Chip 1998 January
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Text File
1,398 lines
; Novell, Inc.: UNATTEND.TXT for Windows NT 4.0
; The following is the version info for Novell. Inc.
;VeRsIoN=v4.10 Novell Client Install for Windows NT (970127)
;CoPyRiGhT=copyright 1992-1997, by Novell, INC. All rights reserved.
; Microsoft Windows NT Workstation Version 4.0 and Windows NT Server Version 4.0
; 1994, 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Novell IntranetWare Client Services for NT (Workstation and Server)
; 1996, 1997, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is an edited version of the Windows NT default UNATTEND.TXT file. It is a
; Windows NT .INF file and conforms to the established standards that govern this file
; type. It contains settable parameters for all of the Novell IntranetWare Client Services
; parameters on the property pages in the Windows NT Network control panel.
; There are sections in this file that belong to the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 product.
; It may or may not contain the correct or proper information necessary for the working,
; valid installation of Windows NT 4.0 on a workstation.
; The UNATTEND.TXT shipped by Novell, Inc. contains examples of parameters and their settings in
; the Microsoft Unattended Section where appropriate. However, Novell, Inc. does not guarantee a
; successful installation of Windows NT 4.0 on any workstation. Please refer to the default
; UNATTEND.TXT file that shipped with Windows NT 4.0 and the Microsoft Windows NT OEM
; Preinstallation Kit (OPK) for further instructions.
; Contents
; Appendix i : Why Is This Document Important?
; I. The Microsoft Windows NT OEM Preinstallation Kit
; II. Introduction to Unattended Installation and its file: UNATTEND.TXT.
; A. The Objective of the UNATTEND.TXT file
; B. Requirements for the Unattended Installation.
; C. Property Pages and Their Parameters
; III. Trademark, Patent, Liability Information
; Contents
; Appendix i : Why Is This Document Important?
; This document is important because other than the information contained in
; the Help screens of the Novell IntranetWare Client 4.10 Installation for Windows NT, there is
; no other readily-available sources of information on this process. Reading these sections
; will allow you to understand what the installation is, how it works, the various types of
; installs and the options that are available. It provides information on what the UNATTEND.TXT
; file contains and how to edit it to conform to your system's configuration.
; I. The Microsoft Windows NT OEM Preinstallation Kit
; When this documentation was created, only the Beta Version of the OEM Preinstallation Kit
; was available from Microsoft Corporation. Windows NT 3.51/4.0 does ship with a default
; UNATTEND.TXT file, but the 4.0 UNATTEND.TXT file is not as complete as the one that shipped
; with Windows NT 3.51. It is recommended that you review the Windows NT 3.51 UNATTEND.TXT
; as an additional reference.
; II. Introduction to Unattended Installation and its file: UNATTEND.TXT.
; The UNATTEND.TXT contains answers to possible installation process questions. These
; parameters configure installation options and pre-configure answers to the dialogs that
; may pop up during the installation. These parameters silence the questions asked during
; both an NT Unattended and a Novell IntranetWare Client SETUPNW.EXE installation.
; The easiest way to see how this works is to install the Novell IntranetWare Client on one
; Windows NT workstation and to watch what dialog boxes and questions appear. There is
; a HELP option on each of those screens for your reference. After you have seen it once
; you know which queries may need to be provided with a different default value because of
; your particular network configuration, it is easy to understand how the UNATTEND.TXT file
; is laid out.
; Each section contains a TITLE, an EXPLANATION, and the correct syntax of the
; parameter. It is possible to edit the UNATTEND.TXT file and remove all of the
; explanation comments.
; A. The Objective of the UNATTEND.TXT file
; The objective of an unattend install is to have all necessary parameters, their values,
; and answers to the dialogs that may pop up during an install pre-configured. This is done by
; editing the Novell IntranetWare Client's UNATTEND.TXT file,
; These parameters silence the questions asked during both an NT Unattended installation
; and a Novell IntranetWare Client SETUPNW.EXE installation.
; Because complete standardization across many LAN/WAN environments is not always possible,
; more than one Unattended file may be created, each with specific parameter settings that
; will match whatever configurations for those particular clients.
; Once the Novell IntranetWare Client directory and file structure is in place within the Windows NT
; structure, and the UNATTEND.TXT contains the parameters and their values necessary for a
; particular configuration, it need not be changed again. If new parameters become available,
; they can easily be added to the UNATTEND.TXT file. What this does is make the ability to
; update the Win NT clients manageable.
