OS/2 Shareware BBS: 18 REXX
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OS/2 REXX Batch file
491 lines
Call Rxfuncadd 'TkLoadFuncs','rexxtk','TkLoadFuncs'
If TkLoadFuncs() \= 0 Then exit
Call Rxfuncadd 'TkTreeLoadFuncs','rexxtktree','TkTreeLoadFuncs'
If TkTreeLoadFuncs(TkGetBaseData()) \= 0 Then exit
Call Rxfuncadd 'TkComboboxLoadFuncs','rexxtkcombobox','TkComboboxLoadFuncs'
If TkComboboxLoadFuncs(TkGetBaseData()) \= 0 Then exit
Trace o
/* a test Tcl command to see the Tcl interpreter working */
rc = TkTcl('puts','HI')
Say 'You are running' TkVariable('VERSION') 'using Tcl/Tk' TkVar('tk_version')
/* create the main window */
Call CreateMain
/* This is a typical dispatch loop if you set the "rexx"
options in the widgets to be a name of a subroutine that
you write (like below). */
do forever
/* TkWait returns whatever you typed as the value of the
"rexx" option for whatever control is pushed, moved,
chosen, etc */
interpret 'call' TkWait()
rc = TkWait()
cmd = Word(rc,1)
args = SubWord(rc,2)
interpret 'call' cmd '"'args'"'
return 0
* make the main window menu
/* make a menu that will be our menubar; only one per toplevel window */
menubar = TkMenu('.m1')
/* Add a File menu to the menubar. The file
menu will 'cascade' off of the menu bar */
/* Create another menu widget to be our file menu
and tell the menubar menu about it... the "tearoff"
option, well, just remove it and see what happens.*/
filemenu = TkMenu('.m1.file','-tearoff', 0)
/* Add the menu to the top-level menubar */
call TkAdd menubar, 'cascade', '-label', 'File', '-menu', filemenu
/* now add items to the File menu */
call TkAdd filemenu, 'command', '-label', 'Test...', '-rexx', 'AnotherWin'
call TkAdd filemenu, 'command', '-label', 'Tree...', '-rexx', 'OpenTree'
call TkAdd filemenu, 'command', '-label', 'Open...', '-rexx', 'GetFileName'
call TkAdd filemenu, 'command', '-label', 'Dir...', '-rexx', 'GetDirectory'
/* adding another item... but am using
the 'array' options method just for
grins */
call SetArgs 'clear'
call SetArgs 'label', 'Quit'
call SetArgs 'rexx', 'exit'
call TkAdd filemenu, 'command', 'n.', 'v.'
/* Create another top-level menu item to demonstrate menus */
cascademenu = TkMenu('.m1.cascade','-tearoff', 0)
/* Add it to the top-level menubar */
call TkAdd menubar, 'cascade', '-label', 'MenuTest', '-menu', cascademenu
/* Create a radio-button sub-menu to be called from the "Cascade" menu */
rbmenu = TkMenu('.m1.cascade.radio', '-tearoff', 0)
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'command', '-label', "Font Size"
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'radio', '-label', "10 point", '-variable', 'pointSize' , '-value', 10
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'radio', '-label', "14 point", '-variable', 'pointSize' , '-value', 14
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'radio', '-label', "18 point", '-variable', 'pointSize' , '-value', 18
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'radio', '-label', "24 point", '-variable', 'pointSize' , '-value', 24
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'separator'
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'command', '-label', "Appearence"
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'check', '-label', "Bold", '-variable', 'fontbold'
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'check', '-label', "Italic", '-variable', 'fontitalic'
Call tkadd rbmenu, 'check', '-label', "Underline", '-variable', 'fontunderline'
/* Add it to the cascade menu */
call TkAdd cascademenu, 'cascade', '-label', 'Font Stuff', '-menu', rbmenu
/* Now we have all of the menus setup, attach the top-level menubar */
/* to the main window */
call TkConfig '.', '-menu', menubar
/* end of menu setup */
/* create a frame to put a row of buttons in */
f1 = TkFrame('.f1')
/* create each button and remember the name */
text = 'Press Me!'
