Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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(in-package "LISP")
(shadow 'system::debug (find-package "SYSTEM"))
;;; Exportierungen:
(export '(
;; Typen:
array atom bignum bit bit-vector character common compiled-function
complex cons double-float fixnum float function hash-table integer keyword
list #+LOGICAL-PATHNAMES logical-pathname long-float nil null number package
pathname random-state ratio rational readtable real sequence short-float
simple-array simple-bit-vector simple-string simple-vector single-float
standard-char stream file-stream synonym-stream broadcast-stream
concatenated-stream two-way-stream echo-stream string-stream string
string-char symbol t vector satisfies values mod signed-byte unsigned-byte
;; Konstanten:
lambda-list-keywords lambda-parameters-limit nil t call-arguments-limit
multiple-values-limit pi boole-clr boole-set boole-1 boole-2 boole-c1 boole-c2
boole-and boole-ior boole-xor boole-eqv boole-nand boole-nor boole-andc1
boole-andc2 boole-orc1 boole-orc2 most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum
most-positive-short-float least-positive-short-float least-negative-short-float
most-negative-short-float most-positive-single-float
least-positive-single-float least-negative-single-float
most-negative-single-float most-positive-double-float
least-positive-double-float least-negative-double-float
most-negative-double-float most-positive-long-float least-positive-long-float
least-negative-long-float most-negative-long-float
least-positive-normalized-short-float least-negative-normalized-short-float
least-positive-normalized-single-float least-negative-normalized-single-float
least-positive-normalized-double-float least-negative-normalized-double-float
least-positive-normalized-long-float least-negative-normalized-long-float
short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon double-float-epsilon
long-float-epsilon short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon
char-code-limit char-font-limit char-bits-limit char-control-bit char-meta-bit
char-super-bit char-hyper-bit array-rank-limit array-dimension-limit
array-total-size-limit internal-time-units-per-second
;; Variablen:
*macroexpand-hook* *gensym-counter* *package* *modules* *random-state*
*evalhook* *applyhook* + ++ +++ - * ** *** / // /// *standard-input*
*standard-output* *error-output* *query-io* *debug-io* *terminal-io*
*trace-output* *read-base* *read-suppress* *readtable* *print-readably*
*print-escape* *print-pretty* *print-circle* *print-base* *print-radix*
*print-case* *print-gensym* *print-level* *print-length* *print-array*
*read-default-float-format* *default-pathname-defaults* *load-paths*
*load-verbose* *load-print* *load-echo* *load-pathname* *load-truename*
*break-on-warnings* *compile-warnings* *compile-verbose* *compile-print*
*compile-file-pathname* *compile-file-truename* *features*
;; Funktionen:
coerce type-of upgraded-array-element-type typep subtypep null symbolp
atom consp listp numberp integerp rationalp floatp realp complexp characterp
stringp bit-vector-p vectorp simple-vector-p simple-string-p
simple-bit-vector-p arrayp packagep functionp compiled-function-p commonp eq
eql equal equalp not symbol-value symbol-function fdefinition boundp fboundp
special-form-p set makunbound fmakunbound get-setf-method
get-setf-method-multiple-value apply funcall mapcar maplist mapc mapl mapcan
mapcon values values-list macro-function macroexpand macroexpand-1 proclaim
get remprop symbol-plist getf get-properties symbol-name make-symbol
copy-symbol gensym gentemp symbol-package keywordp make-package in-package
find-package package-name package-nicknames rename-package package-use-list
package-used-by-list package-shadowing-symbols list-all-packages delete-package
intern find-symbol unintern export unexport import shadowing-import shadow
use-package unuse-package find-all-symbols provide require zerop plusp minusp
oddp evenp = /= < > <= >= max min + - * / 1+ 1- conjugate gcd lcm exp expt
log sqrt isqrt abs phase signum sin cos tan cis asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh
asinh acosh atanh float rational rationalize numerator denominator floor
ceiling truncate round mod rem ffloor fceiling ftruncate fround decode-float
scale-float float-radix float-sign float-digits float-precision
integer-decode-float complex realpart imagpart logior logxor logand logeqv
lognand lognor logandc1 logandc2 logorc1 logorc2 boole lognot logtest logbitp
ash logcount integer-length byte byte-size byte-position ldb ldb-test mask-field
dpb deposit-field random make-random-state random-state-p standard-char-p
graphic-char-p string-char-p alpha-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
both-case-p digit-char-p alphanumericp char= char/= char< char> char<= char>=
char-equal char-not-equal char-lessp char-greaterp char-not-greaterp
char-not-lessp char-code char-bits char-font code-char make-char character
char-upcase char-downcase digit-char char-int int-char char-name name-char
char-bit set-char-bit complement elt subseq copy-seq length reverse nreverse
make-sequence concatenate map map-into some every notany notevery reduce fill
replace remove remove-if remove-if-not delete delete-if delete-if-not
remove-duplicates delete-duplicates substitute substitute-if
substitute-if-not nsubstitute nsubstitute-if nsubstitute-if-not find find-if
find-if-not position position-if position-if-not count count-if count-if-not
mismatch search sort stable-sort merge car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar
caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar
cadadr caddar cadddr cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
cons tree-equal endp list-length nth first second third fourth fifth sixth
seventh eighth ninth tenth rest nthcdr last list list* make-list append
copy-list copy-alist copy-tree revappend nconc nreconc butlast nbutlast ldiff
rplaca rplacd subst subst-if subst-if-not nsubst nsubst-if nsubst-if-not sublis
nsublis member member-if member-if-not tailp adjoin union nunion intersection
nintersection set-difference nset-difference set-exclusive-or
nset-exclusive-or subsetp acons pairlis assoc assoc-if assoc-if-not rassoc
rassoc-if rassoc-if-not make-hash-table hash-table-p gethash remhash maphash
clrhash hash-table-count hash-table-rehash-size hash-table-rehash-threshold
hash-table-size hash-table-test sxhash make-array vector aref svref
array-element-type array-rank array-dimension array-dimensions array-total-size
array-in-bounds-p array-row-major-index row-major-aref adjustable-array-p
bit sbit bit-and bit-ior bit-xor bit-eqv bit-nand bit-nor bit-andc1 bit-andc2
bit-orc1 bit-orc2 bit-not array-has-fill-pointer-p fill-pointer vector-push
vector-push-extend vector-pop adjust-array char schar string= string-equal
string< string> string<= string>= string/= string-lessp string-greaterp
string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp string-not-equal make-string string-trim
string-left-trim string-right-trim string-upcase string-downcase
string-capitalize nstring-upcase nstring-downcase nstring-capitalize string
eval evalhook applyhook constantp make-synonym-stream make-broadcast-stream
make-concatenated-stream make-two-way-stream make-echo-stream
make-string-input-stream make-string-output-stream get-output-stream-string
streamp open-stream-p input-stream-p output-stream-p stream-element-type close
broadcast-stream-streams concatenated-stream-streams echo-stream-input-stream
echo-stream-output-stream synonym-stream-symbol two-way-stream-input-stream
two-way-stream-output-stream interactive-stream-p
copy-readtable readtablep set-syntax-from-char set-macro-character
get-macro-character make-dispatch-macro-character
set-dispatch-macro-character get-dispatch-macro-character readtable-case
read read-preserving-whitespace read-delimited-list read-line read-char
unread-char peek-char listen read-char-no-hang clear-input read-from-string
parse-integer read-byte write prin1 print pprint princ write-to-string
prin1-to-string princ-to-string write-char write-string write-line terpri
fresh-line finish-output force-output clear-output write-byte format y-or-n-p
yes-or-no-p wild-pathname-p pathname-match-p translate-pathname
#+LOGICAL-PATHNAMES logical-pathname
#+LOGICAL-PATHNAMES translate-logical-pathname
#+LOGICAL-PATHNAMES logical-pathname-translations
#+LOGICAL-PATHNAMES load-logical-pathname-translations
compile-file-pathname pathname truename parse-namestring merge-pathnames
make-pathname pathnamep pathname-host pathname-device pathname-directory
pathname-name pathname-type pathname-version namestring file-namestring
directory-namestring host-namestring enough-namestring user-homedir-pathname
open rename-file delete-file probe-file file-write-date file-author
file-position file-length load directory error cerror warn break compile
compile-file disassemble
documentation variable structure type ; drei Dokumentations-Typen
describe inspect room ed dribble apropos apropos-list get-decoded-time
get-universal-time decode-universal-time encode-universal-time
get-internal-run-time get-internal-real-time sleep lisp-implementation-type
lisp-implementation-version machine-type machine-version machine-instance
software-type software-version short-site-name long-site-name identity
;; Special-forms:
eval-when quote function setq progn let let* locally compiler-let progv flet
labels macrolet symbol-macrolet if block return-from tagbody go
multiple-value-call multiple-value-prog1 catch unwind-protect throw declare
the load-time-value
;; Macros:
deftype defun defvar defparameter defconstant and or psetq setf psetf shiftf
rotatef define-modify-macro defsetf define-setf-method prog1 prog2
when unless cond
case typecase otherwise ; otherwise als Marker für die catchall-clause
return loop do do* dolist dotimes prog prog* multiple-value-list
multiple-value-bind multiple-value-setq defmacro remf do-symbols
do-external-symbols do-all-symbols incf decf push pushnew pop defstruct
with-open-stream with-input-from-string with-output-to-string
with-standard-io-syntax with-open-file
check-type assert etypecase ctypecase ecase ccase trace untrace step time
english deutsch francais
;; sonstige Markierer:
eval load compile ; EVAL-WHEN-Situationen
special type ftype function inline notinline ignore ignorable optimize speed
space safety compilation-speed debug declaration dynamic-extent compile ; DECLARE-Specifier
interpreter compiler ; Features
(sys::%proclaim-constant 'lambda-list-keywords
'(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys &aux &body &whole &environment)
(export lambda-list-keywords)
(sys::%putd 'exit #'sys::%exit)
(sys::%putd 'quit #'sys::%exit)
(sys::%putd 'bye #'sys::%exit)
(export '(exit quit bye))
(export 'the-environment)
(proclaim '(special *features*))
; Nach der Initialisierung (in IO.Q bzw. SPVW.D) enthält *features*
; als drittes Symbol (first (sys::version)) = SYS::CLISP2/3 .
