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Portable Network Graphic  |  1999-01-01  |  2MB  |  1417x697  |  24-bit (217,805 colors)
Labels: book | reckoner | tribute album
OCR: Letler World (CD-ROM excusivel A excellent tool for the stud lent. whois learning the alphabet. Distinguish which j is the correct picture children mode for the uses letrer harder given word: Uses the for cumprel Alphabel hension. far English. Spanish. French pue German. Also. advanecd Mack Ematies Animal Babies MacEmaticsis an educational math program targeted I towards children fram grades K-6 It teaches What' the name ofa baby cat? How about baby horse? What does baby butterfly look like? addition. subtraction, multiplication, di vision fractions percentages sand 1 wide variety The games in this program will teach your child the answers to these pure more questions dealing difficulty levels can be chosen with animal babies s and their parents Odel Down Under iCD-ROM Exclusive] brus Meet ...