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Text File  |  1994-08-04  |  1KB  |  27 lines

  1. Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
  2. Path: cdrom.com!barrnet.net!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!news.uoregon.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!ns1.nodak.edu!plains.NoDak.edu!awang
  3. From: awang@plains.NoDak.edu (Dopey (Andy Wang))
  4. Subject: Re: Doom 1.6:  Anyone try it yet?
  5. Sender: usenet@ns1.nodak.edu (Usenet login)
  6. Message-ID: <Cu1BwG.DHL@ns1.nodak.edu>
  7. Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 23:57:52 GMT
  8. References: <31p83e$2ot@enet1-globe.csd.sgi.com> <CtzGB4.296@cup.hp.com> <CtzKE1.Lsy@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> <mikCu06v2.JxD@netcom.com>
  9. Nntp-Posting-Host: plains.nodak.edu
  10. Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network
  11. Lines: 14
  14. it's on cs.uwp.edu
  15. in whatever that id directory is
  16. doom16bt.zip
  17. i've already got it.
  18. it's working fine except that with idkfa the shotgun doesn't work.
  19. guess that bug is still there
  20. -- 
  21. *******************************************************************************
  22. * Life's Great Mystery:   * Legalize Marijuana     * awang@plains.nodak.edu   *
  23. * Do I really exist or am * Are you a Government   * awang@badlands.nodak.edu *
  24. * I just a dreamer afraid * brainwash victim?      * dopey@yar.cs.wisc.edu    *
  25. * to wake up and live?    * Choose the right side. * dopey@picard.cs.wisc.edu *
  26. ***************************** Dopey (Andy Wang) *******************************