(import *features*)
(export *features*)
(in-package "SYSTEM" :nicknames '("SYS" "COMPILER"))
(proclaim '(special compiler::*compiling*))
(setq compiler::*compiling* nil)
(in-package "CLOS" :use '("LISP"))
;;; Exportierungen:
(export '(
;; Namen von Funktionen und Macros:
slot-value slot-boundp slot-makunbound slot-exists-p with-slots with-accessors
find-class class-of defclass defmethod call-next-method next-method-p
defgeneric generic-function generic-flet generic-labels
no-applicable-method no-primary-method no-next-method
find-method add-method remove-method
compute-applicable-methods method-qualifiers function-keywords
slot-missing slot-unbound
print-object describe-object
make-instance initialize-instance reinitialize-instance shared-initialize
;; Namen von Klassen:
standard-class structure-class built-in-class
standard-object standard-generic-function standard-method
;; andere Symbole:
standard ; Methoden-Kombination
(in-package "LISP")
; Exportierungen von conditio.lsp
(export '(
handler-bind ; vorgezogen für compiler.lsp
find-restart compute-restarts ; vorgezogen für user1.lsp
invoke-restart-interactively ; dito
restart ; vermeide Konflikt mit user1.lsp
continue ; vermeide Konflikt mit user1.lsp
end-of-file ; vermeide Konflikt mit init.lsp, user2.lsp
; Typen für error-of-type:
condition warning serious-condition error storage-condition type-error
program-error control-error package-error print-not-readable stream-error
end-of-file file-error cell-error unbound-variable undefined-function
arithmetic-error division-by-zero floating-point-overflow
; Optionale Files wie macros3.lsp, defs2.lsp, loop.lsp, defs3.lsp machen ihre
; Exportierungen selber.
(in-package "SYSTEM")
#-COMPILER ; nur beim Bootstrappen
; vorläufig soll bei GET_CLOSURE nicht expandiert werden:
(sys::%putd '%expand-lambdabody-main
(function %expand-lambdabody-main
(lambda (lambdabody venv fenv)
(declare (source nil) (ignore venv fenv))
) ) )
; vorläufig soll defun ganz trivial expandiert werden:
(sys::%putd 'defun
(cons 'sys::macro
(function defun
(lambda (form env)
(declare (ignore env))
(let ((name (cadr form))
(lambdalist (caddr form))
(body (cdddr form)))
`(SYS::%PUTD ',name (FUNCTION ,name (LAMBDA ,lambdalist ,@body)))
(let ((name (cadr form)))
(list 'sys::%putd (list 'quote name)
(list 'function name (cons 'lambda (cddr form)))
) )
) )
) )
(proclaim '(special sys::*msg-list*))
(setq sys::*msg-list* nil)
(let ((h (cons 'sys::macro
(lambda (form env)
(declare (ignore env))
(apply #'(lambda (&key &allow-other-keys)) form)
(getf form 'ENGLISH)
(getf form 'DEUTSCH)
(getf form 'FRANCAIS)
)) ) ) ) )
(sys::%putd 'ENGLISH h)
(sys::%putd 'DEUTSCH h)
(sys::%putd 'FRANCAIS h)
#\# #\L
#'(lambda (s c n)
(declare (ignore c n))
(labels ((match-p (ch end-char)
(and (eq end-char :white) (or (eql ch #\Space) (eql ch #\NewLine)))
(and (eq end-char :white-or-end) (or (eql ch #\Space) (eql ch #\NewLine) (eql ch #\})))
(and (eq end-char :alpha-or-end) (or (alpha-char-p ch) (eql ch #\})))
(eql ch end-char)))
(skip-until (match-p)
(let (ch)
(tagbody 1
(setq ch (read-char s))
(unless (funcall match-p ch)
(go 1)))
(unread-char ch s)))
(read-string (end-char)
(let ((string "") ch last-ch)
(tagbody 1
(setq ch (read-char s))
(unless (and (match-p ch end-char) (not (eql last-ch #\\ )))
(setq string (string-concat string (string ch)))
(setq last-ch ch)
(go 1)))
(unread-char ch s)
(let (deutsch-msg english-msg francais-msg)
(skip-until #'(lambda (ch) (match-p ch :alpha-or-end)))
(let ((language (read-string :white)))
(tagbody 1
(read-string #\")
(read-char s)
(let ((message (read-string #\")))
((string= language "DEUTSCH") (setq deutsch-msg message))
((string= language "ENGLISH") (setq english-msg message))
((string= language "FRANCAIS") (setq francais-msg message)))
(skip-until #'(lambda (ch) (match-p ch :alpha-or-end)))
(setq language (read-string :white-or-end))
(if (eql (peek-char nil s) #\})
(read-char s)
(go 1)))))
(when sys::*load-input-stream*
(setq sys::*msg-list*
(cons (list
(string-concat (pathname-name sys::*load-input-stream*) ".lsp")
(sys::line-number sys::*load-input-stream*)
(list (cons 'DEUTSCH deutsch-msg)
(cons 'ENGLISH english-msg)
(cons 'FRANCAIS francais-msg)))
#-nls (list 'SYS::LANGUAGE english-msg deutsch-msg francais-msg)
#+nls (list 'SYS::LANGUAGE english-msg nil nil)
(sys::%putd 'sys::exported-lisp-symbol-p
(function sys::exported-lisp-symbol-p
(lambda (symbol)
(let ((string (symbol-name symbol)))
(or (let ((p (find-package "LISP")))
(and p
(multiple-value-bind (s f) (find-symbol string p)
(and (eq s symbol) (eq f ':external))
) ) )
(let ((p (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
(and p
(multiple-value-bind (s f) (find-symbol string p)
(and (eq s symbol) (eq f ':external))
) ) ) ) ) )
) )
(sys::%putd 'sys::remove-old-definitions
(function sys::remove-old-definitions
(lambda (symbol) ; entfernt die alten Funktionsdefinitionen eines Symbols
(if (special-form-p symbol)
(error-of-type 'error
DEUTSCH "~S ist eine Special-Form und darf nicht umdefiniert werden."
ENGLISH "~S is a special form and may not be redefined."
FRANCAIS "~S est une forme spéciale et ne peut pas être redéfinie."
) )
(if (and (or (fboundp symbol) (macro-function symbol))
(sys::exported-lisp-symbol-p symbol)
DEUTSCH "Die alte Definition wird weggeworfen."
ENGLISH "The old definition will be lost"
FRANCAIS "L'ancienne définition sera perdue."
