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/ Avalon 2 / Avalon_02_1995-06_Avalon_Side_B.d64 / menu (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  650b  |  23 lines

  1. 5 rem menu by jj of avalon
  2. 6 :
  3. 10 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,7
  4. 15 poke2019,2:poke2020,25:poke2021,58:poke2022,10:poke2023,10
  5. 20 print"           [206][205] [180][170] [206][205] [180]  [206][205] [207][205]"
  6. 30 print"[156]           [207][208] [205][206] [207][208] [204][175] [205][206] [180][170]"
  7. 40 printtab(11);"[158]   june   1995   [146][153]"
  8. 50 fora=1to3:next:print
  9. 60 read n:forx=1ton:reada$(x)
  10. 70 printtab(12);chr$(17);chr$(x+64);". ";a$(x)
  11. 80 next x
  12. 90 getk$:ifk$=""then90
  13. 100 k=asc(k$)-64:ifk<1ork>nthen90
  14. 110 printchr$(147);chr$(17);chr$(17)
  15. 120 print"load";chr$(34);a$(k);chr$(34);",8,1"
  16. 130 print chr$(17);chr$(17);chr$(17);chr$(17)
  17. 140 print"[145]run";chr$(19);chr$(13);
  18. 150 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:new
  19. 160 data 9
  20. 170 data"banner","calendar","screen dump","time to right"
  21. 180 data"random draw","play keys","square cursor","bombi engl. /avt"
  22. 190 data"dawnofthenasty!!"