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Text File  |  1995-01-26  |  91KB  |  1,274 lines

  1. 144TO196.ZIP    20386  11-20-94  Convert Your 1.44 Mb Disks To 1.968 Mb Disks
  2.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-09-94)
  3. 15412IBM.ZIP    77628  11-01-93  RUN A COMMODORE 1541 DISK DRIVE OFF OF YOUR
  4.                                | IBM COMPAT. Reads the disks like a normal IBM
  5.                                | type disk. Comes with 2 games for the 64 BMX
  6.                                | Simulator Burn Rubber Both were transfered
  7.                                | using the cable. =-Spread By Oi!-=
  8.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-23-93)
  9. 1DTSE122.ZIP   179737  01-07-94  Disk Tech.Factory Test: Seagate Drives.
  10.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-27-93)
  11. 1SEA0929.ZIP   469099  10-26-94  All seagate hard drives as of 9/29/1994
  12.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-26-94)
  13. 22DSK140.ZIP   190473  11-14-93  22DISK v1.40: CP/M to DOS Media Transfer
  14.                                | utility: copy/format/display/manipulate
  15.                                | diskettes in over 100 CP/M 2.2 formats;
  16.                                | 10/12/93; Sydex.
  17.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-93)
  18. 2M21.ZIP        95791  07-27-94  2M v2.1: highest capacity floppy disk
  19.                                | formatter; supports default formats of
  20.                                | 820/1476K and 984/1804/3608K) as well as DOS
  21.                                | standard 360K/1.2M and 720K/1.44/2.88M;
  22.                                | 05/31/94; Ciriaco Garc a de Celis PROGRAM
  23.                                | FILES.
  24.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-31-94)
  25. 2M21SRC.ZIP    171427  07-27-94  2M v2.1: highest capacity floppy disk
  26.                                | formatter; supports default formats of
  27.                                | 820/1476K and 984/1804/3608K) as well as DOS
  28.                                | standard 360K/1.2M and 720K/1.44/2.88M;
  29.                                | 05/31/94; Ciriaco Garc a de Celis SOURCE
  30.                                | FILES.
  31.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-31-94)
  32. 3270V13A.ZIP   101738  03-12-94  All files for setup of DTC 3270 VL SCSI
  33.                                | harddrive controller. Updated as of February,
  34.                                | 1994. Includes all drivers.
  35.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-94)
  36. 3DRVS260.ZIP    69029  09-17-93  3_Drives v2.6: Universal Device Driver that
  37.                                | allows you to add a 2nd 16-bit Hard Disk
  38.                                | Drive Interface to your DOS AT (286+) system.
  39.                                | Shareware now includes READ FAST routines.
  40.                                | Add up to two more MFM, RLL, ESDI, IDE AT
  41.                                | Interface drives for a total of THREE drives.
  42.                                | Windows compatible. Fully functional.
  43.                                | Registration info on our 4_Drives version.
  44.                                | Replaces v2.5. Req: 286+CPU. Dustbowl
  45.                                | Designs, Inc. (Date 8/20/93) -AV
  46.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-20-93)
  47. 4DRVU100.ZIP    30669  09-26-93  4_Drive Utilities v1.0: IDE Inquiry util for
  48.                                | up to 4 hard disk drives. Supports drives on
  49.                                | both Primary and Secondary Port Addresses.
  50.                                | Gives Cyl-Hd-Sector per track, Multiple
  51.                                | Sectors, DMA, LBA and buffer capabilities.
  52.                                | Req: 286+CPU. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. (Date
  53.                                | 7/04/93) -AV
  54.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-09-93)
  55. 4SPD200.ZIP     75944  10-23-94  4_Speed v2.0: Hard drive Data Transfer Rate
  56.                                | Test utility. Gives you a real time look in a
  57.                                | graphics screen format of your drive's DTR.
  58.                                | Save results to logs and PCX files. Show
  59.                                | results from multiple drive tests. High
  60.                                | resolution timer for accurate averages. Works
  61.                                | on both Primary and Secondary Port Addresses
  62.                                | thru DOS. Req: 286+CPU,VGA. Dustbowl Designs,
  63.                                | Inc. (Date 7/31/94) -AV
  64.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-31-94)
  65. 5287CR.ZIP       9890  09-19-93  User's Manual For The DTC 5287CR Hard/Floppy
  66.                                | Controller Card.
  67.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-09-92)
  68. 800.ZIP          9361  03-26-93  Formats Disks Up to 1600kb
  69.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-89)
  70. 8IDEDRVS.ZIP     1846  05-07-93  How to run 8 IDE hard drives in one machine. 
  71.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-11-93)
  72. ALLSPEC.ZIP      1757  08-10-93  Quick configuration info on all Micropolis
  73.                                | hard drives.
  74.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-19-93)
  75. ASPI128.ZIP     11904  10-26-93  Allways IN2000 ASPI manager.
  76.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-18-93)
  77. ASPIID10.ZIP    39045  08-02-94  ASPI-ID V1.0 SCSI hard disc drive utility
  78.                                | which uses the common ASPI device driver to
  79.                                | issue a full and informative SCSI Inquiry and
  80.                                | Mode Sense command. This program can tell you
  81.                                | more about your SCSI drive and its current
  82.                                | operating parameters. Optional save of Mode
  83.                                | Sense data to a file for later reference.
  84.                                | From Seagate Technology, Inc.
  85.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-07-94)
  86. ASPIUT.ZIP      24695  02-05-93  ASPisect Provides a Rudimentary Method of
  87.                                | Saving/Restoring Raw Scsi Sectors To/From
  88.                                | Any ASPi/Uspi Scsi Device; Useful for Power
  89.                                | Users Who Know What They're Doing & Want to
  90.                                | be Able to Directly Manipulate Their Scsi
  91.                                | Drives; Works With Any ASPi or
  92.                                | Uspi-Compatible Scsi Drive Connected to
  93.                                | Your Bus, Including Those That Remain
  94.                                | Invisible to DOS; if You Have Any Doubts
  95.                                | Don't Use This Pgm - You Can Severely
  96.                                | Damage Your Drive's DOS Structures, Lose
  97.                                | Whole Volumes/Files; for Power User, Deadly
  98.                                | to Novices.
  99.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-25-93)
  100. BACKINFO.ZIP    34373  07-11-93  Stores Critical Data About Hd To Floppy. Good
  101.                                | For Old And Unrealiable Hd Users!
  102.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-08-93)
  103. BCT401.ZIP      24154  05-03-94  BootCTL 4.00 04/18/94 BOOTCTL will modify a
  104.                                | floppy disk's boot sector so that the systems
  105.                                | bootup process will skip over the normally
  106.                                | checked floppy boot sector and go to the hard
  107.                                | disk boot sector. Shareware registration
  108.                                | forms and manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech
  109.                                | Systems (ASP).
  110.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-18-94)
  111. BDC.ZIP         17664  08-18-93  Bulk Disk Copier, MicroGenesis Software; $0.
  112.                                | contains the C source code and executable
  113.                                | file that will read a floppy image into the
  114.                                | hard disk, and then copy it back out to as
  115.                                | many additional floppies as you wish.
  116.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-29-93)
  117. BOOTP134.ZIP    75365  08-13-93  Boot V1.34 makes all floppy disks bootable,
  118.                                | irrespective of operating system. A must for
  119.                                | users of LAZYBACK.
  120.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-02-93)
  121. BOTMES10.ZIP     8553  11-26-93  BootMes v1.0s - This program will allow you
  122.                                | to put a customized message, about 400
  123.                                | characters, on the boot sector of your MS-DOS
  124.                                | data diskettes that will be displayed if a
  125.                                | computer is booted from those diskettes.
  126.                                | Support for 2 drives, A and B, and all disk
  127.                                | formats, DD 360K 5 1/4" - HD 1.44M 3 1/2".
  128.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-14-93)
  129. BT108.ZIP        5886  02-16-94  BT108.ZIP Boot "thru" the floppy disk.
  130.                                | Modifys the boot sector of a floppy disk so
  131.                                | that it will boot from drive C if your
  132.                                | computer resets while the floppy disk is in
  133.                                | drive A. Freeware, public domain.
  134.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-25-94)
  135. CATCH110.ZIP    21593  09-30-94  Auto 'Format' for Unformatted/Bad Disks.
  136.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-13-93)
  137. CFL401.ZIP      23565  05-03-94  CleanFL 4.01 12/12/93 CLEANFL is a utility
  138.                                | that makes the task of cleaning floppy drive
  139.                                | heads much easier and more thorough.
  140.                                | Shareware registration forms and manual
  141.                                | included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
  142.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-18-94)
  143. CHKDIRS2.ZIP    31810  03-01-93  Directory/File Space Analyser. Vga-C: Only 2
  144.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-93)
  145. CHKDRV20.ZIP    18080  08-06-93  CHKDRV v2.0 [ASP] - Checks disk drive status.
  146.                                | Displays list of available drive letters,
  147.                                | returns total number of drives via error-
  148.                                | level. Can also check for a specific drive's
  149.                                | validity and return status via screen message
  150.                                | and errorlevel. Verfies floppy status WITH-
  151.                                | OUT "Abort, Retry, Fail?" Works with all
  152.                                | known forms of logical/physical drives & DOS
  153.                                | versions. Part of STEENBURGH's STUFF utils.