DEUTSCH "D~2@*~:[ie~;er~]~0@* COMMON-LISP-~A ~S wird umdefiniert."
ENGLISH "Redefining the COMMON LISP ~A ~S"
FRANCAIS "L~2@*~:[a~;e~]~0@* ~A ~S de COMMON-LISP va être redéfini~:[e~;~]."
(fbound-string symbol) ; "Funktion" bzw. "Macro"
(macro-function symbol)
) )
(fmakunbound symbol) ; Funktions-/Macro-Definition streichen
; Property sys::definition wird nicht entfernt, da sie sowieso
; bald neu gesetzt wird.
(remprop symbol 'sys::macro) ; Macro-Definition streichen
(when (get symbol 'sys::documentation-strings) ; Dokumentation streichen
(sys::%set-documentation symbol 'FUNCTION nil)
(when (get symbol 'sys::inline-expansion)
(sys::%put symbol 'sys::inline-expansion t)
(when (get symbol 'sys::traced-definition) ; Trace streichen
DEUTSCH "DEFUN/DEFMACRO: ~S war getraced und wird umdefiniert!"
ENGLISH "DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining ~S; it was traced!"
FRANCAIS "DEFUN/DEFMACRO : ~S était tracée et est redéfinie!"
(untrace2 symbol)
) )
) )
(sys::%putd '%the-environment
(function %the-environment
(lambda (form env)
(declare (ignore form))
(sys::svstore env 0 (svref (svref env 0) 2)) ; *evalhook*-Bindung streichen
) )
(sys::%putd '%the-environment-error
(function %the-environment-error
(lambda ()
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S ist in compiliertem Code unmöglich."
ENGLISH "~S is impossible in compiled code"
FRANCAIS "~S est impossible dans du code compilé."
) )
) )
(sys::%putd 'the-environment
(cons 'sys::macro
(function the-environment
(lambda (form env)
(declare (ignore form env))
(eval-when ((not eval)) (%the-environment-error))
(let ((*evalhook* #'%the-environment)) 0)
) ) ) )
; liefert den Namen des impliziten Blocks zu einem Funktionsnamen
(defun block-name (funname)
(if (atom funname) funname (second funname))
;;; Funktionen zum Expandieren von Macros innerhalb eines Codestückes
;;; Insgesamt wird der gesamte Code (einer Funktion) durchgegangen und
;;; globale und lokale Macros expandiert.
;;; Aus #'(lambda lambdalist . body)
;;; wird so #'(lambda expanded-lambdalist
;;; (declare (source (lambdalist . body))) . expanded-body
;;; )
;;; Durch diese Deklaration ist gewährleistet, daß eine bereits einmal
;;; durchlaufene Funktion als solche erkannt und nicht unnötigerweise ein
;;; zweites Mal durchlaufen wird.
; Vorsicht! Fürs Bootstrappen (erkennbar an #-COMPILER) müssen manche der
; Funktionen in primitiverem Lisp (ohne do, do*, case) geschrieben werden.
(proclaim '(special *keyword-package*))
(setq *keyword-package* (find-package "KEYWORD"))
(proclaim '(special *fenv*))
; *fenv* = Das aktuelle Function-Environment während der Expansion
; einer Form. Struktur: NIL oder ein 2n+1-elementiger Vektor
; (n1 f1 ... nn fn next), wo die ni Funktionsnamen sind, die fi ihre funktionale
; Bedeutung sind (Closure oder (MACRO . Closure) oder noch NIL); bei next
; geht's ebenso weiter.
; (fenv-assoc s fenv) sucht Symbol s in Function-Environment fenv.
(defun fenv-assoc (s fenv)
(if fenv
(if (simple-vector-p fenv)
(do ((l (1- (length fenv)))
(i 0 (+ i 2)))
((= i l) (fenv-assoc s (svref fenv i)))
(if (equal s (svref fenv i))
(return (svref fenv (1+ i)))
) )
(let ((l (1- (length fenv)))
(i 0))
(block nil
1 (if (= i l) (return-from nil (fenv-assoc s (svref fenv i))))
(if (equal s (svref fenv i))
(return-from nil (svref fenv (1+ i)))
(setq i (+ i 2))
(go 1)
) ) )
(error-of-type 'type-error
:datum fenv :expected-type '(or null simple-vector)
DEUTSCH "~S ist kein korrektes Function-Environment."
ENGLISH "~S is an invalid function environment"
FRANCAIS "~S n'est pas un environnement de fonctions correct."
) )
'T ; nicht gefunden
) )
; Stellt fest, ob ein Funktionsname im Function-Environment fenv nicht
; definiert ist und daher auf die globale Funktion verweist.
(defun global-in-fenv-p (s fenv) ; vorläufig
(eq (fenv-assoc s fenv) 'T)
(proclaim '(special *venv*))
; *venv* = Das aktuelle Variablen-Environment während der Expansion
; einer Form. Struktur: NIL oder ein 2n+1-elementiger Vektor
; (n1 v1 ... nn vn next), wo die ni Symbole sind, die vi ihre
; syntaktische Bedeutung (Symbol-Macro-Objekt oder sonstiges); bei next
; geht's ebenso weiter.
; (venv-assoc s venv) sucht Symbol s in Variablen-Environment venv.
; Liefert den Wert (oder NIL falls kein Wert).
; Vorsicht: Der Wert kann #<SPECDECL> oder #<SYMBOL-MACRO ...> sein, darf
; daher in interpretiertem Code nicht in einer Variablen zwischengespeichert
; werden.
(defun venv-assoc (s venv)
(if venv
(if (simple-vector-p venv)
(do ((l (1- (length venv)))
(i 0 (+ i 2)))
((= i l) (venv-assoc s (svref venv i)))
(if (eq s (svref venv i))
(return (svref venv (1+ i)))
) )
(let ((l (1- (length venv)))
(i 0))
(block nil
1 (if (= i l) (return-from nil (venv-assoc s (svref venv i))))
(if (eq s (svref venv i))
(return-from nil (svref venv (1+ i)))
(setq i (+ i 2))
(go 1)
) ) )
(error-of-type 'type-error
:datum venv :expected-type '(or null simple-vector)
DEUTSCH "~S ist kein korrektes Variablen-Environment."
ENGLISH "~S is an invalid variable environment"
FRANCAIS "~S n'est pas un environnement de variables correct."
) )
(and (boundp s) (%symbol-value s)) ; nicht gefunden
) )
; Die meisten Expansionsfunktionen liefern zwei Werte: Das Expansions-
; ergebnis, der zweite Wert (NIL oder T) zeigt an, ob darin etwas verändert
; wurde.
; (%expand-cons ...) setzt ein cons zusammen. 2 Werte.
; form=alte Form,
; expf,flagf = Expansion des First-Teils,
; expr,flagr = Expansion des Rest-Teils.
(defun %expand-cons (form expf flagf expr flagr)
(if (or flagf flagr)
(values (cons expf expr) t)
(values form nil)
) )
; (%expand-form form) expandiert eine ganze Form. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-form (form)
(if (atom form)
(let (h)
(if (and (symbolp form) (symbol-macro-p (setq h (venv-assoc form *venv*))))
(values (sys::%record-ref h 0) t)
(values form nil)
) )
; form ist CONS
(let ((f (first form)))
(if (function-name-p f)
(let ((h (fenv-assoc f *fenv*)))
; f ist in *fenv* assoziiert zu h
(if (eq h 'T)
; f hat keine lokale Definition
; Nun die einzelnen Expander für die Special-forms:
(case f
; 1. Argument lassen, alle weiteren expandieren
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) )
((QUOTE GO DECLARE LOAD-TIME-VALUE) ; nichts expandieren
(values form nil)
; Falls erstes bzw. zweites Argument Liste,
; als Lambda-Ausdruck expandieren.
