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Text File
504 lines
* Sample control for DBLINK 1.52
Address 1:9999/9999
System Your system name here
Operator Your name here
Files FILES\
Modem port COM1
Modem baud 2400
*Modem locked
Modem init ATM1
Modem dial ATDT
Modem timeout 60
Max tries 30
Max connects 2
*Call 31-85-459034
* D'Bridge/EURASIA
* Region: Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East
* European Cybernetics, vof. D'Bridge Division
* P.O. Box 1056 Bothaplein 6
* 6801 BB Arnhem 6814 AJ Arnhem
* The Netherlands The Netherlands
* Sales/Support 31-85-427757 (09:00-17:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: HFL. 90,00 + 17,5% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: HFL. 450,00 + 17,5% sales tax
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in Nederlandse Guldens
* Banker: RaboBank Arnhem, Arnhem, The Netherlands
* Account#: 30 39 81 997 Postgiro Bank: 815528
* Accountholder: European Cybernetics
*Call 32-71-315211
* Region : Belgique/Belgie
* Micro-Land
* Rue de Jemeppe 2A
* 6030 Moustier Sur Sambre
* Belgie/Belgique
* Sales/Support 32-71-786238 (10:00-18:00 CET)
* 32-71-315492 (21:00-24:00 CET)
* 32-71-786207 (Fax)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: BFR. 1.700,00 + 19% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: BFR. 8.500,00 + 19% sales tax
* Check or money order in Belgian Francs
* Banker: Banque Bruxelles Lambert (B.B.L.)
* Account#: 360-0202114-69 TVA: 689-148-376
* Accountholder: Micro-Land
*Call 359-2-665793
* Region: Bulgaria
* MicroComm International Ltd
* 6-12 Buntovnik str, vh.A.
* Sofia 1407
* Bulgaria
* Sales/Support 359-2-661822
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in Bulgarian Leva
* Other convertibly currencies, add US $25.00 handling & conversion fee
* Banker: Bulgarian Post Bank
* Account#: 920 188 102 -8 BPB (Leva)
* Account#: 920 423 102 300 -0 BPB (US$)
* Accountholder: MicroComm International Ltd
*Call 42-7-728-382
* Region: Ceskoslovensko
* Pietrosoft spol. s r.o.
* att. Peter Mokros
* Frankelova 52
* 841 05 Bratislava
* Ceskoslovensko
* Sales/Support +42-7-720-129 (17:00-21:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in Ceskoslovenske Koruny
* Other convertibly currencies, add $25.00 handling & conversion fee
* Banker: Investicna Banka Bratislava 0520
* Account#: 38003-952
* Accountholder: Pietrosoft spol. s r.o.
*Call 49-2381-461565
* Region: Deutschland
* Androtec GmbH
* att. Erich Janssen
* Luenenerstrasse 201
* 4700 Hamm 3
* Deutschland
* Sales/Support 49-2381-996000 (9:00-18:00 CET)
* 49-2381-469360 (private,evenings)
* 49-2381-996003 (fax)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: DM. 82,00 + 14% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: DM. 410,00 + 14% sales tax
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in Deutsche Marken
* Banker: Deutsche Bank Hamm
* Account#: 129775 BLZ: 41070049
* Accountholder: Androtec GmbH
*Call 34-22-344359
* Region: Espana, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar
* Jose-Maria Andreu
* Los Claveles 24 Romantica II
* 38410 Los Realejos
* Tenerife Canarias
* Espana
* Sales/Support 34-2227-0609 (10:00-14:30 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: PES. 6.200,00 + 12% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: PES. 31.000,00 + 12% sales tax