  154.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-18-93)
  155. CHKFRA.ZIP      23866  02-18-93  Checks Disk Fragmentation.
  156.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-04-92)
  157. CLEANER1.ZIP    29153  09-04-93  Safely removes debri from floppy drive heads.
  158.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-21-93)
  159. CLF152.ZIP      24978  10-01-93  CleanFL 1.52 12/10/92 CLEANFL is a utility
  160.                                | that makes the task of cleaning floppy drive
  161.                                | heads much easier and more thorough.
  162.                                | Shareware registration forms and manual
  163.                                | included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
  164.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-10-92)
  165. CLNDSK1.ZIP     15061  04-09-93  Clndsk1.Com V 5.0  By Ro-Soft  - <ASP>
  166.                                | Four Functions to Clean Unwanted Data
  167.                                | From a Disk. Fill All Unallocated Disk
  168.                                | Space "0" or "Your String".  Fill the
  169.                                | Area of End File Block Not Used With
  170.                                | "0" or "Your String".  Remove All the
  171.                                | Deleted Directory Entries.  Sort and
  172.                                | Store All Directories.
  173.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-31-93)
  174. CLONE210.ZIP    20289  02-23-94  Clone v2.10 - A Disk Duplication Utility
  175.                                | Duplicates high capacity disks without
  176.                                | swapping. Create multiple target disks
  177.                                | without re-reading source disk. Will format
  178.                                | unformatted disks when necessary. Freeware.
  179.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-04-93)
  180. CMDISK.ZIP      13527  10-07-93  CMDisk is a utility 3-pack from NoVaSoft
  181.                                | containing CMCopy, a diskette duplicating
  182.                                | program, CMFormat, a diskette formatter, and
  183.                                | CMScan, a diskette scanner. All are
  184.                                | menudriven for ease of use, and recognize
  185.                                | DSDD and DSHD formats on 5.25" and 3.5"
  186.                                | diskettes. Tiny and agile alternatives to the
  187.                                | DOS utilities, written in optimized Assembly
  188.                                | language. Inexpensive shareware by C. F.
  189.                                | Martin ASP.
  190.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-02-93)
  191. CMFLOP11.ZIP    21869  10-03-94  CMFLOPPY v1.1 <ASP> -- Floppy diskette
  192.                                | utility program from NoVaSoft. Copy, format,
  193.                                | view 3.5"/5.25" DSDD/HD diskettes with speed
  194.                                | and ease. May be driven by command line
  195.                                | parameters or internal menu. Copier counts
  196.                                | down from number of copies specified, uses
  197.                                | formatted or unformatted disks, allows saving
  198.                                | diskette image as hard disk file for reuse.
  199.                                | Much faster than MS-DOS. Reg $10.
  200.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-15-94)
  201. CNFG101B.ZIP    10810  04-27-93  C_CONFIG v1.01B: Adaptec AHA-1540C/1542C 
  202.                                | floppy-based (rather than ROM BIOS based)    
  203.                                | configuration util; advanced configuration   
  204.                                | screen allows you to change the default host 
  205.                                | adapter bus-on/off timings.
  206.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-24-93)
  207. COPCAT10.ZIP    11217  02-05-93  Copycat V1.0: Xms-Driven Floppy Disk
  208.                                | Duplication Pgm That Reads a Whole Disk
  209.                                | Into Memory & Then Allows You to Make
  210.                                | Multiple Copies Onto Previously
  211.                                | Formatted/Unformatted Disks; Supports 360k,
  212.                                | 720k, 1.2m & 1.44m Formats; Xms-Compatible
  213.                                | Extended Memory Mgr Required.
  214.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-22-93)
  215. COPYDISK.ZIP    22306  10-29-93  Dos single pass diskcopy program from off of
  216.                                | Microsofts BBS.
  217.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-10-92)
  218. COPYFLOP.ZIP    15397  02-04-94  CopyFlop - copies diskettes and creates image
  219.                                | files of diskettes which can be used to
  220.                                | produce multiple copies quickly. It can copy
  221.                                | an entire disk or only tracks which are used.
  222.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-12-93)
  223. COPYP210.ZIP    10379  08-26-94  Copy+ version 2.1 - Copy diskettes when
  224.                                | formats are different. Copy, move, rename or
  225.                                | erase specified files in a directory, entire
  226.                                | branch or diskette. Target need not be
  227.                                | formatted nor have files erased. Requires DOS
  228.                                | 3.2 or later. May be run from Windows. From
  229.                                | Gerald R. Brown. $10.00 (US)
  230.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-08-94)
  231. COPYQ318.ZIP   179579  11-25-94  COPYQM Version 3.18. October, 1994 CopyQM is
  232.                                | a diskette duplicating program that, since
  233.                                | its introduction in 1987, has set the
  234.                                | standard for PC duplication software. This
  235.                                | program is by far Sydex's most popular,
  236.                                | though we do offer a complete line of
  237.                                | programs related to diskette duplication and
  238.                                | conversion. Call us if you have a special
  239.                                | need. CopyQM reads a master diskette and
  240.                                | formats, writes and verifies duplicates of
  241.                                | the master diskette. Copying can be performed
  242.                                | on up to six drives in a single session;
  243.                                | copies are written on only one drive at a
  244.                                | time. "No Hands" operation is featured--after
  245.                                | you've started things, you needn't touch the
  246.                                | keyboard again; just insert diskettes in
  247.                                | drives as needed. In addition to the basic
  248.                                | operating mode, CopyQM features the
  249.                                | following: * Conversion between different
  250.                                | formats. Unlike competing products which just
  251.                                | copy the same format to different drives,
  252.                                | CopyQM actually rebuilds the
  253.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-26-94)
  254. CORET281.ZIP    29017  02-07-94  Hard disk performance testing utility.
  255.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-04-93)
  256. CP330BA.ZIP    240537  04-21-94  EZ-DiskCopy PRO <tm> v3.30b Literally turns
  257.                                | your PC into a dedicated diskette duplication
  258.                                | machine. Includes single read 1-pass copies
  259.                                | all DOS formats, "Hands-off" copy start,
  260.                                | serialization, bypass BIOS for speed,
  261.                                | compressed file images, compares, prints ser#
  262.                                | labels, much more. TidyDisk<tm> now included!
  263.                                | Only $129 Other Licn. Available for low $ EZX
  264.                                | P&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
  265.                                | 713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
  266.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-05-94)
  267. CPDSK15B.ZIP    21009  10-25-93  Copy "any" diskette in just one pass.
  268.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-09-93)
  269. CPYPLS21.ZIP    10331  07-20-94  Copy+ version 2.1 - Copy diskettes when
  270.                                | formats are different. Copy, move, rename or
  271.                                | erase specified files in a directory, entire
  272.                                | branch or diskette. Target need not be
  273.                                | formatted nor have files erased. Requires DOS
  274.                                | 3.2 or later. May be run from Windows. From
  275.                                | Gerald R. Brown. $10.00 (US)
  276.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-18-94)
  277. CUSTBR10.ZIP     3682  02-05-93  Custom Master Boot Record Ver. 1.00
  278.                                | Custmbr is Used to Create Unique and
  279.                                | Personalized Master Boot Records for
  280.                                | Unbootable Floppy Disks.
  281.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-26-93)
  282. DAAG32.ZIP     210573  04-26-93  DISK-at-a-GLANCE v3.20: View disk allocation 
  283.                                | by subdir showing how much space is used by  
  284.                                | each. Fancy pie charts & the like. Can also  
  285.                                | navigate tree (ChDir) & del files. But,      
  286.                                | rather nice file dupe finder disappeared in  
  287.                                | v3.0x. You may want to hold on to v2.xx. 
  288.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-10-93)
  289. DCF49.ZIP      101006  10-14-94  DISK COPY FAST v4.9: Powerful 1-pass diskette
  290.                                | duplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% faster
  291.                                | than DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs
  292.                                | ; Command line or menu driven; HOT keys for
  293.                                | backup or multiple target; Mouse support;
  294.                                | FORMAT DISKCOPY DISKCOMP all in 1 pass; Uses
  295.                                | extended memory; Creates image file; On-line
  296.                                | help; Support PC XT AT, mono CGA EGA VGA.
  297.                                | Uploaded by: Hans Winkler
  298.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-13-94)
  299. DCF49T.ZIP     100432  10-14-94  DISK COPY FAST v4.9T: Taiwan Edition. Please
  300.                                | do not down load unless you have Eten system
  301.                                | with BIG-5 internal code. Essentially the
  302.                                | same as v4.9, but translated to be used under
  303.                                | Eten.
  304.                                | Uploaded by: Hans Winkler
  305.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-13-94)
  306. DCOPY28.ZIP     17420  02-20-94  Copies disks in one swap, great utility.
  307.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-13-94)
  308. DCP41.ZIP       85763  11-14-94  Diskette imaging/copy util.
  309.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-26-94)
  310. DDCLEAN.ZIP     34764  10-13-94  Disk Drive Cleaner V1 <ASAD><ASP> Rosenthal
  311.                                | Engeering. Cleans floppy disk drive R/W heads
  312.                                | safely & effectively, preventing data loss,
  313.                                | unreliable performance and errors due to
  314.                                | microscopic foreign particles, dirt, dust,
  315.                                | oxides and smoke that accumulates on heads.
  316.                                | Preventative maintenance takes only about
  317.                                | four minutes and requires no removal or
  318.                                | mechanical disassembly of drive hardware.
