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/ Chip 1997 January / Chip_1997-01_cd.bin / ms95 / disk18 / dir01 / f007450.re_ / f007450.re (.txt)
MicroStation Resource Data  |  1996-04-02  |  74KB  |  584 lines

  1. MicroStation Resource File - Version 5.0
  2. 5lFr, 
  3. xoBdL
  4. ntBpL
  5. 1D1DM
  6. txTdL
  7. ntBoL
  8. txTdL
  9. txTdL
  10. ntBoL
  11. ntBoL
  12. txTdL
  13. txTdL
  14. itemeditglobals
  15. %6.2f
  16. ?zyFM
  17. ?zyFZ
  18. ntBpL
  19. xoBlZ
  20. xoBlZ
  21. xoBlL
  22. xoBlL
  23. nocIM
  24. txTdL
  25. ieG.u.optionButton.iconId
  26. ieG.u.optionButton.label
  27. ntBpL
  28. ntBoZ
  29. ntBoZ
  30. ntBoL
  31. ntBoL
  32. L81Di
  33. L81DL81D1
  34. L81@I|
  35. L<1Di
  36. L<1DL<1D1
  37. L<1@I|
  38. CheckButton
  39. kcPc,
  40. ColorPicker
  41. GroupBox
  42. laPiM
  43. IconCmdPalette
  44. mrFip
  45. IconCmdFrame
  46. Label
  47. LevelMap
  48. xoBlr-
  49. ListBox
  50. raBmO
  51. MenuBar
  52. txTmr
  53. MultiLineText
  54. OptionButton
  55. MCdp*
  56. PDColorPickerMenu
  57. nMdp]
  58. PDTextMenu
  59. MOdp\
  60. PDOptionMenu
  61. ntBp&
  62. PushButton
  63. raBs>
  64. ScrollBar
  65. ToggleButton
  66. Generic
  67. hsasK
  68. Scale
  69. ntBr~
  70. RadioButton
  71. txTdtxTd
  72. txTdtxTd
  73. srcdblib
  74. sourcerdb_hasDataBase
  75. sourcerdb_showMacroOfField
  76. sourcerdb_changeFieldValue
  77. sourcerdb_changeFieldMacroName
  78. sourcerdb_deleteSubResource
  79. sourcerdb_AddNewSubResource
  80. sourcerdb_setTentativeSubResource
  81. sourcerdb_undoSubResourceChanges
  83. DELETE
  84. INSERT
  86. LABEL
  96. itemeditglobals
  97. label
  98. justificationP
  99. helpInfo
  100. helpSource
  101. synonymsId
  102. hookId
  103. hookArg
  104. commandNumber
  105. commandSource
  106. labelAbove
  107. unparsed
  108. accessStr
  109. colorPicker
  110. associatedTextId
  111. itemArg
  112. levelMap
  113. activeLevelAccessStr
  114. listBox
  115. sizeNumCol
  116. attributes
  117. colHeading
  118. colXcs
  119. colWidth
  120. colMaxSize
  121. colAttributes
  122. mlText
  123. optionButton
  124. iconId
  125. value
  126. enabled
  127. pushButton
  128. actionButtonValue
  129. isStdActionBtn
  130. scrollBar
  131. minValue
  132. maxValue
  133. incAmount
  134. pageIncAmount
  135. sliderSize
  136. isVertical
  137. formatType
  138. maxSize
  139. formatToDisplay
  140. formatToInternal
  141. minimum
  142. maximum
  143. toggleButton
  144. invert
  145. topBorder
  146. bottomBorder
  147. scale
  148. minLabel
  149. maxLabel
  150. radioButton
  151. radioButtonListId
  152. optnItemListP
  153. rawitemhdr
  154. userDataP
  155. accessStrP
  156. labelP
  157. labelPt
  158. point2d
  159. itemRect
  160. bsirect
  161. origin
  162. corner
  163. highlightOn
  164. informMotion
  165. focusOutSetState
  166. prevNoMotionItem
  167. prevMotionItem
  168. unused
  169. itemHookMD
  170. itemHookOffset
  171. itemHookArg
  172. ownerDialogP
  173. dialogitem
  174. itemIndex
  175. extent
  176. spoint2d
  177. width
  178. height
  179. dialogitemattributes
  180. acceptsKeystrokes
  181. mouseSensitive
  182. traversable
  183. canHaveSynonyms
  184. hidden
  185. hasFocus
  186. updateFlag
  187. xPosLocked
  188. yPosLocked
  189. containsIconCommand
  190. containsChildItems
  191. unused2
  192. unused3
  193. rawItemP
  194. parentDiP
  195. parentRiP
  196. itemHookId
  197. mnemonic
  198. mneIndex
  199. nColorPs
  200. colorsPP
  201. itemHandlerP
  202. dialogitemhandlerinfo
  203. handler
  204. dialogitemhandler
  205. itemType
  206. itemHandlerFunction
  207. version
  208. versionnumber
  209. release
  210. major
  211. minor
  212. subMinor
  213. handlerMD
  214. handlerColorsP
  215. bevelOffset
  216. informDialogResized
  217. noItemResource
  218. canKeepMouse
  219. informGuiChanged
  220. acceptsNonDataPoints
