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Text File  |  1995-01-25  |  115KB  |  1,603 lines

  1. 1COLFILE.ZIP    29625  10-25-93  COLFILE Freeware utility to randomly add ansi
  2.                                | colors to a file.
  3.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-05-93)
  4. 1COLTEST.ZIP    30491  07-06-93  Color Testing Routine-By Gnome Software.
  5.                                | Excellent Shareware Program That Allows You
  6.                                | to Visualize 256 Color Vga Pallettes. Good
  7.                                | Graphics Util!
  8.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-28-93)
  9. 1ST150.ZIP     125526  01-09-94  SCREEN Thief - Screen Capture System! SCREEN
  10.                                | Thief v1.50 is a screen capture program that
  11.                                | will capture the screens other programs
  12.                                | cannot reach! Captures directly to .GIF,
  13.                                | .PCX, .TIF or .BMP format, supports all VGA
  14.                                | modes, plus extended support for Trident,
  15.                                | Cirrus, Paradise and Oak cards in Super VGA
  16.                                | modes. Will even capture re-defined fonts in
  17.                                | text mode (such as those used by DOS 6).
  18.                                | Requires 286 or better with VGA display.
  19.                                | <ASP>
  20.                                | Uploaded by: Joe Siegler
  21.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-26-93)
  22. 256SCAN.ZIP     17742  04-03-93  Get Color From Your 256 Greyscale Scanner.
  23.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-23-93)
  24. 3DSDKB32.ZIP    72719  04-04-93  Converter 3dstudio-Dkb 2.10.
  25.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-16-91)
  26. 3DSPOV18.ZIP   131530  10-29-93  3DS2POV v1.8. Converts 3D Studio .3DS files
  27.                                | to POV-Ray 1.0/2.0, Vivid, or Polyray
  28.                                | raytracer formats. Supports animation. Now
  29.                                | converts basic material properties (colour,
  30.                                | ambient, diffuse, reflection, and
  31.                                | transparency).
  32.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-05-93)
  33. 3D_MATH.ZIP     11308  03-02-94  TXT - Math for 3D Rotations by Lithium /VLA
  34.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-10-94)
  35. A2R103.ZIP      17229  07-30-93  A2R v1.00 - Ansi to Rip conversion utility.
  36.                                | Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for use
  37.                                | with new RIP standard terminals. Fully
  38.                                | functional user supported software. $20.00
  39.                                | (US)
  40.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-22-93)
  41. ACOLOR60.ZIP    15288  01-07-94  Utility to add ANSI color to TXT files - SysO
  42.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-23-92)
  43. AIR202.ZIP     129662  11-28-93  --==AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip==--
  44.                                | Wrap your BBS system messages in great
  45.                                | looking RIP window frames. Two command
  46.                                | line modes, and an interactive mode.
  47.                                | Configurable Sysop message in frame, 10
  48.                                | pre-drawn frames available.
  49.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-17-93)
  50. ALCH162.ZIP    457122  05-07-93  L*Image Alchemy v1.62: Convert images between
  51.                                | most popular formats, including its own JPEG 
  52.                                | format (highly compressed w/speed trade-off).
  53.                                | Limited to 640x480 image size.
  54.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 01-27-93)
  55. ALLCOLOR.ZIP    48891  04-19-93  Read in and display colors in POV's          
  56.                                | COLORS.INC. 
  57. ALPHAINC.ZIP     3934  04-17-93  POV raytracer include file with alphabet     
  58.                                | composites. 
  59. AM2020.ZIP     333530  11-10-93  ╔╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage Version 2.0! ╔╗╔╗╔╗
  60.                                | ╝╚╝╚╝╚═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧═╝╚╝╚╝╚
  61.                                | Professional graphical messages. Has 5
  62.                                | fonts, optional password protection, a
  63.                                | QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes.
  64.                                | Registered version has 10 fonts, a GIF
  65.                                | and PCX intermission viewer, a text to
  66.                                | message converter, DOS message player,
  67.                                | background music.  Very nice software!
  68.                                | A Shareware Express President's Pick!!
  69.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-26-93)
  70. AM2032.ZIP     313487  11-17-93  ╔╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage 2.0 32Column ╔╗╔╗╔╗
  71.                                | ╝╚╝╚╝╚═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╝╚╝╚╝╚
  72.                                | 32-Column Version of AutoMessage 2.0!!
  73.                                | Professional graphical messages. Has 4
  74.                                | fonts, optional password protection, a
  75.                                | QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes.
  76.                                | Registered version lets you show GIF &
  77.                                | PCX files, has background music, a DOS
  78.                                | message player, text to message maker.
  79.                                | A Shareware Express President's Pick!!
  80.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-26-93)
  81. ANALYS40.ZIP    60691  04-21-93  Does FFTS, Wavelets, Coherence, Filter,      
  82.                                | Graphs, etc.                                 
  83. ANIMAG.ZIP     138494  11-15-93  Animagic. An animation work bench. very good!
  84.                                | Uploaded by: Calvin Cook
  85.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-26-93)
  86. ANIPPR31.ZIP  1252391  12-12-94  AniPaint Pro 3.1 Paint and Animate 150+ tools
  87.                                | 256 colors.Requires minimum 286 with VGA or S
  88.                                | from 320x200 to 2048x1024. Make animated movi
  89.                                | etc. Complete Documentation and Demos. Bitmap
  90.                                | Clip Art and Objects. Font editor, Font Captu
  91.                                | Cut & Paste palettes, Undo/Redo with Autosave
  92.                                | Lines, Screen Saver. Disk Search, Cybrfind in
  93.                                | Utility, Automatically Catalogue Images/Fonts
  94.                                | Complete photo editing with greyscale. Import
  95.                                | Dither, Half tone, 4.5 meg unzipped. A verita
  96.                                | graphic gizmos too plentiful to mention. Unbe
  97.                                | New tools, new palette mapping of clips, and
  98.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-30-94)
  99. ANMAG1.ZIP     154866  01-20-94  Animagic 01. Upddated version of animagic,
  100.                                | .fli maker. Provides options for background,
  101.                                | import pcx images, speed settings, palette
  102.                                | editing, draw frame by frame freestyle
  103.                                | w/tools. Also allows for editing of existing
  104.                                | fli animations.
  105.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-29-93)
  106. ANSI2REN.ZIP     9015  01-27-94  ------Ansi2Ren V1.0-------
  107.                                | By: Benjamin J. Ciaccio
  108.                                | The best darn little ansi
  109.                                | to pipe converter that  
  110.                                | you'll ever see! Fast too!
  111.                                | --------------------------
  112.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-22-93)
  113. ANSICONV.ZIP   138789  08-20-94  Converts PCX to Ansi
  114.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-94)
  115. ANSICV30.ZIP    75664  01-08-93  GIF -> Ansi V3.0.
  116.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-27-91)
  117. ANSIREZ.ZIP    102114  04-25-93  ANSIrez 1.0 - Converts GIFS to ANSI
  118.                                | code.  Image processing allows you
  119.                                | to boost, scale, filter and paint
  120.                                | before converting to ANSI.  VGA and
  121.                                | MOUSE required.  By Fred Bertagnolli
  122.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-23-93)
  123. AOMAC2PC.ZIP     6792  06-28-93  Converts Mac Graphics To Ibm Pc Format.
  124.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-92)
  125. APLRMUV2.ZIP    10205  09-03-93  New Version! Fixes Gif With Bad Headers.
  126.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-08-93)
  127. ARDOTPX1.ZIP   596947  11-14-93  AT LAST! Random dot images for the PC! Random
  128.                                | dot images are apparently meaningless dots
  129.                                | jumbled together but look at them a certain
  130.                                | way and a 3D picture emerges! This file
  131.                                | contains 5 images, each in the PCX format.
  132.                                | Load them on a drawing program. Print them on
  133.                                | a B/W or color printer. Random dot ges make
  134.                                | great screen savers and anything else your
  135.                                | imagination can think of.
  136.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-02-93)
  137. ASCGIF20.ZIP    31563  06-01-93  Asc II to GIF Converter V2.0
  138.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-04-93)
  139. ASG11.ZIP      219766  06-14-94  ASG v1.1 Auto Stereogram Generator - makes
  140.                                | stereograms from grayscale images.
  141.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-23-94)
  142. ATEXT.ZIP        2407  05-29-93  Lisp Program From Autodesk to Place Text on
  143.                                | an ARC. Free to Use or Modify.
  144.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-01-92)
  145. ATMM11.ZIP      68292  06-22-93  ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
  146.                                | │ AVOCATION TECHNOLOGIES  Copr.1993 │
  147.                                | ├┬─────────────────────────────────┬┤
  148.                                | ││  Mandelbrot Microscope ver.1.1  ││
  149.                                | ││ MCGA/VGA/SVGA 256 color graphic ││
  150.                                | ││ walk through the mandelbrot set.││
  151.                                | ││ Makes a great screen saver too! ││
  152.                                | ││ VESA support up to 1280x1024x256││
  153.                                | ││ from 320x200x256. Optional full ││
  154.                                | ││ screen display modes and faster!││
  155.                                | └┴─────────────────────────────────┴┘
  156.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-27-93)
  157. AXS_VS03.ZIP    18568  01-01-94  V)iewer(S)hell. Shell for GIF,DL,GL,RIP,etc
  158.                                | viewers. No a viewer itself, but a neat menu
  159.                                | system. By Douglas A Wiken AXS Software.
  160.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-20-93)
  161. BRAPE.ZIP      236557  05-12-94  ByteRaper 2000 v4.0 With ByteRaper you can
  162.                                | rip the Graphics and Modules from your
  163.                                | favourite demos! Works with demos like Hex
  164.                                | Appeal, Panic, Unreal and LOTS more! Edit the
  165.                                | fonts and grafix in demos and games! Cheat
  166.                                | with money and lives in your favourite games!
  167.                                | Download NOW!!!
  168.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-31-94)
  169. CADCAM.ZIP     170637  06-28-93  CNC-CAD-CAM package is a CNC program/utility/
  170.                                | organizer w/graphic oriented programming,
  171.                                | printout graphics, X Y mirror, XY change,
  172.                                | zoom in or out, transfer programs to and from
  173.                                | your CNC and computer, identify your program
  174.                                | files; full screen editor w/cut and paste,
  175.                                | search; req VGA/mouse; 06/04/93; Brian
  176.                                | Pfaffl/ Northland Multisoft.
  177.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-04-93)
  178. CAPTUR13.ZIP     3372  09-12-93  Tsr To Save An 80x25 Screen To A File In Asc
  179.                                | Or Binary Format. Useful When Used With
  180.                                | Thedraw. By Celso Minnitti.
  181.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-14-93)
  182. CARDONE.ZIP    262373  05-11-94  CARD Monitor Alignment and Test program -
  183.                                | Checks all the video modes and colours on
  184.                                | your graphics adapter. Highlights problems
  185.                                | with monitor convergence, focus, linearity,
  186.                                | picture position and size. Complete with
  187.                                | instructions for correcting most problems.
  188.                                | Registration A$25 or US$22 incl shipping.
  189.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-94)
  190. CATEYFIX.ZIP     2872  06-03-93  Text file with instructions on how to fix a
  191.                                | Cateye Vectra cycle 'puter and the mount.
  192.                                | Some high-bit graphic characters (Wordstar
  193.                                | file?)
  194.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-11-89)
  195. CDR2.ZIP       267206  09-10-93  COMPUTER DARKROOM II v2.00\-Reduce the cost
  196.                                | of photographic printing. Make one test print
  197.                                | only. COMPUTER DARKROOM will calculate the
  198.                                | new exposure time for changes in f-stop,
  199.                                | magnification, paper type, contrast grade or
  200.                                | filters, exposure factor, and color
  201.                                | correcting filters. Balck & white negatives,
  202.                                | color negatives, and color slides. Easy to
  203.                                | use interface, mouse support, creates a
  204.                                | database, large database of paper types.
