Format of .NEW entry files
The Guide! reads ASCII entry files which conform to the "Article
Writing Guide..." paper which is frequently posted on the Internet
newsgroup alt.galactic-guide. The writing guide is also included in
the TGxxx.ZIP collection as the file ARTICLE.NEW.
Several extensions have been added to this format, which I believe
have been mentioned in the alt.galactic-guide newsgroup:
- this is my preferred way of handling "reality"
* %f [ -10 .. 10 ]
Another suggested way of handling factuality. These are
converted as follows:
-10..-4 : UNREAL
-3..3 : SEMI-REAL
4..10 : REAL
* Of course, if a 'U', 'R', or 'S' is present in the %n <id number>
field, then that will work as well ('U' = UNREAL, 'R' = REAL, and
'S' = SEMI-REAL ).
In general, the case of the field identifiers is not sensitive (i.e.,
you can use either '%t' or '%T' for the Title identifier).
Recall that The Guide! uses the special marker [ *EOA* ] to define a
"break" between articles in an "archive" .NEW file (one which contains
more than one entry). Of course, this *EOA* should not appear anywhere
other than BETWEEN complete articles.
This special marker is required since TG! does not force any
particular ordering to the field tokens. That is, the order of
the markers is not strictly important (with one exception; the
[ %t ] title marker MUST be the first field), so the system needs
a signal that the article has indeed ended.
The Guide! ignores any non-key lines in the input files. This way,
users can simply capture new articles from the newsgroups, save them
as ASCII files, and let the system handle the rest. Comments, remarks,
etc. may also be inserted before, between, and after articles. These
will also be ignored.
See the sample .NEW files for examples of these flexibilities.
2.8 Reporting information about Articles, Indices, and Cross-References
Update.EXE can generate several useful reports. These reports list
information on articles, indices, and cross-references. The functions
to create these reports are available in the Reports pull-down menu.
The report generator creates an ASCII output file which contains the
desired report information, and this file is subsequently displayed
on-screen. This file may then be printed, just like a regular GuideNET
The Article report lists the following information for each article:
title, ID number, date, offset, number of frames, number of indices,
and number of cross-references. Totals for each category are recorded
at the bottom of the report when appropriate. The offset and number of
frames information is usually required for debugging purposes only.
The Indices report lists all index items, and the article titles
associated with each index. Totals are recorded at the bottom of the
The Cross-References report lists all cross-reference information by
showing the "From" article title and the "To" article title, which
together form a cross-reference. Totals are recorded at the bottom
of the report.
2.9 Deleting Articles, Indices, and Cross-References
Update.EXE provides you with delete functions for articles, indices,
and cross-references. These are accessible in the Delete pull-down
menu. The system displays a dialog box listing all available entries
(either article titles, index items, or cross-references, depending
on which function is selected), and will prompt you to verify your
decision to delete the item before it is actually deleted.
When an article is deleted, all associated index items and outgoing
cross-references (i.e., references from the deleted article to other
articles) are also removed. Note that any incoming cross-references
(i.e., references from an existing article to the deleted article)
will be preserved, should the deleted article be added again later.
2.10 Packing the GuideNET
When a GuideNET is "packed," all fragmentation within the GuideNET
is removed. Thus, the size of the file is minimized and the access
time of the file is optimized. After deleting an article, and also
after certain updates, the GuideNET information will require packing.
The Pack function is available in the Utility pull-down menu of
The system will automatically pack the GuideNET after updating is
complete (if required), but you must invoke the Pack function if you
delete an article.
3.0 Search and Query
These functions are performed in the Guide.EXE article reader program.
At the DOS prompt, type [ GUIDE ] to load the program. After the
welcoming "Don't Panic!" title screen, you will see the GuideNET
index. Press [Esc] or click on the [ Cancel ] button to bypass
this screen.
Pull down the <S>earch | <G>o! menu item, or use the hot-key F8, to
define the various search parameters you wish to use. These parameters
can even be saved so you may use them in a later session.
