Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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12,792 lines
********* ZSHELL (C) 1990,91 Paul Hayter *********
******** updated to V2.8 by Martin Gierich ********
******** First major change: 08.06.93 ********
********* Last change: 10.09.95 *********
**ZShell V2.8.6, Changes since V2.7:
*FNC allows wildcards
*CONFIG LOGFILE [filename]
*No space before | needed
*Better handling of \ and rediretors
*CTRL-F behaves similar to FNC
*Fixed 2 Enforcerhits
*Command line parser
*MEMCLK checks font
*FNC: Backtick cycles back
*Parser: Shows missing spaces
*Checking for too many arguments
*COPY: Dotchar as dest. is last dir
*\ escapes aliases
*FNC checks windowsize
*Multiple lines editing
*Function keys support macros, ALIAS F or ALIAS SF (shifted)
*ALIAS uses memory pools
*Scripts: \ escapes LF
*(KILL command uses pr_ExitCode)
*(COMPARE source dest [offset1 offset2])
;DEBUG = 1
;KILL = 1
*** TABSIZE = 8 Chars ***
*** Local Labels named .A to .Z ***
;ZSH V2.2 needs:
;Sizes in bytes:
;Cmdline editor: 3300 (including FNC: 900)
;Cmdline parser: 2100
;External cmd starter: 1000
;Dir lister: 2600
;COPY: Dir lister + 900
;ASSIGN: 1200
;MORE: 1100
;REVIEW + Handler: 800
;MEMCLK: 650
;INFO: 450
;CLS: 12
VERSION = $1234
FLcheck = 0 byte 3
FLmatch = 1
FLappicon = 2
FLwild = 3
FLerrors = 4
FLdebug = 5
FLcutline = 6
FLall = 7
FLhide = 0 byte 2
FLpipe = 1
MaxFlags = 10
FLraw = 2
FIB equ 260 ;FileInfoBlock
eb_CoolCapture equ 46
eb_ColdCapture equ 42
eb_WarmCapture equ 50
eb_KickMemPtr equ 546
eb_KickTagPtr equ 550
eb_KickCheckSum equ 554
fib_DiskKey equ $0000
fib_DirEntryType equ $0004
fib_FileName equ $0008
fib_Protection equ $0074
fib_EntryType equ $0078
fib_Size equ $007c
fib_NumBlocks equ $0080
fib_Date equ $0084
fib_Comment equ $0090
fib_Reserved equ $00e0
id_NumSoftErrors equ 0
id_UnitNumber equ 4
id_DiskState equ 8
id_NumBlocks equ 12
id_NumBlocksUsed equ 16
id_BytesPerBlock equ 20
id_DiskType equ 24
id_VolumeNode equ 28
id_InUse equ 32
tc_State equ 15
tc_SigWait equ 22
pr_MsgPort equ 92
pr_SegList equ 128
pr_StackSize equ 132
pr_GlobVec equ 136
pr_TaskNum equ 140
pr_StackBase equ 144
pr_Result2 equ 148
pr_CurrentDir equ 152
pr_CIS equ 156
pr_COS equ 160
pr_ConsoleTask equ 164
pr_FileSystemTask equ 168
pr_CLI equ 172
pr_ReturnAddr equ 176
pr_PktWait equ 180
pr_WindowPtr equ 184
pr_HomeDir equ 188 KS2
pr_Flags equ 192
pr_ExitCode equ 196
pr_ExitData equ 200
pr_CES equ 224
cli_Result equ 0
cli_SetName equ 4
cli_CommandDir equ 8
cli_ReturnCode equ 12
cli_CommandName equ 16
cli_FailLevel equ 20
cli_Prompt equ 24
cli_StandardInput equ 28
cli_CurrentInput equ 32
cli_CommandFile equ 36
cli_Interactive equ 40
cli_Background equ 44
cli_CurrentOutput equ 48
cli_DefaultStack equ 52
cli_StandardOutput equ 56
cli_Module equ 60
fh_Link equ 0
fh_Port equ 4
fh_Type equ 8
fh_Buf equ 12
fh_Pos equ 16
fh_End equ 20
fl_Link equ 0
fl_Key equ 4
fl_Access equ 8
fl_Task equ 12
fl_Volume equ 16
ds_Days equ 0
ds_Minute equ 4
ds_Tick equ 8
*Assign Stuff
dl_Root equ 34 APTR
rn_Info equ 24 BPTR
rn_Flags equ 52 LONG
di_DevInfo equ 4 BPTR
di_NetHand equ 16 BPTR
dvi_Next equ 0 BPTR
dvi_Type equ 4 LONG
dvi_Task equ 8 APTR
dvi_Lock equ 12 BPTR
dvi_Handler equ 16 (PathPtr)
dvi_StackSize equ 20
dvi_LockList equ 20
dvi_Priority equ 24
dvi_Startup equ 28
dvi_SegList equ 32
dvi_GlobVec equ 36
dvi_Name equ 40 BSTR
dlt_device equ 0 <-- contents of dvi_Type
dlt_directory equ 1
dlt_volume equ 2
dlt_late equ 3
dlt_nonbind equ 4
*Resident Stuff
resi_link equ 0 ;BPTR
resi_usecount equ 4 ;LONG
resi_seglist equ 8 ;BPTR
resi_name equ 12 ;BSTR
resi_length equ 4+4+4
*Icon Lib Stuff
sm_Process equ $14
sm_Segment equ $18
sm_NumArgs equ $1c
sm_ToolWindow equ $20
sm_ArgList equ $24
wa_Lock equ 0
wa_Name equ 4
do_Magic equ 0 ;must be $e310
do_Type equ $30
do_ToolTypes equ $36
do_ToolWindow equ $46
do_StackSize equ $4a
am_Type equ 20
am_NumArgs equ 30
am_ArgList equ 34
MEMF_CLEAR equ $10000
MEMF_LARGEST equ $20000
dp_Link EQU $00 ;DosPacket Structure
dp_Port EQU $04
dp_Type EQU $08
dp_Arg1 EQU $14
sp_Msg EQU $00 ;StandardPacket Structure
sp_Pkt EQU $14
LH_HEAD equ 0
LH_TAIL equ 4
LH_TYPE equ 12
LH_PAD equ 13
LH_SIZE equ 14
LN_SUCC equ 0
LN_PRED equ 4
LN_TYPE equ 8
LN_PRI equ 9
LN_NAME equ 10
LN_SIZE equ 14
MP_FLAGS EQU $0E ;Message Port Structure
MP_SIGBIT EQU $0F ;Signal bit number
MP_SIGTASK EQU $10 ;Task to be signalled
MP_MSGLIST EQU $14 ;Message linked list
mn_ReplyPort equ 14
mn_Length equ 18
mn_Size equ 20
PA_SIGNAL EQU 0 ;PutAction messages
TAG_USER equ $80000000
ASL_TB equ TAG_USER!$80000
_LVOOpenLibrary equ -552
_LVOOldOpenLibrary equ -408
_LVOCloseLibrary equ -414
_LVOSetFunction equ -420
_LVOAllocMem equ -198
_LVOFreeMem equ -210
_LVORawDoFmt equ -522
_LVORawMayGetChar equ -510
_LVOFindTask equ -294
_LVOSetTaskPri equ -300
_LVOAddTask equ -282
_LVORemTask equ -288
_LVOForbid equ -132
_LVOPermit equ -138
_LVOAvailMem equ -216
_LVOAddPort equ -354
_LVORemPort equ -360
_LVOFindPort equ -390
_LVOPutMsg equ -366
_LVOGetMsg equ -372
_LVOReplyMsg equ -378
_LVOWaitPort equ -384
_LVOWait equ -318
_LVOSignal equ -324
_LVOSetSignal equ -306
_LVOAllocSignal equ -330
_LVOFreeSignal equ -336
_LVOOpenDev equ -444
_LVOCloseDev equ -450
_LVODoIO equ -456
_LVOCreateMsgPort equ -666 KS 2.0+
_LVODeleteMsgPort equ -672
_LVOSetProtection equ -186
_LVOExecute equ -222
_LVOOutput equ -60
_LVOWrite equ -48
_LVOLock equ -84
_LVOUnLock equ -90
_LVODupLock equ -96
_LVOExamine equ -102
_LVOExNext equ -108
_LVOOpen equ -30
_LVOClose equ -36
_LVORead equ -42
_LVOInput equ -54
_LVODeleteFile equ -72
_LVORename equ -78
_LVOCreateDir equ -120
_LVOCurrentDir equ -126
_LVOIoErr equ -132
_LVOParentDir equ -210
_LVOLoadSeg equ -150
_LVOUnLoadSeg equ -156
_LVOCreateProc equ -138
_LVOInfo equ -114
_LVODateStamp equ -192
_LVOSeek equ -66
_LVODeviceProc equ -174
_LVODelay equ -198
_LVOSetComment equ -180
_LVOIsInteractive equ -216
_LVOReadLink equ -438 KS 2.0+
_LVOMakeLink equ -444
_LVOFault equ -468
_LVOPrintFault equ -474
_LVOAssignLock equ -612
_LVOAssignLate equ -618
_LVOAssignPath equ -624
_LVOAssignAdd equ -630
_LVORemAssignList equ -636
_LVOFormat equ -714
_LVOAddBuffers equ -732
_LVOFilePart equ -870
_LVOPathPart equ -876
_LVOInhibit equ -726
_LVOParsePatternNC equ -966
_LVOMatchPatternNC equ -972
_LVONameFromLock equ -402
_LVOPrintIText equ -216
_LVODisplayAlert equ -90
_LVODisplayBeep equ -96
_LVOLockIBase equ -414
_LVOUnlockIBase equ -420
_LVORefreshWindowFrame equ -456
_LVOSizeWindow equ -288
_LVOMoveWindow equ -168
_LVOActivateWindow equ -450
_LVORemakeDisplay equ -384
_LVOMakeScreen equ -378
_LVORethinkDisplay equ -390
_LVOCloseScreen equ -66
_LVOItemAddress equ -144
_LVOSetMenuStrip equ -264
_LVOClearMenuStrip equ -54
_LVOOpenScreenTagList equ -612 KS2.0+
_LVOPubScreenStatus equ -552
_LVOLockPubScreen equ -510
_LVOUnlockPubScreen equ -516
_LVOGetDiskObject equ -78
_LVOGetDefDiskObject equ -120
_LVOPutDiskObject equ -84
_LVOFreeDiskObject equ -90
_LVOFindToolType equ -96
_LVOMatchToolValue equ -102
_LVOAddAppIconA equ -60 KS2.0+
_LVOAddAppWindowA equ -48
_LVORemoveAppIcon equ -66
_LVORemoveAppWindow equ -54
_LVOWBInfo equ -90
_LVOToUpper equ -174 KS2.0+
_LVOStricmp equ -162
_LVOStrnicmp equ -168
_LVOAllocAslRequest equ -48 KS2.0+
_LVOFreeAslRequest equ -54
_LVOAslRequest equ -60
_LVOXpkExamine equ -36
_LVOXpkUnpack equ -48
_LVOOpenAmigaGuideA equ -54
_LVOCloseAmigaGuide equ -66
_LVOCreateMenusA equ -48
_LVOFreeMenus equ -54
_LVOLayoutMenuItemsA equ -60
_LVOLayoutMenusA equ -66
_LVOGetVisualInfoA equ -126
_LVOFreeVisualInfo equ -132
wd_WScreen = 46
wd_Flags = 24
wd_BorderLeft equ 54
mi_SIZEOF = 34
rf_File = 4
rf_Dir = 8
XPK_InName = $80005851 filename
XPK_OutName = $80005860 filename
XPK_GetError = $80005875 buffer
XPK_TaskPri = $8000587f ubyte
*GadTools NewMenu structure
gnm_Type RS.B 1
gnm_Pad RS.B 1
gnm_Label RS.L 1
gnm_CommKey RS.L 1
gnm_Flags RS.W 1
gnm_MutualExcl RS.L 1
gnm_UserData RS.L 1
NM_END = 0
NM_SUB = 3
GT_TagBase = TAG_USER+$80000
GTMN_FullMenu = 62+GT_TagBase
GTMN_NewLookMenus = 67+GT_TagBase
nag_Lock RS.L 1
nag_Name RS.L 1
nag_Screen RS.L 1
nag_PubScreen RS.L 1
nag_HostPort RS.L 1
nag_ClientPort RS.L 1
nag_BaseName RS.L 1
nag_Flags RS.L 1
nag_Context RS.L 1
nag_Node RS.L 1
nag_Line RS.L 1
nag_Extens RS.L 1
nag_Client RS.L 1
NewAmigaGuide_SIZEOF RS.W 0
dl_A2 equ 42
*SYSTEM0 stuff!!!!!!!!!!
REG_SysBase equr a6
callsys macro
jsr _LVO\1(REG_SysBase)
* parameter offsets & stack
;SAVED_REGS reg a2-a6/d2-d3
DELTA equ 7*4
* additional return codes
NO_CLI equ -1
NO_MEM equ -2
* local constants
MAXBSTR equ 255
LF equ 10
* register usage
REG_Result equr d3
REG_Process equr a2 ;may not be A4, see below!
REG_CLI equr a3
REG_CIS equr a4 ;may not be A3, see below!
REG_PrevStack equr a1 ;V2.0 changed from a5 to a1
* local stack frame
* STRUCTURE StackFrame,0
sf_CommandName RS.B MAXBSTR+1 ;BSTR, length byte!
sf_CommandArgs RS.B MAXBSTR+1 ;not a BSTR, LF-terminated!
sf_PrevStack RS.L 1
sf_SaveReturnAddr RS.L 1
sf_SaveModule RS.L 1
sf_SaveCommandName RS.L 1
sf_StackBase RS.L 1
sf_StackSize RS.L 1
sf_PushSize RS.L 1
sf_Process RS.L 1
sf_CLI RS.L 1
sf_CIS RS.L 1
sf_SCB_Buf RS.L 1
sf_SCB_Pos RS.L 1
sf_SCB_End RS.L 1
sf_Membase RS.L 1
*Constants (only LONGS!)
SHELLINE_SIZE equ 256 V1.30
blockbase RS.B 260 the fib or info goes here
sp_node RS.B 14 DOSpacket
sp_reply RS.L 1
sp_length RS.W 1
sp_link RS.L 1
sp_port RS.L 1
packettype RS.L 1
sp_res1 RS.L 1
sp_res2 RS.L 1
myArg1 RS.L 1
myArg2 RS.L 1
myArg3 RS.L 1
myArg4 RS.L 1
myArg5 RS.L 1
myArg6 RS.L 1
myArg7 RS.L 1
packettask RS.L 1
devproc RS.L 1 endofpacket
x1 RS.L 1
last_failcode RS.L 1
outhandle RS.L 1
inhandle RS.L 1
x2 RS.B 40
x3 RS.B 40
stdout RS.L 1
stdin RS.L 1
EntryA0 RS.L 1
better_Seglist RS.L 1
parm1 RS.L 1 addr of each parameter within shelline
parm2 RS.L 1
parm3 RS.L 1
parm4 RS.L 1
parm5 RS.L 1
parm6 RS.L 1
parm7 RS.L 1
parm8 RS.L 1
parm9 RS.L 1
parm10 RS.B 4*16 16 extra parms
endofparms RS.L 1 for NULL end
errorstack RS.L 1
topstack RS.L 1
stacksize RS.L 1
temp1 RS.L 1
temp2 RS.L 1
temp3 RS.L 1
temp4 RS.L 1
tempbuf RS.B 2*SHELLINE_SIZE double shellinesizebuffer
temp2buf RS.B 80 80 char temp buffer
dosbase RS.L 1
intuibase RS.L 1
Result2 RS.L 1
kickver RS.W 1
old_prompt RS.L 1
old_setname RS.L 1
old_homedir RS.L 1
redirect_in RS.B 1
redirect_out RS.B 1
CLIptr RS.L 1
Flags RS.L 1
prompt_cr RS.L 1
ConsoleSwitch RS.L 1
count_line RS.L 1
FNCignore RS.B 30 pattern for files to ignore
FNCvolume RS.L 1 volume-ID
FNCkey RS.L 1 directory-ID
FNCdate RS.L 1 date of last change
FNCsize RS.L 1 size of buffer
FNCbuffer RS.L 1 start of buffer
FNCcycle RS.L 1 buffer pos to cycle
FNCfill RS.W 1 free bytes in buffer
FNCbuffered RS.B 1 data in buffer ?
FNCchars RS.B 1 number of chars to delete for cycle
FNCback RS.B 1 cycle backwards flag
FNCnumchars RS.B 1 number of chars in curremnt line
OldCTask RS.L 1
bordersize RS.L 1
scsize RS.L 1
scaddr RS.L 1
scptr RS.L 1
scflag RS.B 1
openwin_flag RS.B 1
noresi_flag RS.B 1
noreview_flag RS.B 1
ReviewMem RS.L 1
ReviewPtr RS.L 1
ReviewSize RS.L 1
gather_ptr RS.L 1
tempbytes RS.W 1
gather RS.B 80 for CSI string and error-string
pipe_in RS.B 14
pipe_out RS.B 14
PipeTask RS.L 1
old_linhere RS.L 1
old_linmax RS.L 1
morekeys RS.B 20
dotchar RS.B 1
ctrl_codes RS.B 29 Keyboard-CTRL-Codes
CDbackstr RS.B 80 string of last directory
now RS.L 1
nost RS.L 1
then RS.L 1
past RS.B HISTORY_SIZE history buffer=1024 bytes
thistask RS.L 1
getmemchar RS.L 1
raw_mode RS.L 1
cursor_mode RS.B 1
x7 RS.B 5
gadbase RS.L 1
MyScreen RS.L 1
VisualInfo RS.L 1
first_menudef RS.L 1
menu_count RS.L 1
first_menu RS.L 1
menu_pool RS.L 1
alias_pool RS.L 1
first_alias RS.L 1
MPipePtr RS.L 1
app_name RS.L 1
wbbase RS.L 1
copysize RS.L 1
temp5 RS.L 1
temp6 RS.L 1
temp7 RS.L 1
appwinport RS.L 1
appwindow RS.L 1
pubscreen RS.L 1
pubname RS.L 1
windowptr RS.L 1
utilbase RS.L 1
online_help RS.L 1
windowname RS.L 1
mem_addr RS.L 1
wild_flag RS.B 1
locked_screen RS.B 1
wild_string RS.B 80 allow 80 chars for wildcard
date_mark RS.L 3 3 lwords
mem_mark RS.L 3 3 lwords chip/fast/total
CD_string RS.B 80 Allow 80 bytes.
prompt_string RS.B 80 Allow 80 bytes.
prompt_args RS.B 40 Allow 40 bytes
line_count RS.W 1
mult_comm_ptr RS.L 1
winXsize RS.W 1
winYsize RS.W 1
pipe_count RS.B 1
break_flag RS.B 1
cd_block RS.L 1
cd_volnode RS.L 1
recurs_flag RS.W 1
indent_count RS.W 1
resi_flag RS.B 1
forcediskflag RS.B 1
CLIflag RS.B 1
WBflag RS.B 1
oldwindowptr RS.L 1
wb_msg RS.L 1
iconbase RS.L 1
diskobj RS.L 1
filesys_old RS.L 1
cdir_old RS.L 1
x9 RS.B 20
if_flag RS.B 1
if_condition RS.B 1
goto_flag RS.B 1
memclk_flag RS.B 1
dest_label RS.B 60
CLIbufstart RS.L 1
mem_offset_addr RS.L 1
io_Message RS.B 20 io-request (timer)
io_Device RS.L 1
io_Unit RS.L 1
io_Command RS.W 1
io_Flags RS.B 1
io_Error RS.B 1
tv_secs RS.L 1
tv_micro RS.L 1
io_pad RS.L 2 don't remove
sizeofblk RS.W 0
;Try to open dos then do the shell
start moveq #-1,d7
move.l a0,a3
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l #sizeofblk,d0
move.l #1+1<<16,d1 "memf_public" & clear it
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) alloc general mem block
tst.l d0
beq blkfail
move.l d0,a5 A5=MEMBASE
move.l sp,topstack(a5)
move.l a3,EntryA0(a5)
move.w 20(a6),kickver(a5) Kickstart-Version
lea intuiname(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
tst.l d0
beq intfail
move.l d0,intuibase(a5)
lea dosname(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
tst.l d0
beq dosfail
move.l d0,dosbase(a5)
clr.w CLIflag(a5) delete CLI&WBflag
sub.l a1,a1
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l d0,thistask(a5) save this task address
move.l d0,a2
move.l pr_CLI(a2),d0
bne.s .A
subq.w #1,CLIflag(a5) WB-Start (set CLI&WBflag)
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6)
moveq #-1,d0
.AA move.l #1,d1
dbra d0,.AA
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
move.l d0,wb_msg(a5)
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
clr.l sm_Segment(a0) Clear Seg-Descriptor
.C move.l pr_StackSize(a2),stacksize(a5)
move.l pr_SegList(a2),d0
beq.s .B
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
clr.l 12(a0) Clear SegPointer
bra.s .B
.A lsl.l #2,d0 CLI-Start
move.l d0,a2
move.l cli_DefaultStack(a2),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,stacksize(a5) save stacksize
clr.l cli_Module(a2) do not free seglist
cmp.b #"r",1(a3)
bne.s .B
addq.b #1,noresi_flag(a5)
.B move.l dosbase(a5),a6 A6=DOSBASE
tst.b noresi_flag(a5)
bne.s doIT
lea ZShellName(pc),a4
bsr search_res2
lea start-4(pc),a1
tst.l d0
bra.s doIT
beq.s cresi
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
VCheck cmp.w #VERSION,VCheck-start+6(a2)
bne.w normex
addq.l #1,resi_usecount(a0)
cmp.l a1,a2
beq.s doIT running as resident
jmp JumpIn-start+4(a2) Jump to JumpIn, but in the resident Code
JumpIn move.l a1,d1 here it arrives
lsr.l #2,d1
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6) free old mem
bra.s doIT
cresi move.l a1,d3
lsr.l #2,d3
bsr create_resi make zshell resident
bne crfail
addq.l #1,resi_usecount(a2)
doIT bsr shell *** DO IT ***
bsr KillAppWin
bsr FreeFNC
bsr FreeStuff
moveq #1,d1
bsr OutputCLInum
bsr RemoveCLI
lea start-4(pc),a0
move.l a0,d6
lsr.l #2,d6
tst.b noresi_flag(a5)
bne.s normex
lea ZShellName(pc),a4
bsr search_res2
tst.l d0
beq.s crfail
subq.l #1,resi_usecount(a0)
tst.l d7
bne.s crfail
moveq #1,d1
cmp.l resi_usecount(a0),d1
bne.s crfail
move.l d0,d6 kill the ZShell-Resident
move.l a0,a2
move.l d2,a0
move.l resi_link(a2),resi_link(a0)
clr.l resi_link(a2)
move.l a2,d1
lsr.l #2,d1
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6)
normex bsr closelog close logfile
bsr giveman free manualmem
move.l thistask(a5),a0
tst.b CLIflag(a5) How to UnLoad the Segment
beq.s .A
move.l pr_SegList(a0),d0
beq.s .B
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l d6,12(a0) Store Segment in SegPointer (WB/RUN)
.B move.l wb_msg(a5),d0
beq.s crfail
move.l d0,a0
move.l d6,sm_Segment(a0) and in Seg-Descriptor (WB)
bra.s crfail
.A move.l pr_CLI(a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l d6,cli_Module(a0) Store Segment in Module (CLI)
crfail move.l dosbase(a5),a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
dosfail move.l intuibase(a5),a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
intfail move.l wb_msg(a5),d2
move.l a5,a1
move.l #sizeofblk,d0
jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)
tst.l d2
beq.s .A
jsr _LVOForbid(a6) (what for ?)
move.l d2,a1 WB-Message
jmp _LVOReplyMsg(a6) never returns !
.A moveq #0,d0
blkfail moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
shell move.l sp,errorstack(a5)
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .D
move.l thistask(a5),a3
lea CleanUp(pc),a0
move.l a0,pr_ExitCode(a3)
move.l a5,pr_ExitData(a3)
move.l 4.w,a6
lea utilname(pc),a1 open utility.library
moveq #37,d0
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,utilbase(a5)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l #%11111001010,d0
bsr SetFlags
bsr CreateCLI
bne ExitZShell exit on error
move.l thistask(a5),a3
move.l pr_CLI(a3),a2
add.l a2,a2
add.l a2,a2
move.l a2,CLIptr(a5)
move.l cli_Prompt(a2),old_prompt(a5) save prompt
lea prompt_args(a5),a0
move.l a0,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,cli_Prompt(a2)
move.l cli_SetName(a2),old_setname(a5) save current dir name
lea CD_string(a5),a0
move.l a0,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,cli_SetName(a2)
bsr SetConHandles
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5) OS2 ?
blo.s .C
move.l pr_HomeDir(a3),old_homedir(a5) save PROGDIR:
clr.l pr_HomeDir(a3)
move.l dl_Root(a6),a0
bset #0,rn_Flags(a0) set wildstar flag (bit 24)
bsr InitAppWin
tst.l pr_CES(a3)
bne.s .C
jsr _LVOOutput(a6)
move.l d0,pr_CES(a3) set error output handle
.C tst.b WBflag(a5)
bne.s notini 0=WB/1=newcli/2=run/3=pipe
bsr initialise_default initialize other stuff
notini moveq #0,d1
bsr OutputCLInum
tst.b CLIflag(a5)
beq.s .A
cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5)
bhs.s .A
moveq #-127,d0
subq.l #2,d0
bsr GetMessage Welcome-Message
lea pr_TaskNum(a3),a1
bsr new_print
.A bsr eval_CD
bsr execscr execute startup script
chorus bsr CheckForbid HERE BEGINS THE MAIN LOOP
bsr close_redirection
bsr pr_show_cursor make sure cursor is visible
bsr raw_off and raw mode is off
clr.b noreview_flag(a5) and review is enabled
bsr compose_prompt
bsr get_line
clr.b break_flag(a5)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0 clear signals c&d
moveq #0,d1
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
clr.b forcediskflag(a5)
move.l parm1(a5),a0
move.b (a0),d0
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d0
bne.s .A
addq.l #1,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne.s .B
lea CDbackstr(a5),a0 dir back
bsr chdir
bra.s chorus
.B move.l a0,parm1(a5)
addq.b #1,forcediskflag(a5)
bra notfound force disk-command
.A cmp.b #"#",(a0) #-sign for ;#comment
beq chorus
moveq #0,d7
move.b #"?",d0 check for ? (help sign)
bsr CheckOneChar
bne.s .C
bsr help_man ? as command
bra chorus
.C bsr matchcmd offset to d2.w
beq.s notfound
move.l parm1(a5),d7 check for ? (help sign)
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s .D
move.l d0,a0
move.b #"?",d0
bsr CheckOneChar
bne.s .D
bsr help_man ? as arg
bra chorus
.D move.l sp,errorstack(a5) important in scripts ?
lea cmdstart(pc),a0
intern jsr 0(a0,d2.w) call internal command
tst.b break_flag(a5)
bne.s com_break
chkfail move.l d0,last_failcode(a5)
move.l CLIptr(a5),a0
cmp.l cli_FailLevel(a0),d0 ALL COMMANDS MUST RETURN D0=0 unless failure
blo chorus
com_fail move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr close_redirection additional for pipes
move.l #-154,d0
bsr GetMessage Fail Level
move.l sp,a1
bsr new_print
move.l (sp)+,d0
com_break bsr kill_script
bra chorus
notfound bsr archie3 TRY DISK
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l cd_volnode(a5),d0
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a0),a1
add.l a1,a1
add.l a1,a1
cmp.l fl_Volume(a1),d0 check volume node
bne.s .A
move.l cd_block(a5),d0
cmp.l fl_Key(a1),d0 check disk block number
beq.s .B
.A bsr eval_CD If command changes cd then change prompt.
.B move.l (sp)+,d0
bra.s chkfail
ZShellName dc.b "ZShell",0
dosname dc.b "dos.library",0
intuiname dc.b "intuition.library",0
utilname dc.b "utility.library",0
end_tx dc.b " end",0
askforsize dc.b $9b," q",0
helpld dc.b "Loading "
helpman dc.b "ZShell.doc",0
helpmor dc.b 13,$9b,"32m %d%% %ld bytes. Use: (shift+)cursor,"
dc.b "(back)space,numeric,s,n,j,w,r,h",$9b,"K",$9b,"m",0
ctrl_init dc.b 46,23,17,19,5,9,24,27,20,25,8,10,13,12,18,22,6,16
ctrl_inite ;CTRL-Codes
more_init dc.b "ABCDSTqsnjwrh" MORE keys
dc.b "$VER: "
helptx1 dc.b "ZShell 2.8 (10-Sep-95)",10
dc.b "(C)1990,91 Paul Hayter (V1.3); "
dc.b "Updated 1993-95 by Martin Gierich.",10
dc.b "Freeware, NO commercial usage !",10
dc.b "Please send your comments to"
dc.b " uj3w@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de",10,10
dc.b "Commands:",0
helptx2 dc.b "Options:",10
dc.b "-r (recursive): Copy,Delete,Dir,Join,List,Move,Protect",10
dc.b "-c (clear): Avail,Endcli,Locate,Path,Resident",10
dc.b "-q (quick): Dir,List,Delete",10,10
dc.b "Editing: (SHIFT+) Cursor, <-, DEL,"
dc.b " (SHIFT+) TAB, ESC and see CONFIG CTRLKEYS",10
dc.b ". for dir back, force disk or abbreviation",10
dc.b "Type 'help ?' for more help.",0
helptx3 even
move.l CLIptr(a5),a0
moveq #16,d0
move.l d0,cli_FailLevel(a0)
move.b #LF,past(a5)
lea prompt_args_tx(pc),a0 init prompt
lea prompt_args(a5),a1
.C move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .C
moveq #ctrl_inite-ctrl_init-1,d0
lea ctrl_init(pc),a0
lea ctrl_codes-1(a5),a1
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ init ctrl-codes and dotchar
dbra d0,.B
moveq #more_inite-more_init-1,d0
lea more_init(pc),a0
lea morekeys(a5),a1
.A move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ init keys for MORE
dbra d0,.A
lea appicontx(pc),a0
move.l a0,app_name(a5)
lea helpman(pc),a0
move.l a0,online_help(a5)
move.l #50000,copysize(a5)
move.l #4000,FNCsize(a5)
move.l d0,outhandle(a5)
move.l d0,stdout(a5)
jsr _LVOInput(a6)
move.l d0,inhandle(a5)
move.l d0,stdin(a5)
CheckOneChar ;d0=char to check in a0=parm
move.b (a0),d1
bsr compD1D0nocase
bne.s .A
tst.b 1(a0)
bne.s .A
cmp.b #$22,-1(a0)
beq.s .A
moveq #0,d0
.A moveq #1,d0
OutputCLInum ;ENTRY: d1=0:start, d1=1:end
btst #FLdebug,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .A
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bsr.s InsertCLInum
tst.l d1
beq.s .B
lea end_tx(pc),a2
.C move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s .C
subq.l #1,a1
.B move.b #LF,(a1)+
clr.b (a1)
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bsr pr_error
.A rts
InsertCLInum ;string in a1
lea ZShellName(pc),a2
.B move.b (a2)+,(a1)+ append "ZShell"
bne.s .B
subq.l #1,a1
move.l thistask(a5),a2
move.l pr_TaskNum(a2),d0
bra qpr10 append CLI number
btst #FLraw,Flags+2(a5) test raw-mode
beq.s .A
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOCreateMsgPort(a6) get MsgPort
move.l d0,appwinport(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a2
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l windowptr(a5),d2 get ptr to window
beq.s .A
bsr OpenWBLib
beq .A
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.l d2,a0
sub.l a1,a1
exg.l a1,a2
jsr _LVOAddAppWindowA(a6) make AppWin
move.l d0,appwindow(a5)
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l appwindow(a5),d2
beq.s .B
bsr OpenWBLib
move.l d2,a0
jsr _LVORemoveAppWindow(a6) remove AppWin
clr.l appwindow(a5)
.B move.l appwinport(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVODeleteMsgPort(a6) remove MsgPort
clr.l appwinport(a5)
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
GetWindowPtr ;pointer to Console-Window to d0 (0 for fail)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a0),d0
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
beq.s .A
bsr GetDiskInfo
beq.s .A
moveq #0,d0
tst.l sp_res1(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l id_VolumeNode(a5),d0 it is in here !
beq.s .A
move.l d0,windowptr(a5)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l d0,pr_WindowPtr(a0)
.A rts
GetWinSize ;Get dimensions of current output console
movem.l d2/d3/a2,-(sp)
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .H
jsr _LVOIsInteractive(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .H
lea askforsize(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a2
move.l a2,d2
moveq #100,d3
jsr _LVORead(a6) get size of window
move.l a2,a0
add.l d0,a2
.B cmp.l a0,a2
bls.s .H
cmp.b #"r",-(a2)
bne.s .B
cmp.b #" ",-(a2)
bne.s .B
moveq #1,d1
.C cmp.b #";",-(a2)
bne.s .C
dbra d1,.C
addq.l #1,a2
move.l a2,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
move.w d0,winYsize(a5)
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
move.w d0,winXsize(a5)
.H move.w winYsize(a5),d0
bne.s .A
moveq #18,d0
.A movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
dec2asc ext.l d0 put decimal number in D0.w to string in A0
move.l #10000,d1
.C divu d1,d0
bne.s .E
divu #10,d1
beq.s .A
swap d0
bne.s .C
.D divu d1,d0
.E add.b #"0",d0
move.b d0,(a0)+
swap d0
ext.l d0
divu #10,d1
bne.s .D
.A rts
execscr move.l EntryA0(a5),d0
move.l d0,parm1(a5)
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne xz2 ;NB this is OK, xz2 will pop the return addr
;and jump to chorus
.C ;handle DEFAULT SCRIPT FILE s:zstart
bsr RequestersOff disable volume requesters
lea defscript(pc),a2
move.l a2,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
bsr RequestersOn
move.l d0,d1 test lock
beq.s .B
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l a2,a0
bra xz2
.B rts
move.l 4.w,a0 Check for not closed
moveq #-1,d0
cmp.b 294(a0),d0 Disables or
bne.s .A
cmp.b 295(a0),d0 Forbids
beq.s .B
.A move.b d0,294(a0) and avoids crashes !
move.b d0,295(a0)
moveq #22,d1
bsr GuruIt
.B rts
CleanUp movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
move.l d1,a5
bsr DisplayBeep
move.l thistask(a5),a3
clr.l pr_ExitCode(a3)
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
FreeFNC move.l FNCbuffer(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
move.l FNCsize(a5),d0
bsr givemem
.A clr.l FNCbuffer(a5)
clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
clr.w FNCfill(a5)
clr.b FNCbuffered(a5)
* Subroutine for name2complete, limiting chars: : / " ; | and space
cjk1 subq.l #1,a1
cmp.b #":",(a1)
beq.s cjke
cmp.b #"/",(a1)
beq.s cjke
cjk2 cmp.b #$22,(a1)
beq.s cjke
cmp.b #" ",(a1)
beq.s cjke
cmp.b #";",(a1)
beq.s cjke
cmp.b #"|",(a1)
cjke addq.l #1,a1
name2complete ;used by complet and CTRL-F
lea shelline(a5),a1
move.l a1,a0
move.l d5,d6
beq.s .B
add.l d5,a1
bsr cjk1
beq.s .B
.A subq.l #1,a1 look for begin of filename
cmp.l a1,a0
beq.s .B
bsr cjk1
bne.s .A
.B move.l a1,a2 filename-pos. in a2
sub.l a0,a1
sub.l a1,d6 length in d6
move.b (a2),d3 save char in d3
tst.l FNCcycle(a5)
bne.s .I
lea 0(a2,d6.l),a3
move.b (a3),d2
clr.b (a3)
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a2,a0
bsr handle_wild_dirs check for wild cards
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.b d2,(a3)
.I clr.b (a2) null-end pathname
move.l a2,a1
bra.s .F
.D subq.l #1,a1 look for begin of path
.F cmp.l a1,a0
beq.s .E
subq.l #1,a1
bsr cjk2
bne.s .D
.E rts
* Complete Filename in Shelline *
* INTERNAL: a2 points to part of filename, d6 length of part *
* ENTRY: d4: linmax , d5:linhere *
complet tst.l FNCcycle(a5)
beq.s .C
moveq #0,d0
move.b FNCchars(a5),d0
sub.l d0,d5 delete some chars for cycling
bsr delete_in_mem
.C clr.b temp2buf(a5)
bsr name2complete
move.l a1,d1
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6) lock path
move.b d3,(a2) replace null-char by old one
move.l d0,d7 save lock
beq DisplayBeep
bsr fibexam2
moveq #0,d3
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s cplbuf if plus,is directory
cplunlk move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
rts an error occured
cplbuf move.l FNCbuffer(a5),d0 create and init FNC buffer
bne.s .A
move.l FNCsize(a5),d0
bsr iwantmem
beq.s wdhcpl
move.l d0,FNCbuffer(a5)
.A move.l FNCcycle(a5),d1
beq.s .B
move.l d1,d0
.B move.l d0,a4
move.b #1,FNCbuffered(a5)
move.l d7,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
move.l fl_Volume(a1),d0
move.l fl_Key(a1),d1
lea fib_Date(a5),a0
move.l (a0)+,d2
add.l (a0)+,d2
add.l (a0)+,d2
tst.w FNCfill(a5)
beq.s .C
cmp.l FNCvolume(a5),d0 check volume node
bne.s .C
cmp.l FNCkey(a5),d1 check disk block number
bne.s .C
cmp.l FNCdate(a5),d2 check date of last change
beq.s wdhcpl
.C move.l d0,FNCvolume(a5)
move.l d1,FNCkey(a5)
move.l d2,FNCdate(a5)
move.l FNCbuffer(a5),a4
clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
clr.b FNCbuffered(a5)
clr.b (a4)+
move.l FNCsize(a5),d0
subq.l #2,d0
move.w d0,FNCfill(a5)
wdhcpl tst.b FNCbuffered(a5)
bne.s cplbuffered
bsr fibexnx not buffered: get next filename from dir
tst.l d0 next filename or dirname
beq endcpl
; lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
bsr ignorematch wildcheck for names to ignore
beq.s wdhcpl
; lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
lea tempbuf(a5),a1 store filename in tempbuf
move.l a1,a3
.B tst.w FNCfill(a5)
bne.s .D
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ buffer already full: only copy name
bne.s .B
bra.s .F
.D subq.w #1,FNCfill(a5)
move.b (a0),(a1)+ copy name
move.b (a0)+,(a4)+ store filename to buffer
bne.s .B
.F moveq #" ",d0 add a space at the end of files
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bmi.s .G if plus,is directory
moveq #"/",d0 add a / at the end of dirs
.G move.b d0,-1(a1)
clr.b (a1) null-end
tst.w FNCfill(a5)
beq.s .E
subq.w #1,FNCfill(a5) if buffer not full: do same with buffer
move.b d0,-1(a4)
clr.b (a4)+
.E bra.s wd2cpl
tst.b FNCback(a5) cycle back ?
beq.s .A
.D subq.l #1,a4
cmp.l FNCbuffer(a5),a4 yes: check for begin of buffer
bls.s .E
tst.b -1(a4) look for begin of previous name
bne.s .D
bra.s .C
.E move.l FNCbuffer(a5),a4 look for end of buffer
.F tst.b (a4)+
bne.s .F
tst.b (a4)
bne.s .F
bra.s .D
.A tst.b (a4)+ was buffered: skip to next name
bne.s .A
tst.b (a4) test for end of buffer
bne.s .C
tst.l FNCcycle(a5)
beq endcpl
move.l FNCbuffer(a5),a4 end of buffer: set at begin
addq.l #1,a4 skip first null-byte
.C move.l a4,a3
wd2cpl move.l a3,a0
tst.b wild_flag(a5)
beq.s .F
.B tst.b (a3)+
bne.s .B
subq #2,a3
move.b (a3),d2 save last char
clr.b (a3) clear space or /
bsr wildmatcher check wildcards
move.b d2,(a3)
move.l a0,a3
tst.l d0
bne wdhcpl
bra.s .H do not check for matching parts
.F move.l a2,a1
move.l d6,d2
move.l utilbase(a5),d0
beq.s .D
move.l d0,a6
move.l d2,d0
jsr _LVOStrnicmp(a6) OS2+ does it match to part ?
