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//========================= viedcnv.cxx =================================
// This is the source file for the icon editor picture class, the color
// palette class, and the canvas pane class. -
// Copyright (C) 1996 Philip Eckenroth, Mike Tipping, Marilee Padilla,
// John Fredric Jr. Masciantoni, and Bruce E. Wampler.
// This file is part of the V Icon Editor, and is covered
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
// Version 2. This program has NO WARRANTY. See the source file
// viedapp.cpp for more complete information about license terms.
#include <fstream.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <v/vapp.h>
#include <v/vnotice.h>
#include "viedcmdw.h"
#include "viedcnv.h"
#include "coldlg.h"
#include "imageio.h"
//================>>> myCanvasPane::myCanvasPane <<<==============
myCanvasPane::myCanvasPane(myCmdWindow* cw)
// Initialize items in the canvas pane to default values
_DrawShape = m_DrawPoint; // set draw tool to line
_begx = -100; _begy = -100;
_curx = -100; _cury = -100;
_changed = 0; // not changed
_dx = _dy = 0; // no shift yet
_cwin = cw;
_drawGrid = 1;
_drawmode = DRAW;
_rdh = _rdw = 0; // for smarter redraws
// define an instance of the Picture class
_myPicture = new Picture();
// define an instance of the Color Palette class
_myColorPal = new Color_Pal();
_PixSize = 8;
_SelectbegX = -1; _SelectbegY = -1;
_SelectendX = -1; _SelectendY = -1;
_BrushOffX = 0; _BrushOffY = 0;
_BrushWidth = 1; _BrushHeight = 1;
_BrushX = 0; _BrushY = 0;
_BrushPrevX = -1; _BrushPrevY = -1;
_myPicture->SetIndex(0,0,BrushLayer,-99); // reset picture index table
_prevind = -1; // reset previous index
_snap = 0; // turn snap utility off
_maxx = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
_maxy = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicHeight();
//==============>>> myCanvasPane::~myCanvasPane <<<================
// Destroys the myCanvasPane class instance
if (_myPicture != 0)
delete _myPicture;
if (_myColorPal != 0)
delete _myColorPal;
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::ResizeCanvas <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::ResizeCanvas( int width, int height)
// Resizes canvas to given width and height
int* oldPic;
int oldH, oldW, x, y;
long oldLim;
if (width < 2 || height < 2)
oldH = _myPicture->_height;
oldW = _myPicture->_width;
if (oldH == height && oldW == width) // no op
_myPicture->Flatten(); // do flatten in case trans layer still holds op
oldLim = (long)oldW * (long)oldH;
oldPic = new int[oldLim]; // space for temp copy
// Copy current pic
for (x = 0 ; x < oldW ; ++x)
for (y = 0 ; y < oldH ; ++y)
oldPic[(x*oldH)+y] =
if (_myPicture != 0)
delete _myPicture;
_myPicture = new Picture(width, height);
// Now, copy upper left corner of old image into new one
for (x = 0 ; x < oldW && x < width; ++x)
for (y = 0 ; y < oldH && y < height; ++y)
_myPicture->SetIndex(x, y, ImageLayer,
delete [] oldPic; // Free the storage
setfg(0); setbg(1);
_changed = 1; // has changed now
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::NewCanvas <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::NewCanvas( int width, int height)
// Creates a new canvas with given width and height
if (_myPicture != 0)
delete _myPicture;
_myPicture = new Picture(width, height);
if (_myColorPal)
// Redraw(0,0,0,0);
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::SetDrawShape <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::SetDrawShape(int dm)
// Check if setting a brush
if (dm == m_DrawSelect)
_myPicture->Clear(BrushLayer, _myColorPal->getbg());
_BrushWidth = 1;
_BrushHeight = 1;
_BrushOffX = 0;
_BrushOffY = 0;
else if (dm == m_DrawText)
else if (dm == m_DrawPixel)
_myPicture->Clear(BrushLayer, _myColorPal->getbg());
_BrushWidth = 1;
_BrushHeight = 1;
_BrushOffX = 0;
_BrushOffY = 0;
// else a just shape
_DrawShape = dm;
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::SetFGColor <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::SetFGColor(vColor& color)
// Search current palette and set to BG color to that color.
// If we don't have a match, then we will allocate a new color
// at the end of the palette until we run out of colors
int colorsUsed = _myColorPal->ColorsUsed();
for (int ix = 0 ; ix < colorsUsed ; ++ix)
if (_myColorPal->_Palette[ix] == color)
// Fall through means no match, so have to do more
if (colorsUsed < 256) // can add
// change next free color palette entry
setfg(0); // @@ for now, just use 0 (need message)
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::SetBGColor <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::SetBGColor(vColor& color)
// Search current palette and set to BG color to that color.
