COMMENT This game demonstrates the Giuoco Piano or "quiet game". This is a placid, often symmetrical opening, ideal for inexperienced players.
1 e2-e4
COMMENT White advances a pawn to gain control of the centre of the board.
1 e7-e5
COMMENT Black does likewise.
2 Ng1-f3
COMMENT A good developing move which further bears on the centre of the board, and also attacks a piece.
2 Ng8-f6
COMMENT Black replies with a counter attack, an equally good move.
3 Bf1-c4
COMMENT Further development of White's pieces, with focus on the centre but also an attack on one of Black's weakest Pawns. This also makes castling possible.
3 Bf8-c5
COMMENT Another suitable counter measure from Black, also opening up the possibility of castling.
4 Nb1-c3
COMMENT Another developing move with focus on the centre.
4 Nb8-c6
COMMENT A like response from Black.
5 d2-d3
COMMENT White opens an avenue for the other Bishop, and supports two other pieces.
5 d7-d6
COMMENT Black continues to match White's moves.
6 o-o
COMMENT White finally castles to consolidate the King's position and develop the Rook.
6 Bc8-e6
COMMENT Black develops another piece in a counter attack, still with a focus on the centre.