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Text File  |  2000-01-20  |  3KB  |  270 lines

  1. # Texturizer Syntax File
  2. # This file is provided as a default syntax file for SmallTalk files.
  4. #Delimiters=\n\t ,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|\\<>?:;.\#
  5. #LineComment1=!
  6. #BlockCommentOn1="
  7. #BlockCommentOff1="
  8. #Case=n
  10. #Keyword
  11. and
  12. at
  13. collect
  14. do
  15. ifFalse
  16. ifTrue
  17. or
  18. put
  19. reject
  20. select
  21. to
  22. whileFalse
  23. whileTrue
  24. with
  26. #Keyword
  27. Array
  28. Bag
  29. Character
  30. FCB
  31. LargeNegativeInteger
  32. LargePositiveInteger
  33. Point
  34. SmallInteger
  35. String
  36. SwappedOutObject
  37. Symbol
  38. UndefinedObject
  40. #Keyword
  41. abs
  42. add
  43. add:withOccurrences
  44. addAll
  45. addAllFirst
  46. addAllLast
  47. addFirst
  48. addLast
  49. allMask
  50. and
  51. anyMask
  52. arcCos
  53. arcSin
  54. arcTan
  55. asArray
  56. asBag
  57. asCharacter
  58. asciiValue
  59. asDictionary
  60. asFloat
  61. asInteger
  62. asList
  63. asLowercase
  64. asSet
  65. asString
  66. asSymbol
  67. asUppercase
  68. at
  69. at:ifAbsent
  70. at:put
  71. atAll:put
  72. between:and
  73. binaryDo
  74. bitAnd
  75. bitAt
  76. bitInvert
  77. bitOr
  78. bitShift
  79. bitXor
  80. block
  81. ceiling
  82. checkBucket
  83. class
  84. clearScreen
  85. coerce
  86. collect
  87. compareError
  88. copy
  89. copyFrom:length
  90. copyFrom:to
  91. copyWith
  92. copyWithout
  93. cos
  94. current
  95. currentKey
  96. date
  97. debug
  98. deepCopy
  99. detect
  100. detect:ifAbsent
  101. digitValue
  102. display
  103. displayAssign
  104. dist
  105. do
  106. doPrimitive:withArguments
  107. edit
  108. equals:startingAt
  109. eqv
  110. error
  111. even
  112. exp
  113. factorial
  114. false
  115. findAssociation:inList
  116. findFirst
  117. findFirst:ifAbsent
  118. findLast
  119. findLast:ifAbsent
  120. first
  121. firstKey
  122. floor
  123. fork
  124. forkWith
  125. fractionPart
  126. from:to:by
  127. gamma
  128. gcd
  129. getList
  130. getString
  131. grow
  132. hashNumber
  133. highBit
  134. ifFalse
  135. ifFalse:ifTrue
  136. ifTrue
  137. ifTrue:ifFalse
  138. includes
  139. includesKey
  140. indexOf
  141. indexOf:ifAbsent
  142. indexOfSubCollection:startingAt
  143. indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:ifAbsent
  144. inject:into
  145. inRange
  146. integerPart
  147. isAlphaNumeric
  148. isBits
  149. isBytes
  150. isCharacter
  151. isDigit
  152. isEmpty
  153. isKindOf
  154. isLetter
  155. isLowercase
  156. isMemberOf
  157. isNil
  158. isSeparator
  159. isUppercase
  160. isVariable
  161. isVowel
  162. keys
  163. keysDo
  164. keysSelect
  165. last
  166. lastKey
  167. lcm
  168. list
  169. ln
  170. log
  171. max
  172. maxtype
  173. min
  174. modeCharacter
  175. modeInteger
  176. modeString
  177. negated
  178. negative
  179. new
  180. newProcess
  181. newProcessWith
  182. next
  183. nil
  184. noDisplay
  185. noMask
  186. not
  187. nothing
  188. notNil
  189. occurrencesOf
  190. odd
  191. open
  192. open:for
  193. or
  194. padTo
  195. pen
  196. perform:withArguments
  197. pi
  198. positive
  199. print
  200. printAt
  201. printNoReturn
  202. printString
  203. prompt
  204. quo
  205. radians
  206. radix
  207. raisedTo
  208. randInteger
  209. randomize
  210. read
  211. reciprocal
  212. reject
  213. rem
  214. remove
  215. remove:ifAbsent
  216. removeError
  217. removeFirst
  218. removeKey
  219. removeKey:ifAbsent
  220. removeLast
  221. replaceFrom:to:with
  222. replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt
  223. respondsTo
  224. resume
  225. reversed
  226. reverseDo
  227. rounded
  228. roundTo
  229. sameAs
  230. select
  231. sh
  232. shallowCopy
  233. sign
  234. signal
  235. sin
  236. size
  237. sort
  238. sqrt
  239. squared
  240. state
  241. strictlyPositive
  242. superClass
  243. suspend
  244. tan
  245. termErr
  246. terminate
  247. time
  248. timesRepeat
  249. to
  250. to:by
  251. transpose
  252. true
  253. truncated
  254. truncateTo
  255. unblock
  256. wait
  257. value
  258. values
  259. variables
  260. whileFalse
  261. whileTrue
  262. view
  263. with:do
  264. write
  265. x
  266. x:y
  267. xor
  268. y
  269. yield