// If we don't have a match, then we will allocate a new color
// at the end of the palette until we run out of colors
int colorsUsed = _myColorPal->ColorsUsed();
for (int ix = 0 ; ix < colorsUsed ; ++ix)
if (_myColorPal->_Palette[ix] == color)
// Fall through means no match, so have to do more
if (colorsUsed < 256) // can add
// change next free color palette entry
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::DrawGrid <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::DrawGrid()
// This will draw the black grid and set scroll bars if needed
int x, width, height;
vPen gridPen;
vBrush gridBrush;
// set the pen and brush settings to draw the grid
// find width and height of icon in order to scale the grid
width = _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
height = _myPicture->GetPicHeight();
if (_drawGrid)
// draw the grids vertical lines
for (x = 0 ; x <= width ; x++)
DrawLine(x*_PixSize, 0, x*_PixSize, height*_PixSize);
// draw the grids horizontal lines
for (x=0; x<=height; x++)
DrawLine(0, x*_PixSize, width*_PixSize, x*_PixSize);
else // Just a box
DrawLine(0, 0, 0, height*_PixSize+1);
DrawLine(width*_PixSize+1, 0, width*_PixSize+1, height*_PixSize+1);
DrawLine(0, 0, width*_PixSize+1, 0);
DrawLine(0, height*_PixSize+1, width*_PixSize+1, height*_PixSize+1);
// Draw Border around small Icon (actual size icon)
DrawLine(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 - 1, 10 - 1,
(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 + 1) + _myPicture->_width, 10 - 1);
DrawLine(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 - 1, 10 + _myPicture->_height,
(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 + 1) + _myPicture->_width,
10 + _myPicture->_height);
DrawLine(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 - 1, 10,
_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10 - 1, 10 + _myPicture->_height);
DrawLine((_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10) + _myPicture->_width, 10,
(_myPicture->_width * _PixSize + 10) + _myPicture->_width,
10 + _myPicture->_height);
// reset pen and brush to default settings
// set max values used by scroll bars
_maxx = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
_maxy = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicHeight();;
// set scroll bars
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::DrawPixel <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::DrawDot(int x, int y)
// draw zoomed pixel
if (_drawGrid)
DrawRectangle(_PixSize*x+1, _PixSize*y+1, _PixSize-1, _PixSize-1);
DrawRectangle(_PixSize*x+1, _PixSize*y+1, _PixSize, _PixSize);
// draw actual pixel
DrawRectangle(x + (_myPicture->_width * _PixSize) + 10, y + 10, 1,1);
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::DrawPixel <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::DrawPixel(int x, int y, int layer)
// This will draw a zoomed pixel (scaled for the zoomed icon)
// and an actual pixel (icon on the side that is the actual sized icon)
// It draws the pixel from layer 'layer' at x,y
int tempind; // temporary index
// set temp index to the index from x,y in the layer 'layer'
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(x,y,layer);
// check to see if it is an alpha (transparent)
if( tempind != -1 )
{ // not transparent
// We found that V is slowing down the redraw so we try to
// improve the speed by only changing the pen/brush color when
// we had to.
if ( tempind != _prevind )
{ // current color differs from needed
_prevind = tempind; // set this color as current color
// draw zoomed pixel
if (_drawGrid)
DrawRectangle(_PixSize*x+1, _PixSize*y+1, _PixSize-1, _PixSize-1);
DrawRectangle(_PixSize*x+1, _PixSize*y+1, _PixSize, _PixSize);
// draw actual pixel
DrawRectangle(x + (_myPicture->_width * _PixSize) + 10, y + 10, 1,1);
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::DrawImage <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::DrawImage()
// Draw entire image - used on a redraw command. It walks through the
// the entire array and draws the image and transparent layer only.
int x, y, width, height, ind;
// get icon height and width
width = _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
height = _myPicture->GetPicHeight();
int colorsUsed = _myColorPal->ColorsUsed();
int colorSet;
// walk through array by color to optimize resetting of colors
for (int c = 0 ; c < colorsUsed ; ++c)
colorSet = 0;
for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
// set index to the x,y cord on transparent layer
ind = _myPicture->GetIndex(x, y, TransLayer);
if (ind == -1)
ind = _myPicture->GetIndex(x, y, ImageLayer);
if (ind == c) // found an instance of this color
// This is the major optimization - we will set
// the color only once per color
if (!colorSet)
colorSet = 1;
DrawDot(x,y); // And draw the dot
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::ClearShapes <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::ClearShapes()
// This will clear all shapes and pixels on the canvas screen
Clear(); // clear the canvas
_prevind = -1; // force the pen to be updated next time DrawPixel is called
DrawGrid(); // Draw the grid and set scroll bars
// clear the image and transparent layers
_myPicture->Clear(ImageLayer, _myColorPal->getbg());
// set top and left start point to 0
_dx = _dy = 0;
//================>>> myCanvasPane::MouseDown <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::MouseDown(int x, int y, int button)
// Everytime a mouse button is depressed run this command
int ind;
vColor clrPen;
// Mouse down means beginning to draw a shape
// first we flatten the transparent layer and redraw
// Redraw(0,0,0,0);
// set foreground or background color as active
if (button == 1)
_curPen = _myColorPal->getfg();
else if (button == 3)
_curPen = _myColorPal->getbg();
// set mouse cordinates
_begx = _curx = x - _dx;
_begy = _cury = y - _dy;
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
_cwin->MouseXYStatus(_curx/_PixSize, _cury/_PixSize);
// if text was selected set mode to point
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawText)
_DrawShape = m_DrawPoint;
// if pixel was selected set mode to point
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawPixel)
_DrawShape = _PrevDrawShape;
switch (_DrawShape)
case m_DrawPoint: // Draw tool point is selected
// drawing a point is drawing a line at start and end
// values are the same
_changed = 1; // has changed now
case m_DrawFill: // mode tool fill is selected
_myPicture->Flatten(); // Flatten before we fill
// get index from image layer as test pixel
ind = _myPicture->GetIndex(_begx/_PixSize,_begy/_PixSize,ImageLayer);
FillTool(_begx/_PixSize,_begy/_PixSize,ind,button); // Fill it
_changed = 1; // has changed now
case m_DrawDropper: // mode tool eye dropper is selected
if (button == 1) // left button - set fg color
else if (button == 3) // right button - set bg color
case m_DrawSelect: // cut - copy - paste tool is selected
_SelectbegX = _begx/_PixSize; // set start x position
_SelectbegY = _begy/_PixSize; // set start y position
_changed = 1; // has changed now
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::MouseMotion <<<===============
void myCanvasPane::MouseMotion(int mx, int my)
// everytime the mouse is in motion run this command
// update brush cordinates
_BrushPrevX = _BrushX;
_BrushPrevY = _BrushY;
_BrushX = (mx - _dx)/_PixSize;
_BrushY = (my - _dy)/_PixSize;
// if brush has left the prev pixel erase old brush
if ( !( (_BrushPrevX == _BrushX ) && (_BrushPrevY == _BrushY ) ) )