  205.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-26-93)
  206. CGFFACQ.ZIP     20244  04-03-93  Computer Graphics Frequent Flier Answers to
  207.                                | Common Questions - Attempts to be the
  208.                                | Answers to Frequent Computer Graphics
  209.                                | Questions to End All Frequent Questions
  210.                                | Lists, No Referring to Other Sources in
  211.                                | This One.
  212.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-93)
  213. CHIARO10.ZIP   127836  04-05-93  The Chiaro Suite: a Group of Image Analysis
  214.                                | Programs Supporting GIF, Img, Jfif, PCX,
  215.                                | Pbm/Pgm/Ppm, Sunraster, Targa, Xbm, and Bmp
  216.                                | Files. Chils: Produces Quick Listing of Files
  217.                                | of All Formats Above; Image Size, Colors, Etc
  218.                                | GIFcheck: Completely Verifies GIFs. if a File
  219.                                | Passes GIFcheck, It's Viewable. GIFstrip:
  220.                                | Removes Trailing Junk Characters From GIFs.
  221.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-18-93)
  222. CLSPGRAM.ZIP   308339  03-28-94  PROPAGRAMS v1.0 by Cedar Lake Software You've
  223.                                | seen them in the malls! Now create them on
  224.                                | your PC. Make your own custom 3D illusions
  225.                                | from any PCX or RAW graphics file. Makes
  226.                                | incredible windows backgrounds. REGISTRATION
  227.                                | $25
  228.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-94)
  229. CMORPH20.ZIP   484416  12-05-93  The Complete Morph Version 2.00
  230.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-16-93)
  231. CMPEG10.ZIP     28161  07-11-93  CMPEG converts a series of images into an
  232.                                | MPEG sequence. MPEG is a compressed
  233.                                | (typically by a factor of 30 to 60)
  234.                                | standardized storage format for video. The
  235.                                | files compressed by CMPEG can be played by
  236.                                | several publicly available MPEG decoders (see
  237.                                | Appendix A).
  238.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-28-93)
  239. COLORMX.ZIP     45182  11-20-93  RGB ColorMixer v1.0. Takes the guesswork out
  240.                                | of using the red, green, and blue arguments
  241.                                | of the setrgbpalette function.
  242.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-08-93)
  243. CONAST12.ZIP   603583  01-08-94  Conversion Assistant v1.2; image converters.
  244.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-08-94)
  245. CONDOR41.ZIP    40751  12-04-93  Condor - controls escape sequences for use
  246.                                | with the ansi graphics program, Condor 4.0.
  247.                                | This is for online services that filter out
  248.                                | the escape character, thus allowing you to
  249.                                | place your graphics created by Condor on BBS
  250.                                | systems.
  251.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-18-93)
  252. CONVPCD.ZIP     26551  10-23-94  CONVPCD v1.0 converst binary PCD and PCQ
  253.                                | files created by Pfaff's PC-Designer v3.0 to
  254.                                | the text files used by earlier versions of
  255.                                | the program. Copyrighted, but free to use,
  256.                                | ConvPCD is a product of Roger Smith Software.
  257.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-94)
  258. COPOS.ZIP       74673  02-22-94  * * * * * * * * 'Copos v1.5 * * * * * * * *
  259.                                | ... * * * * * * * * ... RMN * * META-SE NOS
  260.                                | COPOS * * RMN ~~~ * * * * * * * * ~~~ * * * *
  261.                                | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  262.                                | SuperVGA SuperVGA! 3-D Phong-rendering! * *
  263.                                | Imagem digitalizada! 640x480x256! Nível * *
  264.                                | de dificuldade regulável! 3-D Animation * *
  265.                                | Jogo de reflexos original! Divertimento * *
  266.                                | garantido! For everyone around ! * *
  267.                                | Absolutely FREE FREE!! Fat free !!Free * * of
  268.                                | diseases !!!!!! Absolutely NEW NEW!! * * Take
  269.                                | now and give it to your friends!!! * * It is
  270.                                | only 70 K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *RMN* * * ~~~ *
  271.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-21-93)
  272. CPCSCAN.ZIP     21012  01-08-93  Updated Driver for Completepc Pagescanner
  273.                                | Dated.
  274.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-05-92)
  275. CS0028_1.ZIP  1333742  01-08-93  Official Csd Cs000028 for IBM C Set/2 1.0.
  276.                                | Disk 1 of 2.
  277.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-30-92)
  278. CS0028_2.ZIP  1377085  01-08-93  Official Csd Cs000028 for IBM C Set/2 1.0.
  279.                                | Disk 2 of 2.
  280.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-30-92)
  281. DATAVU.ZIP     291430  11-04-93  DataVu 1.0 is a menu driven, 2D/3D plotting
  282.                                | program, developed by Olympic Software. It
  283.                                | reads, manipulates, plots, and prints
  284.                                | properly formatted ASCII data files under DOS
  285.                                | on IBM or compatible PCs. Its many plotting
  286.                                | options and features support many graphics
  287.                                | standards and printers.
  288.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-25-93)
  289. DAZ50J.ZIP     142472  04-25-93  *************** DAZZLE 5.0j  ***************
  290.                                | Dazzle v5.0j from WorldWide Microtronics.
  291.                                | Type Dazzle -Z for self-extracting .DOC
  292.                                | files. Latest update of the most talked
  293.                                | about screen graphics program ever written.
  294.                                | Shareware 2-93
  295.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-09-93)
  296. DBVGA10B.ZIP    36399  04-25-93  DBVGA Version 1.0b DBVGA like DAZZLE but 
  297.                                | brighter color, very good VGA demo. Good for 
  298.                                | store VGA card demo. This is freeware you can
  299.                                | add them to your program as a screen saver.  
  300.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-19-93)
  301. DBVGA_10.ZIP    38370  04-25-93  DBVGA Version 1.0 A program just like DAZZLE 
  302.                                | but have a brighter color, very good 256     
  303.                                | color writen under Quick BASIC 4.5 (Only .EXE
  304.                                | file). 
  305.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-14-93)
  306. DDMC100.ZIP      9376  09-26-93  Doug Deep's MegaNum Converter. RIPscrip
  307.                                | designers will find this handy when trying to
  308.                                | deal with the base-36 numbers ("MegaNums")
  309.                                | that the RIPscrip format uses. Especially
  310.                                | useful when dealing with the 4-digit base-36
  311.                                | bitmapped flag value in the Button Style
  312.                                | command. Converts from/to base 2, 10, 16, 36.
  313.                                | Version 1.00 Free software.
  314.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-08-93)
  315. DIGI138.ZIP     95527  06-28-93  Digitize V1.38: Import Scanned X, Y Plots
  316.                                | Export Text.
  317.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-01-93)
  318. DISP135.ZIP    264577  06-01-93  Display V1.35: Program That Lets You Read,
  319.                                | Write and Display Images W/Different Formats,
  320.                                | Lets You do Some Special Effects (Rotation,
  321.                                | Dithering, Etc.) on the Images, Lets You
  322.                                | Convert Images Among Different Formats;
  323.                                | Includes Simple File Mgmt System.
  324.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-23-93)
  325. DMAKE100.ZIP   153298  05-06-93  DEMOMAKER v1.00  Creates demos & slide shows.
  326.                                | for any DOS [text] program.  Software authors
  327.                                | can  create  graphic  presentations of  their
  328.                                | software!  BBS Sysops can create  slide shows
  329.                                | to demonstrate the features on their systems!
  330.                                | Released  as   fully  functional   shareware!
  331.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-09-93)
  332. DMAKE110.ZIP    29246  05-10-93  DEMOMAKER v1.10 Update patch for DMAKE100.ZIP
  333.                                | This patch will update DemoMaker v1.00 to the
  334.                                | new version. Minor bug fix release to correct
  335.                                | the display  of certain  ASCII control codes.
  336.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-23-93)
  337. DMORF10.ZIP    174957  04-15-93  Dmorf 1.0, This is the Release of the First
  338.                                | Shareware Morphing Program on the PC. With
  339.                                | a Great Gui and Many Possibilities as it
  340.                                | Works in Protected Mode.
  341.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-08-93)
  342. DMORF11.ZIP    273781  07-27-93  Dave Mason's Morphing. Tga's -.FLI/.flc.
  343.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-12-93)
  344. DMORF112.ZIP   276560  10-05-93  Morfing program for pcx files.
  345.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-09-93)
  346. DMORF_1.ZIP    623535  04-30-93  DMORF, for Dave's Morph, as in MetaMORPHosis 
  347.                                | is the process by one image smoothly melds   
  348.                                | into another image. The same process is used 
  349.                                | in movies. By Dave K. Mason in Boston, MA.   
  350.                                | 25.
  351.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-15-93)
  352. DMPEG10.ZIP     31825  05-13-93  Public Domain MPEG decoder (Untested)
  353.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-14-93)
  354. DOUGHNT.ZIP     21583  09-10-93  This file contains .dwg and .dxf files of the
  355.                                | DOUGHNT.GIF file; you can load the .dwg into
  356.                                | acad 12 and render at your own choice of
  357.                                | angles.
  358.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-23-93)
  359. DPAIN11.ZIP    101525  07-03-93  Dead Paint v.1.1 - Paint program for making
  360.                                | RIP graphics file *Freeware*
  361.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-14-93)
  362. DTA208.ZIP     164813  11-21-93  Dave's TGA Animation Program v2.0.8: Convert
  363.                                | TGA, GIF, IMG, or PCX image file sets to .FLI
  364.                                | animation sequences. Also performs
  365.                                | post-processing on image files.
  366.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-23-93)
  367. DWK12.ZIP       69823  02-11-94  Demo Workshop v1.2X - Demo/Tutorial Maker.
  368.                                | Create standalone presentations using actual
  369.                                | screens recorded (in motion) from DOS
  370.                                | programs. Edit the recording with the DW
  371.                                | presentation editor like editing a movie. Cut
  372.                                | and resequence scenes, add pop-up menus &
  373.                                | text windows. Special effects too! No
  374.                                | programming required. Creates .EXE file as
  375.                                | output. Memory limitations of v1.1 removed.
  376.                                | ASP Shareware from P2 Enterprises.
  377.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-19-94)
  378. DYEWRK12.ZIP    35751  11-05-93  Dyeworks v1.2: batch-driven pgm that reduces
  379.                                | true color bitmaps to VGA-suited 256 colors
  380.                                | or to any given number of colors; shrinks
  381.                                | pictures w/anti-aliasing; reads/writes PCX,
  382.                                | Targa and DKBTrace (POV-Ray) dump format and
  383.                                | more; 10/10/93; Stefan Reich.
  384.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-10-93)
  385. EPSF20A.ZIP     20702  06-18-93  EPSF v2.0A: utility program to manipulate EPS
  386.                                | files w/binary header; extract TIFF/EPS ASCII
  387.                                | sections, show info, build binary header etc;
  388.                                | 05/28/93; Michele Mottini/TERA S.r.l.
  389.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-93)
  390. EXPORT.ZIP      35534  03-10-93  Util to Export Print Shop Deluxe Grfx.
  391.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-07-92)
  392. EZSHOW14.ZIP    61376  04-17-93  EZ-Show v1.4: helps you create professional  
  393.                                | desktop presentations, slide shows, or       
  394.                                | product demos w/out using scripts; utilizes  
  395.                                | point & shoot menus, mouse support, & builtin
  396.                                | help; w/picture fades, individual picture    
  397.                                | delays, user flow control, branching,        
  398.                                | background processing, EGA palette editor &  
  399.                                | more (RSE Inc.)
  400. FAQ00081.ZIP    23762  04-07-93  Jpeg Image Compression: Frequently Asked
  401.                                | Questions ( ).
  402.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-29-93)
  403. FAQ00204.ZIP     6109  04-19-93  Comp.Graphics.OpenglFrequently Frequently Ask
  404.                                | Questions (Faq) [1/1] ( ). 
