Chip 1997 April (Special)
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miro Computer Products AG 19.07.1995
miroCRYSTAL miroVIDEO 20SD/20SV/40SV Version 2.0
Start Windows using the VGA drivers before installing the miro drivers!
Please check to make sure that the I/O adress 2E8 is not used. This address is
used for example by the serial interface COM4!
Remove all other VGA boards from your computer or, if there is an onboard
VGA on the mainboard, disable the onboard VGA.
Please enable VIDEO-ROM Shadowing modifying the BIOS of your computer or using
the ROM option of your Memory Manager (e.g. C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE ROM=C000-C800).
To install the software from hard disk, copy the installation disk
to a directory and then assign the disk drive letter to this directory.
First copy the DISK miro*win 2 and then DISK miro*win 1
For example, copy the software to the C:\TMP directory and then call
If you are using a Windows network version, there may occur problems which
are caused by the configuration. Install the miro software for each individual
computer. The installation program needs to copy drivers, programs, and
configuration files to the local Windows directory. In addition, the
installation program needs to modify the local SYSTEM.INI, WIN.INI,
and CONTROL.INI files and needs to create/rewrite the MWINTOOL.GRP group file.
Use the Monitor-Select and the miroSUPERSCREEN programs to adapt each system to
its equipment (e.g. monitor). In doing so, the OCTO.MON and the
three *.INI files mentioned above are adapted to each computer system.
For refreshrate setting in DOS, please use the S3REFRSH.EXE from DISK2.
60x480xTC TV Overscan is not possible.
miroSCREENADJUST Do not use with fixed-frequency monitors.
Do not change the image size and position
so that they differ from the default settings
too much, because doing so might damage the monitor.
If you have problems, please use the miroDRIVER-CONTROL
Black icons on the This only occurs, if you are using 256 colors or
desktop more. This is a bug in the Windows Program Manager.
Blue and purple ICONS on This occurs when switching between a 15-bit and
the desktop a 16-bit color depth. To avoid this, delete in the
PROGMAN.INI file in the [SETTINGS] section the
display.drv entry.
Lines remain on the desktop In the SYSTEM.INI file in the [928.DRV] section
set VXPBLT=1.
You cannot enter anything Press <ALT>.
in the DOS box
Memory-Page-Fault or In the SYSTEM.INI file in the [928.DRV] section
Parity Error or system set LinBase=1024.
"Sticking" mouse cursor In the SYSTEM.INI file in the [928.drv] section
or network problems set FIFO=1.
Memory problems In the SYSTEM.INI file in the [386.Enh] section
and system crashes enter the EMMEXCLUDE=A000-EFFF.
There is no WINTOOL group Drag MWINTOOL.GRP from the drive window in the
under the Norton Desktop QUICK-ACESS group or to the DESKTOP.
AVI files were played In the WIN.INI file in the [drawdib] section
very slow delete all entries.
Zoomed AVI files were played Please check, that you have Video for Windows 1.1
slow installed. Only this version supports the DCI
MediaPlayer causes a General Protection Fault in
1280*1024*24Bit resolution. Please use other resolution.
MediaPlayer all resolutions: using the "Full Screen" option
for AVI playback causes a system hang! Please use 'Window'
miroPINBOARD is working Please check that the miroPINBOARD is loading first
wrong. in the WIN.INI. If you have there any load= entries,
you had to move them to the end of the run= line.