DrawBrush(_BrushPrevX, _BrushPrevY, 0);
// update to current brush values
// if brush has left prev pixel draw new brush
if ( !( (_BrushPrevX == _BrushX ) && (_BrushPrevY == _BrushY ) ) )
DrawBrush(_BrushX, _BrushY, 1);
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::MouseMove <<<===============
void myCanvasPane::MouseMove(int mx, int my, int button)
// everytime the mouse moves run this command
int h, w;
int x = mx - _dx; // shift to drawing space
int y = my - _dy;
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawFill)
// Draw rubber band shape on mouse move
if( !( (_prex == _curx) && (_prey == _cury) ) )
// do only if pointer leaves the pixel space
if ( !( ( _prex/_PixSize == _curx/_PixSize ) &&
( _prey/_PixSize == _cury/_PixSize ) ) )
switch (_DrawShape) // determine which draw tool we are using
case m_DrawLine: // using line draw tool
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconLine(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize);
// update previous x and y values
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawSelect: // using the select tool, select will mock the rectangle
case m_DrawRect: // using the rectangle draw tool
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
// update previous x and y values
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawRdRect: // using the rounded rectangle draw tool
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconRdRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
// update previous x and y values
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawEllipse: // using the ellipse draw tool
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconEllipse(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
// update previous x and y values
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
if (_begx != x || _begy != y) // draw new line
_cwin->MouseXYStatus(x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize);
h = y - _begy;
w = x - _begx;
if (h == 0) h = 1;
if (w == 0) w = 1;
switch (_DrawShape) // makes call to draw with the tool selected
case m_DrawLine: // line draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconLine(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_curx/_PixSize, _cury/_PixSize);
case m_DrawSelect: // select tool selected, select mocks rectangle
case m_DrawRect: // rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_curx/_PixSize, _cury/_PixSize, _snap);
case m_DrawRdRect: // rounded rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconRdRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_curx/_PixSize, _cury/_PixSize, _snap);
case m_DrawEllipse: // ellipse draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconEllipse(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_curx/_PixSize, _cury/_PixSize, _snap);
case m_DrawPoint: // point draw tool selected
_begx = x; _begy = y;
IconLine(x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize, x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize);
_curx = x; _cury = y; // update position
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::MouseUp <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::MouseUp(int mx, int my, int button)
// Finish drawing shape on mouse up
int h, w;
int x = mx - _dx; // shift to drawing space
int y = my - _dy;
int width, height;
int selectx, selecty, newind;
// get icon width and height
width = _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
height = _myPicture->GetPicHeight();
// draw point
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawPoint)
if ( (_prex == _curx) && (_prey == _cury) )
IconLine(_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize);
// Redraw(0,0,0,0);
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawFill)
// if select tool must copy selected area to the brush layer
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawSelect)
// clear previous brush layer
// set selection end point
_SelectendX = _curx/_PixSize + 1;
_SelectendY = _cury/_PixSize + 1;
// set custom brush width and height
_BrushWidth = MyAbs(_SelectendX - _SelectbegX);
_BrushHeight = MyAbs(_SelectendY - _SelectbegY);
// alway need a brush width/height
if (_BrushWidth == 0)
_BrushWidth = 1;
if (_BrushHeight == 0)
_BrushHeight = 1;
// force mouse pointer to upper left corner of brush
_BrushOffX = 0;
_BrushOffY = 0;
// check to see which way the area was selected (left to right or
// right to left etc...) and reajust accordingly
if ( _SelectbegX < _SelectendX )
selectx = _SelectbegX;
selectx = _SelectendX;
if ( _SelectbegY < _SelectendY )
selecty = _SelectbegY;
selecty = _SelectendY;
// start storing brush into brush layer
// NOTE: we will not pick up the background color
for( int i=0; i<_BrushWidth; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<_BrushHeight; j++ )
// get pixel from image layer
newind = _myPicture->GetIndex(selectx+i, selecty+j, ImageLayer);
// erase mode so set to background color
if (button == 3)
_myPicture->SetIndex(selectx+i, selecty+j, ImageLayer,
// store into brush layer if not background color
if (newind != _myColorPal->_bg)
_myPicture->SetIndex(i, j, BrushLayer, newind);
// if mouse pointer has entered a new pixel
if ( !( ( _prex/_PixSize == _curx/_PixSize ) &&
( _prey/_PixSize == _cury/_PixSize ) ) )
switch (_DrawShape) // finish drawing shape selected
case m_DrawLine: // line draw tool selected
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconLine(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize);
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawRect: // rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawRdRect: // rounded rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconRdRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
case m_DrawEllipse: // ellipse draw tool selected
_drawmode = ERASE; // tell to erase previous line
IconEllipse(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
_prex/_PixSize, _prey/_PixSize, _snap);
_prex = _curx;
_prey = _cury;
if (_begx != x || _begy != y) // First time?
_cwin->MouseXYStatus(x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize);
h = y - _begy;
w = x - _begx;
if (h == 0)
h = 1;
if (w == 0)
w = 1;
// clear transparent layer
switch (_DrawShape)
case m_DrawLine: // line draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconLine(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize);
_PrevDrawShape = _DrawShape;
case m_DrawRect: // rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize, _snap);
_PrevDrawShape = _DrawShape;
case m_DrawRdRect: // rounded rectangle draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconRdRect(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize, _snap);
_PrevDrawShape = _DrawShape;
case m_DrawEllipse: // ellipse draw tool selected
_drawmode = DRAW; // tell to draw previous line
IconEllipse(_begx/_PixSize, _begy/_PixSize,
x/_PixSize, y/_PixSize, _snap);
_PrevDrawShape = _DrawShape;
_changed = 1; // changed now
_begx = -100; _begy = -100; _curx = -100; _cury = -100;
// force a redraw
if (_DrawShape == m_DrawSelect)
_DrawShape = m_DrawPoint;
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::Redraw <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::Redraw(int x, int y, int w, int h)
// This is a redraw that draws everything on the canvas
// force a pen update
// if ( w != 0 || h != 0) // caused by expose, etc.
// {
// We can handle the case of x,y == 0 and new h and w
// less than last h and w (which seems to get generated
// by X all the time, but maybe not Windows...
