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Text File  |  1995-01-25  |  118KB  |  1,654 lines

  1. 1BATCH.ZIP       1457  03-21-93  Batch Files for Use of Mem, Edit Config.Sys,
  2.                                | Autoexec.Bat and So Forth.
  3.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-93)
  4. 22DSK142.ZIP   197033  08-03-94  22Disk V1.42 July, 1994 From Sydex, Inc.
  5.                                | 22Disk is a DOS utility that allows one to
  6.                                | read, write and format over 400 different
  7.                                | CP/M diskette formats. It includes a
  8.                                | definitions file which also allows you to
  9.                                | "roll your own" format specifications for
  10.                                | systems not included in the list.
  11.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-06-94)
  12. 22NCE142.ZIP    53321  08-02-94  22NICE V1.42 July, 1994 From Sydex, Inc.
  13.                                | 22NICE is a PC-based emulator for 8-bit CP/M
  14.                                | 2.2 systems using 8080, 8085 or Z-80
  15.                                | processors. Completely integrates a CP/M
  16.                                | application into the PC MS-DOS environment.
  17.                                | Includes terminal emulation for several
  18.                                | common terminal types, 8080-only Z-80 only,
  19.                                | or "auto detect" processor support. Will use
  20.                                | NEC V20/V30 chip if available. Supports CP/M
  21.                                | user number- -to-DOS subdirectory mapping and
  22.                                | custom keyboard maps. A facility to trap and
  23.                                | handle 8-bit I/O references is also provided
  24.                                | to allow emulation of 8-bit hardware not
  25.                                | present on a PC.
  26.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-06-94)
  27. 2FORMAT.ZIP      2452  05-25-93  Format 2 floppys without hassles. 
  28.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 10-01-88)
  29. 2X90IG.ZIP      17795  03-16-94  Data Technology - DTC - DTC 2x90 controller
  30.                                | installation guide.
  31.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-09-92)
  32. 3862486.ZIP      3085  01-30-93  The Trials and Tribulations of Upgrading a
  33.                                | 386 to a 486/Dx2 (A Little Humor Here).
  34.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-24-93)
  35. 386TO486.ZIP    26323  09-17-93  Converts" Your 386 To A 486! (Actually Does
  36.                                | Speed It Up!) Not A Virus Or Hoax! .
  37.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-30-92)
  38. 386_486.ZIP     10655  11-05-93  386486 (Robert G. Brown; $0) contains the
  39.                                | information and program needed to upgrade a
  40.                                | 386DX PC and get a 50% performance
  41.                                | inprovement using the CYRIX Cx486DLC.
  42.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-02-93)
  43. 3DBENLST.ZIP     4473  02-07-93  Table of #d-Bench Results for Various
  44.                                | Computers - Good for Gamers.
  45.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-31-93)
  46. 3RDFLP.ZIP      21054  02-26-93  Ultrastord Floppy Device Driver.
  47.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-15-90)
  48. 3X80AS.ZIP      21037  09-19-93  Installation instructions for the DTC 3280
  49.                                | SCSI controller.
  50.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-09-92)
  51. 486T61.ZIP      50920  03-05-93  486test V6.1, System Analysis of a 80486.
  52.                                | Performs an Intensive, Diagnostic Test on
  53.                                | Motherboards and System Components.  All
  54.                                | of the System's Resources are Tested
  55.                                | Including the Bios, Cpu, Ndp, Cache, Ram,
  56.                                | Extended Memory and Display Memory.
  57.                                | Richard Levey, Author.  Registration: $30.
  58.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-29-92)
  59. 486TEST2.ZIP   123644  04-25-94  This program tests all of the system's
  60.                                | resources including the BIOS, CPU, NDP,
  61.                                | CACHE, RAM, EXTENDED MEMORY and DISPLAY
  62.                                | MEMORY.
  63.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-09-94)
  64. 531SCSI.ZIP    394548  01-27-93  Mountain Tape Software Version 5.31 for Scsi
  65.                                | Tape Drives for Mountain Only.
  66.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-29-92)
  67. 542XVGAL.ZIP    20153  11-27-93  Cirrus bios upgrage v1.4 for 542x series boa.
  68.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-93)
  69. 60ENVPAT.ZIP     1740  05-22-93  Text file explaining how to patch COMMAND.COM
  70.                                | (DOS 6.0 and others) to generate 512 bytes of
  71.                                | ENVIRONMENT space.  Another jewel from The
  72.                                | Hermit!
  73.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-10-93)
  74. ACFM.ZIP       206022  09-08-93  ACFM v. 1.0 ASP - A safe and reliable file
  75.                                | manager for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
  76.                                | files. Save, edit, view etc. up to 25 files
  77.                                | each. Copying can be to and from boot files.
  78.                                | Other copies can be made. For safety, booting
  79.                                | is manual and only when needed. Program is
  80.                                | not ram resident. 256K RAM; hard disk or 2
  81.                                | floppies; DOS 2 or more; Color, B/W. ASP $10
  82.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-13-93)
  83. ACMS11A.ZIP     44074  03-05-94  AUTOCMS V1.1a reads search dumps from
  84.                                | Colorado's TAPE.EXE program and creates ASCII
  85.                                | delimited files suitable for im- portation to
  86.                                | most databases. Process entire tape in one
  87.                                | execution; captures file paths;
  88.                                | multi-vol/multi-tape oper- ation & more!
  89.                                | Shareware, $0-$5 Reg.
  90.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-19-94)
  91. ADDPAT10.ZIP    35410  01-10-93  Addpath V1.0: Will Auto Edit Path Statements
  92.                                | Found in Autoexec.Bat, for Software
  93.                                | Installers.
  94.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-31-92)
  95. ALLDOS6N.ZIP     3224  04-17-93  This file contains a small bat file to update
  96.                                | the SETVER table in MSDOS6 to accomodate the 
  97.                                | ALL CHARGECARD 286 loaders so they will work 
  98.                                | with Dos 6. It also contains a small text    
  99.                                | file on the batch. This is straight from ALL 
  100.                                | COMPUTERS BBS in OHIO. 
  101. AMISCSI.ZIP     40240  02-28-94  Tips for using and installing AMI SCSI
  102.                                | products.
  103.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-94)
  104. AMISE270.ZIP   315721  09-26-94  AMIsetup 2.70 - External Setup (new AMI BIOS
  105.                                | required). If you ever considered your
  106.                                | built-in setup as incomprehensible, boring,
  107.                                | inconvenient or incomplete, you have been
  108.                                | waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup can save your
  109.                                | configuration on disk and restore it. You can
  110.                                | even change setup options missing in your
  111.                                | BIOS! AMIsetup cracks your password,
  112.                                | auto-detects hard disks, runs in batch mode &
  113.                                | much more.
  114.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-26-94)
  115. AMISTP20.ZIP   296494  04-21-94  AMI Bios Setup 2.00, shareware works very
  116.                                | well. Allows BIOS setup from disk, without
  117.                                | having to reboot.
  118.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-02-94)
  119. AMI_POST.ZIP    10209  01-12-93  Listing of Post Codes for All Ami Bios's.
  120.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-06-92)
  121. AMOS111.ZIP     80206  02-13-94  ┌───────────·  A·M·O·S v1.11  ·────────────┐
  122.                                | │  AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2 users!   │
  123.                                | │  It gives easy access to HPFS-formatted  │
  124.                                | │  drives from native DOS. It will read,   │
  125.                                | │  write, copy, edit, del, md, rd, type,   │
  126.                                | │  and much, much more... No need for an   │
  127.                                | │  OS/2 Service installation anymore!!     │
  128.                                | └───· Release date: 27th January 1994 ·────┘
  129.                                | A -=> You wish to install a patch for OS/2.
  130.                                | M -=> You have made an error in OS/2's
  131.                                | O     CONFIG.SYS... No more "Please correct
  132.                                | S     the error and restart the system".
  133.                                | A -=> You accidentialy deleted an important
  134.                                | M     HPFS-partition using FDISK.
  135.                                | O -=> Something has gone terribly wrong,
  136.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-27-94)
  137. ANSIMAKR.ZIP     2923  03-07-93  Make Prompt, Sets Screen Colors, Cursor, Etc.
  138.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-87)
  139. APPLDEMO.ZIP    66093  09-17-93  Read and Write and Convert Apple II formats
  140.                                | to MSDOS formats.
  141.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-03-91)
  142. AT800XL.ZIP    242188  03-18-94  Atari 800XL emulator.
  143.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-10-93)
  144. AUTOASK_.ZIP     1243  07-26-93  Lets You Decide Which Program(S) To Run On
  145.                                | Boot Up.
  146.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-93)
  147. AUTOCONI.ZIP   139824  10-29-93  AutoCon V2.0i is a database manager for
  148.                                | Autoexec and Config Files. Allows up to 50
  149.                                | configurations, and makes switching between
  150.                                | them easy. Run full interactive (editor,
  151.                                | mouse, menus, context sensitive help, etc.)
  152.                                | or command line. MENU.CTL device driver (or
  153.                                | MSDOS 6) can setup menu of configurations
  154.                                | during boot. (ASP)
  155.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-01-93)
  156. BACKMAT.ZIP      9221  02-11-93  Background Disk Formatter. Format Disks While
  157.                                | You Work in DOS.
  158.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-18-91)
  159. BEEPER11.ZIP     6188  02-20-93  Resident Background Beep Handler.
  160.                                | Replaces Your Bios Beep With a Beep That Does
  161.                                | Not Slow Down Programs That are Running.
  162.                                | Also Lets You Change the Beep Sound.
  163.                                | Freeware Including Asm Source Code.
  164.                                | Updated to Limit to 10 Pending Beeps.
  165.                                | Good for Multi-Node BBS Operators.
  166.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-16-93)
  167. BETA094.ZIP    305060  09-07-93  The BackMaster Tape supported Beta release.
  168.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-01-93)
  169. BIGS1_4.ZIP      8267  04-11-93  This is a Good Utility for Searching Out
  170.                                | Specific Size Files on a Drive, Fixed or
  171.                                | Floppy. Version 1.4 Sharewhare.
  172.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-05-92)
  173. BIOS1111.ZIP   219590  02-21-94  Complete Manual For Computers With AMI BIOS
  174.                                | Dated 11-11-92. In Word Perfect For DOS 5.1
  175.                                | Format.
  176.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-93)
  177. BIOSHELP.ZIP     5602  09-23-93  BIOS HELP - Help file from AMI BBS explains
  178.                                | BIOS technology.
  179.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-11-93)
  180. BIOSIMG.ZIP      9461  03-17-93  Utility From Microhouse BBS for Making an
  181.                                | Image of a System Bios for Modifying the
  182.                                | Drive Tables and Burning Back Into the
  183.                                | Eproms.
  184.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-15-93)
  185. BKPWZ329.ZIP   133702  02-21-94  BakupWiz Version 3.28. Is your vital data
  186.                                | stored on your hard disk safe? What would
  187.                                | happen to your business if your hard disk
  188.                                | "crashed" and you lost most or all of your
  189.                                | data? You say that you don't backup your hard
  190.                                | disk very often because you are too busy and
  191.                                | it takes too long? BakupWiz is your solution
  192.                                | to all these problems.
  193.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-12-93)
  194. BMDEMO1E.ZIP   184388  04-29-94  BackMaster Demo bmdemo1d would not initialize
  195.                                | tape drive on
  196.                                | Uploaded by: Lennie Cocco
  197.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-25-94)
  198. BOOT20.ZIP      86856  06-02-94  EZBOOTER 2.0 is a very simple multi- reboot
  199.                                | program. You can choose from 9 different
  200.                                | autoexec and config.sys to reboot your
  201.                                | computer. You can edit the sets and reboot
  202.                                | from the program. The program can also be
  203.                                | controlled with a mouse. Newest version.
  204.                                | Shareware $5. Free registration available.
