Commodore Free 8
t.iv ledger
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uJeff Ledger http://www.petscii.com/
Q - Please introduce yourself
My name is Jeff Ledger. I live in
Orrville, OH with my wife & 3 children,
Michael, Matthew, & Michelle.
Q - What is your involvement with C=
The C64 kicked off my fascination with
computers at an early age. Addiction
to technology continues to this day, as
I spend my days as a self-employed
technologist, dealing with more modern
machines during the day, & tinkering
with my C= in my hobby time.
Q - you run the website www.petscii.com
please tell us about the it
A few years ago I started a website for
a C= project I was working on, 1 web-
site became several with multiple
domains. So PETSCII.COM is an attempt
to bring everything under one roof.
Q - you also run the forum
index.cgi Available as a link from the
main website what does the forum cover
& who is welcome on this service
The PETSCII forums were never really
intended to become what they have.
I started the forum area as a place to
easily post personal updates about a
project. Over the past few years it
has morphed into a valuable resource
for C= enthusiasts. Sections include
TELBBS, CML, uHacking, DTV Hacking,
SSOCC, Retrobits Podcast discussion, &
Leif's Artillery Dual. The forums are
moderated strongly, to encourage "Good
Taste & Good Judgment" & discourage
personal flame attacks & wars. Anyone
is welcome to signup & enjoy good
conversation. The forum also has the
address of http://forums.petscii.com.
Q - you also have links to CML, who
created this language & what is its
CML, or Commodore Markup Language is a
concept of a parallel web running
embedded inside of existing WebPages,
just for my favorite machine.
Initially, It was released with a PC
server program, which Would fetch
WebPages at the request of a 64, parse
them for CML commands & send the
results back over a serial link to be
displayed. That rendition featured the
ability to embed PETSCII graphics,
Function key hyperlinks, & sprites into
a standard website, hidden in the
remarks, which CML could read &
translate into 40 columns internet.
Currently, CML is being integrated into
Temporal VortexTelBBS (bbs.petscii.com
port:6400), & being rewritten to use
"spice "for graphics & sound.
Q - What level user are you
My wife would answer this question with
the word, "continuous." On the C=
front, I consider myself an "extreme
power user." I'm still working my way
through my autographed copy of Jim
Butterfield's machine language book. I
spent most of my time, back in the day,
caught up in the piracy & BBS scenes.
Sometimes a lack of knowing all the
rules works well because it allows me
to be creative without knowing that "I
really couldn't do something." I'm a
dangerous man with a soldering pencil,
but perhaps that makes me the perfect
person to pave the way for others who
are too timid to start their own C=
hardware or software project. I'm a
big promoter of people learning how to
make their own interfaces, or cables,
etc. I think people today have
forgotten the thrill of accomplishment
in making something themselves & seeing
it work.
Q- What C= machines do you use
Several C64's have found safe harbor at
my house, A couple 128's, a couple
VIC20's, an Amiga, even a couple +4s.
An SX64 loaded with JiffyDOS is my
favorite & can be found on my worktable
ready for use.
Q - Did the PETSCII site go down for a
while, I noticed a statement "Many
personal projects which were put "on
hold" this year due to serious real
life concerns" were you ill & the main
question are you ok now?
Yes, I did duck out of the scene for
most of last year. 2006 was a rough
year for our family. We discovered
that all three of our children have
Wilson's disease, which is a genetic
problem with the liver. It's a scary
thing to discover that your children
have something for which there is no
cure. With adjusted diet, & medicine
they will continue to live long healthy
lives. We all had to go thru
adjustments & many hospital visits
while this was gotten under control.
Everyone is doing better now.
Q - what can we do to help PETSCII.COM
Join the forums & get involved in
Q - Tell us about Qlink & its revival -
how is the project going
Quantum Link Reloaded is an amazing
project that was headed by Jim Brain.
It is a recreation of the Quantum Link
server running in Linux, which is able
to communicate with the original Qlink
client software to permit multi-user
chat, games, & messages.
Quantum Link demonstrates many features
we take for granted now with the
Internet. It can be used from both
VICE emulator, as well as a true 64
with a serial connection.
I know that readers outside the US will
have little familiarity with the
original Qlink service, but it was a
hot item back in the day. In 1990,
Quantum Link became America Online,
dropping the Commodore service.
Quantum Link Reloaded is a remarkable
demonstration of what is possible when
several people come together share
their piece of the puzzle. I'm proud
that PETSCII forums was able to become
the place where everything could be
brought together.
for details.
Q - one great project is the "Jeff
Ledger's guide to getting your C=
online." available from the TELBBS link
on your website & from
I downloaded another copy as I notice
its been updated, the version I am
looking at is March 2007 please tell us
about this resource
This guide is a step-by-step walk thru
for getting the C64 connected to a
TelBBS using a simple serial to PC
connection. I've updated it this year
to include emulation variations as
well. Here's a list of what's inside:
Complete information about C= TelBBSing
can be found at
Q - What plans do you have for PETSCII
I have more C= related archives & info
on various projects & interfaces which
I haven't had time to post yet. As time
permits, the site will expand.
Q - Do you have any other plans in the
for C= Machines?
In the last couple years, I've found
myself inspired by some of the great
work in the form of hardware devices
that have been created from many
directions for our favourite little PC.
I've spent some time discovering the
world of programmable microprocessors,
first with the simple PICAXE chip, now
with the Propeller chip created by Chip
Gracey. (You might remember that name,
as he was the one who created ISEPIC, a
game cracking device back in the 80's)
These inexpensive microcontrollers
provide a lot of bang, & in my opinion
provide Incredible add-on power for the
I released beginners guide last year
for interfacing the C64. It can be
downloaded from
Part 2 is currently in the works.
Q - I see you as quite a leading figure
in the C= community would you like to
I'm flattered, but I really don't see
myself as anything more than a C=
activist with a big mouth. <grin> Our
community is privileged to have some
real magicians in our ranks. I'm always
impressed with the caliber of people
I'm able to rub shoulders with at the
expos & shows.
Q - Whats next for C=, when will the
limit of the machine be reached
Every time I suspect we've found the
limits, it seems that I glance up & see
miles to go.
Q - I notice Commodore gaming has
released a "gaming machine" basically a
Fast PC in a custom case would you like
to comment.
I'm truly saddened by what I see is the
exploitation of the Commodore name.
Nothing about these new PCs resembles
the innovation produced by CBM of years
gone by. If the new C= wanted to hold
up the standard, they should be
creating new technology & innovation
instead of knock off hardware that
already exists.
I suspect the C= name was purchased for
the use of name recognition reasons
alone. At least I have some comfort in
knowing that a Google search produces
top links to the proud heritage that is
& once was C=.
Q - If you had 1 million pounds what
would you do with it?
Let's see, that's around $1.9 million
US dollars at current currency rates.
I think the first thing I would do is
buy the C= brand from it's current
owners with an offer they couldn't
refuse, sell one dollar shares of
C= stock to the current community,
permitting them unlimited use of the
trademark & name for non-commercial C=
projects & software with the purchase
of a single share of C=.
C= should be returned to the people who
truly love it. A quarter million would
be spent on the biggest computing
museum anyone has ever seen, complete
with hands-on labs, meeting rooms &
educational resources.
Q - Finally is there any question you
would like to have been asked
I've probably expanded your file size
by double already with the length of my
answers. You've done a good interview!
Q- Jeff thanks for your time
My pleasure.