// if (x == 0 && y == 0 && w <= _rdw && h <= _rdh)
// return;
// }
_rdh = h; _rdw = w;
_prevind = -1;
DrawGrid(); // draw grid
DrawImage(); // draw image
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::ResetScroll <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::ResetScroll()
// reset to no scrolling
_dx = _dy = 0;
SetTransX(0); // simple translation
SetTransY(0); // simple translation
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::HPage <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::HPage(int shown, int top)
int dX;
if (GetWidth() > 0 && shown != 100)
dX = (int)(((long)top*(long)(_maxx-GetWidth())) / (long)(100 - shown));
dX = 0;
_dx = -dX;
SetTransX(_dx); // simple translation
Clear(); // clear the canvas
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::HScroll <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::HScroll(int step)
if (step > 0 && (GetWidth() - _dx) <= _maxx) // scroll right
_dx -= 10; // bump up by 10
Clear(); // clear the canvas
else if (step < 0 && _dx < 0) // scroll left
_dx += 10; // shift by 10
if (_dx > 0)
_dx = 0;
SetTransX(_dx); // simple translation
Clear(); // clear the canvas
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::VPage <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::VPage(int shown, int top)
int dY;
if (GetHeight() > 0 && shown != 100)
dY = (int)(((long)top*(long)(_maxy-GetHeight())) / (long)(100 - shown));
dY = 0;
_dy = -dY;
SetTransY(_dy); // simple translation
Clear(); // clear the canvas
//===================>>> myCanvasPane::VScroll <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::VScroll(int step)
if (step > 0 && (GetHeight() - _dy) <= _maxy ) // scroll up
_dy -= 10; // bump up by 10
Clear(); // clear the canvas
else if (step < 0 && _dy < 0) // scroll down
_dy += 10; // shift by 10
if (_dy > 0)
_dy = 0;
SetTransY(_dy); // simple translation
Clear(); // clear the canvas
//=================>>> myCanvasPane::SetScrollBarPositions <<<=================
void myCanvasPane::SetScrollBarPositions()
// Calculate the percentage shown, and how far down scrolls should go
int vShown, hShown, vTop, hTop;
if ((_myPicture->_height * _PixSize) > GetHeight())
vShown = (int)((long)100L *(long)GetHeight() /(long)(_myPicture->_height * _PixSize));
if (((_myPicture->_height * _PixSize) - GetHeight()) != 0)
vTop = 1;
vTop = 0;
int Iwidth = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicWidth();
int Iheight = _PixSize * _myPicture->GetPicHeight();
if (Iheight > 0 && Iheight > GetHeight()) // not 100% shown
vShown = (int)((long)(100L*(long)GetHeight())/(long)Iheight);
if ((Iheight - GetHeight()) != 0)
vTop = (int)((long)((long)(-_dy*100) / (long)Iheight));
vTop = 0;
else // 100% shown
vShown = 100; vTop = 0;
if (Iwidth > 0 && Iwidth > GetWidth()) // not 100%
hShown = (int)((long)(100L*(long)GetWidth())/(long)Iwidth);
if ((Iwidth - GetWidth()) != 0)
hTop = (int)((long) ((long)(-_dx*100) / (long)Iwidth));
hTop = 0;
hShown = 100; hTop = 0;
if (vShown > 100) vShown = 100; // normalize to 100
if (hShown > 100) hShown = 100; // normalize to 100
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::Undo <<<==================
void myCanvasPane::Undo()
// Undo last command by clearing the transparent
// layer and redrawing
// clear transparent layer
// force redraw
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::Resize <<<==================
void myCanvasPane::Resize(int w, int h)
int needClear = 0;
if (w > _maxx && _dx != 0) // see if now big enough for
{ // entire drawing
needClear = 1; _dx = 0;
if (h > _maxy && _dy != 0)
needClear = 1; _dy = 0;
if (needClear)
vCanvasPane::Resize(w,h); // call default resize
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::ReadIcon <<<====================
int myCanvasPane::ReadIcon(char* name)
// reads in a VBM file and parses
int x, y, ix;
int height, width;
int colors;
unsigned char *r, *g, *b;
unsigned char* pix; // for pixels
char strip_name[256], ext[256];
if (!name || !*name)
return 0;
getBaseAndExt(name, strip_name, ext);
imageIO vbmIO;
if (strcmp(ext,"vbm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"VBM") == 0)
if (!vbmIO.ReadVBM(name)) // Read a VBM image
return 0;
else if (strcmp(ext,"xpm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"XPM") == 0)
if (!vbmIO.ReadXPM(name)) // Read a VBM image
return 0;
else if (strcmp(ext,"xbm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"XBM") == 0)
if (!vbmIO.ReadXBM(name)) // Read a XBM image
return 0;
else if (strcmp(ext,"bmp") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"BMP") == 0)
if (!vbmIO.ReadBMP(name)) // Read a VBM image
return 0;
return 0;
if (vbmIO.Depth() > 8)
vNoticeDialog note(theApp);
note.Notice("Can't handle 24-bit Files.");
return 0;
r = vbmIO.RedMap(); g = vbmIO.GreenMap(); b = vbmIO.BlueMap();
colors = vbmIO.Colors();
width = vbmIO.Width();
height = vbmIO.Height();
for (ix = 0; ix < colors; ix++) // fetch the color list
// Put color pallet clear and fill here
if (_myPicture != 0)
delete _myPicture;
_myPicture = new Picture(width, height);
_myPicture->Clear(ImageLayer, _myColorPal->getbg());
pix = vbmIO.Pixels();
ix = 0; // start reading pixels at 0
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
_myPicture->SetIndex(x, y, ImageLayer, pix[ix++]);
// Redraw(0,0,0,0);
return 1;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::Read <<<====================
int myCanvasPane::Read(char* name)
// load in a file
if (!name || !*name)
return 0; // sanity check
return ReadIcon(name);
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::SaveIcon <<<====================
int myCanvasPane::SaveIcon(char* filename, char* iconname, char* ext)
// Save an image. The process is relatively simple by using
// the imageIO package. We Flatten the image to make sure it
// is up to date. Then we create an imageIO color map, copy
// our color map to it. Then we set depth, height, width, and
// number of colors used. Then, we copy our pixel array
// to the imageIO pixel array. Finally, we call the imageIO
// routine to optimize the color map. Then we call the appropriate
// output converter based on the extension.
