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Text File  |  1992-06-01  |  24KB  |  13 lines

  1. 001-Science Fiction778-0239`    NC┘âZF123 Bulletin Brd Club681-3978`    NC┘âZF123 Upper Room859-4108`    NC┘âZF1701D USS Enterprise466-0778`    NC┘âZF69th Street BBS926-8714`    NC┘âZFA C E874-2199`    NC┘âZF Aardvark BBS554-2375`    NC┘âZF Abacus Lite856-8850`    NC┘âZF    Abend BBS771-2802`    NC┘âZF    Absolute Zero488-4870`    NC┘âZF
  2. Abyss, The324-2233`    NC┘âZF Academia332-0106`    NC┘âZF ACME Node 1474-5515`    NC┘âZF ACME Node 2946-8420`    NC┘âZFAcom879-1448`    NC┘âZFAdvantage Houston977-9505`    NC┘âZF After Hours937-0504`    NC┘âZFAida's Airboat Node 2855-4258`    NC┘âZFAida's Airboat Node 1856-7010`    NC┘âZFAll About Kids350-4886`    NC┘âZF All Online +392-3845`    NC┘âZF All Ages BBS695-1331`    NC┘âZFAlpha Omega BBS980-1395`    NC┘âZFAmerican Agenda568-3788`    NC┘âZF Anchor, The688-9162`    NC┘âZFAnimal Kingdom BBS,The496-7572`    NC┘âZFAnimation Alley265-5227`    NC┘âZFApollo Exchange286-7740`    NC┘âZFApperitions Appear491-0467`    NC┘âZF    Asia Star537-5500`    NC┘âZFAtari-OH480-9310`    NC┘âZFAtlas Shrugged466-4783`    NC┘âZF Atomic Cafe, The530-8875`    NC┘âZF!Atomic Brain BBS, The926-3605`    NC┘âZF"Atomic Cafe, The (HS)530-0558`    NC┘âZF#Attitude Adjustment440-4682`    NC┘âZF$Aunt Jayne's HotHouse522-3838`    NC┘âZF%Aviation Connection485-7731`    NC┘âZF&
  3. Aztec Gold367-0155`    NC┘âZF'B O S S  Board479-1967`    NC┘âZF(B4-U-BUY975-2424`    NC┘âZF)Back Room, The328-6490`    NC┘âZF*Back Door, The561-6972`    NC┘âZF+Back To BASIC470-8844`    NC┘âZF,BAPCO BBS, The334-2115`    NC┘âZF-Barking Spiders BBS286-3986`    NC┘âZF.BatModem, The876-0767`    NC┘âZF/
  4. Battleship376-2504`    NC┘âZF0 Bay Area BBS957-8450`    NC┘âZF1Beanz-n-Weenie's BBS277-6482`    NC┘âZF2 Beehive BBS974-6995`    NC┘âZF3Beginner's RBBS, The666-0035`    NC┘âZF4Bell's Theorem777-0633`    NC┘âZF5 Better Days946-2643`    NC┘âZF6Bill's Bedroom992-2944`    NC┘âZF7Bit Bucket, The776-3699`    NC┘âZF8Bit Bucket, The496-9670`    NC┘âZF9 BitBucket ST729-7555`    NC┘âZF:Bits and Pieces537-0702`    NC┘âZF;
  5. Black Star392-2578`    NC┘âZF<Black Box BBS Node 1480-2685`    NC┘âZF=Black Box BBS Node 2480-2686`    NC┘âZF>Blue Ribbon, The463-8656`    NC┘âZF?Bob's File Exchange943-2760`    NC┘âZF@Bovine Bar, The947-7264`    NC┘âZFA
  6. Brain Dead890-5257`    NC┘âZFBBreak Room, The320-8761`    NC┘âZFCBreeze Node 2, The664-6019`    NC┘âZFDBreeze Node 1, The664-3319`    NC┘âZFEBrewer's Witch BBS,The272-7350`    NC┘âZFFBuckwheats Pleas  Dome855-1701`    NC┘âZFGBulldozer's BBS242-6370`    NC┘âZFHBulldozer's Two BBS242-8363`    NC┘âZFIByte Source BBS, The495-1161`    NC┘âZFJByte Busters II963-9441`    NC┘âZFK Byte Busters852-4541`    NC┘âZFL
  7. C\LAN RBBS682-3795`    NC┘âZFMCalifornia Dreamin'623-8741`    NC┘âZFNCanadian Connection699-1010`    NC┘âZFOCARRZ286-6816`    NC┘âZFPCastle of Dreams, The781-3875`    NC┘âZFQ Cat Box, The452-6830`    NC┘âZFR Cell Bio BBS798-4955`    NC┘âZFSChallengr of the Unkwn497-8250`    NC┘âZFTChipped Flagon, The375-5876`    NC┘âZFU CHUG (Club)445-2484`    NC┘âZFVCircuit Board, The893-8716`    NC┘âZFWClose Encounters492-8957`    NC┘âZFX
  8. Cloud Nine855-4382`    NC┘âZFYClub Mega Byte589-8885`    NC┘âZFZClub Commodore437-6230`    NC┘âZF[Club Amiga BBS528-7511`    NC┘âZF\    Coco Loco923-6809`    NC┘âZF]Colors of Chat452-4520`    NC┘âZF^Com Port437-0483`    NC┘âZF_Comics-N-More469-9384`    NC┘âZF`COMM Port One980-9671`    NC┘âZFa    Computech774-7877`    NC┘âZFbComputer Translations495-1542`    NC┘âZFcComputer Room, The420-5725`    NC┘âZFdComputer Buy/Sell694-5399`    NC┘âZFe
