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Path: cdrom.com!barrnet.net!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!swiss.ans.net!nntp.sunbelt.net!udel!news.sprintlink.net!crash!filebank!aj.peterson
From: aj.peterson@filebank.cts.com (Aj Peterson)
Newsgroups: alt.games.doom
Subject: Respawn of Ammo in DOOM under Deathmatch 2.0?
Message-ID: <19599.403.uupcb@filebank.cts.com>
Date: 29 Jul 94 20:33:00 GMT
Distribution: world
Organization: The File Bank BBS - Fallbrook, CA 619-728-4318
Reply-To: aj.peterson@filebank.cts.com (Aj Peterson)
References: <01.1994Jul27.16h07m24s.PAUL-0100000@TDR.COM>
Lines: 28
-> My partner in death and destruction informed me that DM 2.0 is
-> supposed to respawn ammo as opposed to standard deathmatch which does
-> not respawn ammo.
-> Is this correct? That the game is supposed to reincarnate ammo? If
-> so, does this include health packs and/or armor?
Yes to all of the above.
-> Also, will Doom run a modem faster than 9600 baud? Mine is on the
-> list of modems it supports (Practical Peripherals 14400 FX V32) and
-> I've seen it regularly do transfers at 1600+ CPS, and sometimes as
-> high as 2048CPS for short periods on a 19,200 BPS locked port.
-> (Don't ask me how, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.)
Again, yes. Get the latest BNU Sersetup. That's one of those "hacked"
sersetup.exe files you can find most everywhere. Any BBS that has ANY
doom files SHOULD have a better sersetup than what comes with doom.
By the way, if you transfer files that ARE NOT zipped, you'll see high
transfer rates. that is on the fly compression. It SHOULD effectivly
transfer files in the same ammount of time as when they're zipped.
Thereby making zipping less nessesary.
| The File Bank BBS - 619-728-7307 - PCBoard v.15.0/E10 - USR DS 16.8K |
| 9 nodes / RIME / Internet / Planet Connect / Clipper / Adult |