  405. FAV1_3.ZIP     217867  04-09-93  Faceoff Ver 1.3- Shareware.
  406.                                | This Program Uses Digitized Images of Faces
  407.                                | to Create Some Very Interesting Pictures.
  408.                                | the Faces are Divided Into Three Segments.
  409.                                | You Click on the Buttons to Mix-N-Match the
  410.                                | Faces. Vga and Mouse Required.
  411.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-93)
  412. FGL101B.ZIP     33442  12-09-94  FINDGIFL version 1.01 BETA 6/14/93. This
  413.                                | program will search all GIF files in the
  414.                                | current directory and output a list of those
  415.                                | that have been altered by GIFLITE.
  416.                                | Optionally, affected files may be renamed
  417.                                | with a .GFL extension. The list may also be
  418.                                | directed to the system printer.
  419.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-14-93)
  420. FIMAPS.ZIP     206040  11-11-93  Fimaps 1.0, creates smooth color maps for use
  421.                                | with Fractint fractal program: user selects
  422.                                | no. Of colors and program picks that many
  423.                                | random colors and blends them, also does
  424.                                | 'neon' effects, and displays GIFs with map.
  425.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-30-93)
  426. FIXIM2_3.ZIP    35971  11-29-94  Ever get a JPG or GIF image file from a
  427.                                | Macintosh BBS to find Cshow or any other IBM
  428.                                | viewer won't reconize it? Run this on it, it
  429.                                | will fix it up!
  430.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-04-94)
  431. FLI2GIF.ZIP     17201  06-18-93  Converts from FLI to GIF.
  432.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-12-92)
  433. FLIPRGB.ZIP    214761  06-07-94  Rgb channel seperation special effects.
  434.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-07-94)
  435. FONTPK20.ZIP    27162  12-09-93  ┌─────[ by The Phixxx ]───────┐
  436.                                | │  █▀▀ ▄▀▀▀ █▀▀▄ ▀█▀ ▀▄ ▄▀▀▀  │
  437.                                | │  █▀  █ ▀█ █▀▀▄  █      ▀▀▄  │
  438.                                | │  ▀▀▀  ▀▀  ▀▀▀   ▀     ▀▀▀   │
  439.                                | │ Font Pack v2.0 for The Draw │
  440.                                | └───[ a must for SysOps ]─────┘
  441.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-16-93)
  442. FRACTALS.ZIP     5104  12-06-94  By schwartz Fractals is my contribution to
  443.                                | the Assembly '94 4kb intro competition.
  444.                                | Fractals will only run on a 386 or greater,
  445.                                | however it requires under 200kb of base
  446.                                | memory memory. VGA is also required.
  447.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-06-94)
  448. FRACTL18.ZIP    43342  08-03-93  Madelbrot Fractal Maker.
  449.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-25-93)
  450. FRACXTR2.ZIP   308758  02-10-93  Fracxtra V2: Fractint Extras Collection
  451.                                | a Huge Collection of .Map, .Par, .Frm,
  452.                                | .Ifs, .L, .Key, and .Bat Files, as Well
  453.                                | as Some Small External Programs for
  454.                                | Fractint V17+ Fractal Generation Program.
  455.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-27-93)
  456. FRAINT18.ZIP   480700  06-06-93  Fractint Version 18.0 - New Release of the
  457.                                | Best of the Fractal Generation Programs.
  458.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-24-93)
  459. FRGEN14.ZIP     68779  10-29-93  FRGEN v1.4. Generates fractal landscapes and
  460.                                | other shapes using successive triangle
  461.                                | sub-division. The fractal data can be output
  462.                                | as POV-Ray 1.0/2.0 or Vivid scene files or as
  463.                                | RAW triangle data.
  464.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-93)
  465. GALLER15.ZIP   224295  08-11-93  Galleria 1.5 - image utility, screen capture.
  466.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-12-93)
  467. GCATWP3A.ZIP   108959  01-08-94  Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.0A/DOS <ASP>
  468.                                | Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0
  469.                                | and 5.1/DOS (6/90 or newer.) Reads all
  470.                                | graphics formats supported by WordPerfect,
  471.                                | and sets up images in columns as a printed
  472.                                | index. User may select number of columns,
  473.                                | image height, page title, DOS file masks, and
  474.                                | directory to search. Also creates filename
  475.                                | indexes for creating a database of file
  476.                                | information. A SciTrans Product.
  477.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-26-93)
  478. GIF2TXT.ZIP      7713  02-11-94  Converts GIF to ascii text characters,
  479.                                | suitable for being sent to a line printer.
  480.                                | Requires PLAB191.ZIP (PICLAB) to work.
  481.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-21-91)
  482. GIF87A.ZIP      10760  09-20-93  All Abou Gif File Format.
  483.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-11-92)
  484. GIFCLP15.ZIP    34308  06-28-93  ╓──────────────────────────────╖
  485.                                | ║    G I F C L I P  V 1.5      ║
  486.                                | ║                              ║
  487.                                | ║ Clip/crop GIFs. Crop borders ║ 
  488.                                | ║ from GIFs, and keep only the ║
  489.                                | ║ part you want.  Add text, or ║
  490.                                | ║ your own GIF logo, too. VGA  ║
  491.                                | ║ or SVGA graphics and mouse   ║
  492.                                | ║ required.  From Synergrafix  ║
  493.                                | ║ Consulting.                  ║
  494.                                | ╙──────────────────────────────╜
  495.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-06-93)
  496. GIFCOM10.ZIP    20663  03-14-94  GIFCOM v1.00 Unregistered. This program adds
  497.                                | a text file (or any other file) on to the end
  498.                                | of a GIF picture file. You will need a
  499.                                | picture viewer that can display version 89
  500.                                | GIF pictures. Good for sysops who want to
  501.                                | show which BBS the picture has passed
  502.                                | through.
  503.                                | Uploaded by: Gary Sears
  504.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-23-94)
  505. GIFDOCS.ZIP     10531  02-18-93  Tech Doc on the GIF File Format.
  506.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-92)
  507. GIFEXE44.ZIP    40350  04-02-94  G I F E X E V. 4.4 Convert GIF's to self-
  508.                                | displaying EXE files. Great for demos, title
  509.                                | screens or advertising. Display slide- shows
  510.                                | with fades, dissolves and other special
  511.                                | effects. Full VGA/SVGA support. From
  512.                                | Synergrafix Consulting.
  513.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-94)
  514. GIFFER.ZIP       9299  09-26-94  GIFFER tests gif files for resolution, and
  515.                                | passes or fails them with exit errorlevels.
  516.                                | Perfect program for Gif Resolution Test
  517.                                | commandlines or use at DOS to view GIF specs.
  518.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-18-94)
  519. GIFGAT21.ZIP    55096  09-02-94  GIFGate is a High Speed GIF picture tester.
  520.                                | Designed primarily for BBS upload testing,
  521.                                | GIFGate can also be used offline to test GIFs
  522.                                | individually or subdirectories at a time!
  523.                                | Many options! Version 2 now features indepth
  524.                                | integrity checking of GIFs as well as all the
  525.                                | original great options. A must for serious
  526.                                | GIF testing! Shareware!
  527.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-29-94)
  528. GIFMAN.ZIP      34704  08-24-93  GIFMAN v1.0 - a program to maintain text
  529.                                | descriptions of your GIF files. Includes a
  530.                                | viewer, but can be modified to use your own
  531.                                | favorite viewer.
  532.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-93)
  533. GIFPRT42.ZIP    43963  01-03-93  Printable GIF's With This Files.
  534.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-18-92)
  535. GIFRES10.ZIP     4924  05-08-93  GIF RESolution utility v1.00  !FREEWARE!
  536.                                | Tests  GIF image  resolution and returns
  537.                                | ERRORLEVELs  useful for batch operation.
  538.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-04-93)
  539. GIFSP10.ZIP      8324  02-10-94  GIFspec v1.0 - Creates output file lists of
  540.                                | GIFs and their dimensions.
  541.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-06-94)
  542. GIFSZE15.ZIP    45301  07-14-93  ╓────────────────────────────╖
  543.                                | ║    G I F S I Z E  V 1.5    ║
  544.                                | ║                            ║
  545.                                | ║ Resize GIFs Produce zooms, ║
  546.                                | ║ or icons from your GIFs.   ║
  547.                                | ║ Use the mouse to specify   ║
  548.                                | ║ areas.  Requires mouse, VGA║
  549.                                | ║ or SVGA graphics.  From    ║
  550.                                | ║ Synergrafix Consulting.    ║
  551.                                | ╙────────────────────────────╜
  552.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-12-93)
  553. GIFTOOLS.ZIP   129051  08-24-93  A collection of tools to Strip, Crop, and
  554.                                | Edit GIF files.
  555.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-06-93)
  556. GIFTRANS.ZIP    45185  10-29-94  Convert any GIF into a GIF89a image.
  557.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-94)
  558. GIFUTL.ZIP      34403  01-29-94  GIF 89a util to add, view, or remove
  559.                                | comments.
  560.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-14-93)
  561. GIFV410.ZIP    333703  02-21-93  GIF,bmp,pcx,pic View, Catalog, Print, Image
  562.                                | Processor and Games. Better Than Vpic/Cshow
  563.                                | Combined. Sets New Standard in Image Viewers
  564.                                | Full Mouse Support. Features: Load Images
  565.                                | Fast, Powerful Script Language, Add Text to
  566.                                | Images. Best Image Printer Around. Crop,flip
  567.                                | Enlarge, Shrink, Rotate, Image Editing +more
  568.                                | Uses Disk Space, Ems or Xms Memory. You Can
  569.                                | Move, Copy, Delete, Rename Files and More...
  570.                                | Easy Windows 3.X Installation!
  571.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-13-93)
  572. GIFWRP15.ZIP    49165  07-14-93  ╓────────────────────────────────╖
  573.                                | ║      G I F W A R P  V 1.5      ║
  574.                                | ║                                ║
  575.                                | ║ Warp/bend/stretch GIFs for     ║ 
  576.                                | ║ interesting or bizarre effects ║
  577.                                | ║ Use the mouse to warp the image║
  578.                                | ║ and then resave. VGA or SVGA   ║
  579.                                | ║ graphics and mouse required.   ║
  580.                                | ║ From Synergrafix Consulting.   ║
  581.                                | ╙────────────────────────────────╜
  582.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-12-93)
  583. GIFXTS51.ZIP   347438  09-26-94  GIF to Xstitch Pattern Converter v5.10
  584.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-21-94)
  585. GN93_01.ZIP    111871  01-05-93  * GIF News * January/February 1993 * Issue
  586.                                | #23 -- in This Issue: Nintendo Threatens PC
  587.                                | Board SysOps, Us Robotics Lowers Some Modem
  588.                                | Prices, Review of the Wordup Graphics
  589.                                | Toolkit, Sound Card News on the New Aria
  590.                                | Wavetable Board, and a Review of Lemmings
  591.                                | 2: the Tribes. -- Get This Issue!
  592.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-02-93)
  593. GRAB415.ZIP     10519  02-11-93  Grab4 V1.5: Pop Down Anytime TSR/Screen
  594.                                | Management Program That Will Save Screen to
  595.                                | Memory, Save as a Com/Grb File, Recall
  596.                                | Screen, W/Optional Pause, Load a Grab4
  597.                                | Com/Grb File, Screen Dump to Printer,
  598.                                | Edit/Create/Append.
  599.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-31-93)
  600. GRABB397.ZIP   387731  06-11-94  GRABBER(tm) V3.97 - The Original Screen
  601.                                | Capture Programs for MS-DOS. Convenient!
  602.                                | Capture *any* text or graphics screen up to
  603.                                | 1280 x 1024 x 256. Captures directly to .PCX,
  604.                                | self-viewing .EXE, or plain ASCII file
  605.                                | formats. Many options. Compatible with MGA,
  606.                                | CGA, EGA, VGA, 8514/A, VESA, & most Super-VGA
  607.                                | video cards, and with all CPUs from 8086 up
  608.                                | to 80486 and Pentium. GIF & ANSI conversion,
  609.                                | text editing tools. Shareware, $29 or $59.