; B. Requirements For The Unattended Installation
; Although the concept of an unattended installation and a text file containing the
; default parameters for that install is a simple one, the issue that is not easily
; addressed is the types and number of network configurations that a corporation may
; have or a network manager must maintain. Because of this, we have tried to provide
; a systematic approach to this issue.
; The approach is, 1. Determine the criteria a workstation must meet in order to be upgraded using
; the SETUPNW.EXE /U=UNATTEND.TXT and/or /ACU method. 2. Identify the network configuration that this
; workstation exists in and what issues have to be resolved in conjuction with that configuration.
; If the workstation is in a domain or a group, how does that change the install?
; C. Property Pages and their Parameters
; The information format for each Property Page and its parameters are:
; Property Page
; Parameter
; Values:
; Default:
; Range/Valid:
; Parameter Dependencies:
; Conditions:
; Brief description of the function of this parameter
; Please refer to the Windows NT on-line documentation for an indepth discussion of property pages.
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client 4.10 for Windows NT is one of the installed network
; services and its property pages are found under "Network Services." The name of the property
; page is the name of the tab that you see under the "Novell IntranetWare Client Services
; Configuration" dialog.
; Parameter: Generally a parameter name contained in the UNATTEND.TXT file is a shortened version
; of its complete name that is displayed under Windows NT. The PARAMETER will show its shortened
; and exact name.
; Values: The numbers and characters that are valid for this parameter.
; Default: The default value of a parameter.
; Range/Valid: The range a value may have, or what characters are valid or invalid.
; The range may be Yes or No, or 0 to 255. Invalid values are generally reserve words or
; characters.
; Parameter Dependencies: Some parameters are not avalilable until another parameter
; is set to "Yes." For example, Bindery_connection is not available until Login_to_Server is set
; to "Yes."
; Conditions: If there is another parameter, or condition that affects the parameter,
; it will be listed here. For example, if Login_To_Tree is set to "Yes," then Login_To_Server is
; not available.
; A brief description of the parameter's function will be given, for more detailed information
; please refer to the appropriate on-line Help section.
;!ParameterName_OverWriteValue = Yes or No
; Each parameter has an option that gives additional flexibility for writting the parameter
; data to the registy. If the ParameterName_OverWriteValue = Yes then the value is written to
; the registry. If the _OverWriteValue = No then the new value is only written to the registry
; if the registry does not contain any data. The default behavior for writting these variable to
; the registry is the same as setting the _OverWriteValue = No.
; Values: The valid values are Yes or No for this parameter.
; Default: The default behavior is this parameter is not set or No.
; III. Trademark, Patent, Liability Information
; Trademarks
; Novell Trademarks
; Client 32 is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; GroupWise is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; Internetwork Packet Exchange and IPX are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
; IPX/SPX is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; LAN WorkPlace is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the
; United States and other countries.
; NE2000 is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United States
; IntranetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United States
; and other countries.
; NetWare Application Notes is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc.
; NetWare Client is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; IntranetWare Client is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; NetWare DOS Requester is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; NetWare/IP is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; NetWare Loadable Module and NLM are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
; Novell is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United
; States and other countries.
; Novell DOS is a trademark of Novell, Inc.
; Open Data-Link Interface and ODI are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
; Sequenced Packet Exchange and SPX are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
; Virtual Loadable Module and VLM are trademarks of Novell, Inc.
; Third-Party Trademarks
; AST is a registered trademark of AST Research, Inc. COMPAQ is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer
; Corporation. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark
; of Microsoft Corporation. Network Drive Interface Specification and NDIS are trademarks of PC-PlusCommunications LP.
; Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Windows 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
; Disclaimer
; Novell, Inc., makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare or IntranetWare software, and specifically
; disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose.
; Distribution of any NetWare or IntranetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further,
; Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare or IntranetWare software. Novell is not responsible for
; lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of recreating lost data, the cost
; of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you.
; Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this
; software may be provided at the discretion of Novell.
; Microsoft Unattended Section
; This section belongs to the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 product. It may or may not contain
; the correct or proper information necessary for you to correctly install Windows NT 4.0 on your
; workstation. Novell, Inc., has provided examples where appropriate in these sections.