Note that these parameters are conjunctive; that is, if you define a
string for specific topics (i.e., "Bob") AND a particular author string
(i.e., "Joe"), then the search will return only the articles with "Bob"
somewhere in its title, summary, or indices, AND "Joe" somewhere in the
author field, not EITHER. Thus, the more parameters you define, the
more specific your search becomes.
Selecting "Go!" first displays the Define Search Parameters dialog
box, which is used to narrow the search. When you press [Enter] or
G[O], the system generates the complete list of all entries which match
your current Search parameters. This list is presented in a dialog
box, from which you may select the desired article(s).
"Continue" will display the current list of matching articles, which
was generated with the most recent "Go!" command. This option does not
re-generate the matching articles list; it simply allows you to proceed
with the current match list.
The index and cross-references, as well as both forward and backward
browsing, are accessed through the <C>onsult menu, and also through
their respective hot-keys. In addition, "Browse backward/forward"
buttons are defined on the bottom "status line" for mouse-users.
4.0 Print and Save
You can print and save the active entry (i.e., the current on-screen
article, which is "active" with its window boarder highlighted). The
output of Print and Save (both accessed from the <W>indow menu, and
also by using the associated hot-keys) is similar to what is displayed
4.1 Printing an article
"Print" formats the article with margins, and sends it to the port of
your choice: LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3. The default is LPT1. (This output
can be redirected to one of the COM (serial) ports by using the MODE
command supplied with DOS.)
Four "check-box" options are available in the Print dialog box --
1. Page numbers may be added to the bottom of each page. The
default is 'on', which does print page numbers.
2. "Graphical" lines may be used instead of ASCII lines. The
default is 'on', which enables graphics characters.
3. Compressed printing (132 col) instead of normal print (80 col).
The default is usually 'off', which retains normal printing.
4. Initial Extra will output an additional extra line-feed at
the top of the first page. With some network print queues,
the first page does not line up properly with subsequent
pages; this extra line-feed is thus required for certain
network print queues (like the servers in Oakland
University's Kresge Library).
In addition, you may specify the appropriate printer type at the bottom
of the Print dialog. TG! supports both dot-matrix printers (which are
compatible with the IBM ProPrinter) and laser printers (which are
compatible with the HP LaserJet series). The default is dot-matrix.
The print engine in TG! automatically enables the Compressed Printing
option if the article exceeds 80 characters in width; likewise, it
disables the option if compressed print is not required. You may
always over-ride this default before clicking/selecting [ Ok ].
4.2 Saving an article
"Save" determines an appropriate destination file name by examining
the title of the current article; it then asks you to approve or modify
this destination file name. The file is created as a standard ASCII
file if you press [Enter] or [O]k.
5.0 Optimizing The Guide!
The Guide! does not like to work on floppy-disks. Thus, PLEASE install
the system on your hard disk. However, if you insist on diskettes,
TG! is operational, but is rather S-L-O-W (because of the very poor
access times of diskettes).
5.1 Hard disk stuff
The Guide! performs a lot of disk reads and writes as it retrieves its
data. Thus, I STRONGLY recommend that those with EMS/XMS memory use a
disk-caching utility to improve disk access. DOS 4, 5, and 6 ship with
one ("SmartDrive"), but third-party utilities are usually better.
Blatant and unreimbursed plug:
I use the Norton Utility 7.0's Norton Cache, since it can perform
disk writes IN THE BACKGROUND after telling the program that the
writing is done; thus, TG! completes its Updating VERY QUICKLY
since it doesn't have to wait for the disk writing to be completed
(the cache does all the writing in one big chunk, instead of file-
by-file, in the background after a specified time-delay).
The SmartDRV.EXE version 4.x, which ships with the MS Windows 3.1
and DOS 6.0, also supports this write-behind feature, but I prefer
NCACHE2 for other reasons as well.
5.2 Memory stuff
As far as memory itself goes, PLEASE upgrade to DOS 5.0 or 6.0 (or else
stick with DOS 3.3, if you don't have a 286/386/486, etc.) and try to
give yourself as much memory as possible (by either loading your TSR's,
etc. into high memory, or not load them at all).