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.l d0
bne wdhcpl
bra.s .H
.A move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
bsr compD1D0nocase does it match to part ?
bne wdhcpl
.D dbra d2,.A
.H tst.l d3
bne.s wd3cpl
moveq #-1,d0 ! first time: copy filename !
lea temp2buf(a5),a0
.C addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a3)+,(a0)+
bne.s .C
moveq #1,d3
tst.l FNCcycle(a5)
beq wdhcpl
sub.l d6,d0
move.b d0,FNCchars(a5) chars more than given part of name
move.l a4,FNCcycle(a5) position of next name to FNCcycle
bra endcpl
wd3cpl tst.l d3 ! next time !
bmi.s .E
moveq #-1,d3
btst #FLmatch,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .E
btst #FLhide,Flags+2(a5)
beq.s .H
bsr pr_hide_cursor
bsr GetWinSize
.H bsr pr_lf
lea temp2buf(a5),a1 print first time
move.l a1,a0
moveq #-1,d0
.C addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .C
move.b d0,FNCnumchars(a5)
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_space
.E move.l a3,a1
lea temp2buf(a5),a0
.G move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
bsr compD1D0locale next time: find longest common part
bne.s .D
tst.b -1(a0)
beq.s .D
tst.b -1(a1)
bne.s .G
.D clr.b -1(a0)
btst #FLmatch,Flags+3(a5)
beq wdhcpl
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a0
moveq #0,d0
.A addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a3)+,(a0)+
bne.s .A
move.b #" ",-1(a0)
clr.b (a0)
move.l d0,d1
tst.w winXsize(a5)
beq.s .F
add.b FNCnumchars(a5),d1
cmp.w winXsize(a5),d1
blo.s .F
move.l d0,d1
bsr pr_lf
.F move.b d1,FNCnumchars(a5)
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
bsr pr_string print other times
bra wdhcpl repeat with all filenames
endcpl tst.b FNCbuffered(a5)
bne.s .A
clr.b (a4) end buffer with 0
.A move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
tst.l d3
beq DisplayBeep
bpl.s .D enable cycling if multiple matches found
move.l FNCbuffer(a5),FNCcycle(a5)
clr.b FNCchars(a5)
btst #FLmatch,Flags+3(a5)
beq .B
lea farb3(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
move.l prompt_cr(a5),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr gimme2 print shelline again
.B tst.b wild_flag(a5)
beq.s .D
move.b d6,FNCchars(a5)
.D lea temp2buf(a5),a1
move.l d6,d2
bra.s insert_string2 insert new stuff in shelline
insert_string ;insert string in a1 into shelline
moveq #0,d2
insert_string2 ;d2=number of chars before current pos
moveq #-1,d1
.G addq.l #1,d1 D1=length
tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .G
sub.l d2,d1
bpl.s .B
move.l d1,d0 calc chars to backspace
neg.l d0
sub.l d0,d2
move.l a1,-(sp)
sub.l d0,d5
bsr delete_in_mem string to overwrite was longer
move.l (sp)+,a1
moveq #0,d1
.B subq.l #1,a1 for later
move.l d4,d0
add.l d1,d0
cmp.w #SHELLINE_SIZE-2,d0 make sure line is not too long
blo.s .E
bsr DisplayBeep
bra gimme3
.E movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
lea shelline(a5),a0 ethel
lea 1(a0,d4.w),a3 A3=linmax
move.l a3,a2
add.l d1,a2 A2=linmax+length
lea 0(a0,d5.w),a0 linhere
.A move.b -(a3),-(a2) insert chars into shelline
cmp.l a3,a0
bne.s .A
move.l d1,d0
add.l d2,d0
bra.s .C
.D move.b -(a1),-(a2) copy found filename
.C dbra d0,.D
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3
add.l d1,d5
add.l d1,d4
.F bra gimme3 print shelline
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
suba.l a0,a0
jsr _LVODisplayBeep(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
********** END OF FNC ***********
get_one_char ;read one char from keyboard to d6, process AppWindow
move.l getmemchar(a5),d0
beq.s .G
addq.l #1,getmemchar(a5)
move.l d0,a0
move.b (a0),d6 get char from memory (for function keys)
beq.s .H
.H clr.l getmemchar(a5) end of memchar buffer
.G bsr clearArgs
move.l inhandle(a5),myArg1(a5)
lea tempbytes(a5),a0
move.l a0,myArg2(a5)
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,myArg3(a5)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a0),packettask(a5)
moveq #ACTION_READ,d0
move.l d0,packettype(A5)
bsr sendpacket2 read keyboard with packets
moveq #0,d3
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.b pr_MsgPort+MP_SIGBIT(a0),d1
bset d1,d3 set wait bit for reading
move.l appwinport(a5),d2
beq.s .A
move.l d2,a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d1
bset d1,d3 set wait bit for appwindow
.A move.l d3,d0
jsr _LVOWait(a6) wait for anything
tst.l d2
beq.s .B
move.l d2,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6) try to get appwinmsg
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a2
bsr ProcessApp look at it
move.l a2,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
move.l d2,-(sp)
bsr insert_string write iconname to shelline
move.l d5,old_linhere(a5)
move.l d4,old_linmax(a5)
move.l (sp)+,d2
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
move.l windowptr(a5),d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
jsr _LVOActivateWindow(a6)
.C move.l 4.w,a6
.B move.l thistask(a5),a0
lea pr_MsgPort(a0),a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6) try to get read-packet-reply
move.l d0,d1
beq.s .A
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
lea sp_node(a5),a0
move.l #212,d0
cmp.l d1,a0
bne pr_galactic got wrong dospacket
tst.l sp_res1(a5)
bmi.s .D error occured
beq.s .E
move.b tempbytes(a5),d6
.D moveq #20,d1
bra.s .F
.E moveq #21,d1
.F bsr GuruIt
bra ExitZShell
lea shelline(a5),a0
lea CLIbuf(a5),a1
move.l d4,d0
bra.s .B
.A move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
.B dbra d0,.A
clr.b (a1)
* A1 pts to past, d0=nost
gimme lea shelline(a5),a2 Get shelline from history
move.l d0,nost(a5)
cmp.l now(a5),d0
bne.s .C
moveq #-1,d4 reset linmax
lea CLIbuf(a5),a0
.D addq.l #1,d4
move.b (a0)+,(a2)+ copy undo to shelline
bne.s .D
move.l d4,d5 linmax=linhere
bra gimme3
.C moveq #0,d5 linhere = 0
.B addq.l #1,d0 copy to shelline
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d0
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d0.l)
beq.s .A
move.b 0(a1,d0.l),0(a2,d5.l)
addq.l #1,d5
bra.s .B
.A move.l d5,d4 linhere=linmax
gimme3 bsr pr_hide_cursor Print out newer shelline
move.l old_linhere(a5),d0 and overwrite old one
bsr cursor_left go to left start of line
lea shelline(a5),a1
move.l a1,a0
add.l d4,a0
move.l d4,d0
move.l old_linmax(a5),d1
sub.l d4,d1
bmi.s .A
add.l d1,d0
bra.s .C
.D move.b #" ",(a0)+ append some spaces, if needed
.C dbra d1,.D
.A clr.b (a0)
bsr pr_string overwrite old line
sub.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_left restore cursor
bra pr_show_cursor
gimme4 bsr pr_prompt Print out shelline again
gimme2 lea shelline(a5),a1
clr.b 0(a1,d4.l) clear last byte
bsr pr_string print shelline
bsr pr_show_cursor
move.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
cursor_left ;move cursor d0 chars left
move.l d0,-(sp)
beq.s .A
bsr csi_with_num
move.b #"D",(a0)
bsr pr_string
.A move.l (sp)+,d0
cursor_right ;move cursor d0 chars right
move.l d0,-(sp)
beq.s .A
bsr csi_with_num
move.b #"C",(a0)
bsr pr_string
.A move.l (sp)+,d0
csi_with_num ;puts $9b and number in d0 to tempbuf=a1
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
move.l a1,a0
move.b #$9b,(a0)+
bsr dec2asc
clr.b 1(a0)
* READ TEXT LINE from keyboard or script into buffer pointed to by a0,
* and clear last byte. NOTE A0 is essentially ignored, and shelline is the
* assumed address. Return with a0 same, and d0=length of text read
type_in tst.b scflag(a5) ;check whether we're doing a script
bne scr_in
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq #0,d5 D5=linhere
moveq #0,d4 D4=linmax
btst #FLraw,Flags+2(a5) test noraw-mode
bne.s .A
move.l a0,a2 use console in cooked mode
.C move.l a2,d2
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq ExitZShell
move.l #SHELLINE_SIZE,d3
jsr _LVORead(a6)
tst.l d0
bmi ExitZShell
bne.s .D
bsr Kiconify
bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
bra.s .C
.D clr.b 0(a2,d0.l)
cmp.b #LF,-1(a2,d0.l)
bne.s .C
bsr GetWindowPtr
move.l (sp)+,a0
.A clr.b CLIbuf(a5) (for undo) use console in raw mode
addq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
next_ch move.l d5,old_linhere(a5)
move.l d4,old_linmax(a5)
bsr get_one_char
cmp.b #$9b,d6
bne not_csi
clr.l gather_ptr(a5)
fetch_csi bsr get_one_char
lea gather(a5),a2
move.l gather_ptr(a5),d0
move.b d6,0(a2,d0.l) save byte from CSI sequence.
addq.l #1,gather_ptr(a5)
moveq #79,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
blo.s .A
clr.l gather_ptr(a5)
.A cmp.b #'@',d6
blo.s fetch_csi keep gathering if char < @
cmp.b #'~',d6
bhi.s fetch_csi keep gathering if char > ~
cmp.b #"|",d6 CHECK RAW EVENTS
bne Kfunc_key
move.l a2,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
ev_menu moveq #10,d1
cmp.l d0,d1 CHECK MENU EVENT
bne.s ev_clog
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
move.l windowptr(a5),d1
beq.s .C
move.l d1,a0
move.l 28(a0),a0 Window->MenuStrip
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
jsr _LVOItemAddress(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.l d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
move.l mi_SIZEOF(a0),d0
.C beq next_ch
move.l d0,a1
bra insert_macro
ev_clog moveq #11,d1
bne.s .A
bsr Kiconify
.A bra next_ch
move.l dosbase(a5),a6 TOTALLY-EXIT-ROUTINE
move.l errorstack(a5),sp kill return address on stack
bsr close_redirection
bsr raw_off
bsr kill_script
moveq #-1,d7
bne Kcsr_right
lea temp2buf(a5),a1 create search string in temp2buf
cmp.b #"?",(a2) a2=gather
bne.s .E
lea help_ret(pc),a1 HELP KEY
bra.s insert_macro
.E move.l gather_ptr(a5),d0
cmp.b #3,d0 check if two codes eg '12'
bne.s .A
move.b #"S",(a1)+ SHIFT+FUNCTION
addq.l #1,a2
bra.s .C
bne.s next_c8
.C move.b (a2),d0
move.b #"F",(a1)+ insert "F"
addq.b #1,d0
move.b d0,(a1)+ insert one digit number
cmp.b #':',d0
blo.s .D
move.b #'1',-1(a1) insert 10
move.b #'0',(a1)+
.D clr.b (a1)
bsr search_alias returns d0=pointer to alias
beq.s next_c8
move.l d0,a1
lea 4(a1),a1 skip link and name
.F tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .F
insert_macro ;Insert macro definition in a1 into shelline
lea dest_label(a5),a0 good enough for temporary
move.l a0,getmemchar(a5) let it read in by Getonechar
move.l a0,d0
moveq #58,d1
.A move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
beq.s .C
dbra d1,.A
.C clr.b (a0)
bsr parse_echo convert control characters
next_c8 bra next_ch
cmp.b #' ',gather(a5) check for shifted cursor up/down
beq Kshift_left
bne.s Kcsr_left
move.l FNCcycle(a5),d0
beq.s .B
cmp.l FNCbuffer(a5),d0
bne.s .A
.B cmp.l d4,d5
bhs.s Kcsr_left
addq.l #1,d5
moveq #1,d0
bsr cursor_right
.A clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
bra.s next_c8
clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
bne.s Kcsr_up
tst.l d5
beq.s Kcsr_up
subq.l #1,d5
moveq #1,d0
bsr cursor_left
bra.s next_c8
Kcsr_up cmp.b #'A',d6 CHECK UP ARROW <CSI>A
bne.s Kcsr_down
lea past(a5),a1
move.l nost(a5),d0
cmp.l then(a5),d0
beq.s .B
.A subq.l #1,d0
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d0 wrap around
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d0.l)
bne.s .A
.B bsr gimme
next_c5 bra.s next_c8
bne.s Kshift_tab
up_bit lea past(a5),a1 called by shift down bit
move.l nost(a5),d0
cmp.l now(a5),d0
beq.s .B
.A addq.l #1,d0
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d0
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d0.l)
bne.s .A
.B bsr gimme
bra.s next_c5
cmp.b #'Z',d6 CHECK TAB & SHIFT <CSI>Z
bne.s Kshift_down
move.b #"Y"&$3f,d6 emulate CTRL-Y
bra not_csi
bne.s Kshift_up
move.l now(a5),nost(a5) nost = now (the bottom)
bra.s up_bit
cmp.b #'T',d6 CHECK SHIFT UP <CSI>T
bne.s next_c5
lea past(a5),a1
tst.l d5
bne.s search_his
move.l then(a5),nost(a5) nost = then (the top)
move.l nost(a5),d0
bsr gimme
next_c6 bra.s next_c5
search_his ;search shelline in history V2.0
move.l nost(a5),d0
.C cmp.l then(a5),d0
bne.s .A
move.l nost(a5),d0
bra.s end_seh
.A subq.l #1,d0
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d0
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d0.l)
bne.s .A
lea shelline(a5),a0
move.l d5,d1
subq.l #1,d1
move.l d0,d2
.D addq.l #1,d2
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d2
movem.l d0/d1,-(sp)
move.b 0(a1,d2.l),d0
move.b (a0),d1
bsr compD1D0locale
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1
bne.s .C
addq.l #1,a0
dbra d1,.D
end_seh move.l d5,d2 save d5
bsr gimme
move.l d2,d5
bsr restore_cursor
bra.s next_c6
clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
bne.s Kshift_right
move.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_left
moveq #0,d5
next_c7 bra.s next_c6
bne.s next_c7
move.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_right
move.l d4,d5
bra.s next_c7
* Was not a CSI code
not_csi tst.l FNCcycle(a5) CHECK BACKTICK
beq.s .C only in fnc-cycle mode
cmp.b #"`",d6
bne.s .C
addq.b #1,FNCback(a5)
bra.s .D
.C cmp.b ctrl_codes+4(a5),d6 CHECK TAB
bne.s not_fnc
.D bsr RequestersOff
move.l FNCcycle(a5),-(sp)
bsr complet complete filename
tst.l (sp)+
bne.s .A
bsr saveundo
.A bsr RequestersOn
clr.b FNCback(a5)
bra.s next_c7
clr.l FNCcycle(a5)
lea ctrl_codes(a5),a0
lea ctrlkeys_tab(pc),a1
moveq #ctrl_inite-ctrl_init-2,d0
.A cmp.b (a0)+,d6
bne.s .C
move.w (a1),d0
lea not_csi(pc),a0
jsr 0(a0,d0.w)
bra.s next_c7
.C addq.l #2,a1
dbra d0,.A
cmp.b #$7f,d6 CHECK DELETE
bne.s not_del
cmp.l d4,d5
bhs.s .A
moveq #1,d0
bsr delete_chars
next_c9 bra.s next_c7
cmp.b #13,d6 CHECK CR
beq do_cr
cmp.b #" ",d6 CHECK normal char
blo.s .C
blo.s .D
bsr DisplayBeep make sure line is not too long
bra.s .C
.D bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea shelline(a5),a1 ethel
lea 1(a1,d4.w),a0 linmax
lea 1(a0),a2 A2=linmax+1
lea 0(a1,d5.w),a1 linhere
.A move.b -(a0),-(a2) insert char into shelline
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s .A
lea shelline(a5),a1
move.b d6,0(a1,d5.w)
addq.l #1,d4
clr.b 0(a1,d4.l) clear last
add.l d5,a1
bsr pr_string print last part of line
addq.l #1,d5
move.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_left restore cursor
bsr pr_show_cursor
bsr saveundo
.C bra.s next_c9
dc.w Kdel_right_word-not_csi 0 CTRL-W
dc.w Kdel_left_word-not_csi 1 CTRL-Q
dc.w Kdel_to_start-not_csi 2 CTRL-S
dc.w Kdel_to_end-not_csi 3 CTRL-E
dc.w DisplayBeep-not_csi 4 CTRL-I (TAB)
dc.w Kdel_line-not_csi 5 CTRL-X
dc.w Kiconify-not_csi 6 CTRL-[ (ESC)
dc.w Kword_right-not_csi 7 CTRL-T
dc.w Kshow_review-not_csi 8 CTRL-Y (Shift-TAB)
dc.w Kbackspace-not_csi 9 CTRL-H (Backspace)
dc.w Kto_history-not_csi 10 CTRL-J (Shift-Return)
dc.w Kreturn-not_csi 11 CTRL-M (Return)
dc.w Kclear_screen-not_csi 12 CTRL-L
dc.w Kword_left-not_csi 13 CTRL-R
dc.w Kshow_history-not_csi 14 CTRL-V
dc.w Krequest_file-not_csi 15 CTRL-F
dc.w FlushFNC-not_csi 16 CTRL-P
back_chars ;delete d0 chars left to cursor
sub.l d0,d5
bmi GuruIt
bsr cursor_left
delete_chars ;delete d0 chars under cursor
bsr delete_in_mem
move.l d0,d1
bra.s .D
.E move.b #" ",(a0)+ append spaces to overwrite
.D dbra d1,.E
clr.b (a0)
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea shelline(a5),a1
add.l d5,a1
bsr pr_string print last part of line
add.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_left restore cursor
bsr pr_show_cursor
delete_in_mem ;delete d0 chars under cursor in shelline(a5)
lea shelline(a5),a0
add.l d5,a0
lea 0(a0,d0.l),a1
move.l d4,d1
sub.l d5,d1
sub.l d0,d1
bmi GuruIt
bra.s .B
.A move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ copy last part of line
.B dbra d1,.A
sub.l d0,d4
lea shelline-1(a5),a0
add.l d5,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l d5,d1
.F beq.s .D
bsr tab_check
bne.s .C
addq.l #1,d0
subq.l #1,a0
subq.l #1,d1
bra.s .F
.A bsr tab_check
beq.s .D
addq.l #1,d0
subq.l #1,a0
.C dbra d1,.A
.D rts
lea shelline(a5),a0
add.l d5,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l d4,d1
sub.l d5,d1
.F beq.s .D
bsr tab_check
beq.s .C
addq.l #1,d0
addq.l #1,a0
subq.l #1,d1
bra.s .F
.A bsr tab_check
bne.s .D
addq.l #1,d0
addq.l #1,a0
.C dbra d1,.A
.D rts
tab_check cmp.b #' ',(a0) words are separated by / . : ; | or space
beq.s .A
cmp.b #':',(a0)
beq.s .A
cmp.b #'.',(a0)
beq.s .A
cmp.b #'/',(a0)
beq.s .A
cmp.b #';',(a0)
beq.s .A
cmp.b #'|',(a0)
.A rts
bsr word_left go to last word
sub.l d0,d5
bra cursor_left
bsr word_right go to next word
add.l d0,d5
bra cursor_right
tst.l d5
beq.s .A
moveq #1,d0
bsr back_chars delete one char left to cursor
.A rts
move.l d5,d0
bra back_chars delete to start of line
move.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
bra delete_chars delete to end of line
bsr word_left delete last word
bsr back_chars
bsr word_right delete next word
bra delete_chars
bsr saveundo
moveq #0,d4
moveq #0,d5
bra gimme3 delete whole shelline
bsr do_cr2 push line to history
move.l errorstack(a5),sp
bra chorus
lea clrtx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string clear window
bra gimme4
movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp)
lea past(a5),a2
move.l now(a5),d3
move.l #HISTORY_SIZE,d2
sub.l a3,a3
bsr viewhist view history buffer with MORE
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4
bra gimme4
tst.l ReviewSize(a5)
beq.s .A
movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp)
sub.l a3,a3
bsr viewbuffer view review buffer with MORE
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a4
bsr gimme4
.A rts
btst #FLappicon,Flags+3(a5)
beq ExitZShell exit immediately
tst.b openwin_flag(a5)
beq ExitZShell
bsr WaitAppIcon
bsr gimme4
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
tst.b (a1)
beq.s .A
bsr insert_string
.A rts
move.l 4.w,a6 Display Filerequester
lea aslname(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq .A
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bsr name2complete
move.l d7,a6
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,a3
move.l d6,d7
.F addq.l #1,d7
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ copy path
bne.s .F
move.b d3,(a2) replace null-char by old one
move.l a0,a1
bra.s .G
.H move.b (a2)+,(a0)+ copy pattern or filepart
.G dbra d6,.H
tst.b wild_flag(a5)
bne.s .I
move.b #"*",(a0)+
.I clr.b (a0)
lea temp2buf(a5),a0
moveq #-1,d0
move.l a0,a2
move.l #ASL_TB+10,(a2)+ InitialPattern
move.l a1,(a2)+
move.l #ASL_TB+9,(a2)+ InitialDrawer
move.l a3,(a2)+
move.l #ASL_TB+43,(a2)+ SleepWindow
move.l d0,(a2)+
move.l #ASL_TB+1,(a2)+ TitleText
lea ZShellName(pc),a1
move.l a1,(a2)+
move.l #ASL_TB+46,(a2)+ DoPatterns
move.l d0,(a2)+
btst #FLwild,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .E
move.l #ASL_TB+61,(a2)+ RejectPattern
lea FNCignore(a5),a1
move.l a1,(a2)+
.E move.l #ASL_TB+63,(a2)+ FilterDrawers
clr.l (a2)+
clr.l (a2)
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOAllocAslRequest(a6)
move.l d0,d3
beq.s .B
move.l d3,a0 request-struct
move.l a2,a1 no tags
jsr _LVOAslRequest(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .C
move.l d3,a0
move.l rf_File(a0),a1
move.l rf_Dir(a0),a0
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
move.l a2,a3
bsr addpath
.D tst.b (a2)+
bne.s .D
subq.l #1,a2
bsr MaybeInsertQuote
move.b #" ",(a2)+
clr.b (a2)
move.l a3,a1
move.l d7,d2
subq.l #1,d2
move.l a6,a4
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bsr insert_string2
move.l a4,a6
.C move.l d3,a0
jsr _LVOFreeAslRequest(a6)
.B move.l a6,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
Kreturn addq.l #4,sp
do_cr move.l (sp)+,a2
do_cr2 move.l d4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
bsr cursor_right to end of line
bsr pr_lf
lea shelline(a5),a4
move.b #LF,0(a4,d4.w) hack job (MUST END IN LF 0)
clr.b 1(a4,d4.w) for alias stuff
tst.l d4 nothing typed ?
beq finland
;push it to history
move.l now(a5),d0
cmp.l then(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,nost(a5)
.A subq.l #1,d0 FIND LAST
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d0.l)
bne.s .A
lea (a4),a0
bra.s .C
beq finland
.C addq.l #1,d0
and.l #HISTORY_SIZE-1,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b 0(a1,d0.l),d1
beq.s .D
move.l now(a5),d3 pts to the last LF
.E addq.l #1,d3
move.b (a3)+,d0
move.b d0,0(a1,d3.l)
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .E
move.l d3,nost(a5) nost = now
move.l d3,now(a5)
move.l then(a5),d1
cmp.b #LF,0(a1,d1.l)
cmp.l d3,d1
bne.s finland BRANCH IF THEN = (10) & THEN <> NOW
* move.l d3,then(a5) then=now
move.b 0(a1,d3.l),d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .H ***
move.l d3,then(a5) SET NEW THEN (TOP OF HISTORY)
finland lea prompt_string(a5),a1 write to review-buffer
move.l a1,d2
moveq #-1,d3
.E addq.l #1,d3
tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .E
bsr toreview
move.l a2,d2
move.l d4,d3
addq.l #1,d3
bsr toreview
.D bsr GetWindowPtr
bsr raw_off
move.l a2,a0
move.l d4,d0
; End of Command Line Editor
scr_in movem.l a0-a1/a6,-(sp)
clr.b break_flag(a5)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1/a6
btst #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_D,d0 ;checks if CTRL_D pressed
beq.s .B
move.l #304,d0
bsr pr_DOSerr
move.b #1,break_flag(a5)
bra.s terminate_script
.B move.l scsize(a5),d1 ;read a line from the script file
add.l scaddr(a5),d1
sub.l scptr(a5),d1
beq.s terminate_script
bpl.s scr_in2
bsr kill_script
move.l errorstack(a5),sp
bra chorus
scr_in2 move.l a0,a2
move.l #SHELLINE_SIZE-2,d2
moveq #0,d0
move.l scptr(a5),a1
cmp.b #LF,(a1) single LF line ?
beq.s .B
.A move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ copy line from script
.F subq.l #1,d2 check shelline size limit
beq.s .G
addq.l #1,d0
subq.l #1,d1
bne.s .D
.G move.b #LF,(a2)+ script end without LF
bra.s .E
.D cmp.b #LF,(a1) LF at end of line ?
bne.s .A
cmp.b #$5c,-1(a1) escaped ?
bne.s .B
subq.l #1,a2 YES: skip LF and overwrite \
addq.l #1,a1
bra.s .F
.B move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ LF
.E clr.b (a2) 0 at end
move.l a1,scptr(a5)
btst #FLdebug,Flags+3(a5) debug output ?
beq.s .C
bsr pr_prompt
move.l a0,a1
bsr pr_error
.C rts a0=shelline, d0=length
move.l a0,-(sp)
tst.b scflag(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l scaddr(a5),a1
move.l scsize(a5),d0
bsr givemem
.A clr.b scflag(a5) clean up if no more lines left
clr.b if_flag(a5) Make sure if structure ends
clr.b goto_flag(a5) Make sure goto is terminated
clr.l mult_comm_ptr(a5) break multiple commands
move.l (sp)+,a0
** SAME AS compare_strings EXCEPT
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
bra.s .A
.B tst.b d0
beq.s .C RETURN EQ
.A move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s .B return NE
tst.b d0
bne.s .C
cmp.b #LF,d1
.C movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
bra.s .A
.B tst.b d0
beq.s .C RETURN EQ
.A move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s .B return NE
.C movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
* COPY STRING :copys null ending string from A0 to A1, Return with D0=length+1
cp_string movem.l a0-a1,-(sp)
moveq #0,d0
cp_str1 addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s cp_str1
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1
*Get line of text and seperate into up to 25 parameters *
get_line addq.l #1,count_line(a5)
lea ZShellName(pc),a0
move.l a0,parm1(a5)
lea shelline(a5),a0
move.l mult_comm_ptr(a5),d0 SKIP PROMPT IF SCRIPT OR MULT COMMANDS
bne.s .D
tst.b scflag(a5)
bne.s .B
cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5)
bhs endbground
bsr pr_prompt
clr.b noreview_flag(a5)
cmp.b #';',(a0) is 1st character a ';'
beq.s get_line
cmp.b #'*',(a0)
beq.s get_line
cmp.b #'#',(a0)
beq.s get_line do next line if comment
cmp.b #LF,(a0)
beq.s get_line
tst.b scflag(a5)
bne.s .C
bsr handle_logfile
bra.s .C
.D move.l d0,a0 change A0 for multiple commands
.C bsr handle_command_alias keep A0
bsr parse_line
bsr handle_real_pipes
btst #FLdebug,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s gl16
tst.b scflag(a5)
bne.s gl16
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l pr_TaskNum(a1),d0
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bsr qpr10 get CLI number
move.l #"-> "<<8,(a1)+
subq.l #6,a1
bsr pr_error
move.l a0,a1
bsr pr_error
gl16 move.l a0,-(sp) clear parms
lea parm1(a5),a0
lea endofparms(a5),a1
.A clr.l (a0)+
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s .A
move.l (sp)+,a0
lea parm1(a5),a2 do 1st parm seperate to establish CLI residue
bsr get_parm
tst.l d2
beq get_line no command
move.l a0,d7
tst.l d2
beq gl3 if no parms at all
tst.b goto_flag(a5) CHECK IF IN GOTO SEARCH MODE
beq.s test_ifs
move.l a0,-(sp)
lea labeltx+1(pc),a0
bsr lf_compare_strings
bne skipline
move.l (sp)+,a0
* Script-IF handling
test_ifs tst.b if_flag(a5) 0 if if encountered earlier
beq.s no_ifs
tst.b if_condition(a5) 0 if condition TRUE
beq no_ifs
if_false move.l a0,-(sp) push ptr to next
lea elsetx+1(pc),a0
bsr lf_compare_strings
bne.s try_endif
not.b if_condition(a5) flip condition flag
skipline movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1 get rid of last plus return address
bra chorus
try_endif lea endiftx+1(pc),a0
bsr lf_compare_strings
bne.s skipline
clr.b if_flag(a5)
bra.s skipline
no_ifs move.l a1,(a2)+ save address of parm1
lea CLIbuf(a5),a1
.C move.l a0,CLIbufstart(a5)
move.b (a0)+,d0 skip all preceding spaces
cmp.b #LF,d0
beq .D
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s .C
.B move.b d0,(a1)+
move.b (a0)+,d0 copy sudoCLIresidue out
cmp.b #LF,d0 only look for LF end
bne.s .B
.E move.b -(a1),d0 skip all ending spaces
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s .E
addq.l #1,a1
.D clr.b (a1) null end the copy
move.l d7,a0
lea endofparms(a5),a4 establish end of parms block
gl4 bsr get_parm
tst.l d2
beq.s gl3
move.l a1,(a2)+
cmp.l a2,a4 get out if more than 25 parms
bne.s gl4
moveq #118,d0 too many args error
bra pr_galactic
gl3 rts
endifz clr.b if_flag(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
elsez not.b if_condition(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* SKIP *
skipz move.l parm2(a5),d1
beq too_less_args
test_gs tst.b scflag(a5) CAN ONLY GOTO FROM WITHIN SCRIPT
bne.s .A
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
.A move.l d1,a0
lea dest_label(a5),a1
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .B
move.l scaddr(a5),scptr(a5) RESET TO START OF SCRIPT
move.b #$ff,goto_flag(a5)
clr.b if_flag(a5) MAKE SURE IF IS TERMINATED
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
labelz tst.b goto_flag(a5)
bne.s .A
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
.A move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a0
lea dest_label(a5),a1
bsr compare_strings
bne .B
clr.b goto_flag(a5)
bra.s .B
handle_logfile ;writes date/time and commandline to logfile
move.l loghandle(pc),d0
beq.s logend
move.l a0,a3
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODateStamp(a6)
move.l a2,a1
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
bsr insert_date
move.b #" ",(a2)+
move.l a2,a1
bsr InsertCLInum2
move.b #" ",(a1)+
move.l a3,a0
.C move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .C
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
write2log ;write string in a0 to logfile
move.l loghandle(pc),d1
move.l a0,d2
moveq #-1,d3
.A addq.l #1,d3
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .A
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l a3,a0
logend rts
movem.l d0-d2/a1-a4,-(sp)
cmp.b #LF,(a0)
beq hca_nothing_typed
move.l a0,a1
.A cmp.b #" ",(a1)+ skip preceding spaces
beq.s .A
subq.l #1,a1
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
move.b #LF,(a3)
clr.b 1(a3) must be null end string
lea temp2buf(a5),a2 COPY PARM AT A0 TO SEARCH STR
moveq #78,d1
.B move.b (a1)+,d0
bsr checkendofline
beq.s .D hca_one_parm
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s .D hca_one_parm
move.b d0,(a2)+
dbra d1,.B
.D subq.l #1,a1
.E move.b (a1)+,(a3)+ COPY FROM SPACE ONWARDS to tempbuf
clr.b (a2) null end search string
move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr search_alias
move.l (sp)+,a0
beq hca_nothing_typed
move.l d0,a2
lea 4(a2),a2
.G tst.b (a2)+ A2=alias definition
bne.s .G
lea tempbuf(a5),a3 A3=line after alias
move.l a0,a1 A1=shelline ptr
moveq #7,d0
.F clr.l -(sp) push down eight times 0=no entry.
dbra d0,.F
.E move.b (a2)+,d0 handle %1...$1
beq not_much_of_an_alias
cmp.b #$20,d0 skip spaces
beq.s .E
cmp.b #'%',d0
bne.s no_extra_parms
move.b (a2)+,d0
and.w #$0007,d0 only allow %0 --> %7
.A move.b (a3)+,d1 find where the next param starts
cmp.b #LF,d1
beq.s .C if no param then pt A3 to lf again
cmp.b #$20,d1
beq.s .A
.D lsl.w #2,d0 x 4
move.l a3,0(sp,d0.w)
subq.l #1,0(sp,d0.w) put address of param on stack
.B move.b (a3)+,d1 get a3 to pt to next space
cmp.b #LF,d1
beq .C
cmp.b #$20,d1
bne.s .B
.C lea -1(a3),a3 a3 ts to space
bra.s .E do for more params
move.b (a2)+,d0
cmp.b #'$',d0
bne.s .A
move.b (a2)+,d0 grab number after $
beq.s not_much_of_an_alias
and.w #$0007,d0
lsl.w #2,d0 x 4
move.l 0(sp,d0.w),d1
beq.s get_next_character
move.l d1,a4
.B move.b (a4)+,(a1)+ copy param N
cmp.b #LF,(a4)
beq.s .C
cmp.b #$20,(a4)
bne.s .B
.C bra.s get_next_character
.A move.b d0,(a1)+ copy DEFN -> SHELLINE
tst.b d0
bne.s get_next_character
lea -1(a1),a1
lea 32(sp),sp ** NOTE STACK CHANGE
move.l a1,a4
.D move.b (a3)+,(a1)+ copy tempbuf onto end
bne.s .D
moveq #100,d0
bsr stacktest
bne redirtw
bsr handle_command_alias recursive alias substitution
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a1-a4
* uses temp2buf
* EXIT: D0 ptr to the associated alias. D1 pts to prior alias
movem.l d2-d4/a1-a2,-(sp)
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
move.l a1,d2
lea first_alias(a5),a2
move.l a2,d4 NOTE PRIOR ALIAS
move.l (a2),d3
.D beq.s .B
move.l d3,a2
lea 4(a2),a2 A2=current alias name
move.l d2,a1 A1=name to match
bra.s .C
.A tst.b d0
beq.s .B
.C move.b (a1)+,d0
move.b (a2)+,d1
bsr compD1D0locale
beq.s .A
move.l d3,a2
move.l d3,d4
move.l (a2),d3
bra.s .D
.B move.l d4,d1
move.l d3,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4/a1-a2
* GET PARM line pted to by A0
* returns A1 pointing to the address where the parm starts
* puts a 0 over the space or lf where it ends .A0 pts to next bit on end
* return d2=0 if got all possible commands from line
get_parm moveq #$20,d2 D2=delimiter
get_parm1 move.l a0,a1 ;make sure we can get the address before
move.b (a0)+,d1 ;skip spaces
beq.s last_parm2
cmp.b #$20,d1
beq.s get_parm1
cmp.b #$9,d1 skip tabs
beq.s get_parm1
cmp.b #LF,d1 handle idiots who type spaces at end of line
beq.s last_parm
cmp.b #'"',d1 handle double quotes
bne.s gp2
addq.l #1,a1
moveq #'"',d2 SET DELIMITER = "
bra.s gp2
gp4 cmp.b #LF,(a0) handle idiots who type \ at end of line
beq.s gp3
addq.l #1,a0 make sure pts to after quotes d1 is dummy
gp2 move.b (a0)+,d1 a0 pts to after the space on exit
cmp.b #LF,d1
beq.s gp3
cmp.b #$5c,d1 allow for \" (nested quotes)
beq.s gp4
cmp.b d2,d1
bne.s gp2
clr.b -1(a0) make sure last byte is 0
last_parm clr.b -1(a0)
last_parm2 moveq #0,d2 ;signify the end
gp3 subq.l #1,a0 if ends in LF then dont null end, catch that next time
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
beq.s .A
tst.l PipeTask(a5) handle real pipe
beq.s .G
.H move.l inhandle(a5),d1
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #2*SHELLINE_SIZE,d3
jsr _LVORead(a6) read till pipe_in is empty
tst.l d0
bmi.s .G
bne.s .H
.G move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_CIS(a0),d1
move.l stdin(a5),pr_CIS(a0) restore old stdin
move.l stdin(a5),inhandle(a5)
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
.A tst.b redirect_out(a5)
beq.s .B
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_COS(a0),d1
move.l stdout(a5),pr_COS(a0) restore old stdout
move.l stdout(a5),outhandle(a5)
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
tst.l MPipePtr(a5)
beq.s .B
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a4,-(sp)
sub.l a3,a3
bsr viewbuffer >M show output with more
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a4
clr.l MPipePtr(a5)
.B clr.w redirect_in(a5) clear redirect_in and redirect_out
btst #FLpipe,Flags+2(a5)
bne.s .E
lea pipe_in(a5),a2 handle pseudo pipe
tst.b (a2)
beq.s .C
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODeleteFile(a6) delete temporary file
.C lea pipe_out(a5),a1
.D move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ copy pipe_out to pipe_in
bne.s .D
bra.s .F
.E tst.b pipe_out(a5) handle real pipe
beq.s .F
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOWait(a6) wait for CTRL-F or till task returns
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
.F clr.b pipe_out(a5) no pipe_out
* This is the command line parser V2.8 *
* Entry: A0 points to shelline *
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a0,-(sp)
lea pipe_in(a5),a2
tst.b (a2)
beq.s .A
bsr re_in3
.A move.l (sp)+,a4 a4=new commandline
move.l a4,a3 a3=old commandline
move.l a4,d4 d5 used by redirect
addq.l #1,d4 d4=start of commandline
move.b (a3)+,d0
move.b d0,(a4)+
cmp.b #$5c,d0 IS IT BACKSLASH \ ?
bne.s psquote
tst.b pipe_out(a5)
bne.s psquote
.C move.b (a3)+,d0 skip next char and check for LF
cmp.b #";",d0
beq.s .G
cmp.b #"|",d0
beq.s .G
cmp.b #"<",d0
beq.s .G
cmp.b #">",d0
beq.s .G
move.l d4,d1
addq.l #1,d1
cmp.l d1,a3 start of line -> alias-disabling
bne.s .H
.G subq.l #1,a4 overwrite \ if followed by ; | < >
.H move.b d0,(a4)+
cmp.b #$5c,d0 double backslash ?
beq.s .C
bra pschklf
psquote cmp.b #'"',d0 IGNORE ; AND | BETWEEN QUOTES
bne.s psmulti
cmp.l d4,a4 start of line ?
beq.s .D
cmp.b #" ",-2(a4) space before starting quote ?
beq.s .D
cmp.b #"=",-2(a4) = before starting quote ? (for AmigaDOS)
bne redspc
.D move.b (a3)+,d0
move.b d0,(a4)+
cmp.b #LF,d0 missing ending quote ?
