; PicDim=left, top, right, bottom, thickness // picture dimension, where tag art is StretchBlt'd to, pen thickness in pixels
; TrackName=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Artist=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; AlbumName=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Genre=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Number=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Length=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Bitrate=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, font size,r,g,b // strformat as given to sprintf(strformat, ...) - from song tag, rgb specifies a color
; Bios=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, size,r,g,b // text data auto word-wrapped in rectangle specified.
; Lyrics=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, size,r,g,b // text data auto word-wrapped in rectangle specified.
; Notes=strformat, left, top, right, bottom, font, size,r,g,b // text data auto word-wrapped in rectangle specified.
; TextN=# of arbitrary text items // number of arbitrary text items to display, Text1, Text2, ... Text<N>
; Text1=left, top, text // text - doesn't support commas in strings! doh!
; BitmapN=# of arbitrary bitmaps // Bitmap1, Bitmap2, ... Bitmap<N>
; Bitmap1=left, top, right, bottom, image file // image file relative to TARGETDIR, e.g. Images\logo_l.bmp
; ShapeN=# of arbitrary shapes // Shape1, Shape2, ... Shape<N>