  610.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-14-94)
  611. GRAFIX34.ZIP    33170  06-12-94  Graffix v3.4 includes screen-capture programs
  612.                                | for Windows and DOS. 16-color, 256-color, and
  613.                                | 24-bit true-color modes supported. Save
  614.                                | screen directly to GIF, BMP or PCX file, or
  615.                                | text screen to ASCII file. Shareware $40.
  616.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-94)
  617. GRAFWK11.ZIP   177345  12-20-93  This is an excellent gif,tiff,pcx file
  618.                                | conversion utility and viewer.
  619.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-20-93)
  620. GRAFX100.ZIP    11787  07-28-93  GRAFFIX is a memory-resident utility that
  621.                                | captures 16- and 256-color EGA, VGA, and SVGA
  622.                                | graphics screens directly to GIF or PCX
  623.                                | files. Text-mode screens can be captured as
  624.                                | ASCII files. GRAFFIX can be activated from
  625.                                | within a DOS application by pressing the
  626.                                | "hot-key" combination CTRL-ALT-SPACE.
  627.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-12-93)
  628. GRAPH40_.ZIP   115945  12-14-93  ▒▓█ GRAPHIT! 4.01 Great graphing program █▓▒
  629.                                | FREE*BUT*WARE « Graphs six trigonometric
  630.                                | functions including but not limited to
  631.                                | COSINE, SINE, TANGENT, SECANT, COSECANT,
  632.                                | COTANGENT. Accepts input for period and
  633.                                | amplitude and shift. Now accepts MOUSE, & PI
  634.                                | values as well as sound. You can also specify
  635.                                | Y axis range. FAST! FUN! Worth the d/l
  636.                                | whether you're a math genius or just a casual
  637.                                | file browser. Once again it's FREE*
  638.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-30-93)
  639. GRAPH_3D.ZIP   127574  02-01-93  Contour Graphics in Cga, Ega, Vga Versions.
  640.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-18-91)
  641. GRA_FLEX.ZIP   188673  02-27-94  GRA-FLEX II PLUS - Bring new life to your GIF
  642.                                | Collections (and others). View and Print
  643.                                | GIFs, TIFs, TGAs, PCXs, BMPS, DCXs. View MONO
  644.                                | to SVGA, Print on HP family of printers -
  645.                                | Laser Jet II, III, IV, Inkjet, Paintjet,
  646.                                | Deskjet. Supports Grey Scale and Colour
  647.                                | Postscript Printers. Low registration Fee - $
  648.                                | 20.00 Try GRA-FLEX II PLUS To-day!
  649.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-16-94)
  650. GRFWK61W.ZIP   352615  08-19-93  Graphics Workshop V6.1w: Utility to Work With
  651.                                | Graphic Image Files; View, Print, Convert
  652.                                | Between Formats, Dither Color Tones to Black
  653.                                | And White; Supports GIF, Mac, TIFF, PC
  654.                                | Paintbrush, Gem/Img (Ventura), Eps Files,
  655.                                | Grayscale TIFF, WP Graphics, Microsoft Paint;
  656.                                | Iff/Lbm/ce Support; Added Sun Raster Support,
  657.                                | Dithering For 24-Bit Color; Bug Fixes.
  658.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-19-93)
  659. GRFWK70B.ZIP   459744  02-09-94  *GPH*██▓▓▒░░ Graphic Workshop 7.0b ░░▒▒▓▓██
  660.                                | The best Workshop yet! Converts, prints,
  661.                                | views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates,
  662.                                | scales, crops, colour adjusts, quantizes,
  663.                                | catalogs and wreaks special effects on
  664.                                | MacPaint, IMG, PCX, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, WPG,
  665.                                | MSP, IFF/LBM, BMP, RLE, Halo CUT, Targa, ART,
  666.                                | HRZ, EXE, TXT and EPS files. Drives most
  667.                                | display cards and printers. From Alchemy
  668.                                | Mindworks Inc.
  669.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-09-94)
  670. GRMAT32D.ZIP   129651  09-06-93  Graphmatica for dos a graphical equation
  671.                                | plotting program.
  672.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-23-93)
  673. GRR101.ZIP      11332  09-20-94  GRR v1.01, DOS utility: GIF file information
  674.                                | displayer. Freeware (c) 1994 [94/08/09] by
  675.                                | DDA - Reign Ware. W/ .pas source. Rewritten.
  676.                                | Uploaded by: David Daniel Anderson.
  677.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-09-94)
  678. GRX01B.ZIP      36253  02-22-94  GraphX is a data plotting utility, to produce
  679.                                | scattergrams or histograms with the
  680.                                | possibility to choose between point styles,
  681.                                | line styles, etc. (FW).
  682.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-30-94)
  683. GSCRN100.ZIP    21017  10-15-93  Grabscreen: Text/ASCII Screen Capture Util.
  684.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-26-93)
  685. HCMAKE11.ZIP   152442  10-26-93  ╓─────────────────────────────╖
  686.                                | ║     H C M A K E  V. 1.1     ║
  687.                                | ║                             ║
  688.                                | ║ HiColor Make - Make 32768   ║
  689.                                | ║ color FLI-type animations   ║
  690.                                | ║ from a series of 16 or 24bit║
  691.                                | ║ Targa(tm) images - with no  ║
  692.                                | ║ common palette, or dithering║
  693.                                | ║ required.  Animations may be║
  694.                                | ║ played with HCPLAY.  From   ║
  695.                                | ║ Synergrafix Consulting.     ║
  696.                                | ╙─────────────────────────────╜
  697.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-08-93)
  698. HIDIMG19.ZIP   274220  03-03-94  Random dot image generator which has more
  699.                                | display options than just having "Random
  700.                                | Dots".
  701.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-11-94)
  702. HIDIMG20.ZIP   244461  02-17-94  Hidden Image Auto Stereograms 2.0, creates
  703.                                | hi-res color stereograms (those 3D images you
  704.                                | see on posters at the mall) from any 256
  705.                                | color BMP graphic.
  706.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-29-94)
  707. HISCAN.ZIP     108478  09-13-93  PLUSTEK new HISCAN image scanning and editing
  708.                                | program. Support all Plustek Scanners from
  709.                                | B/W, GrayScale to 24bit 1 pass True Color.
  710.                                | File save in TIFF, PCX, BMP and TGA formats.
  711.                                | Support almost all VGA card from 256KB - 2MB
  712.                                | on board. Requirement 286/386/486, a PLSUTEK
  713.                                | Full Page Scanners, VGA card, VGA Monitor and
  714.                                | 1MB Harddrive space. Can scan in B/W,
  715.                                | GrayScale or True Color. Run HISETUP at DOS
  716.                                | prompt after unzip to a disk.
  717.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-18-93)
  718. HISTO101.ZIP   166358  03-16-94  HISTOGRAMS Version 1.01 David Gay and David
  719.                                | Lovelock. Dept. of Mathematics, University of
  720.                                | Arizona. This program will calculate the
  721.                                | mean, median, and standard deviation of a
  722.                                | data set. It will also generate a histogram,
  723.                                | a bar chart, a box and whisker plot, and a
  724.                                | stem and leaf plot.
  725.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-92)
  726. HPGROB20.ZIP    75333  06-11-93  Graphic Editor for Hp(Sx) - Hp Grobber Mouse
  727.                                | Req. - Belgian Made.
  728.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-04-93)
  729. HRQFX31.ZIP   1106583  02-10-93  Ron Scott Hires Qfx 3.1
  730.                                | Demo Version of Fantastic Image
  731.                                | Enhancement Program! Now Works
  732.                                | With Vesa Compliant Svga Cards!
  733.                                | Does Everything But Save/Print.
  734.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-07-93)
  735. ICAT101.ZIP     13088  12-23-93  Icon Cataloger - RIP Script icon cataloging
  736.                                | program. Prints RIP Icons to dot matrix
  737.                                | printer.
  738.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-13-93)
  739. ICN10.ZIP       12843  09-24-93  Pcx2Icn v1.0: Converts PCX files to RIP Icon
  740.                                | format. BONUS PROGRAMS FOR REGISTERED USERS.
  741.                                | See BONUS.TXT. Archive also contains a
  742.                                | catalog of the latest shareware titles from
  743.                                | Blueview Software. See CATALOG.TXT. From the
  744.                                | makers of NFX and Raster Master! << BLUEVIEW
  745.                                | SOFTWARE >>
  746.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-08-93)
  747. ICN11.ZIP       12844  10-25-93  Pcx2Icn v1.1: Converts PCX files to RIP Icon
  748.                                | format. BONUS PROGRAMS FOR REGISTERED USERS.
  749.                                | See BONUS.TXT. Archive also contains a
  750.                                | catalog of the latest shareware titles from
  751.                                | Blueview Software. See CATALOG.TXT. From the
  752.                                | makers of NFX and Raster Master! << BLUEVIEW
  753.                                | SOFTWARE >>
  754.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-29-93)
  755. ICO2ICN.ZIP     19835  10-26-93  ICO2ICN Convertiert Windows Icon nach Rip Ico
  756.                                | Aufruf mit ICO2ICN (Filename.ICO) (c) Carsten
  757.                                | Hüde 2:240/403.29 DosKiel
  758.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-13-93)
  759. IDSICONS.ZIP    13589  07-28-93  Ids Ripscript Icons another Collection of Rip
  760.                                | Icons.
  761.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-24-93)
  762. IFOX100.ZIP    721510  05-20-94  v1.0 0C ][ P0UCT0 !! EASILY THE BEST
  763.                                | intro-/demomaker available at the moment!!!
  764.                                | 386-code * many effects * easy 2 use * wide
  765.                                | variety of choices! [includes vectorobjects
  766.                                | and much more!] 04/94
  767.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-09-94)
  768. ILLUSI.ZIP      43613  02-10-93  Creates Graphic Illusions- Interesting.
  769.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-20-92)
  770. IMAGINE.ZIP     20738  10-27-93  Text file which describes various techniques
  771.                                | for using the Imagine 3d rendering and
  772.                                | animation package.
  773.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-18-93)
  774. IMORG001.ZIP  1380523  07-12-94  ImageOrganizer (tm) by Geir Pettersen
  775.                                | ImageOrganizer can be your first step in
  776.                                | saving paper. It can be used in different
  777.                                | applications as follows: "Papersaving Archive
  778.                                | (you need a scanner)", "A tool for Organizing
  779.                                | .BMP-Images", "A Graphical Information
  780.                                | Distributor in a Company Network Environment"
  781.                                | "A Viewing aid for publishers distributing
  782.                                | .BMP-Images on CD-ROM (pre-program
  783.                                | ImageOrganizer, enclose it to the CD-ROM)",
  784.                                | Single mouse click for viewing an Image.
  785.                                | Smooth scroll Images larger than the screen.
  786.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-27-94)
  787. INFOMPEG.ZIP    18040  12-24-93  InfoMPEG is a small utility to parse MPEG-1
  788.                                | compatible video streams, and return
  789.                                | information that is easily attainable
  790.                                | (virtually no processing of data beyond start
  791.                                | codes). InfoMPEG was written to provide a
  792.                                | quick and convenient way of constructing
  793.                                | charts containing various details on MPEG
  794.                                | streams, allowing comparisons to easily be
  795.                                | made. It can also be used simply to find out
  796.                                | the pixel resolution and types of frames in a
  797.                                | stream (can do so almost instantly).
  798.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-05-93)
  799. INTENSE_.ZIP     8264  12-14-93  iNTeNSe! Allows you to use intense background
  800.                                | like Symantec/Quaterdeck programs do. Uses
  801.                                | only text mode, and can be turned on in
  802.                                | THEDRAW to give you 100's of new shades! (░▒▓
  803.                                | For only $3, you get the Pascal SOURCE code.
