; OwnWords dictionary by Gega\nARexx host:OWNWORDS\nAuthor: Gáti Gergely\ngatig@dragon.klte.hu\nTranslated by Gega
AboutStr (//)
OwnWords dictionary by Gega\nARexx host:OWNWORDS\nAuthor: Gáti Gergely\ngatig@dragon.klte.hu\nTranslated by Gega
; Ok
OkStr (//)
; Cancel
CancelStr (//)
; Gega request
ReqTitle (//)
Gega request
; OwnWords dictionary system by Gega
CxTitle (//40)
OwnWords dictionary system by Gega
; Searches for words in a database
CxDescr (//40)
Searches for words in a database
; Cannot open window
NoWinStr (//)
Cannot open window
; Cannot open datafile
NoDatStr (//)
Cannot open datafile
; Cannot open font
NoFontStr (//)
Cannot open font
; Cannot specify database
NoDefdatStr (//)
Cannot specify database
; Cannot open libraries
NoLibsStr (//)
Cannot open libraries
; Cannot create ARexx host
NoRexxStr (//)
Cannot create ARexx host
; Are you sure?
SureStr (//)
Are you sure?
; Cannot open language files
NoLocStr (//)
Cannot open language files
; Registered to
RegStr (//)
\nRegistered to
; Unregistered copy
UnRegStr (//)
\nUnregistered copy
; Author
AuthorStr (//)
; Remark
RemarkStr (//)
; No Compression
NoCompStr (//)
No Compression
; Compressed
ComprStr (//)
; Select a database
SelDatStr (//)
Select a database
; UnReg notice
NoticeStr (//)
Sorry, this is an unregistered copy,\nand its limited in search range. You\ncan search only words what begins\n'A', 'K' and 'V' characters.\nPlease register now!\ngatig@dragon.klte.hu (Gega)