rexx = 'YesButton'
b1 = TkButton(f1'.b1', 'text', 'rexx')
text = 'No'
rexx = 'NoButton'
b2 = TkButton(f1'.b2', 'text', 'rexx')
text = 'Count'
rexx = 'CountToggle'
b3 = TkButton(f1'.b3', 'text', 'rexx')
cb = TkCombobox(f1'.cb','-editable','false','-highlightthickness', 1)
If rc \= 0 Then Say rc TkError()
Call TkConfig cb, '-textvariable', 'family'
If rc \= 0 Then Say rc TkError()
Call TkComboboxListInsert cb, 'end', 'value1', 'value2'
/* "pack" the buttons... since we created them
under the "frame" by naming them that way, they
will be packed into the frame (.f1).
We pack them with the option "side" = "left"
which is like sliding (or packing) them into
the frame toward the left side... */
call TkPack b1, b2, b3, '-side', 'left'
call TkPack cb, '-side', 'bottom'
/* now create a label widget - it's blank for now */
prompt = TkLabel('.l1')
/* create an entry widget... notice how we use the
'dash' method of specifying the options here
since there is only one option we are setting */
entry = TkEntry('.e1', '-width', 20)
* Create a canvas and add some objects to it...
canvas = TkCanvas('.canvas1', '-width', '10c', '-height', '10c')
outlinerect = TkCanvasRectangle(canvas, 5, 5, 30, 20, '-outline', 'red', '-width', '3')
fillrect = TkCanvasRectangle(canvas, '1c', '1c', '4c', '5c', '-fill', 'green', '-width', '3')
arc = TkCanvasOval(canvas, 15, 15, '5c', '2c', '-width', '2m', '-outline', 'black')
text = TkCanvasText(canvas, '5c', '8c', '-width', '4c', '-anchor', 'center', '-text', 'Here is some text. It should hopefully wrap around to the next line.')
line = TkCanvasLine(canvas, '8c', '4c', '3c', '2c', '1c', '9c', '7.7c' , '3.5c')
/* poly = TkCanvasPolygon(canvas, '8c', '4c', '3c', '2c', '1c', '9c', '7.7c' , '3.5c', '-fill', 'blue', '-width' ,1) */
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, outlinerect, '<Any-Enter>', '*EnterObject %W'
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, arc, '<Any-Enter>', '*EnterObject %W'
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, outlinerect, '<Any-Leave>', '*LeaveObject %W'
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, arc, '<Any-Leave>', '*LeaveObject %W'
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, fillrect, '<Any-Enter>', '*EnterFillRect %W'
Call TkCanvasBind canvas, fillrect, '<Any-Leave>', '*LeaveFillRect %W'
/* Now pack the frame, the entry, the canvas, and the prompt.
Since they are all named with names at the
"root" then they are children of the main window
and will be packed into that. We are not saying
which side to pack towards, so it assumes the top. */
call TkPack f1, entry, prompt, canvas
/* Finally, set some file types and associated extensions
for the TkGetOpenFile call used in the GetFileName
call TkSetFileType 'Text', '.txt'
call TkSetFileType 'Program Source', '.c', '.h', '.rexx'
call TkSetFileType 'All', '*'
/* the "press me" button was pressed */
procedure expose fillrect canvas
/* Config changes the configuration of the widget
given as argument one. */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', 'You deleted the green rectangle!'
/* Wm does alot. Here we are setting the title
of the window given in arg 2 (the root window) */
call TkWm 'title', '.', TkGet('.e1')
call tkcanvasdelete canvas, fillrect
/* delete the text out of the '.e1' widget which is
the text 'entry' widget we created with the
TkEntry call in the main routine. The 2nd and
3rd args are the beginning and end of the range
that we want deleted. */
call TkDelete '.e1', 0, 'end'
procedure expose prompt canvas
n.1 = 'text'
v.1 = 'What? No?'
call TkConfig prompt, 'n.', 'v.'