  205.                                | Uploaded by: Art Biladeau
  206.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-31-94)
  207. BOOT202.ZIP    212894  01-17-94  BOOT.SYS v2.02 <ASP> - The heavy-duty config
  208.                                | manager. Gives you one or more menus out of
  209.                                | CONFIG.SYS, similar to DOS6. Adds pretty
  210.                                | menu, if/then/else, use of variables, and
  211.                                | on-the-fly editing in CONFIG.SYS; reboot from
  212.                                | cmd line; installation program upgrades DOS6
  213.                                | multi-config; more! Does NOT write to your
  214.                                | disk! NO resident driver under DOS6! 20 items
  215.                                | per menu/25 menus. DOS 2.11 to 6.2 (DR, too),
  216.                                | supports DOS=, QEMM7. Auth: Hans Salvisberg
  217.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-03-94)
  218. BOOTEASY.ZIP    14775  01-17-93  Replacement for Master Boot Program on PCs
  219.                                | With Multiple Operating Systems. W/C & Asm.
  220.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-92)
  221. BOOTFX.ZIP       9774  07-10-93  GetBoot and PutBoot, v1.0 - transfer boot
  222.                                | sec.
  223.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-08-93)
  224. BOOTMSG.ZIP      4060  07-24-93  Change The Boot Message On Any Disk.
  225.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-22-93)
  226. BOOTR200.ZIP   318295  06-07-94  BOOT'R v2.00 - DOS Configuration Manager
  227.                                | BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
  228.                                | management of multiple configurations on a
  229.                                | single machine. BOOT'R not only allows the
  230.                                | modification of the CONFIG.SYS and
  231.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT files, but any other files that
  232.                                | might be needed. Version 2.00 is a MAJOR
  233.                                | rewrite with many enhancements!
  234.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-13-94)
  235. BOOTS200.ZIP    33701  04-19-93  Boots v2.00: multiple boot util that enables 
  236.                                | you to easily select between 100 different   
  237.                                | configurations either during boot time or    
  238.                                | after.
  239. BOOTS2A.ZIP     34271  06-16-93  Newest Version of Boots-Now Compatable With
  240.                                | DOS 6 and Double Space. Easiest Multiple
  241.                                | Booting Program That I Have Found. Uploaded
  242.                                | By Jeffrey Gross.
  243.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-01-93)
  244. BOOT_SYS.ZIP    71679  03-05-93  A Shareware Multi-Boot Program.
  245.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-90)
  246. BSS101.ZIP      18303  02-22-93  Bunch's String Search V1.01: String Search
  247.                                | Pgm Written in Asm Using Spontaneous Asm
  248.                                | Subroutines; Handles Wildcards Similar to
  249.                                | Those Used in Vax/Vms Search Routines;
  250.                                | Switches are Not Case-Sensitive and
  251.                                | Supports Environment Variables and DOS
  252.                                | Errorlevels.
  253.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-05-93)
  254. BSTAT15.ZIP     22466  06-14-94  BACKSTAT is a utility program that provides
  255.                                | statistics on how many files have been
  256.                                | modified since your last backup. It can
  257.                                | optionally be used in a batch file to start
  258.                                | your backup program when a set percentage of
  259.                                | the files on your hard disk have been
  260.                                | changed.
  261.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-27-94)
  262. BTEASY14.ZIP    16819  11-05-93  BOOTEASY 1.4 makes possible coexistence of
  263.                                | several different operating systems on the
  264.                                | same PC. You can choose and load the
  265.                                | requiered OS at boot time. Freeware. Tested
  266.                                | on: dos 2,3,4,5; unix srv 3,4 ; 368bsd.
  267.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-25-93)
  268. BTLOG20.ZIP     10259  05-12-93  BOOTLOG v2.0 is a handy utility program that
  269.                                | records the date and time that a system is
  270.                                | booted or a certain program is run.  The
  271.                                | BOOTLOG file can be analyzed later to
  272.                                | determine when the system or program was
  273.                                | used.  Good troubleshooting/security tool.
  274.                                | Registered version allows stealth operation.
  275.                                | $5 shareware from Pyramid Custom Systems.
  276.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-28-93)
  277. BTMSTR10.ZIP    37664  08-10-93  Keeps track of each diffrent boot config.
  278.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-16-93)
  279. BURN_IN.ZIP    122220  01-03-93  Test for New Computer and Also Before
  280.                                | Warranty Expires.
  281.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-22-92)
  282. B_LINK10.ZIP    35787  06-30-94  B-Link 1.0. Allows DOS users to add names,
  283.                                | appts, and notes to the Newton from a PC
  284.                                | using Sharp data import function in Extra.
  285.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-94)
  286. C64S10CD.ZIP   371329  08-01-94  C64S v1.0c -Best Commodore 64 Emulator
  287.                                | around!
  288.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-28-94)
  289. C64S11BD.ZIP   314440  11-16-94  The best c64 Emulator out. All features
  290.                                | included. Has a 10 minute run timer.
  291.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-17-94)
  292. C64TAPES.ZIP    95872  12-03-93  C64 tapes for the C64s emulator.
  293.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-21-93)
  294. C64TOOLS.ZIP    64590  07-17-94  C64 emulator tools. Display basic and machine
  295.                                | language programs, copy files to and from
  296.                                | .d64 disk image, and much more!
  297.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-21-94)
  298. C64UTI5.ZIP     29426  05-23-94  C64S Utilites- update! If you have C64uti2,
  299.                                | 3, and 4, you MUST DL it! It's almost bugfree
  300.                                | (I hope so :)). Sources and executables!
  301.                                | Written by Werner Zsolt.
  302.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-02-93)
  303. CACHEA.ZIP       3174  02-12-93  Text File on Use of Caching Program.
  304.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-06-93)
  305. CAM30.ZIP      190425  12-01-93  Config/Autoexec Manager v3.0 Manages multiple
  306.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS configuration
  307.                                | files. New Interface! World's Best Multiple
  308.                                | Configuration Manager.
  309.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-18-93)
  310. CAV12.ZIP      365715  02-23-94  CacheAll(TM) v1.2 Vendor Direct Eval -
  311.                                | Technology independent cache, caches CD-ROMs,
  312.                                | Network drives, Opticals, ... When run on
  313.                                | workstation reduces network traffic & server
  314.                                | loading, Artisoft LANtastic & Netware
  315.                                | Compatible, has DOS/Microsoft Windows
  316.                                | interface. Uses RAM & SWAP FILE for cache
  317.                                | storage (64MB cache size). 22KB, loads high,
  318.                                | & configures itself. Runs with DOS & Windows
  319.                                | Expires on March 31, 1994.
  320.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-19-93)
  321. CBKUP100.ZIP    46214  01-07-94  CatDisk Backup 1.00 - Quickly and easily
  322.                                | backup your catalogs with
  323.                                | ZIP/LHA/ARJ/SQZ/ZOO.
  324.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-02-93)
  325. CDBEEP15.ZIP    15593  02-07-93  Cbeep/Dbeep V1.5: TSR That Intercepts All DOS
  326.                                | and Bios Beep Sounds and Replaces it With a
  327.                                | Large or Small Flashing Beep or Optional
  328.                                | Nothing at All Silence; Great for the
  329.                                | Hearing Impaired or Where a More Quieter
  330.                                | Environment is Neccessary.
  331.                                | Swift-Ware.
  332.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-31-93)
  333. CFG2.ZIP        36968  01-10-93  Config.Sys Configuration V. 2.0.
  334.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-93)
  335. CFGCRX10.ZIP     5541  03-01-94  CfgCyrix v1.0: device driver that will allow
  336.                                | you to upgrade your 386DX-based system to
  337.                                | take advantage of the new, inexpensive
  338.                                | i486like Cyrix Cx486DLC CPU; 01/07/94; Tom
  339.                                | Warren/TechGuys SW.
  340.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-07-94)
  341. CHECKME.ZIP     51167  02-26-94  Test your system speed, MIPS, video speed and
  342.                                | gives estimated market value.
  343.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-10-93)
  344. CHIPINFO.ZIP    16983  11-05-94  List containing various chip's CPU's and
  345.                                | NPX's.
  346.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-22-94)
  347. CHIPS52.ZIP     21907  11-25-94  CHIPLIST 5.2  (August 30, 1994)
  348.                                | --------------------------------------
  349.                                | List of CPU's and NPX's used in PC, AT, PS/2,
  350.                                | and Compatibles.  Also Mac. Information on
  351.                                | power, differences, identification, variants,
  352.                                | incompatabilies, manufacturers. And more.
  353.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-94)
  354. CHKM10.ZIP       5268  03-11-93  Chkm V1.0: DOS Lower-Memory/Hard Disk Space
  355.                                | Available Checker.
  356.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-06-93)
  357. CHKSYS10.ZIP    15037  07-16-93  CHKSYS v1.0 <ASP> - System status utility
  358.                                | Reports status of various TSRs, drivers,
  359.                                | etc., via errorlevel, screen report, and
  360.                                | environment variable.
  361.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-27-93)
  362. CLIPBOOT.ZIP    20990  08-18-93  ClipBoot is a utility that allows you to
  363.                                | change your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files
  364.                                | and optionally reboot your computer. It can
  365.                                | be operated either by command line or through
  366.                                | the pop-up menu and editor. Its purpose is to
  367.                                | allow editing and swapping of the 'autoexec.
  368.                                | bat' and 'Config.sys' files for individuals
  369.                                | who utilize either multiple operating systems
  370.                                | or unique equipment that need different and
  371.                                | perhaps incompatible device drivers loaded at
  372.                                | boot-up
  373.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-04-93)
  374. CMA_Q80G.ZIP    16584  06-12-93  This is an Updated Driver for Sytos Plus
  375.                                | Backup Software for the Colorado 125/250 And.
  376.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-03-93)
  377. CMOS16.ZIP      16248  10-18-94  CMOSSave CMOSRest CMOSChk 1.6 automatically
  378.                                | restore damaged CMOS from backup and check
  379.                                | that CMOS has not been tampered with. MASM
  380.                                | OPTASM source included. By Roedy Green of
  381.                                | Canadian Mind Products.
  382.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-28-94)
  383. CMPSEC12.ZIP    22089  11-20-93  COMPSEC V 1.2 Password protection logs date
  384.                                | and time each time you access your system. If
  385.                                | the wrong password is tried it activates an
  386.                                | alarm. It logs all illegal attempts. Use with
  387.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT or DOS menu program.
  388.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-93)
  389. CMS_NOTE.ZIP    14358  09-18-93  Colorado Memory Systems tape backup tech help
  390.                                | notes. Downloaded from CMS BBS.
  391.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-26-93)
  392. CNFG513.ZIP     79413  01-17-94  Config v5.13: menu driven file manager that
  393.                                | organizes multiple versions of Config.Sys and
  394.                                | Autoexec.Bat files; allows creation of a menu
  395.                                | of up to 25 different configurations which
  396.                                | consist of a menu entry, and its associated
  397.                                | path and files; 11/15/93; Howard Williams.
  398.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-15-93)
  399. COCO2_13.ZIP    38436  04-17-94  An emulator for the PC which FULLY emulates a
  400.                                | Tandy Color Computer 1/2. EGA req'd, and at
  401.                                | least a 386 recommended. Excellent!
  402.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-12-94)
  403. COCOEM.ZIP     179188  04-28-94  Color Computer II emulator for DOS. Even runs
  404.                                | OS/9. Apply COCO13.ZIP updates after unzip.
  405.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-13-94)
  406. COMBI11C.ZIP    39640  02-12-93  Combi 1.1c- a Great Cache/Ram Disk Utility.
  407.                                | Memory Allocated Can Dynamically Share
  408.                                | Between Cache and Ram Disk. Very
  409.                                | Configurable. Shareware From Russia!
  410.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-06-93)
  411. COMFIX.ZIP     133494  05-18-93  A fix for local bus problems with comanche 
  412.                                | max overkill. 
  413.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-22-93)
  414. COMSP11.ZIP     11253  02-05-93  Comspec V1.1: Allows You to Prevent Programs
  415.                                | That Shell to DOS From Being Able to Load
  416.                                | Command.Com, Thus Increasing the Security
  417.                                | of Your System.
