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/ Software USA: Summer Spectacular / 0003.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1998-01-01  |  1MB  |  712x705  |  24-bit (133,816 colors)
Labels: boat | paper | reckoner
OCR: Software uSA and Lero Entertainnment have teamed bring you programs offered exclusively our members oin this special edition Cd-roM idod You are an adorable balloon dog named and your mission make T through series puzzles, 110 filled with prickly hazards Dodge pins, firecrackers, bees, cats, porcupines, and other balloon uW- friendly items can You nake it through 110 the Levels? 4lphaMatix Win your way around wicked word challenges, racking UT avoiding hazards,and racina conplete your word list before your time rums out. Crop Circles Preview Zero Entertaiunmeuts wewest SCL ircade covtrols saucer, you nast evad farme government agewts photocr ruphers white blaziwg iust warkings oMtE the surf face the Refuel Your spacecraft by stealing COWs Software USA makes no warranties eXpr impne includi ...