40006 Failure retrieving the file system information for the volume.\n
40007 Failure retrieving the drive letter for the volume.\n
40008 Failure retrieving the volume's SYSTEM\BOOT.INI information.\n
40009 Failure retrieving the volume's label.\n
40010 Failure retrieving the machine's system information.\n
40011 You must be an Administrator to run this program.\n\n
40012 Failure retrieving user access information.\n
40013 User is not an Administrator. Administrator privilege is required to run this program. \n
40014 Volume name: \\?%s\ \n
40015 Signature: %0.8X\n\n
40016 A failure occurred while attempting to read disk information. \nThis is expected if the machine is a cluster node, and, the node does not own the disk. \n