unsigned char *r, *g, *b, *pix;
long px;
_myPicture->Flatten(); // do flatten in case trans layer still holds op
// Redraw(0,0,0,0);
imageIO vbmIO;
// 1. Set up color map
vbmIO.CreateColorMap(256); // Create an empty color map
r = vbmIO.RedMap();
g = vbmIO.GreenMap();
b = vbmIO.BlueMap();
for (int ix = 0 ; ix < _myColorPal->ColorsUsed() ; ++ix)
r[ix] = (unsigned char) _myColorPal->getColor(ix).r();
g[ix] = (unsigned char) _myColorPal->getColor(ix).g();
b[ix] = (unsigned char) _myColorPal->getColor(ix).b();
// 2. set various attributes
// 3. Copy the image array
pix = vbmIO.CreatePixels((long)(_myPicture->_height * _myPicture->_width));
px = 0;
for (int ir = 0 ; ir < _myPicture->_height ; ++ir)
for (int ic = 0 ; ic < _myPicture->_width ; ++ic)
pix[px++] = (unsigned char)_myPicture->GetIndex(ic,ir,ImageLayer);
// 4. Optimize color map
vbmIO.OptimizeColorMap(); // squish color map
// 5. Write out in appropriate format
if (strcmp(ext,"vbm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"VBM") == 0)
return vbmIO.WriteVBM(filename,iconname);
else if (strcmp(ext,"xpm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"XPM") == 0)
return vbmIO.WriteXPM(filename,iconname);
else if (strcmp(ext,"bmp") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"BMP") == 0)
return vbmIO.WriteBMP(filename,iconname);
else if (strcmp(ext,"xbm") == 0 || strcmp(ext,"XBM") == 0)
if (vbmIO.Colors() > 2)
vNoticeDialog note(theApp);
note.Notice("Too many colors for .XBM.");
return vbmIO.WriteXBM(filename, iconname);
return 0;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::getBaseAndExt <<<====================
int myCanvasPane::getBaseAndExt(char* name, char* base, char* ext)
char temp_str[256];
int ix;
for (ix = strlen(temp_str) - 1 ; ix >= 0 ; --ix)
if (temp_str[ix] == '.') // found break
temp_str[ix] = 0;
if (temp_str[ix] == '/' || temp_str[ix] == '\\')
for ( ; ix >= 0 ; --ix)
if (temp_str[ix] == '/' || temp_str[ix] == '\\')
if (ix <= 0 &&
temp_str[0] != '/' && temp_str[0] != '\\')
for (char *cp = base ; *cp ; ++cp)
*cp = tolower(*cp);
return 1;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::Save <<<====================
int myCanvasPane::Save(char* name)
char strip_name[256];
char extension[32];
if (!name || !*name)
return 0; // sanity check
// crop the full path name to extract filename - extension
strcpy(extension,"vbm"); // vbm by default
getBaseAndExt(name, strip_name, extension);
int retv = SaveIcon(name, strip_name, extension);
if (retv)
_changed = 0; // not changed anymore
return retv;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::FillGrid <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::FillGrid(int x, int y)
// fill the pixel into the grid(array) called from drawline, etc
int tempind;
int newx, newy;
int layer;
// draw the brush so walk through brush layer
for (int i = 0; i < _BrushWidth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _BrushHeight; j++)
// set new x and y cord
newx = x-_BrushOffX+i;
newy = y-_BrushOffY+j;
// make sure we are in bounds of icon
if ( (newx>=0) && (newx<_myPicture->_width)
&& (newy>=0) && (newy<_myPicture->_height) )
// set temp index to brush layer at x,y
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(i, j, BrushLayer);
// set to transparent layer
layer = TransLayer;
// transparent don't draw
if (tempind != -1)
// if we are in draw mode . . . draw
if (_drawmode == DRAW)
// if -99 then the brush is default
// so use fg/bg colors
if (tempind == -99)
tempind = getCurPenInd();
{ // custom vrush - read brush's colors
// set alyer to brush
layer = BrushLayer;
// if right button pressed - erase
if (_myColorPal->getbg() == _curPen)
tempind = _myColorPal->getbg();
{ // ERASE
// set temp index to image x,y
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(newx,newy,ImageLayer);
// make sure layer is set to transparent
layer = TransLayer;
// set pixel into array
_myPicture->SetIndex(newx, newy, TransLayer, tempind);
// draw pixel to screen
DrawPixel(newx, newy, layer);
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::DrawBrush <<<=====================
void myCanvasPane::DrawBrush(int x, int y, int mode)
{ // draw the brush selected (default or custom)
int tempind;
int newx, newy;
int layer;
if ( (x <0 ) || (y < 0) )
// walk through brush layer
for (int i = 0; i < _BrushWidth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _BrushHeight; j++)
// set new x and y
newx = x-_BrushOffX+i;
newy = y-_BrushOffY+j;
// if in bounds of icon
if( (newx>=0) && (newx<_myPicture->_width)
