Chip 1997 January
Text File
217 lines
' Cell Replacement Example
Private gGravelCell As MbeElement
' Shows a rotation matrix. Useful for debugging.
Sub ShowRotation (indent as Integer, inElem as MbeElement)
dim iRow as Integer
dim iCol as Integer
dim rotMatrix(1 To 3,1 To 3) as Double
dim myAngle as double
If inElem.getRotation (rotMatrix) = MBE_Success Then
print Spc(indent);"Rotation :";
For iRow = 1 To 3
For iCol = 1 To 3
print " ";rotMatrix(iRow,iCol);
Next iCol
If IRow < 3 Then print Spc(indent);" :";
Next iRow
End If
End Sub
' Inverts a rotation matrix
Sub invertRMatrix (outRMatrix() As Double, inRMatrix() As Double)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tRMatrix(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Double
' Make copy since inRMatrix and outRMatrix can be the same Matrix
For i = 1 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
tRMatrix(i, j) = inRMatrix(i, j)
Next j
Next i
' Invert the matrix
For i = 1 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
outRMatrix(j, i) = tRMatrix(i, j)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
' Takes the cell passed in, copies it, and rotates the components
' of the cell into cell coordinate space. This step saves us from
' having to do this rotation each time we use the cell to substitute
' for another cell.
Function prepareReplacementCell (cellElem As MbeElement) As MbeElement
Dim origin As MbePoint
Dim rMatrix(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Double
Dim statI As Integer
Dim statL As Long
Dim newCell As New MbeElement
' Make a copy of the cell passed in.
statL = newCell.fromElement (cellElem)
statI = newCell.getOrigin(origin)
' Unrotate the cell back to it's coordinate space now. This way, we
' won't have to do this each time we use the cell to replace another cell.
If newCell.getRotation (rMatrix) = MBE_Success Then
invertRMatrix rMatrix, rMatrix
statI = newCell.rotate(rMatrix, origin)
End If
Set prepareReplacementCell = newCell
End Function
' In the plot, the cell "oldCell" is replaced with "repCell".
' Disproportionate scaling is used so that "repCell" fills the
' same area on the plot as the original cell.
Sub replaceAndFitCell (oldCell As MbeElement, repCell As MbeElement)
Dim statI As Integer
Dim statL As Long
Dim newCell As MbeElement
Dim oldRange As MbeRange
Dim newRange As MbeRange
Dim oldOrigin As MbePoint
Dim newOrigin As MbePoint
Dim xScale As Double
Dim yScale As Double
Dim zScale As Double
Dim moveDistance As MbePoint
Dim oldRMatrix(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Double
Dim invOldRMatrix(1 To 3,1 To 3) As Double
Dim boxPoints() As MbePoint
' Make a copy of the cell that we're going to use to replace 'inElem'
Set newCell = New MbeElement
statL = newCell.fromElement (repCell)
statI = oldCell.getOrigin(oldOrigin)
statI = newCell.getOrigin(newOrigin)
' Unrotate the cell back to it's coordinate space. Note that this was already
' done in prepareReplacementCell() for newCell.
If oldCell.getRotation (oldRMatrix) = MBE_Success Then
invertRMatrix invOldRMatrix, oldRMatrix
statI = oldCell.rotate(invOldRMatrix, oldOrigin)
End If
' Calculate X, Y and Z scale factors
statI = oldCell.getCellBox(boxPoints)
oldRange.xLow = boxPoints(1).x
oldRange.yLow = boxPoints(1).y
oldRange.zLow = boxPoints(1).z
oldRange.xHigh = boxPoints(3).x
oldRange.yHigh = boxPoints(3).y
oldRange.zHigh = boxPoints(3).z
statI = newCell.getCellBox(boxPoints)
newRange.xLow = boxPoints(1).x
newRange.yLow = boxPoints(1).y
newRange.zLow = boxPoints(1).z
newRange.xHigh = boxPoints(3).x
newRange.yHigh = boxPoints(3).y
newRange.zHigh = boxPoints(3).z
xScale = (oldRange.xHigh - oldRange.xLow) / (newRange.xHigh - newRange.xLow)
yScale = (oldRange.yHigh - oldRange.yLow) / (newRange.yHigh - newRange.yLow)
zScale = (oldRange.zHigh - oldRange.zLow) / (newRange.zHigh - newRange.zLow)
' Apply disproportionate scaling
statI = newCell.scale (xScale, yScale, zScale, newOrigin)
' Move the origin of the replacement to the origin of the cell to be replaced.
moveDistance.x = oldOrigin.x - newOrigin.x
moveDistance.y = oldOrigin.y - newOrigin.y
moveDistance.z = oldOrigin.z - newOrigin.z
statI = newCell.move (moveDistance)
statI = newCell.getOrigin(newOrigin)
' Rotate the replacement cell the same way the cell to be replaced is rotated.
statI = newCell.rotate(oldRMatrix, newOrigin)
' Replace the cell
statL = oldCell.fromElement (newCell)
End Sub
' This function is called from the section named 'cellsub_gravel'
' in the pen table named 'cellsub.tbl'. The pen table
' selection criteria ensures that only cells and sharedcells
' are passed to this function.
Function cellsub_gravel (inElem as MbeElement) As Long
Dim cellName$ As String
cellsub_gravel = MBE_ElemNormal
cellName$ = inElem.cellName
If cellName$ = "A" Or cellName$ = ".Z" Or cellName$ = "SPGRID" Or cellName$ = "INOUT4" Or cellName$ = "CONSHK" Then
If gGravelCell is not Nothing Then
replaceAndFitCell inElem, gGravelCell
End If
End If
End Function
' Find the cell named GRAVEL in the master file. Later,
' we will replace certain other cells with this cell in
' our plots.
Sub main
dim elem as New MbeElement
dim filePos as long
filePos = 768*2
filePos = elem.fromFile (filePos)
If filePos > 0 Then
filePos = filePos + elem.fileSize
If elem.type = MBE_SharedCell Or elem.type = MBE_CellHeader Then
If gGravelCell is Nothing And elem.cellName = "GRAVEL" Then
Set gGravelCell = prepareReplacementCell (elem)
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
Loop While filePos > 0
End Sub