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(if (atom (cddr form))
(if (function-name-p (second form))
(let ((h (fenv-assoc (second form) *fenv*)))
(cond ((or (eq h 'T) (closurep h) (null h)) (values (rest form) nil))
((and (consp h) (eq (first h) 'MACRO))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S unzulässig, da ~S ein lokaler Macro ist"
ENGLISH "~S: ~S is illegal since ~S is a local macro"
FRANCAIS "~S : ~S est illégal car ~S est un macro local"
'%expand form (second form)
(t (error-of-type 'error
DEUTSCH "~S: Falscher Aufbau eines Function-Environment: ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: invalid function environment ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : mauvais environnement de fonction ~S"
'%expand *fenv*
) )
) )
(if (atom (second form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S unzulässig, da ~S kein Symbol"
ENGLISH "~S: ~S is invalid since ~S is not a symbol"
FRANCAIS "~S : ~S est illégal car ~S n'est pas un symbole"
'%expand form (second form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-lambda (second form))
(cddr form) nil
) ) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cddr form)
(%expand-lambda (third form))
(cdddr form) nil
) ) ) ) )
; Falls die Situation COMPILE angegeben ist, führe den Body
; als PROGN aus, gib eine Form zurück, die ohne Seiteneffekte
; dieselben Werte liefert.
; Sonst expandiere alle Argumente ab dem zweiten als Formen.
(if (member 'COMPILE (second form))
(list 'values-list
(list 'quote
(multiple-value-list (eval (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))))
) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) )
(LET ; Variablenliste und Body expandieren
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-varspez (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) )
(LET* ; Variablenliste und Body expandieren
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-varspez* (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) )
(LOCALLY ; Body expandieren
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cdr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-list (cdr form))
) ) )
(MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND ; Form und Body getrennt expandieren
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cdddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cddr form)
(%expand-form (third form))
(%expand-lexical-variables (second form))
(%expand-list (cdddr form))
) ) ) ) ) )
; Variablenliste im leeren Environment und Body expandieren
(mapcar #'%expand-varspec-var (second form))
(mapcar #'%expand-varspec-val (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
) )
(COND ; Alle Teilformen der Klauseln expandieren:
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-cond (rest form))
) )
; Body expandieren. Falls darin ein RETURN-FROM auf diesen
; Block vorkommt, behalte BLOCK. Sonst mache ein PROGN daraus.
(multiple-value-bind (body flagb) (%expand-list (cddr form))
(if (%return-p (second form) body)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
body flagb
) )
(cond ((atom body) body)
((null (cdr body)) (car body))
(t (cons 'progn body))
) ) ) )
((SETQ PSETQ) ; jedes zweite Argument expandieren
(if (%expand-setqlist-macrop (rest form))
(let ((new (if (eq (first form) 'SETQ) 'SETF 'PSETF)))
(funcall (macro-function new) (cons new (rest form)) (vector *venv* *fenv*))
) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-setqlist (rest form))
) ) )
(MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ ; 1. Argument lassen, alle weiteren expandieren
(if (%expand-varlist-macrop (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETF (rest form))) t)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) )
; alle Argumente expandieren, dabei entstehende Atome weglassen
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-tagbody (rest form))
) )
(PROGN ; alle Argumente expandieren, evtl. vereinfachen.
(if (null (rest form))
(values nil t)
(if (null (cddr form))
(values (%expand-form (second form)) t)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
) ) ) )
(FLET ; Funktionsdefinitionen expandieren,
; Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(if (null (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
(let ((newfenv (%expand-fundefs-1 (second form))))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-fundefs-2 (second form))
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector newfenv)))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) ) )
(LABELS ; Funktionsdefinitionen und Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(if (null (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
(let ((newfenv (%expand-fundefs-1 (second form))))
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector newfenv)))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-fundefs-2 (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) ) )
(MACROLET ; Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(do ((L1 (second form) (cdr L1))
(L2 nil))
((atom L1)
(if L1
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Dotted list im Code von MACROLET, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "code after MACROLET contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "Le code de MACROLET contient une paire pointée, terminée par ~S"
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector (nreverse (cons *fenv* L2)))))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
)) )
(let ((macrodef (car L1)))
(if (and (consp macrodef)
(symbolp (car macrodef))
(consp (cdr macrodef))
(setq L2
(cons (make-macro-expandercons macrodef)
(cons (car macrodef) L2)
) )
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Falsche Syntax in MACROLET: ~S"
ENGLISH "illegal syntax in MACROLET: ~S"
FRANCAIS "syntaxe illégale dans MACROLET : ~S"
) ) ) ) )
(SYMBOL-MACROLET ; Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(do ((L1 (second form) (cdr L1))
(L2 nil))
((atom L1)
(if L1
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Dotted list im Code von SYMBOL-MACROLET, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "code after SYMBOL-MACROLET contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "Le code de SYMBOL-MACROLET contient une paire pointée, terminée par ~S"
(let ((*venv* (apply #'vector (nreverse (cons *venv* L2)))))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'LOCALLY (cddr form))) t)
)) )
(let ((symdef (car L1)))
(if (and (consp symdef)
(symbolp (car symdef))
(consp (cdr symdef))
(null (cddr symdef))
(setq L2
(cons (make-symbol-macro (cadr symdef)) (cons (car symdef) L2))
(error-of-type 'program-error
ENGLISH "illegal syntax in SYMBOL-MACROLET: ~S"
FRANCAIS "syntaxe illégale dans SYMBOL-MACROLET : ~S"
) ) ) ) )
(%HANDLER-BIND ; Handlerliste und Body expandieren
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-handlers (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) )
(cond ((and (symbolp f) (special-form-p f))
; sonstige Special-forms,
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
((and (symbolp f) (setq h (macro-function f))) ; globale Macro-Definition
(values (%expand-form (funcall h form (vector *venv* *fenv*))) t)
(t ; normaler Funktionsaufruf
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
) ) ) ))
; f hat eine lokale Definition
(cond ((or (closurep h) (null h)); aufzurufende Funktion
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
((and (consp h) (eq (car h) 'MACRO)) ; zu expandierender Macro
(values (%expand-form (funcall (cdr h) form *fenv*)) t)
) ; Expander aufrufen
(t (error-of-type 'error
DEUTSCH "Falscher Aufbau eines Function-Environment in ~S: ~S"
ENGLISH "bad function environment occurred in ~S: ~S"
FRANCAIS "mauvais environnement de fonction dans ~S : ~S"
'%expand-form *fenv*
) ) ) ) )
(if (consp f)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(%expand-lambda f)
(%expand-list (rest form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S ist keine korrekte Form"
ENGLISH "~S: invalid form ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : forme Lisp incorrecte ~S"
'%expand-form form
) ) ) ) ) )
; (%expand-form form) expandiert eine ganze Form. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-form (form)
(if (atom form)
(if (and (symbolp form) (symbol-macro-p (venv-assoc form *venv*)))
(values (sys::%record-ref (venv-assoc form *venv*) 0) t)
(values form nil)
; form ist CONS
(let ((f (first form)))
(if (function-name-p f)
(let ((h (fenv-assoc f *fenv*)))
; f ist in *fenv* assoziiert zu h
(if (eq h 'T)
; f hat keine lokale Definition
(cond ((setq h (get '%expand f)) ; special forms u.ä.
(funcall h form)
((and (symbolp f) (special-form-p f))
; sonstige Special-forms,
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
((and (symbolp f) (setq h (macro-function f))) ; globale Macro-Definition
(values (%expand-form (funcall h form (vector *venv* *fenv*))) t)
(t ; normaler Funktionsaufruf
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
) ))
; f hat eine lokale Definition
(cond ((or (closurep h) (null h)); aufzurufende Funktion
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
f nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
((and (consp h) (eq (car h) 'MACRO)) ; zu expandierender Macro
(values (%expand-form (funcall (cdr h) form *fenv*)) t)
) ; Expander aufrufen
(t (error-of-type 'error
DEUTSCH "Falscher Aufbau eines Function-Environment in ~S: ~S"
ENGLISH "bad function environment occurred in ~S: ~S"
FRANCAIS "mauvais environnement de fonction dans ~S : ~S"
'%expand-form *fenv*
) ) ) ) )
(if (consp f)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(%expand-lambda f)
(%expand-list (rest form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S ist keine korrekte Form"
ENGLISH "~S: invalid form ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : forme Lisp incorrecte ~S"
'%expand-form form
) ) ) ) ) )
; Nun die einzelnen Expander für die Special-forms:
; 1. Argument lassen, alle weiteren expandieren
(defun %expand-ab2 (form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) )
(%put '%expand 'RETURN-FROM #'%expand-ab2)
(%put '%expand 'THE #'%expand-ab2)
; QUOTE, GO, DECLARE, LOAD-TIME-VALUE: nichts expandieren
(let ((fun
(function %expand-quote/go/declare (lambda (form) (values form nil)))
(%put '%expand 'QUOTE fun)
(%put '%expand 'GO fun)
(%put '%expand 'DECLARE fun)
(%put '%expand 'LOAD-TIME-VALUE fun)
; Falls erstes bzw. zweites Argument Liste, als Lambda-Ausdruck expandieren.