&& (newy>=0) && (newy<_myPicture->_height) )
// set temp index to brush layer
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(i, j, BrushLayer);
layer = TransLayer;
// transparent??? do nothing
if (tempind != -1 && (tempind < 256 && tempind > 0))
if (mode) // draw
// -99 is a default brush so use bg/fg color
if (tempind == -99)
tempind = getCurPenInd();
{ // custom brush better read color
layer = BrushLayer;
{ // erase
// read from transparent layer
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(newx,newy,TransLayer);
// if transparent read from image layer
if (tempind == -1 && (tempind < 256 && tempind > 0))
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(newx,newy,ImageLayer);
// layer = transparent
layer = TransLayer;
// draw if it not transparent
if ( tempind != -1 && (tempind < 256 && tempind > 0))
// update pen only if needed
if ( tempind != _prevind && (tempind < 256 && tempind > 0))
_prevind = tempind;
// draw pixel - no sotarge into array needed
DrawRectangle(_PixSize*newx+1, _PixSize*newy+1,
_PixSize-1, _PixSize-1);
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::FillTool <<<======================
void myCanvasPane::FillTool(int x, int y, int the_index, int button)
// recursive fill tool
// Make sure we are not out of our image
if ( (x >=0) && (x < _myPicture->_width) &&
(y >=0) && (y < _myPicture->_height) )
// get pixels index on transparent layer
int tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(x,y,TransLayer);
if (tempind == -1) // transparent -> look at image layer
tempind = _myPicture->GetIndex(x,y,ImageLayer);
if ( tempind == the_index) // is original color, so fill
if (button == 1)
_myPicture->SetIndex(x, y, TransLayer, _myColorPal->getfg()); // set pixel index
_myPicture->SetIndex(x, y, TransLayer, _myColorPal->getbg()); // set pixel index
// start recursive calls
if (y > 0)
FillTool(x, y-1, the_index,button); // fill up
if (x+1 < _myPicture->_width)
FillTool(x+1, y, the_index,button); // fill right
if (y + 1 < _myPicture->_height)
FillTool(x, y+1, the_index,button); // fill down
if (x > 0)
FillTool(x-1, y, the_index,button); // fill left
// stack based fill
int fillcolor;
if (button == 1)
fillcolor = _myColorPal->getfg(); // fill with fg
fillcolor = _myColorPal->getbg(); // fill with bg
fill(x, y, _myPicture->_width, _myPicture->_height, the_index, fillcolor);
// A Seed Fill Algorithm
// by Paul Heckbert
// from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
typedef struct {short y, xl, xr, dy;} Segment;
// Filled horizontal segment of scanline y for xl<=x<=xr.
// Parent segment was on line y-dy. dy=1 or -1
#define STACKSIZE 8000 // max depth of stack (< 64K DOS SEGMENT)
// push new segment on stack
#define PUSH(Y, XL, XR, DY) \
if (sp<stack+STACKSIZE && Y+(DY)>=0 && Y+(DY)<height) \
{sp->y = Y; sp->xl = XL; sp->xr = XR; sp->dy = DY; sp++;}
// pop segment off stack
#define POP(Y, XL, XR, DY) \
{sp--; Y = sp->y+(DY = sp->dy); XL = sp->xl; XR = sp->xr;}
// fill: set the pixel at (x,y) and all of its 4-connected neighbors
// with the same pixel value to the new pixel value nv.
// A 4-connected neighbor is a pixel above, below, left, or right of a pixel.
//======================>>> myCanvasPane::pixelwrite <<<===========================
void myCanvasPane::pixelwrite(int x, int y, int val)
//======================>>> myCanvasPane::pixelread <<<===========================
int myCanvasPane::pixelread(int x, int y)
int tmp = _myPicture->GetIndex(x,y,TransLayer);
if (tmp == -1)
tmp = _myPicture->GetIndex(x,y,ImageLayer);
return tmp;
//======================>>> myCanvasPane::fill <<<===========================
void myCanvasPane::fill(int x, int y, int width, int height,
int ov, int fillcolor)
int start, x1, x2, dy = 0;
if (fillcolor == ov) // nothing to do
Segment* stack = new Segment[STACKSIZE]; // allocate the stack
Segment* sp = stack;
PUSH(y, x, x, 1); // needed in some cases
PUSH(y+1, x, x, -1); // seed segment (popped 1st)
while (sp > stack)
// pop segment off stack and fill a neighboring scan line
POP(y, x1, x2, dy);
// segment of scan line y-dy for x1<=x<=x2 was previously filled,
for (x = x1; x >= 0 && pixelread(x, y) == ov; x--)
pixelwrite(x, y,fillcolor);
if (x >= x1)
for (x++; x<=x2 && pixelread(x, y)!=ov; x++)
start = x;
if (x > x2)
start = x+1;
if (start<x1)
PUSH(y, start, x1-1, -dy); // leak on left?
x = x1+1;
// for (; x<width && pixelread(x, y)==ov; x++)
for (; x < width && pixelread(x, y)==ov; x++)
pixelwrite(x, y, fillcolor);
PUSH(y, start, x-1, dy);
if (x>x2+1)
PUSH(y, x2+1, x-1, -dy); // leak on right?
