Chip 1997 January
Text File
329 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "locate"
' Example of element location techniques
' Copyright (1995) Bentley Systems, Inc., All rights reserved.
' $Workfile: locate.bas $
' $Revision: 6.0 $
' $Date: 13 Sep 1995 11:50:48 $
' "MicroStation" is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc.
' Limited permission is hereby granted to reproduce and modify this
' copyrighted material provided that the resulting code is used only
' in conjunction with Bentley Systems products under the terms of the
' license agreement provided therein, and that this notice is retained
' in its entirety in any such reproduction or modification.
' This example uses a number of the MicroStation Basic Extension
' element location techniques. The actual manipulation that it
' performs on selected elements is very simple in this example, but
' the same technique could be used to implement a more sophisticated
' manipulation. Similarly, the filtering that it does during the
' element selection logic is simple, but the technique could be
' readily extended.
' This example looks fairly complicated because it emulates all of
' the behavior that MicroStation exhibits when it locates elements:
' 1. When you reject an element that is hilited, it keeps looking
' around the data point for more elements that have not been
' processed.
' 2. When you select an element and accept it with a point that
' is close to the selection point, it looks for more
' elements around the same point, skipping elements already
' processed.
' 3. When you select an element and accept it with a point that
' is not close to the selection point, it uses the accept
' point to begin looking for more elements to process.
' In addition, it provides a step that filters elements so that only
' elements that are acceptable to the program are presented to the
' user for acceptance or rejection.
' locate_pointsCloseEnough - returns TRUE if points roughly
' within the locate tolerance, FALSE otherwise
Function locate_pointsCloseEnough(point1 As Object, point2 As Object) As Integer
Dim MbeState As Object
Set MbeState = msApp.MbeState
If Abs(point1.x - point2.x) + Abs(point1.y - point2.y) _
< MbeState.LocateTolerance Then
locate_pointsCloseEnough = True
End If
End Function
' locate_manipulateElement - performs the actual manipulation
' on the selected element. This manipulation
' sequences commands and uses the MbeRelocate
' subroutine to make the command work on the
' previously selected element
Sub locate_manipulateElement(point As Object, view As Integer)
Dim elem As Object
Dim filePos As Long
Dim MbeState As Object
Set elem = msApp.MbeElement
Set MbeState = msApp.MbeState
' turn off graphics while changing element
MbeState.noElementDisplay = 1
' start change color and relocate element
msApp.MbeSendCommand "CHANGE COLOR"
msApp.MbeRelocate point, view
msApp.MbeSendDataPoint point, view
' start change weight and relocate element
msApp.MbeSendCommand "CHANGE WEIGHT"
msApp.MbeRelocate point, view
msApp.MbeSendDataPoint point, view
' relocate the manipulated element to reset the "locate context",
' so if we continue the locate, we'll continue with the next element
' before we do so, we set the command to something harmless, so
' the data point sent by MbeRelocate doesn't have the effect of
' changing the weight of an element that may have been selected
' by sending the accept data point to the CHANGE WEIGHT command.
' (NOTE: this section could have been shortened by substituting
' MbeRelocate for the above MbeSendDataPoint, but this
' looks a bit confusing).
msApp.MbeSendCommand "LOCELE"
msApp.MbeRelocate point, view
MbeState.noElementDisplay = 0
' get the element to redraw it with its new symbology
filePos = elem.fromLocate()
elem.display msApp.MBE_NormalDraw
' set MicroStation to a neutral state.
msApp.MbeSendCommand "NULL"
End Sub
' locate_isElementAcceptable - returns TRUE if element passes
' filter criteria and FALSE otherwise.
Function locate_isElementAcceptable(elem As Object) As Integer
If elem.type = msApp.MBE_Line Then
locate_isElementAcceptable = True
End If
End Function
' locate_elementUnacceptable - reports an error saying that
' no acceptable element was located.
Sub locate_elementUnacceptable()
msApp.MbeWriteStatus "Only lines allowed"
End Sub
' locate_displayPrompts - tell the user what to identify
Sub locate_displayPrompts()
msApp.MbeWriteCommand "Locate Test "
msApp.MbeWritePrompt "Identify line"
End Sub
' locate_selectElementsToModify - solicits user for elements to
' modify and manipulates them.
