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Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Path: oz.cdrom.com!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!newsfeed.pitt.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!news.duke.edu!concert!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!hub.cs.jmu.edu!newsusr
From: JDCAPRIO@vax1.acs.jmu.edu (JOHN D CAPRIOTTI)
Subject: People who are screwing us over - DOOM II
Message-ID: <CvK9p5.5Bn@hub.cs.jmu.edu>
Sender: newsusr@hub.cs.jmu.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: James Madison University
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 1994 15:58:16 GMT
X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS v1.25
Lines: 56
OK, dudes, this is a list of everyone for the past few days that I extracted
who claim to have a copy of DOOM II or have more than a little information
about it. In short, more than probable pirates.
But why post these? well, not to play netcop (hey, I didn't address them
directly or email site admins!), but these people need to be dealt with. They
are seriously screwing us - DOOM lovers of alt.games.doom - over. Not only by
pirating DOOM, forcing the rest of us to have to deal with the final price and
copy codes, but also by destroying the credability of this newgroup. a.g.doom
has had a good relationship with id in the past, posting info and such here,
but you can bet if I wrote a game and you were openly discussing pirated
versions of it that I wouldn't post here.
What can be done? well, I'm not a big believer in the mailbomb/site
admin/flame techniques, but kill files seem to work best. Add all of these
dudes to your kill file, so that their presence/threads in our newsgroup will
be minimalized.
If your name appears here and you're not pirating DOOM II, please explain how
you know so damn much about the game (you've been asked several times!).
Remeber, these are only the thieves dumb enough to post about D2. there are
probably 100 (at least) for every one of these:
> eapu2902@rigel.oac.edu
>"The Supernatural Atheist" - anon id
> aviator@netcom.com
> caspian@starbase.neosoft.com
> ab188@freenet.CARLTON.COM
> spqr2@io.org
> kochank@news.db.erau.edu
> any@teleplant.comm.se
>the kid@ornews.intel.com
> slavenk@icebox.iceonline.co
> erling@stud.cs.uit.nu
>Friends have copies ...
>Found it on U's common drive ...
John Capriotti irc: murpes | B.D.: Zonker! Are you smoking the dreaded killer
JDCAPRIO@vax1.acs.jmu.edu | marijuana in my huddle!?
My opinions are yours. |Zonker: Sure, Cap'n. Want some? - DOONESBURY
All spelling and grammatical errors are because I go to JMU, where
education is subservient to process.