  418.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-26-93)
  419. CONED28.ZIP     72088  02-27-93  Select Autoexec & Config at Boot.
  420.                                | Features Include: Virtually Unlimited
  421.                                | # of Configurations, Delay Feature for
  422.                                | Unattended System Boots, Warm/Cold
  423.                                | /Alternate Reboot Methods, Menu or
  424.                                | Command Line Reboot Selection, Shell
  425.                                | to the Editor of Your Choice, Easy to
  426.                                | Use Yet Very Powerful.  This is Both
  427.                                | the Novice and Power Users System
  428.                                | Configuration Tool.
  429.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-15-92)
  430. CONF725E.ZIP   108934  09-30-94  PC-CONFIG V7.25 - Detects all the hardware in
  431.                                | your PC and displays it on the screen. Now
  432.                                | with CD-ROM benchmark routine! One of the
  433.                                | best sysinfo-programs ever. Finds Local-Bus
  434.                                | and PCI boards, Cyrix486 and Pentium CPUs,
  435.                                | detects lots of VGA-chips and all the
  436.                                | standard stuff.
  437.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-26-94)
  438. CONFIG61.ZIP    96407  11-02-93  Auto-Config v6.1 Boot Utility.
  439.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-14-93)
  440. CPTAPE11.ZIP   104638  05-06-93  Tape Backup Manager For Central Point 
  441.                                | Software Under Windows.
  442.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-24-93)
  443. CPUDRIV2.ZIP    44638  11-24-93  Monitor the amount of disk space and CPU time
  444.                                | used. Can be configured to display things in
  445.                                | a number of different ways. Shows a number of
  446.                                | the statistics on any drive that is being
  447.                                | monitored. Also monitor floppy disks and
  448.                                | network drives.
  449.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-18-93)
  450. CRIT131A.ZIP    15335  11-05-93  Crittical Error handler 1.31a. Intercepts the
  451.                                | Abort/Retry/Fail/Ignore and gives preset
  452.                                | response patterns and/or reboots system for
  453.                                | Unattended recovery.
  454.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-22-93)
  455. CSYS11.ZIP      31831  03-28-93  Quick Viewer for System Files (Config/Auto &
  456.                                | 4DOS).  Also Hotkeys to Your Text Editor and
  457.                                | Will Generate Report File Containing Copies
  458.                                | of System Files.  Freeware.
  459.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-93)
  460. CUSTOM11.ZIP    24301  05-14-93  Custom-Boot 1.1 Use Multiple Boot Configs. 
  461.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-28-92)
  462. CX486DLC.ZIP    49468  11-30-93  The 10-29-92 Version of Software to Control A
  463.                                | Cyrix 486 Dlc Cpu That Can Replace A Socketed
  464.                                | 80386dx. Enable Internal Cache And Registers.
  465.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-13-93)
  466. CYB26.ZIP       31400  10-07-93  Cover Your Back(up) - Version 2.6 [CYB26]
  467.                                | (Mark Feldesman; $10) - monitors your backup
  468.                                | schedule and alerts you when it is time to do
  469.                                | a full backup.
  470.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-14-93)
  471. CYRIXDMA.ZIP   137825  03-08-93  Dma Test for the Cyrix 486dlc Chip. This Will
  472.                                | Test to See if Your Motherboard Was
  473.                                | Properly Designed for a 486dlc and Not Just
  474.                                | a 386dx Board Used.
  475.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-21-92)
  476. CYRIXTST.ZIP    23175  03-08-94  Test For Sx16 Motherboards Can Use Cyrix Srx2
  477.                                | Chip.
  478.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-23-94)
  479. DASBOT22.ZIP    68709  04-09-93  Dasboot V.2.1 <ASP> - a Menu Program to
  480.                                | Allow the User to Select Between Several
  481.                                | Sets of Config.Sys and Autoexec.Bat Files
  482.                                | to Help You Get the Maximum Amount of
  483.                                | Memory for Using Memory Hungry Programs,
  484.                                | and Then an Easy Way to Restore Your
  485.                                | Normal Day-To-Day Configuration.
  486.                                | Compatible With Stacker and Smartdrv.
  487.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-28-93)
  488. DAT405.ZIP     394306  09-13-94  PowerDat software V4.01 from CMS.
  489.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-20-94)
  490. DBPREPNU.ZIP    28491  09-29-93  The Latest Version Of Ibm'S Dual-Boot Add-On
  491.                                | Utility, Dated July 1993 For The .Com File
  492.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-03-93)
  493. DCFORMAT.ZIP    84424  07-26-93  Daily Calendar Format 2.0 - Quick,
  494.                                | menu-driven format for all floppy types and
  495.                                | sizes. Auto-detects your floppy drives and
  496.                                | gives you a menu of format options. Simple,
  497.                                | useful and $5.
  498.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-93)
  499. DELLBIOS.ZIP   156433  05-11-94  Latest Phoenix Bios for Dell 486 PC's.
  500.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
  501. DF331.ZIP       52218  03-21-93  Diskette to File Image Utility V3.31: Will
  502.                                | Make an Image of Your 360k, 1.2mb and
  503.                                | 1.44mb Diskettes (From Its Boot Area
  504.                                | Forward) and Place it in a File on Your
  505.                                | Hard Disk; Diskette Track/Sector Testing,
  506.                                | Manual/Automatic Data Compression Program
  507.                                | Execution and More.
  508.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-18-93)
  509. DFA_11.ZIP      11411  04-06-93  Disk Free All Version 1.1 Great Program Shows
  510.                                | Free Disk Space in All Drives. Both Graphic a
  511.                                | Nd Numeric Display.
  512.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-93)
  513. DFREE.ZIP       23938  12-08-93  Display disk usage and % free for any disk
  514.                                | drive or all your drives. Great for the
  515.                                | Autoexec.bat. Try it, it's public domain from
  516.                                | DesignerWare!
  517.                                | Uploaded by: Tim Kelly
  518.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-27-93)
  519. DI14.ZIP        18178  12-06-93  Disk Info version 1.4 by Jim Pierce Provides
  520.                                | a really quick system profile and disk space
  521.                                | profile. Great for networks because it does
  522.                                | not add.
  523.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-09-93)
  524. DISKDAZ.ZIP     60740  11-27-93  Converts disk sectors to a file.
  525.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-26-93)
  526. DISKLF26.ZIP    41221  02-27-93  Diskleft V2.6, Fast Disk Profile of All
  527.                                | Drives on a Single Screen, Correct to the
  528.                                | Byte. Smart About Many Drive Types: Fixed,
  529.                                | Network, Floppy (Including Driver), Ram,
  530.                                | Substituted, Unavailable, and Unconfigured
  531.                                | Drives. New Options for Monochrome and Color
  532.                                | Configuration. Free Product of Funstuff(Tm)
  533.                                | Software, Paul Munoz-Colman, Makers of
  534.                                | Personal Calendar(Tm). <ASP>
  535.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-26-92)
  536. DIVEFIX2.ZIP    10409  01-13-94  Overcome dos divide overflow error with this.
  537.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-20-93)
  538. DMA_IRQ1.ZIP     6998  10-15-94  DMAs, IRQs, & I/O Addresses in a LOTUS spread
  539.                                | sheet (so you can sort!) & in a plain ascii
  540.                                | text <if you don't have 123>. Great help when
  541.                                | adding feature cards.
  542.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-08-94)
  543. DMS4DEMO.ZIP   288645  02-15-93  Demo of Intelligent Backup V4.0 for OS/2 and
  544.                                | DOS.
  545.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-14-92)
  546. DOS6MENU.ZIP     2647  04-07-93  This is an Example of How to Set Up Your
  547.                                | Autoexec.Bat and Config.Sys to Run DOS 6's
  548.                                | Multi-Config Options.
  549.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-03-93)
  550. DOSCID63.ZIP   114543  05-21-94  PC DOS Configuration, Installation and
  551.                                | Distribution (CID) install utility provides
  552.                                | the capability for remote installation of the
  553.                                | base PC DOS 6.3 operating system. (IBMnet).
  554.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-15-94)
  555. DOSFONT.ZIP     65769  04-10-93  A Dozen Different Types of DOS Fonts for Your
  556.                                | DOS Prompt.
  557.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-31-93)
  558. DOSMETER.ZIP    28341  11-24-93  Look at Dos Environment using a "Meter".
  559.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-12-93)
  560. DPMIV1.ZIP      29084  10-30-93  Dos Protected Mode Interface Specifications
  561.                                | Version In Text Format.
  562.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-18-93)
  563. DRIVE103.ZIP     9832  02-04-94  Drive - allows you to turn on or off your
  564.                                | drives.
  565.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-28-93)
  566. DRVSWP.ZIP       2359  09-20-93  Manipulate your drive aasignments.
  567.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-30-93)
  568. DS62NC.ZIP      61057  11-30-93  Norton Utilities V7.0 patches to NCACHE to
  569.                                | make it compatible with MSDOS 6.2 - from
  570.                                | Symantec BBS.
  571.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-05-93)
  572. DSKTL100.ZIP    69761  08-06-93  Disktools 1.00 Formats,analyse,copy and
  573.                                | view/edit your Floppy Disks.
  574.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-11-93)
  575. DTC2272.ZIP     25312  03-18-94  Data Technology - DTC - drivers for DTC2272
  576.                                | IDE controllers.
  577.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-29-93)
  578. DUFUL120.ZIP    33385  03-07-93  ╓───────────┤ Duful V1.20 ├────────────╖
  579.                                | ║first Wide Release Version of Duful,  ║
  580.                                | ║dave's Useful Freespace Utility.      ║
  581.                                | ║duful Will Give You a Bar Graph of    ║
  582.                                | ║used Space Vs. Free Space on Your Hard║
  583.                                | ║drives.  Will Auto Scan All Drives, Or║
  584.                                | ║you Can Specify Drives.               ║
  585.                                | ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝
  586.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-93)
  587. DUSE401.ZIP    171885  02-04-94  DiskUse v4.01 lets you quickly and easily
  588.                                | "see" your disk's usage. See how directories
  589.                                | compare to one another, etc. Zoom in from
  590.                                | root drives to sub-directories. CGA\EGA\VGA
  591.                                | support for graphs. View or export tabular
  592.                                | information. As a bonus, use the included
  593.                                | Microsoft Access database or the the Quattro
  594.                                | Pro (Win&Dos) spreadsheets. (Shareware $15)
  595.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
  596. DYNBOT11.ZIP    32649  05-26-93  Reboot with different AUTOEXEC.BAT 
  597.                                | CONFIG.SYS. 
  598.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-17-89)
  599. EDCONFIG.ZIP    14080  05-27-93  Device driver for point and shoot CONFIG.SYS.
  600.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 01-28-89)
  601. EDITMAC.ZIP      2052  09-01-93  A Very Good Program For Changing Mac To Ibm.
  602.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-02-93)
  603. EE134.ZIP       88359  08-15-93        ┌──────────────────────────────┐
  604.                                | ┌─────┤ cALMER Utilities  Series 134 ├─────┐
  605.                                | │     └──────────────────────────────┘     │
  606.                                | │A full-screen editor to modify or add any │
  607.                                | │environment variable.  Provides context-  │
  608.                                | │sensitive help on a wide range of standard│
  609.                                | │DOS items and others.                     │
  610.                                | │                                          │
  611.                                | └─────────┐ Australian Shareware ┌─────────┘
  612.                                |           └──────────────────────┘
  613.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-02-93)
  614. EMULATEF.ZIP    11083  11-05-93  IBM - Apple IIe software emulation FAQ from
  615.                                | Internet. This Faq describes programs and
  616.                                | procedures available to emulate an APPLEII
  617.                                | with your PC.
  618.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-24-93)
  619. ENVIMAN.ZIP     22353  08-03-93  ENVI-MAN v1.03 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
  620.                                | An Environment utility: small assembly
  621.                                | language routine with optional display of
  622.                                | environment strings & data such as location,
  623.                                | size & space available of the Master env.;
  624.                                | batch file environment space test provides
  625.                                | graceful exit if there is not enough.
  626.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-30-93)
  627. ENVTIME.ZIP     12735  01-08-93  Set DOS Environment Variables Based on System
  628.                                | Clock.
  629.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-93)
  630. ENV_31.ZIP      32701  09-14-93  Environ v3.1: utility that can be used to
  631.                                | delete selected variables from the DOS master
  632.                                | environment, storing those selected to a file
  633.                                | before it does so and can also be used to
  634.                                | restore these saved variables, or a selected
  635.                                | subset thereof to the master environment;
  636.                                | 08/21/93; David E. Key.