.A beq redquo
cmp.b #$5c,-2(a4)
beq.s .D
cmp.b #'"',d0
bne.s .D
cmp.b #" ",(a3) space behind ending quote ?
beq.s psmulti
cmp.b #LF,(a3) except at end of line
bne redspc
psmulti cmp.b #";",d0 CHECK MULTI CMD OR PIPE
bne.s .A
move.b #LF,-1(a4) replace ; with LF
tst.l PipeTask(a5) is it a pipe task ?
bne.s pslend yes: no mult comms
move.l a4,mult_comm_ptr(a5)
bra.s psexit
.A cmp.b #"|",d0
beq handle_pipes
psredir cmp.b #" ",-2(a4) look for space before < or >
bne.s .F
tst.b pipe_out(a5)
bne.s .F
lea redir_tx(pc),a0 CHECK REDIRECTION
move.l a0,parm1(a5)
cmp.b #'>',d0
bne.s .I
bsr redir_out
bra.s .C
.I cmp.b #'<',d0
bne.s .C
bsr redir_in
.C lea ZShellName(pc),a0
move.l a0,parm1(a5)
pschklf cmp.b #LF,d0 there must be a LF at end
bne parseloop
pslend clr.l mult_comm_ptr(a5)
clr.b pipe_count(a5)
psexit move.b (a3)+,(a4)+ copy other multi commands
bne.s psexit
lea pipe_out(a5),a2
tst.b (a2)
beq.s .A
bsr re_out2 output redirect pipes
.A move.l (sp)+,a0
cmp.b #";",d0
beq.s .D
cmp.b #"|",d0
beq.s .D
cmp.b #LF,d0 look for end of line
.D rts
redquo moveq #119,d0
bra.s rederr2
rederr jsr _LVOIoErr(a6) print DOS error
rederr2 bsr pr_DOSerr print error in D0
bra.s redirtw
redspc lea nospace_tx(pc),a0
bra.s reditw
lea redirtwice(pc),a0
reditw bsr PrintError
redirtw move.l thistask(a5),a1
bsr SetSignalE
move.l a4,d2
.A move.b (a3)+,(a4)+ copy other multi commands
bne.s .A
lea shelline(a5),a1
move.l mult_comm_ptr(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a1
.B sub.l a1,d2
bsr pr_error
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,a1
tst.l d2
beq.s .D
subq.l #1,d2
bra.s .D
.C move.b #" ",(a0)+
.D dbra d2,.C
move.b #"^",(a0)+
move.b #LF,(a0)+
clr.b (a0)
bsr pr_error
clr.b pipe_out(a5)
clr.l mult_comm_ptr(a5)
bra galactic
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
bne.s redir_twice
cmp.b #">",(a3)
beq.s redir_both
re_in2 bsr copy_redirector
re_in3 move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
bsr redir_open2
bsr ChngIn
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
bne.s redir_twice
bsr re_in2
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a1),-(sp)
move.l fh_Type(a0),pr_ConsoleTask(a1)
beq.s .A
lea star(pc),a2
.A addq.l #1,a4
bsr re_out2
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l (sp)+,pr_ConsoleTask(a1)
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
bne redir_twice
cmp.b #">",(a3)
beq.s redir_append
bsr copy_redirector
move.l a2,a0
move.b #"M",d0
bsr CheckOneChar
bne.s re_out2
.A clr.b (a2) redir to MORE, send to nil:
move.l ReviewPtr(a5),MPipePtr(a5)
re_out2 move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
bsr redir_open2
bsr ChngOut
bsr redir_open
bsr ChngOut
move.l d0,d1
moveq #0,d2 set position
moveq #1,d3 set mode
jsr _LVOSeek(a6)
ChngIn move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l d0,pr_CIS(a0) MAKE STDIN DIFFERENT.
move.l d0,inhandle(a5)
addq.b #1,redirect_in(a5)
ChngOut move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l d0,pr_COS(a0)
move.l d0,outhandle(a5)
addq.b #1,redirect_out(a5)
bsr copy_redirector
tst.b (a2) null string opens NIL:
bne.s .B
lea connil(pc),a2
.B move.l a2,a0
move.b #"W",d0 "w" opens default window
bsr CheckOneChar
bne.s .C
lea conname(pc),a2
move.l windowname(a5),d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a2
.C move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVOOpen(a6) open file
tst.l d0
beq rederr
move.l d5,a3 skip redir-name in cmdline
.A subq.l #1,a4
cmp.b #" ",-1(a4)
beq.s .A
* ENTRY A3 pts to redirection symbol
* A4 pts to new shelline
* EXIT A2 pts to null end string in tempbuf
* A3 is increased, so that redir name is deleted from shelline
* A4 is decreased to delete space before redir
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
move.l a2,a0
move.l a3,a1 save start of redirection string
cmp.b #">",(a1) handle append redirection properly
bne.s .B
addq.l #1,a1
.B cmp.b #$22,(a1) is string enclosed in quotes ?
bne.s .A
addq.l #1,a1 skip first quote
move.b #$22,(a0)+ remember quotes
addq.l #1,a2
.C move.b (a1)+,d0
cmp.b #$22,d0 look for last quote
beq.s cpredsp
cmp.b #LF,d0 missing last quote ?
beq redquo
move.b d0,(a0)+ copy newstdin/out to nonstdin/out
bra.s .C
.A move.b (a1)+,d0
cmp.b #" ",d0 look for ending space
beq.s cpredlf
bsr checkendofline
beq.s cpredlf
move.b d0,(a0)+ copy newstdin/out to nonstdin/out
bra.s .A
cpredlf subq.l #1,a1
cmp.b #$22,-1(a1)
beq redquo
cpredsp move.l a1,d5
clr.b (a0)+ A0 should point to after the space or lf
*** PIPES V2.7 ***
btst #FLpipe,Flags+2(a5)
beq.s .D
tst.b pipe_out(a5)
bne parseloop check for next multi cmd or end of line
.D move.b #LF,-1(a4) replace | with LF
addq.b #1,pipe_count(a5)
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
bne redir_twice
move.l a4,mult_comm_ptr(a5)
lea pipe_out(a5),a1
lea devpipe(pc),a2
btst #FLpipe,Flags+2(a5)
bne.s .A
lea devtemp(pc),a2
.A move.b (a2)+,(a1)+ copy "PIPE:" or "T:" to pipe_out
bne.s .A
subq.l #1,a1
bsr InsertCLInum
btst #FLpipe,Flags+2(a5) real pipe ?
bne.s .C
move.b pipe_count(a5),d0 append pipe number for pseudo pipes
bsr qpr10
clr.b (a1)
bra psexit do same like multi cmds
.C clr.b (a1)
bra parseloop check for next multi cmd or end of line
btst #FLpipe,Flags+2(a5)
beq.s .B
tst.b pipe_out(a5)
beq.s .B
movem.l d2-d7/a0-a4,-(sp)
move.l a0,a1
.C cmp.b #LF,(a1)+
bne.s .C
lea tempbuf(a5),a2 create parms for new task
move.l a2,parm2(a5)
move.l #"-w*"<<8,(a2)+
move.l a2,parm3(a5)
move.w #"-c",(a2)+
clr.l parm4(a5)
.F move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bne.s .F
clr.b -2(a2) clear LF
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6) clear signal CTRL-F
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #3,d7
bsr create_new_cli create new task for real pipes
beq.s .A
moveq #16,d1
bsr GuruIt creation of task failed
lea shelline(a5),a4
bra redirtw
.A movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a0-a4
.B rts
move.l PipeTask(a5),d0
beq.s .A started with RUN
move.l d0,a1 task real pipe started from
bsr SetSignalE tell it to end
.A bra ExitZShell
SetSignalE ;a1=taskaddress
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
* Iconify Shell V2.3 *
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a4,-(sp)
clr.b tempbuf(a5)
; cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
; blo .G
bsr KillAppWin
bsr raw_off
bsr clkof2
bsr CloseWin
tst.l diskobj(a5)
bne.s .I
bsr OpenIconLib
beq.s .A
moveq #3,d0
jsr _LVOGetDefDiskObject(a6)
move.l d0,diskobj(a5)
beq .A
.I bsr OpenWBLib
beq .A
moveq #0,d0 opened workbench.library
moveq #0,d1
move.l app_name(a5),a0
move.l thistask(a5),a1
lea pr_MsgPort(a1),a1
move.l a1,d3
sub.l a2,a2
move.l diskobj(a5),a3
sub.l a4,a4
jsr _LVOAddAppIconA(a6) add appicon
move.l d0,d2
beq.s .B
move.l 4.w,a6
.C move.l d3,a0
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6) wait for one message
bsr GetAppIMsgs
move.l wbbase(a5),a6
move.l d2,a0
jsr _LVORemoveAppIcon(a6) remove appicon
.B bsr GetAppIMsgs
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.b openwin_flag(a5) restore window
beq.s .G
move.l thistask(a5),a3
move.l CLIptr(a5),a2
move.l windowname(a5),d1
clr.b openwin_flag(a5)
bsr OpenWin
beq ExitZShell
bsr SetConHandles
bsr InitAppWin
tst.b memclk_flag(a5)
beq.s .G
bsr clkon
.G movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a4
move.l 4.w,a6
.B move.l d3,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6) get all messages
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a2
cmp.w #8,am_Type(a2)
bne.s .B
bsr ProcessApp
move.l a2,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6) reply them
bra.s .B
.A rts
ProcessApp ;Message in a2
movem.l a2-a6,-(sp)
move.l am_NumArgs(a2),d0
move.l am_ArgList(a2),a0
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
bra.s .D
.E move.l a2,a3
move.l (a0)+,d1 process all args
beq.s .C get name from lock to dir
movem.l d0-d3/a0/a3,-(sp)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
jsr _LVODupLock(a6)
move.l a2,a0
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.A tst.b (a2)+
bne.s .A
subq.l #1,a2
cmp.b #":",-1(a2)
beq.s .B
move.b #"/",(a2)+ /-end path
.B movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0/a3
.C move.l (a0)+,d1 get filename
beq.s .D
move.l d1,a1
bsr addstring
bsr.s MaybeInsertQuote
move.b #" ",(a2)+ space-end
.D dbra d0,.E
clr.b (a2)
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a6
MaybeInsertQuote ;a3=start, a2=end of string
move.l a3,a1 changes only d1, a1, a2
moveq #0,d1 Inserts quotes if strings contains spaces
.G cmp.b #" ",(a1)+
bne.s .F
moveq #1,d1 space found
.F cmp.l a1,a2
bne.s .G
tst.l d1
beq.s .H jump if no spaces
addq.l #1,a2
move.b #$22,(a2)+ append last quote
.I move.b -1(a1),(a1) insert one char
subq.l #1,a1
cmp.l a1,a3
bne.s .I
move.b #$22,(a1) store starting quote
.H rts
** evaluate entire name associated with lock in D0, store string in A0
** Return D1 = last lock to unlock
** Reg usage: d0,d1,d2,d3,a0,a1,a3 (must not use A2)
move.l iconbase(a5),d0
bne.s .A
move.l 4.w,a6
lea iconname(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) icon-library
move.l d0,iconbase(a5)
.A move.l d0,a6
move.l wbbase(a5),d0
bne.s .A
move.l 4.w,a6
lea wbname(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,wbbase(a5)
.A move.l d0,a6
* Create CLI-Interface-Structure V2.0 *
clr.b WBflag(a5) 0=WB or CLI/1=newcli/2=run/3=pipe
move.l thistask(a5),a3
move.l pr_WindowPtr(a3),d0
move.l d0,oldwindowptr(a5) preserve old winptr
move.l d0,windowptr(a5)
bsr GetWindowPtr
tst.b CLIflag(a5)
beq CCli3
clr.l EntryA0(a5) started from WB
move.l #64+$28+$50,d0
bsr iwantcleanmem memory for CLI
moveq #1,d1
tst.l d0
beq CCli2
move.l d0,a2
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,pr_CLI(a3)
move.l dl_Root(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
moveq #0,d2
move.l (a0),d0
subq.l #1,d0
.C addq.l #1,d2
addq.l #4,a0
tst.l (a0) look for free CLI-Number
dbeq d0,.C
moveq #2,d1
tst.l (a0)
bne CCli2
lea pr_MsgPort(a3),a1
move.l a1,(a0)
move.l d2,pr_TaskNum(a3)
moveq #10,d0
move.l d0,cli_FailLevel(a2)
moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,cli_Interactive(a2)
move.l #1000,cli_DefaultStack(a2) 1000 LONGs
move.l pr_FileSystemTask(a3),filesys_old(a5)
lea 64(a2),a0
move.l a0,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,cli_CommandFile(a2)
lea 64+$28(a2),a0
move.l a0,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,cli_CommandName(a2)
tst.l wb_msg(a5)
beq CreateCLI2 no WB-Msg -> CreateCLI2
move.l wb_msg(a5),a0
tst.l sm_Process(a0)
beq CreateCLI3 newcli/run -> CreateCLI3
move.l sm_ArgList(a0),a1
moveq #2,d0
cmp.l sm_NumArgs(a0),d0
bhi.s .A Project ?
addq.l #8,a1
.A move.l (a1),a0 Lock on Current Dir
moveq #3,d1
move.l a0,d0
beq CCli2
move.l a0,d1
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
jsr _LVODupLock(a6) WB wants to free its own lock
bsr SetCurrentDir
move.l 4.w,a6
lea wbenchtx(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .E
move.l d0,a0
tst.l pr_CLI(a0)
beq.s .E
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bsr CopyPaths copy paths from workbench
.E bsr OpenIconLib
moveq #4,d1
tst.l d0
beq CCli2
move.l d0,a4
move.l wb_msg(a5),a0
move.l sm_ArgList(a0),a1
moveq #2,d0
cmp.l sm_NumArgs(a0),d0
bhi.s .B Project ?
move.l 12(a1),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,EntryA0(a5) Name of Project as Script
addq.l #8,a1
.B move.l 4(a1),a0 Name of Process
jsr _LVOGetDiskObject(a6)
moveq #5,d1
move.l d0,diskobj(a5)
beq CCli2
move.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d0
bset #31,d0 unset icon position
move.l d0,$3a(a0) CurrentX
move.l d0,$3e(a0) CurrentY
move.b #8,$30(a0) Type=AppIcon
move.l do_ToolTypes(a0),d3 d3=ToolTypes
move.l d3,a0
lea xpostool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for XPOS-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .G
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .G
move.l diskobj(a5),a0
move.l d0,$3a(a0)
.G move.l d3,a0
lea ypostool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for YPOS-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .E
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .E
move.l diskobj(a5),a0
move.l d0,$3e(a0)
.E move.l d3,a0
lea nametool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for ICONNAME-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,app_name(a5)
.C move.l d3,a0
lea iconifytool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for ICONIFY-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
bset #FLappicon,Flags+3(a5)
movem.l d2-d5/a6,-(sp)
moveq #0,d4
moveq #0,d5
bsr WaitAppIcon
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d5/a6
.B move.l d3,a0
lea screentool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for SCREEN-ToolType
move.l d0,pubname(a5)
move.l d3,a0
lea wintool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for WINDOW-ToolType
lea conname(pc),a0
tst.l d0
beq.s .D
move.l d0,a0
.D move.l a0,d1
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bsr OpenWin Open Window
beq CCli2a
move.l d3,a0
lea scripttool(pc),a1
move.l a4,a6
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for SCRIPT-ToolType
tst.l EntryA0(a5) project ?
bne.s .F
move.l d0,EntryA0(a5)
.F move.l d3,a0
lea norawtool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for NORAW-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
.A move.l d3,a0
lea helptool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for HELPMAN-ToolType
tst.l d0
beq.s .H
move.l d0,online_help(a5)
.H move.l d3,a0
lea commandtool(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindToolType(a6) Look for COMMAND-ToolType
move.l d0,d2
bsr Com2Script
CCli1 move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #0,d0
CCli2 bsr GuruIt
CCli2a move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #-1,d0
CCli3 move.l pr_COS(a3),outhandle(a5) started from CLI
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a3),d1
bne.s .D
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq .D
bsr SetCurrentDir
.D move.l EntryA0(a5),d0 process CLI-Command-Line
beq.s CCli1
clr.l EntryA0(a5)
move.l d0,a0
lea parm2(a5),a2
lea endofparms(a5),a4 establish end of parms block
.A bsr get_parm
tst.l d2
beq.s .B
move.l a1,(a2)+
cmp.l a2,a4 get out if more than 25 parms
bne.s .A
clr.b (a0) make sure last parm ends in 0
.B lea parm2(a5),a1
bsr.s StartOpts
bne.s CCli2a
tst.l d3
beq.s .C
bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
.C tst.l d1
beq.s CCli1
move.l thistask(a5),a3
move.l pr_CLI(a3),a2
add.l a2,a2
add.l a2,a2
bsr OpenWin
tst.l d0
beq.s CCli2a
tst.l d3
beq CCli1
bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
bra CCli1
StartOpts ;examine startup-options, parms in a1
moveq #0,d1 returns window in d1, script in EntryA0
moveq #0,d2 and start-command in d2
moveq #0,d3 d3>0 if noraw, screen in pubname
.A move.l (a1)+,d0
beq.s Com2Script exit to Com2Script
move.l d0,a0
cmp.b #"-",(a0)+
bne.s .H
move.b (a0)+,d0
or.b #$20,d0
cmp.b #"s",d0 -s for Script
bne.s .B
move.l a0,EntryA0(a5)
bra.s .A
.B cmp.b #"w",d0 -w for Window
bne.s .C
move.l a0,d1
bra.s .A
.C cmp.b #"c",d0 -c for Command
bne.s .D
move.l a0,d2
bra.s .A
.D cmp.b #"d",d0 -d for detach
bne.s .E
clr.l -4(a1)
bsr initialise_default
bsr newcliz
bra.s .I
.E cmp.b #"r",d0 -r for not Resident
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"n",d0 -n for Noraw
bne.s .F
moveq #1,d3
bra.s .A
.F cmp.b #"e",d0 -e for scrEen
bne.s .H
move.l a0,pubname(a5)
bra.s .A
.H cmp.b #"h",d0 -h for Helpman
bne.s .J
move.l a0,online_help(a5)
bra.s .A
.J lea useit(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
.I moveq #-1,d0
Com2Script ;Makes a command to script, d2=command
move.l d1,-(sp) returns d0=0 for OK
tst.l d2 V2.7: uses mult_comm_ptr, cannot fail
beq.s .B
lea null(pc),a0
move.l a0,EntryA0(A5) no (default) script
move.l d2,a0
lea shelline(a5),a1
move.l a1,mult_comm_ptr(a5)
.D move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ copy command to shelline
bne.s .D
move.b #LF,-1(a1)
clr.b (a1)
.B move.l (sp)+,d1
moveq #0,d0
SetCurrentDir ;lock in d0
move.l d0,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l fl_Task(a0),pr_FileSystemTask(a3)
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l d0,cdir_old(a5)
* Create CLI-Interface-Structure without WB-Message V2.0 *
lea conname(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
bsr OpenWin
beq.s .B
lea ramdisk(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq .B
bsr SetCurrentDir
moveq #0,d0
.B moveq #-1,d0
ramdisk dc.b "RAM:",0
* Create CLI-Interface-Structure with special message V2.0
* ENTRY: a0:wb_msg, a2:CLI_Struct, a3:Process
*sm_NumArgs: General Memory Block
*sm_ToolWindow: Mode (1=newcli, 2=run, 3=pipe)
move.b sm_ToolWindow(a0),WBflag(a5) not started from WB
move.l sm_NumArgs(a0),a4 wb_msg in a0
move.l Flags(a4),Flags(a5)
move.l copysize(a4),copysize(a5)
move.l FNCsize(a4),FNCsize(a5)
move.l app_name(a4),app_name(a5)
move.l online_help(a4),online_help(a5)
move.l pubname(a4),pubname(a5)
move.l thistask(a4),a0
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a0),d1
move.l pr_CLI(a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l cli_DefaultStack(a0),cli_DefaultStack(a2)
move.l cli_FailLevel(a0),cli_FailLevel(a2)
jsr _LVODupLock(a6) COPY CD
moveq #15,d1
tst.l d0
beq cce3
bsr SetCurrentDir
move.l stdout(a4),outhandle(a5) PROCESS PARMS
lea parm2(a4),a1
bsr StartOpts
clr.l outhandle(a5)
tst.l d0
bne cce2
move.l thistask(a4),a0 OPEN WINDOW
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a0),pr_ConsoleTask(a3)
cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5)
bne.s .K
tst.b redirect_out(a4) out-redirected run command ?
beq.s .K
tst.l outhandle(a4)
beq.s .K
move.l outhandle(a4),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l fh_Type(a0),d0
move.l d0,pr_ConsoleTask(a3)
.K lea conname(pc),a0
tst.l d1
bne.s .H
move.l a0,d1
move.l windowname(a4),d0
beq.s .H
move.l d0,d1
.H bsr OpenWin
beq cce2
cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5) background tasks are noraw
bhs.s .J
btst #FLraw,Flags+2(a4) inherit noraw ?
beq.s .J
tst.l d3 force noraw ?
beq.s .B
.J bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
.B move.l thistask(a4),a0 COPY SEARCH PATHS
bsr CopyPaths
lea prompt_args(a4),a0 COPY PROMPT
lea prompt_args(a5),a1
.G move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .G
lea now(a4),a0 COPY HISTORY
lea now(a5),a1
move.w #HISTORY_SIZE+12-1,d0
.D move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.D
moveq #ctrl_inite-ctrl_init-1,d0 COPY CTRL-CODES
lea ctrl_codes-1(a4),a0
lea ctrl_codes-1(a5),a1
.E move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.E
moveq #more_inite-more_init-1,d0 COPY MORE-KEYS
lea morekeys(a4),a0
lea morekeys(a5),a1
.I move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.I
lea FNCignore(a4),a0 COPY FNC-ignore
lea FNCignore(a5),a1
.F move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .F
ccs1 movem.l a2-a4,-(sp) COPY ALL ALIASES
lea first_alias(a4),a2
.A move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .E
move.l d0,-(sp)
addq.l #4,d0 skip link
move.l d0,a2 start to A2
move.l d0,a3
.C tst.b (a3)+ skip name
bne.s .C
.D tst.b (a3)+ skip definition
bne.s .D
bsr copy_new_alias
move.l (sp)+,a2
beq.s .A check for error
moveq #17,d1
bsr GuruIt
.E cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5) CREATE REVIEW-BUFFER
bhs.s .F
move.l ReviewSize(a4),d0
beq.s .G
bsr MakeReview
.F movem.l (sp)+,a2-a4
ccs2 cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5) BACKGROUND PROCESS
blo.s .D
moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,cli_Background(a2)
cmp.b #3,WBflag(a5) COPY PIPENAME
bne.s .D
lea pipe_out(a4),a0
lea pipe_in(a5),a1
.E move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .E
move.l thistask(a4),PipeTask(a5)
.D lea null(pc),a0 no default script
move.l a0,d0
move.l EntryA0(a5),d1 SCRIPT GIVEN ?
beq.s .A
move.l d1,a0
lea prompt_string(a5),a1 there is enough place
move.l a1,d0
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ Copy Script-Parm
bne.s .B
.A move.l d0,EntryA0(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
bra.s cce1
cce3 bsr GuruIt
cce2 moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
cce1 move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l wb_msg(a5),a1
move.l d0,sm_ToolWindow(a1) return success to calling task
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
clr.l wb_msg(a5)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l (sp)+,d0
* Open Window for both Input and Output, Name in d1 , a2,a3 *
OpenWin move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #0,d0
cmp.b #1,openwin_flag(a5)
beq .C
move.b #1,openwin_flag(a5)
move.l pr_CIS(a3),OldCIS(a5)
move.l pr_COS(a3),OldCOS(a5)
clr.l pr_CIS(a3) avoid freeing it
clr.l pr_COS(a3)
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a3),OldCTask(a5)
bclr #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
move.l d1,a0
move.l a0,windowname(a5)
tst.b (a0)
beq .A NIL:
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo .D
move.l pubname(a5),d0
beq .D
movem.l d1-d2/a2,-(sp) open Public Screen
lea PubTags(pc),a0
lea temp2buf(a5),a1 copy tags-field
move.l a1,a2
.E move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
tst.l -8(a1)
bne.s .E
move.l d0,a1
moveq #2,d0
addq.l #1,a1
tst.b -1(a1)
beq.s .H
subq.l #1,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
.H move.l d0,1*4(a2) Depth
move.l #$8000,d0
tst.b -1(a1)
beq.s .I
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
.I move.l d0,9*4(a2) DisplayID
moveq #1,d0
tst.b -1(a1)
beq.s .J
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
.J move.l d0,11*4(a2) Overscan
lea ZShellName(pc),a0 fill up tags-field
tst.b -1(a1)
beq.s .G
move.l a1,a0
.G move.l a0,3*4(a2) Screentitle
move.l a0,7*4(a2)
moveq #2,d0
move.l d0,5*4(a2) Pubscreen
moveq #12,d0
move.l d0,13*4(a2) PubSig=ctrl-C
lea PenAray(pc),a0
move.l a0,15*4(a2) Drawinfo
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,17*4(a2) SysFont=System default screenfont
move.l a2,a1
sub.l a0,a0
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
jsr _LVOOpenScreenTagList(a6) open Screen
move.l d0,pubscreen(a5)
beq.s .F
move.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOPubScreenStatus(a6) make Pubscreen public
.F move.l dosbase(a5),a6
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a2
.D cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5)
bne.s .L
move.l temp4(a4),d0 use outhandle of RUN command
bne.s .M
.L bsr OpenNewfile open output-Window
.M moveq #11,d1
move.l d0,pr_COS(a3)
beq .B
move.l d0,d1
move.l d0,cli_StandardOutput(a2)
move.l d0,cli_CurrentOutput(a2)
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _LVOIsInteractive(a6)
moveq #12,d1
move.l (sp)+,a0
tst.l d0
bne.s .K
cmp.b #2,WBflag(a5) NIL: output on RUN command ?
beq.s .A
bra.s .B
.K move.l fh_Type(a0),d0
move.l d0,pr_ConsoleTask(a3)
bset #FLraw,Flags+2(a5)
lea star(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
bsr OpenOldfile open input-window
moveq #13,d1
move.l d0,pr_CIS(a3)
beq .B
move.l d0,cli_StandardInput(a2)
move.l d0,cli_CurrentInput(a2)
.A bsr GetWindowPtr
clr.l raw_mode(a5)
moveq #-1,d0
rts d0<>0 if OK
.C moveq #10,d1
.B bra GuruIt d0=0 on error
PubTags dc.l $80000000+37 Depth=2/1
dc.l $80000000+40 Title=*ZShell/3
dc.l $80000000+45 Type=Publicscreen/5
dc.l $80000000+47 PubName=*ZShell/7
dc.l $80000000+50 DisplayID=Hires/9
dc.l $80000000+52 Overscan=1/11
dc.l $80000000+48 PubSig=12/13
dc.l $80000000+58 Pens=*PenArray/15
dc.l $80000000+44 SysFont=1/17
dc.l 0
PenAray dc.w 0,-1
move.l thistask(a5),a3
tst.b openwin_flag(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l pr_CIS(a3),d1
beq.s .C
jsr _LVOClose(a6) close input-window
.C move.l pr_COS(a3),d1
beq.s .D
jsr _LVOClose(a6) close output-window
.D move.l OldCIS(a5),d0
move.l d0,pr_CIS(a3)
move.l OldCOS(a5),d1
move.l d1,pr_COS(a3)
move.l OldCTask(a5),pr_ConsoleTask(a3)
tst.l pr_CLI(a3)
beq.s .G
move.l pr_CLI(a3),a2
add.l a2,a2
add.l a2,a2
move.l d0,cli_StandardInput(a2)
move.l d0,cli_CurrentInput(a2)
move.l d1,cli_StandardOutput(a2)
move.l d1,cli_CurrentOutput(a2)
.G move.l pubscreen(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
jsr _LVOCloseScreen(a6) close Public Screen
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOWait(a6)
bra.s .G
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
* Remove CLI-Interface-Structure V2.0 *
move.l thistask(a5),a3
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .G
clr.l pr_ExitCode(a3)
move.l oldwindowptr(a5),pr_WindowPtr(a3)
move.l old_homedir(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,pr_HomeDir(a3)
bsr clkoff
bsr CloseWin
move.l diskobj(a5),d0
beq.s .F
move.l d0,a0
move.l iconbase(a5),a6
jsr _LVOFreeDiskObject(a6)
.F move.l 4.w,a6
move.l iconbase(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
.A move.l wbbase(a5),d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
.C move.l utilbase(a5),d0
beq.s .D
move.l d0,a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
.D move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l pr_CLI(a3),d0
beq remend
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
moveq #10,d0
move.l d0,cli_FailLevel(a2)
move.l old_setname(a5),d0
beq.s remcli
move.l d0,cli_SetName(a2)
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
lea CD_string(a5),a0
.E move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ copy current dir name
bne.s .E
move.l old_prompt(a5),cli_Prompt(a2)
remcli tst.b CLIflag(a5)
beq.s remend
clr.l pr_CLI(a3) clear CLI-Pointer
move.l pr_TaskNum(a3),d0
beq.s .E
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l dl_Root(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l d0,a0
clr.l (a0) free task-number
clr.l pr_TaskNum(a3)
.E lea cli_CommandDir(a2),a4
bsr DeletePaths free search paths
move.l cdir_old(a5),d1
jsr _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l d0,d1
beq.s .B
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) free current dir
.B move.l filesys_old(a5),pr_FileSystemTask(a3)
clr.l pr_Result2(a3)
move.l #64+$28+$50,d0
move.l a2,a1
bsr givemem free memory of CLI
remend move.l dosbase(a5),a6
GuruIt ;get errornumber in d1 and display a recoverable alert
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,a1
clr.b (a1)+
move.b #250,(a1)+
move.b #15,(a1)+
lea ZShellName(pc),a2
.A move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s .A
move.b #" ",-1(a1)
move.l d1,d0
bsr qpr10
clr.b (a1)+
clr.b (a1)+
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
moveq #0,d0
moveq #35,d1
jsr _LVODisplayAlert(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a2/a6
tst.l d0
;d0=requested stacksize
stacktest movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l topstack(a5),a0
sub.l sp,a0
move.l a0,d1
add.l d0,d1
add.l #1600,d1 ;allow some bytes for DOS
cmp.l stacksize(a5),d1
blo.s .A
lea stack_tx(pc),a0
bsr PrintError
moveq #-1,d0
bra.s .B
.A moveq #0,d0
.B movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
moveq #115,d0
bra.s pr_galactic
moveq #116,d0
bra.s pr_galactic
PKTerr tst.l sp_res1(a5)
bne .A
move.l sp_res2(a5),d0
bra.s pr_galactic
.A rts
*DOSERRor but Unlock first using D7 as the lock
DOSerrUL move.l d7,d1 ;Assume D7=lock
beq.s DOSerr
move.l thistask(a5),a2
move.l pr_Result2(a2),d2
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l d2,pr_Result2(a2)
*DOSERRor handler
DOSerr jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
cmp.l #232,d0
bne.s pr_galactic
moveq #0,d0
bsr.s pr_DOSerr ;entry for dospacket
move.l errorstack(a5),sp ;restore stack
moveq #RETURN_BAD,d0
bra chkfail ;reenter shell loop
maybeDOSerr ;checks if d0=0, then prints DOSerr
move.l d0,-(sp)
bne.s .A
jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
bsr pr_DOSerr error occured
.A move.l (sp)+,d0
* ENTRY D0=dos error number
clr.b noreview_flag(a5)
move.l a2,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr pr_DOSerr1
bsr GetMessage
bsr pr_DOSerr2
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
move.l #-155,d0
bsr GetMessage
move.l sp,a1
bsr new_print
.A lea lf(pc),a1
bsr pr_error
addq.l #4,sp
move.l (sp)+,a2
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a2
lea farb2(pc),a1
bsr addstring
move.l parm1(a5),a1
bsr addstring
move.b #":",(a2)+
move.b #" ",(a2)+
move.l a0,a1
bsr addstring
lea farb1(pc),a1
bsr addstring
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
bsr pr_error
PrintError ;string to print in a0
move.l a2,-(sp)
bsr pr_DOSerr1
bsr pr_DOSerr2
lea lf(pc),a1
bsr pr_error
move.l (sp)+,a2
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .E
movem.l d2-d4,-(sp) OS2.0+ stuff
move.l d0,d1
lea null(pc),a0
move.l a0,d2
lea gather(a5),a0
clr.b 2(a0)
move.l a0,d3
moveq #80,d4
jsr _LVOFault(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4
lea gather+2(a5),a0
.E lea doserror_text(pc),a0 OS1.3- stuff
bra.s .C
.B tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .B
.C move.b (a0)+,d1
beq.s .A
cmp.b d1,d0
bne.s .B
.A moveq #0,d0
* PRINT DECIMAL print D0 as decimal
print10 movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea format(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #4,sp
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0-a1
printADR movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea formatADR(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #4,sp
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0-a1
lea prompt_string(a5),a1
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l stdout(a5),d1
bra.s pr_str1
pr_space lea space(pc),a1
bra.s pr_string
pr_tab lea tab(pc),a1
bra.s pr_string
pr_lf lea lf(pc),a1
*PRINT STRING at a1 ;saves some of the important low registers
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a1,-(sp) print String in a1
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
pr_str1 beq.s .B
move.l a1,d2
moveq #-1,d3
.A addq.l #1,d3
tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .A
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
.B movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0-a1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
jmp _LVOOpen(a6)
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
jmp _LVOOpen(a6)
jmp _LVOOpen(a6)
* Simple Memory Pool Manager, no single deallocations possible V2.9
pud_link = 0 ;APTR Link to next puddle
pud_free = 4 ;APTR Points to start of free space in current puddle
pud_size = 8 ;LONG Size of current puddle
pud_resv = 12 ;LONG Reserved
pud_data = 16 ; puddle data
;POOLSIZE=size of standard puddles, but size can vary
* Create memory pool, no entry, exit: d0=poolheader d1=first free pos
move.l #POOLSIZE,d0
bsr iwantcleanmem allocate first puddle
move.l d0,d1
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
addq.l #8,d1
addq.l #8,d1
move.l d1,pud_free(a0)
move.l #POOLSIZE,pud_size(a0)
.A rts
* Delete whole memory pool, entry: a0=poolheader (may be 0), no exit
move.l a0,d0
beq.s .C
.A move.l (a0),-(sp)
move.l a0,a1
move.l pud_size(a0),d0
bsr givemem free all puddles
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l d0,a0
bne.s .A
.C rts
* Allocate memory in pool, entry: a0=poolheader d0=size, exit: d0=addr
move.l d2,-(sp)
addq.l #1,d0
bclr #0,d0 word-align
cmp.l #(POOLSIZE-pud_data)/2,d0 is it too big for pool ?
bls.s .A
addq.l #8,d0
addq.l #8,d0
move.l d0,d2
bsr iwantcleanmem allocate separate memory for it
beq.s .F
move.l d0,a1
move.l d2,pud_size(a1) size is different from POOLSIZE !
add.l a1,d2
move.l d2,pud_free(a1) declare it as full
move.l a0,d1
.C move.l d1,a0
move.l (a0),d1
bne.s .C look for end of puddles list
move.l a1,pud_link(a0) connect
addq.l #8,d0
addq.l #8,d0
bra.s .F
.A move.l a0,d2
.B move.l d2,a0
move.l d0,d1
move.l pud_free(a0),a1
add.l a1,d1
sub.l a0,d1
cmp.l pud_size(a0),d1 check if it fits into puddle
bls.s .D
move.l (a0),d2
bne.s .B look for end of puddles list
move.l d0,d2
move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr CreatePool allocate new puddle
move.l (sp)+,a0
beq.s .F
move.l d0,(a0) connect
move.l d0,a0
move.l d2,d0
move.l d1,a1
.D add.l d0,pud_free(a0)
move.l a1,d0
.F move.l (sp)+,d2
tst.l d0
* Allocate memory in pool and copy string in there
* Entry: a0=poolheader d0=string, exit: d0=string in pool
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l d0,a1
.A tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .A
sub.l d0,a1
move.l a1,d0
bsr AllocPooled
move.l (sp)+,a1
beq resi_no_mem
move.l d0,a0
.C move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
bne.s .C
*ALLOCATE MEMORY D0=size D1=type
movem.l d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR+1,d1
bra.s iwmem
movem.l d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
moveq #1,d1
iwmem move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
move.l thistask(a5),a0
moveq #103,d1
move.l d1,pr_Result2(a0)
.A movem.l (sp)+,d1/a0-a1
tst.l d0
*FREEMEM A1=ptr to mem block D0=size
givemem move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
* ENTRY D1=0 (NORMAL) D1=-1 (SUBNORMAL, no requesters).