  804.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-29-93)
  805. INTRACT2.ZIP   259177  04-21-93  Interactive Presentation Creator Using       
  806.                                | Fli/Flc File Formats. 
  807. INTRO30.ZIP    814110  03-22-93  The Humble Guys Intro Maker 3.0 Sb/Vga
  808.                                | Support.
  809.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-20-93)
  810. JAVGA.ZIP       33351  07-23-93  JAVGA version 1.00 by Jos De Almeida. This is
  811.                                | a VGA text based demo programming exercise.
  812.                                | Shows palette fades, etc.
  813.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-93)
  814. JB20.ZIP       181729  09-27-93  JAILBIRD v2.0 <ASP> - Entertaining program
  815.                                | which allows the user to create and print
  816.                                | replicas of vanity license plates. Contains
  817.                                | data for all 50 United States. Plate colors
  818.                                | are configurable, and will output to a color
  819.                                | printer, as well as to a PCX image file.
  820.                                | Requires VGA & MOUSE. Published by: RMH
  821.                                | Computer Services.
  822.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-09-93)
  823. JPEG5386.ZIP   225539  10-27-94  C/Djpeg v5.0. Image compression/decompression
  824.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-25-94)
  825. JSF_TDF.ZIP      6131  05-22-93  @X08╓────────────────────────────╖
  826.                                | @X08║@X0BTHEDRAW FONTS by J.S.Fowler @X08║
  827.                                | @X08║@X0BThin, Thick, Wide and Raster@X08║
  828.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-16-93)
  829. KSPIN.ZIP       82593  03-05-94  Spin Plot for KWIKSTAT (ver 3.3 or higher)
  830.                                | allows you to interactively view data in
  831.                                | three dimensions -- this is a
  832.                                | state-of-the-art feature usually found only
  833.                                | in $1000 dollars packages. Manually rotate
  834.                                | the plot along the x, y, or z axes, or spin
  835.                                | the data in real-time. You must have KWIKSTAT
  836.                                | loaded before you can install and run this
  837.                                | program. TexaSoft Shareware. Members of ASP
  838.                                | and ESC.
  839.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-06-94)
  840. LEONRDO2.ZIP    52342  02-28-93  Leonardo is a Full Ansi
  841.                                | Screen Editor Geared for
  842.                                | Animation.
  843.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-30-93)
  844. LPARSER3.ZIP   372576  03-11-94  LPARSER: reads a l-system description in and
  845.                                | processes it into a 3d form which can then be
  846.                                | outputed in several formats, including RAW
  847.                                | DXF POV. This implementation of a l-system
  848.                                | parser also allows 'mutations' to take place
  849.                                | during the growing of the form. LVIEWER: is
  850.                                | meant to be used together with the LPARSER
  851.                                | program. It can display to the screen lparser
  852.                                | files. Can also view 3DS and RAW files.
  853.                                | LV2POVID: converts output of LVIEWER and
  854.                                | LPARSER to a POV/BOB/VIVID scene file.
  855.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-07-94)
  856. LSQRFT13.ZIP   144040  08-19-93  Non-Linear Least-Squares Fitting Program,
  857.                                | version 1.3. This program fits a data set and
  858.                                | opens a pipe to gnuplot for graphing. (FW).
  859.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-10-93)
  860. MAKAMESS.ZIP   445728  03-12-93  Aswesome Vga Graphical Message
  861.                                | Maker/Presenter. Unlike Anything Else I've
  862.                                | Seen. Commercial Quality. Great Download.
  863.                                | Well Worth Registration. Way Cool!
  864.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-08-93)
  865. MANALCH.ZIP     77756  08-26-93  Newest Version Of Alchemy-Very Powerfull
  866.                                | Grafic Files Conversion Program.
  867.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-92)
  868. MAND50.ZIP     350472  12-21-94  MANDELBROT/JULIA SET GENERATOR, VER 5.0 <ASP>
  869.                                | Fractal (Mandelbrot/Julia) Set Generator- A
  870.                                | Fractal generator that is easy to use and
  871.                                | allows the image to be colored in many ways
  872.                                | using color masks. Images can be printed on
  873.                                | B/W or color printers and 16 or 256 color PCX
  874.                                | images can be made. Good docs, sample images.
  875.                                | Uses VGA-512K-MS mouse. Graphics THERON
  876.                                | WIERENGA
  877.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-01-94)
  878. MAPSMAP.ZIP     83530  03-02-93  101 Color Map Files (.Map) for Use With
  879.                                | Fractint, Improcess and Other Such Programs.
  880.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-13-93)
  881. MCLIP22A.ZIP    52509  03-05-94  MegaClip v2.2a: Screen Clipping Utility.
  882.                                | Supports Standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.
  883.                                | Open/Save PCX, BMP, And RIP Icon Files. Order
  884.                                | By Credit Card Thru PsL. Join Blueview
  885.                                | Software's Uploading Team. From The Makers Of
  886.                                | NFX and Raster Master << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
  887.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-94)
  888. MIFACE.ZIP      29703  03-08-93  Program to Convert Mira Imaging's Hyperspace
  889.                                | Format to Povay V1.0 or to Raw Vectors. Dir
  890.                                | 67. Ray Tracer Adjunct.
  891.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-28-92)
  892. MIRIP104.ZIP   177185  11-28-93  █▓▒░ MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.04 ░▒▓█
  893.                                | Edit the RIP scripts being used on several
  894.                                | Bulletin Board Systems now. Allows you to
  895.                                | load, edit, and save your script files. The
  896.                                | program is WildCat! smart for some of their
  897.                                | screen @@ variables such as @BBS@ and colors
  898.                                | to better get an idea of what the script will
  899.                                | look like to the users. From John Haro, the
  900.                                | creater of MI-Programs.
  901.                                | Uploaded by: Randy Tyner
  902.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-26-93)
  903. MMM10A.ZIP     339679  06-02-93  Multimedia Maker Will Allow You to Create
  904.                                | Custom Presentations, Advertising, Tests,
  905.                                | Tutorials, Courseware Authoring, Reports,
  906.                                | School Projects and Much More. With This
  907.                                | Package You Can Combine Real Human Speech,
  908.                                | and Music With High Resolution Images (Up to
  909.                                | Svga). Use This Package to Create Your Own
  910.                                | Custom Audio/Video Shows on Any Subject,
  911.                                | Place, Product or Procedure. Now With Sound
  912.                                | Blaster Support. Part 1 of 2.
  913.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-93)
  914. MMM23.ZIP      106245  04-03-94  M.M.M. 2.3 Multi Media Machine Supporting:
  915.                                | DL, FLI, MOD, MDI VOC, CMF, BMP, GIF TGA,
  916.                                | WPG, RIX, MAC ICO Call Euro Disney BBS for
  917.                                | more real good stuf, Updates for MMM 2.3 and
  918.                                | more.. Call: 077-871634 Netherlands --=-
  919.                                | Exed-software -=--
  920.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-10-94)
  921. MODGO.ZIP      110515  11-19-93  Write your own slideshows with this,
  922.                                | featuring mod background music using sound
  923.                                | board or pc speaker freeware.
  924.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-20-93)
  925. MONGO.ZIP        9011  10-19-94  Cool fractint parameters and all-new
  926.                                | formulas.
  927.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-23-93)
  928. MORAY.ZIP      221139  11-25-93  Povray graphic menu interface.
  929.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-03-93)
  930. MTA1VF58.ZIP    53278  09-23-94  MTA  Make Them Anything V 15.58.1 Minor Rel
  931.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  932.                                | DISP software: MTA -- Make Them Anything
  933.                                | Version/Date : V 15.58.1 / August 14th,1994
  934.                                | This archive is a patch for MTA V 15.58 to
  935.                                | fix some small problems with RAR. You must
  936.                                | (at least) have the MTA_VF58.ZIP main
  937.                                | release archive (optional the overlay and
  938.                                | DPMI versions).
  939.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-14-94)
  940. MTAOVF58.ZIP   167833  09-23-94  MTA  V 15.58 OVERLAY VERSION
  941.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  942.                                | DISP software: MTA -- Make Them Anything
  943.                                | Version/Date : V 15.58 / August 14th, 1994
  944.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  945.                                | MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
  946.                                | most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
  947.                                | mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
  948.                                | exits, doors and such. Also you can check
  949.                                | for virus inside the archives while you
  950.                                | convert. Add-on utilities included !! Also
  951.                                | included is support for FileDoor (LITE and
  952.                                | PRO)
  953.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  954.                                | Need MTA_VF58.* for the complete package
  955.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  956.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-14-94)
  957. MTAPVF58.ZIP   259720  09-23-94  MTA  V 15.58 PROTECTED MODE VERSION
  958.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  959.                                | DISP software: MTA -- Make Them Anything
  960.                                | Version/Date : V 15.58 / August 14th, 1994
  961.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  962.                                | MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
  963.                                | most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
  964.                                | mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
  965.                                | exits, doors and such. Also you can check
  966.                                | for virus inside the archives while you
  967.                                | convert. Add-on utilities included !! Also
  968.                                | included is support for FileDoor (LITE and
  969.                                | PRO)
  970.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  971.                                | Need MTA_VF58.* for the complete package
  972.                                | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  973.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-14-94)
  974. MTV2TGA.ZIP      9677  04-06-93  Converter Mtv-Tga.
  975.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-06-92)
  976. MUSTNG.ZIP      45566  07-21-93  Wavefront.OBJ 3D object of P-51 Mustang
  977.                                | airplane. Use VP2RW.zip to convert to.RAW
  978.                                | RAWPOVnn.ZIP to convert to.POV. See also
  979.                                | MUST1.GIF which shows this object. I added
  980.                                | color but definitions are all set up by.
  981.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-27-93)
  982. NAPDOC.ZIP      51622  04-13-93  Naplps Technical Specs! Complete Docs for
  983.                                | Naplps!
  984.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-04-93)
  985. NEOBKPRO.ZIP   652538  01-07-94  NeoBook Professional: authoring system for
  986.                                | multimedia disk-based newsletters, books,
  987.                                | catalogs, etc. Links to word processors paint
  988.                                | programs. Compiler and runtime license allow
  989.                                | compiled publications to be distributed (EXE
  990.                                | format). Imports PCX/GIF format images, Sound
  991.                                | Blaster-compatible VOC or PC speaker files
  992.                                | (SNG format). Requires: DOS 3.1+;
  993.                                | EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech compatible
  994.                                | mouse; hard disk; & 640K+ RAM.
  995.                                | Uploaded by: Calvin Cook
  996.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-28-93)
  997. NEO_1.ZIP      303790  03-23-93  DOS Image Editor Supports Tiff, GIF and PCX,
  998.                                | With Good Collection of Tools.
  999.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-05-92)
  1000. NSHW25.ZIP     444983  10-11-94  NeoShow lets you combine PCX and GIF format
  1001.                                | graphic images into effective presentations.
  1002.                                | Uses include group presentations, self run-
  1003.                                | ing exhibits, sales tracts, etc. A variety of
  1004.                                | screen wipes, fades and dissolves allows the
  1005.                                | user to produce smooth transitions. Supports
  1006.                                | 2, 16, 256 color files at up to 1024x768, and
  1007.                                | SoundBlaster compatible cards. Requires: DOS
  1008.                                | 3.1+; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech or
  1009.                                | compatible mouse; hard disk; and 640K+ RAM.
  1010.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-03-94)
  1011. NSHWP25.ZIP    306228  10-11-94  NeoShow PRO lets you combine PCX and GIF
  1012.                                | format images into effective presentations.
  1013.                                | Uses include visual aids, showroom exhibits,
  1014.                                | sales tracts, etc. Variety of screen wipes,
  1015.                                | fades and dissolves. Sound recorder. Runtime
  1016.                                | license lets you produce/distribute EXE stand
  1017.                                | alone shows. Supports 2,16,256 color files to
  1018.                                | 1024x768, and SoundBlaster/comp. cards. Req.:
  1019.                                | DOS 3.1+; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech
  1020.                                | compatible mouse; hard disk; and 640K+ RAM.