  637.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-21-93)
  638. EXCTR12A.ZIP   797455  04-15-94  EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
  639.                                | machines running MS-DOS, Windows 3.1 or OS/2
  640.                                | 2.1. Reportedly more robust than v1.1, not
  641.                                | requiring hard resets so often. This demo
  642.                                | runs for 10 min/time (unlimited times),
  643.                                | read/write HD Mac diskettes but not 800K
  644.                                | diskettes or SCSI drives. Demos and games are
  645.                                | in parts 2 and 3. Part 1 of 3.
  646.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-94)
  647. EXCTR12B.ZIP   376968  04-15-94  EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
  648.                                | Demos and games. Part 2 of 3. Requires
  649.                                | EXCTR12A.ZIP.
  650.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-94)
  651. EXCTR12C.ZIP  1304936  04-15-94  EXECUTOR v1.2: Macintosh emulator for Intel
  652.                                | Demos and games. Part 3 of 3. Requires
  653.                                | EXCTR12A.ZIP.
  654.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-94)
  655. FBOOT.ZIP        2390  07-14-93  Fast Reboot Of Your Computer.
  656.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-29-93)
  657. FF23.ZIP        83361  12-11-94  FreeForm- The Ultimate Floppy Disk Formatter
  658.                                | version 2.3 - FreeForm will format all styles
  659.                                | of standard DOS disks, as well as non DOS
  660.                                | disk, and customized DOS disks (i.e you can
  661.                                | make up your own copy protection schemes.)
  662.                                | Gives complete control over formatting
  663.                                | parameters. ASP shareware from Herne Data
  664.                                | Systems Ltd.
  665.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-01-94)
  666. FILLER.ZIP       6712  10-09-93  Filler 1.0 ($0) - creates a file of a
  667.                                | specified size on a drive. This is sometimes
  668.                                | needed for testing purposes.
  669.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-17-93)
  670. FIPS12.ZIP     106786  11-16-94  FIPS is a program to spilt nodestructively a
  671.                                | DOS partition.
  672.                                | Uploaded by: Charlie Kelber
  673.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-10-94)
  674. FIXBEEP.ZIP      3232  02-28-93  Is That Annoying Beep That Comes From Your PC
  675.                                | Getting to You?  You Can Change the Beep to a
  676.                                | More Pleasing Tone With This Short TSR
  677.                                | Utility.  it Works on Any IBM PC, Xt, at or
  678.                                | Compatible.  Documentation is Enclosed.
  679.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-18-88)
  680. FLEXP300.ZIP   221041  10-03-93  FLEXIBAK Plus v 3.00. Hard Disk Backup.
  681.                                | Features compression, selective backups and a
  682.                                | unique backup method where you only have to
  683.                                | take a full backup once! <ASP>
  684.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-26-93)
  685. FLIP416.ZIP    338659  10-05-94  Flipper, version 4.16. A program which gives
  686.                                | blind persons access to IBM and compatible
  687.                                | personal computers, using mainstream
  688.                                | application programs, such as word
  689.                                | processors, database programs, and
  690.                                | spreadsheets.
  691.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-08-94)
  692. FLOPT13.ZIP    169431  07-12-93  Latest update of Iomega's Floptical Utilities
  693.                                | for formatting their 21MB discs - with MS-DOS
  694.                                | 6.0 support - from Iomega BBS in US.
  695.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-23-93)
  696. FLPTPD11.ZIP    30327  09-01-93  Floppy To Tape For DOS, Copies Your Floppy
  697.                                | Disks To Colorado Tape Drives.
  698.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-28-93)
  699. FM55.ZIP        98195  09-03-93  FormatMaster v5.5. CAU dialog control
  700.                                | operated floppy disk format utility. Handles
  701.                                | 5 1/4" or 3 1/2", single/dual capacity
  702.                                | drives. Transfer system files, volume label,
  703.                                | and/or serialnumber. Supports sequential
  704.                                | serial numbers using volume label. Creates
  705.                                | bootable non-system diskettes. Reinitialize
  706.                                | formatted disks with save/restore format
  707.                                | capability. Windows style INI file
  708.                                | configuration.
  709.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-19-93)
  710. FMTFIX62.ZIP     5263  02-11-94  DOS 6.2 format enhancer with ASM source.
  711.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-26-94)
  712. FOOTPT14.ZIP    84386  12-07-93  FootPrint V1.4 - FootPrint Drive Changes. Use
  713.                                | Daily, For Win Uninstall, or Auditing. Fast;
  714.                                | scan over 500 meg in 10 sec! LANs Too.
  715.                                | Reports all changes, so you can easily see
  716.                                | what happened to a file, what an install
  717.                                | program did, or what software changed on your
  718.                                | PC. Saves TONS of Grief! Not a TSR. Run
  719.                                | FP.EXE, Use option H for instructions. Don't
  720.                                | be fooled; FootPrint is tiny, but it packs a
  721.                                | BIG KICK. Jim Olsen SUPERWARE <ASP>
  722.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-16-93)
  723. FORMAN40.ZIP    67196  08-09-93  Format Manager v4.0: menu based shell to be
  724.                                | used with DOS 5.0 or better FORMAT command;
  725.                                | req VGA; 07/29/93; Michael G. Sears.
  726.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-29-93)
  727. FTDVR157.ZIP    35014  09-02-94  New BETA DRIVER for BackMaster v1.1.
  728.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-25-94)
  729. FUNPRMT5.ZIP     2586  08-05-93  5 more graphical prompts to replace that
  730.                                | boring c: prompt. Due to overwhelming
  731.                                | response g , i'm releasing 5 more prompts as
  732.                                | promptware.a must for dos users.
  733.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-10-93)
  734. FXPATH11.ZIP    10863  01-12-93  Fixpath V1.1: Reads Your Path Environmen
  735.                                | Variable and Checks to Verify That All
  736.                                | Refer Enced Directories Actually Exist --
  737.                                | Any Di That Doesn't Exist, or is
  738.                                | Inaccessable, I Removed From the Path;
  739.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-28-92)
  740. GATEX400.ZIP     3039  03-07-93  White Paper on X.400 Gateway for Retix
  741.                                | Openserver From Wordperfect.
  742.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-12-93)
  743. GATPROFS.ZIP     3210  03-07-93  White Paper on Gateway for Profs and
  744.                                | Officevision for Vm Systems From Wordperfect.
  745.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-12-93)
  746. GDISK_23.ZIP    11403  03-27-93  A Little Utility for Displaying All Available
  747.                                | Drives on Your System Including Network.
  748.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-10-92)
  749. GFBACK11.ZIP    31677  06-14-93  Backups W/The Grandfather Technique. V1.1.
  750.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-05-92)
  751. GROWP21A.ZIP    23246  08-22-94  Growp v2.1A: 1400-byte TSR that will add a
  752.                                | default " " or user-entered growth character
  753.                                | to the environment's PROMPT string each time
  754.                                | another copy of Command.Com is shelled and to
  755.                                | remove the growth character when the copy of
  756.                                | Command.Com is terminated; 06/27/94; Gary S.
  757.                                | Tessler, P.E.
  758.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-27-94)
  759. GTAK201B.ZIP   192880  02-10-93  Pd Tape Backup Software.
  760.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-01-92)
  761. HOLDWC.ZIP       6865  02-21-93  Holdit!.Sys is a Dummy Device Driver That is
  762.                                | Never Actually Installed in System Memory
  763.                                | But Allows Pausing Between Each Device
  764.                                | Config.Sys Attempts to Load; Will Wait
  765.                                | Until You Press a Key Before Continuing,
  766.                                | Then Moving on to the Next Device Driver.
  767.                                | Swift-Ware.
  768.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-12-93)
  769. HPFSDS04.ZIP    34141  06-01-94  HPFS file system for MSDOS (read only,
  770.                                | beta4).
  771.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-15-94)
  772. IBRD.ZIP       120327  03-08-93  Inboard 386 Technical Specifications & Notes.
  773.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-07-93)
  774. ICFOS2.ZIP     218858  07-20-94  Inventory Capture Facility v1.7. System
  775.                                | inventory program reports on programs
  776.                                | installed, network data, memory, CMOS, other
  777.                                | system information and what microchannel
  778.                                | boards are installed.
  779.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-04-94)
  780. ID_CHIP.ZIP      8331  01-03-94  Cirrus Logic Chip identifier.
  781.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-05-93)
  782. IFP1S157.ZIP   116369  07-16-93  INFOPLUS v1.57: generates 21 screens of
  783.                                | information about your system w/online help;
  784.                                | requires DOS 3 and was originally based upon
  785.                                | Steve Grant's SYSID pgm; 06/26/93; Andrew
  786.                                | Rossmann TP SOURCE FILES [2/2].
  787.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-26-93)
  788. IHPFS113.ZIP     8058  07-21-94  Read OS/2 HPFS volumes from DOS.
  789.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-29-94)
  790. INCVAR10.ZIP    17187  01-25-94  INCVAR Version 1.00 - Used to increment an
  791.                                | environment variable. The number of
  792.                                | characters in the variable is invariant - you
  793.                                | start with one and there is not increase to
  794.                                | two. Up to 150 characters is allowed. A
  795.                                | series over time may be: 5,6,7,8,9,0,1 for a
  796.                                | single number, ax,ay,az,ba, etc for a length
  797.                                | of 2 characters, or 69y, 69z, 70a for 3
  798.                                | characters, etc.
  799.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-27-93)
  800. INTER42A.ZIP   362542  09-10-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 A
  801.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  802.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  803.                                | some 6475 entries (plus more than 2200
  804.                                | tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
  805.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  806.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  807.                                | programs in INTER42D.
  808.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-07-94)
  809. INTER42B.ZIP   362554  09-10-94  Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, 2
  810.                                | of 3.
  811.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-07-94)
  812. INTER42C.ZIP   239950  09-10-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 A
  813.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  814.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  815.                                | some 6475 entries (plus more than 2200
  816.                                | tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
  817.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  818.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  819.                                | programs in INTER42D.
  820.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-07-94)
  821. INTER42D.ZIP   346703  09-10-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 42 A
  822.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  823.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  824.                                | some 6475 entries (plus more than 2200
  825.                                | tables) in INTER42A to INTER42C, and
  826.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  827.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  828.                                | programs in INTER42D.
  829.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-94)
  830. INTER43A.ZIP   361139  11-27-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 43 A
  831.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  832.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  833.                                | over 6550 entries (plus more than 2400
  834.                                | tables) in INTER43A to INTER43C, and
  835.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  836.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  837.                                | programs in INTER43D.
  838.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-94)
  839. INTER43B.ZIP   362679  11-27-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 43 A
  840.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  841.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  842.                                | over 6550 entries (plus more than 2400
  843.                                | tables) in INTER43A to INTER43C, and
  844.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  845.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  846.                                | programs in INTER43D.
  847.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-94)
  848. INTER43C.ZIP   303101  11-27-94  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 43 A
  849.                                | Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
  850.                                | both documented and undocumented. Contains
  851.                                | over 6550 entries (plus more than 2400
  852.                                | tables) in INTER43A to INTER43C, and
  853.                                | conversion programs to create hypertext
  854.                                | databases as well as other miscellaneous
  855.                                | programs in INTER43D.
  856.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-94)
  857. INTHLP10.ZIP    55968  12-02-94  Interrupt Helper 1.0 - by Gary Chanson A
  858.                                | search and display utility with cross
  859.                                | referencing for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List.
  860.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-94)
  861. INTLIST1.ZIP     5895  06-06-94  Collected, organized texts from interrupt lis
  862.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-94)
  863. INTVIDEO.ZIP     3042  04-04-93  Details on New Intel Smart Video Recorder.
  864.                                | Allows 15fps Recording of 1/4 Screen Video
  865.                                | in Real Time. 60 Seconds of Recording Time
  866.                                | Only Equals 9 Meg File Size.
  867.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-31-93)
  868. INTVU14A.ZIP    10962  02-05-93  Intervue V1.4a: Viewer for the Interrupt List
  869.                                | Maintained By Ralf Brown.
