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* Copyright (C) 1994, M. A. Sridhar
* This software is Copyright M. A. Sridhar, 1994. You are free
* to copy, modify or distribute this software as you see fit,
* and to use it for any purpose, provided this copyright
* notice and the following disclaimer are included with all
* copies.
* The author makes no warranties, either expressed or implied,
* with respect to this software, its quality, performance,
* merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. This
* software is distributed AS IS. The user of this software
* assumes all risks as to its quality and performance. In no
* event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect or
* consequential damages, even if the author has been advised
* as to the possibility of such damages.
/* Tue Nov 16 22:10:33 1993 */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma implementation
#define _no_cl_sequence_typedefs_
#define _no_cl_set_typedefs_
#include "base/seqimp.cxx"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "base/memory.h"
// Implementation of the SegmentedSequence class
struct SegDesc {
short _cap; // Number of cells
long* _data; // The cells themselves
// Addressing scheme: low 13 bits are offset; next higher 13 bits are
// segment number. We maintain this invariant: there are _numSegs segments,
// among which the first _numSegs-1 are "full", i.e., have 0x1fff+1 == 8192
// cells. The remaining (last) segment will have the following size: if the
// capacity needed is c, then the first _numSegs-1 segments contribute
// (_numSegs-1)*8192 bytes (as above), so the last segment will have the
// nearest higher power of 2 above c - (_numSegs-1)*8192 cells.
static short NearestHigher2Power (short l)
// This function only works for l <= 16383
if (l == 0)
return 0;
short mask = 0x4000;
short old_mask;
do {
old_mask = mask;
mask >>= 1;
} while (!(mask & l));
return (mask == l) ? l : old_mask;
SegmentedSequence::SegmentedSequence (long initial_cap)
_totalCap = maxl (initial_cap, 8);
_numSegs = (short) ((_totalCap >> 13) + 1);
_segs = new SegDesc [_numSegs];
if (!_segs) {
// No memory
_totalCap = _numSegs = 0;
for (short i = 0; i < _numSegs-1; i++) {
_segs[i]._data = new long[0x1fff + 1];
if (!_segs[i]._data) break;
_segs[i]._cap = 0x1fff + 1;
_numSegs = i;
short needed = (short) (_totalCap & 0x1fff); // Size of last segment
if (needed) {
needed = NearestHigher2Power (needed);
// Allocate segment
_segs[i]._data = new long[needed];
if (!_segs[i]._data)
_segs[i]._cap = needed;
_totalCap = ((_numSegs-1) << 13) | needed;
SegmentedSequence::~SegmentedSequence ()
for (short i = 0; i < _numSegs; i++)
if (_segs[i]._data)
delete [] _segs[i]._data;
delete [] _segs;
CL_VoidPtr& SegmentedSequence::operator[] (long index)
return (CL_VoidPtr&) (_segs[index >> 13]._data[index & 0x1fff]);
bool SegmentedSequence::ResizeTo (long new_cap)
if (_totalCap >= new_cap && _totalCap < new_cap + 0x1fff + 1)
return TRUE;
// First let's reallocate the "segments" array
short segs_needed = (short) (new_cap >> 13); // Total # segments needed
if (new_cap & 0x1fff)
short seg_diff = segs_needed - _numSegs; // Number of new segments
// (may be positive or negative)
if (segs_needed != _numSegs) { // We need a different number of segments
SegDesc* dsc = new SegDesc[segs_needed];
if (!dsc)
return FALSE;
short n = (short) minl (_numSegs, segs_needed);
for (short i = 0; i < n; i++)
dsc[i] = _segs[i];
if (n < _numSegs) {
// If the number of segments is less than before, get rid of
// excess segments
for (i = n; i < _numSegs; i++)
delete [] _segs[i]._data;
_numSegs = n;
if (_segs)
delete [] _segs;
_segs = dsc;
if (new_cap > _totalCap) { // Need to grow
SegDesc lastSeg = {0, 0};
if ((_totalCap & 0x1fff) == 0) {
// Our capacity is currently an exact multiple of 8192, so
// retain the current last segment in the new data structure
for (short i = _numSegs; i <= segs_needed-2; i++) {
_segs[i]._data = new long [0x1fff + 1];
if (!_segs[i]._data)
return FALSE;
_segs[i]._cap = 0x1fff + 1;
else {
// Our current capacity is not an exact multiple of 8192, so
// we'll grow the last segment
lastSeg = _segs[_numSegs-1];
if (seg_diff >= 1) {
// Allocate the all but the last segment
for (short i = _numSegs-1; i <= segs_needed-2; i++) {
_segs[i]._data = new long [0x1fff + 1];
if (!_segs[i]._data)
return FALSE;
_segs[i]._cap = 0x1fff + 1;
// Allocate the new last segment
short last_seg_size = NearestHigher2Power ((short) (new_cap & 0x1fff));
if (last_seg_size == 0)
last_seg_size = 0x1fff + 1;
last_seg_size = (short) maxl (8, last_seg_size);
long* p = new long [last_seg_size];
if (!p)
return FALSE;
short last_seg_index = _numSegs + seg_diff - 1;
_segs[last_seg_index]._data = p;
_segs[last_seg_index]._cap = last_seg_size;
if (lastSeg._cap != 0) {
// The old capacity was not an exact multiple of 8192, so we
// must have grown the last segment. Therefore,
// copy back the contents of the old last segment
for (short i = 0; i < lastSeg._cap; i++)
_segs[_numSegs-1]._data[i] = lastSeg._data[i];
delete [] lastSeg._data;
_numSegs += seg_diff;
_totalCap = last_seg_size + (_numSegs-1) * (0x1fffL + 1);
else { // new_cap < totalCap
// We've already destroyed the excess segments; we just need to
// shrink the last segment
short last_seg_size;
if (new_cap & 0x1fff) {
// The new capacity is not an exact multiple of 8192, so we
// have to shrink the last segment. Therefore,
// copy back the contents of the old last segment
last_seg_size = NearestHigher2Power ((short) (new_cap & 0x1fff));
if (last_seg_size == 0)
last_seg_size = 0x1fff + 1;
last_seg_size = (short) maxl (8, last_seg_size);
short current_cap = _segs[_numSegs-1]._cap;
if (last_seg_size*2 >= current_cap &&
last_seg_size < current_cap) {
// We hang on to memory a little longer, if the shrinkage
// is not too much
return TRUE;
long* p = new long [last_seg_size];
if (!p)
return FALSE;
short l = _numSegs-1;
short m = (short) minl (current_cap, last_seg_size);
for (short i = 0; i < m; i++)
p[i] = _segs[l]._data[i];
delete _segs[l]._data;
_segs[l]._data = p;
_segs[l]._cap = last_seg_size;
last_seg_size = 0x2000;
_numSegs = segs_needed;
_totalCap = last_seg_size + (_numSegs-1) * (0x1fffL + 1);
return TRUE;
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
typedef CL_Sequence<CL_String> stringseq;
typedef CL_Sequence<CL_ObjectPtr> objseq;
typedef CL_Sequence<CL_VoidPtr> voidseq;
// Instantiated here, instead of strgseq.cxx and objseq.cxx, because
// otherwise CL_Sequence<long> is indirectly instantiated multiple times by
// Borland C++.