  1021.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-23-94)
  1022. NSPRO.ZIP      283070  11-18-93  NeoShow PRO lets you combine PCX and GIF
  1023.                                | format images into effective presentations.
  1024.                                | Uses include visual aids, showroom exhibits,
  1025.                                | sales tracts, etc. Variety of screen wipes,
  1026.                                | fades and dissolves. Sound recorder. Runtime
  1027.                                | license lets you produce/distribute EXE stand
  1028.                                | alone shows. Supports 2,16,256 color files to
  1029.                                | 1024x768, and SoundBlaster/comp. cards. Req.:
  1030.                                | DOS 3.1+; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech
  1031.                                | compatible mouse; hard disk; and 640K+ RAM.
  1032.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-01-93)
  1033. ORPH160B.ZIP   162325  06-17-93  Online help and User's Guide for ORPHEUS.
  1034.                                | MANUAL1.DOC has step-by-step tutorials for
  1035.                                | making hypertext. MANUAL2.DOC is a guide to
  1036.                                | the Orpheus Command Language for use in
  1037.                                | programmable cards: how to show ansi and PCX
  1038.                                | graphics, play music, launch programs.
  1039.                                | Profusely illustrated with useful script
  1040.                                | examples. File 2/3.
  1041.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-27-93)
  1042. P2A_SHAR.ZIP    63988  10-04-94  David Arcand's PCX image to ANSI gr
  1043.                                | conversion progr Shareware Version. This
  1044.                                | program w images into 16 characters for us
  1045.                                | commercial appl Shareware regi Commercial ver
  1046.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-15-93)
  1047. PARC.ZIP       236647  05-21-93  Picture Archive Database For Graphics. 
  1048.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-28-93)
  1049. PATCH106.ZIP    18222  07-03-93  Patch V1.06: Will Update Graphic Workshop for
  1050.                                | DOS to Generate Exe Pictures That Will
  1051.                                | Automatically Detect the Svga Card They're
  1052.                                | Running On; 06/02/93; Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
  1053.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-02-93)
  1054. PCCAI21A.ZIP   252146  11-23-93  PC-CAI 2.10 Rel 2:Award-winning Computer
  1055.                                | Assisted Instructional tool. Write computer
  1056.                                | driven tutorials on any subject using color,
  1057.                                | graphics including PCX special effects,
  1058.                                | animation, Soundblaster sound support,
  1059.                                | questions and answers, menuing and branching.
  1060.                                | CGA compatible monitor recommended. ASP
  1061.                                | Shareware from TexaSoft. Disk 1 of 3.
  1062.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-25-93)
  1063. PCCAI21B.ZIP   330401  11-23-93  PC-CAI 2.10 Rel 2:Award-winning Computer
  1064.                                | Assisted Instructional tool. Write computer
  1065.                                | driven tutorials on any subject using color,
  1066.                                | graphics including PCX special effects,
  1067.                                | animation, Soundblaster sound support,
  1068.                                | questions and answers, menuing and branching.
  1069.                                | CGA compatible monitor recommended. ASP
  1070.                                | Shareware from TexaSoft. Disk 2 of 3.
  1071.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-25-93)
  1072. PCCAI21C.ZIP   356401  11-23-93  PC-CAI 2.10 Rel 2:Award-winning Computer
  1073.                                | Assisted Instructional tool. Write computer
  1074.                                | driven tutorials on any subject using color,
  1075.                                | graphics including PCX special effects,
  1076.                                | animation, Soundblaster sound support,
  1077.                                | questions and answers, menuing and branching.
  1078.                                | CGA compatible monitor recommended. ASP
  1079.                                | Shareware from TexaSoft. Disk 3 of 3.
  1080.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-25-93)
  1081. PCLATHE.ZIP    133730  09-09-94  Create your own 3D Images with this PC lathe.
  1082.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-04-94)
  1083. PCPB5DRV.ZIP     4973  04-04-93  Vesa Drivers for PC Paintbrush 5+.
  1084.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-29-92)
  1085. PCS101.ZIP     137776  03-03-93  Professional Capture Systems V1.01 <ASP> -
  1086.                                | PCs is 2 Programs; Wincapture and DOScapture.
  1087.                                | Wincapture Allows for the Capturing of a
  1088.                                | Defined Area, Full Screen, Window, or Client
  1089.                                | Area. Captures Can be Sent to Disk, Printer
  1090.                                | or Clipboard. Numerous Image Formats Supprtd.
  1091.                                | DOScapture Will Allow You to Capture
  1092.                                | Standard and Extended Vga Text Modes and
  1093.                                | Standard Vga Graphics Modes. Captures are
  1094.                                | Saved as PCX Files. Req. 286 & Vga.
  1095.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-19-93)
  1096. PCTSND40.ZIP   280124  05-30-93  Picture it With Sound V4.0: a Slide Show
  1097.                                | Program That Talks With Your Own Voice! 1 to
  1098.                                | 100 Picture and Sound Files.
  1099.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-31-92)
  1100. PCUBE1.ZIP     169802  10-26-93  Make picture rotate in 3-D cube.
  1101.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-93)
  1102. PCX2EX14.ZIP   217552  02-03-94  PCX2EXE - converts PCX files into
  1103.                                | self-displaying EXE files. NEW: a TSR screen
  1104.                                | grabber that saves in PCX format and no limit
  1105.                                | on the size of PCX file that can be created.
  1106.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-93)
  1107. PCX2IMG.ZIP     15611  09-24-93  A pcx to img converter.
  1108.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-19-92)
  1109. PCXBE05.ZIP      8054  07-30-93  PCX Block Extractor v0.5: utility that allows
  1110.                                | you to view a 320 200 256 PCX file, extract a
  1111.                                | bitmap block from a 320 200 256 PCX file and
  1112.                                | extract palette from a 320 200 256 PCX file;
  1113.                                | 07/16/93; S. Hyun Yim.
  1114.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-16-93)
  1115. PCXDMP91.ZIP   134783  12-03-94  PCXDUMP v9.10 - THE screen capture program.
  1116.                                | The only shareware screen grabber that
  1117.                                | supports 1,2,4,8,15,16 and 24 bit video
  1118.                                | modes. Will grab almost any tweaked mode.
  1119.                                | Extensive SuperVGA support (also HiColor).
  1120.                                | Menu based installation with MANY options. A
  1121.                                | fast PCX viewer/converter/manipulation
  1122.                                | program is also included in this archive.
  1123.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-04-94)
  1124. PEP16.ZIP      346340  11-30-94  PEP (Picture Editing Package) v1.6 Shareware
  1125.                                | drawing/layout program for DOS PCs. Do
  1126.                                | diagrams, drawings, labels, logos, forms,
  1127.                                | flow charts, floor plans, and more. Vector
  1128.                                | based & WYSIWYG, PEP includes scalable fonts,
  1129.                                | decorative borders & ornaments, and complete
  1130.                                | on-line doc. Print to Bubble Jet, LaserJet,
  1131.                                | DeskJet, PostScript or dot matrix. Export PCX
  1132.                                | & EPS. Graphical UI supports VGA, EGA, CGA, &
  1133.                                | Hercules (mouse optional). Remarkably fast!
  1134.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-03-94)
  1135. PERSPECT.ZIP    48118  02-20-93  Create Random Dot Stereo Images Ie. 3d
  1136.                                | Pictures.
  1137.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-08-93)
  1138. PGC10.ZIP       67981  09-08-94  NeoSoft PCX/GIF utility allows graphics files
  1139.                                | to be quickly converted between the popular
  1140.                                | GIF and PCX file formats without going
  1141.                                | through a paint program. PCX files typically
  1142.                                | load faster, while GIF files take up less
  1143.                                | disk space. Requires: DOS 3.1+; 512K RAM;
  1144.                                | hard disk recommended.
  1145.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-21-94)
  1146. PICN11.ZIP      15972  12-11-93  Pcx2Icn v1.1: Converts PCX files to RIP Icon
  1147.                                | format. BONUS PROGRAMS FOR REGISTERED USERS.
  1148.                                | See BONUS.TXT. Archive also contains a
  1149.                                | catalog of the latest shareware titles from
  1150.                                | Blueview Software. See CATALOG.TXT. From the
  1151.                                | makers of NFX and Raster Master! << BLUEVIEW
  1152.                                | SOFTWARE >>
  1153.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-29-93)
  1154. PIXCT27.ZIP     69637  07-22-93  PixCat prints a catalog of graphics for
  1155.                                | NewsMaster, PrintMaster, "Old" and "New"
  1156.                                | Print Shops. PixCat supports many printers
  1157.                                | including Epsons, IBM Graphics, various HP
  1158.                                | LaserJets, OKIDATAs, and many more. PixCat
  1159.                                | runs on any PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or compatible
  1160.                                | running DOS 2.0 or higher. Shareware. Version
  1161.                                | 2.7 adds HP LaserJet support. Enjoy!
  1162.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-10-93)
  1163. POLYOPS.ZIP     68864  10-10-93  POLYOPS] (B. J. Ball; $0) calculates the
  1164.                                | intersection, union or difference of two
  1165.                                | plane regions bounded by polygonal simple
  1166.                                | closed curves. Data may be input graphically,
  1167.                                | from data files, or from the keyboard, and
  1168.                                | the results may be displayed graphically or
  1169.                                | listed to the screen or to a disk file. C
  1170.                                | source code is included.
  1171.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-06-93)
  1172. POPOUT11.ZIP   115792  03-04-94  Popout V1.10 - Popout Generates Random Dot
  1173.                                | Stereogram (Rds) Image From Drawings That You
  1174.                                | Create. Stereogram Images of The Style That
  1175.                                | Popout Creates Appear at First Glance to be A
  1176.                                | Repeating Pattern of Random Dots. When Viewed
  1177.                                | Properly, However, A Hidden Three Dimensional
  1178.                                | Image Will "pop Out" of The Stereogram!
  1179.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-06-94)
  1180. POV2DOC.ZIP    198321  10-24-93  This archive contains the documentation for
  1181.                                | the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray
  1182.                                | V2.0, formatted in plain ASCII text for the
  1183.                                | IBM-PC and other systems. Also contains
  1184.                                | standard include files and some demo scenes.
  1185.                                | Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip
  1186.                                | this file using the -d option to insure that
  1187.                                | the proper sub-directories are created. Other
  1188.                                | files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this
  1189.                                | library for more information.
  1190.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-93)
  1191. POV2INF.ZIP      4500  10-24-93  Persistence of Vision v.2.00 - INFormation
  1192.                                | summary file - best to download this first
  1193.                                | you make sure you wish to download the
  1194.                                | remaining elements of the suite.
  1195.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-03-93)
  1196. POVSCAPE.ZIP    24690  06-01-93  Create Landscapes to be Used With Pov
  1197.                                | Raytracer
  1198.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-22-92)
  1199. POVSUDS.ZIP     60015  04-20-93  Create soap suds for POV (seen in the book   
  1200.                                | Image Lab). 
  1201. PRGF112.ZIP    207431  06-30-94  PRINTGF v1.12 <ASP> - A GIF printer for DOS,
  1202.                                | Windows. DOS and registered Windows versions
  1203.                                | read BMP,JPG,PCX,TIF. Outputs 240 level/plane
  1204.                                | b/w or color, with pattern and/or error diff
  1205.                                | dither, brightness, contrast, gamma, gray
  1206.                                | balance control, user selectable clip area,
  1207.                                | print size, portrait/landscape. Drives 9, 24
  1208.                                | pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, Primera,
  1209.                                | PostScript, Canon BJ, BJC, VESA SVGA, many
  1210.                                | other printers and displays. Shareware - $34.
