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Text File  |  1992-03-13  |  34KB  |  490 lines

  1. ID:SW Available switches for QOS products
  2. Quarterdeck Technical Note #178
  3. by Quarterdeck
  4. last revision:  5 March 1992 
  6.      What follows is all the help screens from the DESQview 2.4, QEMM 6.0, 
  7. Manifest 1.1, QRAM 2.0, and some of their utilities:
  9.    From QEMM386.SYS:
  10.   **************************************************************************
  11.   *                                  QEMM                                  *
  12.   *                        Copyright (c) 1986-1992                         *
  13.   *                    Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                    *
  14.   *                                                                        *
  15.   *    QEMM-386 is an expanded memory manager for 80386 and 80486 machines.*
  16.   *    It also gives High RAM and other capabilities                       *
  17.   *                                                                        *
  18.   * Syntax:                                                                *
  19.   *    DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS [switches]                                       *
  20.   *                                                                        *
  21.   *                                                                        *
  22.   * QEMM-386 switches:                                                     *
  23.   *    ADAPTERRAM=xxxx-yyyy  An adapter has RAM in the range               *
  24.   *    ADAPTERROM=xxxx-yyyy  An adapter has ROM in the range               *
  25.   *    AUTO                  Turn on only if necessary                     *
  26.   *    COMPAQ386S            Identify this as a COMPAQ 386S                *
  27.   *    COMPAQEGAROM          Relocate COMPAQ's video ROM                   *
  28.   *    COMPAQHALFROM         Split system ROM in half                      *
  29.   *    COMPAQROMMEMORY       Use COMPAQ memory reserved for ROM            *
  30.   *    DISKBUF=xx            Set the size of the SCSI disk buffer          *
  31.   *    DISKBUFFRAME=xx       Buffer disk access into the page frame        *
  32.   *    DMA=xx                Set the size of the DMA buffer                *
  33.   *    DOS4                  Alter EMS page ordering for DOS 4.00          *
  34.   *    DONTUSEXMS            Do not allow QEMM386 to get memory from XMS   *
  35.   *    EMBMEM=xxxx           Limit memory available as EMBs to xxxxxK      *
  36.   *    EXCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy     Consider the range unmappable                 *
  37.   *    EXCLUDESTEALTH=xxxx   Do not Stealth a particular ROM               *
  38.   *    EXCLUDESTEALTHINT=xx  Do not Stealth a particular interrupt         *
  39.   *    EXTMEM=xxxxx          Reserve xxxxxK of extended memory             *
  40.   *    FASTINT10:n           Do not speed up INT 10s with Stealth          *
  41.   *    FORCEEMS              Still act like EMS even if no frame           *
  42.   *    FORCESTEALTHCOPY      Copy tables even when excluded
  43.   *    FRAME=xxxx            Set the page frame; xxxx=seg or NONE          *
  44.   *    FRAMEBUF:y/n          Buffer INT 21s into the page frame
  45.   *    FRAMELENGTH=x         Set the page frame to be x pages              *
  46.   *    HANDLES=xxx           Set the number of EMS handles                 *
  47.   *    HMAMIN=xx             Set the minimum size of the HMA (0-63K)       *
  48.   *    IGNOREA20             Don't trap the 8042                           *
  49.   *    INCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy     Consider the range mappable                   *
  50.   *    LOCKDMA               Don't allow interrupts during DMA processing  *
  51.   *    MAPS=xx               Set the number of alternate register sets     *
  52.   *    MEMORY=xxxxx          Use only xxxxxK of extended memory            *
  53.   *    NOCOMPAQFEATURES      Disable EGAROM, HALFROM, ROMMEMORY            *
  54.   *    NOEMS                 Don't be an expanded memory manager           *
  55.   **************************************************************************
  56.   **************************************************************************
  57.   * QEMM-386 switches, continued:                                          *
  58.   *                                                                        *
  59.   *    NOFILL                Don't fill conventional memory                *
  60.   *    NOHMA                 Don't allow access to the HMA                 *
  61.   *    NOROM                 Don't map the "reboot" page of the system ROM *
