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Text File  |  1995-03-29  |  5KB  |  273 lines

  1. object Form1: TForm1
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  29.     Caption = 'File viewer in hex mode'
  30.   end
  31.   object OvcController1: TOvcController
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  34.     EntryCommands.TableList = (
  35.       'Default'
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  156.         1587
  157.         64
  158.         1588
  159.         65
  160.         1589
  161.         66
  162.         1590
  163.         67
  164.         1591
  165.         68
  166.         1592
  167.         69
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  169.         70))
  170.   end
  171.   object OvcFileViewer1: TOvcFileViewer
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  192.   object OvcTextFileViewer1: TOvcTextFileViewer
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  212.   end
  213.   object Panel1: TPanel
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  272. end