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From: sean.clark@rti.uucp.netcom.com (Sean Clark)
Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Subject: Re: 1.666 patch (iD lies again..)
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 18:20:00 GMT
Message-ID: <94090612105314741@rti.uucp.netcom.com>
Organization: Retail Technologies International:The makers of Retail Pro(tm)
Distribution: world
Lines: 43
R>In article <778796609snz@theweb.demon.co.uk>,
>Nigel Arnold <nige@theweb.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>In article <34bsqo$cn1@scus1.ctstateu.edu>
>> pfrommer@scus1.ctstateu.edu "David Pfrommer" writes:
>>> As i've said before.. ID can't live up to their promises... just one
>>> lie after another..
>>Get a life dude, obviously you have never worked in the *real* world,
>>being a 'down at the metal coder' means late nights, tough deadlines,
>>wise up and stop hassling people who lighten up your sad life, after all
>>they are only human.
R>You work in the real world? Companies in the real world don't consistently
>lie about deadlines. ID has matched Microsoft for slippage/deadline passing,
>and they've done it in much less than the 10+ years it took MS.
I'd say so. As someone who ALSO works for a software developer, I know
this to be all too true. NOT missing deadlines is the exception, not
the rule, from what I've seen.
R>>They are not lying, they just are human...
R>OK, hint: If you miss a deadline that you previously set for two weeks away,
>you don't set the next one (and the next one, and the next one, and the next
>one) for two more weeks away.
Unfortunately, the people who have control of when the software goes out
(the programmers and testers) are NOT the ones sending out the
deadlines. That's the Marketroids. They say "we have fifty billion
people demanding to know when version 9.342B will be coming out with the
new "Blivet" feature, and if we don't tell them something soon they'll
go buy something else, when do you think it'll be released?"
Eventually, they wrangle a nice-sounding deadline from the programmers
to pass out to everyone and his evil twin brother. Two weeks later,
when the programmers find some things they didn't know about that needs
to be fixed, the process gets repeated. Not much fun, but that's the
way it seems to work everywhere.
* QMPro 1.52 * Morality is a private and costly luxury.