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#ifndef _applic_h_
#define _applic_h_
* Copyright (C) 1994, M. A. Sridhar
* This software is Copyright M. A. Sridhar, 1994. You are free
* to copy, modify or distribute this software as you see fit,
* and to use it for any purpose, provided this copyright
* notice and the following disclaimer are included with all
* copies.
* The author makes no warranties, either expressed or implied,
* with respect to this software, its quality, performance,
* merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. This
* software is distributed AS IS. The user of this software
* assumes all risks as to its quality and performance. In no
* event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect or
* consequential damages, even if the author has been advised
* as to the possibility of such damages.
// Authors: M. A. Sridhar
// N. Bhowmik
// This class provides the basic behaviour of ``global state'' of an
// application. It includes methods for destroying individual views,
// (conditionally) terminating the application itself, creating and
// destroying the root window for the application, and the like. It also
// includes the main entry point and initialization code for the
// application.
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma interface
#include "ui/composit.h"
#if defined(__MS_WINDOWS__)
#include <windows.h>
class CL_EXPORT UI_Controller;
class CL_EXPORT UI_Application: public CL_Object {
// --------------- Construction and destruction ---------------------
// Default constructor.
virtual ~UI_Application();
// Destructor.
#if defined(__MS_WINDOWS__)
virtual void Initialize (HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdln, int nCmdShow);
// [MS-Windows-specific method]
// Instantiates and initializes the controller.
#elif defined(__X_MOTIF__)
virtual void Initialize (int& argc, char *argv[]);
// [X-Windows-specific method]
// Instantiates and initializes the controller.
#elif defined(__OS2__)
virtual void Initialize (int argc, char *argv[]);
// [OS/2-specific method]
// Instantiates and initializes the controller.
// ------------------------- Querying -----------------------------
long ProcessId () const {return pid; };
// Return the process id of this process. This method returns the
// handle to the instance under MS-Windows.
const CL_StringStringMap& Environment () const {return _env;};
// Return a reference to a map containing the environment variables and
// their values. Note that some environment variables may have null
// values associated with them, because they were set that way;
// therefore, unlike the conventions with YACL Maps, the fact that {\tt
// Environment ()[v] == ""} does not mean that {\tt v} is not a defined
// environment variable. This must be ascertained explicitly via the
// {\tt IncludesKey} method.
UI_CompositeVObject* MainWindow () const;
// Return the root window of the application.
UI_Rectangle ScreenRect () const;
// Return the rectangle corresponding to the screen. Its origin will
// be set at (0,0).
UI_Point AsScreenPoint (const UI_Point& windowPoint,
UI_VisualObject* vObj) const;
// Given a point in the co-ordinate space of {\tt vObj}, translate it to
// screen co-ordinates and return the result.
UI_Controller& Controller();
// Return a reference to the underlying controller object.
// --------------- Creating and destroying views ------------------
void MakeTopWindow (UI_CompositeVObject* topWindow);
// Make the given object the root window of the application. This method
// must be called only once, at the beginning of the application.
virtual void Destroy (UI_VisualObject* v);
// Unconditionally destroys the given visual object.
// --------------------------- Execution ------------------------
int Main (int argc, char* argv[]);
// Alternate entry point for the user interface library.
virtual void Run ();
// Execute the application. Simply invokes {\tt Run()} on the controller.
virtual void End ();
// Terminate the application. This method generates a CloseDown event for
// the root window. This results in calling the WantToQuit method of the
// root, and if the latter returns TRUE, closing the application.
virtual void IdleAction() {};
// Perform any necessary idle action; called when the controller is
// idle, with no events available. The default implementation does
// nothing.
// ------------------------- Miscellaneous services --------------
virtual CL_String InstanceName (UI_VisualObject* v);
// Return the instance name of the given visual object. This method is
// used under X-windows to set the instance name at the time of widget
// creation; it is not used inder MS-Windows.
virtual CL_String Name () const;
// Return the name of this application. The default implementation
// returnes the name of the application's executable file. This method
// is used to determine the application's name under X windows, and
// derived classes may override it; it is
// not used under MS-Windows.
virtual CL_String AppClass () const;
// Return the class name of this application. The default implementation
// returnes the string returned by the {\tt Name} method with its first
// letter capitalized (to meet the X windows convention). This method
// is used to determine the application's class under X windows; it is
// not used under MS-Windows.
// --------------------- End public protocol -----------------------
UI_Controller* _controller;
CL_StringStringMap _env;
#if defined(__MS_WINDOWS__)
#elif defined(__OS2__)
ulong pid;
#elif defined(__X_MOTIF__)
long pid;
CL_String _name;
#if defined(__OS2__)
UI_Rectangle YACLRect (UI_ViewHandle parent, const RECTL& rect) const;
// [OS/2-specific, internal use only]
static void PMError ();
// [OS/2-specific, internal use only] Ask PM for the most recent error
// string, and send it out as {\tt CL_Error::Warning}.
extern UI_Application* _TheApplication; // The single application instance
inline UI_Controller& UI_Application::Controller ()
return *_controller;