(%put '%expand 'FUNCTION
(function %expand-function
(lambda (form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(if (atom (cddr form))
(if (function-name-p (second form))
(let ((h (fenv-assoc (second form) *fenv*)))
(cond ((or (eq h 'T) (closurep h) (null h)) (values (rest form) nil))
((and (consp h) (eq (first h) 'MACRO))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S unzulässig, da ~S ein lokaler Macro ist"
ENGLISH "~S: ~S is illegal since ~S is a local macro"
FRANCAIS "~S : n'est pas permis car ~S est un macro local"
'%expand form (second form)
(t (error-of-type 'error
DEUTSCH "~S: Falscher Aufbau eines Function-Environment: ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: invalid function environment ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : mauvais environnement de fonction ~S"
'%expand *fenv*
) )
) )
(if (atom (second form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S unzulässig, da ~S kein Symbol"
ENGLISH "~S: ~S is invalid since ~S is not a symbol"
FRANCAIS "~S : ~S est inadmissible car ~S n'est pas un symbole"
'%expand form (second form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-lambda (second form))
(cddr form) nil
) ) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cddr form)
(%expand-lambda (third form))
(cdddr form) nil
) ) ) ) ) )
; Falls die Situation COMPILE angegeben ist, führe den Body als PROGN aus,
; gib eine Form zurück, die ohne Seiteneffekte dieselben Werte liefert.
; Sonst expandiere alle Argumente ab dem zweiten als Formen.
(%put '%expand 'EVAL-WHEN
(function %expand-eval-when
(lambda (form)
(if (member 'COMPILE (second form))
(list 'values-list
(list 'quote
(multiple-value-list (eval (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))))
) )
(%expand-ab2 form)
) ) )
; LET: Variablenliste und Body expandieren
(%put '%expand 'LET
(function %expand-let
(lambda (form)
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-varspez (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) )
; LET*: Variablenliste und Body expandieren
(%put '%expand 'LET*
(function %expand-let*
(lambda (form)
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-varspez* (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) )
; LOCALLY: Body expandieren
(%put '%expand 'LOCALLY
(function %expand-locally
(lambda (form)
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cdr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-list (cdr form))
) ) ) )
; MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND: Form und Body getrennt expandieren
(%put '%expand 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND
(function %expand-multiple-value-bind
(lambda (form)
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(%expand-special-declarations (cdddr form))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cddr form)
(%expand-form (third form))
(%expand-lexical-variables (second form))
(%expand-list (cdddr form))
) ) ) ) ) ) )
; COMPILER-LET: Variablenliste im leeren Environment und Body expandieren
(%put '%expand 'COMPILER-LET
(function %expand-compiler-let
(lambda (form)
(mapcar #'%expand-varspec-var (second form))
(mapcar #'%expand-varspec-val (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
) ) )
; COND: Alle Teilformen der Klauseln expandieren:
(%put '%expand 'cond
(function %expand-cond
(lambda (form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-cond (rest form))
) ) )
; BLOCK: Body expandieren. Falls darin ein RETURN-FROM auf diesen Block
; vorkommt, behalte BLOCK. Sonst mache ein PROGN daraus.
(%put '%expand 'block
(function %expand-block
(lambda (form)
(multiple-value-bind (body flagb) (%expand-list (cddr form))
(if (%return-p (second form) body)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(second form) nil
body flagb
) )
(cond ((atom body) body)
((null (cdr body)) (car body))
(t (cons 'progn body))
) ) ) ) )
; SETQ, PSETQ: jedes zweite Argument expandieren
(let ((fun
(function %expand-setq/psetq
(lambda (form)
(if (%expand-setqlist-macrop (rest form))
(let ((new (if (eq (first form) 'SETQ) 'SETF 'PSETF)))
(funcall (macro-function new) (cons new (rest form)) (vector *venv* *fenv*))
) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-setqlist (rest form))
) ) ) )
(%put '%expand 'SETQ fun)
(%put '%expand 'PSETQ fun)
; MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ : 1. Argument lassen, alle weiteren expandieren
(%put '%expand 'multiple-value-setq
(function %expand-multiple-value-setq
(lambda (form)
(if (%expand-varlist-macrop (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETF (rest form))) t)
(%expand-ab2 form)
) ) )
; TAGBODY: alle Argumente expandieren, dabei entstehende Atome weglassen
(%put '%expand 'tagbody
(function %expand-tagbody
(lambda (form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-tagbody (rest form))
) ) )
; PROGN: alle Argumente expandieren, evtl. vereinfachen.
(%put '%expand 'progn
(function %expand-progn
(lambda (form)
(if (null (rest form))
(values nil t)
(if (null (cddr form))
(values (%expand-form (second form)) t)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(%expand-list (rest form))
) ) ) ) )
; FLET: Funktionsdefinitionen expandieren,
; Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(%put '%expand 'flet
(function %expand-flet
(lambda (form)
(if (null (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
(let ((newfenv (%expand-fundefs-1 (second form))))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(car form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cdr form)
(%expand-fundefs-2 (second form))
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector newfenv)))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) ) ) )
; LABELS: Funktionsdefinitionen und Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(%put '%expand 'labels
(function %expand-labels
(lambda (form)
(if (null (second form))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
(let ((newfenv (%expand-fundefs-1 (second form))))
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector newfenv)))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(car form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (cdr form)
(%expand-fundefs-2 (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) ) ) ) )
; MACROLET: Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(%put '%expand 'macrolet
(function %expand-macrolet
(lambda (form)
(do ((L1 (second form) (cdr L1))
(L2 nil))
((atom L1)
(if L1
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Dotted list im Code von MACROLET, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "code after MACROLET contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "Le code de MACROLET contient une paire pointée, terminée par ~S"
(let ((*fenv* (apply #'vector (nreverse (cons *fenv* L2)))))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'PROGN (cddr form))) t)
)) )
(let ((macrodef (car L1)))
(if (and (consp macrodef) (symbolp (car macrodef)) (consp (cdr macrodef)))
(setq L2
(cons (make-macro-expandercons macrodef)
(cons (car macrodef) L2)
) )
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Falsche Syntax in MACROLET: ~S"
ENGLISH "illegal syntax in MACROLET: ~S"
FRANCAIS "syntaxe illégale dans MACROLET : ~S"
) ) ) ) ) )
; SYMBOL-MACROLET: Body im erweiterten Environment expandieren
(%put '%expand 'symbol-macrolet
(function %expand-symbol-macrolet
(lambda (form)
(do ((L1 (second form) (cdr L1))
(L2 nil))
((atom L1)
(if L1
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Dotted list im Code von SYMBOL-MACROLET, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "code after SYMBOL-MACROLET contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "Le code de SYMBOL-MACROLET contient une paire pointée, terminée par ~S"
(let ((*venv* (apply #'vector (nreverse (cons *venv* L2)))))
(values (%expand-form (cons 'LOCALLY (cddr form))) t)
)) )
(let ((symdef (car L1)))
(if (and (consp symdef)
(symbolp (car symdef))
(consp (cdr symdef))
(null (cddr symdef))
(setq L2
(cons (make-symbol-macro (cadr symdef)) (cons (car symdef) L2))
(error-of-type 'program-error
ENGLISH "illegal syntax in SYMBOL-MACROLET: ~S"
FRANCAIS "syntaxe illégale dans SYMBOL-MACROLET : ~S"
) ) ) ) ) )
; %HANDLER-BIND: Handlerliste und Body expandieren
(%put '%expand '%handler-bind
(function %expand-%handler-bind
(lambda (form)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons form
(first form) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest form)
(%expand-handlers (second form))
(%expand-list (cddr form))
) ) ) )
; Hilfsfunktionen für die Expansion:
; expandiert eine Liste von Formen. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-list (l)
(if (atom l)
(if l
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Dotted list im Code, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "code contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "une paire pointée dans le code, terminée par ~S"
(values nil nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons l
(%expand-form (first l))
(%expand-list (rest l))
) ) )
; Fügt lexikalische Variablen zu *venv* hinzu.
; (Wird nur dazu benutzt, um Symbol-Macros zu überdecken.)