  319.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-04-94)
  320. DDI_600.ZIP    102468  11-15-93  Disk Dupe Pro Ver. 6.00.
  321.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-29-93)
  322. DDUPE210.ZIP    86109  07-26-94  DOS disk duplicator, formats, more.
  323.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-02-94)
  324. DESKSUPP.ZIP   738315  02-11-93  Seagate's Own Technical Desk Reference, the
  325.                                | One Their Support People Accually Use on a
  326.                                | Support Call. Direct From Seagate.
  327.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-17-93)
  328. DF.ZIP          26092  05-29-93  Disk Free Space Utility That is a Clone of
  329.                                | the Unix Command Df, Which Reports Available
  330.                                | Disk Space and Available Space on Mounted
  331.                                | Volumes.
  332.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-09-93)
  333. DF360.ZIP       65227  06-08-94  This small utility will make an image of your
  334.                                | 1.2MB, or 1.44MB diskette and place it in a f
  335.                                | hard disk for later restore. Nice for making
  336.                                | DISKCOPY's or sending a disk over the telepho
  337.                                | Restores 5 inch images to 3 inch diskettes or
  338.                                | Includes Disk and Image Compare, Extract File
  339.                                | Disk Serialization, Multiple User Configurati
  340.                                | as other options.
  341.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-94)
  342. DFORMAT_.ZIP    66809  08-16-94  Dynamic Format 7.0 - Plays MODs (PC Spkr /
  343.                                | SB) & formats disks. PCTOOLS/NORTON type
  344.                                | interface. Lets you find out what's on disk
  345.                                | before formatting. 7/1/94 Uses DOS
  346.                                | reliability to format a disk. Now has Dir
  347.                                | listings and more! ShareWare Only $15 TTW
  348.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-13-94)
  349. DISID21.ZIP      5020  06-17-93  A utility which displays, and optionally
  350.                                | alters, the diskette serial number and volume
  351.                                | label on floppy disks which have been
  352.                                | formatted using MS-DOS Version 4.0 or later,
  353.                                | or a compatible disk format program.
  354.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-22-91)
  355. DISK100S.ZIP   147451  07-10-94  Emporium presents DISK-EMU v 1.00 Floppy
  356.                                | drive emulator. Allow FAST installation of
  357.                                | almost any program. Also can be used to
  358.                                | convert DXP images into archive files.
  359.                                | Emulador de unidades de disco. Permite
  360.                                | instalar rpidamente casi cualquier pro-
  361.                                | grama. Tambin se puede usar para con- vertir
  362.                                | imgenes de DXP en ficheros
  363.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-23-94)
  364. DISKCMDR.ZIP   148795  08-07-94  Disk Commander 1.01 FULL HD utility - ZIP
  365.                                | support.
  366.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-10-94)
  367. DISKEN10.ZIP    19433  01-05-93  Disk Enhancer for Floppy Drives. Speeds Up
  368.                                | Access Time of Floppies. Improves Overall
  369.                                | Performance.
  370.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-12-92)
  371. DISKF10E.ZIP    40481  08-23-94  DISK FULL 1.0 fill disks up to the last secto
  372.                                | Can copy files with the ablity to fill disk a
  373.                                | top. Very good to make backup e than restore
  374.                                | using normal dos command like COPY & XCOPY
  375.                                | Use it instead of dos command while copying o
  376.                                | disk drive. Very easy to use with its full
  377.                                | color interfac Avaible in INGLISH & ITALIAN
  378.                                | language. Disk full 1.0 (c) Claudio Roberti
  379.                                | 1994
  380.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-09-94)
  381. DISKFOTO.ZIP    38935  04-27-94  Disk Photo v2.0 - Takes sector info from
  382.                                | floppy and saves it to hard drive. Labels and
  383.                                | file name are all saved automatically
  384.                                | transfer to selected floppy (drive).
  385.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-09-94)
  386. DISKOPT.ZIP      3781  05-31-93  Set Floppy Step Rate on Off Time Ram Ref
  387.                                | Rate.
  388.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-16-89)
  389. DISKSPIN.ZIP    13802  07-03-93  DISKSPIN.COM v1.0 -- Tired of wasting 66% of
  390.                                | your cleaning disks throwing them away in
  391.                                | compliance with manufacturing specifications
  392.                                | after only 15 cleanings? Use DISKSPIN, this
  393.                                | program will allow you to set your floppy
  394.                                | heads in one of three set positions and dwell
  395.                                | for 30 seconds. This will allow you to use
  396.                                | your cleaning disks 45 times!
  397.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-09-93)
  398. DISKUT45.ZIP    80270  03-21-93  Disk Utilities By Ro-Soft V4.5 - <ASP>
  399.                                | a Disk Optimizer Defrag, Permanent
  400.                                | Directory Sort Sortdir, Error Scan
  401.                                | Diskscan, File Recovery Undelete, Double
  402.                                | Color Dir List/Print/All Dirs Ddir, Disk
  403.                                | Directory Tree List/Print Tree, Locate
  404.                                | Files on Any Drive Where, Repeat a Command.
  405.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-18-92)
  406. DISKUTIL.ZIP   182109  12-23-93  Two great disk copy/format programs. Dupe,
  407.                                | when installed in your Dos directory allows
  408.                                | no swap copying from A: to A: or B: to B:
  409.                                | format master is a menu driven copy/format
  410.                                | utility, both are worth a try.
  411.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-19-92)
  412. DJS_FMT.ZIP     40265  11-16-93  DJS Software : FormatMaster V1.0 Helps you
  413.                                | format floppies in DOS quickly and easily.
  414.                                | Color menu and fast line option settings for
  415.                                | the MS-DOS FORMAT command.
  416.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-03-93)
  417. DKPROT.ZIP      28369  08-14-94  DISKETTE PROTECTOR Version 1.03 <ASP> \
  418.                                | DISKETTE PROTECTOR allows you to encrypt your
  419.                                | entire diskette using the American Government
  420.                                | Data Encryption Standard (DES). DISKETTE
  421.                                | PROTECTOR automatically detects whether the
  422.                                | encrypt or decrypt operation is required.To
  423.                                | encrypt/decrypt a diskette: Insert the
  424.                                | diskette in the floppy drive, then type:
  425.                                | dktprot <DRIVENAME> <PASSWORD> From PIGAS
  426.                                | Inc. <ASP> $20.
  427.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-30-94)
  428. DM232.ZIP      341618  08-19-93  DiskMate 2.32 (Key Software Services; $26) is
  429.                                | a floppy disk cataloger. It can print disk
  430.                                | sleeve labels (any number of files) get
  431.                                | sorted reports, list files in PKZip files and
  432.                                | supports 4DOS descriptions.
  433.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-31-93)
  434. DMAN120.ZIP     80684  02-13-94  DRIV_MAN v1.20 r01/01/94 MicroMetric <ASP>:
  435.                                | SINGLE SCREEN disk drive(1-26) summary
  436.                                | display includes: DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with
  437.                                | capacity/used/free each drive, DRIVE DATA
  438.                                | GRAPH, TOTAL DISK SUMMARY and GRAPH,
  439.                                | INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA - all data, one drive
  440.                                | at a time. Great for multi-drive systems,
  441.                                | networks, large systems! Options include:
  442.                                | DRIVE RANGE, save output to disk, ability to
  443.                                | run a file manager, auto run, much more++.
  444.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
  445. DMAT233B.ZIP    21469  08-10-93  DiskMate v2.33: floppy disk organizer that
  446.                                | enables you to keep track of and label all
  447.                                | those 5 " & 3 " floppy disks & to find floppy
  448.                                | disk files fast; menu-driven w/pop-ups and
  449.                                | pick lists; 07/03/93; Ron Stack/ Key Software
  450.                                | Services [2/2].
  451.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-27-93)
  452. DOG420.ZIP      22589  06-12-93  Hard) Disk Organizer 4.20 Hard Disk
  453.                                | Organizer/Optimizer.
  454.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-31-93)
  455. DPRICE20.ZIP    10720  03-11-93  Dprice V2.0: Estimates the Price of a Hard
  456.                                | Disk.
  457.                                | Blue Star Systems
  458.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-06-93)
  459. DQWIK211.ZIP   132285  11-03-94  DiskQwik v2.11: Device Driver exclusively
  460.                                | designed for AT/IDE Hard Disk Drives that
  461.                                | activates the drive's MULTIPLE SECTOR BLOCK
  462.                                | TRANSFER MODE. Boost the drive's Data
  463.                                | Transfer Rate by 25% to 45% !! This version
  464.                                | now supports both drives, Windows compat, and
  465.                                | a block size of 1 for older drives. Includes
  466.                                | IDE Inquiry util and an excellent DTR test to
  467.                                | measure the results. Replaces v2.10. Req:
  468.                                | 286+CPU. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. (Date
  469.                                | 8/04/94) Shareware -AV
  470.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-04-94)
  471. DRESET.ZIP       4522  02-04-94  DReset - forces DOS to re-read a floppy disk
  472.                                | instead of reading what it has in memory for
  473.                                | the drive. This prevents the problem of DOS
  474.                                | sometimes not recognizing that a floppy
  475.                                | diskette has been changed.
  476.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-93)
  477. DRIVEGEO.ZIP    11790  05-28-93  Drive Geometry v7.395 e06 - This program will
  478.                                | return the number of Cylinders. 