movem.l d1/a0,-(sp)
moveq #-1,d1
bra.s changeWindowPtr
movem.l d1/a0,-(sp)
move.l windowptr(a5),d1
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l d1,pr_WindowPtr(a0)
movem.l (sp)+,d1/a0
btst #FLhide,Flags+2(a5)
beq.s .A
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
bne.s .A
tst.b cursor_mode(a5)
beq.s .A
addq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
lea show_cursor(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
subq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
clr.b cursor_mode(a5)
.A rts
btst #FLhide,Flags+2(a5)
beq.s .A
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
bne.s .A
tst.b cursor_mode(a5)
bne.s .A
addq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
lea hide_cursor(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
subq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
move.b #1,cursor_mode(a5)
.A rts
raw_on movem.l d0/a1,-(sp) switch console to raw mode
moveq #-1,d0
bra.s raw_switch
raw_off movem.l d0/a1,-(sp) switch console to normal mode
moveq #0,d0
; bra.s raw_switch
cmp.l raw_mode(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,raw_mode(a5)
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l pr_ConsoleTask(a1),packettask(a5)
bsr clearArgs
move.l #ACTION_SCREEN_MODE,packettype(a5)
move.l d0,myArg1(a5)
bsr sendpacket
.A movem.l (sp)+,d0/a1
** ENTRY Uses myArg1-myArg7, and packettask, packettype
sendpacket tst.l packettask(a5)
beq.s .A
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a2,-(sp) V2.0 (new written)
bsr sendpacket2
move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6)
move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a2
tst.l sp_res1(a5)
.A rts
sendpacket2 ;used by sendpacket and get_one_char
move.l 4.w,a6
move.b #5,LN_TYPE+sp_node(a5) message
move.l thistask(a5),a2
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a2 Process-MsgPort !
move.l a2,sp_reply(a5) Replyport
move.l a2,sp_port(a5)
move.w #dp_SIZEOF+4,sp_length(a5)
lea sp_link(a5),a0
; move.l a0,sp_ptr(a5)
move.l a0,LN_NAME+sp_node(a5) points to link
lea sp_node(a5),a1
move.l a1,sp_link(a5) linked to itself
move.l packettask(a5),a0
jsr _LVOPutMsg(a6)
clearArgs movem.l d0/a0,-(sp)
lea sp_node(a5),a0
moveq #16,d0 ;68bytes
.A clr.l (a0)+
dbra d0,.A
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0
*Match the string pointed to by A0 to one in a table pted to by a1
*The number of the matched string is linked to an offset table pted to by
*A2. return with
*D2 holding offset from 'cmdstart' so a jsr 0(a0,d2.w) can be done
*Entry A1 pts to Command text table A2 pts to command offset table
lea comtext(pc),a1
lea comoffs(pc),a2
moveq #0,d1 command count
move.l a0,a3 save command
moveq #0,d3
mat1 move.b (a1)+,d3 save number of args
mat2 move.b (a0)+,d0
bset #5,d0
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d0 check "."
bne.s .A
tst.b (a0)
beq.s foundit shortcut
.A move.b (a1),d2
bset #5,d2
cmp.b d2,d0
bne.s nextcom if any character wrong then check next
addq.l #1,a1
tst.b -1(a0) check whether 0 was last compared
beq.s foundit if it was then success
bra.s mat2
nextcom tst.b (a1)+
bne.s nextcom
addq.l #2,d1 each offset is a word
move.l a3,a0
tst.b 1(a1) put 0,0 at end of com table
bne.s mat1
moveq #0,d2 D2 = 0 if command not found
foundit tst.b d3
bmi.s .A
lsl.l #2,d3
lea parm2(a5),a0
tst.l 0(a0,d3.l)
beq.s .A
moveq #118,d0 too many args error
bra pr_galactic
.A move.w 0(a2,d1.l),d2 get offset
* Start of internal commands *
FreeStuff ;deallocates stuff alllocated by commands
bsr deallocate_aliases
bra reviewend
* RUN * V2.2
runz clr.l temp4(a5)
tst.b redirect_out(a5)
beq.s .B
tst.l MPipePtr(a5)
bne.s .B
tst.b pipe_out(a5)
bne.s .B
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_COS(a0),temp4(a5)
move.l stdout(a5),pr_COS(a0) restore old stdout
move.l stdout(a5),outhandle(a5)
.B clr.b redirect_out(a5)
clr.l parm4(a5)
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,parm2(a5)
move.l #"-w*"<<8,(a0)+
move.l a0,parm3(a5)
move.w #'-c',(a0)+
lea CLIbuf(a5),a1
.A move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ copy CLIbuf
bne.s .A
moveq #2,d7
bra.s create_new_cli
* NewCLI * V2.0
newcliz moveq #1,d7
create_new_cli ;ENTRY: d7=Mode
tst.b noresi_flag(a5)
bne .B
lea ZShellName(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1 process-name
move.l thistask(a5),a0
moveq #0,d2 priority
move.b LN_PRI(a0),d2
lea start-4(pc),a0
move.l a0,d3
lsr.l #2,d3 seglist
move.l #4000,d4 stacksize
jsr _LVOCreateProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a4 a4:new process
moveq #$24,d0
bsr iwantcleanmem memory for Message
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a1 a1,a3:message
move.l a1,a3
move.b #5,LN_TYPE(a1)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
lea pr_MsgPort(a0),a2 a2:msgport of this task
move.l a2,mn_ReplyPort(a1)
move.w #$24,mn_Length(a1)
move.l a5,sm_NumArgs(a1)
move.b d7,sm_ToolWindow(a1)
move.l a4,a0
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOPutMsg(a6)
.A move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6)
move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
cmp.l a3,d0
bne .A
move.l sm_ToolWindow(a3),-(sp) return value
; move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l d0,a1
moveq #$24,d0
bsr givemem
move.l (sp)+,d0
.B moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
renamez move.l parm3(a5),d2
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),d1
jsr _LVORename(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
makedirz lea parm2(a5),a4
.A move.l (a4)+,d1
beq.s .B
bsr.s mkdir
bra.s .A
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
*MAKEDIR D1-> directory name
mkdir jsr _LVOCreateDir(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
* moveq #0,d0
promptz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s .B
bsr parse_echo
move.l parm2(a5),a0
lea prompt_args(a5),a2
lea 1(a2),a1
moveq #-1,d0
.A addq.b #1,d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .A
.C move.b d0,(a2)
.B lea prompt_args+1(a5),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
lea prompt_string(a5),a1
move.l a1,prompt_cr(a5)
lea farb3(pc),a0
.C move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ copy highlight colour
bne.s .C
subq.l #1,a1
lea prompt_args+1(a5),a0
cpro3 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq composer3
cmp.b #$5c,d0 ;\
bne.s .A
move.b (a0)+,d0
bra composer2
.A cmp.b #'%',d0
bne composer2
move.b (a0)+,d0
bset #5,d0
cmp.b #'p',d0 check if %p
bne.s try_halfcd
lea CD_string+1(a5),a2
.B move.b (a2)+,(a1)+ copy cd_string to prompt_string
bne.s .B
lea -1(a1),a1
bra cpro3
cmp.b #'s',d0 check if %s
bne.s try_line_num
lea CD_string+1(a5),a2
move.l a2,d1
.A tst.b (a2)+
bne.s .A
subq.l #2,a2
bra.s .D
.C move.b -(a2),d0
.D cmp.l a2,d1
bhi.s .E
cmp.b #"/",d0
beq.s .E
cmp.b #":",d0
bne.s .C
.E addq.l #1,a2
.B move.b (a2)+,(a1)+ copy cd_string to prompt_string
bne.s .B
lea -1(a1),a1
bra cpro3
cmp.b #'l',d0 check if %l
bne.s try_oldcmd
move.l count_line(a5),d0
moveq #0,d1
move.l a1,a2
bsr qdecpr insert current line number
move.l a2,a1
bra cpro3
cmp.b #'c',d0 check if %c
bne.s try_task_num
lea shelline(a5),a2
.B move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s .B
lea -1(a1),a1
bra cpro3
cmp.b #'n',d0 check if %n
bne.s composer2
move.l thistask(a5),a2
move.l pr_TaskNum(a2),d0
add.b #$30,d0
composer2 move.b d0,(a1)+
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .A
move.l a1,prompt_cr(a5)
.A bra cpro3
composer3 lea farb1(pc),a0
.A move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .A
*FILL FIB WITH EXAMINE A0-> directory name ,D7=filelock on return
fibexam move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l a0,d1
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq DOSerr
bsr fibexam2
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l d0,d1
move.l a5,d2
jsr _LVOExamine(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
* CD *
cdz tst.l parm2(a5)
beq querycd
move.l parm2(a5),a0
chdir * check and change directory, a0=dirname
move.l d7,-(sp)
bsr fibexam
move.l d7,d1
move.l (sp)+,d7
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) ;check entry OK
bpl.s .A
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l #212,d0
bra pr_galactic
*CHANGE DIRECTORY d1:lock to new current directory
.A move.l d1,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l fl_Task(a0),pr_FileSystemTask(a1)
jsr _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock the old directory
lea CD_string+1(a5),a0
lea CDbackstr(a5),a1
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ remember old directory
bne.s .B
bsr eval_CD update cd string
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
querycd bsr eval_CD
lea CD_string+1(a5),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
** Evaluate entire name of current directory and put in CD_string
eval_CD clr.b CD_string+1(a5)
lea null(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l fl_Key(a0),cd_block(a5)
move.l fl_Volume(a0),cd_volnode(a5)
lea CD_string+1(a5),a0
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.A moveq #-1,d0
lea CD_string(a5),a0
lea 1(a0),a1
.B addq.b #1,d0 calculate size of BSTR
tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .B
move.b d0,(a0)
** evaluate entire name associated with lock in D0, store string in A0
** Return D1 = last lock to unlock
** Reg usage: d0,d1,d2,d3,a0,a1,a3 (must not use A2)
move.b #"?",(a0)
clr.b 1(a0)
move.l d0,d1
beq.s .C
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d0
cmp.l fl_Access(a1),d0 only eval read locks
bne.s .B
.C cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .A
move.l d1,a3
move.l a0,d2
moveq #78,d3
jsr _LVONameFromLock(a6)
move.l a3,d1
.B rts
.A lea -88(sp),sp
move.l a0,4(sp) save address of string
move.l d1,(sp) save original lock on stack
move.l a5,d2
jsr _LVOExamine(a6)
move.l 4(sp),a1
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
evx1 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ COPY FILENAME TO deststring
bne.s evx1
lea -1(a1),a3
evcd2 move.l (sp),d1 get lock
jsr _LVOParentDir(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s root_found
move.l (sp),d1
move.l d0,(sp)
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock last
move.l (sp),d1
move.l a5,d2
jsr _LVOExamine(a6)
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
lea 8(sp),a1
evx2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ stackbuf = filename
bne.s evx2
move.b #'/',-1(a1)
move.l 4(sp),a0
evx3 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ stackbuf = filename/CD_string
bne.s evx3
move.l 4(sp),a1
lea 8(sp),a0
evx4 move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b d0,(a1)+
cmp.b #'/',d0
bne.s evx4
lea -1(a1),a3
evx5 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ dest string = stackbuf
bne.s evx5
bra evcd2
move.l (sp),d1
tst.b (a3)
bne.s root2
clr.b 1(a3)
root2 move.b #':',(a3)
lea 88(sp),sp
*ADDPATH A0-> path A1-> parameter A2-> destination for string
** eg. (A0)='df0:libs',0 (A1)='arp.library',0 (A2)='df0:libs/arp.library',0
addpath movem.l a0-a2,-(sp)
move.b (a0),d0
beq.s addp4
addp1 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s addp2
move.b d0,(a2)+
bra.s addp1
addp2 move.b -2(a0),d0
cmp.b #':',d0
beq.s addp4
cmp.b #'/',d0
beq.s addp4
move.b #'/',(a2)+
addp4 move.l a1,a0
move.l a2,a1
bsr cp_string
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a2
* Search Resident list for command V2.0:Global resi's
* RETURN D0=seglist OR 0 if not found
* A0=addr of node D2=addr of Vorgänger
search_res move.l parm1(a5),a4
bsr resi_hand
beq.s .D
move.l a0,d2
.A lsl.l #2,d0
move.l a4,a1 string
move.l d0,a2
lea resi_name(a2),a0 BSTR
moveq #0,d3
move.b (a0)+,d3
subq.w #1,d3
.B move.b (a0)+,d0
move.b (a1)+,d1
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d1
bne.s .F
tst.b (a1)
beq.s .C
.F bsr compD1D0locale
dbne d3,.B
bne.s .E not equal
tst.b (a1)
beq.s .C the (null-)END
.E move.l a2,d2
move.l resi_link(a2),d0 get link
bne.s .A
.D moveq #0,d0
.C moveq #-1,d1
cmp.l resi_usecount(a2),d1 is it a system-resi ?
beq.s .D
move.l resi_seglist(a2),d0 get seglist
move.l a2,a0
*Search paths for command
*Exit: d0=seglist, d4=PROGDIR:, branches if script file
spaths move.l parm1(a5),a4 A4=parm1
spaths2 moveq #0,d4 jump-in for resident,do not load scripts with it!
move.l thistask(a5),a3
lea pr_CurrentDir(a3),a3 (A3)=ptr to current dir
move.l (a3),d3 d3=current dir at beginning
move.l d3,d4 d4=PROGDIR:
bsr lock_or_load
tst.l d0
bmi.s .C not found
bne gotit found & executable
tst.b forcediskflag(a5)
bne.s .C do not change dir
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) is it a DIR ?
bmi s_flagset no, exec script ?
tst.l parm2(a5)
bne.s .C argument given: do not change dir
addq.l #4,sp return from archie3
move.l a4,a0
bra chdir change current dir
.C move.l a4,a0
.F move.b (a0)+,d0 are there path-specific chars in the name
cmp.b #"/",d0
beq.s no_more_paths
cmp.b #":",d0
beq.s no_more_paths
tst.b d0
bne.s .F
bsr RequestersOff no requesters
move.l CLIptr(a5),a2
lea cli_CommandDir(a2),a2 A2=ptr to current path
.A move.l (a2),d0 search all paths
beq.s no_more_paths
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
move.l 4(a2),d4 d4=PROGDIR:
beq.s .A
move.l d4,(a3)
bsr lock_or_load disk access
tst.l d0
bmi.s .A
bne.s gotit
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) is it a DIR ?
bpl.s .A
bra.s s_flagset exec script
moveq #0,d0
gotit move.l d3,(a3) restore current dir
bra RequestersOn
move.l a4,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
bne.s .A
moveq #-1,d0 file not found
.A bsr fibexam2
moveq #0,d0
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .C
move.l fib_Protection(a5),d1
btst #6,d1 script-bit ?
bne.s .C
btst #1,d1 not-execute-bit ?
bne.s .C
move.l a4,d1
jsr _LVOLoadSeg(a6)
.C move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l d3,(a3) restore current dir
bsr RequestersOn
addq.l #4,sp kill return addresses (archie3,spaths)
move.l fib_Protection(a5),d1
btst #6,d1
beq.s .A
addq.l #4,sp kill return addresses (archie3,spaths)
move.l a4,a0 A4 pts to filename
bsr readfile
move.l d3,(a3) restore current dir
bra xz3
.A move.l #305,d0
tst.l parm2(a5) argument given: do not show file
bne.s .E
cmp.l d3,d4 PROGDIR=Current Dir ?
.E bne pr_DOSerr NO: file not executable
;show ascii or amigaguide text
move.l 4.w,a6 YES: show it with Amigaguide
lea guidename(pc),a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .C opened amigaguide.library ?
move.l d0,a6
moveq #NewAmigaGuide_SIZEOF/4-1,d0
.D clr.l -(sp)
dbra d0,.D
move.l a4,nag_Name(sp) filename into nag
move.l sp,a0 nag to a0
sub.l a1,a1 must be zero
jsr _LVOOpenAmigaGuideA(a6) open guide
tst.l d0
beq.s .B failed to open guide ?
move.l d0,a0
jsr _LVOCloseAmigaGuide(a6) wait till user closes guide
.B lea NewAmigaGuide_SIZEOF(sp),sp
move.l a6,a1 Free library
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
.C move.l dosbase(a5),a6
* ARCHIE 3 calls system0 to execute non internal commands
archie3 tst.l parm1(a5) exit if nothing typed
beq noarch31
clr.b resi_flag(a5) =0 if resident
bsr search_res search resident list first
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
addq.b #1,resi_flag(a5) =1 if not resident
bsr spaths load the command
tst.l d0
beq noarch32 could not load
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .A
move.l thistask(a5),a3
move.l d4,pr_HomeDir(a3) init PROGDIR:
.A move.l d0,temp1(a5) save the segment
bsr save_mem_time
lea CLIbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,-(sp) push arg_args ptr.
move.l d0,-(sp) push seglist
move.l parm1(a5),d0
move.l d0,-(sp) push arg_name
lea 12(sp),sp
move.l d0,-(sp)
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .G
move.l thistask(a5),a3
clr.l pr_HomeDir(a3) reset PROGDIR:
.G jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
move.l d0,Result2(a5)
btst #FLcheck,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .C
bsr show_status
.C tst.b resi_flag(a5)
beq.s .B
move.l better_Seglist(a5),d1
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6)
.B move.l (sp)+,d2 RESULT IN D2
beq.s .D
btst #FLerrors,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .D
move.l Result2(a5),d0
beq.s .D
bsr pr_DOSerr if result > 0 print error
.D move.l d2,d0
noarch31 rts
moveq #-121,d0 command not found
bsr pr_DOSerr
moveq #RETURN_BAD,d0 return d0 bad
***** SYSTEM0 execute command from disk. From Sozobon C distribution.
* Copyright © 1988 by Ralph Babel.
* This piece of code may be used as part of any product as
* long as the source code for the complete program can be
* obtained free of charge (except for a small copying fee)
* and this copyright notice is left unchanged.
movem.l d2-d3/a2-a6,-(sp) ;SAVED_REGS
moveq #NO_CLI,REG_Result ;#-1,d3 ERROR - not a CLI task
move.l 4.w,REG_SysBase ;4,a6
move.l thistask(a5),REG_Process ;a2
move.l pr_CLI(REG_Process),d0
beq quit0
* build local stack frame & save some values
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,REG_CLI ;a3
move.l sp,REG_PrevStack ;a1 save old stack pointer
move.l sp,d0
and.b #$fc,d0 ;make SP longword-aligned for BPTRs
move.l d0,sp
sub.l #sf_SIZEOF,sp ;stack-frame-struct
move.l REG_PrevStack,sf_PrevStack(sp)
move.l REG_Process,sf_Process(sp)
move.l REG_CLI,sf_CLI(sp)
move.l pr_ReturnAddr(REG_Process),sf_SaveReturnAddr(sp)
* allocate space for stack
moveq #NO_MEM,REG_Result ;ERROR - no memory for STACK
move.l cli_DefaultStack(REG_CLI),d0 ;in longwords for "VEC"
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,sf_PushSize(sp)
addq.l #4,d0 ;one additional longword
move.l d0,sf_StackSize(sp)
moveq #1,d1 ;intentionally NOT "MEMF_PUBLIC"!; V2.0 Why not ?
callsys AllocMem
tst.l d0
beq quit1
move.l d0,sf_StackBase(sp) ;save result
* save old command pointer, build new BCPL command name
move.l cli_CommandName(REG_CLI),sf_SaveCommandName(sp)
move.l sf_PrevStack(sp),REG_PrevStack
move.l ARG_NAME(REG_PrevStack),a0 ;first parameter to "System0()"
lea sf_CommandName(sp),a1 ;BSTR
move.w #MAXBSTR-2,d0
bsr cpBSTR
move.l d0,cli_CommandName(REG_CLI)
* save contents of Current Input Stream
move.l pr_CIS(REG_Process),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,REG_CIS
move.l REG_CIS,sf_CIS(sp)
move.l fh_Buf(REG_CIS),sf_SCB_Buf(sp)
move.l fh_Pos(REG_CIS),sf_SCB_Pos(sp)
move.l fh_End(REG_CIS),sf_SCB_End(sp)
* convert argument to LF-terminated string
move.l sf_PrevStack(sp),REG_PrevStack
move.l ARG_ARGS(REG_PrevStack),a0 ;third argument to "System0()"
lea sf_CommandArgs(sp),a1 ;first buffer location
move.l a1,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,fh_Buf(REG_CIS)
move.w #MAXBSTR-1,d0 ;leave some room for terminating LF
bra.s .D
.C move.b d1,(a1)+
.D move.b (a0)+,d1
dbeq d0,.C
move.b #LF,(a1)
move.l sf_PrevStack(sp),REG_PrevStack
sub.l ARG_ARGS(REG_PrevStack),a0 ;subtract first position
move.l a0,d0 ;do NOT subtract 1, LF need this byte
* setup start/end indices in Stream Control Block
clr.l fh_Pos(REG_CIS)
move.l d0,fh_End(REG_CIS)
* misc setup
clr.l pr_Result2(REG_Process) ;clear secondary result
move.l a5,sf_Membase(sp) ;save membase
; moveq #0,d0
; moveq #0,d1
; callsys SetSignal ;clear CTRL-C flag
* handle seglist and start address
move.l cli_Module(REG_CLI),sf_SaveModule(sp)
move.l sf_PrevStack(sp),REG_PrevStack
move.l ARG_SEGLIST(REG_PrevStack),d0 ;second argument to "System0()"
move.l d0,cli_Module(REG_CLI)
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a3
* setup processor registers & C-interface
lea sf_CommandArgs(sp),a0
move.l fh_End(REG_CIS),d0
* setup processor registers, BCPL-interface, stack & return address for "Exit()"
move.l sf_StackBase(sp),a1 ;BCPL stack, low end
move.l sf_PushSize(sp),d2
lea 4(a1,d2.l),a4 ;must not destroy REG_Process!
move.l sp,-(a4) ;previous stack frame
move.l d2,-(a4) :stack size in bytes
move.l a4,pr_ReturnAddr(REG_Process)
move.l a4,sp
move.l dosbase(a5),a4 ;V2.0 small data
movem.l dl_A2(a4),a2/a5/a6
* now call the command at its entry point
jsr 4(a3) ;code starts one longword behind segment pointer
move.l d0,REG_Result ;save return code
* get old stackframe & reload old register contents
move.l 4(sp),sp ;old stack frame
move.l sf_Membase(sp),a5
move.l sf_Process(sp),a0
move.l sf_SaveReturnAddr(sp),pr_ReturnAddr(a0)
move.l sf_CIS(sp),d0
move.l d0,a1
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,pr_CIS(a0) ;V2.0 restore CIS
move.l sf_CLI(sp),a0
move.l sf_SaveCommandName(sp),cli_CommandName(a0)
* Next line makes powerpacker programs deallocate memory properly
move.l cli_Module(a0),better_Seglist(a5) ;V2.0 small data
move.l sf_SaveModule(sp),cli_Module(a0)
* restore original contents of Current Input Stream
move.l sf_CIS(sp),a0
lea sf_CommandArgs(sp),a1
move.l a1,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
cmp.l fh_Buf(a0),d0 ;still the same?
bne.s .E ;no: don't restore
move.l sf_SCB_Buf(sp),fh_Buf(a0)
.E move.l sf_SCB_Pos(sp),fh_Pos(a0)
tst.l fh_End(a0) ;end index set?
beq.s .F ;no: don't restore
move.l sf_SCB_End(sp),fh_End(a0)
* free temporary stack
.F move.l 4.w,REG_SysBase
move.l sf_StackBase(sp),a1
move.l sf_StackSize(sp),d0
callsys FreeMem
quit1 move.l sf_PrevStack(sp),sp ;UNLINK local variables
quit0 move.l REG_Result,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3/a2-a6 ;SAVED_REGS
quitx rts
* HELP *
helpz bsr pr_hide_cursor
move.l parm2(a5),d7
bne help_man
lea helptx1(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
lea comtext(pc),a4
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
.D moveq #5,d3
.C move.l a3,a2
addq.l #1,a4
tst.b (a4)
beq .E
moveq #12,d2
.B subq.l #1,d2
move.b (a4)+,(a2)+
bne.s .B
tst.b -(a2) bump back
.A move.b #$20,(a2)+
dbra d2,.A
clr.b (a2)
move.l a3,a1
bsr pr_string
dbra d3,.C
bsr pr_lf
bra .D
.E bsr pr_lf
; bsr pr_lf
lea helptx2(pc),a4
lea helptx3(pc),a0
move.l a0,d6
bsr pr_screen
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
* print out part of manual, d7 points to topic
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea manadr(pc),a2 global variable
move.l 4(a2),d1
move.l (a2),d0
bne.s .A
lea helpld(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_lf
move.l online_help(a5),a0
bsr readfile load manual
move.l d0,(a2) manadr
move.l d1,4(a2) mansize
.A move.l d0,a3
move.l d1,d5
add.l a3,d5
move.l a3,a2
moveq #0,d4
tst.l d7
beq make_screen type all !
.B move.l d7,a1
move.l d5,a0
addq.l #1,a2
bsr searchSTR search topic in manual
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .C
cmp.b #"=",-6(a2) there must be a lot of "=" before topic
bne.s .B
cmp.b #"=",-7(a2) leave room for underlined sequence
bne.s .B
cmp.b #LF,-1(a2)
beq.s .F
cmp.b #"m",-1(a2)
bne.s .B
.F move.l a1,d4
.E bsr check_c ctrl-c ?
bne.s .C
.D cmp.l d5,a1
bhi.s .C
cmp.b #LF,(a1)+ print lines separately
bne.s .D
move.l d4,d2
move.l a1,d3
sub.l d2,d3
move.l a1,d4
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l d4,a1
cmp.b #"=",-2(a1) search next lot of "="
bne.s .E
cmp.b #"=",-3(a1)
bne.s .E
bra.s .B another fitting topic ?
.C moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
giveman movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1,-(sp) free manual-memory
lea manadr(pc),a0
tst.l (a0)
beq.s .A
move.l (a0),a1
clr.l (a0)
move.l 4(a0),d0
bsr givemem
.A movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/a0/a1
pr_stringlf bsr pr_string
bra pr_lf
* PATH * Assign path or show it.
pathz lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l (a3),d0 see whether any parameters
beq ShowPaths
move.l CLIptr(a5),a4
lea cli_CommandDir(a4),a4
move.l d0,a0
bsr return_dash_option
cmp.b #"C",d0
bne.s .F
bsr DeletePaths * remove all paths
addq.l #4,a3
.F moveq #-1,d3 reverse order
.G addq.l #1,d3
tst.l (a3)+
bne.s .G
subq.l #4,a3
bra.s .D
.C move.l -(a3),d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2 * add as many paths as given
jsr _LVOLock(a6) get a lock
move.l d0,d2
beq DOSerr
bsr CreatePath
beq resi_no_mem
.D dbra d3,.C
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
DeletePaths ;a4=cli_CommandDir, removes all paths
move.l a2,-(sp)
move.l a4,a2
.A move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .B
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
move.l 4(a2),d1
beq.s .A
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock all paths
bra.s .A
.B move.l (a4),d1
beq.s .E
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6) free memory
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
clr.l (a4) set path ptr to nil
.E move.l (sp)+,a2
CreatePath ;d2=Lock, a4=cli_CommandDir
moveq #12,d0
bsr iwantmem create seglist
bsr maybeDOSerr
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
addq.l #4,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
moveq #12,d1
move.l d1,(a0) size of seglist
move.l (a4),4(a0) link the new path
move.l d2,8(a0) bptr to lock
move.l d0,(a4) first in path-list
.A rts
bsr pr_hide_cursor
move.l #-152,d0
bsr GetMessage
move.l a0,a1
bsr pr_stringlf
move.l CLIptr(a5),a0
lea cli_CommandDir(a0),a2
.A move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .B
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
move.l 4(a2),d1
beq.s .A
jsr _LVODupLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bra.s .A
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
CopyPaths ;copy paths from task in a0 to this task
movem.l d2-d3/a2-a4,-(sp)
move.l thistask(a5),a4
move.l pr_CLI(a4),d0
beq.s .D
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a4
lea cli_CommandDir(a4),a4
move.l pr_CLI(a0),d0
beq.s .D
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
lea cli_CommandDir(a0),a2
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
moveq #0,d3
.A move.l (a2),d0 * walk through all paths
beq.s .C
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
move.l 4(a2),d1
beq.s .A
move.l d1,(a3)+
addq.l #1,d3
bra.s .A
.B move.l -(a3),d1
jsr _LVODupLock(a6) copy lock
move.l d0,d2
beq.s .C
bsr CreatePath add path
.C dbra d3,.B
.D movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3/a2-a4 return
* INFO *
infoz bsr pr_hide_cursor ;V2.0 (fully new)
lea inform_tx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
move.l $22(a6),a0 ;rootnode
move.l $18(a0),a0 ;dosinfo
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l 4(a0),d6 ;devicelist
jajo tst.l d6
bne .B
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B lsl.l #2,d6 ;BPTR
move.l d6,a4
move.l (a4),d6 ;next
tst.l 4(a4) ;type
bne.s jajo ;was volume or assign
tst.l 8(a4) ;task
beq.s jajo ;was non-disk-device
didev move.l $28(a4),a0 ;name
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
move.l a3,a2
bra.s .D
.C move.b (a0)+,(a2)+
.D dbra d0,.C
move.b #":",(a2)+
clr.b (a2)
move.l 8(a4),packettask(a5) ;aptr task
bsr GetDiskInfo
bne .A check for error
move.l sp_res2(a5),d0
cmp.l #209,d0
beq.s jajo
bsr pr_DOSerr
bra.s jajo
.A bsr do_forbid
move.l id_DiskType(a5),d1
move.l d1,d0
clr.b d0
cmp.l #"DOS"<<8,d0
beq.s itsDos ;DOS-Disk
move.l #226,d0
moveq #-1,d2
cmp.l d1,d2
beq.s .F
subq.l #1,d0
cmp.l #"BAD"<<8,d1
beq.s .F
cmp.l #"NDOS",d1
beq.s .F
lea kickdisk(pc),a0
cmp.l #"KICK",d1
beq.s .G
move.l #213,d0
.F bsr GetMessage
.G move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l id_UnitNumber(a5),-(sp)
move.l a3,-(sp)
bsr do_permit
lea (sp),a1
lea inform2(pc),a0
bsr new_print
lea 12(sp),sp
bra jajo
itsDos move.l id_VolumeNode(a5),a0 ;DOS-Disk
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l $28(a0),a0 ;name (hope, it is NULL-ending)
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
addq.l #1,a0
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l id_NumSoftErrors(a5),-(sp) ;SoftErrors
move.l id_DiskState(a5),d0
lea statro(pc),a0
moveq #80,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
beq.s .H
lea statrw(pc),a0
moveq #82,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
beq.s .H
lea statval(pc),a0
moveq #81,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
beq.s .H
lea statun(pc),a0
.H move.l a0,-(sp) ;Status
move.l id_BytesPerBlock(a5),d1
move.l d1,-(sp) ;BlockSize
move.l id_NumBlocks(a5),d0
bsr mult_32x32
lsr.l #8,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,d2
move.l id_NumBlocksUsed(a5),d0
bsr mult_32x32
lsr.l #8,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d2,d3
sub.l d0,d3
moveq #100,d1
bsr mult_32x32
move.l d2,d1
beq.s .D
bsr div_32 ;%
.D exg d0,d2
move.l d3,d1
movem.l d0-d2,-(sp) ;Sizes
lea msd_tx(pc),a0 messydos ?
move.l $1c(a4),d0 dn_Startup
moveq #2,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bls.s .A
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
move.l 8(a1),d0 fssm_Environ
beq.s .A
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
move.l 64(a1),d0 de_DosType
cmp.l #"MSD"<<8,d0 CrossDos ?
beq.s .C
.A move.l id_DiskType(a5),d0
lea quest_tx(pc),a0
cmp.b #5,d0
bhi.s .C unknown
ext.w d0
ext.l d0
lea ofs_tx(pc),a0
lsl.l #2,d0
add.l d0,a0 d0*4+a0 access table
.C move.l a0,-(sp) ;System
move.l id_UnitNumber(a5),-(sp) ;Unit
move.l a3,-(sp) ;Name
bsr do_permit
lea (sp),a1
lea inform(pc),a0
bsr new_print
lea 40(sp),sp
bra jajo
endcliz bsr raw_off
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr return_dash_option
moveq #-1,d7
cmp.b #'C',d0
bne.s .A
moveq #0,d7
.A bsr kill_script
addq.l #4,sp kill return address on stack
clr.b wild_flag(a5)
btst #FLwild,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .B
; cmp.w #37,kickver(a5)
; blo.s .B
movem.l d2-d3/a0/a1,-(sp)
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
move.l a1,d1
bsr rempath
lea wild_string(a5),a0
move.l a0,d2
moveq #80,d3
jsr _LVOParsePatternNC(a6) external matcher
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3/a0/a1
tst.l d0
bmi.s .A
beq.s .A
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bra.s .C
.B lea wild_string(a5),a1 internal matcher
clr.b (a1)
bsr check_wild
tst.b d0
bne.s .A
.C bsr split_wild
move.b #1,wild_flag(a5)
.A rts
check_wild ;only used by handle_wild_dirs
move.l a0,-(sp)
chk_w3 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s chk_w2
cmp.b #'*',d0
beq.s chk_w4
cmp.b #'~',d0 special not char
beq.s chk_w4
cmp.b #'[',d0
beq.s chk_w4
cmp.b #']',d0
beq.s chk_w4
cmp.b #'|',d0 or char
beq.s chk_w4
cmp.b #'?',d0
bne.s chk_w3
chk_w4 moveq #0,d0
move.l (sp)+,a0
chk_w2 moveq #1,d0
move.l (sp)+,a0
* eg. ram:c/*.info -> ram:c0 + *.info0
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a2,-(sp)
move.l a0,d1
sp_w2 move.l a0,a2 a2=temp
sp_w3 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s sp_w4
cmp.b #':',d0
beq.s sp_w2 A0= 1 after :
cmp.b #'/',d0
beq.s sp_w2
bra.s sp_w3
sp_w4 cmp.l a2,d1
beq.s sp_mis
cmp.b #':',-1(a2)
bne.s sp_w5
sp_mis move.l a2,d1 SAVE POSITION
sp_w6 move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s sp_w6
move.l d1,a2
clr.b (a2)
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a2
sp_w5 clr.b -1(a2)
sp_w7 move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s sp_w7
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a2
* NOTE this wildmatcher only handles cases where the wildcard has one * in it.