Also, other optimizations can be made in your CONFIG.SYS (examples:
reduce Buffers to 5 or 10 if you use a disk cache; reduce Stacks to 0,0
unless Windows complains; set LastDrive to the last drive you really
use, like D or E; etc.).
Consult your DOS manual for tips on how to optimize your system (my 386
has 635k free conventional memory, as everything is pretty much optimal
in the UMB's). I recommend third-party memory-management software,
like Quarterdeck's QEMM 6.02, instead of DOS's HIMEM and EMM386.
5.3 Windows and DESQview stuff
TG! works great in both Windows and DESQview. TG! will detect DESQview
and, if available, will release all idle clock cycles to the DV system.
In configuring TG! for Windows or DV use, please allow a full 640k of
memory for its use. TG! currently does not support EMS or XMS, so
no additional memory allocations are required.
6.0 The Guide.INI Configuration file
Like many applications being developed today, The Guide! has an ASCII
configuration .INI file. In this file, appropriately called GUIDE.INI,
you may customize the way TG! works for you.
The file should be located in the program executable directory (the
directory where Guide.EXE and Update.EXE are stored). Alternatively,
you may tell TG! where to load and save the Guide.INI configuration
file with the [ /Config=path\ ] command-line parameter. For example,
the following loads Guide.EXE from C:\Guide, and the configuration
file from D:\Stuff:
C:\GUIDE>guide /config=d:\stuff\
(If you forget the final backslash, TG! will add it for you.)
Both Guide.EXE and Update.EXE will save this configuration file when
you exit either program, unless you disable the updating in the
Standard Options dialog box, or use the [ /NoINI ] command-line
6.1 Using the Standard Options dialog box
The Standard Options dialog box is accessible in the File pull-down
menu. In this dialog box, many of the variables that are saved in the
configuration file may be modified.
The following sections detail the variables in the Guide.INI
configuration file, the list of possible values, what they all mean,
and where you can modify their values.
6.2 Standard toggles, from the set [ TRUE | FALSE ]
If this is True, all new article windows are zoomed to full-screen.
Otherwise, they are cascaded across the desktop area. This value
is toggled in the Standard Options dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will display opening "Don't Panic" screen.
Otherwise, the title-screen banner is skipped. Setting this to
False is equivalent to using the [ /NoBanner ] command-line
parameter, and is toggled in the Standard Options dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will display the reality level of all articles
in the on-screen display. Otherwise, the reality levels are not
shown. This is handy for networks in which all articles are Real,
and is toggled in the Standard Options dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will default to the Table of Contents instead
of the Index for start-up consulting. Otherwise, the Index is
used by default. Setting this to True is the same as using the
[ /TOC ] command-line parameter, and is toggled in the Standard
Options dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will enable its multiple-key speed-search
features in the Index, Table of Contents, and Cross-References
dialog boxes. Otherwise, single-key speed-search is used (this
means pressing [ H ] takes you to the first item that starts with
'H', and then pressing [ R ] takes you to the first item that
starts with 'R', not 'HR'. This option is toggled in the Standard
Options dialog box.
If this is True, all status messages are displayed. These messages
appear after actions like Printing and Save-to-disk. Otherwise,
certain messages are not displayed. Critical error/status messages
are always displayed, regardless of this setting. This option is
toggles in the Standard Options dialog box.
If this is True, the built-in TG! network synchronization features
are enabled. See "The Guide! and Networks," Section 7.0, below.
Otherwise, the network features are disabled. This option is toggled
in the Standard Options dialog box.
If this is True, TG! defaults to enable the updating of the .INI
configuration file. Otherwise, TG! defaults to disable the
updating. Setting this to False is the same as using the [ /NoINI ]
command-line parameter, and is toggled in the Standard Options
dialog box.
