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OS/2 REXX Batch file  |  1995-06-28  |  6KB  |  106 lines

  1. /**************************************************************************/
  2. /*                                                                        */
  3. /* REMOVEOF.cmd - Procedure to remove any/all extraneous End-Of-File      */
  4. /*                (EOF) marks from an ASCII text file.                    */
  5. /*                                                                        */
  6. /*                The SLIP/Dialer program APPENDS its entries to the      */
  7. /*                connect.log file, and does not remove any EOF marks.    */
  8. /*                The log entries will be in the file but you typically   */
  9. /*                can not see them with the 'TYPE' command or a normal    */
  10. /*                text editor (or with the INETTIME summary command)      */
  11. /*                after an EOF mark.                                      */
  12. /*                                                                        */
  13. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  14. /*                                                                        */
  15. /* Copyright (c) D.A.Ritari-KNIGHT RESEARCH - 1995 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  */
  16. /*                                                                        */
  17. /* FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE FOR ANY USE OR PURPOSE.                           */
  19. /*                                                                        */
  20. /* Version:       1.0                                                     */
  21. /* Last Update:   March 2, 1995                                           */
  22. /*                                                                        */
  23. /* Contact:       Constructive comments and tips to:                      */
  24. /*                                                                        */
  25. /*                Internet:    dritari@ibm.net                            */
  26. /*                Compuserve:  71301,3400                                 */
  27. /*                                                                        */
  28. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  29. /*                                                                        */
  30. /* USAGE:    REMOVEOF  <Input-file>  <Output-file>                        */
  31. /*                                                                        */
  33. /*                                                                        */
  34. /* This utility does not write back to the original log file...I advise   */
  35. /* you to look at the output (and perhaps keep a backup of your original  */
  36. /* until you are convinced the removal of EOF marks went ok)...then       */
  37. /* copy the <output-file> back to CONNECT.LOG                             */
  38. /*                                                                        */
  39. /* How do EOF marks (HEX character 1A) get append to my CONNECT.LOG       */
  40. /* file in the first place?  You must have edited your log with a text    */
  41. /* editor and saved the file...MOST text editors put an EOF mark at the   */
  42. /* end of a file. This EOF mark will cause many problems for you in the   */
  43. /* future as you try to 'type', edit, or summarize (using INETTIME)       */
  44. /* as these commands only read until the EOF mark...all further entries   */
  45. /* in the log are ignored.                                                */
  46. /*                                                                        */
  47. /**************************************************************************/
  48. /*********** FILE_ID.DIZ *************************/
  49. /* INETTIME.CMD - Version 1.3 - June 19, 1995    */
  50. /* -Small REXX proc for OS/2 to summarize        */
  51. /*  by month all connect time to IBM's Advantis  */
  52. /*  Internet network using the CONNECT.LOG as    */
  53. /*  input data. (See INETTIME.TXT for details).  */
  54. /* REMOVEOF.cmd - Version 1.0 - March 2, 1995    */
  55. /* -Procedure to remove any/all extraneous       */
  56. /*  End-Of-File (EOF) marks from an ASCII text   */
  57. /*  file. (See REMOVEOF.TXT for details).        */
  58. /* Copyright(c) D.A.Ritari-KNIGHT RESEARCH-1995  */
  59. /*************************************************/
  61. PARSE ARG filein fileout
  63. say; say 'REMOVEOF - Version 1.0'
  64. /* ------------------------ Validate filenames --------------------------*/
  65. if filein = ''  | fileout = '' then do
  66.     SAY; SAY "REMOVEOF - Procedure to remove any/all extraneous End-Of-File"
  67.     SAY "          (EOF) marks from an ASCII Text file."
  68.     SAY; SAY "USAGE:   REMOVEOF  <Input-file>  <Output-file>"; SAY
  69.     EXIT
  70.     END
  71. if filein = fileout then do
  72.     say; say "Do NOT use the same filename for input and output"
  73.     say "Choose two distinct names"; say
  74.     EXIT
  75.     END
  76. if "" == stream(filein, 'c', 'query exists') then do
  77.     say; say 'Input file "' || filein || '" NOT FOUND!'
  78.     say 'Please check the spelling and retry.'
  79.     say
  80.     EXIT
  81.     END
  82. if "" \== stream(fileout, 'c', 'query exists') then do
  83.     say; say 'Output file "' || fileout || '" already exists!'
  84.     say 'Either choose a different output name OR'
  85.     say '    delete "' || fileout || '" first before running the REMOVEOF command.'
  86.     say
  87.     EXIT
  88.     END
  89. /*------------------------ Process the file -----------------------------*/
  90. say; say "WORKING"; say
  91. EOF_MARKS = 0                                        /* BINARY read      */
  92. do while Chars(filein) > 0                           /* for entire file  */
  93.     data1 = CharIn(filein,,1)                        /* get 1 byte       */
  94.     if 26 \== C2D(data1) then do                     /* if NOT EOF mark  */
  95.         rc = CharOut(fileout, data1)                 /* write 1 byte     */
  96.         end
  97.     else do
  98.         EOF_MARKS = EOF_MARKS + 1
  99.         end
  100.     end
  101. /*------------------------------ Exit -----------------------------------*/
  102. say "DONE"; say
  103. say 'Total EOF marks found in "' || filein || '": ' EOF_MARKS; say
  105. EXIT