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
lea FNCignore(a5),a1
tst.b (a1)
bne.s wildmatch wildcheck for names to ignore
moveq #1,d0
lea wild_string(a5),a1
btst #FLwild,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s iwildmatch
; cmp.w #37,kickver(a5)
; blo.s iwildmatch
movem.l d2/a0/a1,-(sp)
move.l a0,d2
move.l a1,d1
jsr _LVOMatchPatternNC(a6) external matcher
movem.l (sp)+,d2/a0/a1
moveq #0,d1
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
addq.l #1,d1
.A move.l d1,d0
movem.l d2/a0-a3,-(sp)
move.b (a1),d2
cmp.b #"~",d2 check if all is negated
bne.s .C
addq.l #1,a1
.C move.l a1,a2
move.l a0,a3
.A move.b (a2)+,d0
beq.s .B
cmp.b #"|",d0 or-symbol V2.0
bne.s .A
clr.b -1(a2) change wildcard to end
bsr.s wildermatch
move.b #"|",-1(a2) restore
tst.l d0
beq.s gut
lea (a3),a0
lea (a2),a1
bra.s .A
.B bsr.s wildermatch
gut cmp.b #"~",d2
bne.s .D
subq.l #1,d0
.D movem.l (sp)+,d2/a0-a3
tst.l d0
cmp.b #'~',(a1) check for NOT specifier
bne.s wm_1
move.b (a1)+,d0
bsr.s wm_1
subq.l #1,d0 0 --> -1 1 --> 0
wm_1 move.b (a0)+,d0
beq source_fin1
move.b (a1)+,d1
cmp.b #'*',d1
beq.s wild_run
cmp.b #'[',d1 handle character classes
bne.s .A
.B move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s wild_fail
cmp.b #']',d1
beq.s wild_fail
bsr compD1D0nocase
bne.s .B
.C move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s wild_fail
cmp.b #']',d1
bne.s .C
bra.s wm_1
.A cmp.b #'?',d1
beq.s wm_1
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s wm_1
wild_fail moveq #1,d0
wr_3 tst.b (a0)+ GOTO END OF STRING
bne.s wr_3
wr_4 tst.b (a1)+ GOTO END OF WILDCARD
bne.s wr_4
wr_5 move.b -(a1),d0 get tail of wildcard (1st should be null)
move.b -(a0),d1
cmp.b #'*',d0
beq.s source_fin2
cmp.b #']',d0 handle class [xyz]
bne.s .A
.B move.b -(a1),d0
cmp.b #'*',d0
beq.s wild_fail
cmp.b #'[',d0
beq.s wild_fail
bsr compD1D0nocase
bne.s .B
.C move.b -(a1),d0
beq.s wild_fail should never happen but should leave in
cmp.b #'[',d0
bne.s .C
bra.s wr_5
.A cmp.b #'?',d0
beq.s wr_5
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s wr_5
bra.s wild_fail
tst.b (a1)
beq.s source_fin2
cmp.b #'*',(a1)
bne.s wild_fail
moveq #0,d0
tst.l utilbase(a5)
beq.s compD1D0nocase
movem.l d2/a0/a1/a6,-(sp)
move.l utilbase(a5),a6
move.b d1,d2
jsr _LVOToUpper(a6)
exg d0,d2
jsr _LVOToUpper(a6)
move.b d0,d1
move.b d2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2/a0/a1/a6
cmp.b d1,d0
compD1D0nocase ;lowercase d0 and d1 then compare them
cmp.b #'Z',d1
bhi.s D1_OK
cmp.b #'A',d1
blo.s D1_OK
add.b #$20,d1
D1_OK cmp.b #'Z',d0
bhi.s D0_OK
cmp.b #'A',d0
blo.s D0_OK
add.b #$20,d0
D0_OK cmp.b d1,d0
fibexnx move.l d7,d1
move.l a5,d2
jsr _LVOExNext(a6)
fname equ 40 for sorting
* temp2(a5) bits:
DLwide = 7 31:wide dir: DIR
DLquick = 6 30:quick, nosort: (all)
DLverbose = 5 29:verbose list: LIST
DLcomment = 4 28:comment: LIST
DLfooter = 3 27:footer: (auto)
DLdelete = 2 26:delete file: DELETE,MOVE
DLnotproc = 1 25:not process file: DELETE,COPY,MOVE
DLprotect = 0 24:protect: PROTECT
DLcopy = 7 23:copy: COPY,MOVE
DLmove = 6 22:move: MOVE
DLrename = 5 21:rename: MOVE
DLjoin = 4 20:join: JOIN
DLsplit = 3 19:split: SPLIT
dirz clr.l temp2(a5) WIDE DIR, 2 columns
bset #DLwide,temp2(a5) bit 31=wide flag
bra.s directory
listz clr.l temp2(a5) NARROW DIR, clear wide flag
bset #DLverbose,temp2(a5) bit 29=verbose flag
bset #DLcomment,temp2(a5) bit 28=comment flag
directory ;V2.0:many things better (sort!)
bsr check_q_r
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea parm2(a5),a2
move.l (a2),d1
bne.s .A
lea null(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
bra.s .B
.A move.l (a2)+,d1 list all parms
beq.s .C
.B move.l a2,-(sp)
move.l d1,a2
bsr DirLister
move.l (sp)+,a2
tst.l d0
bne.s .E
tst.b break_flag(a5)
beq.s .A
.C moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.E rts
DirLister ;wants dirname or filename in a2
clr.l temp1(a5) init total size
and.l #$fff80000,temp2(a5)
clr.l temp3(a5)
clr.l temp4(a5)
bset #DLrename,temp2+1(a5)
btst #DLwide,temp2(a5)
beq.s .A
bset #0,temp2+3(a5)
.A btst #DLquick,temp2(a5)
beq.s .B
bclr #DLcomment,temp2(a5)
.B clr.w indent_count(a5)
move.l a2,a0
bsr handle_wild_dirs
lea tempbuf(a5),a4
.C move.b (a2)+,(a4)+
bne.s .C
bsr pr_dir -> print the dir
pr_size movem.l d0-d3,-(sp) end of dirlister
move.l temp2(a5),d0 are we printing wide
bpl.s .B
btst #0,d0
bne.s .B
bsr pr_lf print missing lf
.B lea (sp),a1
lea totsize(pc),a0
btst #DLfooter,temp2(a5)
beq.s .A
bsr new_print print footer
.A lea 16(sp),sp
btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5) delete flag ?
beq.s .C
tst.b recurs_flag(a5) recursiv, but no wildcard
beq.s .C
tst.b wild_flag(a5)
bne.s .C
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
bsr fibexam
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
bsr SingleFile delete parent dir
.C moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
pr_dir bset #DLfooter,temp2(a5)
bclr #DLnotproc,temp2(a5)
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
bsr fibexam
bsr fixsoftlink
tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
bne.s .B
btst #DLprotect,temp2(a5) protect flag ?
bne.s .D
btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5) delete flag ?
beq.s .B
.D tst.b wild_flag(a5)
beq.s .C
.B tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) check entry OK
bpl.s prd20 print whole Directory
.C bsr check_c
bne unlock
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock file
lea tempbuf(a5),a0 process a single file/dir
move.l a0,a1
tst.b (a1)
beq.s .B
.A tst.b (a1)+
bne.s .A
cmp.b #"/",-2(a1) make sure it does not end in /
bne.s .B
clr.b -2(a1)
.B lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr split_wild separate path and filename
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1 get a lock on the dir
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
bsr pr_it print single file/dir
bclr #DLfooter,temp2(a5) do not print footer
bra unlock make sure to unlock
prd20 tst.w indent_count(a5) was a dir
bne.s .A
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
lea temp2buf(a5),a0 get full dir name for later
clr.b (a0)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea dirof(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr pr_stringlf print directory's name
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
bsr fibexam
.A sub.l a3,a3 ;clr a3
bsr check_c CTRL-C pressed ?
bne unlk
bsr fibexnx
tst.l d0
beq unlk ;sort ?
bsr fixsoftlink
move.l temp2(a5),d0
btst #31,d0
beq.s .C
move.l fib_Protection(a5),d0
btst #7,d0
bne.s prd2 hide if hide flag is set in wide dir lister
; lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
bsr ignorematch hide config-hide
beq.s prd2
.C tst.b wild_flag(a5)
beq.s dozel
tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
beq.s .A
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s dozel
.A lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
bsr wildmatcher check wildcards
tst.b d0
bne.s prd2
dozel btst #DLquick,temp2(a5)
beq.s collect not quick
btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5)
bne.s collect delete
bsr zelma
bra.s prd2
collect moveq #fname,d0 collect files to sort V2.0
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
lea (a0),a2
.A addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .A
lea fib_Comment(a5),a0
.B addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .B
bsr iwantmem
bsr maybeDOSerr
beq unlock
move.l d0,a0
move.l a3,(a0)+
lea -4(a0),a3
lea fib_DiskKey(a5),a1 ;store fib in mem
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
lea fib_Protection(a5),a1
moveq #6,d1
.C move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
dbra d1,.C
.D move.b (a2)+,(a0)+ ;name
bne.s .D
.E move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;comment
bne.s .E
bra prd2
unlk btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5)
bne.s .A delete
btst #DLquick,temp2(a5)
bne unlock quick
.A move.l a3,d0
beq unlock no files
; tst.b break_flag(a5)
; bne.s nextfi CTRL-C pressed
movem.l a4-a6,-(sp)
btst #DLquick,temp2(a5)
bne.s snull quick
move.l utilbase(a5),d2 localized-flag and libbase
lea (a3),a0 ;INSERTION SORT V2.0 (ooohuuooo)
aussort lea (a3),a1
move.l (a0),a2 ;remove (a0->) a2
move.l a2,d0
beq.s snull ;end of list
move.l (a2),(a0)
bsr strcmp ;compare a1 and a2
bne.s insort ;insert a2 (old place)
move.l a2,a3 ;a2->start
move.l a1,(a2) ;a1=old start
bra.s aussort ;next
insort move.l a1,a4 ;reminder
move.l (a1),a1 ;next a1
cmp.l a0,a4
beq.s inold
shno bsr strcmp ;compare a1 and a2
bne.s insort ;go on
move.l a2,(a4) ;insert a2
move.l a1,(a2) ;a4->a2->a1
bra.s aussort
inold move.l (a0),(a2) ;a2 back at old place
move.l a2,(a0) ;a0->a2->next
move.l a2,a0 ;next a0
bra.s aussort
snull movem.l (sp)+,a4-a6 ;FINISHED !!!
tst.l temp2(a5) for normal DIR
bpl.s nextfi
tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
bne.s nextfi
moveq #1,d0 prepare for printing in 2 columns
move.l a3,d1
.A addq.l #1,d0
move.l d1,a0
move.l (a0),d1
bne.s .A count number of entries (d0)
lsr.l #1,d0 divide by two
move.l a3,a2
bra.s .B
.C move.l a2,a0
move.l (a2),a2
.B dbra d0,.C find the middle (a2 ,precedor in a0)
clr.l (a0)
nextfi lea 4(a3),a1 print all files
lea fib_DiskKey(a5),a0 ;restore fib from mem
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
lea fib_Protection(a5),a0
moveq #6,d1
.F move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
dbra d1,.F
moveq #fname,d0
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
.H addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;name
bne.s .H
lea fib_Comment(a5),a0
.B addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;comment
bne.s .B
movem.l d0/a2/a3,-(sp)
tst.b break_flag(a5)
bne.s .C CTRL-C pressed
bsr check_c
bne.s .C
bsr zelma
.C movem.l (sp)+,d0/a2/a3
move.l (a3),d2
lea (a3),a1
bsr givemem
move.l d2,a3
tst.l temp2(a5)
bpl.s .A
tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
bne.s .A
move.l a2,a0 swap lower and upper list
move.l a3,a2
move.l a0,a3
.A move.l a3,d0 tst.l a3
bne nextfi
unlock move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l temp1(a5),d0 ;total size
move.l temp4(a5),d1
move.l temp2(a5),d2 ;No. of files and dirs
btst #31,d2
beq.s .A
subq.l #1,d2
.A and.l #$0007ffff,d2 ;1.000.000 files max. should be enough
move.l temp3(a5),d3 ;No. of dirs
sub.l d3,d2
strcmp move.l 8(a1),d0
move.l 8(a2),d1
bmi.s .A
tst.l d0 a2 is dir
bpl.s .B a1 is dir too
bra.s donoth a2:dir a1:file
.A tst.l d0 a2 is file
bpl.s inseit a2:file a1:dir
.B lea fname(a1),a5 a1 is file too
lea fname(a2),a6
stcmp tst.l d2
bne.s lstcmp
move.b (a5)+,d1 compare strings in a3 and a4
beq.s donoth
move.b (a6)+,d0
beq.s inseit
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s stcmp
bhi.s donoth
inseit moveq #0,d0 insert it !
donoth moveq #1,d0 do nothing !
lstcmp movem.l a0/a1/a6,-(sp) localized string-compare
move.l a5,a0
move.l a6,a1
move.l d2,a6
jsr _LVOStricmp(a6)
tst.l d0
bmi.s .A
moveq #0,d0
.A movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1/a6
zelma tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .C
bsr pr_it print file
.C tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
bne.s .B
bsr pr_it print dir
.A rts
.B bset #DLnotproc,temp2(a5) do not process this dir
bsr pr_it print dir recursive
bclr #DLnotproc,temp2(a5)
move.w temp2(a5),d0
and.w #%0000010010010000,d0 copy,delete or join flag
beq.s .D no
btst #DLcopy,temp2+1(a5) copy ?
beq.s .E
move.l temp5(a5),d1 yes:create new dir
bsr CurrentDir
move.l d0,d3
lea fib_FileName(a5),a2 copy: create dir
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVOCreateDir(a6)
move.l d0,d2
bne.s .F
.G jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
cmp.l #203,d0
beq.s .H
move.l d0,d2
bsr pr_lf
move.l d3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l d2,d0
bsr pr_DOSerr
.F move.l d2,d1 unlock new dir, because is exclusive
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.H move.l a2,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d2
beq.s .G
move.l d3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l temp5(a5),d1 unlock old in temp5
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l d2,temp5(a5)
lea makedirOK(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr AdjustPath
bra.s .D
.E bsr pr_lf no copy: just print lf
.D moveq #120,d0 ;(24bytes per recurs + subs + move-path)
bsr stacktest
bne .A
move.l fib_DiskKey(a5),d0
movem.l d0/d7/a4,-(sp)
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
subq.l #1,a4
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
cmp.l a1,a4
beq.s jo
cmp.b #":",-1(a4)
beq.s jo
cmp.b #"/",-1(a4)
beq.s jo
move.b #"/",(a4)+
jo move.b (a0)+,(a4)+ ;addpath
bne.s jo
addq.w #2,indent_count(a5)
jojo bsr pr_dir RECURSION V2.0
subq.w #2,indent_count(a5)
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d7/a4
move.l d0,fib_DiskKey(a5) ;restore fib
lea -1(a4),a0
cmp.b #"/",(a0)
bne.s .D
clr.b (a0)
addq.l #1,a0
.D lea (a0),a2
lea fib_FileName(a5),a1
je move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s je
clr.b (a2)
moveq #2,d0
move.l d0,fib_DirEntryType(a5)
move.l d0,fib_EntryType(a5)
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,fib_Size(a5)
move.l d0,fib_NumBlocks(a5)
btst #DLcopy,temp2+1(a5) copy ?
beq.s .B
move.l temp5(a5),d2 COPY
move.l d2,d1
jsr _LVOParentDir(a6)
move.l d0,temp5(a5)
move.l d2,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
bsr AdjustPath
.B btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5) delete ?
beq.s .A
move.l temp2(a5),-(sp)
bclr #DLmove,temp2+1(a5) move off
bsr pr_it now delete this dir
move.l (sp)+,temp2(a5)
.A rts
btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5)
beq.s .D
btst #DLrename,temp2+1(a5)
beq.s .D
move.l temp5(a5),d1
jsr _LVODupLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l temp7(a5),a0
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.D rts
pr_it bsr num_spc print file or dir
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) check whether is dir
bmi.s .A if plus,is directory
move.l temp2(a5),d0 check for "DIR -R"
bpl.s .G
tst.b recurs_flag(a5)
beq.s .G
btst #0,d0
bne.s .H
subq.l #1,temp2(a5)
bsr pr_lf for DIR -R directories
.H addq.l #1,temp2(a5)
.G lea farb3(pc),a1 change foregnd colour
bsr addstring
addq.l #1,temp3(a5) one dir more
.A lea fib_FileName(a5),a1
move.l a1,a0
moveq #-1,d2
add.w indent_count(a5),d2
.B addq #1,d2
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .B
bsr addstring print filename
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .C
.F move.l fib_NumBlocks(a5),d0
add.l d0,temp4(a5)
move.l fib_Size(a5),d0
add.l d0,temp1(a5) increase total size
move.b #" ",(a2)+
moveq #34,d1
sub.w d2,d1
bsr qdecpr
bra.s prlink
.C moveq #29,d1
sub.w d2,d1
bpl.s .D
moveq #0,d1
.D move.b #" ",(a2)+
dbra d1,.D
lea dirtext(pc),a1
bsr addstring
prlink move.b #" ",(a2)+
move.b #" ",(a2)+
move.l fib_DirEntryType(a5),d0
moveq #-6,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bne.s .B
move.b #"S",-1(a2)
bra.s .A
.B moveq #4,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bne.s .C
move.b #"H",-1(a2)
bra.s .A
.C moveq #-4,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bne.s .A
move.b #"H",-1(a2)
.A move.b #" ",(a2)+
addq.l #1,temp2(a5)
move.l temp2(a5),d0 are we printing wide
bpl.s wpro
btst #0,d0
beq.s .F
move.b #LF,(a2)+
.F clr.b (a2)
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bra pr_string print string&return and return
wpro btst #DLverbose,temp2(a5)
beq.s .E
move.l a2,a0
bsr pr_pro2 print protection V2.0
move.b #" ",(a0)+
move.l a0,a2 (goes to temp2buf)
btst #DLprotect,temp2(a5) protect flag ?
bne.s .E
lea fib_Date(a5),a1
bsr insert_date
move.b #LF,(a2)+
.E clr.b (a2)
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr pr_string print date/time V2.0
move.l d7,d1
bsr CurrentDir d0=old current dir
movem.l d0/d4-d7/a3-a4,-(sp)
move.l d7,d6
btst #DLcomment,temp2(a5)
beq fort
tst.b fib_Comment(a5)
beq.s .A
bsr num_spc
lea farb2(pc),a1
bsr addstring
move.b #":",(a2)+
clr.b (a2)
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr pr_string
lea fib_Comment(a5),a1
bsr pr_string print Comment V2.0
lea farb1(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
.A cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo fort
move.l fib_DirEntryType(a5),d0
bpl.s .F
neg.l d0
.F moveq #4,d1
cmp.l d0,d1
bne.s .G
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a2 process hardlinks
lea farb2(pc),a1
bsr addstring
lea pfeil(pc),a1
bsr addstring
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .C
move.l a2,a0
bsr eval_full_path
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
bra.s .B
.G moveq #-6,d0
cmp.l fib_DirEntryType(a5),d0 check whether is softlink
bne.s fort
lea fib_FileName(a5),a2 process softlinks
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
move.l d0,d4
beq.s .C
move.l a2,d3 path (filename)
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a2
lea farb2(pc),a1
bsr addstring
lea pfeil(pc),a1
bsr addstring
move.l d4,d1 msgport of device
move.l d6,d2 lock on current dir
move.l a2,d4 buffer
moveq #120,d5 size of buffer
jsr _LVOReadLink(a6)
.C bsr maybeDOSerr
beq.s fort
.B lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
bsr pr_string ;print softlink V2.3
lea farb1(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
fort move.w temp2(a5),d0 get upper two bytes
and.w #%0000010010010000,d0 copy,delete or join flag
beq .B no: try protect
btst #DLnotproc,temp2(a5)
bne .A not process flag ?
btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5) move flag ?
beq.s .E
btst #DLrename,temp2+1(a5) MOVE !
beq.s .E need not try to rename
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .D delete dir
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
bsr MoveFile
bne .A
bclr #DLrename,temp2+1(a5) cannot rename
.E btst #DLcopy,temp2+1(a5) copy flag ?
beq.s .D
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl .H
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0 COPY !
bsr CopyFileToDir
bne .A error occured->not delete
.D btst #DLdelete,temp2(a5) delete flag ?
beq.s .C
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0 DELETE !
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .I
bsr DoDelete
bra.s .C
.I bsr DoDelete2
.C btst #DLjoin,temp2+1(a5) join flag ?
beq.s .B
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5)
bpl.s .H
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0 JOIN !
bsr JoinFile
.B btst #DLprotect,temp2(a5) protect flag ?
beq.s .A
tst.b recurs_flag(a5) PROTECT !
beq.s .F
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) no recursive dir protects
bpl.s .H
.F move.l fib_Protection(a5),d2
move.l d2,d0
eor.b #$0f,d2
and.l temp6(a5),d2
or.l temp5(a5),d2
eor.b #$0f,d2
cmp.l d2,d0
beq.s .H
move.l d2,fib_Protection(a5)
lea fib_FileName(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
jsr _LVOSetProtection(a6)
bsr maybeDOSerr
lea temp2buf(a5),a2 print new protection
lea pfeil(pc),a1
bsr addstring
move.l a2,a0
bsr pr_pro2
move.b #LF,(a0)+
clr.b (a0)
bsr pr_string (temp2buf in a1)
bra.s .A
.H bsr pr_lf
.A movem.l (sp)+,d0/d4-d7/a3-a4
move.l d0,d1
bsr CurrentDir
insert_date ;a1 points to datestamp, string goes to a2
lea -14(sp),sp
lea (sp),a0
bsr convert_time
move.l a2,a1
bsr qprint10
move.b #".",(a1)+
bsr qprint10
move.b #".",(a1)+
bsr qprint10
move.b #" ",(a1)+
move.b #" ",(a1)+
bsr qprint10
move.b #":",(a1)+
bsr qprint10
move.b #":",(a1)+
bsr qprint10
lea 14(sp),sp
move.l a1,a2
qprint10 move.w (a0)+,d0 V2.0
qpr10 ext.l d0 (also used by More, GuruIt and Pipe)
divu #10,d0 Value in d0 , Buffer in a1
add.b #"0",d0
move.b d0,(a1)+
swap d0
add.b #"0",d0
move.b d0,(a1)+
num_spc lea temp2buf(a5),a2 V2.0
move.w indent_count(a5),d0
moveq #$3f,d1
and.l d1,d0
bra.s .B
.A move.b #" ",(a2)+ the preceding spaces
.B dbra d0,.A
addstring move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
bne.s addstring
subq.l #1,a2
qdecpr * Number in d0.l , Length in d1.w , adds string to buffer in a2
movem.l d2/d3/a0,-(sp) ;Prints Decimal Number in (a2)
lea -12(sp),sp
move.l sp,a0
move.l d1,d3
moveq #0,d2
.A moveq #LF,d1
bsr div_32
add.b #$30,d1
move.b d1,(a0)+
addq.w #1,d2
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
sub.w d2,d3
subq.w #1,d3
bmi.s .B
.D move.b #" ",(a2)+
dbra d3,.D
.B subq.w #1,d2
.C move.b -(a0),(a2)+
dbra d2,.C
lea 12(sp),sp
movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a0
moveq #3,d0
cmp.l fib_DirEntryType(a5),d0 is it a softlink ?
bne.s .A
move.l #-6,fib_DirEntryType(a5) make it look like a file
.A rts
** RETURN NE if ctrl c, EQ if not
check_c movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1/a6,-(sp) checks if CTRL-C pressed
tst.b break_flag(a5)
bne.s .A
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6)
beq.s .B
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l #304,d0
bsr pr_DOSerr
move.b #1,break_flag(a5) NE: STOP!!!
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1/a6
.B clr.b break_flag(a5)
moveq #0,d0 EQ: no stop
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1/a6
*REMOVE PATH A0-> source A1->destination
rempath movem.l d0/a0-a2,-(sp)
rempath1 move.l a0,a2
rempath2 move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #'/',d0
beq.s rempath1
cmp.b #':',d0
beq.s rempath1
tst.b d0
bne.s rempath2
move.l a2,a0
bsr cp_string
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0-a2
prindent movem.l d7/a0-a1,-(sp)
move.w indent_count(a5),d7
move.l a1,a0
and.w #$3f,d7
beq.s .A
bra.s .B
.C bsr pr_space print d7 spaces
.B dbra d7,.C
move.l a0,a1
.A bsr pr_string
movem.l (sp)+,d7/a0-a1
** ENTRY A0 pts to parameter.
** EXIT D0=lower case char after dash OR 0 if no dash command.
moveq #0,d0
cmp.b #$22,-1(a0) enclosed in quotes ?
beq.s .B
cmp.b #'-',(a0) options start with a dash
bne.s .B
tst.b 2(a0) max. 1 char each option
bne.s .B
.A move.b 1(a0),d0
cmp.b #'a',d0
blo.s .B
cmp.b #'z',d0
bhi.s .B
sub.b #$20,d0
.B rts
check_q_r ;checks for -q, -s or -r (or ALL) options, parm-ptr in a2
lea parm2(a5),a2
clr.b recurs_flag(a5)
btst #FLall,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .A
lea alltx(pc),a0
bsr LookForOpt
bne.s .A
move.b #1,recurs_flag(a5)
.A move.l a2,a1
move.l (a1),d0
beq.s .E
move.l d0,a0
bsr return_dash_option
tst.l d0
beq.s .E
cmp.b #"R",d0
bne.s .B
move.b #1,recurs_flag(a5) -r -> recursive
bra.s .G
.B cmp.b #"Q",d0
bne.s .C
bset #DLquick,temp2(a5) -q -> quick,nosort
bra.s .G
.C cmp.b #"S",d0
bne.s .E
bclr #DLquick,temp2(a5) -s -> noquick,sort
.G lea 4(a1),a0
.F move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
bne.s .F
bra.s .A
.E rts
CurrentDir ;same as _LVOCurrentDir(a6)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
lea pr_CurrentDir(a0),a0
move.l (a0),d0
move.l d1,(a0)
* DELETE * V2.3 new written
deletez clr.l temp2(a5)
bset #DLdelete,temp2(a5)
bsr check_q_r
move.l (a2),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
lea devicetx(pc),a1
bsr CheckOpt
beq deldevice format device quick
lea forcetx(pc),a0
bsr LookForOpt FORCE-flag ?
subq.l #1,d0
move.l d0,temp5(a5)
bra directory2 delete as many files as given
DoDelete ;file to delete in a0
bsr AskYesNo ASK first
bne.s DoDeEnd
move.l a0,a2
.E move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODeleteFile(a6) delete file/dir
tst.l d0
bne.s .B
.D jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
cmp.l #222,d0 delete-protected ?
bne.s .A
tst.l temp5(a5) FORCE-flag ?
beq.s .A
move.l a2,d1
moveq #0,d2
jsr _LVOSetProtection(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .D
bra.s .E try again
.A btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5)
bne.s .F move: do not print lf
bsr pr_lf error occured
.F bsr pr_DOSerr
bra.s DoDeEnd
.B lea deleteOK(pc),a1 delete successful
btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5)
bne.s DoDeEnd move: do not print
bsr pr_string
DoDeEnd rts
movem.l d1-d3/a0-a2,-(sp)
btst #DLquick,temp2(a5) quick flag set
bne.s .B
btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5) move-> do not ask
bne.s .B
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq.s .B
bsr raw_on
bsr pr_show_cursor
lea yesnotx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
clr.b (a2)
move.l a2,d2
moveq #20,d3 read only 1 char
jsr _LVORead(a6)
clr.b 1(a2)
cmp.b #13,(a2)
bne.s .F
move.b #"Y",(a2)
.F bclr #5,(a2)
move.l a2,a1
bsr pr_string show it
bsr pr_space
bsr pr_hide_cursor
bsr raw_off
cmp.b #"Y",(a2) yes ?
beq.s .B
cmp.b #"A",(a2) all ?
bne.s .A
bset #DLquick,temp2(a5) set quick flag
bra.s .B
.A cmp.b #"Q",(a2) quit ?
bne.s .E
move.b #1,break_flag(a5)
.E bsr pr_lf
.C moveq #-1,d0 NO end
bra.s .D
.B moveq #0,d0 YES end
.D movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3/a0-a2
deldevice ;formats device quick V2.3
bsr CheckKS
move.l parm3(a5),d1
beq too_less_args
move.l d1,a2
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6) lock on drive
move.l d0,d7
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,d1
move.l a5,d2 get info data into fib
jsr _LVOInfo(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea formatask(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr rask
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
move.l parm4(a5),d4
bne.s .B
move.l id_VolumeNode(a5),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l $28(a0),a1 volumename
add.l a1,a1
add.l a1,a1
lea temp2buf(a5),a4
move.l a4,d4
bsr copy_bstr
clr.b (a4)
.B move.l parm5(a5),d0 check for filesystem
beq.s .D
lea ofs_tx(pc),a1
move.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d3
.E bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .F
add.l #"DOS"<<8,d3
bra.s .G
.F addq.b #1,d3
cmp.b #6,d3
bne.s .E
.D move.l id_DiskType(a5),d3 dostype
.G move.l a2,d1
moveq #-1,d2
jsr _LVOInhibit(a6) disable drive
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l a2,d1
move.l d4,d2
jsr _LVOFormat(a6) format it quick !
bsr maybeDOSerr
move.l a2,d1
moveq #0,d2
jsr _LVOInhibit(a6) enable drive
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* PROTECT * V2.3 new written
clr.l temp2(a5)
bset #DLverbose,temp2(a5) bit 29=verbose flag
bset #DLprotect,temp2(a5) bit 24=protect flag
bset #DLquick,temp2(a5) bit 30=quick flag
bsr check_q_r
tst.l (a2)+
beq too_less_args
clr.l temp5(a5)
clr.l temp6(a5)
.A move.l (a2)+,d0
beq.s .D
move.l d0,a0
cmp.b #"+",(a0) look for add-option
bne.s .B
bsr GetProtMask
or.l d0,temp5(a5)
bra.s .C
.B cmp.b #"-",(a0) look for sub-option
bne.s .F
bsr GetProtMask
or.l d0,temp6(a5)
bra.s .C
.F cmp.b #"=",(a0) look for equal-option
bne.s .A
bsr GetProtMask
move.l d0,temp5(a5)
moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,temp6(a5)
.C move.l a2,a0
lea -4(a2),a1
.E move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ delete this parm
bne.s .E
subq.l #4,a2
bra.s .A
.D moveq #-1,d0
eor.l d0,temp6(a5)
bra directory2 jump into dir-lister
GetProtMask ;a0=bits-string, d0=bit-mask
moveq #0,d0
addq.l #1,a0
.B move.b (a0)+,d1
beq.s .C
moveq #7,d2
.A cmp.b protflags(pc,d2.w),d1
bne.s .D
bset d2,d0
bra.s .B
.D dbra d2,.A
lea badprotbit(pc),a0
bra ErrorExit
.C rts
pr_prot lea temp2buf(a5),a0 V2.0
pr_pro2 moveq #7,d0
move.l fib_Protection(a5),d1
eor.b #$0f,d1
.A move.b #"-",(a0)+
btst d0,d1
beq.s .B
move.b protflags(pc,d0.w),-1(a0)
.B dbra d0,.A
clr.b (a0)
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
protflags dc.b 'dewrapsh'
* JOIN * V2.3 new written
joinz clr.l temp2(a5)
bset #DLjoin,temp2+1(a5) set join flag
bsr check_q_r
clr.l devproc(a5)
clr.l temp5(a5) destination file
clr.l temp6(a5) memory block
lea parm2(a5),a3
addq.l #4,a3
tst.l (a3)+
beq too_less_args no arg given
.A tst.l (a3)+
bne.s .A
move.l -8(a3),a2 get last parm
clr.l -8(a3) and remove it
move.l a2,d1
bsr OpenReadWrite
move.l d0,temp5(a5) open output file and store it
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #1,d3
jsr _LVOSeek(a6) look for end, no error checking
bsr GetCopyBlock
beq .F
move.l d0,temp6(a5)
bsr directory2 DO COPY !
bsr FreeCopyBlock
.F move.l temp5(a5),d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
JoinFile ;a0=filename, temp5=outfile, temp6=mem block
moveq #0,d4
move.l a0,d1
bsr OpenOldfile open input file
move.l d0,d4 d4=input file handle
beq perr3
move.l temp5(a5),d5 d5=output file handle
bsr PerformCopy Main Stuff !
bne.s .C
lea processOK(pc),a1 all OK
bsr pr_string
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.C rts
* MOVE * V2.3
movez clr.l temp2(a5)
bset #DLmove,temp2+1(a5) set move flag
bset #DLrename,temp2+1(a5) set rename flag
bset #DLdelete,temp2(a5) set delete flag
clr.l temp7(a5) holds full dest. pathname
bra.s Copy1
MoveFile ;Filename in a0
move.l a0,a3
move.l temp7(a5),a0 path
move.l a3,a1 name
lea temp2buf(a5),a2 path+name
bsr addpath
move.l a2,d2
move.l a3,d1
jsr _LVORename(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
lea moveOK(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
moveq #1,d0
.A rts
* COPY * V2.3 new written
copyz clr.l temp2(a5)
Copy1 bset #DLcopy,temp2+1(a5) set copy flag
bset #DLquick,temp2(a5) bit 30=quick flag
bsr check_q_r
clr.l devproc(a5)
clr.l temp5(a5) destination dir
clr.l temp6(a5) memory block
lea parm2(a5),a2
tst.l (a2)+
beq too_less_args *no arg given
tst.l (a2)+
bne.s Copy2
lea null(pc),a2 *one arg -> copy to current dir
bra Copy3b
Copy2 tst.l (a2)+
bne Copy3
move.l -8(a2),a0 *two args -> copy to file/dir
clr.l -8(a2) get it and remove it
move.l a0,a2
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr check_wild
tst.l d0
beq Copy3b wildcards->copy to dir
move.l a2,a0
move.b dotchar(a5),d0
bsr CheckOneChar
bne.s .F
lea CDbackstr(a5),a2 dot->copy to last used dir
bra Copy3b
.F btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5)
beq.s .B move: try to rename
move.l parm2(a5),d1
move.l a2,d2
jsr _LVORename(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .B move: failed
move.l parm2(a5),a1 OK
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_space
lea moveOK(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B move.l parm2(a5),d1 try to copy file to file:
bsr OpenOldfile try to open input file (d4)
move.l d0,d4
beq.s Copy3b input not found->maybe a dir
move.l a2,d1
bsr OpenNewfile try to open output file (d5)
move.l d0,d5
bne.s .D
bsr closett
bra.s Copy3b
.D move.l parm2(a5),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_space
bsr GetCopyBlock
bne.s .A
bsr closett
bra resi_no_mem
.A bsr PerformCopy do copy !
move.l d0,d4
bsr FreeCopyBlock
tst.l d4 error occured ?
bne.s .E
btst #DLmove,temp2+1(a5) move flag ?
beq.s .C
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr DoDelete move: delete old file
.C lea copyOK(pc),a1 all OK
bsr pr_string
.E move.l d4,d0
Copy3 tst.l (a2)+ *three or more args -> copy them to dir
bne.s Copy3 look for last parm
move.l -8(a2),a0 get it
clr.l -8(a2) and remove it
move.l a0,a2
Copy3b move.l a2,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6) try to lock dir
move.l d0,d7
bne.s .B found
jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
cmp.l #205,d0 object not found ?
beq.s .C
bra pr_galactic no
.C move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVOCreateDir(a6) yes, make dir
move.l d0,d1
beq DOSerr
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock and try again
move.l a2,a1
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_space
lea makedirOK(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bra.s Copy3b
.B bsr fibexam2
tst.l fib_DirEntryType(a5) file or dir ?
bpl.s .E
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) was not a dir
move.l #212,d0
bra pr_galactic
.E move.l d7,temp5(a5) was a dir: store lock
lea -80(sp),sp
move.l sp,temp7(a5)
bsr AdjustPath move: get full path
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
move.l d0,devproc(a5)
bsr GetCopyBlock
beq .F
bsr directory2 DO COPY !
bsr FreeCopyBlock
.F lea 80(sp),sp space needed for move
move.l temp5(a5),d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6) unlock dir
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
move.l copysize(a5),d0
bsr iwantmem get memory block
move.l d0,temp6(a5)
bsr maybeDOSerr
move.l temp6(a5),a1
move.l copysize(a5),d0
bra givemem free memory block
CopyFileToDir ;a0=filename
*current path set, destination path in temp5, memory block in temp6
moveq #0,d4
moveq #0,d5
move.l a0,a2
move.l a0,d1
bsr OpenOldfile open input file
move.l d0,d4 d4=input file handle
beq perr3 read protected ?
move.l a2,a0
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
move.l a2,a1
bsr rempath
move.l temp5(a5),d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l d0,a3 a3 holds current dir
move.l a2,d1
bsr OpenNewfile open output file
move.l d0,d5 d5=output file handle
beq perr4 already exits/disk full ?
move.l a3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
bsr PerformCopy Main Stuff !
bne.s .C
cmp.l fib_Size(a5),d6
beq.s .B
lea wrongsize(pc),a1 wrong size
bsr pr_string
move.l d6,d0
bsr print10
bsr pr_lf
bra.s .A
.B lea copyOK(pc),a1 all OK
bsr pr_string
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.C rts
PerformCopy ;dest. filename in a2, d4,d5:filehandles
moveq #-1,d6 d6 holds maximum filesize
.A move.l d4,d1
move.l temp6(a5),d2
move.l copysize(a5),d3
cmp.l d3,d6
bhi.s .E
move.l d6,d3
.E jsr _LVORead(a6) read a block
move.l d0,d3
bmi perr2 read error ?
beq.s recoend
move.l d5,d1
move.l temp6(a5),d2
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) write as much as read
tst.l d0
bmi perr2 disk full ?
cmp.l d0,d3
bne perr2 disk full ?
cmp.l copysize(a5),d3
bne.s .B buffer not filled by Read
lea dot(pc),a1
bsr pr_string print dots as progress-indicator
.B sub.l d0,d6 sum up size in d6
beq.s recoend
bsr check_c check for CTRL-C break
beq.s .A
recoend bsr closett
addq.l #1,d6
neg.l d6 calculate real filesize
adjust tst.l devproc(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l temp5(a5),d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l d0,a3
move.l a2,d1
move.l fib_Protection(a5),d2
jsr _LVOSetProtection(a6) set old protection
tst.l d0
beq perr4
.D move.l a2,d1
lea fib_Comment(a5),a0 copy comment
move.l a0,d2
jsr _LVOSetComment(a6)
tst.l d0
beq perr4
.C bsr clearArgs set old date
lea fib_Date(a5),a0
move.l a0,myArg4(a5)
move.l devproc(a5),packettask(a5)
move.l temp5(a5),myArg2(a5)
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
move.l a1,d2
lsr.l #2,d2
move.l d2,myArg3(a5)
addq.l #1,a1
moveq #-1,d0
.B addq.l #1,d0
move.b (a2)+,(a1)+
bne.s .B
move.b d0,NewPrintBuffer(a5)
move.l d0,packettype(A5)
bsr sendpacket
beq perr4
move.l a3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
perr4 move.l a3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
bra.s perr1
perr3 move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_Result2(a0),-(sp)
bsr closett
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l (sp)+,pr_Result2(a0)
perr1 jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
cmp.l #221,d0 disk full ?
bne.s .A
tst.l devproc(a5) is dest. filename in a2 ?
beq.s .C
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l temp5(a5),d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l d0,a3
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVODeleteFile(a6) delete incomlete file
move.l a3,d1
bsr CurrentDir
move.l (sp)+,d0
.C move.b #1,break_flag(a5) break if disk is full
.A bsr pr_lf
bsr pr_DOSerr
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
closett move.l d4,d1 ;close files in d4 & d5
beq.s .A
btst #DLsplit,temp2+1(a5) split: do not close infile
bne.s .A
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
moveq #0,d4
.A move.l d5,d1
beq.s .B
btst #DLjoin,temp2+1(a5) join: do not close outfile
bne.s .B
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
moveq #0,d5
.B rts
* read a file to memory
* ENTRY A0=name
* EXIT D0=address, D1=size
readfile movem.l d2-d7/a0-a4,-(sp)
move.l a0,d1
move.l a0,a4
bsr OpenOldfile try to open it in current dir
move.l d0,d4 d4=filehandle
bne.s .A
bsr RequestersOff
lea paths(pc),a0
move.l a4,a1
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
bsr addpath
move.l a2,d1
bsr OpenOldfile try to open it in S: dir
move.l d0,d4
beq reader
bsr RequestersOn
.A move.l d4,d7 d7=filehandle to close
bsr readdata open succeded
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6) close it
move.l d6,d0
move.l d5,d1
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a0-a4
* read things from stdin to memory
* EXIT D0=address, D1=size
readstdin movem.l d2-d7/a0-a4,-(sp)
move.l inhandle(a5),d4
moveq #0,d7 do not close filehandle
bsr readdata
bra.s readfileend
* read the contents of a file to memory
* ENTRY: d4=filehandle
* EXIT: d5=size, d6=address of memory block
readdata moveq #1,d3
moveq #0,d2
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOSeek(a6)
tst.l d0
bmi.s reader2
moveq #-1,d3
moveq #0,d2
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOSeek(a6)
move.l #-148,d1
move.l d0,d5 d5=size, handles also powerpacked files
beq.s reader4
bmi.s reader2
bsr iwantmem
move.l d0,d6 d6=addr
beq reader2
move.l d6,d2
move.l d5,d3
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVORead(a6) READ IT
tst.l d0
bmi reader3
reader4 move.l d1,-(sp)
bra.s reade22
reader3 move.l d6,a1
move.l d5,d0
bsr givemem
reader2 move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_Result2(a0),-(sp)
reade22 move.l d7,d1
beq.s .A
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
.A move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l (sp)+,pr_Result2(a0)
reader bsr RequestersOn
bra DOSerr
* MORE *
morez lea parm2(a5),a0
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
bne.s .A
move.l (a0),d2
beq too_less_args
addq.l #4,a0
.A moveq #0,d4
move.l (a0),d0
beq .C
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
tst.w d0
beq.s .C
move.w d0,d4
.C tst.b redirect_in(a5)
bne.s .B
move.l d2,a0
bsr readfile read from file
bra.s .D
.B bsr readstdin read from inhandle
.D moveq #0,d2
ViewMore ;Jump-In to review the buffer
move.l d0,-(sp) push address
move.l d1,-(sp) push size
move.l d0,a0
cmp.l #$3f3,(a0)
bne.s .B
move.l #212,d0
bsr pr_DOSerr
bra.s .A
.B bsr make_screen
.A move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l (sp)+,a1
bsr givemem
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
make_screen * more main-routine, also used for help
* Entry: d0=start adress, d1=length, d4=number of lines or 0, d2=lookback
movem.l d0-d2,-(sp)
addq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
bsr pr_hide_cursor
bsr raw_on
btst #FLcutline,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .G
lea cutontx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
.G tst.w d4
bne.s .A
bsr GetWinSize
move.w d0,d4
.A movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2
move.w d4,line_count(a5)
move.l d0,d5 d5=start
move.l d0,a4 a4=ptr
move.l d0,a3
move.l d0,d6
add.l d1,d6 d6=end addr
tst.l d2
beq.s mk_screen
move.l d6,a4
bra look_back
lea clrhide(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
move.w line_count(a5),d2
subq.w #1,d2
move.l a4,-(sp)
moveq #0,d0
bra.s .A
.A; bsr pr_line
.B cmp.l d6,a4 check against end
beq.s .E
move.b (a4)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .B
dbra d2,.C
move.l a4,a3 A3 points to end of page marker
.E move.l a4,d7 D7 points to end
move.l (sp)+,a4
; bra waitabit
move.l a4,d2
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s waitabit
move.l d7,d3
sub.l a4,d3
subq.l #1,d3
bmi.s waitabit don't print if 0
cmp.l d7,d6
bne.s .D
cmp.l a3,d7
beq.s .D
addq.l #1,d3
.D jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq ExitZShell
lea tempbytes(a5),a0
move.l a0,d2
moveq #1,d3
jsr _LVORead(a6) wait for space key
.A moveq #0,d0 clear top bytes
move.b tempbytes(a5),d0 test byte of input line
cmp.b #$9b,d0
beq.s waitabit CSI ? Try again !