6.3 Printer toggles, from the set [ TRUE | FALSE ]
If this is True, TG! defaults to compressed printing. Otherwise,
TG! defaults to normal (non-compressed) printing. Note that TG!
will auto-detect if a given article requires page compression or
not on a per-article basis. This option is toggled in the Verify
Print dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will use extended-ASCII characters for the
article header information and all page numbers. Otherwise, normal
ASCII characters are used instead. This option is toggled in the
Verify Print dialog box.
If this is True, TG! will default to laser printers. Otherwise,
TG! will default to dot-matrix printers. This option is toggled in
the Verify Print dialog box.
If this is True, page numbering will be active by default.
Otherwise, page numbering will be disabled. This option is toggled
in the Verify Print dialog box.
If this is True, one additional extra line-feed will precede the
article header information in print-outs. With some network print
queues, the first page does not line up properly with subsequent
pages; this extra line-feed is thus required for certain network
print queues (like the servers in Oakland University's Kresge
Library). If this is False, no additional extra line-feed
characters will be sent. This option is toggled in the Verify Print
dialog box.
6.4 Video mode, from the set [ COLOR | 43/50 | MONO ]
If this is Color, the standard color 80x25 screen is used. If
this is 43/50, high-resolution color 80x43 or 80x50 (depending
on if TG! detects EGA or VGA, respectively) is used. If this is
Mono, the monochrome 80x25 display is used. This option is
set in the "System" pull-down menu, available in Guide.EXE.
6.5 Printer port, from the set [ LPT1 | LPT2 | LPT3 ]
This tells TG! what printer port to use by default. Note that any
printer output can be redirected to COM (serial) ports by using the
DOS MODE command. This option can be modified in the Verify Print
dialog box.
6.6 Date pattern, from the set [ MM, DD, YY | YYYY ]
This tells TG! how to format the date output. Any combination
of MM (for month), DD (for day), and either YY or YYYY (for year)
is acceptable. The system will convert your text to upper case,
so there is no difference between 'm' and 'M'. Any delimiters may
be used to separate this information, except of course for 'm', 'd',
and 'y'.
MM/DD/YY United States (abbreviated)
YYYY-MM-DD Canadian-French, Sweden
DD-MM-YYYY Netherlands, Portugal
DD.MM.YYYY France, Germany, Norway
YYYYMMDD Undelimited Universal
This pattern is specified in the Standard Options dialog box.
6.7 Output directory/path for ASCII files
This tells TG! where to output all ASCII files, both in the
Guide.EXE "Save to ASCII" feature, and in Update.EXE's "Internal
Article Editor." This should be a valid DOS path. For example,
C:\GUIDE\ would tell TG! to save files into the Guide directory
by default (which may be modified before anything is saved).
This path is specified in the Standard Options dialog box.
6.8 Name of default GuideNET file
This defines the default GuideNET file, used by both TG! and Update.
Specifying a name here is the same as using the [ /LOAD=filename ]
command-line parameter, and is modified in the Define GuideNET
dialog box, available in Update.EXE.
6.9 Description of default GuideNET file
This defines the default GuideNET description, used in the Update
process. You may override this default on-screen before updating
the data using the Define GuideNET dialog box, available in
6.10 Input files, from the set [ RENAME | DELETE | PRESERVE ]
If this is Rename, Update.EXE will rename all processed *.NEW files
to *.OLD when complete. If this is Delete, Update.EXE will delete
the processed *.NEW files. If this is Preserve, Update.EXE will
preserve the *.NEW files as *.NEW upon completion.
This option may be set in the Update dialog box, available in
6.11 Update options, from the set [ ACCEPT | IGNORE | UPDATE | MANUAL ]
If this is Accept, Update.EXE will accept all articles in the *.NEW
files, including duplicates. If this is Ignore, Update.EXE will
ignore any duplicate articles found in the *.NEW files. If this is
Update, Update.EXE will replace all articles currently in the system
with duplicates found in the *.NEW files, if available. If this is
Manual, you will have manual control over what articles are accepted
from the *.NEW files.
