GameStar Special 2002 April
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273 lines
-- This manipulator creates a slider helper object that manipulates
-- itself.
-- Written by Scott Morrison, July 25, 2000
-- Based on Peter Watje's 2d slider object
-- The slider uses a param block to store the slider value.
-- This can be used in conjunction with parameter wiring to control
-- other objects in the scene.
plugin simpleManipulator sliderManipulator
classID:#(0x47db14ef, 0x4e9b5990)
-- Set the yellow and red colors for the gizmo
local greenColor = colorMan.getColor #manipulatorsActive
local redColor = colorMan.getColor #manipulatorsSelected
local yellowColor = colorMan.getColor #manipulatorsInactive
-- sliderOffset is the distance in pixels from the "+" to the slider bar
local sliderOffset = 9
-- textYOffset is the vertical distance from the slider to the text
local textYOffset = 10
-- textXOffset is the horizantal distance from the slider to the text
local textXOffset = -5
-- The minimum width a slider can have in pixels
local minWidth = 10
parameters main rollout:paramRollout
-- The value of the slider
value type:#float animatable:true ui:spnValue default: 0.0
on value set val do
-- Adjust the min and max accordingly
if ((val < this.minVal)) then this.minVal = val
if ((val > this.maxVal)) then this.maxVal = val
-- The min and max values for the slider
minVal type:#float animatable:true ui:spnMin default: 0.0
maxVal type:#float animatable:true ui:spnMax default: 100.0
on minVal set val do
if ((val > this.maxVal)) then this.minVal = this.maxVal
if (this.value < val) then this.value = val
on maxVal set val do
if ((val < this.minVal)) then this.maxVal = this.minVal
if (this.value > val) then this.value = val
-- The slider position as a percentage of screen space
xPos type:#float animatable:false ui:spnXPos default: 0.0
yPos type:#float animatable:false ui:spnYPos default: 0.0
-- The width of the slider in pixels
width type:#float animatable:false ui:spnWidth default: 100.0
-- When the hide flag is true, the slider bar and value are not draw
hide type:#boolean animatable:false ui:checkHide default: false
-- The display name of the slider
sldName type:#string animatable:false ui:labelEdit default: ""
-- Snap toggle
snapToggle type:#boolean animatable:false ui:checkSnap default: true
-- snap value
snapVal type:#float animatable:false ui:spnSnapVal default: 0.01
-- The rollout for the slider parameters
rollout paramRollout "Parameters"
Edittext labelEdit "Label:" text:""
Spinner spnValue "Value:" range:[-1.0e30, 1.0e30, 0.0]
Spinner spnMin "Minimum:" range:[-1.0e30, 1.0e30, 0.0]
Spinner spnMax "Maximum:" range:[-1.0e30, 1.0e30, 100.0]
Spinner spnXPos "X Position:" range:[0.0, 1.0, 0.0] scale:0.01
Spinner spnYPos "Y Position:" range:[0.0, 1.0, 0.0] scale:0.01
Spinner spnWidth "Width:" range:[10.0, 1000.0, 100.0]
Checkbox checkSnap "Snap:" checked:false
Spinner spnSnapVal "Snap Value:" range:[0.0, 10000.0, 0.1]
Checkbox checkHide "Hide:" checked:false
-- This manipualtor manipulates itself
on canManipulate target return (classOf target) == sliderManipulator
-- Creation mouse procedure
tool create
on mousePoint click do
case click of
-- Compute the percentage of of the mouse point in screen space
this.xPos = viewPoint.x / gw.getWinSizeX()
this.yPos = viewPoint.y / gw.getWinSizeY()
-- Create the manipulator gizmos.
on updateGizmos do
-- Clear the current gizmo cache
-- If this is not a stand-alone manip, get values from the manip target
if (target != undefined) then
this.value = target.value
this.minVal = target.minVal
this.maxVal = target.maxVal
this.xPos = target.xPos
this.yPos = target.yPos
this.width = target.width
this.hide = target.hide
this.sldName = target.sldName
this.snapToggle = target.snapToggle
this.snapVal = target.snapVal
unselColor = greenColor
unselColor = yellowColor
-- Compute the origin of the slider in screen space
local x = xPos * gw.getWinSizeX()
local y = yPos * gw.getWinSizeY()
-- These flags are used for all the gizmos
local flags = (gizmoUseScreenSpace + gizmoActiveViewportOnly)
-- Gizmo 0
-- This is the box that you use the move the slider
local pos = [x, y, 0.0]
this.addGizmoMarker #hollowBox pos flags unselColor redColor
-- Gizmo 1
-- This is the plus-sign used to toggle the hide flag
pos = [x + sliderOffset, y, 0.0]
this.addGizmoMarker #plusSign pos flags unselColor redColor
-- Compute the text label
local str
if (hide) then str = sldName
if sldName.count > 0 then str = sldName + ": " + (value as string)
else str = value as string
local textLoc = [x + textXOffset, y - textYOffset, 0.0f]
-- Gizmo 2
-- The text with the name and value
this.addGizmoText str textLoc flags unselColor redColor
-- If the slider is hidden, don't draw any more
if hide then return ""
-- Draw the slider bar
local barStart = x + 2 * sliderOffset
local barPos = [barStart, y, 0.0]
local barEnd = [barStart + this.width, y, 0.0]
-- Create a polyline gizmo
local giz = manip.makeGizmoShape()
giz.AddPoint barPos
giz.AddPoint barEnd
-- Gizmo 3
-- The slider bar
this.addGizmoShape giz flags unselColor unselColor
-- Draw the slider "thumb" gizmo
local relVal = (value - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal)
local valPos = [barStart + relVal * width, y + 10, 0.0f]
-- Gizmo 4
-- The slider thumb triangle
this.addGizmoMarker #triangle valPos flags unselColor redColor
local resizePos = [barStart + width + sliderOffset, y, 0.0f]
-- Gizmo 5
-- The slider resize diamond
this.addGizmoMarker #diamond resizePos flags unselColor redColor
-- return an empty string so no tool tip is displayed
return ""
-- mouseMove is called on every mouse move when dragging the manip
-- It needs to convert the mouse position 'm' into a new value for the slider
on mouseMove m which do
local xSize = gw.getWinSizeX()
local ySize = gw.getWinSizeY()
if (which == 0) then
-- Gizmo 0
-- Set the slider postition
target.xPos = m.x / xSize
target.yPos = m.y / ySize
else if (which == 4) then
-- Gizmo 4
-- Set the slider value
local x = xPos * xSize
local barStart = x + 2.0 * (sliderOffset as float)
local newVal = ((m.x as float) - barStart) / width
newVal = minVal + newVal * (maxVal - minVal)
-- Clamp the value
if (newVal < minVal) then newVal = minVal
if (newVal > maxVal) then newVal = maxVal
-- Snap, if needed
if (snapToggle) then
if (snapVal != 0) then newVal = newVal - (mod newVal snapVal)
-- Set the value in the target
target.value = newVal
else if (which == 5) then
-- Gizmo 4
-- Set the slider width
local x = xPos * xSize
local barStart = x + 2.0 * sliderOffset
local newWidth = m.x - sliderOffset - barStart
-- Clamp the width
if (newWidth < minWidth) then newWidth = 10.0
-- Set the width in the target
target.width = newWidth
on mouseDown m which do
-- Toggle the value of the "Hide" state
if (which == 1) then target.hide = not hide