OS/2 Shareware BBS: 10 Tools
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,805 lines
// V Shell App Generator
// Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Bruce E. Wampler
// This file is part of the V C++ GUI Framework, and is covered
// under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License,
// Version 2. This library has NO WARRANTY. See the source file
// v/srcx/vapp.cxx for more complete information about license terms.
// This file has the code that generates the required files
#include "vgcode.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <v/vutil.h>
//=========================>>> GeneratedBy <<<==========================
static void GeneratedBy(ofstream& of, char* comment)
char buff[40];
char date[20];
strcat(buff," ");
of << comment << "=======================================================================\n";
of << comment << "@V@:Note: This file generated by vgen V" << VGEN_VERS << " ";
of << "(" << buff << ").\n";
//=========================>>> genApp <<<==========================
int genApp(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the app .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"app.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "app.cpp: Source for " << bn << "App class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "app.h\" // Header file\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "App::" << bn << "App <<<==========================\n";
of << " " << bn << "App::" << bn << "App(char* name, int sdi, int h, int w) : vApp(name, sdi, h, w)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Constructor\n";
of << "\n";
of << " _" << bn << "CmdWin = 0;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "App::" << bn << "App <<<==========================\n";
of << " " << bn << "App::~" << bn << "App()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Destructor\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=====================>>> " << bn << "App::NewAppWin <<<==========================\n";
of << " vWindow* " << bn << "App::NewAppWin(vWindow* win, char* name,\n";
of << " int w, int h, vAppWinInfo* winInfo)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vAppWinInfo* awinfo = winInfo;\n";
of << " char *appname = name;\n";
of << "\n";
of << " if (!*name)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " appname = \"" << op.title << "\"; // Default name\n";
of << " }\n";
of << " \n";
of << " UserDebug1(Build,\"" << bn << "App::NewAppWin(%s)\\n\",appname);\n";
of << "\n";
of << " // Create the first window using provided CmdWindow\n";
of << "\n";
of << " _" << bn << "CmdWin = (" << bn << "CmdWindow*) win;\n";
of << " if (!_" << bn << "CmdWin)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " _" << bn << "CmdWin = new " << bn << "CmdWindow(appname, w, h);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << " if (!awinfo)\n";
of << " awinfo = new vAppWinInfo(appname);\n";
of << "\n";
of << " return vApp::NewAppWin(_" << bn << "CmdWin, appname, w, h, awinfo);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//============================>>> " << bn << "App::Exit <<<===========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "App::Exit(void)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // This is called to close all windows.\n";
of << "\n";
of << " UserDebug(Build,\"" << bn << "App::Exit()\\n\");\n";
of << "\n";
of << " vApp::Exit(); // Default behavior\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "App::CloseAppWin <<<===========================\n";
of << " int " << bn << "App::CloseAppWin(vWindow* win)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // This will be called BEFORE a window has been unregistered or\n";
of << " // closed. Default behavior: unregister and close the window.\n";
of << "\n";
of << " UserDebug(Build,\"" << bn << "App::CloseAppWin()\\n\");\n";
of << "\n";
of << " return vApp::CloseAppWin(win);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=====================>>> " << bn << "App::AppCommand <<<==============================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "App::AppCommand(vWindow* win, ItemVal id, ItemVal val, CmdType cType)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Commands not processed by the window will be passed here\n";
of << "\n";
of << " UserDebug1(Build,\"" << bn << "App::AppCmd(ID: %d)\\n\",id);\n";
of << " vApp::AppCommand(win, id, val, cType);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "App::KeyIn <<<==============================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "App::KeyIn(vWindow* win, vKey key, unsigned int shift)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Key strokes not processed by the window will be passed here\n";
of << "\n";
of << " vApp::KeyIn(win, key, shift);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//###########################################################################\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.canvasType == NoCanvas)
of << " static " << bn << "App " << bn << "_App(\"" << op.title << "\",1,70,150); // The instance of the app\n";
else if (op.winSDI)
of << " static " << bn << "App " << bn << "_App(\"" << op.title << "\",1); // The instance of the app\n";
of << " static " << bn << "App " << bn << "_App(\"" << op.title << "\"); // The instance of the app\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//============================>>> AppMain <<<==============================\n";
of << " int AppMain(int argc, char** argv)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Use AppMain to create the main window\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.canvasType == NoCanvas)
of << " (void) theApp->NewAppWin(0, \"" << op.title << "\", 0, 0);\n";
of << " (void) theApp->NewAppWin(0, \"" << op.title << "\", 450, 250);\n";
of << "\n";
of << " return 0;\n";
of << " }\n";
// Generate the app .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"app.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "app.h: Header for " << bn << "App class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "APP_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "APP_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "// Include standard V files as needed\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifdef vDEBUG\n";
