Chip 2004 September
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168 lines
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(c) Lada 'Ray' Lostak (c) Orcave 2003
Feature/bug history log
1.00 - 08/12/2002 Ray -initial version
[release ID] - month/day/year
: coment (release, ...)
% major feature adding
+ feature adding
> improvment
= major/important bugfix
- bugfix
[pls_RC3] - 05/04/2004
- some module loaders were broken
- many various fixes not logged due long time between betas
[pls_RC2] - 07/16/2003
= links to folders/discs make open window fall down
= added help
+ added auto language select after isntall
- minimizing problems while taskbar item off
- 'letter' shortcuts doesn't work properly if executing XOR actions
- popup menu doesn't count proper width if used national chars
- chaning language doesn't update some texts (they stay english)
- text/translations fixes
- install shortcut fixes
- echo editor doesn't remeber position corectly
- uninstall
- problems with IT files with orders > 256 rows
- select predefined commands/tooltips in taskbar control setup doesn't work properly
[pls_RC1] - 06/30/2003
% skins for playlist editor and database
% OVE relatime resizing
+ playlist position/count visually changed width 99/999/9999
- there was a race condition while closing pulse throw menu and playing song, which causes fall down sometimes
- Customize colors for Database/playlist wasn't 100% stable in release builds
- pulse crashes while adding files to playlist (or loading longer) AND some song was playing
- resizable windows ignored while live changing design its min/max size and it causes several problems
- echo editor wasn't 100% stable during reading ECHO files
- when dropped/open directory/playlist, seekbar and play controls wasn't work until 'normal' file loaded someway
- some settings (show splash,...) were not remembered during exit/startup
- sometimes pulse stores MOL playlist with PPP extensions and after load doesn't recognize MOL format
- 'open button' at open window doesn't work corectly if more files selected
- MOL playlist have some troubles with 'not storing' drive letter - now it works OK
- when playing some song which weren't listed and later added, it wasn't marked as 'playing' and weren't recognize
as a part of playlist - now it is
- when drag&droped list of files @ pulse, first song was played twice instead once
- ALT+1-9 for quick sort on playlist/database/open window doesn't work corectly
[pls006] - 02/17/2003
% much better debug infos and leack detection
= links (files and folders) wasn't showed in window while browsing
- MOL playlist fails while loading network paths in form \\SHARE
- problems with fake command lines (unquoted filenames with spaces - some managers produces them)
- 'song place' showed filename always (it ignores setup)
- instead 'song origin' were showed 'info'
- fixed seek/sync problems with mp3s with MANY bad frames inside
- after laoding new playlist, 'play' plays last played file - now will play after playlist load first from new one
- some keyboard shortcuts doesn't work at open dialog
- dialog visualisation fixes
- during database/playlsit window was openned, remote 'play' doesn't work (click on file)
- SysTray (systray icons) ignored minimizing/restoring throw taskbar
- few memory leacks fixed
[pls005] - 11/19/2002
+ added command 'remove song from playlist and go to next' (good to clean playlists from bad songs)
+ added option to ignore 'not found' and 'bad file' error messages (by default, only during startup)
+ rewind/forward works in players, which doesn't use 'orders' (like mp3, ogg, ...)
= open window should lock whole player sometimes
= swithing from design with more streams active to single streamed design will cause stop other additional streams
- open window, when pressed 'enter' for longer time, goes to 'root' folder, instead of flicker between 2 folders
- windows shortcuts doesn't work well inside open windows
- CTRL+S shortcut doesn't work properly
- WA Visual bridge doesn't store search 'paths'
- R click in Open dialog crashs player
- PulseCmdPrevious LNG file mismatch
- first startup pulse doesn't show 'error' while reading audio database
- pulse doesn't remeber corectly 'adding to database' dialog options
- 'no drop' and 'drop' cursors pointers was reversed
- shuffle mode now shows as playlistindex 'order' not physical shuffled position
- when shuffle was ON, openning single song from open window, which was in playlist, played random song
[pls004] - 10/16/2002
% Open dialog gets informations about files in separate thread - it no longer 'locks' pulse while work with long dirs
% Open dialog allows stoping getting informations
% Playlist items doesn't need to be added to database
+ When inserting CD with autoplay, pulse creates playlist with all tracks on CD
+ CTRL+A in open dialog
+ Open dialog allows showing 1K for all smaller files
= Fixed buffer overflow in Echos editor, which causes fall down (sometimes randomly)
= Open dialog stress system with large directories (5.000+ files)
- Fixed problems if design used 'default' things from menu (if not defined in design menu)
- Fixed problems with menu icons in Eonic
- char ` with code 0xb4 was showed as char 4 in text visual objects
- Some 'About' related things.
- Union seek bar - if from men ucalled 'seek' it stops moving
- Added help tooltips for effects control
- Playlist, Database and open window shows inaccurate tooltips when moving mouse around menu items with submenues
- Few commnads in open widows missed tooltips
- Many language typos/mistakes (thank to D.J. Skelo)
[pls003] - 09/21/2002
% Minimize function keep fake window -> pulse was minimized, but fake window stay on screen and may produce mess
+ Added "Genre" exporting for MP3 tages (but only Id3V1 supported yet... Id3v2 support makes mpeg binary nearly 2x bigger)
= Some stack problems - release build doesn't work, debug was lees stable
= Some effects (like Echos) doesn't close own window allways -> produces error boxes
= We had BIG typo in player.... Oog instead of Ogg at many places (including sources :) Now it is O.K.
= WinAmp bridge may fall down on deactivation
= Fixed bug with backward playing sample (it may cause fall down or clicking)
= At exit time, Pulse MP was a bit unstable at some conditions
- Systray+ after startup doesn't hide taskbar item, if selected
- Udpated OPL engine - beter emulation, more files work, faster seek (last 200 ms quality, before fast update)
- As usually some typos and language mistakes were fixed
- Updated Ogg library to nevest
- Fixed time problems with mpeg 2.5
- Problems with focus after startup and tooltips fixed
- "Buffer timeout" fixed
[pls002] - 06/29/2002
% Finished external windows for effecting setups
% Initial big echo editor (graphics wanted....)
+ Added direct path edit in open window
+ Problems with standard minimizing operations (mouse, click on task bar item) fixed (it weren't bug, but
windoze "feature" - fixed by bigger workaround (created additional fake window in OVE))
+ Added /* ... */ comments to Design Compiler
+ Added support for 24 bit WAV files
= After runtime change WinWave settings, player time goes to hell
= Time bar weren't accurate with MONO mp3 fixed
= SID player fall down on setup/memory window was selected anything else 'SidPlay emulation' engine
= SID player fall down instead of play when selected anything else 'SidPlay emulation' engine
= SFX player fall down on larger sources
= WinAmp visuals fall down
- Fixed desktop/menu icon troubles in Win 9x
- File sizes were showed bad (for Kb/Mb - 10x smaller)
- FileBrowser doesn't show timestamps corectly
- Typos, language mistakes :o)
- Problems with MOL playlist with large playlsits fixed - MOL now supports over 50.000 items
- Removed 'scheme' switch button in top (not used yet)
- Removed 'playlist' scheme (not used yet)
- Fixed small mixer buffer problem (clicking) for generated samples (mpeg,...) or looped ones (modules)
- Default caption type is %4 - %3 (standard way)
- Popup menu didn't update "active" item @ visualisation
- WinAmp skin loader failure on multi-byte coded names
- When closed WA visualisation, pulse didn't notice that
- WinAmp skip loader fall down in non-standard skins (now it uses 'black' holes instead of fall down :)
[pls001] - 06/16/2002
: no hstory avilable in english