  870.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-25-93)
  871. JACKET.ZIP      30575  02-07-93  Reads Your 5.25" Floppies and Print Out an
  872.                                | Alphebetized Listing Compe W/Dates/Sizes.
  873.                                | Cut on Dotted Line -> Your Disk Jacket! By
  874.                                | Midnight Software Services. $ 7 Register.
  875.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-21-93)
  876. JUMBO405.ZIP   406486  08-28-94  Domestic Jumbo Colorado Backup for DOS
  877.                                | version 4.05 release. hw
  878.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-14-94)
  879. JUMBODOC.ZIP     7864  10-26-93  Docs for Colorado memory systems
  880.                                | jumbo250-4.01.
  881.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-27-93)
  882. KF510.ZIP      200220  11-18-93  KFree shows free memory.
  883.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-13-93)
  884. K_SPD401.ZIP    21577  02-09-94  K-speed 4.01.Cpu benchmark.
  885.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-23-93)
  886. L40BAT.ZIP      32081  04-03-93  IBM Ews L40sx Battery Indicator Program.
  887.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-19-93)
  888. L6ET58A.ZIP     83954  10-15-94  Update Flash Bios for Ibm Ps/Valuepoint
  889.                                | Models 6382, 6384, 6387 (Ps/Vp II). Just
  890.                                | Extract This to a Bootable Floppy, Boot, and
  891.                                | Choose "Us English" to Update Your Rom. F.
  892.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-94)
  893. LOGDSWIN.ZIP    11887  02-24-94  System Log, will log (w/ time and date) all
  894.                                | file access. A small, fast TSR(3k) in 100%
  895.                                | assembly. Will log file access under any
  896.                                | version of dos 3.0++/Windows ·∙■Logs file
  897.                                | access under dos/windows■∙·
  898.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-28-94)
  899. LOGIT21.ZIP     27608  05-17-93  LOGit - Date & Time Utility v2.1  -- by
  900.                                | DYNAMOUS Software. Record data & time when
  901.                                | your PC is turned on.  Record when you 
  902.                                | completed the last backup of your hard disk.
  903.                                | Great way to keep track of when PC is used.
  904.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-29-93)
  905. LPTMON10.ZIP     4323  02-14-94  LPTMON v1.0: TSR pgm that will display the
  906.                                | values of the ports 378h (data port), 379h
  907.                                | (status port), 3FAh (control port), and how
  908.                                | many times an IRQ7 has occurred so the you
  909.                                | can monitor a printer at LPT1; includes ASM
  910.                                | source; 01/16/94; Celso Minnitti Jr.
  911.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-16-94)
  912. M5CACHE.ZIP     26462  07-17-93  Cyrix 486dlc Cpu Chip Internal Cache
  913.                                | Utilities.
  914.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-10-92)
  915. MACT301U.ZIP    45026  06-03-94  Mac-ette v3.01U: PC utility which can read,
  916.                                | write, format and duplicate Macintosh HFS
  917.                                | format 1.4M diskettes on a PC equipped with a
  918.                                | 3 " high density diskette drive; 04/18/94;
  919.                                | Paul E. Thomson.
  920.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-18-94)
  921. MAINT110.ZIP    17967  05-25-94  MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which lets
  922.                                | you modify any kind of INI-Files from the DOS
  923.                                | commandline. Usefull for networks, just place
  924.                                | it in the login-script. ! New Version 1.10 !
  925.                                | - Create new section, add or modify key &
  926.                                | values - Delete,Comments,Uncomments keys and
  927.                                | sections - Global replace of strings
  928.                                | supported - Supports PROGMAN.INI,SYSTEM.INI !
  929.                                | - You can use environment variables This
  930.                                | programm is email-ware.
  931.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-05-94)
  932. MBACK230.ZIP   207588  05-15-93  MegaBack version 2.3 from Patri-Soft
  933.                                | A GREAT backup program designed to make
  934.                                | your backups quick and easy! This new
  935.                                | version of MegaBack is 25% faster!
  936.                                | MegaBack has point & shoot exclude,
  937.                                | interruptable full backup, data
  938.                                | compression, full/incremental
  939.                                | backups, EASY restore and more!
  940.                                | Great compliment for tape or notebook
  941.                                | backup.  Very professional!
  942.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-30-93)
  943. MDISK.ZIP       26239  01-03-94  Measure The Amount of Cpu Time Consumed by
  944.                                | Disk I/O, And The I/o Performance of Two
  945.                                | Drives at The Same Time. Multithreaded
  946.                                | Version of Iostone Disk Benchmark, Also Shows
  947.                                | Cpu Useage.
  948.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-14-93)
  949. MEDLIN93.ZIP   252371  02-14-93  Medlin Accounting 1993 Versions <ASP>       
  950.                                | Five Fast, Easy to Use, Accounting Programs 
  951.                                | for the Small Business:                     
  952.                                | PC-Gl Version 3.7 Double Entry General Ledger
  953.                                | PC-Ar Version 4.2 A/R, sales Summary Program.
  954.                                | PC-Pr Version 2.2 1993 Payroll Writing.     
  955.                                | PC-Ap Version 1.7 Accounts Payable Program. 
  956.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-29-92)
  957. MEG35.ZIP      120987  09-02-94  MEG 3.5 <ASP> Graphs System Info Large Pie
  958.                                | and 3-D bars colorfully show your space and
  959.                                | memory. Simple easy-to-read space info %Free,
  960.                                | free, used total in Mb. Hard, Network, floppy
  961.                                | and CD-ROM drives. Your CPU is speed tested
  962.                                | to .01 Mhz. Dos and Windows versions. Time
  963.                                | and date. Memory graph. Screen savers.
  964.                                | Advance with a mouse click or autoscan.
  965.                                | Requires VGA. Shareware. Jim Tolliver $20
  966.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-31-94)
  967. MEGJR14.ZIP     37786  03-01-94  MegJr v1.4: colorful utility pgm to display
  968.                                | system information highlights quickly and
  969.                                | legibly; speed tests and shows CPU; space
  970.                                | information in megs including free and total;
  971.                                | memory and DOS information; 01/17/94; Jim
  972.                                | Tolliver.
  973.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-17-94)
  974. MEMSZ154.ZIP   125563  03-03-93  System Resources 1.54. Show Swap/Mem/Etc.
  975.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-30-93)
  976. MITSUMI.ZIP      4018  03-22-93  Daisy Chain Your Mitsumi Cd Drives. You Can!
  977.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-18-93)
  978. MOREHD21.ZIP     9514  05-06-93  Allows you to open > 20 file handles.
  979.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 01-26-93)
  980. MORERAM1.ZIP     5954  05-20-93  Utility to skip memory test on boot up. 
  981.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 10-28-88)
  982. MOSLO12.ZIP      4924  02-11-93  Mo'slo V1.2: Lets You Slow the Speed of Your
  983.                                | Computer From 1 to 99% of Normal, in 1%
  984.                                | Increments.
  985.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-30-93)
  986. MSYS13.ZIP      60717  08-06-93  Multisys ver1.3 - maintain multiple system c.
  987.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-09-93)
  988. MTBOOT.ZIP      26734  12-21-94  Multi Boot 1.0 Multi-Boot Configuration P
  989.                                | Configure up to four different boot configura
  990.                                | Easy, no boot-up menu or nothing! Just a simp
  991.                                | command line... Shareware $15 US dollars!
  992.                                | Written By Richard Ratayczak For Disk And Des
  993.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-22-94)
  994. MULTBO.ZIP      40610  03-12-94  ════════════Multi Boot V1.0═════════════════
  995.                                | If you have Multiple Operating Systems You
  996.                                | Need this. Multi Boot is easy to install and
  997.                                | will allow you to boot from any partition on
  998.                                | your hard drive. Also boot from A or B anyone
  999.                                | may want this. Will also Boot from active
  1000.                                | partition after user settable time delay
  1001.                                | Great feature for remote Computing.
  1002.                                | ════════════════════════════════════════════
  1003.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-20-94)
  1004. MULTC21E.ZIP     5985  05-21-93  Choose multiple configuration files on 
  1005.                                | bootup. 
  1006.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 08-13-91)
  1007. NBS102.ZIP      82131  10-15-93  NBS is a front-end for Norton Backup 2.2 (or
  1008.                                | higher) to aid in a clean data directory,
  1009.                                | cycle support and cleaning support. Also
  1010.                                | comprehensive tests on the NBackup files in
  1011.                                | the data-directory. Shareware.
  1012.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-25-93)
  1013. NEC320PM.ZIP    70055  02-14-93  Setup Utility for the Nec Powermate 386/20.
  1014.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-06-90)
  1015. NEOSOFT.ZIP     32201  04-13-94  By the makers of Neopaint and Neobook-Neosoft
  1016.                                | is a nice little graphic display of HD or DD
  1017.                                | usage.
  1018.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-93)
  1019. NFIL134.ZIP     22871  11-11-93  Disk backup: A programme that will
  1020.                                | recursively scan the hardisk partition for
  1021.                                | any files that have the archive attribute
  1022.                                | set. Will return an errorLevel of "0" if any
  1023.                                | files are found. Useful in a batch file to
  1024.                                | skip the backup of a hard disk partition that
  1025.                                | hasn't had any files updated or added since
  1026.                                | the last backup.
  1027.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-28-92)
  1028. NOBREAK1.ZIP     2618  01-20-93  Nobreak.Sys a Binary Installable Device
  1029.                                | Driver to Intercept Critical MS-DOS Keys
  1030.                                | Ctrl/Break That Could Disrupt Menus or
  1031.                                | Software Demonstration Programs. Handy!.
  1032.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-16-91)
  1033. NP3.ZIP          3732  08-17-93  Nosy Prompter v3: shows when you have shelled
  1034.                                | to DOS from a pgm; modifies the DOS prompt to
  1035.                                | show you that you have shelled to DOS from
  1036.                                | inside a pgm; works with Windows 3.x to show
  1037.                                | you that you are inside a DOS window. 8/04/93
  1038.                                | FreeWare program from Russell Nelson.
  1039.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-02-93)
  1040. NWANSI11.ZIP    16502  03-18-94  NW_ANSI v1.1 - If ANSI driver installed, set
  1041.                                | ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch files
  1042.                                | that need to make sure the end user still has
  1043.                                | an ANSI driver loaded! By Steve Meirowsky of
  1044.                                | New World Designs.
  1045.                                | Uploaded by: Steve Meirowsky
  1046.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-94)
  1047. NWFHC11.ZIP     16261  03-18-94  NW_FHCNT v1.1 - Return file handle count in
  1048.                                | ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch files
  1049.                                | that need to make sure the end user has not
  1050.                                | changed 'files' in config.sys. By Steve
  1051.                                | Meirowsky of New World Designs.
  1052.                                | Uploaded by: Steve Meirowsky
  1053.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-94)
  1054. NWSHAR11.ZIP    16322  03-18-94  NW_SHARE v1.1 - If SHARE driver installed,
  1055.                                | set ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch
  1056.                                | files that need to make sure the end user
  1057.                                | still has a SHARE driver loaded! By Steve
  1058.                                | Meirowsky of New World Designs.
  1059.                                | Uploaded by: Steve Meirowsky
  1060.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-94)
  1061. ODP_DEMO.ZIP   850916  11-06-94  OverDrive Processor Demo direct from Intel.
  1062.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-07-94)
  1063. OPSYS1.ZIP      12900  01-19-94  OPSYS 1.1: DOS / OS/2 Utility that informs
  1064.                                | which Operating System is running (Either
  1065.                                | OS/2, OS/2-MDOS, MS-DOS). Returns ERRORLEVEL!
  1066.                                | Now also works with DOS 6.20.
  1067.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-17-93)
  1068. OSBS.ZIP       399956  03-13-94  ONE STOP BOOT SHOP A utility to setup
  1069.                                | multiple bootup configurations [up to 256
  1070.                                | different ones] to satisfy any program or
  1071.                                | game's specific requirements. It will allow
  1072.                                | you to select from a menu which set up you
  1073.                                | need,and automaticly reboot you system with
  1074.                                | your new setup. SHAREWARE Jim Neill '94.