; However, Novell, Inc. does not guarantee a successful installation of Windows NT 4.0
; on your workstation. Please refer to the default UNATTEND.TXT file and the Microsoft
; Windows NT OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) for further instructions.
ConfirmHardware = No
NtUpgrade = No
Win31Upgrade = No
TargetPath = WinNT40
OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade = No
OemPreinstall = Yes
NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
;Banner = "Windows NT Sample OEM Banner"
;Logo = oemlogo.bmp
;Background = oembgnd.bmp
;TimeZone = "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
;FullName = "Example Name"
;OrgName = "Example Name"
;ComputerName = "Workstation One"
ConfigureAtLogon = 1
;BitsPerPel = 8
;XResolution = 1024
;YResolution = 768
;VRefresh = 60
;Flags =
;AutoConfirm = 1
; Novell Modified Section
; These sections of the UNATTEND.TXT file are the ones that the Novell IntranetWare Client 4.10
; Installation either modifies for its own use or are included in the UNATTEND.TXT file
; that ships with the Novell IntranetWare Client 4.10 Installation.
; Join Domain=DOMAIN
TC = TCPIPParameters
; NE2000=NE2000AdapterParameters
; The [ServicesList] section of the UNATTEND.TXT file is used to specify NT Services that can
; be installed with Windows NT. The parameter, NWFS = is used to designate that the Novell
; IntranetWare Client Services for NT will be installed. The Novell IntranetWare Client is an NT Network
; Service and the syntax of the parameter is
; NWFS = NovellNetWareClientParameters, <Novell Client Install Directory>
; Windows NT has designated the directory structure as: \$OEM$\NET\NTCLIENT\I386.
; This directory must be created inside the NT Install Directory structure on the NT IntranetWare
; Distribution Share. The Novell Client installation files and directories should be copied
; into this directory. (See Section II of the Contents for specific installation instructions).
NWFS = NovellNetWareClientParameters, \$OEM$\NET\NTCLIENT\I386
;NE2000 = "Novell NE2000 Adapter"
;InterruptNumber = 3
;IOBaseAddress = 768
; Optional:
; !AutoNetInterfaceType = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |...
; !AutoNetBusNumber = 0
;DHCP = Yes
;DNSServer =
;DNSName = NameServer
; This section of the UNATTEND.TXT file contains information specific to the Novell IntranetWare
; Client 4.10 (c). It includes all of the Novell IntranetWare Client parameters necessary for
; it to function in the Windows NT environment. Each group in this file contains a
; property page, its parameters, what control on that property page the parameter represents,
; its default values, the valid/range of values that parameter can accept, if it is a required
; parameter and a brief description of that parameter's function. An general overview of the
; UNATTEND.TXT file is located in Section II of the Contents at the beginning of this file.
; This section of the inf file is used by the Novell SetupNW.exe Client installation
; program. These parameters configure the installation dialogs displayed to the user.
; The DisplayInitialScreen parameter can be used to customize the installation. If this parameter
; is set to "YES" then the initial Welcome or ACU upgrade screen is displayed to the user.
; If this parameter is set to "NO" then the Client installation silently starts.
!DisplayInitialScreen = NO
; The AskReboot parameter is also used to customize the installation. If this parameter
; is set to "YES" then the final installation screen is displayed to the user. This is
; the dialog that tells the user that they need to reboot the machine and asks if
; they want install to reboot the machine. If this parameter is set to "NO" then
; the final installation dialog is not displayed and the machine is automatically rebooted.
!AskReboot = NO
; The [Novell NetWare Client Parameters] section contains answers to possible installation
; process questions. These parameters configure installation options and pre-configure
; answers to the dialogs that may pop up during the installation. These parameters silence
; the questions asked during both an NT Unattended and a Novell IntranetWare Client SETUPNW.EXE
; installation. Each section contains a TITLE, an EXPLANATION, and the correct syntax
; of the parameter. It is possible to edit the UNATTEND.TXT file and remove the explanatory
; sections, if you no longer need the reference.
; Warning: This is an NT .INF file and global INF variables are identified by the ! preceeding
; them. The ! must proceed a Global INF variable!
; Setting the Major and Minor Internal Versions
; The Major and Minor Internal Versions parameters are supplied as additional configuration
; parameters for use with /ACU. These values can be increased for each inclemental installation
; of the Client. For example if you received a few fixed or patched files for this Client and
; need to install them using SetupNW.exe /U /ACU, then increment one of the Internal version numbers.