call TkWm 'title', '.', 'Hi Dudez'
call TkCanvasPostscript canvas, '-file', 'aaa.ps'
EnterObject: Procedure Expose canvas restorecmd
Parse Arg obj
type = TkCanvasType( canvas, 'current' )
When type = 'rectangle' Then
Call TkItemConfig canvas, 'current', '-outline', 'blue'
restorecmd = "TkItemConfig canvas, 'mycurr', '-outline', 'red'"
When type = 'oval' Then
Call TkItemConfig canvas, 'current', '-outline', 'red'
restorecmd = "TkItemConfig canvas, 'mycurr', '-outline', 'black'"
Otherwise Nop
Call TKCanvasAddtag canvas, 'mycurr', 'withtag', 'current'
LeaveObject: Procedure Expose canvas restorecmd
Parse Arg obj
Interpret 'call' restorecmd
Call TKCanvasDtag canvas, 'mycurr'
EnterFillRect: Procedure Expose restorecmd fillrect
Parse Arg win .
Call TkItemConfig win, 'current', '-fill', 'white'
restorecmd = "TkItemConfig win , fillrect, '-fill', 'green'"
LeaveFillRect: Procedure Expose restorecmd fillrect
Parse Arg win .
Interpret 'call' restorecmd
parse arg nbr
text = 'Slider set to' nbr
call TkConfig '.l1', 'text'
/* The file extensions/types are being set up
in the main window init rouine (CreateMain) */
FileName = TkGetOpenFile('-title','Open File')
/* set the text prompt to the filename */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', FileName
DirName = TkChooseDirectory('-title','Choose Directory')
/* set the text prompt to the dirname */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', DirName
if TkMessageBox('-message','Are you sure you want to quit?','-title','Quit?','-type','yesno','-icon','warning'),
= 'no' then
procedure expose n. v.
Parse Arg name, value
if name = 'clear' then
drop n. v.
n.0 = 0
return 0
n.0 = n.0 + 1
v.0 = n.0
argc = n.0
n.argc = name
v.argc = value
return 0
win = TkTopLevel('.win2')
l1 = TkLabel(win'.l1', '-text', 'Pick a number from 100 to 200')
text = 'Done'
rexx = 'AWinClose'
b1 = TkButton(win'.b1', 'text', 'rexx')
/* a perfect time to use the array options
setting method since there are so many
options we want to set on this widget */
call SetArgs 'clear'
call SetArgs 'from', 100
call SetArgs 'to', 200
call SetArgs 'orient', 'horiz'
call SetArgs 'tickinterval', 50
call SetArgs 'length', 200
call SetArgs 'rexx', 'SlidePrompt'
scale = TkScale(win'.s1', 'n.', 'v.')
call TkPack l1, scale, b1
/* this will prevent any other window
from receiving any input */
call TkGrab win
do forever
cmd = TkWait()
if cmd = 'AWinClose' then leave
interpret 'call' cmd
/* allow all the other windows
to receive input as normal */
call TkGrab 'release', win
/* before we destroy (and quit displaying)
the window, we need the value of the
scale widget... the number they picked. */
choice = TkGet(scale)
/* set the prompt in the main window with it */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', 'You chose:' choice
/* now destroy the main window and all the
child widgets in it */
call TkDestroy win
win = TkTopLevel('.win3')
Call TkConfig win, '-bd', 3, '-relief', 'flat'
frame = TkFrame(win'.f', '-bg', 'white' )
Call TkPack frame, '-fill', 'both', '-expand', 1
l1 = TkLabel(frame'.l1', '-text', 'Tree Demo')
text = 'Done'
rexx = 'TreeClose'
b1 = TkButton(frame'.b1', 'text', 'rexx')
* Create a frame for the tree and scrollbar
tree = TkTree( frame'.t1', '-width', 150, '-height', 400, '-yscrollcommand', frame'.sb set' )
sb = TkScrollbar( frame'.sb', '-orient', 'vertical', '-command', tree 'yview')