for (x++; x<=x2 && pixelread(x, y)!=ov; x++)
start = x;
while (x<=x2)
delete [] stack;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::MyAbs <<<==========================
int myCanvasPane::MyAbs(int value)
{ // This function mimics the absolute math funtion
if (value < 0)
return -value;
return value;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::Round <<<==========================
int myCanvasPane::Round(float num)
{ // This function will round the float and return an integer
int sign; // sign for positive or negative num
float temp; // temp val
if (num < 0)
sign = -1; // compute sign
sign = 1;
temp = sign * (num - (int)num); // set temp to remainer
return (int)(num + (sign * temp)); // return rounded value
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::IconLine <<<======================
void myCanvasPane::IconLine(int begx, int begy, int curx, int cury)
{ // This function will draw a line from begx,begy to curx,cury
if ( (curx == begx) && (cury == begy) ) // draw point
_x = curx;
_y = cury;
FillGrid(_x, _y);
if (curx != begx) // not a vertical line
_m = ((float)(cury - begy) / (float)(curx - begx)); // set slope
_b = (float)(cury - (_m * curx)); // set y intercept
if (curx >= begx) // set begin and end for for loop, this depends
{ // on which way to walk through the for loop
_endval = curx;
_startval = begx;
_endval = begx;
_startval = curx;
for (_x = _startval; _x <= _endval; _x++) // walk along x axis
_y = Round( ((_m * _x) + _b) ); // equation for a line;
FillGrid(_x, _y); // make call to fill the grid
if (cury != begy) // not a horizontal line
if (begx != curx) // set slope
_m = ((float)(cury - begy) / (float)(curx - begx));
_b = (float)(cury - (_m * curx)); // set y intercept
if (cury >= begy) // find which way the line runs
_endval = cury;
_startval = begy;
_endval = begy;
_startval = cury;
for (_y=_startval; _y <= _endval; _y++) // walk down y axis
if (begx != curx)
_x = Round( ((_y - _b) / _m) );
_x = curx;
FillGrid(_x, _y); // make call to grid
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::IconRect <<<======================
void myCanvasPane::IconRect(int begx, int begy, int curx, int cury, int mode)
{ // This function will draw a rectangle with opposite corners at begx,begy
// to curx,cury
if (mode == 1) // draw square for snap mode
// check to see how drawn - (left to right vs right to left,
// up to down vd down to up)
if (MyAbs(curx-begx) > MyAbs(cury-begy) )
if ((cury-begy) < 0)
cury = begy - MyAbs(curx-begx);
cury = begy + MyAbs(curx-begx);
else if (MyAbs(cury-begy) > MyAbs(curx-begx) )
if ((curx-begx) < 0)
curx = begx - MyAbs(cury-begy);
curx = begx + MyAbs(cury-begy);
if ( (curx == begx) && (cury == begy) ) // draw point
FillGrid(curx, cury);
// Draw the rectangle according to begx, begy, curx, cury
IconLine(begx, begy, begx+(curx-begx), begy);
IconLine(begx, begy, begx, begy+(cury-begy));
IconLine(begx+(curx-begx), begy, begx+(curx-begx), begy+(cury-begy));
IconLine(begx, begy+(cury-begy), begx+(curx-begx), begy+(cury-begy));
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::IconRdRect <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::IconRdRect(int begx, int begy, int curx, int cury, int mode)
{ // This function will draw a rectangle like above but with rounded corners
int smallest; // smallest side of rectangle
if (mode == 1) // draw square for snap mode
// check to see how drawn - (left to right vs right to left,
// up to down vd down to up)
if (MyAbs(curx-begx) > MyAbs(cury-begy) )
if ((cury-begy) < 0)
cury = begy - MyAbs(curx-begx);
cury = begy + MyAbs(curx-begx);
else if (MyAbs(cury-begy) > MyAbs(curx-begx) )
if ((curx-begx) < 0)
curx = begx - MyAbs(cury-begy);
curx = begx + MyAbs(cury-begy);
if ( (curx == begx) && (cury == begy) ) // draw point
FillGrid(curx, cury);
// find smallest side
if (MyAbs(begy-cury) > MyAbs(begx-curx) )
smallest = MyAbs(curx-begx);
smallest = MyAbs(cury-begy);
// no need to draw rounded corners
if (smallest <= 1)
IconLine(begx, begy, curx, begy);
IconLine(begx, cury, curx, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy, begx, cury);
IconLine(curx, begy, curx, cury);
else if (smallest <= 5) // draw rounded corners
// right to left
if (begx > curx)
// top to bottom
if (begy > cury)
IconLine(begx-1, begy, curx+1, begy);
IconLine(begx-1, cury, curx+1, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy-1, begx, cury+1);
IconLine(curx, begy-1, curx, cury+1);
else // bottom to top
IconLine(begx-1, begy, curx+1, begy);
IconLine(begx-1, cury, curx+1, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy+1, begx, cury-1);
IconLine(curx, begy+1, curx, cury-1);
else // left to right
// top to bottom
if (begy > cury)
IconLine(begx+1, begy, curx-1, begy);
IconLine(begx+1, cury, curx-1, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy-1, begx, cury+1);
IconLine(curx, begy-1, curx, cury+1);
else // bottom to top
IconLine(begx+1, begy, curx-1, begy);
IconLine(begx+1, cury, curx-1, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy+1, begx, cury-1);
IconLine(curx, begy+1, curx, cury-1);
else //Bigger then 5 in smallest (smallest <= 5)
// same checking of drawing orientation
if (begx > curx)
if (begy > cury)
IconLine(begx-2, begy, curx+2, begy);
IconLine(begx-2, cury, curx+2, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy-2, begx, cury+2);
IconLine(curx, begy-2, curx, cury+2);
FillGrid(begx-1, begy-1); FillGrid(curx+1, cury+1);
FillGrid(begx-1, cury+1); FillGrid(curx+1, begy-1);
else // if (begy < cury)
IconLine(begx-2, begy, curx+2, begy);
IconLine(begx-2, cury, curx+2, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy+2, begx, cury-2);
IconLine(curx, begy+2, curx, cury-2);
FillGrid(begx-1, begy+1); FillGrid(curx+1, cury-1);
FillGrid(begx-1, cury-1); FillGrid(curx+1, begy+1);
if (begy > cury)
IconLine(begx+2, begy, curx-2, begy);
IconLine(begx+2, cury, curx-2, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy-2, begx, cury+2);
IconLine(curx, begy-2, curx, cury+2);
FillGrid(begx+1, begy-1); FillGrid(curx-1, cury+1);
FillGrid(begx+1, cury+1); FillGrid(curx-1, begy-1);
else // if (begy < cury)
IconLine(begx+2, begy, curx-2, begy);
IconLine(begx+2, cury, curx-2, cury);
IconLine(begx, begy+2, begx, cury-2);
IconLine(curx, begy+2, curx, cury-2);
FillGrid(begx+1, begy+1); FillGrid(curx-1, cury-1);
FillGrid(begx+1, cury-1); FillGrid(curx-1, begy+1);
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::IconEllipse <<<====================
void myCanvasPane::IconEllipse(int begx, int begy, int curx, int cury, int mode)