  221. informNeutralMotion
  222. informNeutralNoMotion
  223. handlesDocking
  224. attributes2
  225. reserved1
  226. reserved2
  227. traversalRect
  228. ownerMD
  229. commandTaskIdP
  230. unparsedP
  231. popupWindP
  232. childFocusRiP
  233. childArrayP
  234. arrayobjecthdr
  235. hdrSize
  236. memberSize
  237. nMembers
  238. memberListP
  239. rscOwnerTaskIdP
  240. flyoverTextP
  241. balloonTextP
  242. dbAccessStrP
  243. dbAuxInfoP
  244. dbPageNumber
  245. optnItemsP
  246. optnBtn_subItemIndex
  247. listBoxP
  248. listBoxColsP
  249. listBox_columnIndex
  250. readOnly
  251. resFilename
  252. Label Editor
  253. GroupBox Editor
  254. PushButton Editor
  255. Command Information
  256. Hook Information
  257. Multi-line Text Editor
  258. Hook Information
  259. Text Editor
  260. txTd    
  261. ntBt    
  262. Command Information
  263. Hook Information
  264. ToggleButton Editor
  265. txTd    
  266. Command Information
  267. Hook Information
  268. ColorPicker Editor
  269. txTd    
  270. Command Information
  271. Hook Information
  272. OptionButton Editor
  273. Hook Information
  274. Sub-Items
  275. ListBox Editor
  276. Hook Information
  277. Columns
  278. txTd 
  279. txTd!
  280. txTd"
  281. ntBo    
  282. ScrollBar Editor
  283. txTd#
  284. txTd$
  285. txTd%
  286. txTd&
  287. txTd'
  288. Hook Information
  289. LevelMap Editor
  290. txTd(
  291. RadioButton Editor
  292. txTd    
  293. txTd)
  294. txTd*
  295. Command Information
  296. Hook Information
  297. Scale Editor
  298. txTd-
  299. txTd.
  300. txTd+
  301. txTd2
  302. txTd,
  303. txTd1
  304. txTd0
  305. txTd/
  306. Command Information
  307. Hook Information
  308. Sash Editor
  309. txTd3
  310. txTd4
  311. Hook Information
  312. Generic Editor
  313. Hook Information
  314. Label Editor
  315. GroupBox Editor
  316. PushButton Editor
  317. Multi-line Text Editor
  318. Text Editor
  319. ToggleButton Editor
  320. txTd    
  321. ColorPicker Editor
  322. txTd    
  323. OptionButton Editor
  324. Sub-Items
  325. ListBox Editor
  326. Columns
  327. txTd 
  328. txTd!
  329. txTd"
  330. ntBo    
  331. ScrollBar Editor
  332. txTd#
  333. txTd$
  334. txTd%
  335. txTd&
  336. txTd'
  337. LevelMap Editor
  338. txTd(
  339. RadioButton Editor
  340. txTd    
  341. txTd)
  342. txTd*
  343. Scale Editor
  344. txTd-
  345. txTd.
  346. txTd+
  347. txTd2
  348. txTd,
  349. txTd1
  350. txTd0
  351. txTd/
  352. Sash Editor
  353. txTd3
  354. txTd4
  355. Icon Id#/Label
  356. Value 
  357. Cmd #
  358. Heading
  359. Width
  360. # Chars
  361. Justification 
  362. Icon Id#/Label
  363. Value 
  364. Justification:
  365. *ieG.justificationP
  366. Right
  367. Center
  368. PushButton Type:
  369. ieG.u.pushButton.type
  370. Normal
  371. Default
  372. Cancel
  373. Source:
  374. ieG.helpSource
  375. MicroStation
  376. Application
  377. Type:
  378. ieG.helpSource
  379. Topic
  380. Command
  381. Source:
  382. ieG.commandSource
  383. MicroStation
  384. Application
  385. Format:
  386. ieG.u.text.formatType
  387. Integer
  388. Float
  389. String
  390. WorkingUnits
  391. Custom
  392. Type:
  393. ieG.u.optionButton.type
  394. Source:
  395. ieG.u.optionButton.commandSource
  396. MicroStation
  397. Application
  398. ieG.u.listBox.colAttributes
  399. Right
  400. Center
  401. Orientation:
  402. ieG.u.scrollBar.isVertical
  403. Horizontal
  404. Vertical
  405. Orientation:
  406. ieG.u.scale.isVertical
  407. Horizontal
  408. Vertical
  409. Default Attributes:
  410. ieG.u.pushButton.type
  411. Normal
  412. Default
  413. Cancel
  414. PushButton Type:
  415. ieG.u.pushButton.actionButtonValue
  416. Apply
  417. Reset
  418. Cancel
  419. Default
  420. Retry
  421. Yes To All
  422. User Defined
  423. Action Id
  424. ieG.hookArg
  425. Apply
  426. Reset
  427. Cancel