Sub locate_selectElementsToModify()
Dim elem As Object
Dim filePos As Long
Dim point As Object
Dim acceptPoint As Object
Dim acceptScreenPt As Object
Dim firstScreenPt As Object
Dim MbeState As Object
Dim stat As Integer
Dim view As Integer
Dim acceptView As Integer
Dim continueLocate As Integer
Dim haveAcceptPoint As Integer
continueLocate = False
haveAcceptPoint = False
Set point = msApp.MbePoint
Set acceptPoint = msApp.MbePoint
Set acceptScreenPt = msApp.MbePoint
Set firstScreenPt = msApp.MbePoint
Set elem = msApp.MbeElement
Set MbeState = msApp.MbeState
' Display messages
Call locate_displayPrompts
' Start locating an element, don't put out msgs,
' don't hilite when found, don't allow components,
' continue locate from previous element if appropriate.
msApp.MbeStartLocate 0, 0, 0, continueLocate
' If accepted element or continuing from a reset
' send the previously entered point.
If haveAcceptPoint Or continueLocate Then
Call msApp.MbeSendDataPoint(acceptPoint, acceptView)
continueLocate = False
' If previous element accepted, future comparisons are to accept point
If haveAcceptPoint Then
haveAcceptPoint = False
point.x = acceptPoint.x: point.y = acceptPoint.y: point.z = acceptPoint.z
view = acceptView
firstScreenPt.x = acceptScreenPt.x
firstScreenPt.y = acceptScreenPt.y
firstScreenPt.z = acceptScreenPt.z
End If
' Wait for a data point or a reset
msApp.MbeGetInput msApp.MBE_DataPointInput, msApp.MBE_ResetInput
' If user resets, exit the loop.
If MbeState.inputType = msApp.MBE_ResetInput Then
Exit Do
' On a data point, retrieve the point for future use, then
' send it through to be processed.
ElseIf MbeState.inputType = msApp.MBE_DataPointInput Then
stat = MbeState.getInputDataPoint(point, view, firstScreenPt)
End If
End If
' If we found an element, check for acceptability
If MbeState.cmdResult = msApp.MBE_AcceptQuery Then
' if we did not find a line, keep resetting until
' either we find one or we run out of candidates
filePos = elem.fromLocate()
If locate_isElementAcceptable(elem) Then
' located an acceptable element - hilite it
elem.display msApp.MBE_Hilite
' prompt the user to accept or reject it
msApp.MbeWritePrompt "Accept / Reject"
' get data to accept, reset to reject
msApp.MbeGetInput msApp.MBE_DataPointInput, msApp.MBE_ResetInput
If MbeState.inputType = msApp.MBE_DataPointInput Then
' on Data point, accept element and modify it
stat = MbeState.getInputDataPoint(acceptPoint, _
acceptView, acceptScreenPt)
Call locate_manipulateElement(point, view)
' continue locating if accept point near first point
continueLocate = locate_pointsCloseEnough(acceptScreenPt, _
haveAcceptPoint = True
' user rejected it - continue looking around the same point
' by continuing the locate operation in the loop.
elem.display msApp.MBE_NormalDraw
acceptPoint = point
acceptView = view
continueLocate = True
End If
Exit Do
' found an element but it is not acceptable to our filter.
' Send resets to the locate logic to cause it to retrieve
' the next closest element in range
If MbeState.cmdResult = msApp.MBE_ElementNotFound Then
Call locate_elementUnacceptable
Exit Do
End If
End If
Loop While elem.type <> msApp.MBE_Line
ElseIf MbeState.cmdResult = msApp.MBE_ElementNotFound Then
msApp.MbeWriteError "Element Not Found"
Debug.Print "unexpected MbeState.cmdResult of "; MbeState.cmdResult
End If
End Sub
' LocateEntry - entry point for locate test program
Sub LocateTest()
Dim saveColor As Integer
Dim saveWeight As Integer
Dim saveMsgs As Integer
Dim elemSet As Object
Dim MbeSettings As Object
Dim MbeState As Object
Set elemSet = msApp.MbeElementSet
Set MbeSettings = msApp.MbeSettings
Set MbeState = msApp.MbeState
' set up for manipulation by saving the old settings and setting new ones
saveColor = MbeSettings.color
saveWeight = MbeSettings.weight
saveMsgs = MbeState.messages
' set MicroStation to a neutral state
msApp.MbeSendCommand "NULL"
' get rid of any selection set
If elemSet.fromSelectionSet(1) = msApp.MBE_Success Then
End If
MbeSettings.color = 3
MbeSettings.weight = 3
MbeState.messages = 0
msApp.MbeWriteStatus "Leaving locate function"
' Clear the messages
MbeSettings.color = saveColor
MbeSettings.weight = saveColor
MbeState.messages = saveMsgs
End Sub