This option may be set in the Update dialog box, available in
6.12 Update toggles, from the set [ TRUE | FALSE ]
If this is True, you will be prompted with the filename of each
*.NEW file. At this point, you may either select [ Ok ] to process
the file, or [ Skip ] to ignore the file. Otherwise, all *.NEW files
will be processed. This may be toggled in the Update dialog box,
available in Update.EXE.
If this is True, all GuideNET information will be marked Read-Only
upon completion. Otherwise, no file attributes are modified. This
may be toggled in the Update dialog box, available in Update.EXE.
If this is True, no automatic updating of replaced articles is
performed. Otherwise, Update.EXE will replace old articles with
new, updated versions when found in the *.NEW files. This may be
toggled in the Update dialog box, available in Update.EXE.
7.0 The Guide! and Networks
At the Parke-Davis plant in Rochester, Michigan, we use TG! as the
on-line network help facility. Since TG! is basically a read-only
system, use on a network is generally straightforward. However, some
interesting problems can arise if the GuideNET information to be
publically available is revised and updated frequently. It is due to
these issues that TG!'s limited network support arose.
If you do not use a network, or if your network GuideNET files do not
require frequent updating (i.e., more than once a week), then TG!'s
network features will probably not be necessary.
7.1 Background Information
At Parke-Davis, instead of using the Adams-esque articles of Project
Galactic-Guide, we use a series of custom-made computer support
articles covering both hardware, software, policies, and how to contact
the Plant Information Services for additional help. We call this
custom GuideNET "PDInfo." A public batch file called "PDHELP" is used
to access the TG! system.
Our plant has three NetFrame 450's running Novell Netware 3.11.
The TG! software is located in X:\DOSAPPS\GUIDE (where X: is a map
to the PD1:APPS sub-directory), and the attributes are only read and
file-scan for everyone (except me, as I require supervisory rights to
update the files when necessary). I have a separate directory in my
personal account where I create new articles and update the GuideNET.
When a new GuideNET PDInfo is ready, I copy the PDINFO.* files over to
the X:\DOSAPPS\GUIDE directory for public use.
7.2 The Interesting Problem
This brings up an interesting problem. Let's say that a user
is currently consulting the read-only GuideNET information, and the
supervisor goes ahead and blasts in a new, updated set of data files.
Chances are that during the exact few seconds it takes for them to
copy over the files, the user(s) will not be accessing the disk (i.e.,
reading in a new article). Thus, Novell will not have any problems
copying the new files over the old ones. Otherwise, Novell displays
a standard error message, and the supervisor can wait a few minutes
before trying again.
Regardless, once new data files are installed, and if a user is still
in TG! with the old article information (i.e., the titles, authors,
indices, etc.) in memory, there could be a big problem. The next
article that the user attempts to display will probably be "garbage"
since the GuideNET data files on disk have changed, but not the
information in the user's TG! memory (associated with these data
7.3 The Solution
TG!'s limited network support attempts to resolve this. In the
Guide.INI configuration file resides a variable called "NetworkSync."
When this is set to True, network support is activated as follows:
Associated with each GuideNET is a Synchronize file, created by the
Update.EXE utility when the information is saved. This sync file is a
way for TG! to know if the files on-disk have been changed "behind its
back," so to speak. When TG! loads GuideNET information, it also reads
this synchronize file into memory. Then, before TG! retrieves an
article from disk, it always rechecks this sync file first, to see if
the data has changed. If the sync file on disk is different than what
it read before, then TG! knows that the files have been updated, so it
reloads the current GuideNET with its new changes. Voila, problem
solved. Almost.
There still remains several "critical region" issues from standard
Operating Systems theory. What if the user's TG! is trying to read
the sync file while at the same time the supervisor is installing a
new one? Why not use a file-locking technique by which the supervisor
can detect when TG! is not in use, so updates can be performed
absolutely safely? For the current situations, the above-described
Synchronize technique does the job. However, as more network features
are added, these additional issues may be addressed.