!MajorInternalVersion = 0
!MinorInternalVersion = 0
; Accepting the License Agreement
; If you set AcceptLicenseAgreement to YES the "agree.txt" file, Novell's license acceptance
; language dialog will not pop up automatically for each end user. Therefore, you are
; accepting the license terms and conditions on behalf of your organization and are responsible
; for complicance with the license terms and conditions by end users.
; If the AcceptLicenseAgreement is set to "NO" all users will be prompted to accept the
; agreement individually when the Client is installed.
!AcceptLicenseAgreement = NO
; Removing the MS NetWare Client
; Because the Novell Client is complete network client, it cannot be installed
; on a machine that has MS Client Services for NetWare loaded. The AskRemoveMSNetWareClient and the
; RemoveMSNetWareClient parameters allow for the removal of the MS Client Services for NetWare and
; then the installation of the Novell Client Services.
; It is important that these parameters are set correctly, because if the MS Client is
; installed and the RemoveMSNetWareClient is set to "NO" the installation will exit and
; report an installation error.
; The first parameter, AskRemoveMSNetWareClient is used for displaying a dialog to prompt
; the user for the removal of the MS Client.
; The second parameter is used to specify the default value on the dialog if it is
; displayed, or to specify the removal option when the RemoveMSNetWareClient Dialog is not
; displayed.
!AskRemoveMSNetWareClient = NO
!RemoveMSNetWareClient = YES
; The UseNetWareGINA parameter will install the Novell IntranetWare Client for
; for Windows NT GINA Authenticator when a third party GINA is detected.
; If UseNetWareGINA = YES then the third party GINA will be automatically
; removed and the Novell GINA will be installed.
; If UseNetWareGINA = NO and a third party GINA is detected the installation
; will pause and ask the user to remove the third party GINA or cancel the
; client installation.
!UseNetWareGINA = YES
; Install Novell NetWareIP Services
; The AskNetWareIP and InstallNetWareIP are the parameters used to specify installation
; of the Novell NetWareIP services. The first parameter displays a dialog that asks the user if
; NetWareIP is to be installed. The second parameter specifies the default value on the dialog
; if it is displayed or specifies the installation option when the NetWareIP installation dialog
; is not displayed.
!AskNetWareIP = NO
!InstallNetWareIP = NO
; Novell Client Services Parameters Section
; The Novell Client Configurable Parameters Section contains all the Client parameters that
; can be preconfigured. The first parameter is the actual value of the data that is written
; to the registry and used by the Client. This data value can later be adjusted from the Windows
; NT Network control panel property pages for the Novell Client. The second parameter for each
; value is an Over Write Value. If this value is set to "YES," then the data will be written to
; the registry. If the value is set to "NO" then the data will only be written to the registry
; if the parameters value is blank.
; Configurable Parameters remove the ; at the beginning of each line.
; Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Client Property Page Parameters
;!Preferred_Server =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Client
; Parameter: Preferred Server
; Values: Any valid NetWare or IntranetWare server available to this Client.
; Default "Blank"
; Range/Valid: 47 Characters, no spaces
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: Preferred_Tree, GetNearestServer
; Description: Specifies the preferred NetWare or IntranetWare server this client should attach to
; when attaching to NetWare 4.x or IntranetWare using NDS. If Preferred Tree is set, the client
; attempts to connect to any server in that tree.
;!Preferred_Server_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_Bindery_Server =
; Property Page: NWGina Login Utility (Initial IntranetWare Login screen)
; Parameter: Preferred Bindery Server
; Values: Any valid NetWare or IntranetWare server available to this Client.
; Default "Blank"
; Range/Valid: 47 Characters, no spaces
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions:
; Description: Specifies the preferred NetWare or IntranetWare server this client should
; attach to when connecting using the Bindery.
;!Preferred_Bindery_Server_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_Tree =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Client
; Parameter: Preferred tree
; Values: Any valid NDS directory tree for NetWare 4.x or IntranetWare.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: 42 Characters
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: The Preferred_Tree value must be one of the trees set in the following
; Tree/Default Name Context Pairs. These are set using the Tree_List1 and Default_Context_List1
; parameters. If the Preferred_Tree in not in the list of Tree/Default Name Context pairs then the
; Client will use the NDS tree root context when looking for users and will in most cases
; not find the users, which will cause login errors.
