Toolkit for DOOM
File List
71 lines
Use the arrow keys to move up and down through the list of levels, hit
ENTER on the one you would like to play. Hit ESC to exit this menu.
D9\ set of three good deathmatch levels. Level: Multi.
DAEMON\ small, HOM bugs, long halls
DAEMON2\ hallway of barrels, cyber
DANCDETH\ Its a huge multiplayer level. Level: E1M2.
DANTE12\ level good for single or multi play. Level: E1M1.
DBLCROSS\ large deathmatch wad file. Level: E2M2.
DC\ single player or co-op map, can be used for DM. Level: E1M1.
DEADBS09\ Fountain, stuck doors. Level: E2M1.
DEADBS10\ Update of deadbs09.wad. Level: E2M1.
DEADLY21\ e2m1 based, more monsters
DEADZONE\ hex center, chess board lift room
DEATHME\ small, high freag Doom level. Level: E3M1.
DEEPS\ many secrets and switches, single or DM. Level: E2M1.
DESPAIR\ single player or co-op map, many enemies. Level: E3M3.
DETH1\ deathmatch level small. Level: E1M1.
DETHE1M1\ house layout, C&C music fact 'sweat'
DETHTRAP\ tough level with many enemies. Level: E2M1.
DETHWALK\ raised walkway, hidden exit
DEVIL\ wad should be used with annex.wad. Level: E3M2.
DEWADZ1\ package of two wads. Level: Multi.
DGOLD2LT\ changes the entire game, new maps etc. Level: Multi.
DIEFAST\ map and demo included, secrets, etc. Level: E1M1.
DILLWAD\ set of two maps with lots of imps and sarges. Level: Multi.
DIOPATRA\ very large, dark red caverns
DJW11WAD\ single player map. Level: E1M1.
DMANMLY\ doom anamoly, dark level. Level: E2M1.
DMAPOC\ best for single player mode. Level: E1M1.
DMAT4\ open warehouse, no exit
DMATCH\ open warehouse, no exit. Level: E1M1.
DMIFST\ pest control map. Level: E1M4.
DMIHRKE5\ deathmatch only wad file. Level: E1M1.
DMINATOR\ mod stock levels, more monsters
DMPITS\ large level, nice layout. Level: E1M1.
DMPRTL\ doom portal. large level, many rooms. Level: E1M1.
DMSPACE\ deathmatch on a space station. Level: E1M2.
DMTURM\ single or co-op play, large level. Level: E1M5.
DOMAIN\ the devil's domain. Level: E3M2.
DORK\ map meant for two player co-op. Level: E1M1.
DPE2L1\ very good deathmatch level. Level: E1M1.
DPRISON\ hidden exit, cell doors
DRAGON12\ map looks like a dragon
DRKSTAIR\ start in stair pit, deaf guards
DRUG_ME\ single, DM or co-op map, large in size. Level: E1M5.
DSPIRAL\ select 1 weapon, honeycomb spiral
DUNGEON1\ start out in a forest, go to dungeon. Level: E1M1.
DUO_1\ 1 room, closets around outside
E1M1CNC\ pool looking wad file. Level: E1M1.
E1M1EDB\ mod e1m1
E1M1SAS\ shoot switch to exit cell @ begin
E2GC\ lots of switches
E2L1GC\ crushing star, caves, climb boxes
E2L2_GG1\ mod e2m2, barons @ exit
E2M1ED\ original wad file. Level: E2M1.
E2M1_JOE\ deathmatch wad with guns, etc. Level: E1M1.
E2M1_MT\ deathmatch wad only. Level: E2M1.
E2M8PAT\ changed textures of E2M8. Level: E2M8.
E3WADSKH\ collection of four pwads. Level: Multi.
ELEVATOR\ tall vater, lots o barons, HOM bugs?
EPI1BEST\ Collection of wad files. Level: Multi.
EPI2BEST\ Collection of wad files. Level: Multi.
EPI3BEST\ Collection of wad files. Level: Multi.
EPIC11\ tough level with small amounts of ammo. Level: E1M1.
ESCAPE\ large complex level. Level: E2M1.
EVIL_E\ skull in map, sailing ship
EXECUTE\ escape from prison. Level: E1M1.