If you have customized the IBMWORKS.INI file, added words to the custom dictionary
(IBMWORKS\untitled.lad) or created your own templates, be sure to back these files up before attempting to install. After completing the installation, copy these files back to IBMWORKS directory.
Close all current operations, make sure that all IBM Works modules are closed including the Event
Monitor. You may need to check your window list to do this (press CNT-ESC). Please note if have 4OS/2
installed on your machine it MUST NOT BE RUNNING when you attempt the installation.
If you have a previous copy of IBM Works installed on your system you will need to take the following
steps before you install this latest version.
First you must know whether you are running the general release version, v2.0, or if you have installed the
IBM Works CSD. If you are not sure you can check by going to your OS/2 root directory, then to the
subdirectory OS2\DLL. Then type dir FPW*.DLL, if you have only 2 DLL's listed you are running the CSD.
If you have 9 DLL's listed you are running general release.
Please note all fixes included in the July 1995 CSD for v2.0 are included in this update. DO NOT install
the July '95 CSD over this version, it is down level.
For users running the general release version:
1) Insert disk 1/CD ROM of your ORIGINAL PRODUCT and type a:install, as though you were
going to install that version.
2) The installation routine will give you the options to delete and re-install or to update the existing
product, choose delete. The product will then delete you existing version.
3) When the delete is complete, remove the disk and reboot your machine.
4) Then insert disk 1/CD ROM of this version and install it. Be careful to follow the instructions
and reboot again when finished.
NOTE: If you do not have your original copy, skip to the end of this file and follow instructions for
manually deleting IBM Works DLLs.
For users running the July 95 CSD:
1) First go to the IBMWORKS directory and run IWDEREG, when finished shut down.
2) Then install this version, choosing the "update the current version" option when given.
Manually Deleting IBM Works:
If at any point during the installation process you are unable to complete the install, please follow these
directions to recover and re-install.
1) Reboot your machine. During the boot the letters OS/2 will appear in the top left corner of your
screen, when they appear press ALT-F1.
2) You will then be presented with a screen titled "Recovery Choices". Press C to go to a
command line.
3) At the c: prompt change directories to your OS/2 root directory, and then to OS2\DLL
4) Do a DIR FPW*.* to list all the IBM Works DLLs.
5) Delete all the DLLs - del FPW*.* and then type exit.
6) Your system will then reboot automatically.
7) Insert disk 1 of this version (or disk 1 of your GM version if you would like to return to that).
Run the installation again. You should install smoothly, choosing the update option.