  479.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-01-93)
  480. DRIVER.EXE     114514  07-24-93  SyQuest removable harddrive setup utilities
  481.                                | in self extracting ZIP file. Use for SQ555
  482.                                | and SQ5110 setup. User doc included.
  483.                                | Uploaded by: Samuel Clark
  484.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-23-93)
  485. DRIVES15.ZIP    17404  03-15-94  Util shows stats on all system drives.
  486.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-14-94)
  487. DRIVE_OK.ZIP     2899  03-15-94  Drive OK checks a drive and sets an
  488.                                | errorlevel if it isn't ready works on network
  489.                                | drives (eg: CD-ROMs).
  490.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-03-94)
  491. DRIVMAN.ZIP     66394  08-03-93  DRIV-MAN v1.01 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
  492.                                | SINGLE SCREEN disk drive(1-26) summary
  493.                                | display includes: DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with
  494.                                | capacity/used/free each drive, DRIVE DATA
  495.                                | GRAPH, TOTAL DISK SUMMARY and GRAPH,
  496.                                | INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA - all data, one drive
  497.                                | at a time. Great for multi-drive systems,
  498.                                | networks, large systems! Options include:
  499.                                | DRIVE RANGE, save output to disk, ability to
  500.                                | run a file manager, auto run, more++.
  501.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-30-93)
  502. DRIV_110.ZIP    76845  11-11-93  DRIV_MAN v1.10 r08/31/93 MicroMetric <ASP>:
  503.                                | SINGLE SCREEN disk drive(1-26) summary
  504.                                | display includes: DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with
  505.                                | capacity/used/free each drive, DRIVE DATA
  506.                                | GRAPH, TOTAL DISK SUMMARY and GRAPH,
  507.                                | INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA - all data, one drive
  508.                                | at a time. Great for multi-drive systems,
  509.                                | networks, large systems! Options include:
  510.                                | DRIVE RANGE, save output to disk, ability to
  511.                                | run a file manager, auto run, more++.
  512.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-31-93)
  513. DRVELD10.ZIP      970  05-14-93  DriveLED v1.0: TSR that creates an on-screen 
  514.                                | version of the drive light that is usually on
  515.                                | disk drives by placing an LED in the upper   
  516.                                | right corner of the screen with the letter of
  517.                                | the drive being accessed in the LED.
  518.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-15-93)
  519. DRVRDY.ZIP       7924  06-28-93  Check If Floppy Is Ready (Has Disk In It) Or
  520.                                | Wait For User To Insert Or Remove Floppy From
  521.                                | A Drive. Freeware 06-15-93.06-15-93 New:.
  522.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-15-93)
  523. DRVTEST.ZIP     16311  07-23-93  DRVTEST v0.00: utility that tests SCSI disk
  524.                                | drives; ASPI driver is required; 06/24/93;
  525.                                | LDP Software.
  526.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-24-93)
  527. DSKCLO.ZIP      33702  02-04-94  DiskCloner - is a disk duplication utility.
  528.                                | Features include the ability to read master
  529.                                | disk images into memory, store disk images to
  530.                                | harddisk, share disk image files over
  531.                                | networks for mass duplication and format,
  532.                                | write and verify in one pass across the disk.
  533.                                | All operations are performed in the
  534.                                | background.
  535.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-13-93)
  536. DSKDUP21.ZIP    50670  03-28-94  Diskette Duplicator (DSKDUP) v2.1: duplicates
  537.                                | and checks floppy diskettes; supports 360K/
  538.                                | 720K/1.2M/1.44M diskettes; can save diskette
  539.                                | images on your hard disk for convenience;
  540.                                | 02/15/94; Willow Creek Software.
  541.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-15-94)
  542. DSKDUP49.ZIP   117764  11-05-93  DiskDupe V4.09a - Duplicates disks up to 6X's
  543.                                | faster than DOS. Single-Pass.
  544.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-14-93)
  545. DSKFAC22.ZIP    75708  12-02-94  The Disk Factory 2.2 full-screen diskette
  546.                                | copier and image manager.
  547.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-12-94)
  548. DSKNDX21.ZIP    50101  12-31-93  DISKETTE/DISK INDEXER v2.1 <ASP> Fast
  549.                                | straight forward, easy-to-use diskette/ disk
  550.                                | cataloging. Store file names from all your
  551.                                | disks, including sub-directories. Enter
  552.                                | descriptions. Search, Print, Edit, Automatic
  553.                                | or Manual Labeling option, more. Can be used
  554.                                | for Floppy disks or Hard Drives. DOS
  555.                                | Application. $15 Shareware from JG Software.
  556.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-30-93)
  557. DSKRW237.ZIP    57520  01-24-93  Diskrw V2.37 Fast Floppy Disk Processing
  558.                                | Program.
  559.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-16-93)
  560. DSKTEST.ZIP      4677  03-15-94  DTEST is a small utility to test the status
  561.                                | of a floppy drive. It returns errorlevels to
  562.                                | reflect: no disk, unformatted disk, disk with
  563.                                | no files or vol label, disk with files or vol
  564.                                | label.
  565.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-93)
  566. DSPACE60.ZIP    65096  05-27-93  Dspace v6.0: reports on installed hard disk 
  567.                                | capacity and disk space available; shows info
  568.                                | on up to 10 drives on one screen if you are  
  569.                                | using a standard 25 line screen display (more
  570.                                | if you use a screen w/a greater # of lines)  
  571.                                | in double spacing mode.
  572.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 03-10-93)
  573. DSPEED.ZIP       3509  05-26-93  Program to speed up floppy drives. 
  574.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-22-90)
  575. DTC1.ZIP         5353  08-09-94  Data Technology Corp. SCSI utility.
  576.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-93)
  577. DTCIDE.ZIP      17978  02-22-94  Driver for DTC 32-Bit IDE controllers,
  578.                                | supporting 1024 cylinders. (FW).
  579.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-14-93)
  580. DUPE123.ZIP     35763  12-23-93  Dupe - allows you to copy disks faster and
  581.                                | easier then with DOS's DISKCOPY.
  582.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-12-93)
  583. DXP231.ZIP     186904  12-07-93  Disk eXPress 2.31. Super diskette imaging
  584.                                | pro.
  585.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-93)
  586. ERASA101.ZIP     2935  02-05-93  Eraseall V1.01: Provides a Very Fast Way of
  587.                                | Erasing a Floppy Disk of All Its Files,
  588.                                | Including All Subdirectories and Their
  589.                                | Files; Supports 360k/720k/1.2m/1.44m
  590.                                | Formats.
  591.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-14-92)
  592. EZ4MAT30.ZIP     5762  12-06-93  EZ4MAT v3.0: floppy disk formatter for 360K,
  593.                                | 720K, 1.2M & 1.44M floppies with boot-thru
  594.                                | (HD can boot w/floppy in drive); 11/09/93;
  595.                                | William Cravener/Swift-Ware.
  596.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-09-93)
  597. EZCP330B.ZIP   257251  04-12-94  EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30b Turns your PC into a
  598.                                | dedicated diskdupe machine. Single read one
  599.                                | pass copies, all DOS formats, "Hands-off"
  600.                                | copy start, serialization, bypass BIOS for
  601.                                | speed, compressed file images, compares,
  602.                                | prints ser# labels, TidyDisk & much more.
  603.                                | Multi- & true network versions are available.
  604.                                | Only $129 Other Licn. Available for low $ EZX
  605.                                | P&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
  606.                                | 713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
  607.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-21-94)
  608. EZCPY110.ZIP    31776  01-17-94  Hd floppy diskcopy utility.
  609.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-93)
  610. EZDKP410.ZIP   166507  04-26-93  EZ-DisKlone Plus v4.10
  611.                                | A "super" version of DOS's DISKCOPY.
  612.                                | Single pass duplication of any DOS
  613.                                | diskette. Compressed file images,
  614.                                | compare, clean, fastformat, etc.
  615.                                | Uses bios calls, so works on
  616.                                | almost any machine.
  617.                                | Menu or command line operation. 
  618.                                | Single, multi, and network versions
  619.                                | available. WinDisKlone available too.
  620.                                | See info contained in EZDKP 4.10
  621.                                | Only $79 single user.
  622.                                | Contact: EZX @  713-280-9900 VOC
  623.                                | Box 58177, Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
  624.                                | 713-280-0099 FAX  713-280-8180 BBS
  625.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 11-24-92)
  626. EZSETUP.ZIP      9002  11-05-93  EZ-Setup by OsoSoft. Automatically searches
  627.                                | your floppy disks for standard SETUP or
  628.                                | INSTALL programs and starts the installation.
  629.                                | FREE.
  630.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-24-93)
  631. FANTOM.ZIP       4974  12-23-93  Fantom Frequently Asked Questions - is a text
  632.                                | file that discusses some of the most common
  633.                                | reasons why the problem of phantom directory
  634.                                | occurs and offers several solutions.
  635.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-28-93)
  636. FDCID.ZIP        9373  11-20-93  Central Points Floppy Drive Identifyer.
  637.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-18-93)
  638. FDCLEAN.ZIP    132496  05-20-94  Floppy drive cleaning utility package.
  639.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-94)
  640. FDSU15.ZIP      62004  03-22-94  FDDSU v1.5: low-level formatting and surface
  641.                                | certification util for Future Domain SCSI
  642.                                | con.
  643.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-21-93)
  644. FILE_IT1.ZIP    64078  12-10-93  Diskette inventory program. Good for zip
  645.                                | files or regular files. Version 1.3.