  62.   *    NOROMHOLES            Don't find holes in the system ROM            *
  63.   *    NOSHADOWRAM           Don't use C&T Shadow RAM                      *
  64.   *    NOSORT                Don't sort memory                             *
  65.   *    NOTOKENRING           Do not look for a Token Ring adapter          *
  66.   *    NOTOPMEMORY           Don't look for "top memory"                   *
  67.   *    NOVIDEOFILL           Don't fill into video memory                  *
  68.   *    NOWINDOWS3            Do not support Windows 3                      *
  69.   *    NOVIDEORAM            Don't put RAM into video memory               *
  70.   *    NOXBDA                Don't move the eXtended BIOS Data Area        *
  71.   *    NOXMS                 Don't be an extended memory manager           *
  72.   *    OLDDV                 DV 1.3 or 2.00 will be run                    *
  73.   *    OFF                   Turn QEMM OFF                                 *
  74.   *    ON                    Turn QEMM ON                                  *
  75.   *    RAM[=xxxx-yyyy]       Put RAM everywhere or in the range            *
  76.   *    REGION=x              Specify the region to load high into          *
  77.   *    ROM[=xxxx[-yyyy]]     Map ROM everywhere or in the range            *
  78.   *    SHADOWRAM:type        Specify the type of ShadowRAM                 *
  79.   *                          (NEAT, LEAP, SCAT, 386, or NONE)              *
  80.   *    SORT:N                Do not sort memory by speed                   *  
  81.   *    TASKS=xx              Set the interrupt nesting level               *
  82.   *    UNMAPFREEPAGES        Unmap pages from the frame when free          *
  83.   *    UNUSUAL8042           The 8042 is non-standard                      *
  84.   *    UNUSUALEXT            The extended memory BIOS is non-standard      *
  85.   *    VIDRAMEGA             Configure for EGA feature of VIDRAM           *
  86.   *    VIDRAMEMS             Configure for EMS feature of VIDRAM           *
  87.   *    VIRTUALHDIRQ:N        Do not suppress INT15/90 with Stealth         *
  88.   *    VXDDIR=path           Specify the directory of the .VXD files       *
  89.   *    WATCHDOG=[0,1,2]      Set the type of Watchdog timer                *
  90.   *    WINSHRINKUMBS:N       Do not reclaim unused high RAM for Windows    *
  91.   *    NOPAUSEONERROR        Don't pause on error                          *
  92.   *    PAUSE                 Pause while parsing commands                  *
  93.   *    HELP                  Display this help text                        *
  94.   *    ?                     List all commands                             *
  95.   **************************************************************************
  97.            From QEMM.COM
  98.           *********************************************************
  99.           *                         QEMM                          *
  100.           *                Copyright (c) 1986-1992                *
  101.           *           Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.            *
  102.           *                                                       *
  103.           *    QEMM displays and gives some control over certain  *
  104.           *    functions of QEMM386.SYS                           *
  105.           *                                                       *
  106.           * Syntax:                                               *
  107.           *    QEMM [switches]                                    *
  108.           *    QEMM with no parameters shows SUMMARY and TYPE     *
  109.           *                                                       *
  110.           * QEMM switches:                                        *
  111.           *    AUTO            Put QEMM into AUTO mode            *
  112.           *    ON              Turn QEMM on                       *
  113.           *    OFF             Turn QEMM off                      *
  114.           *    TYPE            Display QEMM type information      *
  115.           *    ACCESSED        Display QEMM accessed information  *
  116.           *    ANALYSIS        Cross-reference ACCESSED with TYPE *
  117.           *    MEMORY          Display QEMM memory usage          *
  118.           *    SUMMARY         Display QEMM summary               *
  119.           *    LIST            Display charts in LIST format      *
  120.           *    MAP             Display charts in MAP format       *
  121.           *    RESET           Reset ACCESSED info to unaccessed  *
  122.           *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error               *
  123.           *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands       *