* Visa, Amex, Diners Club
* Check or money order in Pesetas
*Call 358-0-881-562
* Region: Suomi, Aland
* Ari Backholm
* Aapelinkatu 13 D 56
* 02230 Espoo
* Finland
* Sales/Support 358-0-803-3439 (16:00-20:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: FIM. 275,00 + 22% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: FIM. 1.375,00 + 22% sales tax
* Check or money order in FIM Marks
* Banker: Suomen Yhdyspankki / Union Bank of Finland
* Account#: 229020-1055103
* Accountholder: Ari Backholm
*Call 33-47523058
* Region: France, Monaco
* Pascal Brisset
* Bois Soleil
* 37370 Chemille sur Deme
* France
* Sales/Support 33-475-23033 (11:00-20:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: FFR. 288,00 + 15% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: FFR. 1.440,00 + 15% sales tax
* Check or money order in French Francs
* Banker: C.A. Credit Agricole, CRA Amboise
* Account#: 40027097001
* Accountholder: Pascal Brisset
*Call 41-91-954060
* Region: Helvetica, Liechtenstein
* Manfred Murer
* Casa Rustica
* CH-6802 Rivera / Ticino
* Switzerland
* Sales/Support 41-91-951146
* Fax 41-91-954061
* Single DBLINK/SL License: SFR. 74,00 + 9,2% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: SFR. 370,00 + 9,2% sales tax
* Check or money order in Schweizer Franken
* Banker: Schweizererische Kredit Anstalt, 8048 Zuerich
* Account#: 739170-00 Postcheck Konto Bank: 80-709-0
* Accountholder: M. Murer
*Call 39-766-540899
* Region: Italia, San Marino, Vaticano, Malta
* Stefano Pasquini
* Viale Altiero Spinelli n.2
* 00053 Civitavecchia
* Italy
* Sales/Support: Civitavecchia 39-766-540901
* Roma 39-766-755695
* Single DBLINK/SL License: LIRE 79.000,00 + 19% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: LIRE 395.000,00 + 19% sales tax
* Check or money order in Italian Lires
* Banker: Banca di Roma, filiale di Civitavecchia
* Account#: 55565/38
* Accountholder: Stefano Pasquini
*Call 373-2-263079
* Region: Moldova
* Michael Karpov
* Zadnipru 21 nr. 131
* 277035 Kishinev
* Moldova
* Sales/Support 373-2-241484 (09:00 - 18:00 CET-1)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in a convertible currency
*Call 31-85-459034
* Region: Nederland
* European Cybernetics, D'Bridge Division
* P.O. Box 1056 Bothaplein 6
* 6801 BB Arnhem 6814 AJ Arnhem
* Nederland Nederland
* Sales/Support 31-85-427757 (09:00-17:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: HFL. 90,00 + 17,5% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: HFL. 450,00 + 17,5% sales tax
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in Nederlandse Guldens
* Banker: RaboBank Arnhem, Arnhem, The Netherlands
* Account#: 30 39 81 997 Postgiro Bank: 815528
* Accountholder: European Cybernetics
*Call 43-2282-242516
* Region: Oesterreich
* Wolfgang Hryzak GmbH
* Bahnstrasse 48
* A-2230 Gaenserndorf
* Oesterreich
* Sales/Support 43-2282-240914 (daytime)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: OES. 575,00 + 20% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: OES. 2.875,00 + 20% sales tax
* Check or money order in Oesterreichische Schilling
* Banker: Raiffeissenkasse Gaenserndorf
* Account#: 25056 BLZ: 32181
* Accountholder: Wolfgang Hryzak GmbH
*Call 48-58-472109
* Region: Polska
* Mariusz Matuszek
* Rybacka 1B/7 Str.