tastes cmp.b #'a',d0
; blo.s go_upper
; sub.b #$20,d0
go_upper cmp.b morekeys+1(a5),d0 cursor down ?
beq.s .G
cmp.b #"2",d0
bne.s ck_up
.G cmp.l d7,d6
beq waitabit
lea scroll_up_tx(pc),a1 SCROLL UP ONE LINE,
.B cmp.l d6,a4 advance one line
beq.s .C
move.b (a4)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .B
.C cmp.l d6,a3 move a3 down one line too
beq.s .D
move.b (a3)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .C
.D move.l a4,-(sp)
move.l d7,a4
; cmp.l d7,d6
; beq.s .A
moveq #0,d0
bsr pr_line print line from d7
.A cmp.l d6,a4 advance D7 one line
beq.s .E
move.b (a4)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .A
.E move.l a4,d7
move.l (sp)+,a4
bra waitabit
ck_up cmp.b morekeys+0(a5),d0 V2.0 cursor up ?
beq.s .G
cmp.b #"8",d0
bne.s ck_fwd
.G cmp.l d5,a4
beq waitabit
lea scroll_down_tx(pc),a1 SCROLL DOWN ONE LINE,
cmp.l d5,a4
bls.s .E
subq.l #1,a4
.B cmp.l d5,a4
beq.s .A
cmp.b #LF,-(a4)
bne.s .B
addq.l #1,a4
.A moveq #0,d0
bsr pr_line
.E move.l d7,a3
cmp.l d5,a3
beq.s .C
subq.l #1,a3
.D cmp.l d5,a3
beq.s .C
cmp.b #LF,-(a3)
bne.s .D
addq.l #1,a3
.C move.l a3,d7
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
move.l a1,a0
move.b #$9b,(a0)+
move.w line_count(a5),d0
bsr dec2asc
move.b #"H",(a0)+
clr.b (a0)
bsr pr_string CURSOR some lines down
bra waitabit
ck_fwd cmp.b morekeys+2(a5),d0 cursor right ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"3",d0
beq.s .A
cmp.b #" ",d0
bne.s ck_top
.A cmp.l d7,d6 one page forward
beq waitabit
move.l a3,a4
bra mk_screen
ck_top cmp.b morekeys+5(a5),d0 shift cursor up ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"7",d0
bne.s ck_bot
.A cmp.l d5,a4 start of text
beq waitabit
move.l d5,a4
bra mk_screen
ck_bot cmp.b morekeys+4(a5),d0 shift cursor down ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"1",d0
bne.s ck_back
.A cmp.l a3,d6 end of text
beq waitabit
move.l d6,a4
bra.s look_back
ck_back cmp.b morekeys+3(a5),d0 cursor left ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"9",d0
beq.s .A
cmp.b #8,d0 backspace
bne.s ck_nkey
.A cmp.l d5,a4 one page back
beq waitabit
move.w line_count(a5),d1
mlook2 cmp.l d5,a4 check against start
beq.s .E
move.b -(a4),d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s mlook2
dbra d1,mlook2
lea 1(a4),a4
.E bra mk_screen
ck_nkey cmp.b morekeys+8(a5),d0 V2.7 search next string ?
bne.s ck_skey
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
bra.s more_sn
ck_skey cmp.b morekeys+7(a5),d0 V2.0 search string ?
bne.s ck_jkey
bsr raw_off
lea msearch(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
move.b (a2),d4 save first char
move.l a2,d2
moveq #120,d3
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq.s more_se
jsr _LVORead(a6)
tst.l d0
bmi.s more_se
move.l a2,a1
add.l d0,a2
subq.l #1,a2
move.b d4,(a2)
cmp.l a1,a2 just pressed return ?
beq.s more_sn
clr.b (a2) no
more_sn move.l d5,a3
move.l a4,a0
bsr find_end_of_line
move.l a0,a2
move.l d6,a0
bsr searchSTR
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s more_se
move.l a1,a4 set begin of line on top
bra.s more_sx
more_se bsr DisplayBeep
more_sx bsr raw_on
bra mk_screen
ck_jkey cmp.b morekeys+9(a5),d0 V2.3 jump to % ?
bne.s ck_wkey
bsr raw_off
lea mjump(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
move.l a2,d2
moveq #120,d3
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq.s .A
jsr _LVORead(a6)
tst.l d0
bmi.s .A
move.l a2,a1
add.l d0,a2
subq.l #1,a2
cmp.l a1,a2 just pressed return ?
beq.s .A
clr.b (a2) no
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .A
moveq #100,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bhi.s .A
move.l d6,d1
sub.l d5,d1 calc % of size
bsr mult_32x32
moveq #100,d1
bsr div_32
move.l d5,a4
add.l d0,a4 new pointer
bsr raw_on
moveq #0,d1
bra mlook2 search begin of line
.A bsr raw_on
bra mk_screen
ck_wkey cmp.b morekeys+10(a5),d0 V2.3 write text to file (or print) ?
bne.s ck_hkey
bsr raw_off
lea mwrite(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
move.l a2,d2
moveq #120,d3
move.l stdin(a5),d1
beq.s .C
jsr _LVORead(a6)
move.l a2,a1
add.l d0,a2
subq.l #1,a2
clr.b (a2) null-end
cmp.l a1,a2 just pressed return ?
beq.s .C yes,quit
move.l a1,d1
bsr OpenNewfile
move.l d0,d4
beq.s .C
move.l d4,d1
move.l d5,d2
move.l d6,d3
sub.l d2,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
.C bsr raw_on
bra mk_screen
ck_hkey cmp.b morekeys+12(a5),d0 V2.3 help info ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #$3f,d0 help key ?
bne.s ck_rkey
.A move.l d6,d2
sub.l d5,d2
move.l d2,-(sp)
move.l a4,d0
sub.l d5,d0
moveq #100,d1
bsr mult_32x32
move.l d2,d1
bsr div_32
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea helpmor(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #6,sp
bra waitabit
ck_rkey cmp.b morekeys+11(a5),d0 V2.3 resized window ?
bne.s unknown_key
bsr GetWinSize
move.w d0,line_count(a5)
bra mk_screen
cmp.b morekeys+6(a5),d0 quit more ?
beq.s .A
cmp.b #27,d0 ESC key ?
bne waitabit
.A btst #FLcutline,Flags+3(a5) unknown key to exit !
beq.s .G
lea cutofftx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
.G bsr pr_show_cursor
bsr pr_lf
bsr raw_off
subq.b #1,noreview_flag(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B cmp.l d6,a0 check against end
bhs.s .A
move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .B
lea -1(a0),a0
.A rts
pr_line movem.l d0-d4/a0,-(sp)
move.l d0,d4
move.l a4,d2
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .C
move.l a4,a0
bsr find_end_of_line
sub.l a4,a0
move.l a0,d3
tst.l d4
beq.s .A
subq.l #1,d2
addq.l #1,d3
.A tst.l d3
beq.s .C don't print if 0
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
.C movem.l (sp)+,d0-d4/a0
* TYPE * Type out ASCII file command
typez bsr pr_hide_cursor
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
beq.s .C
bsr readstdin read from inhandle
bra.s .D
.C move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
bsr readfile read from file
.D move.l d0,-(sp) push address
move.l d1,-(sp) push size
move.l d0,a4 a4=ptr
move.l d0,d6
add.l d1,d6 d6=end addr
next_scr bsr pr_screen
freef1 move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l (sp)+,a1
bsr givemem
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
** ENTRY D6=end of file A4=current pos
pr_screen bsr check_c
bne type_break
moveq #0,d0
bsr pr_line
bsr pr_lf
.B cmp.l d6,a4 check against end
bhs.s type_break
move.b (a4)+,d0
cmp.b #LF,d0
bne.s .B
bra.s pr_screen
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
executez ;execute AmigaDOS script
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
lea ZShellName(pc),a1
bsr CheckOpt look for ZSHELL option
beq.s execzsh
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
lea exectx+1(pc),a1
.A move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ "execute"
bne.s .A
move.b #" ",-1(a0) space
lea CLIbuf(a5),a1
.B move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ filename & args
bne.s .B
move.b #LF,-1(a0) linefeed
lea endcltx+1(pc),a1
.D move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ "endcli"
bne.s .D
move.l thistask(a5),a1
move.l pr_CIS(a1),d2
move.l pr_COS(a1),d3
jsr _LVOExecute(a6) execute AmigaDOS script
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
execzsh tst.b redirect_in(a5)
beq.s .C
bsr readstdin read from inhandle
bra.s xz4
.C move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0 read from file
* Execute ZShell script
xz2 bsr readfile A0 pts to filename
xz4 move.l d0,a0
cmp.l #$000003f3,(a0) is it executable ?
beq.s exerr
addq.l #4,sp kill return address
xz3 move.l d0,a0
cmp.w #"/*",(a0)
beq.s xrexx
move.l d1,scsize(a5)
move.l d0,scaddr(a5)
move.l d0,scptr(a5)
move.b #1,scflag(a5) make shell think text lines are in memory
clr.l mult_comm_ptr(a5)
bra chorus
exerr moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
xrexx move.l d0,a1 execute AREXX-script
move.l d1,d0
bsr givemem kill script
lea CLIbuf(a5),a0
move.l parm1(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
.B move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ copy rexx-file to CLIbuf
bne.s .B
.A lea rexxtx(pc),a1
move.l a1,parm1(a5)
bra notfound execute archie3
* ECHO *
echoz lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l (a3)+,d0
beq.s .B
bra.s .D
.A move.l (a3)+,d0
bne.s .C
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.C bsr pr_space
.D bsr parse_echo
bsr pr_string
bra .A
parse_echo ;parse string in d0 in place
move.l a2,-(sp)
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,a1
move.l a0,a2
bra.s .C
.B move.b d0,(a2)+
.C move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .A
cmp.b #$5c,d0 ;\ Ignore Specialchar
bne.s .D
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .A
bra.s .B
.D cmp.b #'^',d0 ^-Character
bne.s .B
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .A
cmp.b #"*",d0
bne.s .G
move.b #$9b,d0
bra.s .B
.G cmp.b #"$",d0 Number given ?
beq.s .F
cmp.b #"0",d0
blo.s .E
cmp.b #"9",d0
bhi.s .E
.F subq.l #1,a0
movem.l d1/d2/a1,-(sp)
move.l a0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
lea -1(a1),a0
movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a1
cmp.b #".",(a0)
bne.s .B
addq.l #1,a0
bra.s .B Number was given
.E and.b #$3f,d0 Control Char
bra.s .B
.A clr.b (a2)+
move.l (sp)+,a2
* CLS *
clsz lea clstx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
availz tst.l parm2(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr return_dash_option
cmp.b #'C',d0
bne.s .A
bsr giveman free some memory
bsr FreeFNC
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #-1,d0 Free mem
move.l #$00002711,d1 MAGIC NUMBER (from FIDO-net)
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
movea.l a6,a0
moveq #72,d0
add.l d0,a0
moveq #15,d0 free 16 interrupts
moveq #-1,d1
moveq #12,d2
.B add.l d2,a0
cmp.l (a0),d1
bne.s .C
cmp.l 4(a0),d1
bne.s .C
clr.l (a0)
clr.l 4(a0)
.C dbra d0,.B
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
.A lea -12(sp),sp show mem
lea (sp),a0
bsr memory_info
move.l a0,a1
lea memess(pc),a0
bsr new_print show memory
lea 12(sp),sp
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
movem.l a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOForbid(a6) ; don't let 'em change while we ask
move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1 ; ok, check free chip
jsr _LVOAvailMem(a6) ; ask system how much there is
move.l d0,(a2)
move.l #MEMF_FAST,d1 ; check fast mem avail
jsr _LVOAvailMem(a6)
move.l d0,4(a2)
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ; get all available memory
jsr _LVOAvailMem(a6)
move.l d0,8(a2)
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a2/a6
relabelz tst.l parm3(a5)
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr check_for_colon
bne no_col
.D move.l parm2(a5),d1 PARM2=DF0: etc
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
lea tempbuf(a5),a2 A2=destination
move.l a2,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
bsr clearArgs
move.l d0,myArg1(a5) BPTR to my string
move.l parm3(a5),a0 NewName
lea 1(a2),a1 A1=after count
moveq #0,d0
.A move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
addq.l #1,d0
beq.s .C
tst.b (a0)
bne.s .A
.C clr.b (a1)
move.b d0,(a2)
move.l d0,packettype(a5) TYPE=RENAME_DISK
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
bsr changedisk ;(moved to dc)
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .A
move.l parm2(a5),d3
beq too_less_args
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
.B move.l d3,d1
move.l d0,d2
jsr _LVOAddBuffers(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
moveq #-1,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
bne.s .C
jsr _LVOIoErr(a6)
.C move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l d3,-(sp)
lea (sp),a1
lea addbufftx(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #8,sp
bra.s .D
.A tst.l parm3(a5)
beq too_less_args
bsr clearArgs
move.l parm3(a5),a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
cmp.l #32767,d0
bhi bad_number_error
move.l d0,myArg1(a5)
move.l parm2(a5),d1 PARM2=DF0: etc
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
move.l d0,packettype(A5)
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
.D moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* KILL *
killz move.l parm2(a5),d1
beq too_less_args
move.l d1,a0
bsr check_for_colon
bne.s .A
bsr clearArgs kill filesystemhandler
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6) PARM2=DF0: etc
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
moveq #ACTION_DIE,d0
move.l d0,packettype(A5)
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.A move.l d1,a2 kill task or cli-process
bsr findtsk
beq.s .B
move.l a0,a2
move.l pr_CIS(a2),d1
beq.s .C
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
.C move.l pr_COS(a2),d1
beq.s .D
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
moveq #25,d1
jsr _LVODelay(a6)
.D move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
move.l a2,a1
jsr _LVORemTask(a6)
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bra.s .B
setdatez tst.l parm2(a5)
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),a2
bsr clearArgs
lea date_mark(a5),a0
lea (a0),a3
move.l a0,myArg4(a5) ;APTR datestamp
bsr get_time
tst.l parm3(a5)
beq nospda
move.l a2,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq DOSerr
bsr fibexam2
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea -14(sp),sp
lea (sp),a0
lea fib_Date(a5),a1
bsr convert_time
lea parm3(a5),a0
lea (sp),a1
bsr settime
move.w 12(sp),d1
lea 14(sp),sp
tst.l d0
beq .B
.B lea (a3),a0
move.l d5,(a0)+ ;days
divu #60,d6
move.w d6,d0
ext.l d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;mins
swap d6
mulu #50,d6
add.l d1,d6
move.l d6,(a0) ;ticks
nospda move.l a2,d1 ;filename
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
move.l a2,a0
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
move.l a1,a3
bsr split_wild No wildcard ! Only separates filename !
move.l a2,d1
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,myArg2(a5) ;BPTR lock
move.l a3,a0
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
moveq #-1,d0
bsr cpBSTR
move.l d0,myArg3(a5) ;BSTR filename
move.l d0,packettype(A5)
bsr sendpacket
move.l d7,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
bsr PKTerr
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
tst.l parm2(a5)
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),d1 PARM2=DF0: etc
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
bsr changedisk
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
** USES task in packettask
bsr clearArgs
move.l d0,packettype(a5)
moveq #-1,d0 ;1?
move.l d0,myArg1(a5)
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
clr.l myArg1(a5)
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
* LOCK *
lockz move.l parm3(a5),a0
moveq #-1,d7
bsr CheckOnOff
bne.s .B
moveq #0,d7
.B move.l parm2(a5),d1 PARM2=DF0: etc
beq too_less_args
jsr _LVODeviceProc(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,packettask(a5)
bsr clearArgs
move.l d0,packettype(a5)
move.l d7,myArg1(a5)
bsr sendpacket
bsr PKTerr
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* ALIAS * V2.9 uses Pool
;LONG alias_link
;STRING alias_name
;STRING alias_defn
aliasz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq show_current_aliases
tst.l parm3(a5)
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0 A0=parm2
bsr check_if_alias_exits update old alias ?
beq create_new_alias
move.l d0,a1 first delete old one
move.l (a1),d2 grab next alias pointer
move.l d1,a0 D1=prior alias
move.l d2,(a0) skip over alias to delete
move.l parm2(a5),a0 and replace with new alias
create_new_alias ;a0=name
lea tempbuf(a5),a3 create alias in tempbuf first
move.l a0,a1
.A move.b (a1)+,(a3)+ copy alias name
bne.s .A
lea CLIbuf(a5),a2 use CLIbuf, end in a1
sub.l CLIbufstart(a5),a2
add.l parm3(a5),a2
cmp.b #$22,-1(a2)
bne.s .D
move.l a2,a1
.E move.b (a1)+,d1
beq.s .D
cmp.b #$22,d1
bne.s .E
clr.b -1(a1)
.D move.l a2,a1
.F move.b (a1)+,(a3)+ copy alias definition
bne.s .F
lea tempbuf(a5),a2
;alias in A2, A3 points to end
move.l alias_pool(a5),d0
bne.s .C
bsr CreatePool
beq.s .I
move.l d0,alias_pool(a5)
.C move.l d0,a0
move.l a3,d0
sub.l a2,d0
addq.l #4,d0 for link
bsr AllocPooled
beq.s .I
move.l d0,a0
clr.l (a0)+ clear link
.G move.b (a2)+,(a0)+ copy tempbuf to real alias position
cmp.l a3,a2
blo.s .G
lea first_alias(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
.H move.l d1,a0
move.l (a0),d1 look for end of list
bne.s .H
move.l d0,(a0) a0=last alias points to d0=new alias
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.I moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
move.l a0,-(sp) A0=alias name
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr cp_string
bsr search_alias
move.l (sp)+,a0
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea first_alias(a5),a2
.C move.l (a2),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a2 walk through list
lea 4(a2),a1 alias name
move.l a1,a0
.D tst.b (a0)+ look for alias definition
bne.s .D
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_tab
move.l a0,a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bra.s .C
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* UNALIAS * V2.9 uses Pool
;NOTE: unsetting single aliases does not free memory
lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l (a3)+,d0
beq deallocate_aliases
.A move.l d0,a0
bsr check_if_alias_exits
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a1
move.l (a1),d2 grab next alias pointer
move.l d1,a0 D1=prior alias
move.l d2,(a0) skip over alias to delete
move.l (a3)+,d0 and replace with new alias
bne.s .A
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.C lea temp2buf(a5),a2
pr_notfound ;string in a2
move.l a2,a1
bsr pr_string
lea notfund(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
move.l alias_pool(a5),a0
bsr DeletePool
clr.l first_alias(a5)
clr.l alias_pool(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* RESIDENT * V2.0:uses the GLOBAL resident-list
************************* (many things changed)
residentz move.l parm2(a5),d0 SEE IF ANY PARAMETERS TYPED
beq show_current_residents
lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l (a3),a0
bsr return_dash_option
cmp.b #'C',d0
beq kill_resi
next_resi move.l (a3)+,d0
bne.s .B
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B move.l d0,a4 A4=parmName
move.l a3,-(sp)
move.l (sp)+,a3
tst.l d0
beq resi_not_found
move.l d0,-(sp) push seglist
move.l a4,a0
move.l a4,a1
bsr rempath SRC = DEST is OK
bsr search_res2 find if same name is on resi list
move.l (sp)+,d3
move.l d0,d1
bne.s .A
bsr create_resi
bra.s next_resi
.A moveq #1,d0
cmp.l resi_usecount(a0),d0
bne.s resi_inuse
move.l d0,resi_usecount(a0)
move.l d3,resi_seglist(a0) new seglist
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6) Unload old one with same name
bra.s next_resi
kill_resi tst.l (a3)+
.B move.l (a3)+,d0
bne.s .A
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.A move.l d0,a4
move.l a4,a0
move.l a4,a1
bsr rempath SRC = DEST is OK
bsr search_res2 find if same name is on resi list
move.l d0,d1 gives d0,a0,d2
beq.s resi_not_found
moveq #1,d0
cmp.l resi_usecount(a0),d0
bne.s resi_inuse
move.l a0,a2
move.l d2,a0
move.l resi_link(a2),resi_link(a0)
clr.l resi_link(a2)
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6) Unload old one with same name
move.l a2,d1
lsr.l #2,d1
jsr _LVOUnLoadSeg(a6)
bra.s .B
move.l #205,d0
bra.s resi_error
moveq #103,d0
bra.s resi_error
move.l #202,d0
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
bra pr_galactic
create_resi ;D3:SegList, A4:Name
moveq #resi_length,d0
move.l a4,a0
.A addq.l #1,d0 one more for lenght-byte
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .A
addq.l #4,d0 4 more for segment-length
addq.l #7,d0 (7 more for and'ing needed by UnLoadSeg)
moveq #-4,d1
and.l d1,d0
move.l d0,d2
bsr iwantmem
beq.s resi_no_mem
addq.l #4,d0
move.l d0,a2 D0=addr of resi_list_node
move.l d2,-4(a2) save segment-length
bsr do_forbid
bsr resi_hand
move.l d0,resi_link(a2)
move.l a2,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(a0)
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,resi_usecount(a2)
move.l d3,resi_seglist(a2)
lea resi_name(a2),a1
move.l a4,a0
moveq #-1,d0
bsr cpBSTR
bsr do_permit
moveq #0,d0
resi_hand move.l dl_Root(a6),a0
move.l rn_Info(a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
lea di_NetHand(a0),a0 NetHand in A0
move.l (a0),d0 Start of Resi-List in D0
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea residetx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bsr resi_hand
beq no_resis_to_show
.A lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a3
move.l resi_usecount(a3),d0
subq.l #1,d0
bsr print10
bsr pr_space
; move.l a3,d0
; bsr printADR
; bsr pr_space
lea resi_name(a3),a1
moveq #0,d3
move.b (a1)+,d3
move.l a1,d2
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .B
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
bsr pr_lf
.B bsr check_c
bne.s no_resis_to_show
move.l resi_link(a3),d0
bne .A
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
****** Copy String from A0 to BSTR A1
cpBSTR movem.l d1-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) max. Length-2 in D0
lea 1(a1),a2
moveq #0,d2
bra.s .B
.A move.b d1,(a2)+
addq.l #1,d2
.B move.b (a0)+,d1
dbeq d0,.A
clr.b (a2) ;NULL-end it
move.b d2,(a1)
move.l a1,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a0-a2 D0 is BPTR to the BSTR
evalz lea parm2(a5),a4
move.l sp,d5 remember the stack ptr
rpn_loop1 move.l (a4)+,d1
beq show_rpn_result
move.l d1,a1
tst.b 1(a1)
bne not_peek32
lea 8(sp),a0
cmp.l a0,d5
blo not_poke32
cmp.b #'+',(a1) + ADD
bne.s not_add
move.l (sp)+,d0
add.l d0,(sp)
bra.s rpn_loop1
not_add cmp.b #'-',(a1) - SUBTRACT
bne.s not_sub
move.l (sp)+,d0
sub.l d0,(sp)
bra.s rpn_loop1
not_sub cmp.b #'*',(a1) * MULTIPLY
bne.s not_mult
move.l (sp)+,d0 last
move.l (sp)+,d1 2nd last
bsr mult_32x32
move.l d0,-(sp)
bra.s rpn_loop1
not_mult cmp.b #'/',(a1) / DIVIDE
bne.s not_div
move.l (sp)+,d1 last
move.l (sp)+,d0 2nd last
tst.l d1
beq.s rpn_error no divide by zero
bsr div_32
move.l d0,-(sp)
bra.s rpn_loop1
not_div cmp.b #'&',(a1) & AND
bne.s not_and
move.l (sp)+,d0
and.l d0,(sp)
rpn_lp1 bra.s rpn_loop1
not_and cmp.b #"!",(a1) ! OR
bne.s not_or
move.l (sp)+,d0
or.l d0,(sp)
bra.s rpn_lp1
not_or cmp.b #'=',(a1) = POKE
bne.s not_poke32
move.l (sp)+,d1 get value
move.l (sp)+,d0 get addr
and.b #$fe,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),-(sp) peek it
move.l d1,(a0) poke it
bra.s rpn_lp1
cmp.b #'?',(a1) ? PEEK
bne.s not_peek32
move.l (sp)+,d0 get addr
cmp.l sp,d5
blo.s rpn_error
and.b #$fe,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),-(sp)
bra.s rpn_lp1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s rpn_error2
move.l d0,-(sp)
bra.s rpn_lp1
moveq #115,d0
bra.s rpn_error1
moveq #-119,d0
move.l d5,sp
bsr pr_DOSerr
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
lea 4(sp),a0
cmp.l a0,d5
bne rpn_error
move.l (sp),-(sp) have result twice
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d7 error on equal
tst.l (sp)
beq.s .B
bpl.s .C
moveq #RETURN_WARN,d7 warn on minus
bra.s .B
.C moveq #RETURN_OK,d7 ok on plus
.B move.l sp,a1
lea rpn_result_tx(pc),a0 print hex & dec
tst.b redirect_out(a5) output redirected ?
beq.s .A
moveq #RETURN_OK,d7
lea rpn_res2(pc),a0 print only number
.A bsr new_print
move.l d5,sp
move.l d7,d0
div_32 movem.l d2-d4,-(sp) ;d0=d0/d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #31,d4
_divu1 roxl.l #1,d0 ; divident
roxl.l #1,d2 ; work accum
cmp.l d1,d2 ; cmp with divisor
blo.s _divu2
sub.l d1,d2
dc.l $003c0010 ;ori.b #16,CCR ;setx
_divu2 roxl.l #1,d3 ; result
dbf d4,_divu1
move.l d3,d0
move.l d2,d1
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4 ;result:d0 rest:d1
* D1 = 32 bit, D0 = 32 bit (result)
movem.l d1-d3,-(sp)
move.l d0,d2
move.l d0,d3
mulu d1,d0 save intermediate result
swap d3
mulu d1,d3
swap d3
clr.w d3
add.l d3,d0
swap d1
mulu d1,d2
swap d2
clr.w d2
add.l d2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3
* Convert null ending ASCII number(A1) to 32bit number in D0
* Return D1=0 if bad number (a1:current pos)
movem.l d2/d3/a0,-(sp)
moveq #0,d3 SET POSITIVE
moveq #0,d1 RESET BASE
.A cmp.b #'^',(a1)
bne.s convnor
lea 1(a1),a0
bsr readfile
cmp.w #NEWPRINTSIZE-2,d1
bhs conversion_finished
move.l d0,a0
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
move.l d1,d2
subq.w #1,d2
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d2,.B
clr.b (a1)
move.l d0,a1
move.l d1,d0
bsr givemem
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a1
; bset #0,d3
bra.s .A
convnor moveq #0,d0 RESET RESULT
moveq #0,d1 RESET BASE
tst.b (a1)
beq conversion_finished
moveq #LF,d1 SET THE BASE
cmp.b #'-',(a1) negative sign
bne.s .A
bset #3,d3
.D addq.l #1,a1
.A cmp.b #'+',(a1) positive sign
beq.s .D
cmp.b #'&',(a1) for APTR (hex!) -> BPTR
bne.s .B
addq.l #1,a1
bset #1,d3
moveq #16,d1 SET RADIX16
bra same_base
.B cmp.b #'!',(a1) for BPTR (hex!) -> APTR
bne.s .C
addq.l #1,a1
bset #2,d3
moveq #16,d1 SET RADIX16
bra same_base
.C cmp.b #'$',(a1)
bne.s other_base
move.b (a1)+,d2 DUMMY BUMP
moveq #16,d1 SET RADIX16
bra same_base
cmp.b #'%',(a1)
bne.s same_base
move.b (a1)+,d2
moveq #2,d1 SET RADIX2
same_base moveq #0,d2
move.b (a1)+,d2
beq conversion_finished
bsr convert_D2_to_num
tst.l d1
beq.s conversion_finished
bsr mult_32x32
add.l d2,d0
bra same_base
btst #3,d3
beq.s .A
neg.l d0
.A btst #1,d3
beq.s .B
lsr.l #2,d0
.B btst #2,d3
beq.s .C
lsl.l #2,d0
.C movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a0
tst.b d1
cmp.b #'0',d2
blo.s bad_number
cmp.b #'9',d2
bhi.s check_hex
sub.b #'0',d2
check_hex cmp.b #16,d1
bne.s bad_number
cmp.b #'f',d2
bhi.s bad_number
cmp.b #'A',d2
blo.s bad_number
cmp.b #'F',d2
bhi.s check_upper_hex
sub.b #55,d2
cmp.b #'a',d2
blo.s bad_number
sub.b #87,d2
moveq #0,d1 FLAG ERROR thru silly base
memexamz clr.l mem_offset_addr(a5)
moveq #8,d7
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s show_mempage
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num convert 1st num
beq.s .A
move.l d0,mem_addr(a5)
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s show_mempage
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num convert 2nd num
.A beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,d7 D7=2nd num
sub.l mem_addr(a5),d7
lsr.l #4,d7
addq.l #1,d7
and.b #$fe,mem_addr+3(a5) MAKE SURE EVEN ADDRESS
shmem2 bsr check_c
bne .A
bsr show_16_locs
subq.l #1,d7 D7=count
bne.s shmem2
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
move.l mem_addr(a5),a1
lea CLIbuf(a5),a3
move.l a3,a0
moveq #15,d0
sh_16_1 move.b (a1)+,d1
move.b #'.',(a0)+
move.b d1,d2
bclr #7,d2
cmp.b #' ',d2
blo.s sh_16_2
move.b d1,-1(a0)
sh_16_2 dbra d0,sh_16_1
clr.b (a0)
move.l a3,-(sp) PUSH STRING ADDR
move.l -(a1),-(sp) PUSH LAST BYTES
move.l -(a1),-(sp)
move.l -(a1),-(sp)
move.l -(a1),-(sp) PUSH FIRST BYTES
move.l mem_addr(a5),d0
sub.l mem_offset_addr(a5),d0
move.l d0,-(sp)
lea mem_line(pc),a0
lea (sp),a1
bsr new_print
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5 DUMMY
add.l #16,mem_addr(a5)
new_print ;v2.0 small data
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a3,-(sp)
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a3 ;V2.0 not on stack
lea KPutChar(pc),a2
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVORawDoFmt(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .B
lea NewPrintBuffer(a5),a0
move.l a0,d2
moveq #-1,d3
.A addq.l #1,d3
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .A
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
.B movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0-a3
KPutChar move.b d0,(a3)+
** SAVE STATS store current time in date mark, and current memory use in mem mark
movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
clr.l temp2(a5)
btst #FLcheck,Flags+3(a5)
beq.s .C
move.l 4.w,a0
tst.w 296(a0) CPU better than 68000 ?
bne.s .A
move.l #1024,d0 no, store lower memory
bsr iwantmem
move.l d0,temp2(a5)
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
sub.l a0,a0 adress 0 to 1023
move.l #$C0DEDBAD,(a0) Mungwall does the same
move.l #1024/4-1,d0
.B move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.B
.A lea mem_mark(a5),a0
bsr memory_info remember memory usage
.C lea date_mark(a5),a0
bsr get_time remember this time
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
** ADDRESS ON STACK ie 4(sp)
lea -34(sp),sp
lea (sp),a0 A0=time area
move.l Result2(a5),(a0)+ -4(a0) ioerr-result
bsr get_time
lea date_mark(a5),a1
move.l ds_Tick(a0),d0
sub.l ds_Tick(a1),d0
bpl.s no_tick_carry
add.l #3000,d0
subq.l #1,ds_Minute(a0)
move.l d0,ds_Tick(a1) store in datemark
move.l ds_Minute(a0),d0
sub.l ds_Minute(a1),d0
move.l d0,ds_Minute(a1)
bsr convert_time A0=4+3 words of time
lea 14(a0),a0
bsr memory_info
lea mem_mark(a5),a1
move.l (a1),d0
sub.l d0,(a0) subtract old from new ;chip
move.l 4(a1),d0
sub.l d0,4(a0) ;fast
move.l 8(a1),d0
sub.l d0,8(a0) ;total
lea -12(a0),a1
move.l -18(a0),(a1)
lea stat_text(pc),a0
bsr new_print
lea 34(sp),sp
move.l temp2(a5),d0 check low memory
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1 show changes of low memory
sub.l a0,a0
move.l #1024/4-1,d0
.B move.l (a0)+,d1
cmp.l (a1)+,d1
beq.s .C
movem.l a0-a1,-(sp)
move.l -4(a0),-(sp)
move.l -4(a1),-(sp)
move.l a0,-(sp)
subq.l #4,(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea lowmemtx(pc),a0 print the changes
bsr new_print
lea 12(sp),sp
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1
.C dbra d0,.B
move.l temp2(a5),a1
move.l #1024,d0
bsr givemem
.A rts
datez lea date_mark(a5),a2
move.l a2,a0
bsr get_time
move.l a2,a1
lea -14(sp),sp
lea (sp),a0
bsr convert_time
tst.l parm2(a5)
beq.s .A
lea parm2(a5),a0
lea (sp),a1
bsr.s settime
lea 14(sp),sp
bne.s .B
bsr tset
clr.l parm2(a5)
bra.s datez ;now print date/time
.A lea (sp),a1
lea time_text(pc),a0
bsr new_print
lea 14(sp),sp
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B rts
settime movem.l d1-d4/a0-a4,-(sp) V2.0
move.l a0,a4 ;a0=parameters
move.l a1,temp1(a5) ;a1=date/time
settim move.l (a4)+,a0
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
moveq #2,d3
aa1 move.l a0,a1
bsr gab
move.b d0,d4
beq.s bb1
clr.b -1(a0)
cmp.b #".",d0 ;day.month.year
bne.s dat2
bb1 bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
cmp.w #99,d0 ;rough check
bhi muell
move.w d0,(a2)+
tst.l d1
beq muell
tst.b d4
dbeq d3,aa1
mull1 tst.w d3
bne muell
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
move.l temp1(a5),a1
moveq #2,d3
.B move.w (a2)+,(a1)+
dbra d3,.B
bra oktt
aa2 move.l a0,a1
bsr gab
move.b d0,d4
beq.s bb2
clr.b -1(a0)
dat2 cmp.b #":",d0 ;hour:minute:second
bne.s dat3
bb2 bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
cmp.w #99,d0
bhi muell
move.w d0,(a2)+
tst.l d1
beq muell
tst.b d4
dbeq d3,aa2
mull2 tst.w d3
bne muell
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
move.l temp1(a5),a1
lea 6(a1),a1
moveq #2,d3
.B move.w (a2)+,(a1)+
dbra d3,.B
bra oktt
moveq #2,d3
aa3 move.l a0,a1
bsr gab
move.b d0,d4
beq.s bb3
clr.b -1(a0)
dat3 cmp.b #"-",d0 ;month-day-year
bne muell
bb3 bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
cmp.w #99,d0
bhi muell
move.w d0,(a2)+
tst.l d1
beq muell
tst.b d4
dbeq d3,aa3
mull3 tst.w d3
bne muell
lea temp2buf(a5),a2
move.l temp1(a5),a1
move.w (a2)+,2(a1)
move.w (a2)+,(a1)
move.w (a2)+,4(a1)
oktt tst.l (a4)
bne settim
lea chaotab(pc),a0
move.l temp1(a5),a1
lea temp2buf(a5),a3
moveq #5,d0
moveq #0,d1
.A move.b (a0)+,d1
move.w 0(a1,d1),d2
move.b d2,(a3)+
dbra d0,.A
lea temp2buf(a5),a3
bsr calcsec
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4/a0-a4
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
rts ;result in d5-d7
muell lea muell_tx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4/a0-a4
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
gab move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #$30,d0
blo.s .A
cmp.b #$39,d0
bls.s gab
.A cmp.b #"%",d0 ;handle bin (that's fun !)