  646.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-15-93)
  647. FILL408.ZIP     83371  10-11-94  FILL.EXE: Program designed to fill up
  648.                                | floppies with the maximum number of files
  649.                                | that will fit into them. "FILL *.BAS" will
  650.                                | copy *.BAS files onto a floppy, taking the
  651.                                | biggest files first. When it can't fit a
  652.                                | file, it will skip it and move the next one.
  653.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-24-94)
  654. FINDAT10.ZIP    18919  06-19-94  Find-ata, Identify drive for ATA interface.
  655.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-01-94)
  656. FINDT130.ZIP    51426  10-31-93  FindType v1.30: Seagate util to search ROM
  657.                                | BIOS for drive type that best matches Seagate
  658.                                | drives. Can also just display/print BIOS
  659.                                | drive table or specs on all Seagate drives.
  660.                                | Can can reset CMOS to best value, including
  661.                                | custom drive type for IDE drives with sector
  662.                                | translation. (-AV by author).
  663.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-10-93)
  664. FIP09.ZIP       85334  04-07-94  FIPS v0.9 beta - A program that allows you to
  665.                                | non-destructively split hard disk partitions.
  666.                                | EG: You can take your large partition *WITH*
  667.                                | data into two or more smaller smaller one's
  668.                                | without losing the data already there. Be
  669.                                | sure to carefully read the documentation &
  670.                                | *ALWAYS* backup before performing such an
  671.                                | operation!!!
  672.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-23-94)
  673. FIPS11.ZIP     102280  07-12-94  FIPS 1.1 is a DOS program designed to split
  674.                                | an existing DOS partition without deleting
  675.                                | the data on it. FIPS is free software; you
  676.                                | can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  677.                                | the terms of the GNU General Public License
  678.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-25-94)
  679. FITDSK21.ZIP     9150  03-28-94  FitDisk v2.1 - Best-fits files to a floppy.
  680.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-94)
  681. FITTR101.ZIP    53091  03-28-94  Fitter v1.01 - File/download storage to
  682.                                | floppy automation utility.
  683.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-21-94)
  684. FIXBOOT_.ZIP    31262  12-19-94  FIXBOOT will replace/create boot sector
  685.                                | information for diskettes from 360k to 2.88K
  686.                                | in either MSDOS or PCDOS formats. Also
  687.                                | includes SWAPBOOT utility to change boot
  688.                                | drives on your PC cc
  689.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-22-94)
  690. FIXDRV16.ZIP     4271  10-01-93  *** FIXDRIVE 1.6 *** By Louis Berkowitz
  691.                                | "Shell" for Dos 6 DEFRAG. Creates report
  692.                                | based on drive status before and after the
  693.                                | defragging. Also has ability to print drive
  694.                                | information. MUST have Dos 6 installed. Best
  695.                                | of all, this program is FREE!
  696.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-17-93)
  697. FLOP2TP2.ZIP   166335  02-08-94  Copy floppies to tape drive. Handy.
  698.                                | Shareware.
  699.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-05-93)
  700. FLOPCHEK.ZIP     2204  05-22-93  Displays AT 386 486 CMOS floppy drive 
  701.                                | configs. 
  702.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 06-14-90)
  703. FLOPTOOL.ZIP    14078  09-09-93  FLOPTOOL v1.0 <ASP> - reads almost any disk w
  704.                                | It finds out how it was formatted, reads all
  705.                                | them in a file on hard disk. Sytem
  706.                                | requirement: hard disk. Author: Feico Nater
  707.                                | Shareware, Beukweg 24, 75 Netherlands.
  708.                                | Registration $15.00
  709.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-30-93)
  710. FLPKIT10.ZIP    40089  09-13-94  Floppy disks and drives will be a necessity f
  711.                                | are 5 small utilities to help you get the mos
  712.                                | FLOPPARM - Speeds up drive operation by modif
  713.                                | FLOPTEST - Tests drive for proper operation.
  714.                                | check for every sector of a floppy disk.
  715.                                | FLOPSKEW - Determines optimal skewing for pro
  716.                                | findings of this program and FDFORMAT you can
  717.                                | and writing by 30% every time you use a flopp
  718.                                | is faster too. FLOPRPM - Checks a drive's
  719.                                | rotation speed fo FLOPINFO - Displays a
  720.                                | floppy disk's formattin Free software
  721.                                | uploaded by the author. William Luitje
  722.                                | luitje@m-net.arbornet.org or luitje@m-net.ann
  723.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-19-94)
  724. FM57.ZIP        98346  06-19-94  FormatMaster v5.7. CAU dialog control
  725.                                | operated floppy disk format utility. Handles
  726.                                | 5 1/4" or 3 1/2", single/dual capacity
  727.                                | drives. Transfer system files, volume label,
  728.                                | and/or serialnumber. Supports sequential
  729.                                | serial numbers using volume label. Creates
  730.                                | bootable non-system diskettes. Reinitialize
  731.                                | formatted disks with save/restore format
  732.                                | capability. Windows style INI file
  733.                                | configuration.
  734.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-03-94)
  735. FORMEN41.ZIP    79322  06-08-94  FORMENU 4.1 - FORmat MENU Automatically
  736.                                | detects your drive types and helps you format
  737.                                | diskettes fast and easy via a colorful,
  738.                                | friendly menu. Minimal keystrokes needed.
  739.                                | Useful to anyone that uses a PC, especially
  740.                                | novice PC users. Highly recommended for LANs
  741.                                | or where there are many PCs and a variety of
  742.                                | users. Can use special parameters for DOS 5
  743.                                | and above.
  744.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-06-94)
  745. FORMNU42.ZIP    81365  08-27-94  FORMENU 4.2 - FORmat MENU Automatically
  746.                                | detects your drive types and helps you format
  747.                                | diskettes fast and easy via a colorful,
  748.                                | friendly menu. Minimal keystrokes needed.
  749.                                | Useful to anyone that uses a PC, especially
  750.                                | novice PC users. Highly recommended for LANs
  751.                                | or where there are many PCs and a variety of
  752.                                | users. Can use special parameters for DOS 5
  753.                                | and above.
  754.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-26-94)
  755. FPACK1.ZIP      60456  12-17-94  Image-Backup-Programm for Floppy Drives.
  756.                                | Creates Image of your Disks on the harddisk.
  757.                                | Imagefiles are selfextracting, no external
  758.                                | unpack-program necessary. Multi-Language !
  759.                                | Images are compressed internally, so you
  760.                                | won't need an external packer ! *** **
  761.                                | Shareware with free upgrades ** ***
  762.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-18-93)
  763. FREEDSK1.ZIP    33239  02-25-93  Freedisk V1.0 Gets the Total Diskspace And...
  764.                                | the Free Diskspace of Drive A: Also Displays
  765.                                | the Files and Handles Disk Errors.
  766.                                | if You D/L Files to A: This is a Must Have.!
  767.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-19-93)
  768. HCF13.ZIP       28684  12-02-94  --- HCFORMAT Version 1.3 by IMSL Software ---
  769.                                | The HCFORMAT utility formats floppy disks
  770.                                | with capacities ranging from 20% to 128%
  771.                                | higher than the standard DOS FORMAT. These
  772.                                | high-capacity floppy disk formats can be used
  773.                                | on any PC with high-density 3.5" or 5.25"
  774.                                | drives.
  775.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-06-94)
  776. HD0493R6.ZIP    55541  05-15-93  Latest Version (4/93) of Massive Hard Drive 
  777.                                | Specs List. 
  778.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-28-93)
  779. HD0794R7.ZIP    73764  07-18-94  Latest Listing of hard drives new Seagate and
  780.                                | Conner drives added.
  781.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-14-94)
  782. HD0892R5.ZIP    51464  01-13-93  Comprehensive List of Hard Drive Stats, 8/92.
  783.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-17-92)
  784. HD0994R7.ZIP    73467  11-26-94  9/94 Hard disk spec list.
  785.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-21-94)
  786. HD1292R6.ZIP    51188  04-24-93  Ray Martin's listing of specifications of all
  787.                                | the hard drives in the known universe. Free. 
  788.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 11-15-92)
  789. HDDINFO.ZIP     81611  11-29-93  HDDInfo v1.0. Displays technical data for MFM
  790.                                | RLL, ESDI and IDE hard drives.
  791.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-02-93)
  792. HDDLY.ZIP       58144  08-14-94  Programs developed to detect delays in Maxtor
  793.                                | MXT540A hard drives, both by inactivity and
  794.                                | periodic delay; 07/03/94; Brooks Clark/ It's
  795.                                | Magic! PC Potions.
  796.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-94)
  797. HDNFOJT.ZIP     72808  03-07-94  HDInfo - identifies the number of cylinders,
  798.                                | heads, and sectors for any IDE hard disk. Run
  799.                                | this program when first installing a hard
  800.                                | disk to find the optimal parameters before
  801.                                | the hard drive is partitioned and formatted.
  802.                                | C source code is included.
  803.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-23-93)
  804. HDTRAK13.ZIP    78032  10-21-93  HardTrack V1.3 <ASP> Full Screen Hard Drive
  805.                                | Tracking. Reports Modified, New, and Missing
  806.                                | Files on Hard and Network Drives. HardTrack
  807.                                | shows you EXACTLY what changed after software
  808.                                | install (esp. Windows). Or, it daily from
  809.                                | Autoexec, or for PC audits. NOT a TSR. Reads
  810.                                | scan file or current drive scan for change
  811.                                | reporting. HardTrack is small, easy to use
  812.                                | and FAST! By Author of QuickDir. Use
  813.                                | HardTrack > You'll stay in the Know!