7.4 Network Testimonials
(written by fellow TG! user Ronald Larsen, of the University of
Oregon in Eugene, Oregon, USA)
Other Uses for the "The Guide!" software:
In a network environment, The Guide! can be an extremely
astoundingly useful program to provide documentation for network
setups, help files, and other inestimable information. In one
such lab (deliberate plug: the Social Sciences Instructional Lab
at the University of Oregon), The Guide! has been used for just
this purpose. Our purpose in using an on-line information source
like The Guide! is to provide quick (and [hopefully] organized)
troubleshooting information for lab staff, and to provide a basic
training source for new lab staff. The Guide! has even proven
robust enough to survive the savageries of windows. To spread
out our limited knowledge as far as possible, we allow all users
in the Lab to access and browse through The Guide! articles.
In place of the articles -- with two exceptions -- that come with
the program (conveniently located at an FTP site near you), new
articles have been written covering such topics as: Hours of
Operation, Network Configuration, Conventions of Naming Users,
Policies on Assigning Rights to Users and Groups, etc. The
exceptional articles retained from the original group of articles
are The Guide! documentation and the article outlining the format
of articles. The former is retained for obvious reasons. The
latter is to encourage lab staff and other concerned citizens to
contribute articles to the network supervisor for inclusion.
On the technical side (running Netware 3.11), The Guide! is
located in a sub-directory off the first network drive, flagged
as READ-ONLY. All users may Read and Scan these files, rights
assigned to the EVERYONE group. The Update.EXE file is kept in a
sub-directory where only the supervisor has access. A general
master archive file, for use with a normal word processor, is
also kept in this directory. New and modified articles are cut
and pasted into a new update file. When updating The Guide!, the
READ-ONLY flags are removed, and Update.EXE and the updated
articles file are copied back into this sub-directory (done
through a batch file). UPDATE is then run, taking advantage of
the Numbered Update option. When the Update is done, the files
copied from elsewhere are deleted and the Read-Only flag is re-
set on all files.
In our use of The Guide!, due to the sheer number of articles,
there are four GuideNETs, named: Hardware, Netware, Policies,
and Software.
HARDWARE: We use this guide to cover topics relating only to the
hardware in the lab. Currently, this includes: (a) inventories
with serial numbers and configurations; (b) possible problems
with the hardware (especially the &$#+^%@(* printers); and (c)
how to connect occasional equipment (such as a screen projector).
NETWARE: This GuideNET covers our specific configuration, such
as the various NLMs we normally load, Printer Configurations, and
other trivialities.
POLICIES: The GuideNET is required reading for all lab staff.
In this GuideNET, we cover all the policies they are expected to
follow, such as: (a) Closing Procedures; (b) various charges
and rates for materials or services; (c) hours; and (d) general
conduct in the Lab.
SOFTWARE: None of the articles are meant to replace any of the
manuals or other software documentation that normally comes with
the programs used on the network; rather, the articles that
cover specific programs discuss: (a) the special tweaking that
was necessary to get the program to run on the network; (b)
specific problems encountered in running a program, and if known,
solutions; (c) the vulgarities of the batch files that launch a
program from the users' menus; and (d) registration information
(i.e., serial number and number of licenses).
| Social Science Instructional Lab | ccmail: Ron_Larsen@ccmail.uoregon.edu |
| 72 Prince Lucian Campbell Hall | Voice: 503 346 2547 |
| University of Oregon (OR-A-GUN) | |
| Eugene, Oregon 97403 | Personal: HEY YOU! |
8.0 Conclusions
The Guide! was written with "Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0" using
its Turbo Vision Object-Oriented Programming tools on a clone 386/33
The quotes you'll see as part of the various error messages were
lifted from _The Original HitchHiker Radio Scripts_ by Douglas Adams
(with a few from his "HitchHiker's Guide" book series to boot).
I could add some bells and whistles, like SoundBlaster/AdLib support,
or have it plot some nifty fractals during idle time, but I'll save
them for another day, if I even bother at all.
Well, that's it for now... let me know what you all think about this
program. Please send any comments, suggestions, questions, and/or
problems to me so we can make this program a hitchhiker's necessity,
right up there with the towel!
"Gravity brings me down..."