  1075.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-26-94)
  1076. P590R2.ZIP     247175  11-06-94  This is an updated version of the on-line
  1077.                                | guide for the Gateway 2000 P5-90 computer.
  1078.                                | Very helpful if you own one and interesting
  1079.                                | if you are considering a purchase.
  1080.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-06-94)
  1081. PATHM34.ZIP     97230  04-22-93  ╓─██▓▓▒▒░░  Path Master 3.4  ░░▒▒▓▓██──╖     
  1082.                                | ║     The Ultimate path utility!       ║     
  1083.                                | ║    Choose your path from a menu,     ║     
  1084.                                | ║ configure 20 paths, add a directory, ║     
  1085.                                | ║   delete one, and use your MOUSE.    ║     
  1086.                                | ║ Forget all that typing or stretching ║     
  1087.                                | ║  your environment for a long path.   ║     
  1088.                                | ╙──────────────────────────────────────╜     
  1089. PATHTL22.ZIP    56443  08-09-93  ---------->>> PathTool v2.2 <<<----------
  1090.                                | PathTool is a powerful utility which easily
  1091.                                | lets users modify PATH by using straight
  1092.                                | forward commands. PathTool is capable of
  1093.                                | generating a PATH longer than 121 bytes. It
  1094.                                | is more powerful than any existing PATH
  1095.                                | modification utility! Non-PATH environment
  1096.                                | variables can also be modified. Modify the
  1097.                                | INCLUDE & LIB variables for your compiler!
  1098.                                | Tested with many versions of DOS, Windows,
  1099.                                | OS/2, 4DOS, and LANs. PathTool works even
  1100.                                | when your are not connected to a LAN, unlike
  1101.                                | Novell MAP. Designed for the serious PC power
  1102.                                | users! The best for BATCH files! By Steve
  1103.                                | Meirowsky of New World Designs.
  1104.                                | Uploaded by: Steve Meirowsky
  1105.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-03-93)
  1106. PCMCIA.ZIP     354791  09-16-94  Compaq's Lte ELITE PCMCIA Fix Drivers, as of
  1107.                                | August 10 1994, 02: 00pm.
  1108.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-17-94)
  1109. PENTIUM1.ZIP     4329  04-04-93  Details of Intel Pentium Chip. Downloaded
  1110.                                | Press Release From Intelbbs.
  1111.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-93)
  1112. PENTNEWS.ZIP     8252  03-27-93  News Letter Release From Intel on New Pentium
  1113.                                | Series Chips and Overdrive Chips.
  1114.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-25-93)
  1115. PF253.ZIP       27116  02-26-93  Port Finder V2.53: Com/Lpt Port Control/Stats
  1116.                                | Can Activate Com3/Com4 Under DOS 3.3+.
  1117.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-19-90)
  1118. POSYS.ZIP       80918  03-13-93  Purchase Order Gerneration/Managemesystem Sys
  1119.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-05-92)
  1120. POWER305.ZIP   341413  04-24-93  Colorado Memory Systems Power Software V3.05 
  1121.                                | Tape Backup Software For The Power Series.   
  1122.                                | Now Supports Additional SCSI Cards.          
  1123.                                | Downloaded From Colorado Memory Systems BBS. 
  1124.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-15-93)
  1125. POWERPC.ZIP     12944  04-29-94  Subject: PowerPC Frequently Asked Questions
  1126.                                | (FAQ). Last-modified 13-April-94. Summary:
  1127.                                | This posting contains a list of frequently
  1128.                                | asked questions about the PowerPC
  1129.                                | architecture and PowerPC-based computers.
  1130.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-13-94)
  1131. PPBOOT02.ZIP    97965  03-11-93  Pp-Boot Vb02: Boot Menu/Configuration Editor
  1132.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-11-93)
  1133. PTANSHT.ZIP     76364  03-14-93  Point and Shoot, Backup and Restore to the
  1134.                                | Hard Drive. Works Wth All Disk.
  1135.                                | SysOp Note: Contains an Old Version of PKZIP
  1136.                                | (1.10, Probably). You May Wish to Get Rid
  1137.                                | of This File to Avoid Future Conflicts if
  1138.                                | You Now Use PKZIP 2.04g or Later.
  1139.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-25-90)
  1140. Q38733.ZIP     235520  02-17-93  Q387 3.3 Math Accelerator and Emulator.
  1141.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-01-93)
  1142. Q387_366.ZIP   115691  10-19-94  (Q387 V3.66 Math Accelerator and Emulator
  1143.                                | (Run all AutoCADs without a coprocessor. (Up
  1144.                                | to 400% faster graphics, CAD, etc. (Requires
  1145.                                | a 386SX+, 1.5 Mb RAM+, and DOS 5 or (6. This
  1146.                                | is a 20 minute demo, with a quick (and
  1147.                                | inexpensive upgrade available. )
  1148.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-05-94)
  1149. Q87_37.ZIP     115189  12-12-94  (Q87 V3.7 Math Accelerator and Emulator (Run
  1150.                                | all AutoCADs without a coprocessor. (Up to
  1151.                                | 400% faster graphics, CAD, etc. (Requires a
  1152.                                | 386SX+, 1.5 Mb RAM+, and DOS 5 or (6. This is
  1153.                                | a 20 minute demo, with a quick (and
  1154.                                | inexpensive upgrade available. )
  1155.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-16-94)
  1156. QICBAT12.ZIP   263483  01-24-94  QIC-BAT for CMS v1.2 <ASP> Tape backup
  1157.                                | utility for Colorado Tape Drives. Unleashes
  1158.                                | the power of your CMS tape backup software by
  1159.                                | providing access to features not available
  1160.                                | using CMS's menu software. Creates error-free
  1161.                                | backup batch files with just a few clicks of
  1162.                                | the mouse. Multi-drive backups, mouse
  1163.                                | support, Tag File Generator, On-line help,
  1164.                                | group drives and verification reports. Reg'd
  1165.                                | users also receive Windows version.
  1166.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-22-93)
  1167. Q_DV10.ZIP      28837  02-25-93  Quick and Dirty V1.0: Simple Utility to Allow
  1168.                                | 2 Separate Config.Sys Files Upon Bootup.
  1169.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-17-93)
  1170. RAMAGIC2.ZIP    15299  02-01-94  Never lose file data again with ram magic v2
  1171.                                | view, search and copy anything anytime from
  1172.                                | your system memory. Great utility written in
  1173.                                | assembler. Or, just use it to snoop in ram!
  1174.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-19-94)
  1175. RAMDSK12.ZIP    28441  04-12-94  These FREEWARE utilities are 2 RESIZABLE
  1176.                                | ramdisks. One is for XMS and the other one is
  1177.                                | for EMS.
  1178.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-27-93)
  1179. RBT400.ZIP      60758  01-30-93  Reboot V4.00 -  Utility to Switch
  1180.                                | Between Multiple Autoexec.Bat and
  1181.                                | Config.Sys Files. Eliminates Need
  1182.                                | Boot Disks. New From Interthought
  1183.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-24-93)
  1184. REBOOT13.ZIP     9816  05-21-93  Switch CONFIG.SYS and auto reboot. 
  1185.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-09-88)
  1186. RESET11.ZIP      3983  05-21-93  Reboot using different AUTO CONFIGs. 
  1187.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 09-05-88)
  1188. REST100.ZIP     14145  04-07-93                Rest V1.00
  1189.                                | Command-Line Tape Restoration Utility
  1190.                                | for Use With Colorado's Tape Software.
  1191.                                | Makes Restoring Multiple Volumes From
  1192.                                | a Tape Extremely Simple.  Very Small,
  1193.                                | Easy to Use Program.  Shareware, With
  1194.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-23-93)
  1195. RMD200.ZIP      17592  02-18-94  RAMDRIVE is a high speed RAM DISK DRIVE. It
  1196.                                | for 16 & 32 bit computers, but still supports
  1197.                                | machines. RAMDRIVE requires less than 1k of
  1198.                                | RAMDRIVE supports drives up to 128MB. RAMDRI
  1199.                                | memory. Shareware registration information i
  1200.                                | Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
  1201.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-13-92)
  1202. RU103.ZIP       28566  10-10-93  RAVITZ UTILITIES v1.03 <ASP> - A package of
  1203.                                | miscellaneous utilities. FLSIG is a file
  1204.                                | signature program that lets you set up a disk
  1205.                                | security test. PIC2GL translates Lotus PIC
  1206.                                | files to HP-GL. AUTOPGL runs as an unattended
  1207.                                | background task in DESQview or Windows,
  1208.                                | running PrintGL on any plotfiles that it
  1209.                                | sees. ATKBFIX and ENKBFIX are TSRs that
  1210.                                | modify the BIOS keyboard handling to make the
  1211.                                | keyboards more useful. Shareware - no charge.
  1212.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-12-93)
  1213. RUNWN21S.ZIP    51925  05-26-93  RunWen v2.1 The BEST Bootup Program Scheduler
  1214.                                | ! New version 2.1 fixes the infamous         
  1215.                                | "February" bug. You'll never find a better   
  1216.                                | shareware Bootup Program Scheduler. 
  1217.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-13-93)
  1218. S3MAC10.ZIP     41904  03-03-93  Mac Data to PC (S3 Mac) V1.0: Will Take Data
  1219.                                | Prepared By a Mac (In Particular, a Mac
  1220.                                | Running Macsub) and Convert it to a File
  1221.                                | More Readily Processable By a PC; Req
  1222.                                | 80386+.
  1223.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-17-93)
  1224. SAFGRD11.ZIP   227180  07-08-94  SAFEGARD V1.1 <ASP> - Backup and File Mngmnt.
  1225.                                | Fastest most reliable shareware BU available.
  1226.                                | Unique database automation simplifies use by
  1227.                                | needing only one type of backup. Features -
  1228.                                | Compression, Multiversioning, Multitasking,
  1229.                                | Visual list creation, Click and Drag: Copy /
  1230.                                | Move / Restore, Quick Format and much more.
  1231.                                | LTI AlphaWindows environment provides fully
  1232.                                | windowed operation in DOS or as a DOS app
  1233.                                | under Microsoft Windows. Requires 286 & up.
  1234.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-01-94)
  1235. SAFPAK15.ZIP    61984  03-22-93  Safepack V1.5 Disk Defragmenter Mar 93  ASP
  1236.                                | Designed So That the Data on the Disk Should
  1237.                                | be Immune to Interruptions From Any Cause
  1238.                                | During Defragmentation. Files and Directories
  1239.                                | May be Sorted Into Almost Any Order, and Many
  1240.                                | Other Optimizations are Possible.  Safepack
  1241.                                | Leaves All the Free Space as a Single Area So
  1242.                                | a Large Windows Swap File May be Created.
  1243.                                | May be Run in Unattended Mode. OS/2 Supported
  1244.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-93)
  1245. SCHEDT10.ZIP    22901  02-11-93  Schedit V1.00: Small Utility That Will
  1246.                                | Automatically Execute a Pgm or a List of
  1247.                                | Pgms on Specific Days.
  1248.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-12-93)
  1249. SCSI16.ZIP      49136  06-26-93  Emerald SCSI Tape Backup System diagnostics,
  1250.                                | direct from Emerald's BBS.
  1251.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-09-93)
  1252. SCSI16X.ZIP     27063  06-26-93  Emerald SCSI tape backup diagnostic exerciser
  1253.                                | direct from Emerald Systems.