  814.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-22-93)
  815. HDTST213.ZIP    11156  11-18-94  HDTest v2.13 for DOS tests the speed of your
  816.                                | hard disk subsystem. New in this version: *
  817.                                | Made sure the test records contain random
  818.                                | data, so that real-time data compression
  819.                                | software will not influence the test
  820.                                | favourably.
  821.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-06-94)
  822. HDTSV3.ZIP     237010  02-12-94  Hard Drive Tech Specs! V3.0 Everything you
  823.                                | always wanted to know about All makes of Hard
  824.                                | Drives!!!
  825.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-25-93)
  826. HD_CP17Q.ZIP    89035  10-23-93  HD-Copy v1.7Q: famous copy program for high
  827.                                | density disks (faster than GA-Copy, FDFormat
  828.                                | & DOS' Format); read/write 1.2M up to 1.48M
  829.                                | on any drive (3 " & 5 ") and up to 1.72M on 3
  830.                                | "; can format various disk formats (up to
  831.                                | 1.722M; supports quick formatting, XMS/EMS;
  832.                                | menu option for sound effects, number of root
  833.                                | directory entries adjustable; 07/18/93;
  834.                                | Oliver Fromme/TBH-Softworx.
  835.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-18-93)
  836. HRDSK.ZIP      164702  07-21-93  Hrdsk.zip: hard disk utlities.
  837.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-27-89)
  838. ICPY21.ZIP      40339  09-14-93  ImageCopy v2.1: allows you to make diskette
  839.                                | images on hard disk in order to copy those
  840.                                | images back to diskette at a later date;
  841.                                | formats diskettes, uses moderate compression
  842.                                | if desired on disk images; supports 360K,
  843.                                | 1.2M, 720K & 1.44M diskettes; menu-driven;
  844.                                | 08/19/93; Patrick M. Ragan.
  845.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-19-93)
  846. ID.ZIP           9927  02-12-93  Utility Identifies Ide Statistics and
  847.                                | Parameters. From Western Digital
  848.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-10-91)
  849. IDEDIAGP.ZIP     9470  03-31-93  Gives You Information on an Ide Drive, Also
  850.                                | Includes Program Source Code.
  851.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-02-93)
  852. IDEID30.ZIP     30082  03-29-94  IDE Identify v3.0: Returns info on all IDE
  853.                                | hard drives attached to your (286+) system.
  854.                                | Shows head, cylinder, and sector counts for
  855.                                | CMOS setup parameters. Drive only needs to be
  856.                                | hooked-up, does not need to be prepaired.
  857.                                | (Date 03/08/94) Req: 286+CPU. Freeware from
  858.                                | Micro House International. -AV
  859.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-08-94)
  860. IDENT34.ZIP     16184  07-28-94  Identify v3.4 shows IDE drive characteristics
  861.                                | for Master/slave hds by Sean Dykstra
  862.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-25-94)
  863. IDESPEC.ZIP     45848  01-29-94  Drive parameters for all Maxtor IDE drives.
  864.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-22-93)
  865. IMMFTS.ZIP        997  05-30-93  Disk Mirroring Fault Tolerant Software Offer
  866.                                | Immunity Disk Mirroring Software.
  867.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-18-93)
  868. IMSP_D.ZIP     250999  07-09-94  IMSP Bulletins for Disk Controllers Hard Disk
  869.                                | Drives.
  870.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-93)
  871. KORT_IMG.ZIP    25312  12-08-94  KORT IMG converts a large disk image (for use
  872.                                | with VMDISK) into a smaller one, the total
  873.                                | length of all files as mentioned in the
  874.                                | directory of the diskette.
  875.                                | DOS & OS/2 Versions
  876.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-12-94)
  877. LETTER15.ZIP    10954  07-12-94  Letter v1.50: util that will tell you which
  878.                                | drive letters are assigned by DOS, either by
  879.                                | fact of drive partitions, or by use of the
  880.                                | SUBST command; 06/08/94; Jeff Bankston.
  881.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-08-94)
  882. LOADER10.ZIP     8856  02-01-93  The Loader V1.0: One-Touch Floppy Disk Menu
  883.                                | System.
  884.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-92)
  885. MACSEE4B.ZIP   258270  05-19-94  MacSEE v4.00B: util that will allow you to
  886.                                | read/write Macintosh format diskettes on your
  887.                                | PC, including 1.44 MB high density Macintosh
  888.                                | diskettes, 800K low density Spectre format
  889.                                | Macintosh diskettes and Macintosh hard disks
  890.                                | including SyQuest removable hard drives
  891.                                | formatted on a Mac; includes DOS & MS-Windows
  892.                                | versions; 05/01/94; Alan D. Reeve/ REEVEsoft.
  893.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-01-94)
  894. MASTER20.ZIP    61989  09-04-93  Prepares diskettes for software duplication.
  895.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-06-93)
  896. MAX_7345.ZIP     3559  06-19-93  Information and specifications for the new
  897.                                | MAXTOR 7345A drive (345 MB) directly from the
  898.                                | MAXTOR BBS.
  899.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-07-93)
  900. MAX_SCSI.ZIP   189219  12-25-93  Maxtor Technical Data on SCSI Hard Drives.
  901.                                | Includes OEM Tech Manuals. (Dated 10-08-93)
  902.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-08-93)
  903. MC7FMTP.ZIP     48816  02-18-94  Eisa auto-config file for wd1009v-se1.
  904.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-26-93)
  905. MDMPRODS.ZIP     8424  11-16-93  A set of utils. For formatting floppys in DOS
  906.                                | also a program to make a directory and change
  907.                                | to it simultaniously.all FREE-WARE.If you
  908.                                | like it send it to someone else. U/L by the
  909.                                | AUTHOR.MDM.
  910.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-04-93)
  911. MEGS.ZIP         8124  05-20-93  MEGS Drive Utility to Display available 
  912.                                | drives and free space! . 
  913.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-05-92)
  914. METOYOU.ZIP     17609  05-12-93  Identify your IDE drive and I/O MEM utils 
  915.                                | Read and Write to Memory or I/O.
  916.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-06-93)
  917. MH_ESDI.ZIP     27069  03-17-93  Esdi Identify V1.50: Returns Info on All
  918.                                | Esdi Hard Drives Attached to Your (286+)
  919.                                | System.  Shows Head, Cylinder, Sector
  920.                                | Counts, and Other Misc Info.  Drive Only
  921.                                | Needs to be Hooked-Up, Does Not Need to
  922.                                | be Prepaired.
  923.                                | (Date 12/07/92) Req: 286+cpu.
  924.                                | Freeware From Micro House International. -Av
  925.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-13-93)
  926. MLOAD120.ZIP   320971  06-13-93  Makeload 1.20 Make 40-80meg Hd Support
  927.                                | 10kmegs.
  928.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-20-93)
  929. MSCON6R0.ZIP    19419  04-28-93  Mass Storage Display Utility. 
  930.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-08-93)
  931. MXTORIDE.ZIP   122599  06-01-93  Current Ide Utilities From Maxtor BBS.
  932.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-11-93)
  933. NEC_ULTR.ZIP    10459  09-17-93  For Nec Ultralite Users: Change The Cluster
  934.                                | Size On The C: Drive Change From 4k Per
  935.                                | Cluster To 1k Per Cluster. Result: More Room
  936.                                | On The C: Drive!.
  937.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-93)
  938. NEWDCF.ZIP      89229  09-03-93  DISK COPY FAST v4.2: Powerful 1-pass diskette
  939.                                | duplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% faster
  940.                                | than DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs
  941.                                | ; Command line or menu driven; HOT keys for
  942.                                | backup or multiple target; Mouse support;
  943.                                | FORMAT DISKCOPY DISKCOMP all in 1 pass; Uses
  944.                                | extended memory; Creates image file; On-line
  945.                                | help; Support PC XT AT, mono CGA EGA VGA.
  946.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-19-93)
  947. OBACK203.ZIP   108747  02-28-94  OBACKUP and ORESTORE back up and restore data
  948.                                | from/to hard disks and floppies. Optional
  949.                                | compression.
  950.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-11-94)
  951. ONTRACK.ZIP    166588  11-22-94  Solve the 528meg and 32bda problems with ONLY
  952.                                | quantum drives.
  953.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-24-94)
  954. ORG304SE.ZIP    70326  08-18-93  ORG v3.0 (2/22/92):disk defragger -- simulate
  955.                                | mode, support of ext/exp memory. A fast, flex
  956.                                | defragmenter.
  957.                                | Uploaded by: John Fioroni
  958.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-92)
  959. ORGADISK.ZIP   295088  06-24-93  ORGADISK 1.0 FDD and HDD Organiser.
  960.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-16-93)
  961. PARKHD11.ZIP    11190  04-22-93  Parkhead v1.1: parks up to 2 harddisks' heads
  962.                                | over the shipping area where user data does  
  963.                                | not reside.
  964. PASSMENU.ZIP    13195  01-12-94  A great menu program for Diskcopy diskettes
  965.                                | It can diskcopy, save an image file of disk
  966.                                | and COMPRESS the image file saving those
  967.                                | valuable hard disk space. Version 1.0.
