Toolkit for DOOM
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AVG01.ZIP Punishment Inc vs. New DoomGods from the AVG tournament.
AVG02.ZIP The Rocketeers vs. Transcendental Fragvergnugen from the AVG tournament.
AVG03.ZIP Vibrant Killers vs. Splatmasters from the AVG tournament.
AVG05.ZIP Warpigs vs. Happy Campers from the AVG tournament.
AVG06.ZIP T & A Associates vs. Cutters from the AVG tournament.
AVG07.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Pit from the AVG tournament.
AVG08.ZIP The Liquidators vs. Fire and Brimstone from the AVG tournament.
AVG09.ZIP The New DoomGods vs. Transcendental Fragvergnugen from the AVG tournament.
AVG10.ZIP Punishment vs. The Rocketeers from the AVG tournament.
AVG11.ZIP Vibrant Killers vs. ITLX from the AVG tournament.
AVG12.ZIP DoomGods vs. Splatmasters from the AVG tournament.
AVG13.ZIP Happy Campers vs. Cutters from the AVG tournament.
AVG14.ZIP Warpigs vs. T & A Associates from the AVG tournament.
AVG15.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Fire and Brimstone from the AVG tournament.
AVG16.ZIP The liquidators vs. Pit from the AVG tournament.
AVG17.ZIP Punishment vs. Splatmasters from the AVG tournament.
AVG18.ZIP The New DoomGods vs. ITLX from the AVG tournament.
AVG19.ZIP T & A Associates vs. The Liquidators from the AVG tournament.
AVG20.ZIP The New DoomGods vs. Slatmasters from the AVG tournament.
AVG21.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Cutters from the AVG tournament.
AVG23.ZIP T & A Associates vs. Fire and Brimstone from the AVG tournament.
AVG24.ZIP The New DoomGods vs. Vibrant Killers from the AVG tournament.
AVG25.ZIP Vibrant Killers vs. Cutters from the AVG tournament.
AVG27.ZIP SuperEgo vs. T & A Associates from the AVG tournament.
AVG29.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Transcendental Fragvergnugen from the AVG tournament.
AVG31.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Transcendental Fragvergnugen from the AVG tournament.
AVG33.ZIP Vibrant Killers vs. Transcendental Fragvergnugen from the AVG tournament.
AVG35.ZIP SuperEgo vs. Cutters from the AVG tournament.
AVGLMP.TXT info file on the AVG tournament. (desc)