  1254.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-23-93)
  1255. SCSI2.ZIP      304903  03-06-94  SCSI-2 spec text, rev 10L Dwonloaded from the
  1256.                                | SCSI BBS 719-574-0424
  1257.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-09-93)
  1258. SCSIALL.ZIP     17314  02-26-93  Scsi Tips for Ami Scsi Cards.
  1259. SC_BETA3.ZIP    85914  11-28-94  The Star Commander, Beta Version #3 written
  1260.                                | by Joe Forster/STA The ultimate copy utility
  1261.                                | that handles the .D64 and .T64 files for the
  1262.                                | C64S emulator (by Miha Peternel) and copies
  1263.                                | files and disks from and to a connected 1541
  1264.                                | drive also in turbo mode. The Star Commader
  1265.                                | is a Norton Commander- like freeware program
  1266.                                | with online help, fast execution and it is
  1267.                                | easy to handle. Software Trading Association
  1268.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-16-94)
  1269. SC_CALIB.ZIP     5779  11-28-94  The Star Commander Calibrator written by Joe
  1270.                                | Forster/STA This little program helps you
  1271.                                | with calibrating The Star Commander, Beta
  1272.                                | Version #3 manually until the next version is
  1273.                                | released. Software Trading Association
  1274.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-20-94)
  1275. SDF21.ZIP       22530  05-21-93  Fast floppy disk formatter and speed up. 
  1276.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 10-06-90)
  1277. SETBEP11.ZIP    11070  04-20-93  SetBeep v1.1: TSR pgm that will set the beep 
  1278.                                | character's (ASCII decimal 7 or control-G)   
  1279.                                | duration to a user specified value.
  1280. SETDT110.ZIP    25418  11-03-93  SETDT.EXE v1.10 - Parses your system's
  1281.                                | current date and time into the environment.
  1282.                                | (Month) MM=nn, (Day) DD=nn, (Year) YY=nn,
  1283.                                | (Hour) HR=nn, (Minute) MN=nn, and (Second)
  1284.                                | SC=nn. Handy for automatically creating
  1285.                                | filenames for ZIP files, or as as a tape
  1286.                                | label. Freeware, created by -vjf- 09/27/93.
  1287.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-29-93)
  1288. SETENV15.ZIP    24794  03-21-93  Menu-Driven Interface That Allows You to
  1289.                                | Easily Add, Edit and Delete Environment
  1290.                                | Variables Without Retyping Long,
  1291.                                | Complicated Set Statements. V1.50
  1292.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-14-92)
  1293. SETER146.ZIP    30917  09-16-93  SetEr v. 1.46 is a program which will allow
  1294.                                | the user to set an errorlevel from the
  1295.                                | command line or a batch file. Registration is
  1296.                                | only $6.00. SMSnet
  1297.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-93)
  1298. SFTM142.ZIP     12846  08-30-93  SFTM.ZIP - System File Table Monitor, version
  1299.                                | 1.42. Will list in real-time all files opened
  1300.                                | on your system. Compatible with Lantastic
  1301.                                | 5.x, Desqview 2.x, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS 6.x.
  1302.                                | Runs in your current text mode, has clock on
  1303.                                | screen, plus supports QEMM's additional FILES
  1304.                                | table. On a machine running a Lantastic
  1305.                                | Redirector, it will also report the machine
  1306.                                | name on the status line.
  1307.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-04-93)
  1308. SHWRV115.ZIP    10375  04-29-94  Showrev v1.15 - kind of unix-showrev for
  1309.                                | amigaos.
  1310.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-15-94)
  1311. SI559B.ZIP      12187  12-15-93  Sysinfo v 5.59b - bug fix - freebie! Self-x.
  1312.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-15-93)
  1313. SIMIIE.ZIP     115283  05-08-94  Apple Iie Simulator.
  1314.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-07-94)
  1315. SIMPBACK.ZIP   237551  06-25-93  Enhanced Backup Utility, Simple to Use!
  1316.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-15-92)
  1317. SK470S.ZIP     322469  11-17-94  SpeedKit from HyperWare V4.70 Shareware
  1318.                                | versions of the world famous HyperDisk,
  1319.                                | HyperKey, and HyperScreen Utilities. Two new
  1320.                                | utilities are included: HyperRAM for CPU
  1321.                                | speedup and IDE Booster for increased
  1322.                                | performance on IDE Hard Drives. Also includes
  1323.                                | new windows control panel to monitor cache
  1324.                                | setup & performance from within Windows.
  1325.                                | Documentation and order form included.
  1326.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-17-94)
  1327. SLOOWDWN.ZIP     9524  11-25-93  Utility to slow down the newer machunes to
  1328.                                | play games.
  1329.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-30-93)
  1330. SMARTPMT.ZIP     1400  05-26-93  SmartPrompt by Steve Gibson
  1331.                                | This small TSR forces SMARTDRIVE or
  1332.                                | NCACHE to flush buffers before returning
  1333.                                | a DOS prompt. This insures hard disk
  1334.                                | integrity and makes it safe to turn off
  1335.                                | your computer when the DOS prompt
  1336.                                | appears. Complete story in InfoWorld
  1337.                                | 05/17/93, page 34.
  1338.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-01-93)
  1339. SMART_B.ZIP     27202  06-01-94  SmartBoot An MSDOS-based CONFIG.SYS and
  1340.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT configuration manager. Allows
  1341.                                | user to select which CONFIG.SYS and
  1342.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT file best suits the current
  1343.                                | system boot operation. Bonus!
  1344.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-93)
  1345. SNOOP330.ZIP   153660  04-24-94  SNOOPER v3.30 <ASP> - System info utility.
  1346.                                | Shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, DOS, BIOS, memory,
  1347.                                | disks, video, CD-ROM, env, kbd, sound cards,
  1348.                                | ports, IDE model, CMOS info, disk cache,
  1349.                                | Stacker, FILES & BUFFERS, IRQs, DMA, modems,
  1350.                                | mice, port IRQs. Lets you edit CMOS, CONFIG,
  1351.                                | & AUTOEXEC. Network and benchmark screens,
  1352.                                | detects 1100 MicroChannel cards. New version
  1353.                                | adds Auto-log feature, fixes a few bugs.
  1354.                                | Ideal for tech support, HW inventory, & you!
  1355.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-94)
  1356. SP0425.ZIP      21450  04-03-93  Compaq Prolinea 486 Vesa Drivers for Tseng 4.
  1357.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-22-92)
  1358. SP0625.ZIP      13116  12-12-93  SP0625.ZIP Sets the speed & cache state of a
  1359.                                | computer. Functionality is the same as MODE
  1360.                                | SPEED & MODE MEM except that MODESPE.EXE may
  1361.                                | executed in CONFIG.SYS as well as the DOS
  1362.                                | command prompt.
  1363.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-06-93)
  1364. SP0768.ZIP    1271881  06-17-94  Compaq Diagnostics 8.28 This will only work
  1365.                                | on a compaq. Direct from Compaq's BBS.
  1366.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-25-94)
  1367. SP0798.ZIP     139611  11-05-94  COMPAQ: Systems Diagnositics package.
  1368.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-02-94)
  1369. SP0839.ZIP      12131  11-05-94  COMPAQ: Systems Diagnositics package.
  1370.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-15-94)
  1371. SP0865.ZIP     602046  11-06-94  COMPAQ: Systems Diagnositics package.
  1372.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-04-94)
  1373. SPEEDBAK.ZIP    51893  03-12-94  SPEEDBAK v2.3 <ASP> - Fast, safe, user
  1374.                                | friendly disk defragmenter. Using a special
  1375.                                | algorithm to minimize movement of data, files
  1376.                                | are moved to the front of the disk and placed
  1377.                                | in contiguous clusters. Directories are also
  1378.                                | moved ahead of data files and cleaned up to
  1379.                                | remove extra records. SpeedBak works on all
  1380.                                | size drives (up to 28,000 files!) and has an
  1381.                                | easy to use mouse/hot key interface.
  1382.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-12-93)
  1383. SPEEDCPU.ZIP    82146  12-03-94  -= Speed... =- The latest in PC software
  1384.                                | Allows you to double your system speed,
  1385.                                | without any work. Fully tested!
  1386.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-03-94)
  1387. SPEEDUP1.ZIP    20420  12-04-93  SPEEDUP! 1.0 [SPEEDUP1] allows you to set
  1388.                                | your 286 PC to perform many tasks at a speed
  1389.                                | comparable to a 386. It also can be used on a
  1390.                                | 386 to slow to it down.
  1391.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-06-93)
  1392. SPEED_UP.ZIP     3590  05-21-93  Speed up CPU. 
  1393.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 01-09-89)
  1394. SPKT465S.ZIP   399242  09-22-93  SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.65 Contains
  1395.                                | the shareware versions of the world famous
  1396.                                | HyperDisk, HyperKey and HyperScreen
  1397.                                | Utilities. New version has updates for
  1398.                                | XtraDrive, DoubleSpace, new features in
  1399.                                | HyperKey and HyeprScreen. Documentation and
  1400.                                | orderform included.
  1401.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-02-93)
  1402. SPKT465U.ZIP   176819  09-22-93  Hyperdisk Upgrade from 4.60 to 4.65. Requires
  1403.                                | 4.60 previous installation. (Patch.exe type)
  1404.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-24-93)
  1405. SRDSK205.ZIP    72286  02-15-94  ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.05. Copyright (c) 1994
  1406.                                | Marko Kohtala. Released Jan 31st, 1994.
  1407.                                | SRDISK is a virtual disk device driver and
  1408.                                | controller capable of using over 32M of XMS
  1409.                                | and EMS memory. The disk can be disabled and
  1410.                                | it's size can be changed without rebooting.
  1411.                                | Lots of other usefull features.
  1412.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-31-94)
  1413. SSR101.ZIP      17785  09-21-94  SSR v1.01, DOS Simple System Report (memory,
  1414.                                | drives, etc.). Freeware (c) 1994 [94/08/09]
  1415.                                | by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
  1416.                                | Uploaded by: David Daniel Anderson.
  1417.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-09-94)
  1418. STATRAM3.ZIP     3504  04-30-94  Stat-ram v3.0 - a very fast recoverable ram
  1419.                                | drive.
  1420.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-94)
  1421. STAT_COM.ZIP    11827  05-03-93  The STAT program will allow you to display
  1422.                                | and change the status of any COM port.
  1423.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 11-10-90)
  1424. SWANFIX.ZIP      2537  02-12-93  Fixes A20 Problem on Swan Dx2-66's.
  1425.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-03-93)
  1426. SYSCF420.ZIP   139058  02-11-94  SYSCFG v4.20 great AUTOEXEC.BAT and
  1427.                                | CONFIG.SYS database program. Many command
  1428.                                | line switches, or run from the menu.
  1429.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-16-93)
  1430. SYSCHK40.ZIP   104105  09-16-94  SYSCHK v2.40 <ASP> - System Info Checker.
  1431.                                | System information utility provides complete
  1432.                                | details on devices installed in your system.
  1433.                                | Clean, easy to use menus show CPU, IRQs, BIOS
  1434.                                | Bus Type, Mouse Info, Port Info, IDE and SCSI
  1435.                                | disks, CD-ROM, TSR info, Network, Video, CMOS
  1436.                                | Memory info, speed, and lots more. Print out
  1437.                                | a full configuration report on your system.
  1438.                                | NEW! Windows info, Cache, PCI, more Netware
  1439.                                | info, and more video info. Required utility!
  1440.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-08-94)
  1441. T195TB20.ZIP    65385  08-20-94  Toshiba 1950CT Laptop-Bios Upgrade.
  1442.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-28-94)
  1443. T403SPAN.ZIP   371841  08-02-94  Colorado Memory Systems TRAKKER Tape Backup
  1444.                                | Software v4.03 - Spanish Language version.
  1445.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-16-94)
  1446. TAPCT121.ZIP    70510  02-01-93  Tape Catalogue V1.21: Will Catalogue the
  1447.                                | Volumes on a Backup Tape & Allow for Easy
  1448.                                | Restores By Path or Filename; Requires
  1449.                                | Colorado Memory's Tape.Exe V2.54 or 3.01.
  1450.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-22-93)
  1451. TAPECAT.ZIP     59968  01-11-93  Group of Programs to Create a Catalog of
  1452.                                | Files Backed Up With Colorado Memory System
  1453.                                | Tape Drives. Only Works With Version 2.54
  1454.                                | and Above of Cms' Tape.Exe Program.
  1455.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-31-92)
  1456. TAPELIB3.ZIP   217882  10-05-94  Tape Librarian v3.0 for Colorado Memory
  1457.                                | Systems Tape Drives [1/1] Eval Demo Copy
  1458.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-17-94)
  1460.                                | 250MEG TAPE DRIVES. TAKEN STRAIGHT OFF OF THE
  1461.                                | IDENTITY BBS.