  124.           *    HELP            Display this help text             *
  125.           *    ?               List all commands                  *
  126.           *********************************************************
  128.         From Manifest:
  130.         MANIFEST [Category] [Topic] [/M] [/L] [/N] [/P] [/A] [/Bd] [/Tn] [/?]
  132.         Category     Topic
  133.         System       [ Overview  CONFIG  AUTOEXEC  Adapters  CMOS ]
  134.         First Meg    [ Overview  Programs  Interrupts  BIOS Data  Timings ]
  135.         Expanded     [ Overview  Pages  Handles  Timings  Benchmark ]
  136.         Extended     [ Overview  XMS ]
  137.         DOS          [ Overview  Drivers  Files  Environment ]
  138.         QEMM-386     [ Overview  Type  Accessed  Analysis  Memory ]
  139.         Hints        [ Overview  Detail ]
  140.               *            = all overviews
  141.               <Category> * = all topics in category
  142.               * *          = all information
  143.         Switches:      M   - monochrome (2 color) display
  144.                        L   - EGA: 43 rows; VGA: 50 rows
  145.                        N   - CGA: No sync - with snow
  146.                        P   - PAUSE after each screen to console
  147.                        A   - show alternate F3 screens
  148.                        Bd  - specify boot drive letter
  149.                        Tn  - automatically TSR (hotkey choice 1-3)
  150.                        ?   - This help screen
  152.        From QRAM:
  153.        ****************************************************************
  154.        *                             QRAM                             *
  155.        *                   Copyright (c) 1989-1992                    *
  156.        *               Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.               *
  157.        *                                                              *
  158.        *    QRAM provides high RAM for use by LOADHI when             *
  159.        *    loaded after an EMS 4 or EEMS driver                      *
  160.        *                                                              *
  161.        * Syntax:                                                      *
  162.        *    DEVICE=QRAM.SYS [switches]                                *
  163.        *    No switches means the RAM option                          *
  164.        *                                                              *
  165.        * QRAM switches:                                               *
  166.        *    EXCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy  Don't put RAM in the range             *
  167.        *    FORCEEMS           Still act like EMS even if no frame    *
  168.        *    FRAMELENGTH=x      Set the page frame to be x (0-4) pages *
  169.        *    HIDE=xxxx-yyyy     Hide that the range is mappable        *
  170.        *    INCLUDE=xxxx-yyyy  Put RAM or fill in the range           *
  171.        *    NOFILL             Don't fill conventional memory         *
  172.        *    NOSHADOWRAM        Don't use C&T Shadow RAM               *
  173.        *    NOVIDEOFILL        Don't fill into video memory           *
  174.        *    NOVIDEORAM         Don't put RAM into video memory        *
  175.        *    NOXBDA             Don't move the eXtended BIOS Data Area *
  176.        *    NOXMS              Don't be an extended memory manager    *
  177.        *    RAM[=xxxx-yyyy]    Put RAM everywhere or in the range     *
  178.        *    REGION:n           Load into region number n              *
  179.        *    SHADOWRAM:type     Specify the type of ShadowRAM          *
  180.        *                       (NEAT, LEAP, SCAT, 386, or NONE        *
  181.        *    VIDRAMEGA          Configure for EGA feature of VIDRAM    *
  182.        *    VIDRAMEMS          Configure for EMS feature of VIDRAM    *
  183.        *    NOPAUSEONERROR     Don't pause on error                   *
  184.        *    PAUSE              Pause while parsing commands           *
  185.        *    HELP               Display this help text                 *
  186.        *    ?                  List all commands                      *
  187.        ****************************************************************
  189.   From EMS.COM:
  190.   **************************************************************************
  191.   *                                  EMS                                   *
  192.   *                        Copyright (c) 1989-1992                         *
  193.   *                    Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                    *
  194.   *                                                                        *
  195.   *    EMS gives status of and control over expanded                       *
  196.   *    memory handle functions.                                            *
  197.   *                                                                        *
  198.   * Syntax:                                                                *
  199.   *    EMS [param]                                                         *
  200.   *    EMS with no parameter gives EMS status                              *
  201.   *                                                                        *
  202.   * EMS parameters:                                                        *
  203.   *    CREATE name size      Create a handle with the given name and size  *
  204.   *    CREATEFAST name size  Create a handle with fast expanded memory     *
  205.   *    CREATESLOW name size  Create a handle with slow expanded memory     *
  206.   *    DIR                   Display current handle sizes and names        *
  207.   *    FREE handle           Free the given handle                         *
  208.   *    LOAD handle file      Load handle data from the specified file      *
  209.   *    RENAME handle name    Change a handle's name                        *
  210.   *    RESIZE handle size    Change amount of memory allocated to a handle *
  211.   *    SAVE handle file      Save handle data in the specified file        *
  212.   *    NOPAUSEONERROR        Don't pause on error                          *
  213.   *    PAUSE                 Pause while parsing commands                  *
  214.   *    HELP                  Display this help text                        *
  215.   *    ?                     List all commands                             *
  216.   *                                                                        *
  217.   * where:                                                                 *
  218.   *    name   - is a handle name of up to 8 characters.  The name need     *
  219.   *             not be quoted unless it contains blanks.                   *