{ // This function will draw an elipse with center at begx,begy
// The x axis radius = |curx-begx|
// The y axis radius = |cury-begy|
if (mode == 1) // draw circle
// check to see how drawn - (left to right vs right to left,
// up to down vd down to up)
if (MyAbs(curx-begx) > MyAbs(cury-begy) )
cury = curx;
_a = MyAbs(curx - begx); // find a ->x axis radius
_b = _a; // find b ->y axis radius
else if ( (curx == begx) && (cury == begy) )
_x = curx;
_y = cury;
FillGrid(_x, _y);
curx = cury;
_b = MyAbs(cury - begy); // find b ->y axis radius
_a = _b;
_a = MyAbs(curx - begx); // find a ->x axis radius
_b = MyAbs(cury - begy); // find b ->y axis radius
if ( (curx == begx) && (cury == begy) ) // draw point
_x = curx;
_y = cury;
FillGrid(_x, _y);
else if (_a == 0)
{ // vertical line
IconLine(begx, begy + (begy-cury), curx, cury);
else if (_b == 0)
{ // horizonta line
IconLine(begx + (begx-curx), begy, curx, cury);
_startval = -(int)_a; // set start val for loop
_endval = (int)_a; // set end val for loop
for (_x = _startval; _x <= _endval; _x++) // walk down x axis
_y = Round( (float)sqrt( (float)(_b*_b) * // equation for elipse
( 1.0 - ((float)(_x*_x)/(float)(_a*_a)) ) ) );
FillGrid(_x + begx, _y + begy);
FillGrid(_x + begx, -_y + begy);
_startval = -(int)_b; // set start val for loop
_endval = (int)_b; // set end val for loop
for (_y = _startval; _y <= _endval; _y++) // walk down x axis
_x = Round( (float)sqrt( (float)(_a*_a) * // equation for elipse
( 1.0 - ((float)(_y*_y)/(float)(_b*_b)) ) ) );
FillGrid(_x + begx, _y + begy);
FillGrid(-_x + begx, _y + begy);
//================>>> Picture::Picture <<<==============
Picture::Picture(int width, int height)
// Allocate and Initialize the reset picture array with preset width and
// height
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0 ; i < deflayers ; ++i)
pixels[i] = new int[width*height];
_width = width;
_height = height;
for (i = 0 ; i < deflayers ; i++)
for (j=0; j < _height; j++)
for (k=0; k < _width; k++)
seti(k, j, i, 1); // initialize pixels to white
//==============>>> Picture::~Picture <<<================
// Deallocate the picture array
for (int i = 0 ; i < deflayers ; ++i)
delete [] pixels[i];
//=================>>> Picture::GetIndex <<<====================
int Picture::GetIndex(int x, int y, int layer)
// Get the index to the color table of the specified pixel
return (int) geti(x, y, layer);
//================>>> Picture::SetIndex <<<=================
void Picture::SetIndex(int x, int y, int layer, int index)
// Set the specified pixel with an index value from the color table
seti(x, y, layer, index);
//==================>>> Picture::GetPicWidth <<<===============
int Picture::GetPicWidth()
// return the current width of the picture
return _width;
//==================>>> Picture::GetPicHeight <<<===============
int Picture::GetPicHeight()
// return the current height of the picture
return _height;
//==================>>> Picture::Flatten <<<===============
void Picture::Flatten()
// Copy the transparent layer (1) to the base layer (0) if a change has been made in
// the top layer, -1 indicates no new changes have been made
int i, j, value;
for (i=0; i < _height; i++)
for (j=0; j < _width; j++)
value = geti(j, i, TransLayer);
if (value != -1)
seti(j, i, ImageLayer, value);
//==================>>> Picture::Clear <<<===============
void Picture::Clear(int layer, int thecolor)
// Reset given layer to new value in order to clear it. If top layer,
// clear to null values to indicate no change.
// If base layer, clear to white.
int i, j, value;
if (layer == ImageLayer)
value = thecolor; // if base layer then set to background
value = -1; // if other layer then set to null
for (i=0; i < _height; i++)
for (j=0; j < _width; j++)
seti(j, i, layer, value); // reset pixels to value
//==================>>> Color_Pal::Color_Pal <<<=======================
// setup the color palette
//==================>>> Color_Pal::~Color_Pal <<<======================
// destroy color palette instances
//==================>>> Color_Pal::init_Palette <<<=======================
void Color_Pal::init_Palette()
// setup the color palette
#include "paldecla.h"
_colorsUsed = 64;
_fg = 0;
_bg = 1;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::makefg <<<==========================
void Color_Pal::makefg(int index)
// make index as the foreground color
_fg = index;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::makebg <<<==========================
void Color_Pal::makebg(int index)
// make index as the background color
_bg = index;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::getfg <<<===========================
int Color_Pal::getfg()
{ // get the current foreground color
return _fg;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::getbg <<<===========================
int Color_Pal::getbg()
{ // get current background color
return _bg;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::setfg <<<========================
void myCanvasPane::setfg(int index)
{ // set foreground color on the color palette
_myColorPal->_fg = index;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::setbg <<<========================
void myCanvasPane::setbg(int index)
{ // set background color on the color palette
_myColorPal->_bg = index;
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::getCurPenInd <<<================
int myCanvasPane::getCurPenInd()
{ // get index of the curent foreground pen settings
return _curPen;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::getColor <<<=======================
vColor Color_Pal::getColor(int index)
{ // get color by given index number from the color palette
return _Palette[index];
//==================>>> myCanvasPane::setCurPenCol <<<================
void myCanvasPane::setCurPenCol(int index)
{ // set foreground to index number (current foreground color)
_curPen = index;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::setColor <<<=======================
void Color_Pal::setColor(int index, vColor value)
{ // set color to index array location
_Palette[index] = value;
//==================>>> Color_Pal::setRed <<<=========================
void Color_Pal::setRed(int index, int value)
{ // set red color value
//==================>>> Color_Pal::setGreen <<<=======================
void Color_Pal::setGreen(int index, int value)
{ // set green color value
//==================>>> Color_Pal::setBlue <<<========================
void Color_Pal::setBlue(int index, int value)
{ // set blue color value