; Description: Specifies the preferred Novell NetWare Directory Services tree the
; client will attach to. If there is no server available in the preferred tree, the client
; will attempt to connect to the server designated in the Preferred_Server
; parameter.
;!Preferred_Tree_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Tree and Default Name Context pairs can be entered using the the following sets of variables.
; Enter multiple pairs by copying the three variables and increasing the integer number
; at the end of the variable name.
;!Tree_List1 =
;!Default_Context_List1 =
;!Tree_List_OverWriteValue1 = Yes
;!Tree_List2 =
;!Default_Context_List2 =
;!Tree_List_OverWriteValue2 = Yes
; .
;!Tree_ListN =
;!Default_Context_ListN =
;!Tree_List_OverWriteValueN = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Client
; Parameter: Tree_List
; Values: Any valid directory tree for NetWare 4.x or IntranetWare.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: 47 Characters for tree, 255 Characters for name context
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions:
; Description: Specifies Novell NetWare Directory Services trees and the default name context
; that a client will use when attaching to an NDS tree.
; !Tree_List_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!First_Network_Drive = F
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Client
; Parameter: First network drive
; Values: A-Z
; Default: F
; Range/Valid: A-Z
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: First_NetWork_Drive_OverWriteValue
; Description: This parameter sets the first network drive to the drive letter specified.
; This parameter applies to any user logging into the network on this workstation.
;!First_Network_Drive_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Graphical Login Property Page Parameters
;!Display_Connection_Page = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Display connection page
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: Display_Connection_Page_OverWriteValue
; Description: This parameter allows access to the following parmeters: Login_to_Tree,
; Login_to_Server, Clear_Current_Connections, and Bindery_Connection.
;!Display_Connection_Page_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: On or Off
; Default: On
;!Login_To_Tree = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Log in to Tree
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: None
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Connection_Page, Login_To_Tree, Login_To_Server
; Conditions: If Login_To_Server is selected, it is not possible to select this parameter.
; It is an either/or selection.
; Description: Allows user to login to an NDS tree. This options allows access to
; printers and other shared network services available on that tree.
;!Login_To_Tree_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Login_To_Server = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Log in to Server
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Connection_Page, Login_To_Tree
; Conditions: If Login_To_Tree is selected, it is not possible to select this parameter.
; It is an either/or selection.
; Description: Allows user to login to a specified server, if that server is not available,
; the server designated by the Preferred_Server parameter will be accessible, if that one
; is not available, then the GetNearestSever command will provide an available server for login.
;!Login_To_Server_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Bindery_Connections = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Bindery Connection
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Connection_Page, Login_To_Server.
; Conditions: If Login_To_Server set to "Yes," Bindery_Connections is available.
; Description: The parameter allow a NetWare Connection to be made using the Bindery.
;!Bindery_Connections_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Clear_Current_Connections = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Clear current Connections
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Connection_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameters clears all previous connections established by the IntranetWare
; services previous to this login.
;!Clear_Current_Connections_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Display_Script_Page = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Display script pages
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter allows the results of the login and profile scripts to display.
;!Display_Script_Page_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Login_Script =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Login Script
; Values: Any valid script that conforms to established configuration requirements for
; Novell NetWare or IntranetWare.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Script_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: Login script is a file that provides specific information about a valid user object.
;!Login_Script_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Profile_Script =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Profile Script
; Values: Any valid profile script that conforms to established configuration
; requirements for Novell Netware or IntranetWare.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Script_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: The parameter allows for an alternate NDS profile script for IntranetWare,
; instead of the system default's profile script.
;!Profile_Script_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Display_Results = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Display Script Results Window
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Script_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter will display the login results and error messages in a Window.
;!Display_Results_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Close_Script_Results_Automatically = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Close script results automatically
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Script_Page, Display_Results
; Conditions: None
; Description: If the Display_Results_Windows parameter is set to "Yes," a Windows with the login
; results are displayed and the Close_Script_Results_Automatically closes the box, unless an
; error occured during login.
;!Close_Script_Results_Automatically_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
;!Run_Scripts = Yes
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Run scripts
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Script_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: Run_Scripts allows the designated login and profile script to run.
