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/ OS/2 Shareware BBS: 18 REXX / 18-REXX.zip / 9511ls01.cmd < prev    next >
OS/2 REXX Batch file  |  1995-11-16  |  3KB  |  47 lines

  1. /*----------------------------------------------------------*\ /*01*/
  2. |  9511LS01.CMD - Create Program Manager Desktop Equivalent  | /*02*/
  3. \*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*03*/
  4. /* Assure that REXXUTIL is loaded */                           /*04*/
  5. call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'      /*05*/
  6. call SysLoadFuncs                                              /*06*/
  7.                                                                /*07*/
  8. /*-------------------------------*\                            /*08*/
  9. |  Initialization and Setup code  |                            /*09*/
  10. \*-------------------------------*/                            /*10*/
  11. GBL.desktop_object_id = "<Program Manager Desktop Equivalent>" /*11*/
  12. GBL.desktop_title     = "Program Manager^Desktop Equivalent"   /*12*/
  13. GBL.font              = "8.Helv"                               /*13*/
  14.                                                                /*14*/
  15. /*---------------------------------------*\                    /*15*/
  16. |  The following value(s) can be changed  |                    /*16*/
  17. |  to suit your personal taste.           |                    /*17*/
  18. \*---------------------------------------*/                    /*18*/
  19. GBL.icon_view   = "FLOWED" /* can be set to FLOWED | NONGRID *//*19*/
  20. GBL.sort_option = "YES"    /* can be set to YES    | NO      *//*20*/
  21.                                                                /*21*/
  22. /*-------------------------------*\                            /*22*/
  23. |  Build Program Manager Desktop  |                            /*23*/
  24. |  Equivalent on OS/2 Desktop     |                            /*24*/
  25. \*-------------------------------*/                            /*25*/
  26. say COPIES( " ", 3 ) || "Building" GBL.desktop_title           /*26*/
  27. folder_class    = "WPFolder"                                   /*27*/
  28. folder_title    = GBL.desktop_title                            /*28*/
  29. folder_location = "<WP_DESKTOP>"                               /*29*/
  30. folder_option   = "UPDATE"                                     /*30*/
  31. folder_setup    =,                                             /*31*/
  32.    "ALWAYSSORT="  || GBL.sort_option  || ";"        ||,        /*32*/
  33.    "ICONFONT="    || GBL.font         || ";"        ||,        /*33*/
  34.    "ICONVIEW="    || GBL.icon_view    || ",NORMAL;" ||,        /*34*/
  35.    "OBJECTID=<Program Manager Desktop Equivalent>;"            /*35*/
  36. call SysCreateObject folder_class,,                            /*36*/
  37.                      folder_title,,                            /*37*/
  38.                      folder_location,,                         /*38*/
  39.                      folder_setup,,                            /*39*/
  40.                      folder_option                             /*40*/
  41. if RESULT <> 1 then                                            /*41*/
  42.    do                                                          /*42*/
  43.       say "   Unable to create " || folder_title               /*43*/
  44.       say "      folder, program cancelled."                   /*44*/
  45.       exit                                                     /*45*/
  46.    end                                                         /*46*/