  1462.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-93)
  1463. THS103.ZIP     119550  01-15-93  Theseus is a Programmable File Searcher and
  1464.                                | Processor That Can Execute a Script From a
  1465.                                | File or From the Command Line. Theseus
  1466.                                | Understands a Simple Formal Language and
  1467.                                | Allows the Insertion of Complex Search
  1468.                                | Espressions. You Can Search in Multiple Disks
  1469.                                | and Into Compressed Files for a Lot of
  1470.                                | Different Conditions. Theseus Can Perform
  1471.                                | Simple or Complex Commands for Each File
  1472.                                | Found.
  1473.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-02-93)
  1474. TIEMUL1.ZIP    197296  04-28-94  Texas Instruments 99/4A Emulator for IBM Best
  1475.                                | program around, EGA, SB Support for 3 voice
  1476.                                | sound, mouse, disk access, comes with
  1477.                                | TI-Logo, TI-XB, A-Maze-Ing, and Hunt the
  1478.                                | Wumpus. Reg. Is $25, with other mods like
  1479.                                | Tunnels of Doom and Parsec. Get this!
  1480.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-11-94)
  1481. TMAP101.ZIP     13155  02-02-94  TMAP presents a graphical picture of the
  1482.                                | degree of fragmentation of the clusters on
  1483.                                | any disk. The combination of TMAP and any
  1484.                                | number of utility defragmenter programs will
  1485.                                | enhance the speed of disk accesses and
  1486.                                | minimize difficulty recovering lost files or
  1487.                                | repairing existing files.
  1488.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-13-93)
  1489. TOSHIBAF.ZIP     3705  01-10-93  Toshiba Information on Their Floppy Drives
  1490.                                | and Cables for IBM/Clones and Their Laptops.
  1491.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-25-92)
  1492. TP20.ZIP        21616  02-27-93  Tele-Prompt V2.0: Command Line Driven Ticker
  1493.                                | Tape Message Utility Supporting Normal,
  1494.                                | Expanded & Tiny Font Sizes, a Choice of
  1495.                                | Solid Border, Blinking Border or None,
  1496.                                | Choice of 6 Colors & More.
  1497.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-25-93)
  1498. TRAK405.ZIP    372315  09-16-94  CMS TRAKKER VER 4.05 Software - FROM CMS.
  1499.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-20-94)
  1500. TRS80MD1.ZIP    65389  03-09-94  Use your IBM compatable to emulate a TRS 80
  1501.                                | Model I. Transfer files for use on the IBM as
  1502.                                | well as run Mdel I programs.
  1503.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-02-93)
  1504. TSX420A.ZIP    152368  12-16-94  TSX-Lite v4.20 - 32-bit, multi-user operating
  1505.                                | system. Part 1 of 4. Download first and read
  1506.                                | documentation before downloading rest of
  1507.                                | system. TSX-Lite is a full, 32-bit,
  1508.                                | multi-user O.S. that is DOS compatible and
  1509.                                | supports 2 users with up to 10 tasks each,
  1510.                                | background batch jobs, DPMI, virtual memory.
  1511.                                | Cohabits peacefully with DOS. Shareware
  1512.                                | product. The system itself is in TSX420B.ZIP,
  1513.                                | TSX420C.ZIP, and TSX420D.ZIP.
  1514.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-01-94)
  1515. TSX420B.ZIP   1370233  12-16-94  TSX-Lite v4.20 - 32-bit, multi-user operating
  1516.                                | system. Part 2 of 4. Download TSX420A.ZIP
  1517.                                | with doc files first. TSX-Lite is a full,
  1518.                                | 32-bit, multi-user O.S. that is DOS
  1519.                                | compatible and supports 2 users with up to 10
  1520.                                | tasks each, background batch jobs, DPMI,
  1521.                                | virtual memory. Cohabits peacefully with DOS.
  1522.                                | Shareware product. Full set has four files:
  1523.                                | TSX420A.ZIP, TSX420B.ZIP, TSX420C.ZIP,
  1524.                                | TSX420D.ZIP.
  1525.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-02-94)
  1526. TSX420C.ZIP   1384450  12-16-94  TSX-Lite v4.20 - 32-bit, multi-user operating
  1527.                                | system. Part 3 of 4. Download TSX420A.ZIP
  1528.                                | with doc files first. TSX-Lite is a full,
  1529.                                | 32-bit, multi-user O.S. that is DOS
  1530.                                | compatible and supports 2 users with up to 10
  1531.                                | tasks each, background batch jobs, DPMI,
  1532.                                | virtual memory. Cohabits peacefully with DOS.
  1533.                                | Shareware product. Full set has four files:
  1534.                                | TSX420A.ZIP, TSX420B.ZIP, TSX420C.ZIP,
  1535.                                | TSX420D.ZIP.
  1536.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-02-94)
  1537. TSX420D.ZIP   1005560  12-16-94  TSX-Lite v4.20 - 32-bit, multi-user operating
  1538.                                | system. Part 4 of 4. Download TSX420A.ZIP
  1539.                                | with doc files first. TSX-Lite is a full,
  1540.                                | 32-bit, multi-user O.S. that is DOS
  1541.                                | compatible and supports 2 users with up to 10
  1542.                                | tasks each, background batch jobs, DPMI,
  1543.                                | virtual memory. Cohabits peacefully with DOS.
  1544.                                | Shareware product. Full set has four files:
  1545.                                | TSX420A.ZIP, TSX420B.ZIP, TSX420C.ZIP,
  1546.                                | TSX420D.ZIP.
  1547.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-02-94)
  1548. TWPRO210.ZIP   551251  10-11-94  TAPEWINPRO v2.10 Tape Backup Cataloger for DO
  1549.                                | Allows anyone using the CMS Backup software
  1550.                                | to maintain a catalog of their tapes.
  1551.                                | Features include: Estimated cataloging times,
  1552.                                | FILES.BBS description extraction for BBS
  1553.                                | Sysops, FAST Tagging and searching abilities,
  1554.                                | Export database to .DBF format, Restore files
  1555.                                | and more! This is the ultimate in Tape
  1556.                                | Cataloging.
  1557.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-26-94)
  1558. UNMAC.ZIP        5153  01-15-93  Utility for Stripping the 128-Byte
  1559.                                | 'macbinary-Header' That Macintosh Software
  1560.                                | Adds to the Beginning of Uploaded Files.
  1561.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-09-93)
  1562. UTEPAK1.ZIP    110700  02-13-93  This is a Booter, Blanker, Dumper, Etc .
  1563.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-15-91)
  1564. VASN127.ZIP     44474  11-20-93  Volume and Serial Number Version 1.27 allows
  1565.                                | changing the serial number and volume name on
  1566.                                | disks formatted with DOS versions 4.x and
  1567.                                | above. Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet, SDN
  1568.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-30-93)
  1569. VERS11.ZIP      10858  04-27-93  Vers v1.1: TSR that will set the DOS version 
  1570.                                | to a user-specified value.
  1571.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 01-18-93)
  1572. VERSN27.ZIP      8898  11-27-93  Non-TSR passes DOS version info to program on
  1573.                                | command line (e.g. VERSION 6.2 EXE2BIN fools
  1574.                                | DOS 6.0 EXE2BIN into running under DOS 6.2).
  1575.                                | If you don't want to load SETVER . V2.7 from
  1576.                                | Computer Tyme.
  1577.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-16-93)
  1578. VIDIO120.ZIP     7404  02-09-94  * BIOS-DOS-ANSI text mode video benchmarks *
  1579.                                | Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA, snow-free CGA,
  1580.                                | and MDA/HGC+ adapters, PC and PS/2 machines.
  1581.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-24-94)
  1582. WFF17D.ZIP      73846  07-10-93  What Floppy Format? 1.7d Menu shell for
  1583.                                | Christophe Hochstätter's FDFORMAT, a PD
  1584.                                | floppy formatter that formats 3½" to 1.72Mb.
  1585.                                | WFF let's you establish parameters &
  1586.                                | automatically use them every time you format.
  1587.                                | CONTINUOUS FORMAT makes formatting multiple
  1588.                                | disks easy -- just insert a new disk when it
  1589.                                | beeps! Freeware, no registration fee.
  1590.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-23-93)
  1591. WHOAPC.ZIP      12124  05-25-93  WHOA! Slows down PC or AT, v1.0. 
  1592.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 08-25-88)
  1593. WHTAPE21.ZIP    50321  01-10-94  WhaTape 2.10 is a prompting front end for
  1594.                                | your tape backup software. WhaTape Will
  1595.                                | prompt you to insert the proper tape or disk.
  1596.                                | Upon exiting WhaTape will set an errorlevel
  1597.                                | so that different backup commands can be
  1598.                                | executed for each tape. WhaTape will keep
  1599.                                | logs on the time,date and various other
  1600.                                | information. Backup tape labeling formats
  1601.                                | supported are: Incremental Number,
  1602.                                | Incremental Letter, Julian, Day Of The Month,
  1603.                                | Day Of The Week and Full Date. Registration
  1604.                                | is only $6.00
  1605.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-29-93)
  1606. WSSI526A.ZIP   184925  02-18-93  Wssindex Cataloger Vers. 5.26, Part 1 of 2.
  1607.                                | Build Database of Directory Info, Any Size
  1608.                                | DOS Disks. Extract Info From ARC, ARJ, LZH,
  1609.                                | ZIP, Others. Extract Image Size and No. of
  1610.                                | Colors From GIF, Others. Add Comments &
  1611.                                | Categories to Files and Disks. Variety of
  1612.                                | Database Query/Print Opts. Reg $35, S/H $2.50
  1613.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-93)
  1614. WSSI526B.ZIP   117760  02-18-93  Wssindex Cataloger Vers. 5.26, Part 2 of 2.
  1615.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-10-93)
  1616. WTB14F.ZIP     144707  01-27-93  What Tape Back-Up? V1.4f Tape Library Manager
  1617.                                | & Back-Up Maker.  Tracks When Back-Ups are
  1618.                                | Made, Suggests Next Tape Set to Use, and
  1619.                                | Operates Tape Software.  Has Cms and Mountain
  1620.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-30-92)
  1621. WTB15.ZIP       89349  03-18-93  What Tape Back-Up? 1.5 (Freeware)
  1622.                                | Tape Library Manager & Back-Up Maker.
  1623.                                | Tracks When Back-Ups are Made, Suggests
  1624.                                | Next Tape Set to Use, and Operates Your
  1625.                                | Tape Software So You Don't Have to
  1626.                                | Remember Commands. Has Mountiain and
  1627.                                | Jumbo Configs; Others are User Programmable.
  1628.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-02-93)
  1629. XDISK360.ZIP    92917  12-15-93  Resizable EMS-RAM disk, LIM 4+, DOS-6 aware.
  1630.                                | Options include: Resizing on-the-fly with or
  1631.                                | without preservation of drive contents, 0-KB
  1632.                                | disk collapse, UMB selfloading, DOS command-
  1633.                                | line load/unload (DOS 3-6), password access,
  1634.                                | and 086/286/386/486 code optimized releases.
  1635.                                | --------------------------------------------
  1636.                                | For release information, decompress the .ZIP
  1637.                                | archive, type READ, and press <Enter>.
  1638.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-28-93)
  1639. XRBOOT10.ZIP    39089  04-18-93  ReBOOT-NOT! V1.0: simple utility that allows 
  1640.                                | you to trap the keyboard re-boot sequence of 
  1641.                                | <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>; 03/06/93; Business       
  1642.                                | Enhancement Partnership Group. 
  1643. XTNDPATH.ZIP    25570  01-21-93  Extend MS-DOS Environment Path Lgth; W/C Src.
  1644.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-12-93)
  1645. YZUTIL11.ZIP     1873  04-05-93  Yz-Tools V1.1: Simple DOS Device Drivers That
  1646.                                | Allow You to Speed Up Your Computer By 10%,
  1647.                                | and Another That Generates an Annoying Bell.
  1648.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-29-93)
  1649. ZPBM101.ZIP      5572  06-22-93  ZP Boot Manager v1.01: excellent partition
  1650.                                | boot mgr useful for who has more than one
  1651.                                | operating system installed; 05/27/93;
  1652.                                | Alejandro L pez.
  1653.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-27-93)