  1211.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-04-94)
  1212. PRGL142.ZIP    259173  06-30-94  PRINTGL v1.42 <ASP> - A pen plotter emulator
  1213.                                | package for DOS, Windows systems. It prints
  1214.                                | or displays HP-GL from most CAD and graphing
  1215.                                | packages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, Canon
  1216.                                | LBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, HP-GL/2
  1217.                                | devices, PDP ProTracer, PostScript, VESA
  1218.                                | SVGA, and many other printers and displays,
  1219.                                | and outputs PCX files. User selectable pen
  1220.                                | width, color, shading, and paper size,
  1221.                                | magnification, etc. Shareware - $50.
  1222.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-19-94)
  1223. PRNGIF.ZIP     196543  07-08-93  Print a Lot of Graphics Files.
  1224.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-93)
  1225. PRV2_320.ZIP   213789  02-27-93  Proview II V3.20: Graphic Image Workcenter
  1226.                                | for the Manipulation of Graphic Image
  1227.                                | Files, Including the Ability to Capture
  1228.                                | Video Images on Your Computereyes Pro Frame
  1229.                                | Grabber Board W/Out Leaving Proview Ii;
  1230.                                | Easy to Use Gui and Point/Shoot Interface;
  1231.                                | Capture, View, Show, Build Thumbnails Of,
  1232.                                | Edit & Print Images and Much More.
  1233.                                | Softreat.
  1234.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-21-93)
  1235. PS16.ZIP        11383  01-24-93  Print Screen V1.6: TSR That Supercedes Your
  1236.                                | System's Built in Prnt_scrn Function;
  1237.                                | Prints All Standard Cga, Ega & Vga Graphics
  1238.                                | Screens W/Resolutions Up to 640 By 480 in
  1239.                                | Up to 16 Colors; Prints Monochrome Graphics
  1240.                                | Screens in 720 By 348 Resolution.
  1241.                                | O'brien Consulting Services.
  1242.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-20-93)
  1243. PS2FAX.ZIP     652424  12-08-93  Ghostscript 2.6.1 based PS to PCX or DCX for
  1244.                                | faxing. Contains: Ghostscript (w/o fonts)
  1245.                                | plus pre-configured setup and batch files.
  1246.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-07-93)
  1247. PV3DB1.ZIP     410431  11-01-93  ██████████████████████████████████████████
  1248.                                | █ PV3D modeler Version B1.91             █
  1249.                                | █ For POVRAY 2.0 and VIVID 2.00          █
  1250.                                | █ Graphics interface (GUI) with mouse.   █
  1251.                                | █ Many function are modified since the   █
  1252.                                | █ last version !!!                       █
  1253.                                | █ Include : 3D animation function        █
  1254.                                | █ 3D visualisation with camera / look_at █
  1255.                                | █ Vectoriel object structure. XMS Support█
  1256.                                | █ POV primitives support, Blob structure █
  1257.                                | █ Height Field Shape, Mapping Texture    █
  1258.                                | █ Bumpping Function , GIF viewer         █
  1259.                                | █ VIVID 2.00 primitives support          █
  1260.                                | █ External Textures Library (POV/VIVID)  █
  1261.                                | █ Dynamic Rotate Move Scale (R-M-S) NEW! █
  1262.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-10-93)
  1263. PVOS220.ZIP    122910  11-30-93  Persistence-of-Vision ray tracer - this is
  1264.                                | the popular POVRA version 1.0 for OS/2 2.0.
  1265.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-21-92)
  1266. QCHK22.ZIP      29522  04-02-93  Quick Check V2.2
  1267.                                | a GIF Data Stream/File Verification Program.
  1268.                                | Simple, Easy to Use.
  1269.                                | if You Collect GIFs...You Need Quick Check.
  1270.                                | Keywords: Quick Check GIF Verification
  1271.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-02-92)
  1272. QKRF11.ZIP     257919  08-24-94  QuikRef v1.1 - Create Multi-media HyperText
  1273.                                | Lists with up to 1500 Buttons.Each Button can
  1274.                                | call up a Graphic or a Voice or Music file or
  1275.                                | Text Information. User defined .DEF file
  1276.                                | gives total control of the presentation. Use
  1277.                                | for Glossaries, teaching and training drills,
  1278.                                | look-up lists of technical terms and more.
  1279.                                | Compatible with Windows and SoundBlaster.
  1280.                                | Requires Harddisk and Color Monitor.Shareware
  1281.                                | from I.E.S. - $24.50 plus s/h.
  1282.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-16-94)
  1283. QUILT132.ZIP    61286  01-14-93  Quilt V1.32: Graphics Pgm That Derives From
  1284.                                | -Square Quilting Patterns; Create Specific
  1285.                                | Patterns or Set the Pgm on Sequential Mode
  1286.                                | for Continuously Changing Patterns; Ega/Vga
  1287.                                | Use as Screen Saver.
  1288.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-03-93)
  1289. RAWPOV18.ZIP   121403  10-29-93  RAW2POV v1.8. Converts lists of triangle
  1290.                                | coords in RAW ascii format to POV-Ray
  1291.                                | 1.0/2.0, Vivid, or Polyray raytracer formats.
  1292.                                | Adjustable levels of smoothing can be applied
  1293.                                | to the triangle surfaces.
  1294.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-05-93)
  1295. RAWTOGIF.ZIP    11190  03-22-93  Convert Raw Format Pics to GIF, Useful for
  1296.                                | Users of Pov 1.0.
  1297.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-04-92)
  1298. RAYL210.ZIP     77315  10-05-93  RayLathe is a text based tool that allows you
  1299.                                | to create three dimensional objects using the
  1300.                                | metaphor of the machinist's lathe. Objects
  1301.                                | can be created for POVRAY 1.0/2.0 & Vivid 2.0
  1302.                                | ray tracing programs. Also .RAW output to
  1303.                                | many other tracers. uLathe (lathe151.zip) is
  1304.                                | an excellent front end to RayLathe. Bug fix
  1305.                                | release. My apologies! Author: Ken Koehler
  1306.                                | v2.10
  1307.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-18-93)
  1308. RBOMORP4.ZIP   107231  04-04-93  A Great Program to Convert GIF Screens Into
  1309.                                | Roboboard Screens.
  1310.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-93)
  1311. REALIZE.ZIP    272467  12-19-94  Realize 1.0. Util for POV Raytrace
  1312.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-02-94)
  1313. RIPC101.ZIP     23282  09-24-93  RIPC v1.01 - Ansi to RIP screen converter.
  1314.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-16-93)
  1315. RIPCODES.ZIP    42894  11-18-93  Display Codes for RIP Graphics. Great
  1316.                                | Information to have!
  1317.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-29-93)
  1318. RIPEZ15.ZIP     14027  09-02-93  Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.
  1319.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-12-93)
  1320. RIPIT18.ZIP     93221  12-25-93  ░▒▓ RIPIT! v1.8 ▓▒░ The fastest and easiest
  1321.                                | way to produce a superb RIP screen from an
  1322.                                | existing file! This version will produce 81
  1323.                                | different RIP styles (more coming!). This
  1324.                                | version added more styles and increased the
  1325.                                | programs performance speed. New Feature! Tell
  1326.                                | RIPIT to select the RIP style for you, or do
  1327.                                | it yourself! RIPIT works great and the best
  1328.                                | part is, it's cheap! Only $10.00! From the
  1329.                                | author of the WildStuff Utilities! Download
  1330.                                | it and check it out!
  1331.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-02-93)
  1332. RIPLIST1.ZIP    48927  11-01-93  RIPList version 1.0 - RIPList is a utility to
  1333.                                | help debug RIP script file. It simply outputs
  1334.                                | a file that contains the extented text
  1335.                                | description of the commands in each line and
  1336.                                | lists there parameters or arguments.
  1337.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-17-93)
  1338. RIPSC154.ZIP    71511  08-02-93  RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification,
  1339.                                | "Remote Imaging Protocol" v1.54: details each
  1340.                                | of the "commands" that can be issued using
  1341.                                | the RIP specification; 07/19/93; Jeff Reeder/
  1342.                                | TeleGrafix Communications, Inc.
  1343.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-19-93)
  1344. RIPSCR10.ZIP    12502  10-14-93  RIPSCR v1.0 - Convert .SCR, .ANS, .BBS etc.
  1345.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-20-93)
  1346. RIPSPECS.ZIP    42189  07-21-93  Rip specifications documentation.
  1347.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-22-93)
  1348. RIP_EZ.ZIP       9270  01-24-94  Rip EZ lets you convert your ANSI screens to
  1349.                                | accept RIP input.
  1350.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-23-93)
  1351. RMFRACTS.ZIP     3672  10-14-93  Additional Fractint parm file.
  1352.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-22-93)
  1353. RMORF4.ZIP     232365  08-30-93  Rmorf Version 0.4: Basically, this program
  1354.                                | takes two images and smoothly blends them
  1355.                                | into each other.
  1356.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-93)
  1357. RMORPH.ZIP     302414  09-06-93  Morphing program, uses Targa (.TGA) files.
  1358.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-16-93)
  1359. RPNTR100.ZIP    45005  01-10-94  RipN-Tear Version 1.00 - RIP Graphics
  1360.                                | Utility. This allows easy viewing of RIP
  1361.                                | Graphics and allows you to cut strips of it
  1362.                                | for later pasting.
  1363.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-93)
  1364. RTAG11.ZIP      80112  02-17-93  Rtag V1.1 <ASP> - Ray Tracing Animation
  1365.                                | Generator. Rtag Accepts Commands Written in
  1366.                                | Its Animation Control Language and Generates
  1367.                                | the Necessary Files to Cause Ray Tracing
  1368.                                | Programs Like Pov-Ray or Polyray to Generate
  1369.                                | the Sequence of Frames.  the Language
  1370.                                | Provides Full Arithmetic Expressions, Looping
  1371.                                | Control and Spline Path Generation. Using
  1372.                                | Rtag You Can Create Animations With
  1373.                                | Accelerations and Object Interactions.
  1374.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-93)
  1375. RU03.ZIP        81476  07-31-93  Raster Utilities: Raster Clip (Screen Clip),
  1376.                                | RastPort (Conversion Program), Bin2Src, and
  1377.                                | xinfo. Programmers tools to convert PCX/BMP
  1378.                                | files to a format useable by Turbo C/Pascal.
  1379.                                | Images can be displayed with the putimage
  1380.                                | function.Supports images >64K. Build resource
  1381.                                | files, run scripts to create your graphics.
  1382.                                | ** NEW ** Fastgraph SPR/PPR formats! NO DELAY
  1383.                                | SCREENS! BONUS PROGRAM When you register!
  1384.                                | From the makers of NFX and Raster Master!
  1385.                                | Release #3 <BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE>
  1386.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-21-93)
  1387. SCRNCP10.ZIP     8946  10-20-93  SCRNCAP v1.0: easy-to-use screen capture util
  1388.                                | that requires 9.5K RAM, can be loaded high, &
  1389.                                | can also be unloaded from memory; 06/27/93;
  1390.                                | V-Soft.
  1391.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-27-93)
  1392. SCTN11.ZIP     711041  10-03-94  Scantune improves performance of optical
  1393.                                | character recognition systems by learning
  1394.                                | their most common errors and correcting them
  1395.                                | automatically. The more files you tune, the
  1396.                                | smarter Scantune gets. also Includes text
  1397.                                | formatting and spell checking capabilities.
  1398.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-94)
  1399. SETDRW4.ZIP    253711  10-20-93  Corel 4 ini editor helpful for tuning COREL.
  1400.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-12-93)
  1401. SHADOW_1.ZIP   369411  08-15-94  SHADOW - DEMO VERSION Combines photo &
  1402.                                | information (of your child or loved one) on
  1403.                                | one floppy! Prints a mini poster. Take
  1404.                                | preventative measures, get SHADOW. Should
  1405.                                | your child be abducted - don't waste time!
  1406.                                | Print posters immediatley! Requires: IBM or
  1407.                                | compatible, 1Mb disk space, 640k RAM, DOS 5.0
  1408.                                | or higher (recommended). Optional: Dot Matrix
  1409.                                | or Laser printer.