;!Run_Scripts_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Display_Variables_Page = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Display variables page
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter allows the variables to be used by the login script.
;!Display_Variables_Page_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!%2 =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: %2
; Values: All valid characters that can be recognized by the login script.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: 64 characters
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Variable_Pages
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter provides additional information for the login script.
;!%2_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!%3 =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: %3
; Values: All valid characters that can be recognized by the login script.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: 64 characters
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Variables_Page
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter provides additional information for the login script.
;!%3_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!%4 =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: %4
; Values: All valid characters that can be recognized by the login script.
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: 64 characters
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Variables_Page, %4
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter provides additional information for the login script.
;!%4_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!%5 =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: %5
; Values: All valid characters that can be recognized by the login script.
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: 64 characters
; Parameter Dependencies: Display_Variable_Page, %5
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter provides additional information for the login script.
;!%5_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Display_RAS_Page = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Display RAS page
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: Yes
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameter allows the RAS (dial-up networking) page to show on login if RAS is installed
;!Display_RAS_Page_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Save_Settings_When_Exiting_Login = No
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Configuration Login
; Parameter: Save settings when exiting Login
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This parameters allows any changes made on the Login screen to be saved upon exiting.
;!Save_Settings_When_Exiting_Login_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Advanced Login Property Page Parameters
;!Policy_Path =
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Policy Path and Filename
; Values: any valid path to a valid policy file
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Sets path to user policy file
;!Policy_Path_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!NetWare_Storage_Of_Roaming_Profiles = No
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: NetWare Storage of Roaming Profiles
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Allows a roaming profile to be stored in an user home/mail directory or a specific file system path
; on the NetWare or IntranetWare Server.
;!NetWare_Storage_Of_Roaming_Profiles_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Storage_Type = "Home Directory"
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Store Profile in User Home/Mail Directory
; Store Profile in a NetWare File System Directory
; Values: "Home Directory" or "File System Pointer"
; Default: Store Profile in Home Directory
; Range/Valid: "Home Directory" or "File System Pointer"
; Parameter Dependencies: !NetWare_Storage_Of_Roaming_Profiles
; Conditions: None
; Description: Sets the storage type for a roaming profile.
;!Storage_Type_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!File_System_Pointer_Path =
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Path:
; Values: Any valid path to a NetWare File System Directory
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: !NetWare_Storage_Of_Roaming_Profiles, !Storage_Type
; Conditions: None
; Description: Path to a valid NetWare File System Directory for a user's roaming profile.
;!File_System_Pointer_Path_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Bitmap_Filename =
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Bitmap Filename
; Values: Any valid graphics file with a *.BMP format.
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: File must be located in the Win NT directory.
; Description: Specifies .BMP seen on "Welcome" Screen, file must be in Win NT directory.
;!Bitmap_Filename_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Welcome_Screen_Caption =
; Property Page: Advanced Login
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Caption
; Values: alphanumeric, non-reserved word
; Default: Begin Login
; Range/Valid: 64 characters
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Caption of the Novell IntranetWare Login popup box.
;!Welcome_Screen_Caption_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Advanced Settings Property Page Parameters
;!Receive_Broadcast_Messages = All
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Receive Broadcast Messages
; Values: "All", "Server Only" or "None"
; Default: All
; Range/Valid: "All", "Server Only" or "None"
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Sets incoming messages a workstation can receive.
;!Receive_Broadcast_Messages_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!DOS_Name = WINNT
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: DOS Name
; Default: as designated by %OS
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: DOS Name is the operating system name used by the %OS parameter.
;!DOS_Name_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Large_Internet_Packets = On
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Large Internet Packets
; Values: On or Off
; Default: On
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: When Large Internet Packets is 'on,' it uses the maximum packet size negotiated
; between the IntranetWare server and the workstation, even across routers and bridges.
;!Large_Internet_Packets_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!LIP_Start_Size = 65535
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Large Internet Packet Start Size
; Values: bytes
; Default: 65535
; Range/Valid: 1-65535 bytes
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This determines the starting value for negotiating the Large Internet Packet size.
; Setting this value can shorten the initial negotiation time for packet size over slow links.