beq.s gab
get_time move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a0,d1
jsr _LVODateStamp(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a0
** ENTRY A0 pts to 7 words of storage, A1 pts to date stamp
** send time to A0 --> 13(A0)
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(sp)
move.l ds_Tick(a1),d0
divu #50,d0
move.w d0,4+6(a0) seconds
swap d0
asl.w #1,d0
move.w d0,6+6(a0) hundredths
move.l ds_Minute(a1),d0
divu #60,d0
move.w d0,0+6(a0) hours
swap d0
move.w d0,2+6(a0) minutes
move.l ds_Days(a1),d0
move.w #365,d1 V2.0:year, day, month
move.w #77,d2
wdhj addq.w #1,d2
sub.w d1,d0
bcs.s mon
move.w d2,d3
and.w #3,d3
bne.s wdhj
cmp.w #100,d2
blo.s ork
moveq #1,d3
addq.w #1,d0
sub.w #100,d2
ork subq.w #1,d0
bcc.s wdhj
addq.w #1,d0
mon add.w d1,d0
move.w d2,4(a0) year (lots of work)
moveq #0,d2
lea montab(pc),a2
wdhm addq.w #1,d2
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a2)+,d1
sub.w d1,d0
bcs.s tag
cmp.w #2,d2
bne.s wdhm
move.w 4(a0),d3
beq.s wdhm
and.w #3,d3
bne.s wdhm
subq.w #1,d0
bcc.s wdhm
addq.w #1,d0
tag add.w d1,d0
addq.w #1,d0
move.w d2,2(a0) month (i don't like february)
move.w d0,(a0) day
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
montab dc.b 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
stackz move.l CLIptr(a5),a4
move.l cli_DefaultStack(a4),d7
lsl.l #2,d7
tst.l parm2(a5)
beq.s show_stack
move.l parm2(a5),a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,d6
cmpi.l #1600,d6 ;allow 1600 bytes for DOS
blt.s stoosmall
move.l d6,d0
bsr iwantmem
beq.s stoobig
move.l d0,a1
move.l d6,d0
bsr givemem
lsr.l #2,d6
move.l d6,cli_DefaultStack(a4)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
move.l #-148,d0
bra pr_galactic
bra resi_no_mem
move.l d7,-(sp)
move.l #-146,d0
bsr GetMessage
lea (sp),a1
bsr new_print
move.l (sp)+,d0
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.A tst.b (a0)+ MAKE SURE ENDS IN :
bne.s .A
move.b -2(a0),d0
cmp.b #':',d0
do_forbid move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
do_permit move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
assignz cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo assi13
tst.l parm2(a5)
beq assi13
move.l parm3(a5),d2
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),a2
move.l a2,a0
bsr check_for_colon
bne.s .G
clr.b -2(a0) no colon-end
.G lea assignuse(pc),a1
move.l parm4(a5),d0
bne.s .B
move.l d2,a0
bsr CheckOpt
beq.s .C
move.l d2,d1 Assign LOCK
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
move.l d0,d2
beq DOSerr
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVOAssignLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
bra .A
.C move.l a2,d1 Assign REMOVE
moveq #0,d2
jsr _LVOAssignLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
bra.s .A
.B move.l d0,a0
bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .H
move.l d2,d1 Assign REMOVE part
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
move.l d0,d2
beq DOSerr
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVORemAssignList(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
bra.s .A
.H bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .D
move.l d2,d1 Assign ADD
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
move.l d0,d2
beq DOSerr
move.l a2,d1
jsr _LVOAssignAdd(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
bra.s .A
.D bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .E
move.l a2,d1 Assign PATH
jsr _LVOAssignPath(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
bra.s .A
.E bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .F
move.l a2,d1 Assign DEFER
jsr _LVOAssignLate(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
bra.s .A
.F lea assignuse(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
assi13 bsr do_forbid FORBID
bsr get_first_devinfo
tst.l parm2(a5)
beq show_assigns
tst.l parm3(a5)
beq exit_assignf ONLY TWO PARMS TYPED (NEED 3)
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr check_for_colon
beq assi14
bsr do_permit
no_col move.l #210,d0
bra pr_galactic
assi14 moveq #dlt_directory,d1 CREATE/MODIFY ASSIGN ******
bsr find_next_assign
tst.l d0
bne no_more_dir_assigns
move.l a0,d5
move.l parm2(a5),a0 A0=assigned name[0]
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a1)+,d2 get char count
.A move.b (a1)+,d0
move.b (a0)+,d1
beq.s assi14
subq.l #1,d2
bmi.s .C
bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s .A
.D bra.s assi14
.C cmp.b #':',d1 CHANGE EXISTING
bne.s .D
bsr do_permit PERMIT
move.l d5,a2 GOT A MATCH
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l parm3(a5),d1
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq exit_assignp
move.l d0,a3
bsr do_forbid FORBID
move.l dvi_Lock(a2),d4
move.l a3,dvi_Lock(a2) new lock
add.l a3,a3
add.l a3,a3
move.l fl_Task(a3),dvi_Task(a2)
clr.l dvi_Handler(a2)
clr.l dvi_StackSize(a2)
clr.l dvi_Priority(a2)
clr.l dvi_Startup(a2)
clr.l dvi_SegList(a2)
clr.l dvi_GlobVec(a2)
bsr do_permit
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
bra exit_assignp
bsr do_permit CREATE NEW ASSIGN
moveq #48,d0
bsr iwantcleanmem
beq exit_assignp
move.l d0,a4
move.l #48,(a4)+ save size byte
move.l parm2(a5),a0
moveq #4,d0 4+1 extra bytes for dos(nb: : is ignored)
.A addq.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .A
move.l d0,d3 D3=size+5+1 (block size|char_count|chars)
bsr iwantmem
beq rem_dvi
move.l d0,a3
move.l d0,d4 D4=string ptr
move.l d3,(a3)+ save size byte
subq.l #6,d3
move.b d3,(a3)+ save char_count
move.l parm2(a5),a0
bra.s .C
.B move.b d1,(a3)+ copy string to NAME
.C move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b #':',d1
bne.s .B
clr.b (a3) ;NULL-ending V2.0
addq.l #4,d0
lsr.l #2,d0 convert to bstr
move.l d0,dvi_Name(a4)
move.l #dlt_directory,dvi_Type(a4)
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l parm3(a5),d1
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq rem_str
move.l d0,dvi_Lock(a4)
lsl.l #2,d0 x 4
move.l d0,a0
move.l fl_Task(a0),dvi_Task(a4)
bsr do_forbid
bsr get_first_devinfo RETURNS A1 pts info substr, A2 pts 1st devinfo
move.l a2,dvi_Next(a4)
move.l a4,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,di_DevInfo(a1) Insert new top of chain
bsr do_permit
bra.s exit_assignp
rem_str move.l d4,a1
move.l (a1),d0
bsr givemem
rem_dvi lea -4(a4),a1
moveq #48,d0
bsr givemem
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
bsr do_permit
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
lea -8(sp),sp
move.l a2,(sp) 0(sp)= BPTR of first devinfo
move.l #5000,d0
bsr iwantmem allocate big block
beq asg_fail
move.l d0,a4 A4 = string block
move.l d0,a3
add.l #5000,a3 A3 = end of string block
move.l d0,4(sp) 4(sp) = string block
lea volume_tx(pc),a0 PRINT VOLUMES:
bsr copy_name
moveq #dlt_volume,d1
.E bsr find_next_assign COPY ALL DEVICES THAT MATCH TYPE IN D1
bne.s do_devices1
bsr copy_bstr
move.b #$20,(a4)+ seperate with spaces
tst.l dvi_Task(a0)
bne.s .H
lea unmounted_tx(pc),a0
bsr copy_name
bra.s .A
.H move.b #"[",(a4)+
lea mounted_tx(pc),a0
bsr copy_name
.A move.b #LF,(a4)+
bra.s .E
move.l (sp),a2 restart at first devinfo
lea device1_tx(pc),a0 PRINT DEVICES:
bsr copy_name
lea device3_tx(pc),a0
bsr copy_name
.B moveq #dlt_device,d1
bne.s .A
tst.l dvi_Task(a0)
bne.s .B
bsr copy_bstr
move.b #$20,(a4)+ seperate with spaces
move.b #$20,(a4)+
bra.s .B
.A move.b #LF,(a4)+ linefeed at end
move.l (sp),a2 restart at first devinfo
lea device1_tx(pc),a0 PRINT DEVICES:
bsr copy_name
lea device2_tx(pc),a0
bsr copy_name
.B moveq #dlt_device,d1
bne.s .A
tst.l dvi_Task(a0)
beq.s .B
bsr copy_bstr
move.b #$20,(a4)+ seperate with spaces
move.b #$20,(a4)+
bra.s .B
.A move.b #LF,(a4)+ linefeed at end
move.l (sp),a2
lea assign_tx(pc),a0 PRINT DIRECTORIES
bsr copy_name
moveq #dlt_late,d1
.B bsr find_next_assign COPY ALL DEVICES THAT MATCH TYPE IN D1
bne.s .A
bsr copy_bstr
move.b #":",(a4)+
move.b #9,(a4)+ seperate with tab
move.b #"<",(a4)+
move.l dvi_Handler(a0),a0
bsr copy_name
move.b #">",(a4)+
move.b #LF,(a4)+ linefeed at end
bra.s .B
.A move.l (sp),a2
moveq #dlt_nonbind,d1
.B bsr find_next_assign COPY ALL DEVICES THAT MATCH TYPE IN D1
bne.s .A
bsr copy_bstr
move.b #":",(a4)+
move.b #9,(a4)+ seperate with tab
move.b #"[",(a4)+
move.l dvi_Handler(a0),a0
bsr copy_name
move.b #"]",(a4)+
move.b #LF,(a4)+ linefeed at end
bra.s .B
.A move.l (sp),a2
do_dirs ;uses top of big mem block (end in a3)
move.w #-1,-(a3) push negative
.G moveq #dlt_directory,d1
bne.s .E
clr.l -(a3) null-end locks
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .A OS1.3-: no assign add
move.l dvi_LockList(a0),d0 search locklist (assign add)
beq.s .A
.B move.l d0,a1
move.l 4(a1),-(a3) push locks
move.l (a1),d0
bne.s .B
.A move.l d2,-(a3) push main lock
clr.b -(a3) null-end name
move.l dvi_Name(a0),a1
add.l a1,a1
add.l a1,a1
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a1),d0 name-length
btst #0,d0
bne.s .C
clr.b -(a3) for word-align
.C add.l d0,a1
addq.l #1,a1 a3=end of name
bra.s .D
.F move.b -(a1),-(a3)
.D dbra d0,.F
bra.s .G
.E bsr do_permit
cmp.b #$ff,(a3) check for end
beq.s .A
move.l a3,a0
bsr copy_name copy assign-name
.B tst.b (a3)+ look for end
bne.s .B
move.b #9,(a4)+ copy tab
move.l a3,d0
addq.l #1,d0
and.w #$fffe,d0 word-align
move.l d0,a3
move.l (a3)+,d1 first lock
beq.s .F
bra.s .G
.C move.l (a3)+,d1
beq.s get_nxt_lock
move.b #9,(a4)+ other locks are assign adds
move.b #"+",(a4)+
move.b #" ",(a4)+
.G move.l d1,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
move.l fl_Volume(a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
tst.l dvi_Task(a0) check for mounted
bne.s .E
.F lea unmounted_tx(pc),a0
bsr copy_name
move.b #LF,(a4)+
bra.s .C
.E jsr _LVODupLock(a6) copy lock(D1) --> (D0)
tst.l d0
beq.s .F could not dup lock
move.l a4,a0
move.l a3,-(sp)
bsr eval_full_path write path to big block
move.l (sp)+,a3
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.D tst.b (a4)+ look for end
bne.s .D
move.b #LF,-1(a4) overwrite null or tab
bra.s .C
.A clr.b (a4) null-end
move.l a4,d6
subq.l #1,d6
move.l 4(sp),a4
bsr pr_hide_cursor
bsr pr_screen
move.l 4(sp),a1
move.l #5000,d0
bsr givemem
bra.s asg_fail2
asg_fail bsr do_permit
asg_fail2 lea 8(sp),sp
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
move.l dl_Root(a6),a1
move.l rn_Info(a1),a1
add.l a1,a1
add.l a1,a1
move.l di_DevInfo(a1),a2 A2=BPTR to first devinfo
copy_name move.b (a0)+,(a4)+
bne.s copy_name
lea -1(a4),a4
copy_bstr moveq #0,d0
move.b (a1)+,d0
bra.s .C
.B move.b (a1)+,(a4)+
.C dbra d0,.B
**ENTRY: D1=type ,A2=Bptr of devinfo, EXIT: A2=Bptr to next ,D0=0 if found
**EXIT: D2=lock, D1=type, A1 pts to string, A0 pts devinfo struct
add.l a2,a2 A2 pts to first devinfo structure
move.l a2,d0 tst.l (a2)
beq.s .B
move.l a2,a0
move.l dvi_Name(a2),a1
move.l dvi_Lock(a2),d2
move.l dvi_Type(a2),d0
move.l (a2),a2
cmp.l d0,d1
bne.s .A
add.l a1,a1
add.l a1,a1
moveq #0,d0
.B moveq #1,d0
failatz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l CLIptr(a5),a0
move.l d0,cli_FailLevel(a0)
bra.s .B
.A move.l #-154,d0
bsr GetMessage
move.l CLIptr(a5),a1
lea cli_FailLevel(a1),a1
bsr new_print
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* IF *
ifz move.b #$ff,if_flag(a5)
move.b #$ff,if_condition(a5) set FALSE
lea parm2(a5),a4
moveq #0,d4 not state
.C move.l (a4)+,d0
beq if_fail
move.l d0,a0
lea not_tx(pc),a1
bsr compare_strings
bne.s .B
not.b d4 set D4=FF if not
bra .C
.B lea exists(pc),a1
bsr compare_strings
move.l (a4)+,d1
beq if_fail
moveq #0,d3 d3=0 doesnt exist
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s save_state
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
not.b d3 d3=ff exists
not.b d3 d3=0 true
eor.b d4,d3
move.b d3,if_condition(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
try_warn move.l last_failcode(a5),d5
moveq #RETURN_WARN,d6
lea warn_tx(pc),a1 CHECK IF 'IF WARN'
bsr compare_strings
bne try_error
moveq #0,d3
cmp.l d6,d5
bne save_state
not.b d3
bra save_state
try_error lea error_tx(pc),a1
bsr compare_strings
bne try_fail
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d6
bra set_error_state
try_fail lea fail_tx(pc),a1
bsr compare_strings
bne if_fail
moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d6
bra set_error_state
if_fail not.b if_flag(a5) clear it
bra too_less_args
* ASK *
askz bsr echoz print the parm same as echo does
rask move.l inhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .A
lea tempbuf(a5),a4 a4:tempbuf
clr.b (a4)
move.l a4,d2
moveq #120,d3
jsr _LVORead(a6) read input
tst.l d0
bmi.s .A
beq.s .A
move.l a4,a0
add.l d0,a0
subq.l #1,a0
clr.b (a0) Null-End
tst.b redirect_out(a5) output redirected ?
beq.s .C
move.l a4,a1
bsr pr_string repeat input
bra .A
.C move.b (a4),d1
bset #5,d1
moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d0
cmp.b #'f',d1 V2.0
beq .B
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
cmp.b #'e',d1 V2.0
beq .B
moveq #RETURN_WARN,d0
cmp.b #'j',d1 V2.0
beq .B
cmp.b #'y',d1
beq .B
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
.B rts
* WAIT *
waitz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,d4
lsl.l #2,d4 d4*4
add.l d0,d4 d4:=d0*5 (d4*4+d4)
.C bsr check_c
bne.s .E
moveq #LF,d1 1/5 second
jsr _LVODelay(a6)
subq.l #1,d4
bne.s .C
.E moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
* QUIT *
* only returns from script files.
quitz tst.b scflag(a5)
bne.s .A
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
.A move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq .B
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne .B
bsr bad_number_error
.B move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr kill_script guarantee that script is dead
move.l (sp)+,d0
htypez bsr pr_hide_cursor
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
beq.s .C
bsr readstdin read from inhandle
bra.s .D
.C move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
bsr readfile read from file
.D move.l d0,mem_addr(a5)
move.l d0,mem_offset_addr(a5)
move.l d1,temp1(a5)
move.l d1,d2
add.l d0,d1
move.l d1,d7 end marker
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .B
cmp.l d0,d2
bls.s .B
add.l d0,mem_addr(a5)
.B bsr check_c
bne htype_end
bsr show_16_locs
cmp.l mem_addr(a5),d7
bhi .B
htype_end move.l mem_offset_addr(a5),a1
move.l temp1(a5),d0
bsr givemem
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea parm2(a5),a0
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
bne.s .A
move.l (a0),d2
beq too_less_args
addq.l #4,a0
.A moveq #7,d7 7=default number of characters
move.l (a0),d0
beq .C
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,d7
.C tst.b redirect_in(a5)
bne.s .B
move.l d2,a0
bsr readfile read from file
bra.s .D
.B bsr readstdin read from inhandle
.D move.l d0,a4 A4=addr of file
move.l a4,a3
move.l d1,d6 D6=size of file
add.l d0,d1
move.l d1,d4 D4=max addr
str_next bsr check_c
bne kill_string_file
moveq #0,d5 D5=current string size
move.l a3,a2
valid_ch cmp.l a3,d4
beq string_fin
move.b (a3)+,d0
cmp.b #' ',d0
blo.s not_valid_char
cmp.b #$7f,d0
bhi.s not_valid_char
addq.l #1,d5
bra valid_ch
cmp.l d7,d5
blo str_next
bsr write_my_string
bra str_next
cmp.l d7,d5
blo kill_string_file
bsr write_my_string
move.l a4,a1
move.l d6,d0
bsr givemem
moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
beq.s .A
move.l a2,d2
move.l d5,d3
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
.A bra pr_lf
move.l parm3(a5),d2
beq too_less_args
move.l parm2(a5),d1
jsr _LVOSetComment(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerr
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* SEARCH * Searches a string in a file
searchz bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea parm2(a5),a2 V2.0
tst.b redirect_in(a5)
beq.s .G
move.l (a2),d7
beq too_less_args
bsr readstdin read from inhandle
bra.s .F
.G move.l (a2)+,a0
move.l (a2),d7
beq too_less_args
bsr readfile read from file
.F move.l d1,d5 d5:size of file
move.l d0,d6
add.l d1,d6
move.l d0,a2
move.l d0,a3 a3:start of file
.A move.l d7,a1 d7:search string
move.l d6,a0 d6:end of file
bsr searchSTR a2:current searchpos
cmp.b #1,d0
beq.s .B
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l d7,a0
moveq #-1,d4
.D addq.l #1,d4
tst.b (a0)+ length of searchstr.
bne.s .D
move.l a1,d2
move.l a2,d3
sub.l d2,d3
beq.s .C
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) write part before searchstr.
.C lea farb3(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
move.l a2,d2
move.l d4,d3
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) write searchstr.
lea farb1(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l a2,d2
add.l d4,d2
move.l a0,d3
sub.l d2,d3
beq.s .E
move.l outhandle(a5),d1
jsr _LVOWrite(a6) write part after searchstr.
.E bsr pr_lf
addq.l #1,a2
bsr check_c
beq.s .A
.B move.l d5,d0
move.l a3,a1
bsr givemem free file
endse moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* Searches for a string
* ENTRY:a1 points to the string to search for (ends in NULL)
* a2 points to start position, a0 to end of file, a3 to start
* EXIT: a2 to found-position, a0 to NULL- or LF-end, a1 to LF-start
* d0=1 not found, d0= found NULL-ended, d0=10 found LF-ended
movem.l d1-d7/a3-a5,-(sp)
moveq #"Z",d5
moveq #"A",d6
moveq #" ",d7
move.l a1,a4
moveq #0,d4
.B move.b (a4)+,d0
beq.s .D
addq.l #1,d4 count chars to search for
cmp.b d5,d0
bhi.s .A
cmp.b d6,d0
blo.s .A
add.b d7,d0
move.b d0,-1(a4) lowercase them
.A bra.s .B
.D move.b (a1),d0
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d0
bne.s .C
move.b #LF,(a1) begins with LineFeed
.C move.l a3,a5
move.l a0,d0 calc length of text
sub.l a2,d0
sub.l d4,d0
move.l d0,d4
move.l d4,d3
swap d3
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a1),d2
bra.s seabeg
seastrt move.b (a2)+,d1
cmp.b d5,d1
bhi.s .E
cmp.b d6,d1
blo.s .E
add.b d7,d1
.E cmp.b d2,d1 compare first char
bne.s seabeg
lea 1(a1),a3
move.l a2,a4
.B move.b (a3)+,d0
beq.s seafnd
move.b (a4)+,d1
cmp.b d5,d1
bhi.s .F
cmp.b d6,d1
blo.s .F
add.b d7,d1
.F cmp.b d0,d1 compare other chars
beq.s .B
seabeg dbra d4,seastrt
dbra d3,seastrt
bra seaend
seafnd subq.l #1,a2
move.l a2,a1
.D cmp.l a0,a4
bhi seaend
move.b (a4)+,d1 search end
beq.s .G
cmp.b #LF,d1
bne.s .D
cmp.b #LF,(a1)
beq.s .H
.F cmp.l a5,a1
bls .G
move.b -(a1),d0
beq.s .H
cmp.b #LF,d0 search beginning (if LF)
bne.s .F
.H addq.l #1,a1
.G move.b d1,d2
lea -1(a4),a0
move.l d2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a3-a5
seaend moveq #1,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a3-a5
faultz move.l parm2(a5),d0 V2.0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
bsr pr_DOSerr
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
setclockz lea $dc0000,a4 ;clockbase V2.0
move.b 1(a4),d4
moveq #75,d1
jsr _LVODelay(a6)
cmp.b 1(a4),d4 ;secs changed ?
beq.s noclk
lea clk_tx(pc),a2
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
move.l a2,a1
bsr CheckOpt
beq clkload
lea 8(a2),a1
bsr CheckOpt
beq.s clksave
.A move.l a2,a1
bsr pr_stringlf
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
noclk lea noclk_tx(pc),a0
bsr PrintError
clksave lea date_mark(a5),a2
move.l a2,a0
bsr get_time
move.l a2,a1
lea -14(sp),sp
lea (sp),a0
bsr convert_time
move.b 61(a4),d0 ;reset clock
or.b #1,d0 ;(don't use bset or bclr !)
move.b d0,61(a4)
move.b #0,57(a4)
move.b #5,61(a4)
move.b #4,61(a4)
move.b 53(a4),d0 ;hold clock
or.b #1,d0
move.b d0,53(a4)
clks btst #1,53(a4)
bne.s clks
lea (sp),a0
lea chaotab(pc),a1
moveq #1,d6
moveq #0,d1
moveq #5,d0
.A move.b (a1)+,d1
moveq #0,d2
move.w 0(a0,d1),d2
divu #LF,d2
swap d2
move.b d2,0(a4,d6)
swap d2
move.b d2,4(a4,d6)
addq.l #8,d6
dbra d0,.A
move.b 53(a4),d0
and.b #$0e,d0
move.b d0,53(a4) ;run clock
lea 14(sp),sp
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
chaotab dc.b 10,8,6,0,2,4
getclk move.b 0(a4,d6),d1 ;Read realtimeclock
move.b 4(a4,d6),d0 ;(adress in a4,offset in d6)
addq.l #8,d6
and.w #$f,d0
and.w #$f,d1
mulu #LF,d0
add.w d1,d0
ext.l d0 ;result
;load current time from realtime-clock
clkload move.b 53(a4),d0
or.b #1,d0
move.b d0,53(a4)
clkw btst #1,53(a4)
bne.s clkw
lea -6(sp),sp
lea (sp),a3
moveq #5,d2
moveq #1,d6
.A bsr getclk
move.b d0,(a3)+
dbra d2,.A
lea (sp),a3
bsr calcsec ;how many secs ?
move.b 53(a4),d0
and.b #$0e,d0
move.b d0,53(a4)
lea 6(sp),sp
bsr tset ;give it to system
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
calcsec moveq #0,d7 ;a3->points to 6 bytes of date/time
moveq #1,d6 V2.0
move.b (a3)+,d7 ;sec (collect secs in d7)
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a3)+,d0 ;min
mulu #smin,d0
add.l d0,d7
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a3)+,d0 ;std
mulu #sst,d0
add.l d0,d7
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a3)+,d0 ;tag
subq.l #1,d0
move.l d0,d5 ;collect days in d5
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a3)+,d2 ;monat
lea montab(pc),a0
moveq #0,d3
move.b (a3)+,d3 ;jahr
move.l d3,d0
and.w #3,d0
bne.s nosj
move.b #29,1(a0) ;change montab
nosj subq.l #2,d2
bmi.s jan
madd moveq #0,d0
move.b 0(a0,d2),d0
add.w d0,d5
dbra d2,madd
jan cmp.b #78,d3
beq.s tset
subq.l #1,d3
moveq #0,d1
jadd add.w #tjahr,d5
move.l d3,d0
and.w #3,d0
bne.s nosj2
addq.l #1,d5
nosj2 cmp.b #78,d3
dbeq d3,jadd
move.b #28,1(a0)
move.l #stag,d1
move.l d5,d0
bsr mult_32x32
move.l d7,d6 ;d6=secs, d5=days
add.l d0,d7 ;d7=all seconds since 1.1.78
clrio lea io_Message(a5),a1 ;initialisiert IO-Request V2.0
move.l a1,a0
moveq #$2f,d0
clst3 clr.b (a0)+
dbra d0,clst3
move.b #5,io_Message+8(a5)
move.l thistask(a5),a0
lea pr_MsgPort(a0),a0
move.l a0,io_Message+14(a5)
move.w #$30,io_Message+18(a5)
rts ;a1:IO-Request a0:Msg-Port
tset move.l 4.w,a6 ;set time with timer-device (secs in d7)
bsr clrio V2.0
move.w #40,io_Message+18(a5)
lea timdev(pc),a0
moveq #1,d0
moveq #0,d1
jsr _LVOOpenDev(a6)
tst.l d0
bne tmfehl
lea io_Message(a5),a1
move.w #11,io_Command(a5)
clr.w io_Flags(a5)
move.l d7,tv_secs(a5)
clr.l tv_micro(a5)
jsr _LVODoIO(a6)
tst.l d0
; bne.s tmfehl ;better leave out
lea io_Message(a5),a1
clr.l io_Command(a5)
jsr _LVOCloseDev(a6)
tmfehl move.l dosbase(a5),a6
smin equ 60
sst equ 60*smin
stag equ 24*sst
tjahr equ 365
* SHOW *
soffs dc.w 378,336,350,364,322,392,532
showz bsr pr_hide_cursor V2.0
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq sdft
move.l d0,a0
move.b (a0),d1
bset #5,d1
cmp.b #"t",d1
beq shtask
cmp.b #"v",d1
beq shvec
lea styp(pc),a0
moveq #6,d0 ;7 Lists
.D cmp.b 0(a0,d0.w),d1
dbeq d0,.D
move.w d0,d7
bmi sdft
lea show_tx(pc),a1
cmp.w #2,d7
bhi.s .C
lea show2_tx(pc),a1
.C bsr pr_stringlf
bsr do_forbid
add.w d0,d0
lea soffs(pc),a0
move.w 0(a0,d0.w),d0
move.l 4.w,a4
move.l 0(a4,d0.w),a1
; move.l 8(a4,d0.w),a2
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
.A tst.l (a1)
beq.s .B
move.l a1,(a3)+
move.l (a1),a1
bra.s .A
.B clr.l (a3)
bsr do_permit
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
da tst.l (a3)
beq sdf
move.l (a3)+,a2
move.l 10(a2),-(sp)
lea shform(pc),a0
cmp.w #2,d7
bhi.s .E
lea shform2(pc),a0
move.w 22(a2),-(sp)
move.w 20(a2),-(sp)
.E move.b 9(a2),d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.l a2,-(sp)
lea (sp),a1
bsr new_print
lea 10(sp),sp
cmp.w #2,d7
bhi.s da
addq.l #4,sp
bra.s da
sdft lea shuse_tx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
moveq #RETURN_BAD,d0
sdf moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
shtask lea tempbuf(a5),a3 enough for 96 tasks
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
lea 420(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a1
.A tst.l (a1)
beq.s .B
move.l a1,(a3)+
move.l (a1),a1
bra.s .A
.B lea 406(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a1
.C tst.l (a1)
beq.s .D
move.l a1,(a3)+
move.l (a1),a1
bra.s .C
.D move.l 276(a6),(a3)+
clr.l (a3)
jsr _LVOPermit(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
lea shta_tx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
lea tempbuf(a5),a3
prsht move.l (a3)+,a2
move.l 10(a2),-(sp)
move.l #$00540061,d0 Task
cmp.b #13,LN_TYPE(a2)
bne.s .C
move.l #$00500072,d0 Process
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s .C
tst.l pr_ExitCode(a2)
beq.s .C
move.l #$00500021,d0 Process with exit code
.C move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l tc_SigWait(a2),-(sp)
moveq #0,d0
move.b tc_State(a2),d0
lea ttyp(pc),a0
bra.s .A
.B tst.b (a0)+
bne.s .B
.A dbra d0,.B
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.b LN_PRI(a2),d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.l a2,-(sp)
lea (sp),a1
lea shtaform(pc),a0
bsr new_print Print it
lea 22(sp),sp
cmp.b #13,LN_TYPE(a2)
bne.s snocli
move.l pr_CLI(a2),d1
beq.s snocli
lsl.l #2,d1 ;cli-process
move.l d1,a4
lea null(pc),a1
move.l a1,-(sp)
move.l pr_COS(a2),d1
cmp.l cli_StandardOutput(a4),d1
beq.s .J
lea bigger(pc),a0
move.l a0,(sp)
.J move.l a1,-(sp)
move.l pr_CIS(a2),d1
cmp.l cli_StandardInput(a4),d1
beq.s .G
lea smaller(pc),a0
move.l a0,(sp)
.G move.l a1,-(sp)
move.l cli_CommandName(a4),d1
beq.s .H
lsl.l #2,d1
move.l d1,a0
lea temp2buf(a5),a1 BSTR !
move.l a1,(sp)
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a0)+,d1
bra.s .E
.F move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
.E dbra d1,.F
clr.b (a1)
.H move.l pr_TaskNum(a2),-(sp)
lea null(pc),a1
move.l a1,-(sp)
tst.l cli_Background(a4) background ?
beq.s .I
lea backcli(pc),a1
move.l a1,(sp)
.I lea proform(pc),a0
lea (sp),a1
bsr new_print Print CLI-Add
lea 20(sp),sp
snocli bsr pr_lf
tst.l (a3)
bne prsht ;at least one task
shtok moveq #RETURN_OK,D0
shvec move.l 4.w,a0
move.l eb_KickCheckSum(a0),-(sp)
move.l eb_ColdCapture(a0),-(sp)
move.l eb_KickTagPtr(a0),-(sp)
move.l eb_CoolCapture(a0),-(sp)
move.l eb_KickMemPtr(a0),-(sp)
move.l eb_WarmCapture(a0),-(sp)
lea (sp),a1
lea vec_line(pc),a0
bsr new_print
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
moveq #5,d1
move.l sp,a0
.A tst.l (a0)+
bne.s .B
dbra d1,.A
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.B lea 6*4(sp),sp get rid of trash
* MemClock * V2.0
ckstackSIZE equ 2000
cktask equ 0 ;Task-Struct
ckport equ cktask+92 ;MsgPort
ckstack equ ckport+34 ;Stack
ckustack equ ckstack+ckstackSIZE
ckdos equ ckustack ;DOSBase
ckint equ ckdos+4 ;Intuitionbase
ckitxt equ ckint+4 ;IntuiTextStruct
ckdate equ ckitxt+20 ;DateStamp
ckrawdo equ ckdate+12 ;DataStream
ckcook equ ckrawdo+6+8 ;Formatted String
ckwint equ ckcook+40 ;Table of all Windows
cknum equ ckwint+20*4 ;Number of Windows
ckalarm equ cknum+4 ;Alarm-Time
ckpad equ ckalarm+8
cksize equ ckpad+2
mlnode equ 0 ;Memory-List
mlnum equ mlnode+14
mladdr equ mlnum+2
mllen equ mladdr+4
mlsize equ mllen+4
memclkz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
move.b (a0),d0
bset #5,d0
cmp.b #"a",d0 ;alarm
beq clkalm
bsr CheckOnOff
beq clkoff
clkon move.b #1,memclk_flag(a5) switch it on
move.l 4.w,a6
lea clktask+1(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l d0,a4
tst.l d0
beq.s .A ;not already running
bsr winclk
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.A move.l #cksize,d0
move.l #1+1<<16,d1
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a4
move.w #$0104,cktask+8(a4) ;type/pri
lea clktask+1(pc),a0
move.l a0,cktask+10(a4) ;name
lea ckstack(a4),a0
lea ckustack(a4),a1
move.l a1,cktask+54(a4) ;SPreg
move.l a0,cktask+58(a4) ;lowerstack
move.l a1,cktask+62(a4) ;upperstack
move.l a4,ckport+16(a4) ;sigtask
lea ckport+20+4(a4),a0
move.l a0,ckport+20(a4)
lea ckport+20(a4),a0
move.l a0,ckport+20+8(a4)
move.l #mlsize,d0
move.l #1+1<<16,d1
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a2
moveq #1,d0
move.w d0,mlnum(a2)
move.l a4,mladdr(a2)
move.l #cksize,mllen(a2)
lea mlnode(a2),a0
lea cktask+78(a4),a1
move.l a0,-4(a1)
move.l a0,4(a1)
move.l a1,(a0)
move.l a1,4(a0)
move.l dosbase(a5),ckdos(a4)
move.l intuibase(a5),ckint(a4)
bsr winclk
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l a4,a1
lea clkstart(pc),a2
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,a3
jsr _LVOAddTask(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
winclk bsr findwin check if window already exists,
tst.w d1 otherwise move window in table
bpl.s .C
moveq #19,d1
.B tst.l (a1)+
dbeq d1,.B
bne.s .C
move.l d0,-4(a1)
.C rts
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l windowptr(a5),d0
beq.s .B
lea ckwint(a4),a0
move.l a0,a1
moveq #19,d1
.A cmp.l (a0)+,d0
dbeq d1,.A
.B rts
clkoff clr.b memclk_flag(a5) switch it off
clkof2 move.l a4,-(sp)
move.l 4.w,a6
lea clktask+1(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l d0,a4
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
bsr findwin
tst.w d1
bmi.s .A
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,-4(a0)
.A move.l (sp)+,a4
move.l windowptr(a5),d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
jsr _LVORefreshWindowFrame(a6)
.C move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
clkalm move.l 4.w,a6 ;set alarm-time
lea clktask+1(pc),a1
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
move.l d0,a4
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
tst.l parm3(a5)
bne.s .B
lea ckalarm(a4),a1
bsr pr_stringlf show alarm
bra.s .A
.B move.l parm3(a5),a0
lea ckalarm(a4),a1
moveq #7,d0
.C move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ set alarm
dbra d0,.C
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
clkstart sub.l a1,a1 ;Here starts the MemClockTaskCode !
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
move.l d0,a5
move.l #$00010100,ckitxt(a5)
.A move.l d5,cknum(a5) ;teststuff
lea ckdate(a5),a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l ckdos(a5),a6
jsr _LVODateStamp(a6)
move.l ckdate+4(a5),d0 ;mins
divu #60,d0
move.w d0,ckrawdo+8(a5)
swap d0
move.w d0,ckrawdo+10(a5)
move.l ckdate+8(a5),d0 ;secs
divu #50,d0
move.w d0,ckrawdo+12(a5)
moveq #2,d1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOAvailMem(a6) ;memory
move.l d0,ckrawdo+4(a5)
moveq #1,d1
jsr _LVOAvailMem(a6)
move.l d0,ckrawdo+0(a5)
lea clkform(pc),a0
lea ckrawdo(a5),a1
lea KPutChar(pc),a2
lea ckcook(a5),a3
jsr _LVORawDoFmt(a6) ;rawdofmt
lea ckcook+26(a5),a0
lea ckalarm(a5),a1
moveq #7,d0
.D move.b (a0)+,d1
cmp.b (a1)+,d1
bne.s .E
dbra d0,.D
move.l ckint(a5),a6
suba.l a0,a0
jsr _LVODisplayBeep(a6)
.E lea ckcook(a5),a0
move.l a0,ckitxt+12(a5)
lea ckwint(a5),a2
moveq #0,d5
moveq #19,d4
.B move.l (a2)+,a0 ;check all 20 windows
move.l a0,d0
beq.s .C
move.l 46(a0),a1 screen
move.l 40(a1),d0 font
move.l 50(a0),a0 rastport
lea ckitxt(a5),a1
move.l d0,8(a1)
addq.l #1,d5
moveq #0,d0
moveq #1,d1
move.l ckint(a5),a6
jsr _LVOPrintIText(a6)
.C dbra d4,.B
moveq #LF,d1
move.l ckdos(a5),a6
jsr _LVODelay(a6) ;wait 1/5 sec
tst.l d5
bne .A
move.l 4.w,a6
* CONFIG * V2.0
************************* set or show configuration
configz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq ctrlerr
move.l d0,a0
lea configuse(pc),a1
ctrlkey bsr CheckOpt keys pressed with CTRL
bne.s ctrlmor
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a0
lea ctrl_codes(a5),a1
moveq #ctrl_inite-ctrl_init-2,d1
.B move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .D
and.b #$3f,d0 set ctrl codes
move.b d0,(a1)+
dbra d1,.B
bra.s .D
.A lea ctrl_codes(a5),a0 show ctrl codes
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
move.l a1,a2
moveq #ctrl_inite-ctrl_init-2,d1
.C move.b (a0)+,d0
add.b #$40,d0
move.b d0,(a2)+
dbra d1,.C
clr.b (a2)
bsr pr_stringlf
.D bra.s ctrl2
ctrlmor bsr CheckOpt keys pressed in MORE
bne.s ctrldot
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .A
bsr parse_echo
move.l parm3(a5),a0
lea morekeys(a5),a1
moveq #more_inite-more_init-1,d1
.B move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .D
move.b d0,(a1)+ set MORE keys
dbra d1,.B
bra.s .D
.A lea morekeys(a5),a1 show more keys
bsr pr_stringlf
.D bra.s ctrl2
ctrldot bsr CheckOpt dot (.) character
bne.s ctrlign
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a0
move.b (a0),dotchar(a5)
ctrl2 bra.s ctrl3
ctrlign bsr CheckOpt ignore-string for DIR and FNC
bne.s ctrlcol
tst.l parm3(a5) set or show exeptions of
beq.s .A filenamecompletition or dir
bsr FlushFNC
move.l parm3(a5),a0
bsr handle_wild_dirs
lea wild_string(a5),a0
lea FNCignore(a5),a1
moveq #30-2,d0
.B move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
beq .D
dbra d0,.B
bra.s .D
.A lea FNCignore(a5),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
.D bra.s ctrl3
ctrlcol bsr CheckOpt redefine colors
bne.s ctrlcpy
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a3
lea stringstart(pc),a0
lea recol1(pc),a1
lea recol2(pc),a2
moveq #0,d1
moveq #0,d2
moveq #(recol2-recol1)/2-1,d0
.A move.w (a1)+,d1
move.b (a2)+,d2
move.b 0(a3,d2.l),d3
move.b d3,0(a0,d1.l)
dbra d0,.A
ctrl3 bra.s ctrl4
ctrlcpy bsr CheckOpt buffer for copy/move/join/split
bne.s ctrlfnc
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,copysize(a5)
bra.s ctrl4
.A lea copysize(a5),a1
ShowBuffer ;shows bytesize in (A1)
lea bytes_tx(pc),a0
bsr new_print
bra.s ctrl4
ctrlfnc bsr CheckOpt buffer for filenamecompletion
bne.s ctrllog
tst.l parm3(a5)
bne.s .A
lea FNCsize(a5),a1
bra.s ShowBuffer
.A bsr FreeFNC
move.l parm3(a5),a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,FNCsize(a5)
ctrl4 bra.s ctrlend
ctrllog bsr CheckOpt
bne.s ctrlerr
move.l parm3(a5),d1
beq.s closelog
lea loghandle(pc),a3
tst.l (a3) logfile already opened ?