  428. Default
  429. Retry
  430. Yes To All
  431. Insert
  432. Delete
  433. Insert
  434. Delete
  435. Label:
  436. ieG.label
  437. Unparsed:
  438. ieG.unparsed
  439. ieG.helpInfo
  440. ieG.hookId
  441. ieG.hookArg
  442. Number:
  443. ieG.commandNumber
  444. Synonyms Id#:
  445. ieG.synonymsId
  446. Access String:
  447. ieG.accessStr
  448. Mask:
  449. ieG.mask
  450. Rows:
  451. ieG.rows
  452. # of Chars:
  453. ieG.u.text.maxSize
  454. To Display Format:
  455. ieG.u.text.formatToDisplay
  456. To Internal Format:
  457. ieG.u.text.formatToInternal
  458. Minimum:
  459. ieG.u.text.minimum
  460. Maximum:
  461. ieG.u.text.maximum
  462. Associated Text Item Id#:
  463. ieG.u.colorPicker.associatedTextId
  464. ieG.u.optionButton.label
  465. ieG.u.optionButton.commandNumber
  466. ieG.u.optionButton.value
  467. ieG.u.optionButton.mask
  468. Number Column Size:
  469. ieG.u.listBox.sizeNumCol
  470. ieG.u.listBox.colHeading
  471. %.2lf
  472. ieG.u.listBox.colXcs
  473. ieG.u.listBox.colMaxSize
  474. Minimum:
  475. ieG.u.scrollBar.minValue
  476. Maximum:
  477. ieG.u.scrollBar.maxValue
  478. Increment Amount:
  479. ieG.u.scrollBar.incAmount
  480. Page Increment Amount:
  481. ieG.u.scrollBar.pageIncAmount
  482. %.2lf
  483. Slider Size:
  484. ieG.u.scrollBar.sliderSize
  485. Active Level Access String:
  486. ieG.u.levelMap.activeLevelAccessStr
  487. Value:
  488. ieG.u.radioButton.value
  489. List Id:
  490. ieG.u.radioButton.radioButtonListId
  491. %3.2lf
  492. Minimum:
  493. ieG.u.scale.minValue
  494. %3.2lf
  495. Maximum:
  496. ieG.u.scale.maxValue
  497. %3.2lf
  498. Increment Amount:
  499. ieG.u.scale.incAmount
  500. %3.2lf
  501. Page Increment Amount:
  502. ieG.u.scale.pageIncAmount
  503. Associated Text Id:
  504. ieG.u.scale.associatedTextId
  505. To Display Format:
  506. ieG.u.scale.formatToDisplay
  507. Max Label:
  508. ieG.u.scale.maxLabel
  509. Min Label:
  510. ieG.u.scale.minLabel
  511. Top Border:
  512. ieG.u.sash.topBorder
  513. Bottom Border:
  514. ieG.u.sash.bottomBorder
  515. Action Id#:
  516. ieG.hookArg
  517. Word Wrap
  518. ieG.u.label.itemArg
  519. Bold Font
  520. ieG.u.label.itemArg
  521. Read Only
  522. ieG.u.mlText.attributes
  523. Don't Draw Newline Char
  524. ieG.u.mlText.attributes
  525. Auto Hide Bevel/ScrollBar
  526. ieG.u.mlText.attributes
  527. Always Draw Bevel
  528. ieG.u.mlText.attributes
  529. Append Contents to Command
  530. ieG.u.text.attributes
  531. Read Only
  532. ieG.u.text.attributes
  533. Don't Reset if Out Of Range
  534. ieG.u.text.attributes
  535. Invert
  536. ieG.u.toggleButton.invert
  537. Label Above
  538. ieG.labelAbove
  539. Enabled
  540. ieG.u.optionButton.enabled
  541. Label Above
  542. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  543. Read Only
  544. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  545. Range Selection
  546. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  547. Disjoint Selection
  548. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  549. Allow No Selection
  550. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  551. Don't Search When Key Pressed
  552. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  553. Fixed Font
  554. ieG.u.listBox.attributes
  555. Has Arrows
  556. ieG.u.scale.attributes
  557. Show Value
  558. ieG.u.scale.attributes
  559. Limits On Side
  560. ieG.u.scale.attributes
  561. Label Above
  562. ieG.hookArg
  563. Standard Action
  564. ieG.u.pushButton.isStdActionBtn
  565. txTd 
  566. txTd!
  567. txTd"
  568. ntBo    
  569. Option Label
  570. WARNING! Changing the option button type will destroy the sub-item Icon Id#'s/Labels.
  571. Left 
  572. Right 
  573. Center 
  574. Heading
  575. NIAMT
  576. ytECde
  577. xoBdtx
  578. ntBop
  579. #rts8
  580. snysH
  581. ntBth
  582. ytEC6
  583. txTd+