(defun %expand-lexical-variables (vars)
(if vars
(setq *venv*
(apply #'vector
(nconc (mapcan #'(lambda (v) (list v nil)) vars) (list *venv*))
) ) ) )
; Fügt SPECIAL-Deklarationen am Anfang eines Body zu *venv* hinzu.
(defun %expand-special-declarations (body)
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations)
(sys::parse-body body nil (vector *venv* *fenv*))
(declare (ignore body-rest)) ; Deklarationen nicht wegwerfen!
(let ((specials nil))
(mapc #'(lambda (declspec)
(if (and (consp declspec) (null (cdr (last declspec))))
(if (eq (car declspec) 'SPECIAL)
(mapc #'(lambda (x) (if (symbolp x) (setq specials (cons x specials))))
(cdr declspec)
) ) ) )
(nreverse declarations)
(%expand-lexical-variables (nreverse specials)) ; auf specdecl kommt es hier nicht an
) ) )
; expandiert einen Funktionsnamen, der ein Cons ist (das muß ein
; Lambda-Ausdruck sein). 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-lambda (l)
(unless (eq (first l) 'lambda)
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S sollte LAMBDA-Ausdruck sein"
ENGLISH "~S: ~S should be a lambda expression"
FRANCAIS "~S : ~S devrait être une expression LAMBDA"
'%expand-form l
) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons l
'lambda nil ; LAMBDA
(%expand-lambdabody (rest l))
) )
; expandiert den CDR eines Lambda-Ausdrucks, ein (lambdalist . body). 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-lambdabody (lambdabody)
(let ((body (rest lambdabody)))
(if (and (consp body)
(let ((form (car body)))
(and (consp form)
(eq (car form) 'DECLARE)
(let ((declspecs (cdr form)))
(and (consp declspecs)
(let ((declspec (car declspecs)))
(and (consp declspec)
(eq (car declspec) 'SOURCE)
) ) ) ) ) ) )
(values lambdabody nil) ; bereits expandiert -> unberührt lassen
(let ((*venv* *venv*))
(values (list*
(%expand-lambdalist (first lambdabody))
(list 'DECLARE (list 'SOURCE lambdabody))
(%expand-list (rest lambdabody))
) ) ) ) )
; expandiert eine Lambdaliste. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-lambdalist (ll)
(if (atom ll)
(if ll
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Lambdaliste darf nicht mit dem Atom ~S enden"
ENGLISH "lambda list must not end with the atom ~S"
FRANCAIS "La liste lambda ne peut pas se terminer par l'atome ~S"
(values nil nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons ll
(%expand-parspez (first ll))
(let ((v (first ll)))
(if (not (member v lambda-list-keywords :test #'eq))
(setq *venv* (vector (%expand-varspec-var v) nil *venv*))
) )
(%expand-lambdalist (rest ll))
) ) ) )
; expandiert ein Element einer Lambdaliste. 2 Werte.
; (Expandiert dabei nur bei Listen, und dann auch nur das zweite Element.)
(defun %expand-parspez (ps)
(if (or (atom ps) (atom (rest ps)))
(values ps nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons ps
(first ps) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest ps)
(%expand-form (second ps))
(cddr ps) nil
) ) ) )
; expandiert eine Variablenliste für LET. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-varspez (vs &optional (nvenv nil))
(if (atom vs)
(if vs
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Variablenliste endet mit dem Atom ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: variable list ends with the atom ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : La liste de variables se termine par l'atome ~S"
'let vs
(setq *venv* (apply #'vector (nreverse (cons *venv* nvenv))))
(values nil nil)
) )
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons vs
(%expand-parspez (first vs)) ; Bei Liste 2. Element expandieren
(%expand-varspez (rest vs) (list* nil (%expand-varspec-var (first vs)) nvenv))
) ) )
; expandiert eine Variablenliste für LET*. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-varspez* (vs)
(if (atom vs)
(if vs
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Variablenliste endet mit dem Atom ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: variable list ends with the atom ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : La liste de variables se termine par l'atome ~S"
'let* vs
(values nil nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons vs
(%expand-parspez (first vs)) ; Bei Liste 2. Element expandieren
(setq *venv* (vector (%expand-varspec-var (first vs)) nil *venv*))
(%expand-varspez* (rest vs))
) ) ) )
(defun %expand-varspec-var (varspec)
(if (atom varspec) varspec (first varspec))
(defun %expand-varspec-val (varspec)
(if (atom varspec) nil (eval (second varspec)))
; Expandiert eine Cond-Klausel-Liste. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-cond (clauses)
(if (atom clauses)
(values clauses nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons clauses
(%expand-list (first clauses))
(%expand-cond (rest clauses))
) ) )
; Auf den bereits expandierten Body wird folgendes angewandt:
; (%return-p name list) stellt fest, ob die Formenliste list irgendwo ein
; (RETURN-FROM name ...) enthält.
(defun %return-p (name body)
(block return-p
(tagbody 1
(if (atom body) (return-from return-p nil))
(let ((form (car body)))
; stelle fest, ob form ein (RETURN-FROM name ...) enthält:
(and (consp form)
(or (and (eq (first form) 'return-from) ; (RETURN-FROM name ...)
(eq (second form) name)
(and (consp (first form)) ; Lambdaliste
(%return-p name (first form))
(and (not ; keine neue Definition desselben Blocks ?
(and (eq (first form) 'block) (eq (second form) name))
(%return-p name (rest form)) ; Funktionsaufruf
) ) )
(return-from return-p t)
) )
(setq body (cdr body))
(go 1)
) ) )
(defun %expand-varlist-macrop (l)
(and (consp l)
(or (and (symbolp (car l)) (symbol-macro-p (venv-assoc (car l) *venv*)))
(%expand-varlist-macrop (cdr l))
) ) )
(defun %expand-setqlist-macrop (l)
(and (consp l) (consp (cdr l))
(or (and (symbolp (car l)) (symbol-macro-p (venv-assoc (car l) *venv*)))
(%expand-setqlist-macrop (cddr l))
) ) )
(defun %expand-setqlist (l)
(if (or (atom l) (atom (cdr l)))
(values l nil)
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons l
(first l) nil
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons (rest l)
(%expand-form (second l))
(%expand-setqlist (cddr l))
) ) ) )
; (%expand-tagbody list) expandiert die Elemente einer Liste und läßt dabei
; entstehende Atome fest (damit keine neuen Tags entstehen, die andere Tags
; verdecken könnten). 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-tagbody (body)
(cond ((atom body) (values body nil))
((atom (first body))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons body
(first body) nil
(%expand-tagbody (rest body))
(t (multiple-value-bind (exp flag) (%expand-form (first body))
(if (atom exp)
(values (%expand-tagbody (rest body)) t) ; weglassen
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons body
exp flag
(%expand-tagbody (rest body))
) ) ) ) ) )
; (%expand-fundefs-1 fundefs) liefert eine Liste (name1 nil ... namek nil *fenv*)
(defun %expand-fundefs-1 (fundefs)
(if (atom fundefs)
(if fundefs
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "FLET/LABELS: Dotted list im Code, endet mit ~S"
ENGLISH "FLET/LABELS: code contains a dotted list, ending with ~S"
FRANCAIS "FLET/LABELS : une paire pointée dans le code, terminée par ~S"
(list *fenv*)
(let ((fundef (car fundefs)))
(if (and (consp fundef) (function-name-p (car fundef)) (consp (cdr fundef)))
(list* (car fundef) nil (%expand-fundefs-1 (cdr fundefs)))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Falsche Syntax in FLET/LABELS: ~S"
ENGLISH "illegal syntax in FLET/LABELS: ~S"
FRANCAIS "syntaxe incorrecte dans FLET/LABELS : ~S"
) ) ) ) )
; (%expand-fundefs-2 fundefs) expandiert eine Funktionsdefinitionenliste,
; wie in FLET, LABELS. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-fundefs-2 (fundefs)
(if (atom fundefs)
(values fundefs nil)
(let ((fundef (car fundefs)))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons fundefs
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons fundef
(car fundef) nil
(%expand-lambdabody (cdr fundef))
(%expand-fundefs-2 (rest fundefs))
) ) ) )
; (%expand-handlers handlers) expandiert eine Typ/Handler-Liste
; wie in %HANDLER-BIND. 2 Werte.