bne.s ctrl5
bsr OpenReadWrite open logfile
move.l d0,(a3)
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,d1
moveq #0,d2 set position
moveq #1,d3 set mode
jsr _LVOSeek(a6) jump to end of file
lea name_tx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr rask
move.l a4,a0
bsr write2log
lea lf(pc),a0
bsr write2log
bra.s ctrl5
closelog lea loghandle(pc),a2
tst.l (a2)
beq.s ctrl5
lea lf(pc),a0
bsr write2log
move.l (a2),d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6) close logfile if no filename given
clr.l (a2)
ctrl5 bra.s ctrlend
ctrlerr lea configuse(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
ctrlend moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* Locate * V2.0
************************* Show the Path and Filename of a Lock-Struct
locatez ;or lock object or delete lock
bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l (a3),d0
beq ShowLocks
move.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d7
bsr return_dash_option
cmp.b #"C",d0
bne.s .F
moveq #-1,d7 delete lock after showing
addq.l #4,a3
tst.l (a3)
beq.s SyntaxError
.F move.l (a3),a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne.s ShowLock
move.l 4(a3),d0 access mode
beq.s SyntaxError
move.l d0,a0
moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2
lea lockread(pc),a1
bsr CheckOpt
beq.s .E
moveq #ACCESS_WRITE,d2
lea lockwrite(pc),a1
bsr CheckOpt
bne.s SyntaxError
.E move.l (a3),d1 name to lock
jsr _LVOLock(a6) get new lock
tst.l d0
bne.s ShowLock
moveq #-119,d0
bra pr_galactic
lea -12(sp),sp write out name of lock
move.l d0,(sp) d7<>0 : delete lock
move.l d0,d6
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
lea lockwrite(pc),a1
moveq #ACCESS_WRITE,d1
cmp.l fl_Access(a0),d1 what kind of lock
beq.s .C
lea lockread(pc),a1
subq.l #1,d1
cmp.l fl_Access(a0),d1
bne.s .A
.C move.l a1,4(sp)
move.l d6,d1
jsr _LVODupLock(a6)
lea tempbuf(a5),a0
move.l a0,8(sp)
bsr eval_full_path evaluate the full name
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
move.l sp,a1
lea locktext(pc),a0
bsr new_print
.A lea 12(sp),sp
tst.l d7
beq.s .G
move.l d6,d1
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
lea deleteOK(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
.G bra.s LockOK
moveq #0,d3
bsr get_first_devinfo
.D moveq #dlt_device,d1
bsr find_next_assign walk through dos-list
tst.l d0
bne.s .C
move.l 8(a0),packettask(a5) task
beq.s .D was non-disk-device
bsr GetDiskInfo
beq.s .D
move.l id_InUse(a5),d0 lock
beq.s .D
.A addq.l #1,d3 count locks
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(sp)
moveq #0,d7
bsr ShowLock show lock
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
bne.s .A
bra.s .D
.C move.l d3,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea numoflocks(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #4,sp
LockOK moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
GetDiskInfo ;device-task must be in packettask(a5), gets info to a5
bsr clearArgs
move.l d0,packettype(a5)
move.l a5,d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,myArg1(a5) use FIB as INFO (bptr)
bra sendpacket
* TaskPri * V2.0
move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,d7
move.l parm3(a5),a2
bsr findtsk
beq pr_notfound
move.l d0,a1
move.l d7,d0
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOSetTaskPri(a6)
tskok move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* Find Task given in a2 (ptr,string,cli-number,null)
* RETURN: d0,a0 address (0 if not found)
findtsk moveq #0,d0
move.l a2,d1
beq.s .E
move.l a2,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .C
.E cmp.l #20,d0
bhi.s .A is address
move.l d0,a1
tst.l d0 0 means own task
beq.s .D
lsl.l #2,d0 is a cli-number
move.l dl_Root(a6),a0
move.l (a0),a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l a0,a0
add.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
beq.s .B
sub.l #pr_MsgPort,d0
bra.s .A
.C move.l a2,a1
.D move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6) search name
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
.A tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a0
cmp.b #01,LN_TYPE(a0) is it a TASK-struct ?
beq.s .B
cmp.b #13,LN_TYPE(a0) is it a PROCESS-struct ?
beq.s .B
moveq #0,d0
.B tst.l d0
* Break * V2.0
breakz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq too_less_args
move.l d0,a2
bsr findtsk
beq pr_notfound
move.l d0,a2
move.l tc_SigWait(a2),d0
move.l parm3(a5),d1
beq.s .C
move.l d1,a1
move.b (a1),d2
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne.s .C
moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
bclr #5,d2
cmp.b #"C",d2
blo.s .A
cmp.b #"F",d2
bhi.s .A
sub.b #55,d2
moveq #0,d0
bset d2,d0
.C move.l a2,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOSignal(a6) set signals given in mask
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.A rts
* PutMsg * V2.0
putmsgz move.l parm2(a5),d7
beq printa5
move.l d7,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne.s .D
move.l d7,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOFindPort(a6) search name
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.l d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a0
bra.s .E
.D move.l d0,a0
cmp.l #20,d0
bls.s .B
cmp.b #04,LN_TYPE(a0) is it a MSGPORT-struct ?
beq.s .E
.B move.l d7,a2
bsr findtsk search task
bne.s .C
.A bra pr_notfound
.C cmp.b #13,LN_TYPE(a0) is it a PROCESS-struct ?
bne.s .A
lea pr_MsgPort(a0),a0
.E bsr clearArgs
move.l thistask(a5),a2
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a2
move.l a2,sp_reply(a5)
move.b #5,LN_TYPE+sp_node(a5)
lea parm3(a5),a2
lea sp_link(a5),a3
moveq #mn_Size,d2
.G move.l (a2)+,d3
beq.s .F
move.l d3,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne.s .H
move.l d3,d0
.H move.l d0,(a3)+
addq.w #4,d2
bra.s .G
.F move.w d2,sp_length(a5)
move.l sp_link(a5),a1
move.b (a1),d0
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d0
bne.s .I
lea sp_link(a5),a1 for DOSpackets
move.l a1,LN_NAME+sp_node(a5)
lea sp_node(a5),a1
move.l a1,sp_link(a5)
move.l sp_reply(a5),sp_port(a5)
.I lea msendtx(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
lea sp_node(a5),a1 message
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOPutMsg(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
clr.l parm2(a5)
bra.s getmsg1
* GetMsg * V2.0
getmsgz moveq #0,d7
moveq #0,d6
move.l parm2(a5),d2
beq.s getmsg1
move.l d2,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOFindPort(a6) does it already exist ?
tst.l d0
bne.s getmsg1
move.l thistask(a5),a1
lea pr_MsgPort(a1),a1
move.l d2,LN_NAME(a1)
jsr _LVOAddPort(a6)
moveq #1,d6
getmsg1 move.l thistask(a5),a2
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a2
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
tst.l d0
bne.s .A
moveq #0,d2
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a2),d1
bset d1,d2
move.l d2,d1
; moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOSetSignal(a6) clear signals
move.l d2,d0
jsr _LVOWait(a6) wait for msgport or ctrl-c
move.l a2,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6)
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
tst.l d0
beq msgfail
move.l d0,a2
move.w mn_Length(a2),d2
move.w d2,-(sp)
move.l a2,-(sp)
lea msgtx(pc),a0
move.l sp,a1
bsr new_print
addq.l #6,sp
sub.w #mn_Size,d2
lsr.w #2,d2
lea mn_Size(a2),a3
bra.s .D
.C move.l (a3)+,d0
cmp.l #$dfe000,d0
bhs.s .E
cmp.l #$a00000,d0
blo.s .F
cmp.l #$c00000,d0
blo.s .E
.F move.l d0,a0
moveq #79,d1
.H move.b (a0)+,d3
beq.s .G
cmp.b #" ",d3
blo.s .E
cmp.b #"~",d3
bhi.s .E
dbra d1,.H
bra.s .E
.G cmp.w #76,d1
bhs.s .E
bsr printADR
bsr pr_space
move.l d0,a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bra.s .D
.E bsr printADR
bsr pr_lf
.D dbra d2,.C
tst.l d7
bne.s .B
tst.l d6
beq.s .I
move.l thistask(a5),a1
lea pr_MsgPort(a1),a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVORemPort(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
.I lea replytx(pc),a1
bsr pr_string
bsr rask
move.l d0,d2
beq.s .B
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l a2,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
move.l dosbase(a5),a6
cmp.b #RETURN_ERROR,d2
beq getmsg1
.B moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
printa5 move.l a5,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
lea pra5tx(pc),a0
bsr new_print
addq.l #4,sp
bsr DisplayBeep
msgfail moveq #RETURN_ERROR,d0
* Border * V2.0
borderz move.l parm2(a5),a0
bsr CheckOnOff
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l windowptr(a5),d0
beq nosiz
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,a4 this window
move.l intuibase(a5),a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr _LVOLockIBase(a6)
move.l d0,d7
move.l (sp)+,d0
beq bordoff
bordon tst.l bordersize(a5)
beq.s borne
bclr #3,wd_Flags+2(a4) unset noborder (bit 11)
move.l bordersize(a5),wd_BorderLeft(a4)
bra.s borjo
bordoff tst.l wd_BorderLeft(a4)
beq.s borjo
bset #3,wd_Flags+2(a4) set noborder-window (bit 11)
move.l wd_BorderLeft(a4),bordersize(a5)
clr.l wd_BorderLeft(a4)
borjo moveq #$00,d0 null resize
moveq #$00,d1
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVOSizeWindow(a6)
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVORefreshWindowFrame(a6) redraw
borne move.l d7,a0
jsr _LVOUnlockIBase(a6)
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s nosiz
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
tst.l d1
beq.s nosiz
;resize window to fill screen
move.l $2e(a4),a1 points to screen
move.l d0,d4 width of menubar
bpl.s .A
moveq #0,d4
move.b 30(a1),d4
add.b 31(a1),d4
.A moveq #-1,d2
move.l 12(a1),d3
sub.w 10(a4),d3
sub.w d4,d3
move.w d3,d1
bpl.s bklein
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d0
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVOSizeWindow(a6)
bklein moveq #0,d0
sub.w 4(a4),d0
move.l d4,d1
sub.w 6(a4),d1
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVOMoveWindow(a6)
moveq #0,d1
tst.b d2
beq.s bgross
move.w d3,d1
bgross swap d3
sub.w 8(a4),d3
move.w d3,d0
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVOSizeWindow(a6)
jsr _LVORethinkDisplay(a6)
nosiz move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #10,d1 wait more than 1/10 sec
jsr _LVODelay(a6)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* Review * V2.1
reviewz move.l parm2(a5),d0
beq.s ShowReview
move.l d0,a1
move.l d0,a2
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
bne.s MakeReview
addq.l #1,a2
or.b #$20,(a2)
cmp.b #"c",(a2)
beq.s ClearReview
cmp.b #"s",(a2)
bne.s ShowReview
move.l parm3(a5),d0 Save review-buffer
beq too_less_args
tst.l ReviewSize(a5)
beq.s ShowReview
move.l d0,a3
bra viewbuffer
lea ReviewSize(a5),a1 Show review-info
bra ShowBuffer
move.l ReviewMem(a5),a0
move.l ReviewSize(a5),d0
move.l d0,d1
swap d1
bra.s .D
.E move.b #" ",(a0)+ Fill with spaces
.D dbra d0,.E
dbra d1,.E
move.b #LF,-1(a0) Last char is LF
clr.l ReviewPtr(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
btst #FLraw,Flags+2(a5) only in raw mode
beq.s .A
tst.l d0 Add review-buffer
beq.s .A
tst.l ReviewSize(a5)
beq.s .F
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr reviewend
move.l (sp)+,d0
.F move.l d0,d2
bsr iwantmem
beq ShowReview
move.l d0,ReviewMem(a5)
move.l d2,ReviewSize(a5)
bsr ClearReview
clr.l ReviewPtr(a5)
lea RHa3(pc),a3 Look for a5-Table
tst.l (a3)
bne.s entryA5
moveq #80,d0
bsr iwantcleanmem
.A beq reviewend
move.l d0,(a3)
APatch moveq #_LVOWrite,d2 Add review-patch to DOS Write
move.w #$4ef9,d3
move.l a6,a2
add.l d2,a2
moveq #0,d1
cmp.w (a2),d3
bne.s .B
move.l 2(a2),a0
lea RCode(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a0
beq.s entryA5
moveq #-1,d1
bra.s .C
.B cmp.w #$6000,2(a2)
bne.s reviewend
.C movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
bsr do_forbid
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
lea RHa1(pc),a1
move.w (a2),(a1)
move.l 2(a2),2(a1)
tst.w d1
bne.s .D
lea 4(a2),a0
move.w (a0),d0
ext.l d0
add.l d0,a0
move.l a0,4(a1)
move.w d3,2(a1)
.D lea RCode(pc),a0
move.w d3,(a2)
move.l a0,2(a2)
bsr do_permit
entryA5 move.l (a3),a3 Add a5-table entry
moveq #20-1,d0
.F tst.l (a3)+
beq.s .G
dbra d0,.F
bra reviewend
.G move.l a5,-4(a3)
bra reviewOK
reviewend ;Remove review-buffer
move.l RHa3(pc),d0 Remove a5-table entry
beq.s remmem2
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,a1
move.l a0,a2
moveq #20-1,d0
.A cmp.l (a0)+,a5
beq.s .B
dbra d0,.A
bra.s .D
.B clr.l -4(a0)
.D moveq #20-1,d0 look for other entries
.C tst.l (a2)+
bne.s remmem2
dbra d0,.C
bsr do_forbid
lea RHa3(pc),a0
clr.l (a0)
moveq #80,d0 last entry
bsr givemem
moveq #_LVOWrite,d0 Remove DOS Write Patch
move.l a6,a3
add.l d0,a3
move.l 2(a3),a0
lea RCode(pc),a1
cmp.l a0,a1
bne.s remmem
lea RHa1(pc),a1
move.w (a1),(a3)
move.l 2(a1),2(a3)
cmp.w #$4ef9,(a1)
beq.s remmem
move.w #$6000,2(a3)
lea 4(a3),a2
move.l 4(a1),d0
sub.l a2,d0
move.w d0,(a2)
remmem bsr do_permit
remmem2 move.l ReviewSize(a5),d0 Remove buffer-memory
beq.s reviewOK
move.l ReviewMem(a5),a1
bsr givemem
clr.l ReviewSize(a5)
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
viewbuffer ;Show the review-buffer using more
move.l ReviewMem(a5),a2
move.l ReviewPtr(a5),d3
move.l ReviewSize(a5),d2
bne.s viewhist
viewhist ;Show a circular buffer using more
move.l d2,d4
move.l MPipePtr(a5),d1
beq.s .A
move.l d3,d0 for redirecting to more
move.l d1,d3
sub.l d0,d1
bpl.s .C
add.l d2,d1
bra.s .C
.I move.b 0(a2,d3.l),d0
addq.l #1,d3
cmp.l d3,d2
bhi.s .B
clr.l d3
.B addq.l #1,d1
cmp.b #LF,d0
beq.s .C
cmp.b #12,d0
bne.s .I
.C sub.l d1,d2
move.l d2,d0
beq.s reviewOK
bsr iwantmem
beq.s reviewOK
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,a1
move.l d4,d1
move.l d2,d4
move.l d2,d5
swap d5
bra.s .E
.D move.b 0(a2,d3.l),d0
cmp.b #12,d0
bne.s .G
move.b #LF,d0
.G cmp.b #"c",d0
bne.s .H
cmp.b #27,-1(a0)
bne.s .H
move.b #LF,-1(a0)
move.b #LF,d0
.H move.b d0,(a0)+
addq.l #1,d3
cmp.l d3,d1
bhi.s .E
clr.l d3
.E dbra d2,.D
dbra d5,.D
move.l a3,d0
bne.s viewwrite
move.l a1,d0
move.l d4,d1
moveq #-1,d2
tst.l MPipePtr(a5)
beq.s .F
moveq #0,d2
.F moveq #0,d4
bra ViewMore
viewwrite ;write buffer to file
move.l a1,a2
move.l a3,d1
bsr OpenNewfile
tst.l d0
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a3
move.l a3,d1
move.l a2,d2
move.l d4,d3
move.l d3,-(sp)
jsr _LVOWrite(a6)
move.l (sp)+,d3
sub.l d0,d3
move.l a3,d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6)
moveq #1,d0
tst.l d3
beq.s .A
moveq #0,d0
.A move.l d0,d2
move.l d4,d0
move.l a2,a1
bsr givemem
tst.l d2
beq DOSerr
bra reviewOK
***** ReviewHandler ********
RHa1 dc.w $4ef9 JMP
RHa2 dcb.w 3,0 Return-Code
RHa3 dcb.l 1,0 Memory-Base-Table
RCode movem.l d0-d3/a5-a6,-(sp) ;Is called by the DOS Write fkt.
move.l RHa3(pc),d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
moveq #20-1,d0
.B move.l (a0)+,a5
cmp.l outhandle(a5),d1 same outhandle ?
bne.s .D
tst.b redirect_out(a5) not output-redirected ?
beq.s .A
tst.l MPipePtr(a5) or review to MORE ?
bne.s .A
.D dbra d0,.B
bra.s .C
.A tst.b noreview_flag(a5)
bne.s .C
bsr toreview
.C movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a5-a6
bra.s RHa1
toreview ;Writes data to review-buffer,Entry: d2=Adress, d3=Length
move.l d2,a0
move.l ReviewMem(a5),a1
move.l ReviewPtr(a5),d1
move.l ReviewSize(a5),d2
beq.s .C
move.l d3,d0
swap d0
bra.s .B
.A move.b (a0)+,0(a1,d1.l)
addq.l #1,d1
cmp.l d1,d2
bhi.s .B
clr.l d1
.B dbra d3,.A
dbra d0,.A
move.l d1,ReviewPtr(a5)
.C rts
; check if string in a0 is same as in a1 (limited by null,comma,space)
; return: d0=0 for match, 1 otherwise
move.l a0,-(sp)
cmp.b #$22,-1(a0) options are not enclosed in quotes
beq.s .H
move.b dotchar(a5),d0
bsr CheckOneChar single dotchar is not an option
beq.s .H
.A move.b (a1)+,d1 compare things
beq.s .B
cmp.b #" ",d1
beq.s .B
cmp.b #",",d1
beq.s .B
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s .H
cmp.b dotchar(a5),d0 check for .
bne.s .F
tst.b (a0)
beq.s .G
.F bsr compD1D0nocase
beq.s .A
.H moveq #1,d0 failed (not matched)
bra.s .E
.G moveq #0,d0 success (abbreviated)
.E move.b (a1)+,d1 search for end
beq.s .D
cmp.b #" ",d1
beq.s .D
cmp.b #",",d1
bne.s .E
bra.s .D
.B moveq #1,d0 success or a0 is too long ?
tst.b (a0)
bne.s .D
moveq #0,d0 length is same -> success
.D move.l (sp)+,a0
tst.l d0
; check a0 for ON (d0=1) or OFF (d0=0) option, otherwise error-exit
move.l a2,-(sp)
lea onoffuse(pc),a2
move.l a0,d0
beq.s .B
lea 6(a2),a1
bsr CheckOpt
beq.s .A
move.l a2,a1
bsr CheckOpt
bne.s .B
moveq #1,d0
.A move.l (sp)+,a2
.B move.l a2,a0
; print error in a0 and exit
bsr PrintError
bra galactic
; check for Kickstart 2.0 or better, exit on error
CheckKS lea oldkick_tx(pc),a0
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
blo.s ErrorExit
; check if option in a0 is in parm-list and deletes it from parm-list
; return: d0=0 for match, 1 otherwise
movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2
lea parm2(a5),a3
.A move.l (a3)+,d0 search all parms
beq.s .B
move.l a2,a1
move.l d0,a0
bsr CheckOpt look for option
bne.s .A
lea -4(a3),a2 found it !
.D move.l (a3)+,(a2)+ delete found parm
bne.s .D
moveq #0,d0
bra.s .C
.B moveq #1,d0 not found !
.C movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3
* MakeLink * V2.3
bsr CheckKS
moveq #0,d7
moveq #0,d3
move.l parm4(a5),d0
beq.s .B
move.l d0,a0
lea softtx(pc),a1
bsr CheckOpt
bne SyntaxError
moveq #-1,d3
.B move.l parm3(a5),d1
beq too_less_args
move.l d1,d2
tst.l d3
bne.s .D
moveq #-2,d2
jsr _LVOLock(a6)
move.l d0,d7
beq DOSerr
move.l d0,d2
.D move.l parm2(a5),d1
jsr _LVOMakeLink(a6)
tst.l d0
beq DOSerrUL
move.l d7,d1
beq.s .A
jsr _LVOUnLock(a6)
.A moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
* Flags * V2.3
flagsz bsr pr_hide_cursor
lea parm2(a5),a3
move.l Flags(a5),d3
tst.l (a3)
beq.s .F
.A move.l d3,d0
bsr SetFlags
move.l (a3)+,d0
beq.s .C
move.l d0,a0
lea flagsuse(pc),a1
moveq #0,d2
.B bsr CheckOpt look for flag
beq.s .D
addq.w #1,d2
cmp.w #MaxFlags,d2
bne.s .B
lea flagsuse(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bra.s .C
.D move.l (a3)+,a0 change flag
bclr d2,d3
bsr CheckOnOff
beq.s .A
bset d2,d3
bra.s .A
.F moveq #0,d2 print all flags
lea flagsuse(pc),a3
.E lea temp2buf(a5),a2
.G move.b (a3)+,d0
move.b d0,(a2)+
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s .H
cmp.b #",",d0
bne.s .G
.H subq.l #1,a2
lea flagsoff(pc),a1
btst d2,d3
beq.s .I
lea flagson(pc),a1
.I bsr addstring
lea temp2buf(a5),a1
bsr pr_string
addq.w #1,d2
cmp.w #MaxFlags,d2
bne.s .E
.C moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
cmp.w #36,kickver(a5)
bhs.s .A
and.l #-1-%1100,d0 ICON and WILD not possible with OS1.3
.A move.l d0,Flags(a5) set Flags
* MakeIcon * V2.3
bsr CheckKS
move.l parm2(a5),d3
beq too_less_args
move.l parm3(a5),d0
beq.s .E
move.l d0,a0
moveq #1,d2
lea iconuse(pc),a1
.D bsr CheckOpt
beq.s .C
addq.l #1,d2
cmp.b #9,d2
bne.s .D
.B move.l dosbase(a5),a6
lea iconuse(pc),a1
bsr pr_stringlf
bra.s .A
.C bsr OpenIconLib
beq.s .B
move.l d2,d0
jsr _LVOGetDefDiskObject(a6)
move.l d0,d2
beq resi_not_found
move.l d0,a1
move.l d3,a0
jsr _LVOPutDiskObject(a6)
move.l d0,d3
move.l d2,a0
jsr _LVOFreeDiskObject(a6)
tst.l d3
beq resi_not_found
.A move.l dosbase(a5),a6
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
.E ;shows icon using wb.lib's wbinfo
cmp.w #39,kickver(a5) needs OS3.0+
blo.s .B
bsr OpenWBLib
beq.s .B
move.l thistask(a5),a0
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a0),a0
move.l parm2(a5),a1
move.l iconbase(a5),a2
move.l $38(a2),a2
jsr _LVOWBInfo(a6)
bra.s .A
* Split * V2.6
splitz tst.l parm4(a5)
beq too_less_args
moveq #0,d5
moveq #0,d7 d7=current number
clr.l devproc(a5)
clr.l temp2(a5)
bset #DLsplit,temp2+1(a5) split flag
bsr check_q_r
move.l parm4(a5),a1 get length
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq bad_number_error
move.l d0,a3
move.l parm2(a5),d1
bsr OpenOldfile open input file
move.l d0,d4 d4=input file handle
beq perr3
move.l parm5(a5),d0 may get offset
beq.s .A
move.l d0,a1
bsr convert_ASCII_to_num
beq.s .A
move.l d4,d1
move.l d0,d2
moveq #-1,d3
jsr _LVOSeek(a6) skip offset
.A bsr GetCopyBlock
beq.s splend
sploop move.l parm3(a5),a0
lea tempbuf(a5),a1
move.l a1,d1
.A move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ copy output name
bne.s .A
subq.l #1,a1
addq.l #1,d7
move.l d7,d0
bsr qpr10 append number to name
clr.b (a1)
move.l d1,a1
bsr pr_string
bsr pr_space
bsr AskYesNo ask
beq.s .B
bsr check_c
bne.s splend
move.l d4,d1
move.l a3,d2
moveq #0,d3
jsr _LVOSeek(a6) skip part
tst.l d0
bpl.s sploop
bra.s splend
.B bsr OpenNewfile open output file
move.l d0,d5 d5=output file handle
bne.s .D
bsr perr3
bra.s splend
.D move.l a3,d6 d6 holds filesize
bsr PerformCopy1 copy part to output
bsr check_c
bne.s splend
tst.l d0
bne.s .C
lea processOK(pc),a1 all OK
bsr pr_string
.C moveq #-1,d0
cmp.l d0,d6 check for input-fileend
beq.s sploop
splend bsr FreeCopyBlock
move.l d4,d1
jsr _LVOClose(a6) close input
moveq #RETURN_OK,d0
manadr dc.l 0 here are 2 global variables
mansize dc.l 0 because the online-help-manual is used globally
loghandle dc.l 0 global logfile filehandle
* Localized Error-Messages
dc.b 48,'*** BREAK ***',0 304
dc.b 49,'Not executable',0 305
dc.b 103,'Not enough Memory',0
dc.b 108,'Too small',0 -148
dc.b 115,'Bad number',0
dc.b 116,'Not enough Arguments',0
dc.b 118,'Too many Arguments',0
dc.b 119,'Unmatched Quotes',0
dc.b 135,'Command not found',0 -121
dc.b 137,'Syntax Error',0 -119
dc.b 202,'Object in use',0
dc.b 203,'Object '
exists dc.b 'exists',0
dc.b 204,'Dir not found',0
dc.b 205,'Object'
notfund dc.b ' not found',0
dc.b 209,'Action unknown',0
dc.b 210,'Invalid Name',0
dc.b 212,'Object wrong Type',0
dc.b 213,'Not validated',0
dc.b 214,'Disk write-protected',0
dc.b 215,'Rename across Devices',0
dc.b 216,'Dir not empty',0
dc.b 218,'Device not mounted',0
dc.b 221,'Disk full',0
dc.b 222,'Delete protected',0
dc.b 223,'Write protected',0
dc.b 225,'Not a DOS Disk',0
dc.b 226,'No Disk present',0
dc.b 101,'Error %3ld',0 -155
dc.b 102,'Failat: %ld',10,0 -154
dc.b 104,'Current Dir',0 -152
dc.b 110,'Stack: %ld bytes',10,0 -146
dc.b 127,'ZShell Process %ld',10,0 -129
dc.b 0,0
iconname dc.b "icon.library",0
wbname dc.b "workbench.library",0
aslname dc.b "asl.library",0
guidename dc.b "amigaguide.library",0
timdev dc.b "timer.device",0
conname dc.b "CON:0/10/640/190/ZShell V2.8/CLOSE",0
connil dc.b "NIL:",0
devpipe dc.b "PIPE:",0
devtemp dc.b "T:",0
wintool dc.b "WINDOW",0
screentool dc.b "SCREEN",0
scripttool dc.b "SCRIPT",0
norawtool dc.b "NORAW",0
commandtool dc.b "COMMAND",0
iconifytool dc.b "ICONIFY",0
xpostool dc.b "XPOS",0
ypostool dc.b "YPOS",0
nametool dc.b "ICONNAME",0
helptool dc.b "HELPMAN",0
wbenchtx dc.b "Workbench",0
useit dc.b "Usage: ZShell [-Wwindow] [-Sscript]"
dc.b " [-Ccommand] [-Hhelpman] [-N] [-E] [-D]",0
onoffuse dc.b "ON or OFF ?",0
dc.b ",CUT,ALL,HIDE,PIPE ?",0
assignuse dc.b "REMOVE,ADD,PATH,DEFER ?",0
softtx dc.b "SOFT",0
devicetx dc.b "DEVICE",0
forcetx dc.b "FORCE",0
alltx dc.b "ALL",0
defscript dc.b "S:ZStart",0 ;changed V2.0
rexxtx dc.b "REXX:RX",0
appicontx dc.b "Shell-It !",0
clkform dc.b ' Mem:%7ld Chip:%6ld %02d:%02d:%02d ',0
warn_tx dc.b 'warn',0
error_tx dc.b 'error',0
fail_tx dc.b 'fail',0
not_tx dc.b 'not',0
oldkick_tx dc.b "Needs Kickstart 2.0+",0
nospace_tx dc.b "Missing Space",0
redirtwice dc.b "Double "
redir_tx dc.b "Redirection",0
badprotbit dc.b 'Unknown flag',0
noclk_tx dc.b 'No Clock',0
stack_tx dc.b 'Stack overflow',0
bytes_tx dc.b '%ld Bytes',10,0
residetx dc.b 27,'[32mUsecount Name',27,'[m',0
rpn_result_tx dc.b 'RESULT: Dec %ld Hex $%08lx',10,0
rpn_res2 dc.b '%ld',0
unmounted_tx dc.b '[Un'
mounted_tx dc.b 'Mounted]',0
assign_tx dc.b 10,27,'[32mAssigns:',27,'[m',10,0
volume_tx dc.b 27,'[32mVolumes:',27,'[m',10,0
device1_tx dc.b 10,27,'[32m',0
device2_tx dc.b 'Disk-'
device3_tx dc.b 'Devices:',27,'[m',10,0
prompt_args_tx dc.b 4,'%P> ',0
lockread dc.b 'READ',0
lockwrite dc.b 'WRITE',0
locktext dc.b '$%06lx: %s-Lock on ',$9b,'33m%s',$9b,'m',10,0
numoflocks dc.b '%ld locks',10,0
clk_tx dc.b 'LOAD or SAVE ?',0
muell_tx dc.b 'Format: DD.MM.YY or MM-DD-YY or HH:MM:SS',0
styp dc.b 'lrdimps'
shuse_tx dc.b 'Use D,I,L,M,P,R,S,T or V',0
show_tx dc.b $9b,'32mAdress Pri Name',$9b,'m',0
show2_tx dc.b $9b,'32mAdress Pri Ver Rev Name',$9b,'m',0
shform dc.b '%06lx%4d %s',10,0
shform2 dc.b '%06lx%4d%4d%4d %s',10,0
shta_tx dc.b $9b,'32mAdress Pri State SignWait PT '
dc.b 'Name',$9b,'m',0
shtaform dc.b '%06lx%4d %-5s %08lx %c%c %s',0
proform dc.b 32,9,$9b,'33m->%sCLI %ld:',$9b,'m %s %s%s',0
backcli dc.b "Bg-",0
ttyp dc.b "Inval",0,"Added",0,"Run",0,"Ready",0
dc.b "Wait",0,"Exept",0,"Remov",0
inform_tx dc.b $9b,'32mName Unit Sys Size Free Full Block'
dc.b ' Status Err Volume',$9b,'m',0
inform dc.b '%-7s%2ld %3s%7ldK%7ldK',$9b,'37m%4ld%%',$9b
dc.b 'm%6ld %-10s%3ld %s',10,0
inform2 dc.b '%-7s%2ld ',$9b,'35m%s',$9b,'m',10,0
statro dc.b "Read only",0
statrw dc.b "Read/Write",0
statval dc.b "Validating",0
statun dc.b "Unknown",0
kickdisk dc.b "Kick",0
ofs_tx dc.b "OFS",0 OldFilesystem
dc.b "FFS",0 FastFilesystem
dc.b "OIN",0 International OFS
dc.b "FIN",0 International FFS
dc.b "ODC",0 Dir Cache OFS
dc.b "FDC",0 Dir Cache FFS
msd_tx dc.b "MSD",0 MessyDOS
quest_tx dc.b "???",0 Unknown
msendtx dc.b "sent",0
pra5tx dc.b "A5=%06lx",10,0
msgtx dc.b "Message=%06lx Length=%d",10,0
time_text dc.b "Date: %02d.%02d.%02d "
dc.b "Time: %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d",10,0
stat_text dc.b 27,"[37mResult2=%ld Time=%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d"
dc.b " Changes-> Chip:%ld Fast:%ld Total:%ld"
dc.b 27,"[m",10,0
lowmemtx dc.b "Changed %06lx: %08lx -> %08lx",10,0
replytx dc.b "Reply? ",0
mem_line dc.b "%08lx: %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx '%s'",10,0
vec_line dc.b "Warm $%08lx MemPtr $%08lx",10
dc.b "Cool $%08lx TagPtr $%08lx",10
dc.b "Cold $%08lx Check $%08lx",10,0
formatask dc.b "Delete whole disk ? ",0
addbufftx dc.b "%s has %ld buffers",10,0
pfeil dc.b "-> ",0
flagsoff dc.b ": OFF",10,0
flagson dc.b ": ON",10,0
name_tx dc.b "Name: ",0
format dc.b '%8ld',0 ;print a longw right justified
formatADR dc.b '$%06lx',0 ;print address
totsize dc.b 27,'[37mTotal Bytes: %ld Blocks: %ld '
dc.b 'Files: %ld Dirs: %ld',27,'[m',10,0
dirtext dc.b '(Dir)',27,'[m',0
dirof dc.b 27,'[36mDirectory of ',27,'[m',0
paths dc.b "S:",0
msearch dc.b 12,$9b,'BSearch: ',$9b," p",0
mjump dc.b 12,$9b,'BJump to %: ',$9b," p",0
mwrite dc.b 12,$9b,'BWrite to: ',$9b," p",0
wrongsize dc.b 'New size:',0
makedirOK dc.b 'created',10,0
copyOK dc.b 'copied',10,0
moveOK dc.b 'moved',10,0
processOK dc.b 'processed',10,0
deleteOK dc.b 'deleted',10,0
yesnotx dc.b 'Yes/No/All/Quit ? ',0
memess dc.b "Chip: %ld Fast: %ld Total Free: %ld",10,0
star dc.b "*",0
dot dc.b ".",0
smaller dc.b "<",0
bigger dc.b ">",0
lf dc.b 10,0
tab dc.b 9,0
space dc.b " "
null dc.b 0
help_ret dc.b "^XHELP^M",0
farb1 dc.b 27,'[m',0
farb2 dc.b 27,'[32m',0
farb3 dc.b 27,'[33m',0
delete_line dc.b 13,$9b,'M',0
clstx dc.b 27,"c",0 reset console
clrtx dc.b 12,0 clear screen
scroll_up_tx dc.b $9b,"S",13,0
scroll_down_tx dc.b $9b,"M",$9b,"T",$9b,"1H",0
clrhide dc.b 12
hide_cursor dc.b $9b,"0 p",0
show_cursor dc.b $9b," p",0
cutontx dc.b $9b,"?7l",0
cutofftx dc.b $9b,"?7h",0
menuon_tx dc.b $9b,"10{",0
menuoff_tx dc.b $9b,"10}",0
recol1 dc.w residetx+3-stringstart
dc.w assign_tx+4-stringstart
dc.w volume_tx+3-stringstart
dc.w device1_tx+4-stringstart
dc.w show_tx+2-stringstart
dc.w show2_tx+2-stringstart
dc.w shta_tx+2-stringstart
dc.w proform+4-stringstart
dc.w inform_tx+2-stringstart
dc.w inform+24-stringstart
dc.w inform2+15-stringstart
dc.w stat_text+3-stringstart
dc.w totsize+3-stringstart
dc.w dirof+3-stringstart
dc.w farb2+3-stringstart
dc.w farb3+3-stringstart
; dc.w helpmor+3-stringstart
recol2 ;Recolour-table to switch globally to one colour
dc.b 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,2,7,5,7,7,6,2,3 ;,2
comtext dc.b 2,'AddBuffers',0 V1.27
dc.b -1,'Alias',0
dc.b -1,'Ask',0 V1.28
dc.b 3,'Assign',0
dc.b 1,'Avail',0
dc.b 2,'Border',0 V2.0
dc.b 2,'Break',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'CD',0
dc.b 0,'Cls',0 V2.0
dc.b 3,'Config',0 V2.0
dc.b -1,'Copy',0
dc.b 2,'Date',0
dc.b -1,'Delete',0
dc.b -1,'Dir',0
dc.b 1,'DiskChange',0 V2.0
dc.b -1,'Echo',0
elsetx dc.b 0,'Else',0 V1.28
endcltx dc.b 1,'EndCLI',0
endiftx dc.b 0,'EndIf',0 V1.28
dc.b -1,'Eval',0
exectx dc.b -1,'Execute',0
dc.b 1,'FailAt',0
dc.b 1,'Fault',0 V2.0
dc.b 2,'FileNote',0 V2.0
dc.b -1,'Flags',0 V2.3
dc.b 1,'GetMsg',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'Help',0
dc.b 2,'HType',0 V1.29
dc.b 3,'If',0 V1.28
dc.b 0,'Info',0
dc.b -1,'Join',0 V1.29
dc.b 1,'Kill',0 V2.0
labeltx dc.b 1,'Lab',0 V1.29
dc.b -1,'List',0
dc.b 3,'Locate',0 V2.0
dc.b 2,'Lock',0 V2.0
dc.b 2,'M',0
dc.b -1,'MakeDir',0
dc.b 2,'MakeIcon',0 V2.3
dc.b 3,'MakeLink',0 V2.3
clktask dc.b 2,'MemClk',0 V2.0
dc.b 2,'More',0 V1.23
dc.b -1,'Move',0 V2.3
dc.b -1,'NewCLI',0 V2.0
dc.b -1,'Path',0
dc.b 1,'Prompt',0
dc.b -1,'Protect',0
dc.b -1,'PutMsg',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'Quit',0 V1.29
dc.b 2,'Relabel',0 V1.27
dc.b 2,'Rename',0
dc.b -1,'Resident',0 V1.25
dc.b 2,'Review',0 V2.1
dc.b -1,'Run',0 V2.2
dc.b 2,'Search',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'SetClock',0 V2.0
dc.b 3,'SetDate',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'Show',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'Skip',0
dc.b 5,'Split',0 V2.6
dc.b 1,'Stack',0
dc.b 2,'Strings',0 V1.29
dc.b 2,'TaskPri',0 V2.0
dc.b 1,'Type',0
dc.b -1,'UnAlias',0
dc.b 1,'Wait',0
dc.b 0,0
dc.w addbuffersz-cmdstart
dc.w aliasz-cmdstart
dc.w askz-cmdstart
dc.w assignz-cmdstart
dc.w availz-cmdstart
dc.w borderz-cmdstart
dc.w breakz-cmdstart
dc.w cdz-cmdstart
dc.w clsz-cmdstart
dc.w configz-cmdstart
dc.w copyz-cmdstart
dc.w datez-cmdstart
dc.w deletez-cmdstart
dc.w dirz-cmdstart
dc.w diskchangez-cmdstart
dc.w echoz-cmdstart
dc.w elsez-cmdstart
dc.w endcliz-cmdstart
dc.w endifz-cmdstart
dc.w evalz-cmdstart
dc.w executez-cmdstart
dc.w failatz-cmdstart
dc.w faultz-cmdstart
dc.w filenotez-cmdstart
dc.w flagsz-cmdstart
dc.w getmsgz-cmdstart
dc.w helpz-cmdstart
dc.w htypez-cmdstart
dc.w ifz-cmdstart
dc.w infoz-cmdstart
dc.w joinz-cmdstart
dc.w killz-cmdstart
dc.w labelz-cmdstart ;lab
dc.w listz-cmdstart
dc.w locatez-cmdstart
dc.w lockz-cmdstart
dc.w memexamz-cmdstart ;m
dc.w makedirz-cmdstart
dc.w makeiconz-cmdstart
dc.w makelinkz-cmdstart
dc.w memclkz-cmdstart
dc.w morez-cmdstart
dc.w movez-cmdstart
dc.w newcliz-cmdstart
dc.w pathz-cmdstart
dc.w promptz-cmdstart
dc.w protectz-cmdstart
dc.w putmsgz-cmdstart
dc.w quitz-cmdstart
dc.w relabelz-cmdstart
dc.w renamez-cmdstart
dc.w residentz-cmdstart
dc.w reviewz-cmdstart
dc.w runz-cmdstart
dc.w searchz-cmdstart
dc.w setclockz-cmdstart
dc.w setdatez-cmdstart
dc.w showz-cmdstart
dc.w skipz-cmdstart
dc.w splitz-cmdstart
dc.w stackz-cmdstart
dc.w stringsz-cmdstart
dc.w taskpriz-cmdstart
dc.w typez-cmdstart
dc.w unaliasz-cmdstart
dc.w waitz-cmdstart
end ;*** here it ends ***