  968.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-30-93)
  969. PD0771.ZIP       7463  04-09-93  Microsoft Application Note for DOS Containing
  970.                                | Information on Repartitioning Your Hard Disk
  971.                                | to Tpgrade to MS-DOS 6.0.
  972.                                | Microsoft Corp.
  973.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-22-93)
  974. PDRIVE.ZIP       2347  05-25-93  Protect against floppy disk change. 
  975.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-12-91)
  976. PRESZ104.ZIP    57927  10-25-94  Partition Resizer v. 1.0.4 This is the first
  977.                                | full featured partition handling
  978.                                | program.Moves and resizes all DOS partitions,
  979.                                | without deleting the data. IDE hard disks,
  980.                                | 8086+ (c) Zeleps 1994
  981.                                | Uploaded by: Charlie Kelber
  982.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-22-94)
  983. PWBG21.ZIP      14506  04-02-93  Pwbg V2.1 -- the Floppy Boot Preventative --
  984.                                | Used in Conjunction With Any Password Program
  985.                                | Prevents Hard Drive Access When the Computer
  986.                                | is Booted From a Floppy Diskette.  Now Scsi
  987.                                | Compatible and Virus Aware.  a Small Device
  988.                                | Driver Password Program is Included.
  989.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-93)
  990. PWMBR21.ZIP     13301  04-02-93  Pwmbr V2.1 - Password Master Boot Record
  991.                                | Bootup Password Security for the IBM PC/At,
  992.                                | PS/2 or Compatible.  Disables Floppy Boots.
  993.                                | Read All Documentation Before Use!!
  994.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-93)
  995. PWPLUS21.ZIP    28584  04-02-93  Pwplus V2.1 -- an IBM PC Password System --
  996.                                | Features: Ctrl-Alt-Del Disabled, Optional
  997.                                | Logging, Logfile Viewer, Date/Clock, Screen
  998.                                | Blanker, Owners Name/Company/Phone Displayed
  999.                                | Upon Failed Entry Attempt, Easy to Use Setup
  1000.                                | Menus.  Also Includes Pwbg V2.1 to Prevent
  1001.                                | Hard Drive Access After a Floppy Boot!
  1002.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-17-93)
  1003. QCOPY340.ZIP    93052  02-02-94  --------------- QUIKCOPY v3.40 --------------
  1004.                                | -                                           -
  1005.                                | - Quick file and diskette copier for DOS.   -
  1006.                                | - Now supports truly-wild wild-cards!       -
  1007.                                | - QUIKCOPY is now much faster, especially   -
  1008.                                | - when copying and moving files.            -
  1009.                                | - Copying of diskettes faster, especially   -
  1010.                                | - when accessing hardware directly.         -
  1011.                                | - Maximal diskette filling now supports     -
  1012.                                | - subdirectories within subdirectories.     -
  1013.                                | - Overwrite checking and copy-prompting     -
  1014.                                | - added.                                    -
  1015.                                | - Splits large files across multiple        -
  1016.                                | - diskettes.                                -
  1017.                                | - Documentation totally rewritten.          -
  1018.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-15-94)
  1019. QFORMAT1.ZIP    23797  01-22-93  Quick Format Disk V1.0 By George Mealy Erases
  1020.                                | Dictionary of Any Disk and Unallocates All
  1021.                                | Data Clusters.
  1022.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-18-93)
  1023. QSEE220.ZIP     50553  02-24-93  Quick See V2.20: Allows You to Quickly Get a
  1024.                                | View of the Relative Space Usage on Your
  1025.                                | System's Disk Drives in Easy to Read
  1026.                                | Formats; Actual Byte Counts Calculated From
  1027.                                | the Disk Drives' Fats are Also Displayed;
  1028.                                | Report Generator Can Create a Report of
  1029.                                | Every Drive; Can be Set Warn You When Any
  1030.                                | Drive Reaches a Certain Level of Used
  1031.                                | Storage Space. Rbk Software.
  1032.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-02-93)
  1033. QUIKDUP1.ZIP    80061  10-23-94  DISK DUPLICATOR PLUS v1.0
  1034.                                | --------------------------------------------
  1035.                                | The BEST disk duplication program available!
  1036.                                | Allows you to mass duplicate a disk. Great
  1037.                                | for shareware authors and others who need
  1038.                                | mass duplication features! Only $10.
  1039.                                | Shareware!
  1040.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-25-94)
  1041. RKT_TEST.ZIP    40326  09-06-93  Demonstration of Ontrack's Drive Rocket (TM)
  1042.                                | for most new IDE (AT interface) hard drives.
  1043.                                | Overall data transfer rate can be increased
  1044.                                | up to eighty percent.
  1045.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-28-93)
  1046. RKT_TST2.ZIP    42887  11-25-93  Version 1.03 of Ontrack's Drive Rocket Tester
  1047.                                | Newest version of Ontrack's Drive Rocket Data
  1048.                                | Accelerator test program. Please replace the
  1049.                                | existing RKT-TEST.ZIP on this system with
  1050.                                | this new version.
  1051.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-93)
  1052. RMDRIV30.ZIP    11645  12-16-94  Interesting util blocks access to logical
  1053.                                | drives.
  1054.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-17-94)
  1055. RUTILS4A.ZIP   117001  11-19-94  []-----------------------------------------[]
  1056.                                | Reynolds Utilities V4.0
  1057.                                | []-----------------------------------------[]
  1058.                                | Reynolds Utilities is a Hard Disk
  1059.                                | utilities package.  It provides for
  1060.                                | Data Recovery in the event that a VIRUS
  1061.                                | attacks your hard drive.  It will recover
  1062.                                | your Partition table, FAT table and Root
  1063.                                | Directory and restore your drive to working
  1064.                                | order.  Included is an analysis section that
  1065.                                | will test your drive and insure that your
  1066.                                | drive is in good working order.  Performance
  1067.                                | is equal to or better than the leading hard
  1068.                                | drive utility packages available for half the
  1069.                                | price, only $79.95, with even better pricing
  1070.                                | for site licences.
  1071.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-23-94)
  1072. RZSPLT12.ZIP    24603  11-24-94  = RZSPLIT v1.2 = Finally a utility to split
  1073.                                | ANY type of file to make them fit on a floppi
  1074.                                | Improved documentation, Delete option added,
  1075.                                | and greatly improved the speed. - freeware -
  1076.                                | by R. Zino - 10/23/94
  1077.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-25-94)
  1078. RZSPLT14.ZIP    26119  11-30-94  = RZSPLIT v1.4 = Finally a utility to split
  1079.                                | ANY type of file to make them fit on a floppy
  1080.                                | Much FASTER, and Delete option added. Will
  1081.                                | NOT work with older Split Files. - freeware -
  1082.                                | by R. Zino - 11/01/94
  1083.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-31-94)
  1084. SAFEPART.ZIP    85789  12-05-94  Non-destructive splitting of harddisk
  1085.                                | partitions. (No formatting necessary to
  1086.                                | re-partition.)
  1087.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-11-94)
  1088. SCSIFMT.ZIP    102414  02-23-94  Utility allows you to low-level format your
  1089.                                | SCSI drives or scan the drive media for any
  1090.                                | defects; supports Adaptec AHA-1540/1542/
  1091.                                | 1640/1520/1522/1510/AIC-6260/AIC-6360/1740/
  1092.                                | 1742/1744/2740/2742/2740T/2742T/AIC-7770/
  1093.                                | 2840VL/2842VL controllers; 11/15/93; Adaptec.
  1094.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-15-93)
  1095. SET_1_5.ZIP     77806  07-24-94  A low-level Hard Disk formatter. Version 1.5
  1096.                                | for Future Domain SCSI controllers. From the
  1097.                                | Future Domain BBS.
  1098.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-10-93)
  1099. SGAFILES.ZIP     8796  11-15-93  Current list of files available from Seagate.
  1100.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-02-93)
  1101. SGAHINTS.ZIP    11800  11-15-93  Trouble-shooting tips from Seagate.
  1102.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-27-90)
  1103. SGASCSI.ZIP    117193  11-15-93  Info from Seagate on their SCSI drives.
  1104.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-14-93)
  1105. SGATEFIL.ZIP    14298  01-07-94  Files on the Seagate Tech.Support BBS.
  1106.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-24-93)
  1107. SGATFMT2.ZIP    77503  01-29-93  Sgatfmt (Seagate Format) V2.0: Low Level
  1108.                                | Formatting Utility; Does Not Use the System
  1109.                                | Bios to Access the Drive, But Instead Uses
  1110.                                | the at Register Cmd Set.
  1111.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-08-93)
  1112. SGATFMT3.ZIP    67315  11-13-93  Seagate's Formating Utility: good low-level
  1113.                                | formatter for MFM, RLL, and IDE drives by
  1114.                                | Seagate. Straight from their board.
  1115.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-28-93)
  1116. SGATHTX.ZIP    272178  05-19-94  May, 1994 update of the Seagate Help Files
  1117.                                | complete Seagate drive help reference.
  1118.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-03-94)
  1119. SHO26.ZIP       12692  07-19-93  SHOWDISK v2.6: checks floppy/HD space usage
  1120.                                | displaying a "gas gauge" style usage graph;
  1121.                                | 06/17/93; Dwayne Melancon.
  1122.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-17-93)
  1123. SHOWF251.ZIP    29150  07-11-93  SHOWFAT v2.51: Graphic display of file layout
  1124.                                | on hard disk, incl. Cluster info,
  1125.                                | fragmentation, etc.