;!LIP_Start_Size_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Long_Machine_Type = IBM_PC
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups:Long Machine Type
; Values: any valid machine type that the %MACHINE can recognize
; Default: IBM_PC
; Range/Valid: any valid machine type that the %MACHINE can recognize
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
;!Long_Machine_Type_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!LSL_Max_Buffer_Size = 4736
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Link Support Layer Max Buffer Size
; Values: bytes
; Default: 4736
; Range/Valid: 100-24682 bytes
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This specifies the maximum supported packet size. Use this parameter to optimize
; performance for media [primarily token ring] that can use packets that are larger than the
; default size.
;!LSL_MAX_Buffer_Size_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Minimum_Time_To_Net = 0
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Minmum Time to Net
; Values: milliseconds
; Default: 0
; Range/Valid: 0-65535
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Use to bridge WAN/Satellite links with time-to-net values
; set too low for the workstations to make a connection under the following
; conditions: Server is not running Packet; Burst or Transfer rate is 2400 BAUD.
; Use 10000 or 2400 BAUD lines.
;!Minimum_Time_To_Net_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Opportunistic_Locking = Off
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Opportunistic Locking
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This auto-detects opportunities to exclusively cache files. 'On' improves
; performance.
;!Opportunistic_Locking_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Burst_Mode = On
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Burst Mode
; Values: On or Off
; Default: On
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: Burst Mode specifies whether Packet Burst is used. 'Off' disables Packet Burst.
;!Burst_Mode_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Pburst_Read_Window_Size = 36000
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameters Group: Max Read Burst Size
; Values: bytes
; Default: 36000
; Range/Valid: 1-65536
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This sets the maximum number of bytes per Read burst.
; The read window changes dynamically depending on network conditions.
;!Pburst_Read_Window_Size_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Pburst_Write_Window_Size = 15000
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Max Write Burst Size
; Values: bytes
; Default: 15000
; Range/Valid: 1-65536
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This sets the maximum number of bytes per Write burst.
; The write window size changes dynamically depending on network conditions.
;!Pburst_Write_Window_Size_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Signature_Level = 1
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Signature Level
; Values: numeric
; Default: 1
; Range/Valid: 0-3
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This determines the level of enhanced security support. Increasing the value
; increases security, but decreases performance.
;!Signature_Level_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Short_Machine_Type = IBM
; Property Page: Advanced Settings
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Short Machine Type
; Values: 4 chars
; Default: IBM
; Range/Valid: 4 chars recognized by the %SMACHINE variable.
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: None
; Description: This determines what overlay file is used when accessing older NetWare utilities.
;!Short_Machine_Type_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Novell NetWareIP Property Page Parameters
;!Remote_Config = Off
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: Auto detect configuration (Requires DHCP)
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: Requires DHCP
; Description: Allows DHCP preexisting parameters to configure the workstation or server network
; parameters.
;!Remote_Config_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!NWIP_Domain_Name =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: NetWare/IP Domain name:
; Values: NA
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: all numbers and characters valid for a domain name.
; Parameter Dependencies: Remote_Config
; Conditions: A valid NWIP Server must exist.
; Description: The parameter specifies a NetWare/IP Domain.
;!NWIP_Domain_Name_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!AutoRetries = 1
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: Retries to DSS during startup
; Values: numeric
; Default: 1
; Range/Valid: 1-10
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A DSS service must be available.
; Description: The number of times during startup to retry an unanswered DSS request.
;!AutoRetries_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!AutoRetry_Secs = 10
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: Number of seconds between retries
; Values: numeric
; Default: 10
; Range/Valid: 5-99
; Parameter Dependencies: Remote_Config, AutoRetries, AutoRetries_OverWriteValue
; Conditions: A DSS service must be available.
; Description: This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait between retires of an
; unanswered DSS request.
;!AutoRetry_Secs_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!NSQ_Broadcast = Off
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: Broadcast SAP nearest server queries to network
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Remote_Config
; Conditions: A NDS NetWare or IntranetWare server must exist.
; Description: This parameter locates a NetWare or IntranetWare server by broadcasting the request to the local
; network.
;!NSQ_Broadcast_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!NWIP1_1_Compatibility = Off
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Parameters
; Parameter: NetWare/IP 1.1 compatibility
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Custom Configuration
; Conditions: A DNS NetWare or IntranetWare server must exist.
; Description: If the NetWare or IntranetWare server is running NetWare/IP 1.1 pre-patch, this parameter must be
; set to 'on.'