(defun %expand-handlers (handlers)
(if (atom handlers)
(values handlers nil)
(let ((handler (car handlers)))
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons handlers
(multiple-value-call #'%expand-cons handler
(car handler) nil
(%expand-list (cdr handler))
(%expand-handlers (cdr handlers))
) ) ) )
; expandiert eine Form in einem gegebenen Function-Environment
; Kann bei Bedarf von EVAL aufgerufen werden.
(defun %expand-form-main (form *fenv*)
(%expand-form form)
; expandiert (lambdalist . body) in einem gegebenen Function-Environment.
; Wird von GET_CLOSURE aufgerufen.
(defun %expand-lambdabody-main (lambdabody *venv* *fenv*)
(%expand-lambdabody lambdabody)
;; ab hier ist FUNCTION funktionsfähig, soweit kein MACROLET darin vorkommt.
(proclaim '(special *load-paths*))
(setq *load-paths* nil)
(proclaim '(special *source-file-types*))
(setq *source-file-types* '(#".lsp"))
(proclaim '(special *compiled-file-types*))
(setq *compiled-file-types* '(#".fas"))
; vorläufig brauchen die Files nicht gesucht zu werden:
(defun search-file (filename extensions)
(mapcan #'(lambda (extension)
(let ((filename (merge-pathnames filename extension)))
(if (probe-file filename) (list filename) '())
) )
(reverse extensions)
) )
(proclaim '(special *load-verbose*))
(setq *load-verbose* t)
(proclaim '(special *load-print*))
(setq *load-print* nil)
(proclaim '(special *load-echo*))
(setq *load-echo* nil)
(proclaim '(special *load-pathname*))
(setq *load-pathname* nil)
(proclaim '(special *load-truename*))
(setq *load-truename* nil)
(proclaim '(special sys::*load-input-stream*))
(setq sys::*load-input-stream* nil)
; (LOAD filename [:verbose] [:print] [:if-does-not-exist] [:echo] [:compiling]),
; CLTL S. 426
(fmakunbound 'load)
(defun load (filename
&key (verbose *load-verbose*) (print *load-print*) (if-does-not-exist t)
(echo *load-echo*) (compiling nil))
(let ((stream
(if (streamp filename)
(or (open (setq filename (pathname filename))
:direction :input-immutable
:element-type 'string-char
:if-does-not-exist nil
; Datei mit genau diesem Namen nicht vorhanden.
; Suche unter den Dateien mit demselben Namen und den
; Extensions "LSP", "FAS" die neueste:
(let ((present-files
(search-file filename
(append *source-file-types* *compiled-file-types*)
)) )
(if (endp present-files)
(open (setq filename (first present-files))
:direction :input-immutable
:element-type 'string-char
)) ) ) ) ) )
(if stream
(let ((input-stream
(if echo
(make-echo-stream stream *standard-output*)
) )
; :verbose, :print und :echo wirken nicht rekursiv - dazu
; hat man ja gerade die Special-Variablen *load-verbose* etc.
;(*load-verbose* verbose)
;(*load-print* print)
;(*load-echo* echo)
(*load-pathname* (if (pathnamep filename) filename nil))
(*load-truename* (if (pathnamep filename) (truename filename) nil))
(*package* *package*) ; *PACKAGE* binden
(*readtable* *readtable*) ; *READTABLE* binden
(end-of-file "EOF")) ; einmaliges Objekt
(setq sys::*load-input-stream* input-stream)
(when verbose
DEUTSCH ";; Datei "
ENGLISH ";; Loading file "
FRANCAIS ";; Chargement du fichier "
(princ filename)
DEUTSCH " wird geladen..."
ENGLISH " ..."
) )
(block nil
(tagbody weiter
(when echo (fresh-line))
(let ((obj (read input-stream nil end-of-file)))
(when (eql obj end-of-file) (return-from nil))
(setq obj
(cond ((compiled-function-p obj) (funcall obj))
(compiling (funcall (compile-form obj nil nil nil nil nil)))
(t (eval obj))
) ) )
(when print (when obj (print (first obj))))
(go weiter)
(close stream) (close input-stream)
) )
(when verbose
DEUTSCH ";; Datei "
ENGLISH ";; Loading of file "
FRANCAIS ";; Le fichier "
(princ filename)
DEUTSCH " ist geladen."
ENGLISH " is finished."
FRANCAIS " est chargé."
) )
(if if-does-not-exist
(error-of-type 'file-error
:pathname filename
DEUTSCH "Eine Datei mit Namen ~A gibt es nicht."
ENGLISH "A file with name ~A does not exist"
FRANCAIS "Il n'existe pas de fichier de nom ~A."
) ) )
; vorläufig:
(sys::%putd 'defun
(cons 'sys::macro
(function defun
(lambda (form env)
(unless (and (consp (cdr form)) (consp (cddr form)))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Funktionsname und/oder Parameterliste fehlt"
ENGLISH "~S: missing function name and/or parameter list"
FRANCAIS "~S : Le nom de fonction et/ou la liste de paramètre manque"
) )
(let ((name (cadr form))
(lambdalist (caddr form))
(body (cdddr form)))
(unless (symbolp name)
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: ~S ist kein Symbol."
ENGLISH "~S: ~S is not a symbol."
FRANCAIS "~S : ~S n'est pas un symbole."
'defun name
) )
(when (special-form-p name)
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Spezialform ~S kann nicht umdefiniert werden."
ENGLISH "~S: special form ~S cannot be redefined."
FRANCAIS "~S : La forme spéciale ~S ne peut pas être redéfinie."
'defun name
) )
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations docstring)
(sys::parse-body body t env)
(declare (ignore docstring))
(SYS::%PUTD ',name
(LAMBDA ,lambdalist
(DECLARE (SYS::IN-DEFUN ,name) ,@declarations)
(BLOCK ,name ,@body-rest)
) ) )
(list 'progn
(list 'sys::%put (list 'quote name) ''sys::definition
(list 'cons (list 'quote form) '(the-environment))
(list 'sys::%putd (list 'quote name)
(list 'FUNCTION name
(list 'LAMBDA lambdalist
(list* 'DECLARE (list 'SYS::IN-DEFUN name) declarations)
(list* 'BLOCK name body-rest)
) ) )
(list 'quote name)
) ) ) )
) )
; vorläufige Definition des Macros DO :
(sys::%putd 'do
(cons 'sys::macro
(function do
(lambda (form env)
(let ((varclauselist (second form))
(exitclause (third form))
(body (cdddr form)))
(when (atom exitclause)
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "Exitclause in ~S muß Liste sein."
ENGLISH "exit clause in ~S must be a list"
FRANCAIS "La clause de sortie dans ~S doit être une liste."
) )
(let ((bindlist nil)
(reinitlist nil)
(bodytag (gensym))
(exittag (gensym)))
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations)
(sys::parse-body body nil env)
(block do
(tagbody 1
(when (atom varclauselist)
(return-from do
`(block nil
(let ,(nreverse bindlist)
(declare ,@declarations)
(go ,exittag)
(psetq ,@(nreverse reinitlist))
(or ,(first exitclause) (go ,bodytag))
(return-from nil (progn ,@(rest exitclause)))
) ) )
(list 'block 'nil
(list 'let (nreverse bindlist)
(cons 'declare declarations)
(list* 'tagbody
(list 'go exittag)
(append body-rest
(cons 'psetq (nreverse reinitlist))
(list 'or (first exitclause) (list 'go bodytag))
(list 'return-from 'nil
(cons 'progn (rest exitclause))
) ) ) ) ) )
) )
(let ( (varclause (first varclauselist)) )
(setq varclauselist (rest varclauselist))
(cond ( (atom varclause)
(setq bindlist
(cons varclause bindlist)) )
( (atom (cdr varclause))
(setq bindlist
(cons (first varclause) bindlist)) )
( (atom (cddr varclause))
(setq bindlist
(cons varclause bindlist)) )
( t (setq bindlist
(cons (list (first varclause)
(second varclause))
(setq reinitlist
(list* (third varclause)
(first varclause)
reinitlist)) )))
(go 1)
) ) ) ) ) ) )
) )
; vorläufige Definition des Macros DOTIMES :
(sys::%putd 'dotimes
(cons 'sys::macro
(function dotimes
(lambda (form env)
(let ((var (first (second form)))
(countform (second (second form)))
(resultform (third (second form)))
(body (cddr form)))
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations)
(sys::parse-body body nil env)
(let ((g (gensym)))
`(DO ((,var 0 (1+ ,var))
(,g ,countform))
((>= ,var ,g) ,resultform)
(declare ,@declarations)
(list* 'do (list (list var '0 (list '1+ var)) (list g countform))
(list (list '>= var g) resultform)
(cons 'declare declarations)
) ) ) ) )
) )
;; ab hier sind LOAD, DEFUN, DO, DOTIMES (eingeschränkt) funktionsfähig.