  220.   *    size   - is the number of 16K pages to be allocated.  If the number *
  221.   *             is followed immediately by the letter 'K', it represents   *
  222.   *             the number of kilobytes to allocate.                       *
  223.   *    handle - is either a 'name' as described above or a handle number   *
  224.   *    file   - is a DOS file name                                         *
  225.   **************************************************************************
  226.          from LASTDRIV.COM: 
  227.          ************************************************************
  228.          *                        LASTDRIV                          *
  229.          *                 Copyright (c) 1989-1992                  *
  230.          *             Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.             *
  231.          *                                                          *
  232.          *    LASTDRIV displays and increases the highest           *
  233.          *    DOS drive letter                                      *
  234.          *                                                          *
  235.          * Syntax:                                                  *
  236.          *    LASTDRIV [param]                                      *
  237.          *    LASTDRIV with no parameter shows the current          *
  238.          *    highest drive letter                                  *
  239.          *                                                          *
  240.          * LASTDRIV parameters                                      *
  241.          *    l               Set the highest drive to letter l     *
  242.          *    =l              Set the highest drive to letter l     *
  243.          *    +num            Increase the number of letters by num *
  244.          *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error                  *
  245.          *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands          *
  246.          *    HELP            Display this help text                *
  247.          *    ?               List all commands                     *
  248.          ************************************************************
  250.        From LOADHI.COM:
  251.       ******************************************************************
  252.       *                             LOADHI                             *
  253.       *                    Copyright (c) 1988-1992                     *
  254.       *                Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                *
  255.       *                                                                *
  256.       *    LOADHI loads TSRs into high RAM                             *
  257.       *                                                                *
  258.       * Syntax:                                                        *
  259.       *    LOADHI [switches] [prog-name [prog-switches]]               *
  260.       *    LOADHI with no parameters shows status                      *
  261.       *                                                                *
  262.       * LOADHI switches:                                               *
  263.       *   /BESTFIT              Load into the block that fits best     *
  264.       *   /HAPPIEST             Load until the program is happy        *
  265.       *   /REGION:n             Load into region number n              *
  266.       *   /LARGEST[:n]          Load into the nth largest block        *
  267.       *   /SMALLEST[:n]         Load into the nth smallest block       *
  268.       *   /EXCLUDEREGION:n      Don't load into region number n        *
  269.       *   /EXCLUDELARGEST[:n]   Don't load into the nth largest block  *
  270.       *   /EXCLUDESMALLEST[:n]  Don't load into the nth smallest block *
  271.       *   /GETSIZE[:f]          Load low and calculate size            *
  272.       *                         Store result in file f                 *
  273.       *   /SIZE:nnnnn           Load into a block nnnnn big            *
  274.       *   /LABEL:abc            Display a label with /GS data          *
  275.       *   /LO                   Load low                               *
  276.       *   /NOLO                 Don't load low                         *
  277.       *   /TERMINATERESIDENT    TSR on exit                            *
  278.       *   /@[:f]                Specify a response file which holds    *
  279.       *                         info on how to load this program.  If  *
  280.       *                         not specified, use the LOADHIDATA      *
  281.       *                         environment variable.                  *    
  282.       *   /SQUEEZEF             Squeeze using the page frame           *
  283.       *   /SQUEEZET             Squeeze using temporary QEMM386        *
  284.       *                         memory areas                           *
  285.       *   /RESIDENTSIZE:x       Specifies resident size of program     *
  286.       *   /QUIET                Disables LOADHI messages               *
  287.       *   /LINKTOP              Connects the low and high memory chains*
  288.       *   /UNLINKTOP            Disconnects the low and high memory    *
  289.       *                         chains                                 *
  290.       *   /NOPAUSEONERROR       Don't pause on error                   *
  291.       *   /PAUSE                Pause while parsing commands           *
  292.       *   /HELP                 Display this help text                 *
  293.       *   /?                    List all commands                      *
  294.       ******************************************************************
  296.        From LOADHI.SYS:
  297.       ******************************************************************
  298.       *                             LOADHI                             *
  299.       *                    Copyright (c) 1988-1992                     *
  300.       *                Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                *
  301.       *                                                                *
  302.       *    LOADHI loads drivers into high RAM                          *
  303.       *                                                                *
  304.       * Syntax:                                                        *
  305.       *    DEVICE=LOADHI.SYS [switches] driver-name [driver-switches]  *
  306.       *                                                                *
  307.       * LOADHI switches:                                               *
  308.       *   /BESTFIT              Load into the block that fits best     *
  309.       *   /HAPPIEST             Load until the program is happy        *