;!NWIP1_1_Compatibility_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Use_Custom_Port = Off
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration
; Parameter: Use NWIP Custom Port
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: NA
; Parameter Dependencies: Custom Configuration
; Conditions: A DNS NetWare or IntranetWare server must exist.
; Description: This parameter allows you to designate a custom port.
;!Use_Custom_Port_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Port_Number = ABCD
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration
; Parameter: Port Number
; Values: Hexadecimal
; Default: ABCD
; Range/Valid: 0 - FFFF
; Parameter Dependencies: Remote_Config
; Conditions: A DNS NetWare or IntranetWare server must exist.
; Description: This parameter designates the hex port number for the NetWareIP custom port.
;!Port_Number_OverWriteValue = Yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Novell NWIP Servers Page Parameters
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server1 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Nearest NetWare/IP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid NetWare/IP Server must exist, be designated correctly and be accessible
; to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the first entry in the nearest NetWare/IP Server list.
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server1_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server2 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Nearest NetWare/IP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid NetWare/IP Server must exist, be designated correctly and be accessible
; to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the second entry in the nearest NetWare/IP Server list.
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server2_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server3 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Nearest NetWare/IP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid NetWare/IP Server must exist, be designated correctly and be accessible
; to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the third entry in the nearest NetWare/IP Server list.
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server3_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server4 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Nearest NetWare/IP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid NetWare/IP Server must exist, be designated correctly and be accessible
; to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the fourth entry in the nearest NetWare/IP Server list.
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server4_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server5 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Nearest NetWare/IP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid NetWare/IP Server must exist, be designated correctly and be accessible
; to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the fifth entry in the nearest NetWare/IP Server list.
;!Nearest_NWIP_Server5_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_DSS1 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Preferred Domain SAP/RIP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid Domain SAP/RIP server must exist and be accessible to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the first entry in the list of Domain SAP/RIP Servers which are allowed
; to function in an NDS environment.
;!Preferred_DSS1_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_DSS2 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Preferred Domain SAP/RIP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid Domain SAP/RIP server must exist and be accessible to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the second entry in the list of Domain SAP/RIP Servers which are allowed
; to function in an NDS environment.
;!Preferred_DSS2_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_DSS3 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Preferred Domain SAP/RIP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid Domain SAP/RIP server must exist and be accessible to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the third entry in the list of Domain SAP/RIP Servers which are allowed
; to function in an NDS environment.
;!Preferred_DSS3_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_DSS4 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Preferred Domain SAP/RIP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid Domain SAP/RIP server must exist and be accessible to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the fourth entry in the list of Domain SAP/RIP Servers which are allowed
; to function in an NDS environment.
;!Preferred_DSS4_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Preferred_DSS5 =
; Property Page: NetWare/IP Configuration Servers
; Parameter: Parameter Groups: Preferred Domain SAP/RIP Servers
; Values: hostnames, fully-qualified hostnames, IP Addresses or IP Address Masks
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: alphanumeric
; Parameter Dependencies: None
; Conditions: A valid Domain SAP/RIP server must exist and be accessible to the workstation.
; Description: Designates the fifth entry in the list of Domain SAP/RIP Servers which are allowed
; to function in an NDS environment.
;!Preferred_DSS5_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
; Workstation Manager Property Page Parameters.
;!Enable_Workstation_Manager = Off
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Workstation Manager
; Parameter: Parameter Groups:
; Values: On or Off
; Default: Off
; Range/Valid: On or Off
; Parameter Dependencies:
; Conditions:
; Description: This parameter enables the Workstation Manager functionality.
;!Enable_Workstation_Manager_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No
;!Workstation_Manager_Trusted_Trees =
; Property Page: Novell IntranetWare Client Services Workstation Manager
; Parameter: Parameter Groups:
; Values: List of Novell NDS Tree names.
; Default: Blank
; Range/Valid: Comma deliminated list of valid Novell NDS Trees surrounded by double quotes.
; For Example "tree1,tree2,tree3"
; Parameter Dependencies: This List of trees will have no effect unless the Enable Workstation
; Manager parameter is enabled.
; Conditions:
; Description: This parameter specifies the list of Novell NDS trees that the Workstation Manager
; will work with.
;!Workstation_Manager_Trusted_Trees_OverWriteValue = yes
; Values: Yes or No
; Default: No