Call TkPack tree, '-side', 'left', '-fill', 'both', '-expand', 1, '-padx', 5, '-pady', 5
Call TkPack sb, '-side', 'left', '-fill', 'y'
idir_data = "R0lGODdhEAAQAPIAAAAAAHh4eLi4uPj4APj4+P///wAAAAAAACwAAAAAEAAQAAADPVi63P4wLkKCtTTnUsXwQqBtAfh910UU4ugGAEucpgnLNY3Gop7folwNOBOeiEYQ0acDpp6pGAFArVqthQQAO///"
Call TkImagePhoto 'idir', '-data', idir_data
Call TkImagePhoto 'ifile', '-data', ifile_data
* Create another frame beside the tree frame for the filename
* contents
frame2 = TkFrame( frame'.f2', '-height', 400, '-width', 400, '-bg', 'white')
Call TKPack frame2, '-side', 'left', '-fill', 'both', '-expand', 1
label = TkLabel( frame2'.l', '-width', 40, '-text', '', '-bg', TkCget( frame, '-bg') )
Call TkPack label, '-expand', 1
Call TkPack b1, '-side', 'bottom'
Do i = 1 To 3
Call TkTreeAddNode tree, '/dir'i, '-image', 'idir', '-tags', 'idir'
Do j = 1 To 6
Call TkTreeAddNode tree, '/dir'i'/file'j, '-image', 'ifile', '-tags', 'ifile'
Call TkTreeAddNode tree, '/dir'i'/subdir', '-image', 'idir', '-tags', 'idir'
Do k = 1 To 2
Call TkTreeAddNode tree, '/dir'i'/subdir/file'k, '-image', 'ifile', '-tags', 'ifile'
Do zz = 1 To 4
Call TkTreeAddNode tree,'/dir'i'/subdir/ssdir'zz, '-image', 'idir', '-tags', 'idir'
Call TkTreeAddNode tree,'/dir'i'/subdir/ssdir'zz'/file1', '-tags', 'ifile'
Call TkTreeAddNode tree,'/dir'i'/subdir/ssdir'zz'/file2', '-image', 'ifile', '-tags', 'ifile'
Call TkCanvasBind tree, 'idir', '<1>', '*ClickOneDir %W %x %y'
Call TkCanvasBind tree, 'idir', '<2>', '*ClickTwoDir %W %x %y'
Call TkCanvasBind tree, 'ifile', '<1>', '*ClickOneFile %W %x %y'
Call TkCanvasBind tree, 'ifile', '<2>', '*ClickTwoFile %W %x %y'
Call TkCanvasBind tree, 'idir', '<Double-1>', '*DoubleClickOneDir %W %x %y'
/* this will prevent any other window
from receiving any input */
call TkGrab win
do forever
cmd = TkWait()
command = Word(cmd,1)
args = Strip(Subword(cmd,2),'B','"')
When command = 'TreeClose' Then leave
When command = 'ClickOneDir' Then
Parse var args window x y
lab = TkTreeGetLabel( window, x, y )
Call TkTreeSetSelection window, lab
Call TkConfig label, '-text', 'dir:' lab
When command = 'ClickOneFile' Then
Parse var args window x y
lab = TkTreeGetLabel( window, x, y )
Call TkTreeSetSelection window, lab
Call TkConfig label, '-text', 'file:' lab
When command = 'ClickTwoDir' | command = 'ClickTwoFile' Then
Parse var args window x y
lab = TkTreeGetLabel( window, x, y )
Call TkTreeDNode window, lab
When command = 'DoubleClickOneDir' Then
Parse var args window x y
Call TkTreeOpen window, TkTreeGetLabel( window, x, y )
Otherwise interpret 'call' cmd
/* allow all the other windows
to receive input as normal */
call TkGrab 'release', win
/* now destroy the main window and all the
child widgets in it */
call TkDestroy win
/* If there is already a CountID, then
we need to stop the counter, if not
then we start it.*/
If CountID = 'COUNTID' Then Do
/* set a call to be made in one second */
CountID = TkAfter(1000, 'Count')
/* Set the global var to 0 */
Count = 0
/* call it here the first time for immediate
feedback */
Call Count
Else Do
/* Cancel the next call */
call TkAfter 'cancel', CountID
/* Clear the CountID */
Drop CountID
/* And clear the prompt */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', ''
/* increment the count */
Count = Count + 1
/* set the prompt */
call TkConfig '.l1', '-text', 'Counting...' Count
/* Set up another call to this routine
one second from now */
CountID = TkAfter(1000, 'Count')