(LOAD "defseq") ;; Definitionen von Standard-Sequences
(LOAD "backquot") ;; Backquote-Readmacro
(sys::%putd 'sys::backquote
(cons 'sys::macro
(function sys::backquote
(lambda (form &optional env) (declare (ignore env)) (third form))
) ) )
;; ab hier ist Backquote funktionsfähig
(LOAD "defmacro")
;; ab hier ist FUNCTION (uneingeschränkt) funktionsfähig.
(sys::%putd 'defmacro
(cons 'sys::macro
(function defmacro
(lambda (form &optional env)
(declare (ignore env))
(multiple-value-bind (expansion name lambdalist docstring)
(sys::make-macro-expansion (cdr form))
(declare (ignore lambdalist))
`(LET ()
,@(if docstring
`((SYSTEM::%SET-DOCUMENTATION ',name 'FUNCTION ',docstring))
(SYSTEM::%PUTD ',name (CONS 'SYSTEM::MACRO ,expansion))
) )
) ) )
) )
(sys::%putd 'defun
(cons 'sys::macro
(function defun
(lambda (form env)
(if (atom (cdr form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Daraus kann keine Funktion definiert werden: ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: cannot define a function from that: ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : Pas de définition de fonction possible à partir de: ~S"
'defun (cdr form)
) )
(unless (function-name-p (cadr form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Der Name einer Funktion muß ein Symbol sein, nicht: ~S"
ENGLISH "~S: the name of a function must be a symbol, not ~S"
FRANCAIS "~S : Le nom d'une fonction doit être un symbole et non ~S"
'defun (cadr form)
) )
(if (atom (cddr form))
(error-of-type 'program-error
DEUTSCH "~S: Die Funktion ~S hat keine Lambdaliste."
ENGLISH "~S: function ~S is missing a lambda list"
FRANCAIS "~S : Il manque une liste lambda à la fonction ~S."
'defun (cadr form)
) )
(let ((name (cadr form))
(lambdalist (caddr form))
(body (cdddr form)))
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations docstring)
(sys::parse-body body t env)
(let ((symbolform
(if (atom name)
`(LOAD-TIME-VALUE (GET-SETF-SYMBOL ',(second name)))
) )
`(,lambdalist (DECLARE (SYS::IN-DEFUN ,name) ,@declarations)
(BLOCK ,(block-name name) ,@body-rest)
`(LET ()
,@(if (and compiler::*compiling*
(member name compiler::*inline-functions* :test #'eq)
(null compiler::*venv*)
(null compiler::*fenv*)
(null compiler::*benv*)
(null compiler::*genv*)
(eql compiler::*denv* *toplevel-denv*)
; Lambdabody für Inline-Compilation aufheben:
(COMPILER::C-DEFUN ',name ',lambdabody)
(SYSTEM::%PUT ,symbolform 'SYSTEM::INLINE-EXPANSION ',lambdabody)
,@(if docstring
`((SYSTEM::%SET-DOCUMENTATION ,symbolform 'FUNCTION ',docstring))
(SYSTEM::%PUTD ,symbolform
(FUNCTION ,name (LAMBDA ,@lambdabody))
) )
) ) ) ) )
) )
;; ab hier sind DEFMACRO und DEFUN funktionsfähig.
; (MACRO-EXPANDER . macrodef) [Macro]
; expandiert zum Macro-Expander als Programmtext (FUNCTION ... (LAMBDA ...)).
(defmacro MACRO-EXPANDER (&body macrodef)
(make-macro-expansion macrodef)
(LOAD "macros1") ;; Kontrollstrukturen - Macros
(LOAD "macros2") ;; weitere Macros
(LOAD "defs1") ;; Definitionen zu Symbolen, Zahlen, Characters, Zeit
#-(or UNIX WIN32-UNIX) (LOAD "timezone") ;; Definition der Zeitzone
(LOAD "places") ;; SETF-Places: Definitionen und Macros
;; ab hier ist SETF u.ä. funktionsfähig.
(LOAD "floatpri") ;; Ausgabe von Floating-Points
(LOAD "type") ;; TYPEP
(LOAD "defstruc") ;; DEFSTRUCT-Macro
(LOAD "format") ;; FORMAT
; Ein Stückchen "DO-WHAT-I-MEAN":
; Sucht ein Programm-File.
; Gesucht wird im aktuellen Directory und dann in den Directories
; aus *load-paths*.
; Ist eine Extension angegeben, so wird nur nach Files mit genau dieser
; Extension gesucht. Ist keine Extension angegeben, so wird nur nach Files
; mit einer Extension aus der gegebenen Liste gesucht.
; Man erhält alle Files aus dem ersten passenden Directory, als Pathnames,
; in einer Liste, nach fallendem FILE-WRITE-DATE sortiert, oder NIL.
(defun search-file (filename extensions
&aux (use-extensions (null (pathname-type filename))) )
(when use-extensions
(setq extensions ; Case-Konversionen auf den Extensions durchführen
(mapcar #'pathname-type extensions)
) )
; Defaults einmergen:
(setq filename (merge-pathnames filename '#".*"))
; Suchen:
(let ((already-searched nil))
(dolist (dir (cons '#""
; Wenn filename ".." enthält, zählt *load-paths* nicht
; (um Errors wegen ".../../foo" z.B. auf DOS zu vermeiden):
#+(or UNIX OS/2 WIN32-UNIX WIN32-DOS) ".."
(pathname-directory filename)
:test #'equal
(mapcar #'pathname *load-paths*)
) ) )
(let ((search-filename
(merge-pathnames (merge-pathnames filename dir))
(unless (member search-filename already-searched :test #'equal)
(let ((xpathnames (directory search-filename :full t :circle t)))
(when use-extensions
; nach passenden Extensions filtern:
(setq xpathnames
(delete-if-not ; hat xpathname eine der gegebenen Extensions?
#'(lambda (xpathname)
(member (pathname-type (first xpathname)) extensions
:test #-(or AMIGA OS/2 WIN32-UNIX WIN32-DOS) #'string=
#+(or AMIGA OS/2 WIN32-UNIX WIN32-DOS) #'string-equal
) )
) ) )
(when xpathnames
; nach Datum sortiert, zurückgeben:
(dolist (xpathname xpathnames)
(setf (rest xpathname)
(apply #'encode-universal-time (third xpathname))
) )
(return (mapcar #'first (sort xpathnames #'> :key #'rest)))
) )
(push search-filename already-searched)
) ) )
) )
(LOAD "user1") ;; User-Interface, Teil 1: Break-Loop, Stepper
(LOAD "user2") ;; User-Interface, Teil 2: Apropos, Describe, Dribble, Ed
(LOAD "trace") ;; User-Interface, Teil 3: TRACE
;(LOAD "macros3") ;; weitere Macros, optional
(LOAD "config") ;; Konfigurations-Parameter
(LOAD "compiler") ;; Compiler
(LOAD "disassem") ;; Disassembler
(LOAD "defs2") ;; CLtL2-Definitionen, optional
(LOAD "loop") ;; CLtL2/dpANS-LOOP, optional
(LOAD "clos") ;; CLOS, optional
(LOAD "conditio") ;; Conditions, optional
(LOAD "defs3") ;; CLtL2-Definitionen, optional
(LOAD "gstream") ;; generic streams, optional
#+FFI ; when (find-package "FFI")
(LOAD "foreign1") ;; foreign function interface, optional
(when (find-symbol "%LIBCALL" "SYS")
(LOAD "affi1") ;; einfaches FFI, optional
(when (or #+AMIGA t (find-package "SCREEN"))
(LOAD "screen") ;; Screen-Paket, optional
(when (find-package "STDWIN")
(LOAD "stdwin2") ;; STDWIN-Schnittstelle, optional
#+AMIGA (LOAD "rexx1") ;; Rexx-Schnittstelle, optional
(in-package "USER") ;; Default-Package aktuell machen