* 80-340 Gdansk
* Polska
* Sales/Support 48-58-579503 (10:00 - 18:00 CET)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in Polish Zlotys
* Banker: PKO II O/Gdansk
* Account#: 19523-150486-136-0
* Accountholder: "TECCOM" S.A. (attn. Mariusz Matuszek)
*Call 7-812-265-1496
* Region: Russian Federation
* Anthony Guetmansky
* Alpiysky 45 - 191
* 192286 St.Petersburg
* Russian Federation
* Sales/Support 7-812-172-4391 (20:00-24:00 CET-1)
* Fax 7-812-265-2424
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in a convertible currency
*Call 46-910-52214
* Region: Sweden
* Mikael Winterkvist
* Kartgatan 15
* 931 91 Skelleftea
* Sweden
* Sales/Support 46-910-14000 (08.00 - 17.00 CET)
* 46-910-86046 (17.00 - 22.00 CET)
* Mobile 46-010-2568067
* Fax 46-910-56163
* Single DBLINK/SL License: SKR. 380,00 + 25% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: SKR. 1.900,00 + 25% sales tax
* Check or money order in Swedish Kronen
* Banker: Postal Giro
* Account#: 450 39 65 - 8
* Accountholder: Artic BBS / Mikael Winterkvist
*Call 90-1-3263833
* Region: Turkey
* Ersan Devrim
* Moda Cad.Kefeli Pasaji
* No:111/13 Kadikoy
* Istanbul
* Turkey
* Sales/Support 90-1-345-1631 (09.00-17.00 CET-1)
* Fax 90-1-326-3833
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in Turkish Lira
* Banker: Turkiye Is Bankasi
* Account#: 1039 1128921
* Accountholder: Ersan Devrim
*Call 7-044-4175700
* Region: Ukraine
* Phoenix Enterprises
* Sagaidachnogo str. No 4
* 252070 Kiev
* Ukraine
* Sales/Support 7-044-4175589 (10:00-19:00 CET-1)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in a convertible currency
*Call 44-344-411621
* Region: United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Eire & Ulster
* Hawkcastle Limited
* Gerald Janes
* Unit 18
* Staines Central Trading Estate
* Staines
* Middlesex
* TW18 4XE
* United Kingdom
* Sales/Support 44-784-449991 (9:00-17:30 GMT)
* FAX 44-784-460007
* Single DBLINK/SL License: GBP. 34,50 + 17,5% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: GBP. 172,50 + 17,5% sales tax
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in GP Pound Sterling
* Banker: Midland Bank Plc
* Account#: 71277243
* Accountholder: Hawkcastle Ltd.
*Call 7-0127-730134
* Region: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
* Zygimantas Cepaitis
* Sukileliu 17
* 3007 Kaunas
* Lithuania
* Sales/Support 7-0127-733595 (daytime)
* 7-0127-773382 (evening)
* FAX 7-0127-732286
* Single DBLINK/SL License: {Call}
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: {Call}
* Check or money order in a convertible currency
*Call 49-2381-460077
* Region: Deutschland
* Androtec GmbH
* att. Erich Janssen
* Luenenerstrasse 201
* 4700 Hamm 3
* Deutschland
* Sales/Support 49-2381-996000 (9:00-18:00 CET)
* 49-2381-469360 (private,evenings)
* 49-2381-996003 (fax)
* Single DBLINK/SL License: DM. 82,00 + 14% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: DM. 410,00 + 14% sales tax
* Visa, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access
* Check or money order in Deutsche Marken
* Banker: Deutsche Bank Hamm
* Account#: 129775 BLZ: 41070049
* Accountholder: Androtec GmbH
*Call 39-766-543284
* Region: Italia, San Marino, Vaticano, Malta
* Stefano Pasquini
* Viale Altiero Spinelli n.2
* 00053 Civitavecchia
* Italy
* Sales/Support: Civitavecchia 39-766-540901
* Roma 39-766-755695
* Single DBLINK/SL License: LIRE 79.000,00 + 19% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: LIRE 395.000,00 + 19% sales tax
* Check or money order in Italian Lires
* Banker: Banca di Roma, filiale di Civitavecchia
* Account#: 55565/38
* Accountholder: Stefano Pasquini
*Call 46-910-52853
* Region: Sweden
* Mikael Winterkvist
* Kartgatan 15
* 931 91 Skelleftea
* Sweden
* Sales/Support 46-910-14000 (08.00 - 17.00 CET)
* 46-910-86046 (17.00 - 22.00 CET)
* Mobile 46-010-2568067
* Fax 46-910-56163
* Single DBLINK/SL License: SKR. 380,00 + 25% sales tax
* DBLINK/SL Six-pack License: SKR. 1.900,00 + 25% sales tax
* Check or money order in Swedish Kronen
* Banker: Postal Giro
* Account#: 450 39 65 - 8
* Accountholder: Artic BBS / Mikael Winterkvist