  310.       *   /REGION:n             Load into region number n              *
  311.       *   /LARGEST[:n]          Load into the nth largest block        *
  312.       *   /SMALLEST[:n]         Load into the nth smallest block       *
  313.       *   /EXCLUDEREGION:n      Don't load into region number n        *
  314.       *   /EXCLUDELARGEST[:n]   Don't load into the nth largest block  *
  315.       *   /EXCLUDESMALLEST[:n]  Don't load into the nth smallest block *
  316.       *   /GETSIZE[:f]          Load low and calculate size            *
  317.       *                         Store result in file f                 *
  318.       *   /SIZE:nnnnn           Load into a block nnnnn big            *
  319.       *   /LABEL:abc            Display a label with /GS data          *
  320.       *   /NOLO                 Don't load low                         *
  321.       *   /LO                   Load low                               *
  322.       *   /SQUEEZEF             Squeeze using the page frame           *
  323.       *   /SQUEEZET             Squeeze using temporary QEMM386        *
  324.       *                         memory areas                           *
  325.       *   /RESIDENTSIZE:x       Specifies resident size of program     *
  326.       *   /QUIET                Disables LOADHI messages               *
  327.       *   /LINKTOP              Connects the low and high memory chains*
  328.       *   /UNLINKTOP            Disconnects the low and high memory    *
  329.       *                         chains                                 *
  330.       *   /@[:f]                Specify a response file which holds    *
  331.       *                         info on how to load this program.  If  *
  332.       *                         not specified, use the LOADHIDATA      *
  333.       *                         environment variable.                  *
  334.       *   /NOPAUSEONERROR       Don't pause on error                   *
  335.       *   /PAUSE                Pause while parsing commands           *
  336.       *   /HELP                 Display this help text                 *
  337.       *   /?                    List all commands                      *
  338.       ******************************************************************
  339.        from FILES.COM
  340.       *****************************************************************
  341.       *                             FILES                             *
  342.       *                    Copyright (c) 1989-1992                    *
  343.       *               Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                *
  344.       *                                                               *
  345.       *    FILES displays and increases the maximum number of         *
  346.       *    DOS file handles                                           *
  347.       *                                                               *
  348.       * Syntax:                                                       *
  349.       *    FILES [param]                                              *
  350.       *    FILES with no parameter shows the current amount           *
  351.       *                                                               *
  352.       * FILES parameters                                              *
  353.       *    num             Set the number of file handles             *
  354.       *    =num            Set the number of file handles             *
  355.       *    +num            Increase the number of file handles by num *
  356.       *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error                       *
  357.       *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands               *
  358.       *    HELP            Display this help text                     *
  359.       *    ?               List all commands                          *
  360.       *****************************************************************
  363.           from FCBS.COM 
  364.          ************************************************************
  365.          *                           FCBS                           *
  366.          *                 Copyright (c) 1989-1992                  *
  367.          *             Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.             *
  368.          *                                                          *
  369.          *    FCBS displays and increases the number of             *
  370.          *    DOS FCB handles                                       *
  371.          *                                                          *
  372.          * Syntax:                                                  *
  373.          *    FCBS [param]                                          *
  374.          *    FCBS with no parameter shows the current amount       *
  375.          *                                                          *
  376.          * FCBS parameters                                          *
  377.          *    num             Set the number of FCBs                *
  378.          *    ,num            Set the number of protected FCBs      *
  379.          *    num1,num2       Set both FCBS and protected FCBS      *
  380.          *    +num            Increase the number of FCBs           *
  381.          *    +,num           Increase the number of protected FCBs *
  382.          *    +num1,num2      Increase both FCBs and protected FCBs *
  383.          *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error                  *
  384.          *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands          *
  385.          *    HELP            Display this help text                *
  386.          *    ?               List all commands                     *
  387.          ************************************************************
  388.           from BUFFERS.COM
  389.          ************************************************************
  390.          *                         BUFFERS                          *
  391.          *                 Copyright (c) 1988-1992                  *
  392.          *             Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.             *
  393.          *                                                          *
  394.          *    BUFFERS displays and increases the number of          *
  395.          *    DOS buffers                                           *
  396.          *                                                          *
  397.          * Syntax:                                                  *
  398.          *    BUFFERS [param]                                       *
  399.          *    BUFFERS with no parameter shows the current amount    *
  400.          *                                                          *