  1410.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-30-94)
  1411. SHOW38A.ZIP    334233  03-05-93  Datashow V. 3.8a, 1st. March 1993:
  1412.                                | Shareware Program in Which You Can Make
  1413.                                | Beautiful Presentations, Slide Shows,
  1414.                                | Demo Programs, School Tutorials. Both
  1415.                                | Text and Graphic Mode. PCX, GIF Files
  1416.                                | and Wav Sounds. an Integrated Environ-
  1417.                                | Ment for Script Design. Use the Mouse
  1418.                                | or Keyboard to Draw. See the Many Hot
  1419.                                | Examples. an Absolute Must!
  1420.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-93)
  1421. SIRDVU11.ZIP   324284  08-24-94  Shows and converts from PCX to stereograph
  1422.                                | images called SIRDS.
  1423.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-21-94)
  1424. SMILEQ20.ZIP    96373  03-18-93  A Collection of Ansi Utilities That Break Out
  1425.                                | Various Functions of the Viewer Smile for
  1426.                                | Use From the Command Line and Thus in Batch
  1427.                                | Files.
  1428.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-12-92)
  1429. SMOKEDSW.ZIP     8884  08-06-93  --------[ Smoke Out ]--------
  1430.                                | Version 1.0 - Dream SoftWorks
  1431.                                | Program to convert files files
  1432.                                | containing Pipe Colors in to
  1433.                                | raw ANSI text.
  1434.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-18-93)
  1435. SMOOTH21.ZIP    80349  11-23-93  SMOOTH v2.1 POV Surface Normal Modeling Progr
  1436.                                | This program calculates surface normals for
  1437.                                | raw triangle data and creates a variety of
  1438.                                | output formats. Supports POV v1.0 & v2.0.
  1439.                                | Also creates include files and ready to rende
  1440.                                | POV scene files.
  1441.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-01-93)
  1442. SPHRCL11.ZIP   130643  05-29-93  Useful Tools for Generating Spheres to be
  1443.                                | Used in Vivid2.ZIP. Also Has a Couple of GIF
  1444.                                | Files That Can be Viewed as Examples.
  1445.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-31-92)
  1446. SPRED1.ZIP      45567  01-15-94  256 bit color sprite map editor, make cool
  1447.                                | sprites and logos for your games and apps.
  1448.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-15-93)
  1449. SQZGIF.ZIP      25493  08-24-93  Edit effects into GIF files.
  1450.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-93)
  1451. ST24U2.ZIP     111176  02-08-94  ST24U2.ZIP Upgrade Diamond Stealth 24 utils
  1452.                                | to version 2.0
  1453.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-24-93)
  1454. STEREOM.ZIP     19807  12-08-93  Makes GIF stereo grams.
  1455.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-18-93)
  1456. STPLOT15.ZIP   119239  06-17-94  Plot V1.5 Creates And Prints Graphics From
  1457.                                | Numerical Data in ASCII Format.
  1458.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-22-94)
  1459. SUNFLWR.ZIP    220568  02-14-93  GIF and Accompaning Files to Create a
  1460.                                | Sunflower Using Vivid Ray Tracer.
  1461.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-12-93)
  1462. SUPTURBO.ZIP     7309  12-02-93  Super Turbo Font For TheDraw 4.50.
  1463.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-19-92)
  1464. TICO110.ZIP    639746  10-13-94  TICO - is a collection of utilities for
  1465.                                | working with PCX files. Requires 520K RAM,
  1466.                                | and 1MB of free disk space.
  1467.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-09-94)
  1468. TICOXTRA.ZIP   510478  10-13-94  TICO Extras - are accessories to the graphics
  1469.                                | program TICO. NEW: supports newer versions of
  1470.                                | TICO286 and TICO386.
  1471.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-09-94)
  1472. TIF2EP10.ZIP    15220  08-07-93  TIFF2EPS v1.0: designed to convert 1-bit line
  1473.                                | art TIFF images into Encapsulated PostScript
  1474.                                | (EPS) files which will work with any DTP pgm;
  1475.                                | handles both PC & MAC-generated TIFF files;
  1476.                                | req Postscript printer; 04/10/93; PreSSofT.
  1477.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-10-93)
  1478. TIFFSPEC.ZIP    33675  06-17-93  TIFf Format Spec Version 5.0.
  1479.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-27-92)
  1480. TLKSHW32.ZIP   281406  06-05-93  Talking Slideshow V3.2: Slide Show Program
  1481.                                | That Talks With Your Own Voice! 1 to 100
  1482.                                | Picture and Sound Files 12/31/92.
  1483.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-31-92)
  1484. TLPR12.ZIP      96663  03-20-94  TelePrompter 1.2. If you have a video camera
  1485.                                | you will absolutely love this software! This
  1486.                                | program has all the features of the expensive
  1487.                                | teleprompters used for commercial television.
  1488.                                | You can enter up to 5000 lines of text in the
  1489.                                | built-in text editor, or load files from your
  1490.                                | word processor. Text is large and smooth, so
  1491.                                | it is easily read from a distance. Scrolling
  1492.                                | speed can be controlled from the keyboard, or
  1493.                                | remotely with a mouse. Uses Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA
  1494.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-04-94)
  1495. TOGE40.ZIP      59562  01-07-94  Together! V4.0: innovative/elegant pgm that
  1496.                                | allows you mix text-based applications with
  1497.                                | pictures on the fly - without a graphics
  1498.                                | environment, programming & using standard
  1499.                                | hardware; 12/11/93; Joe (Giuseppe)
  1500.                                | Colucciello.
  1501.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-11-93)
  1502. TW31.ZIP       293611  06-15-93  TutorialWriter v3.1 - Multi-Media Toolkit
  1503.                                | lets you produce computer-based documents,
  1504.                                | tutorials, 'business cards', books, slide
  1505.                                | shows, manuals, advertising information or
  1506.                                | anything else that you want to pass along to
  1507.                                | others. If you can 'Press any Key' you can
  1508.                                | create professional-quality Computer-based
  1509.                                | documents with Voice, Graphics HyperText,
  1510.                                | Pop-up Windows, Menus, Colors, Mouse Support
  1511.                                | and much more.
  1512.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-93)
  1513. TXT2RIP.ZIP      5503  02-13-94  Text2RIP v1.0b Convert ANY SIZE text file to
  1514.                                | RIP format.
  1515.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-19-94)
  1516. UNDITH.ZIP       3741  04-02-93  Convert Dithered Images to Greyscale - Ddj N.
  1517.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-26-93)
  1518. UNIVBE43.ZIP    60931  04-19-94  Universal VESA Bios Extensions Makes your
  1519.                                | SVGA card VESA comp.
  1520.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-21-94)
  1521. UNMACA.ZIP       3739  03-28-93  A Small Little Program for Fixing GIF Files
  1522.                                | That Were Origonaly for Mac.
  1523.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-26-92)
  1524. UVESA10.ZIP     11425  03-11-93  The Universal Vesa TSR V1.0: Small TSR Pgm
  1525.                                | That Extends the Video Bios Routines of
  1526.                                | Svga Video Cards to Make Them Compatible
  1527.                                | With the Vesa Recommended Extensions.
  1528.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-03-93)
  1529. UVESA41.ZIP     30615  05-11-94  Universal Vesa Driver V4.1.
  1530.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-24-93)
  1531. VBDOS212.ZIP    69438  06-08-93  Updated 2 12 93 Video Blaster Dvrs for DOS.
  1532.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-04-92)
  1533. VESAMODE.ZIP    10865  10-11-93  VesaMode 1.0 (Jack Courtney; $0) - sets any
  1534.                                | VESA mode supported by a video card.
  1535.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-17-93)
  1536. VFD15.ZIP       77394  12-04-94  VFD v1.5 (Video For DOS) is a DOS
  1537.                                | command-line motion video cross- compiler
  1538.                                | that creates and converts among FLI, FLC, AVI
  1539.                                | (lit & rle) formats plus MPG input. Reads and
  1540.                                | extracts BMP, RLE, DIB, TGA, PCX & GIF.
  1541.                                | Resize, crop, dither, color reduction,
  1542.                                | backwards, pingpong, mirror, chroma-key
  1543.                                | overlays, slide shows, id palettes, color
  1544.                                | channels and more! Includes GeeWiz, the AVI
  1545.                                | player for DOS. PCX & GIF i/o with
  1546.                                | registration. V1.5 adds transparency, numpic
  1547.                                | extensions, & 16,24-bit TGA extraction.
  1548.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-31-94)
  1549. VGA_DOC2.ZIP   138170  02-11-93  Vgadoc Info-Pack 2nd Edition; Information on
  1550.                                | How to Program Most (S)vga Cards.
  1551.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-02-93)
  1552. VIVTOOLS.ZIP    78779  06-02-93  Various Tools Used to Help Define Objects for
  1553.                                | Use With Vivid2.ZIP.
  1554.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-92)
  1555. VP2RW.ZIP       32991  07-21-93  Converts Wavefront.OBJ to.RAW for raytracing.
  1556.                                | Written by Steve Anger and Jeff Bowermaster.
  1557.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-12-93)
  1558. VSA_11B.ZIP    155352  02-15-93  Vsa256 V1.1b: Graphics Library That Provides
  1559.                                | You W/The Tools Necessary to Drive a Video
  1560.                                | Adapter Running W/The Vesa V2.0 Bios
  1561.                                | Extensions; Supports 100h, 101h, 103h, 105h,
  1562.                                | and 107h Video Modes as Defined W/In the Vesa
  1563.                                | Standard.
  1564. WINRIP10.ZIP   144705  08-02-93  Converts GIF, PCX, & others to RIP icon forma
  1565.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-06-93)
  1566. WPTRI.ZIP       10469  12-16-94  Trident 8900 driver for wp presentations.
  1567.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-14-94)
  1568. XOX310.ZIP     272085  02-16-94  XOX v3.10 has been completely rewritten in
  1569.                                | 32bit code. XOX now supports 4 SVGA modes
  1570.                                | with dynamic video mode selection, Multiple
  1571.                                | views with Creation/Deletion/Movement/Size,
  1572.                                | Dynamic view camera selection, Full 360
  1573.                                | degree backdrops, multiple floor tiles,
  1574.                                | angled walls, atmospherics including shading
  1575.                                | and translucency, fonts, dynamic objects size
  1576.                                | and movement and much more!
  1577.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-26-94)
  1578. XSHOW.ZIP       64713  08-11-94  XSHOW is a VGA graphics screen demo that will
  1579.                                | scroll your custom text message across the
  1580.                                | bottom of the screen. This is great for
  1581.                                | advertising at computer shows/stores while
  1582.                                | entertaining the eye with VGA patterns. By
  1583.                                | Brand-X FreeWare! .
  1584.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-23-94)
  1585. YASM.ZIP        22248  05-26-94  UuFTL: Yet Another SIRDS Maker! This nifty
  1586.                                | program was created by Mitchell Brandsma
  1587.                                | (email address: meetch@perth.dialix.oz.au).
  1588.                                | Check it out! It allows you to input pattern
  1589.                                | file to repeat across the image, and several
  1590.                                | other great options. (It'll even invert the
  1591.                                | image for you Cros.
  1592.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-07-94)
  1593. ZGRWIN37.ZIP   147830  01-08-93  W31 Graphical Program V 3.7.
  1594.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-30-92)
  1595. ZL_CLR10.ZIP    34748  11-15-93  ▌The ZenList Colorizer v1.00▐ - BLand Softwar
  1596.                                | Inserts ANSI color codes into filelists creat
  1597.                                | by ZenList. Configurable colors and header.
  1598.                                | !!! FREE !!!
  1599.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-01-93)
  1600. ZMPD0001.ZIP   200722  12-04-94  ZMP Demo 1. Demo Zine from the makers of the
  1601.                                | Zine Master Pro electronic publishing kit.
  1602.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-94)