  9. CONCH OPUS667-7213`    NC┘âZFfCorporation RBBS922-5448`    NC┘âZFg CPU BBS, The376-2853`    NC┘âZFhCross Connection BBS270-7468`    NC┘âZFiCutting Edge, The466-1525`    NC┘âZFjCyberspace BBS692-2873`    NC┘âZFkD O A856-8850`    NC┘âZFlD&D Computers399-9924`    NC┘âZFmDaily Dosage, The856-9522`    NC┘âZFnDark Side of the Moon991-5105`    NC┘âZFoData Warp Premium BBS355-6107`    NC┘âZFpData Xfer BBS937-0884`    NC┘âZFqDatabase Connections495-4196`    NC┘âZFrDay After, The356-2532`    NC┘âZFsDead Tired BBS, The463-1833`    NC┘âZFt Debate Place451-6066`    NC┘âZFuDeer Park Connection479-2184`    NC┘âZFv
  10. Denali BBS589-8974`    NC┘âZFwDial 0855-3327`    NC┘âZFxDickinson Night Light337-1452`    NC┘âZFyDignity/Houston988-8217`    NC┘âZFzDimensions of Eternity466-0872`    NC┘âZF{Dimensions of Infinity682-6609`    NC┘âZF|DogHouse PCBoard837-1103`    NC┘âZF}Dos Lords Dungeon681-1779`    NC┘âZF~ Dragonlance981-5218`    NC┘âZF    Dreamer's540-8166`    NC┘âZFÇDukee Kru'z Hideout835-0295`    NC┘âZFü Dungeon, The849-4408`    NC┘âZFéDynasty550-3138`    NC┘âZFâEagle's Nest, The645-4055`    NC┘âZFäEat Flaming Death447-1927`    NC┘âZFàEd Hopper's BBS997-7575`    NC┘âZFå    Edge, The341-6533`    NC┘âZFçEducator's BBS331-6923`    NC┘âZFêEnd, The (ADULT BBS!)363-1231`    NC┘âZFëExchange, The521-2191`    NC┘âZFèExecutive Express820-4870`    NC┘âZFïExistential Dread Cplx471-3275`    NC┘âZFî EZ-Host BBS280-8180`    NC┘âZFìFamily Research Center476-0667`    NC┘âZFÄFantasy Party Line596-7101`    NC┘âZFÅFar Point Relay Node1463-8324`    NC┘âZFÉFar Point Relay Node2550-7973`    NC┘âZFæ
  11. Fennec Com479-5086`    NC┘âZFÆ Fido Partner458-7410`    NC┘âZFôFinal Frontier, The341-1752`    NC┘âZFöFireside496-6319`    NC┘âZFòFish Bowl, The955-1605`    NC┘âZFûFloppy Wizard827-8041`    NC┘âZFùFocal Point, The451-6840`    NC┘âZFÿ    Foo's Wok339-3723`    NC┘âZFÖFort Bend Cty  Emer341-4437`    NC┘âZFÜFortress Citadel, The471-2344`    NC┘âZF¢Fortress Citadel RPG471-2308`    NC┘âZF£Four Winds BBS, The691-1104`    NC┘âZF¥Fox Micros Computing859-9105`    NC┘âZF₧Fulcrum's Edge350-6284`    NC┘âZFƒFun in the Sun480-7838`    NC┘âZFáGalactic Warzone, The862-1347`    NC┘âZFíGarden of Eden558-1014`    NC┘âZFóGas Station, The941-7583`    NC┘âZFúGateway Houston  USV271-3665`    NC┘âZFñGateway Houston271-3664`    NC┘âZFÑGayNet Server, The528-0285`    NC┘âZFª General, The438-3156`    NC┘âZFº Gifs-N-Music932-0324`    NC┘âZF¿Golden Coco, The941-1542`    NC┘âZF⌐Good Sports BBS561-0140`    NC┘âZF¬Great Amer  Giveaways977-9505`    NC┘âZF½Greenwillow Garden726-1406`    NC┘âZF¼Griff's Tavern550-5999`    NC┘âZF¡GrimReapers H  of D256-2770`    NC┘âZF«
  12. Guild, The933-7248`    NC┘âZF»HAAUG Heaven  #1664-9873`    NC┘âZF░HAAUG Heaven  #3664-9884`    NC┘âZF▒HAAUG Heaven  #2664-9876`    NC┘âZF▓HACE BBS458-9923`    NC┘âZF│HAL-PC Telecom #1286-3400`    NC┘âZF┤HAL-PC Telecom #1286-3200`    NC┘âZF╡HAL-PC Telecom #2442-6704`    NC┘âZF╢Ham n' Cheez's BBS879-6039`    NC┘âZF╖Ham Shack, The438-9612`    NC┘âZF╕Hard Times, The686-5716`    NC┘âZF╣Hard Times, The686-3572`    NC┘âZF║Hard Disc Cafe589-2690`    NC┘âZF╗Harf!351-1753`    NC┘âZF╝Harry's Asylum471-6503`    NC┘âZF╜    Heavn BBS996-5352`    NC┘âZF╛Hi Resolution BBS388-1738`    NC┘âZF┐Hip Pocket BBS495-5826`    NC┘âZF└Hitchhiker's Guide242-0504`    NC┘âZF┴Hitchin' Post, The947-0070`    NC┘âZF┬HorseCore BBS #2364-7180`    NC┘âZF├HorseCore BBS #1364-7181`    NC┘âZF─Hotel Houston556-1188`    NC┘âZF┼Hous Altern Lifestyles530-7500`    NC┘âZF╞Houston Connection523-4120`    NC┘âZF╟Houston Computer Co-Op666-0016`    NC┘âZF╚