  1126.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-24-93)
  1127. SLEEP11.ZIP     10773  03-07-94  Shuts down IDE Hard Drive motor when not in u
  1128.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-16-94)
  1129. SLEEP12.ZIP     11812  12-01-94  Lets your ide hard drive stop when not in us.
  1130.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-09-94)
  1131. SLEP_BG.ZIP      9939  03-31-94  Sleep - will enable your IDE hard disk
  1132.                                | drive's power saving feature by allowing it
  1133.                                | to "spin down" after a period of time that it
  1134.                                | is not in use.
  1135.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-08-94)
  1136. SP0493.ZIP       8631  05-25-93  Books on Floppies 100 Titles by Spectrum 
  1137.                                | Press.
  1138.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-21-93)
  1139. SPACE103.ZIP    17959  05-27-93  L Display free space on all drives, including
  1140.                                | network drives. Can monitor continuously.    
  1141.                                | V1.03 for MS-Win 3.1. 
  1142.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-11-93)
  1143. SPINDN12.ZIP    13763  10-11-94  SPINDOWN v1.2 Spin down your IDE disk
  1144.                                | drive(s) if it has not been accessed for a
  1145.                                | period of time. Like a screen- saver for
  1146.                                | disks!
  1147.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-23-94)
  1148. STAC31.ZIP       3718  04-09-93  Stac31 is the Upgrade Announcment for Stacker
  1149.                                | 3.1 for DOS and Windows. DOS 6.
  1150.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-30-93)
  1151. STAC_CIS.ZIP   207989  12-19-93  This archive contains all of the msgs in the
  1152.                                | Stacker Forum on Compuserve as of Dec. 6,
  1153.                                | 1993 - more than 900 of them! Numerous
  1154.                                | dealing with Stacker and MS-DOS 6.2.
  1155.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-07-93)
  1156. STEPRAT1.ZIP     8694  06-02-93  Set Floppy Drive Steprate for Speed.
  1157.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-89)
  1158. TECH30.ZIP       5901  04-13-93  Stacker 3.0 Tech Note Updates From Cis.
  1159.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-06-93)
  1160. THEREF43.ZIP   174385  05-11-93  THEREF(tm) Ver 4.3 is a comprehensive
  1161.                                | Directory of Hard Drives, Floppy Drives,
  1162.                                | Optical Drives, and Drive Controllers &
  1163.                                | Host Adapters.  It is designed to help
  1164.                                | the novice and pro alike with integration
  1165.                                | problems and system setups.  Information
  1166.                                | compiled by Robert Falbo.
  1167.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 05-01-93)
  1168. THE_REF.ZIP    177828  02-08-94  On-line text drive information file. Contains
  1169.                                | much drive and adapter card info including
  1170.                                | opticals and SCSI Unzip with PKUNZIP -D to
  1171.                                | preserve paths.
  1172.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-93)
  1173. TLADF10.ZIP      7714  02-14-94  DF v1.0: utility that will display the
  1174.                                | allocated space, available space, and total
  1175.                                | space on disks installed on the system;
  1176.                                | 01/29/94; Thom Little Associates.
  1177.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-29-94)
  1178. TSLASP2.ZIP     80239  12-12-94  This disk contains updated drivers for the
  1179.                                | Adaptec T-160, T-260, and APA-460.
  1180.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-02-94)
  1181. TSUTIL12.ZIP   153753  10-25-93  TSUtil v1.2: provides a simple, yet powerful
  1182.                                | way to partition &/or format your harddisk(s)
  1183.                                | & also allows you to view (ASCII/HEX), edit,
  1184.                                | copy, delete files, change file attributes,
  1185.                                | etc, with a few keystrokes or a click of the
  1186.                                | mouse; also includes code to detect/destroy
  1187.                                | viruses; windows like interface w/pull-down
  1188.                                | and pop up menus, dialog boxes, etc.;
  1189.                                | 09/21/93; George Tihenea.
  1190.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-21-93)
  1191. TURBODSK.ZIP    10048  12-09-93  Turbo Disk The Fastest disk utility (1.0)
  1192.                                | Uploaded by: Sean Chen
  1193.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-15-93)
  1194. TWEAK13.ZIP      6085  04-18-93  Utility to Change (Tweak) Your Floppy Drive  
  1195.                                | Speed Settings. 
  1196. UNETII22.ZIP    18258  01-08-93  U-Net II Ver. 2.2 Networks Any Two PCs Using
  1197.                                | Parallel Ports and Concurrently Shares the
  1198.                                | Host PC's Hard Disk and Printer, Requires
  1199.                                | 640k and Hard Disk. Includes Specs to Make
  1200.                                | the Required Connecting Cable. $40
  1201.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-01-92)
  1202. VASN128.ZIP     45819  11-30-93  Volume and Serial Number Version 1.28 allows
  1203.                                | changing the serial number and volume name on
  1204.                                | disks formatted with DOS versions 4.x and
  1205.                                | above. Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet, SDN
  1206.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-08-93)
  1207. VEXD110.ZIP     29565  07-05-94  E144 formats your 1.44MB diskettes so that yo
  1208.                                | additional 52.5KB storage space. Turning your
  1209.                                | a 1.51MB disk. E720 turns your 720KB diskette
  1210.                                | diskette. It does this in a way so that you d
  1211.                                | ability to use DOS commands and utilities wit
  1212.                                | Freeware by Mark Vitt
  1213.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-15-94)
  1214. VGACPY52.ZIP   185532  10-30-93  VGA-Copy-pro v.5.2 Incredibly fast
  1215.                                | One-pass-Diskcopy and Formatter Copies and
  1216.                                | formats ANYTHING, even special formats like
  1217.                                | 1.74 MB! Handles Up to four physical drives;
  1218.                                | it EVEN plays amusing Sounds on your PC
  1219.                                | speaker or SoundBlaster! With intuitive VGA
  1220.                                | Button-Bar graphical Interface. Requires
  1221.                                | EGA/VGA and mouse.(c) Thomas Moenkemeier:
  1222.                                | Published by PEARL AMERICA, INC. (member ASP)
  1223.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-06-93)
  1224. WDC0102.ZIP      4657  02-18-94  Eisa auto-config file for wd1009v-se2.
  1225.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-04-91)
  1226. WDFMT210.ZIP    28271  02-12-94  WDFMT can be used on any Western DIgital AT
  1227.                                | Disk Controller to perform any of the
  1228.                                | following tasks. FORMAT - do a low level
  1229.                                | format of the disk. VERIFY - verify the
  1230.                                | entire disk. BAD TRACK - mark bad tracks
  1231.                                | and/or enter the bad track map. SURFACE TEST
  1232.                                | - perform a surface test.
  1233.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-19-90)
  1234. WDIDE31.ZIP    125401  01-27-93  Western Digital Ide Hard Drive Utility V 3.1.
  1235.                                | (Newest File Date: 12-04-92)
  1236. WD_CAVAR.ZIP    19831  04-27-93  Information, specifications and installation 
  1237.                                | instructions for Western Digital Caviar 3 1/2
  1238.                                | " drives, WDAC280 (80 MB) thru WDAC2340 (340 
  1239.                                | MB), directly from the WD BBS. 
  1240.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 02-25-93)
  1241. WESTYPE.ZIP     38218  04-18-93  Western Digital HD drive info... 
  1242. WFF17H.ZIP      76334  07-20-94  What Floppy Format? 1.7h menu for Christoph
  1243.                                | Hochsttter's FDFORMAT, a PD floppy formatter
  1244.                                | that formats 3" to 1.72Mb. WFF let's you
  1245.                                | establish parameters & automatically use them
  1246.                                | every time you format. Hands-free Continuous
  1247.                                | Format. Freeware.
  1248.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-20-94)
  1249. WINHOG20.ZIP    17407  03-22-93  Graphical Pie Chart Display of Disk Space
  1250.                                | Usage. Version 2.0. Shareware ($5).
  1251.                                | Requires Vbrun200.Dll. Neat and Very Useful.
  1252.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-19-93)
  1253. WTFMTP.ZIP      31703  03-19-93  Western Digital Ide Low-Level Format Utility.
  1254.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-12-93)
  1255. X1541.ZIP       28953  04-27-93  X1541 v1.0: utility that allows you to use a 
  1256.                                | Commodore 1541/1581 disk drive on a PC;      
  1257.                                | includes a diagram of how to make a cable to 
  1258.                                | connect the drive to your parallel port.
  1259.                                | L.G.Software.
  1260.                                | (NEWEST FILE DATE: 04-03-93)
  1261. XDCPY200.ZIP    15028  10-27-93  +-----------------------------------------+
  1262.                                | | XDSKCPY - eXtended DiSKCoPY. Don't be a |
  1263.                                | | diskswapping diskjockey! Use this prog! |
  1264.                                | | Duplicates diskettes without swapping.  |
  1265.                                | | By: Sverre H. Huseby, Norway. (SHH)     |
  1266.                                | +-----------------------------------------+
  1267.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-15-93)
  1268. XDU21DVX.ZIP   156414  01-15-94  X utility - graphic display of disk.
  1269.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-28-93)
  1270. XMEDIA10.ZIP    31729  09-01-94  XMedia v1.0: disk media error detect utility;
  1271.                                | 07/24/94; Brand-X.
  1272.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-24-94)