MULTIBOARDSUPPORT=Configuring the multi-screen support.
TITLE_MAIN=Installation of the ELSA graphics board drivers for Windows NTョ 4.0
CONTINUEANYWAY=Would you like to continue anyway?
PREPAREDISKSEND= empty floppy-disks.
REQUIRES_OSNT=This Programm requires Windows NT4.0 build 1381.
STR_IS_ERROR_UPDATEUNINSTSTRING=The setup could not update the uninstallation string.
SERVICEPACK_END= before installing the driver setup.\nYou should re-install the service pack if you \nhave installed software from the Windows NTゥ 4.0 CD subsequently.
PIIIUPDATENEEDED=You have a Pentium III processor, but no support by your operating system.\nWe highly recommend to install the Intel software to support this type of CPU.
SETTINGREGISTRY=Updating the registry...
STR_IS_ERROR_STORE_UNINSTALL_INFO=The installation for the service failed to create the uninstallation information.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
NON_ELSA_PRODUCT=You are using the ELSA Setup program to install a product from a different manufacturer. \nSetup will be ended.
STR_ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS=The service already exists.
SEARCHINGELSAHW=Searching for hardware ...
PIIIBUTNOSUPPORT=To use the enhanced capabilities of the optimized drivers, you have to install the \nsupport for the Pentium III processor from Intel for Windows NT.
TITLE_MAIN_COPY=Create the disks for the ELSA graphics board drivers for Windows NT...
STR_ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING=The service is already running and cannot be shut down.
DISKIMAGESREADY=The disk images have been created.
INSERTDISKEND=in the disk drive.
ERROR_INFFILE_NOT_FOUND=The inf file could not be found...
STR_IS_ERROR_INIT_VARS=Unable to initialize variables
PRODUCT_NAME16=ELSA display driver for Windows NT 4.0
SERVICEPACK_START=ELSA urgenty recommends you to install the
NOT_WINDOWS_NT4=You are not running Windows NT 4.0!! \nSetup aborts now!!!
STR_ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREAD=The service cannot be installed.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
PREPAREDISKSSTART=Please make sure that you have
STR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED=You have not been issued with the rights to install an NT Service.
STR_ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY=The service cannot be installed because of file dependencies.
INSTALLING_TOOLS=Installing utilities ...
INSERTDISKSTART=Please insert the disk
COPYINGFILES=Copying files...
REQUIRES_OSNTSP=This Programm requires Windows NT4.0 build 1381 and service pack 3.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
STR_ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE=Service was marked for delete. Please reboot first.
VIEWREADMEFILE=I wish to read the Readme.txt file.