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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of reSID, a MOS6581 SID emulator engine.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Dag Lem <resid@nimrod.no>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __WAVE_FP_H__
#define __WAVE_FP_H__
#include "siddefs-fp.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A 24 bit accumulator is the basis for waveform generation. FREQ is added to
// the lower 16 bits of the accumulator each cycle.
// The accumulator is set to zero when TEST is set, and starts counting
// when TEST is cleared.
// The noise waveform is taken from intermediate bits of a 23 bit shift
// register. This register is clocked by bit 19 of the accumulator.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WaveformGeneratorFP
void set_sync_source(WaveformGeneratorFP*);
void set_chip_model(chip_model model);
RESID_INLINE void clock();
RESID_INLINE void synchronize();
void reset();
void writeFREQ_LO(reg8);
void writeFREQ_HI(reg8);
void writePW_LO(reg8);
void writePW_HI(reg8);
void writeCONTROL_REG(reg8);
reg8 readOSC();
// 12-bit waveform output.
RESID_INLINE reg12 output();
const WaveformGeneratorFP* sync_source;
WaveformGeneratorFP* sync_dest;
// Tell whether the accumulator MSB was set high on this cycle.
bool msb_rising;
reg24 accumulator;
reg24 shift_register;
reg12 previous, noise_output_cached;
int noise_overwrite_delay;
// Fout = (Fn*Fclk/16777216)Hz
reg16 freq;
// PWout = (PWn/40.95)%, also the same << 12 for direct comparison against acc
reg12 pw; reg24 pw_acc_scale;
// The control register right-shifted 4 bits; used for output function
// table lookup.
reg8 waveform;
// The remaining control register bits.
reg8 test;
reg8 ring_mod;
reg8 sync;
// The gate bit is handled by the EnvelopeGenerator.
// 16 possible combinations of waveforms.
RESID_INLINE reg12 output___T();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output__S_();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output__ST();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output_P__();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output_P_T();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output_PS_();
RESID_INLINE reg12 output_PST();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputN___();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputN__T();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputN_S_();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputN_ST();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputNP__();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputNP_T();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputNPS_();
RESID_INLINE reg12 outputNPST();
// Sample data for combinations of waveforms.
static reg8 wave6581__ST[];
static reg8 wave6581_P_T[];
static reg8 wave6581_PS_[];
static reg8 wave6581_PST[];
static reg8 wave8580__ST[];
static reg8 wave8580_P_T[];
static reg8 wave8580_PS_[];
static reg8 wave8580_PST[];
reg8* wave__ST;
reg8* wave_P_T;
reg8* wave_PS_;
reg8* wave_PST;
friend class VoiceFP;
friend class SIDFP;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SID clocking - 1 cycle.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WaveformGeneratorFP::clock()
/* no digital operation if test bit is set. Only emulate analog fade. */
if (test) {
if (noise_overwrite_delay != 0) {
if (-- noise_overwrite_delay == 0) {
shift_register |= 0x7ffffc;
noise_output_cached = outputN___();
reg24 accumulator_prev = accumulator;
// Calculate new accumulator value;
accumulator += freq;
accumulator &= 0xffffff;
// Check whether the MSB became set high. This is used for synchronization.
msb_rising = !(accumulator_prev & 0x800000) && (accumulator & 0x800000);
// Shift noise register once for each time accumulator bit 19 is set high.
if (!(accumulator_prev & 0x080000) && (accumulator & 0x080000)) {
reg24 bit0 = ((shift_register >> 22) ^ (shift_register >> 17)) & 0x1;
shift_register <<= 1;
// optimization: fall into the bit bucket
//shift_register &= 0x7fffff;
shift_register |= bit0;
/* since noise changes relatively infrequently, we'll avoid the relatively
* expensive bit shuffling at output time. */
noise_output_cached = outputN___();
// clear output bits of shift register if noise and other waveforms
// are selected simultaneously
if (waveform > 8) {
shift_register &= 0x7fffff^(1<<22)^(1<<20)^(1<<16)^(1<<13)^(1<<11)^(1<<7)^(1<<4)^(1<<2);
noise_output_cached = outputN___();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synchronize oscillators.
// This must be done after all the oscillators have been clock()'ed since the
// oscillators operate in parallel.
// Note that the oscillators must be clocked exactly on the cycle when the
// MSB is set high for hard sync to operate correctly. See SID::clock().
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WaveformGeneratorFP::synchronize()
// A special case occurs when a sync source is synced itself on the same
// cycle as when its MSB is set high. In this case the destination will
// not be synced. This has been verified by sampling OSC3.
if (msb_rising && sync_dest->sync && !(sync && sync_source->msb_rising)) {
sync_dest->accumulator = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Output functions.
// NB! The output from SID 8580 is delayed one cycle compared to SID 6581,
// this is not modeled.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Triangle:
// The upper 12 bits of the accumulator are used.
// The MSB is used to create the falling edge of the triangle by inverting
// the lower 11 bits. The MSB is thrown away and the lower 11 bits are
// left-shifted (half the resolution, full amplitude).