  401.          * BUFFERS parameters                                       *
  402.          *    num             Set the number of buffers             *
  403.          *    =num            Set the number of buffers             *
  404.          *    +num            Increase the number of buffers by num *
  405.          *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error                  *
  406.          *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands          *
  407.          *    HELP            Display this help text                *
  408.          *    ?               List all commands                     *
  409.          ************************************************************
  412.         from VIDRAM.COM  
  413.        ***************************************************************
  414.        *                           VIDRAM                            *
  415.        *                   Copyright (c) 1989-1992                   *
  416.        *              Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.               *
  417.        *                                                             *
  418.        *    VIDRAM grows conventional memory on an EGA or VGA        *
  419.        *                                                             *
  420.        * Syntax:                                                     *
  421.        *    VIDRAM [switches]                                        *
  422.        *    VIDRAM with no switches displays status                  *
  423.        *                                                             *
  424.        * VIDRAM switches:                                            *
  425.        *    EGA             Use EGA memory to turn on                *
  426.        *    EMS             Use EMS memory to turn on (default)      *
  427.        *    NOCGA           Inhibit EGA and CGA graphics             *
  428.        *    NOEGA           Inhibit EGA graphics only                *
  429.        *    OFF             Set up normal video memory with graphics *
  430.        *    ON              Grow memory into video region            *
  431.        *    OVERRIDE        Allow video memory conflict              *
  432.        *    RESIDENT        Just go resident                         *
  433.        *    NOPAUSEONERROR  Don't pause on error                     *
  434.        *    PAUSE           Pause while parsing commands             *
  435.        *    HELP            Display this help text                   *
  436.        *    ?               List all commands                        *
  437.        ***************************************************************
  438.      from OPTIMIZE.COM:
  439.     **********************************************************************
  440.     *                              OPTIMIZE                              *
  441.     *                         Copyright (c) 1989-1992                    *
  442.     *                  Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc.                  *
  443.     *                                                                    *
  444.     *    OPTIMIZE calculates and analyzes the sizes of your              *
  445.     *    TSRs and device drivers, and the sizes of the areas             *
  446.     *    of high RAM, and determines the optimal way to fit              *
  447.     *    the programs in memory so that as much memory as                *
  448.     *    possible is left below 640K.                                    *
  449.     *                                                                    *
  450.     * Syntax:                                                            *
  451.     *    OPTIMIZE [switches] [filename]                                  *
  452.     *    OPTIMIZE with a filename processes that file                    *
  453.     *                                                                    *
  454.     * OPTIMIZE switches:                                                 *
  455.     *   /BOOT:l              Specify boot drive letter                   *
  456.     *   /PATH                Add optimize path to path statements        *
  457.     *   /EMM:fname           Specify own QEMM type driver                *
  458.     *   /LOADHIONLY          Only modify lines which already have LOADHI *
  459.     *   /SEGMENT             Specify start address of first OPTIMIZE pass*
  460.     *   /NOSQF               Disables use of page frame during OPTIMIZE  *
  461.     *   /NOSQT               Disables use of temporary memory            *
  462.     *   /STEALTH             Enables Stealth testing (QEMM386 only)      *
  463.     *   /QUICK               Speed switch for Optimize                   *
  464.     *   /RESPONSE            Specifies the response file for LOADHI      *
  465.     *   /COMMANDFILE         Names a file containing commands which      *
  466.     *                        Optimize should not process                 *
  467.     *   /NOPAUSEONERROR      Don't pause on error                        *
  468.     *   /PAUSE               Pause while parsing commands                *
  469.     *                                                                    *
  470.     * Display-related Commands:                                          *
  471.     *   /MONO                Enables monochrome display (two colors)     *
  472.     *   /LARGE               Enables 43 character EGA display (50 on VGA)*
  473.     *   /NOSYNC              Disables syncing on CGA adapters            *
  474.     * Internal Commands:                                                 *
  475.     *   /AUTOEXCLUDES        Used for Automatic Exclusion Detection      *
  476.     *                        (QEMM-386)                                  *
  477.     *   /DIRECTORY           Used for internal housekeeping on the Final *
  478.     *                        Phase                                       *
  479.     *   /FILE                Used when processing CALL statements        *
  480.     *   /FINISHED            Enables OPTIMIZE Memory Saved screen        *
  481.     *   /STPASSDONE          Used during Stealth processing              *
  482.     *   /HELP                Display this help text                      *
  483.     *   /?                   List all commands                           *
  484.     **********************************************************************
  486.   ************************************************************************
  487.   *This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it*
  488.   *is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit.  *
  489.   *         Copyright (C) 1991-2 by Quarterdeck Office Systems           *
  490.   ************************ E N D   O F   F I L E *************************