// Ring modulation substitutes the MSB with MSB EOR sync_source MSB.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output___T()
reg24 msb = (ring_mod ? accumulator ^ sync_source->accumulator : accumulator)
& 0x800000;
return ((msb ? ~accumulator : accumulator) >> 11) & 0xfff;
// Sawtooth:
// The output is identical to the upper 12 bits of the accumulator.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output__S_()
return accumulator >> 12;
// Pulse:
// The upper 12 bits of the accumulator are used.
// These bits are compared to the pulse width register by a 12 bit digital
// comparator; output is either all one or all zero bits.
// NB! The output is actually delayed one cycle after the compare.
// This is not modeled.
// The test bit, when set to one, holds the pulse waveform output at 0xfff
// regardless of the pulse width setting.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output_P__()
return (test || accumulator >= pw_acc_scale) ? 0xfff : 0x000;
// Noise:
// The noise output is taken from intermediate bits of a 23-bit shift register
// which is clocked by bit 19 of the accumulator.
// NB! The output is actually delayed 2 cycles after bit 19 is set high.
// This is not modeled.
// Operation: Calculate EOR result, shift register, set bit 0 = result.
// ----------------------->---------------------
// | |
// ----EOR---- |
// | | |
// 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
// Register bits: 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 <---
// | | | | | | | |
// OSC3 bits : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// Since waveform output is 12 bits the output is left-shifted 4 times.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputN___()
((shift_register & 0x400000) >> 11) |
((shift_register & 0x100000) >> 10) |
((shift_register & 0x010000) >> 7) |
((shift_register & 0x002000) >> 5) |
((shift_register & 0x000800) >> 4) |
((shift_register & 0x000080) >> 1) |
((shift_register & 0x000010) << 1) |
((shift_register & 0x000004) << 2);
// Combined waveforms:
// By combining waveforms, the bits of each waveform are effectively short
// circuited. A zero bit in one waveform will result in a zero output bit
// (thus the infamous claim that the waveforms are AND'ed).
// However, a zero bit in one waveform will also affect the neighboring bits
// in the output. The reason for this has not been determined.
// Example:
// 1 1
// Bit # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// -----------------------
// Sawtooth 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
// Triangle 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
// AND 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
// Output 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
// This behavior would be quite difficult to model exactly, since the SID
// in this case does not act as a digital state machine. Tests show that minor
// (1 bit) differences can actually occur in the output from otherwise
// identical samples from OSC3 when waveforms are combined. To further
// complicate the situation the output changes slightly with time (more
// neighboring bits are successively set) when the 12-bit waveform
// registers are kept unchanged.
// It is probably possible to come up with a valid model for the
// behavior, however this would be far too slow for practical use since it
// would have to be based on the mutual influence of individual bits.
// The output is instead approximated by using the upper bits of the
// accumulator as an index to look up the combined output in a table
// containing actual combined waveform samples from OSC3.
// These samples are 8 bit, so 4 bits of waveform resolution is lost.
// All OSC3 samples are taken with FREQ=0x1000, adding a 1 to the upper 12
// bits of the accumulator each cycle for a sample period of 4096 cycles.
// Sawtooth+Triangle:
// The sawtooth output is used to look up an OSC3 sample.
// Pulse+Triangle:
// The triangle output is right-shifted and used to look up an OSC3 sample.
// The sample is output if the pulse output is on.
// The reason for using the triangle output as the index is to handle ring
// modulation. Only the first half of the sample is used, which should be OK
// since the triangle waveform has half the resolution of the accumulator.
// Pulse+Sawtooth:
// The sawtooth output is used to look up an OSC3 sample.
// The sample is output if the pulse output is on.
// Pulse+Sawtooth+Triangle:
// The sawtooth output is used to look up an OSC3 sample.
// The sample is output if the pulse output is on.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output__ST()
return wave__ST[output__S_()] << 4;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output_P_T()
/* ring modulation does something odd with this waveform. But I don't know
* how to emulate it. */
return (wave_P_T[output___T() >> 1] << 4) & output_P__();
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output_PS_()
return (wave_PS_[output__S_()] << 4) & output_P__();
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output_PST()
return (wave_PST[output__S_()] << 4) & output_P__();
// Combined waveforms including noise:
// All waveform combinations including noise output zero after a few cycles.
// NB! The effects of such combinations are not fully explored. It is claimed
// that the shift register may be filled with zeroes and locked up, which
// seems to be true.
// We have not attempted to model this behavior, suffice to say that
// there is very little audible output from waveform combinations including
// noise. We hope that nobody is actually using it.
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputN__T()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputN_S_()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputN_ST()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputNP__()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputNP_T()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputNPS_()
return 0;
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::outputNPST()
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select one of 16 possible combinations of waveforms.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
reg12 WaveformGeneratorFP::output()
switch (waveform) {
case 0x1:
previous = output___T();
case 0x2:
previous = output__S_();
case 0x3:
previous = output__ST();
case 0x4:
previous = output_P__();
case 0x5:
previous = output_P_T();
case 0x6:
previous = output_PS_();
case 0x7:
previous = output_PST();
case 0x8:
previous = noise_output_cached;
case 0x9:
previous = outputN__T();
case 0xa:
previous = outputN_S_();
case 0xb:
previous = outputN_ST();
case 0xc:
previous = outputNP__();
case 0xd:
previous = outputNP_T();
case 0xe:
previous = outputNPS_();
case 0xf:
previous = outputNPST();
return previous;
#endif // not __WAVE_FP_H__