hf << "#include <v/vdebug.h>\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vapp.h>\n";
hf << "#include <v/vawinfo.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "cmdw.h\" // we use " << bn << "CommandWindow\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "App : public vApp\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " friend int AppMain(int, char**); // allow AppMain access\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " " << bn << "App(char* name, int sdi = 0, int h = 0, int w = 0);\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "App();\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Routines from vApp that are normally overridden\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual vWindow* NewAppWin(vWindow* win, char* name, int w, int h,\n";
hf << " vAppWinInfo* winInfo);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void Exit(void);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual int CloseAppWin(vWindow*);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void AppCommand(vWindow* win, ItemVal id, ItemVal val, CmdType cType);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void KeyIn(vWindow*, vKey, unsigned int);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // New routines for this particular app\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow* _" << bn << "CmdWin; // Pointer to instance of first window\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genCmdw <<<==========================
int genCmdw(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the app .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"cmdw.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "cmdw.cpp: Source for " << bn << "CmdWindow class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include <v/vnotice.h> // for vNoticeDialog\n";
of << "#include <v/vkeys.h> // to map keys\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cmdw.h\" // our header\n";
of << "\n";
of << "// Start defines for the main window with 100\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginIDs\n";
of << " enum {\n";
of << " m_FirstCmd = 100, // Dummy Command\n";
if (op.addDialog || op.addModal)
of << " m_TestDialog, // TestDialog menu\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " m_Dialog, // TestDialog menu\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " m_ModalDialog, // TestDialog menu\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
of << " btnTestTool, // Tool Bar test\n";
if (op.addStatus)
of << " lblTestStat, // Status Bar test\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " lblCurTime, // Date/Time field\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << " cmdAuxTimer, // AuxTimer\n";
of << " blkLast // Last item\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndIDs\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addMenu)
of << "//@V@:BeginPulldownMenu FileMenu\n";
of << " static vMenu FileMenu[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {\"&New\", M_New, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"&Open...\", M_Open, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"&Save\", M_Save, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"Save &as...\", M_SaveAs, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"&Close...\", M_CloseFile, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"-\", M_Line, notSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {\"E&xit\", M_Exit, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {NULL}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndPulldownMenu\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginPulldownMenu EditMenu\n";
of << " static vMenu EditMenu[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {\"Cut \", M_Cut, isSens, notChk, \"Ctrl-X\", 'X'-'@', noSub},\n";
of << " {\"Copy \", M_Copy, isSens, notChk, \"Ctrl-C\", 'C'-'@', noSub},\n";
of << " {\"Paste\", M_Paste, isSens, notChk, \"Ctrl-V\", 'V'-'@', noSub},\n";
of << " {NULL}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndPulldownMenu\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addModal || op.addDialog)
of << "//@V@:BeginPulldownMenu TestDialog\n";
of << " static vMenu TestDialog[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " {\"Dialog\", m_Dialog, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " {\"Modal Dialog\", m_ModalDialog, isSens, notChk, noKeyLbl, noKey, noSub},\n";
of << " {NULL}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndPulldownMenu\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginMenu StandardMenu\n";
of << " static vMenu StandardMenu[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {\"&File\", M_File, isSens, notUsed, notUsed, noKey, &FileMenu[0]},\n";
of << " {\"&Edit\", M_Edit, isSens, notUsed, notUsed, noKey, &EditMenu[0]},\n";
if (op.addDialog || op.addModal)
of << " {\"&TestDialog\", m_TestDialog, isSens, notUsed, notUsed, noKey, &TestDialog[0]},\n";
of << " {NULL}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndMenu\n\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
of << "//@V@:BeginCmdPane ToolBar\n";
of << " static CommandObject ToolBar[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
if (!op.addMenu)
of << " {C_Button,M_Exit,0,\"Exit\",NoList,CA_None,isSens,NoFrame,0,0},\n";
of << " {C_Button,btnTestTool,0,\"Test\",NoList,CA_None,isSens,NoFrame,0,0},\n";
of << " {C_EndOfList,0,0,0,0,CA_None,0,0,0}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndCmdPane\n\n";
if (op.addStatus)
of << "//@V@:BeginStatPane StatBar\n";
of << " static vStatus StatBar[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {\"" << op.title << "\", lblTestStat, CA_NoBorder, isSens, 0},\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " {\" 00:00:00 AM dd mmm yyyy \",lblCurTime, CA_None, isSens, 0},\n";
of << " {0,0,0,0,0}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndStatPane\n\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << "//====================>>> " << bn <<"Timer::TimerTick <<<====================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "Timer::TimerTick()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " cmdw->WindowCommand(lblCurTime, lblCurTime, C_Button); // update clock\n";
of << " }\n\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << "//====================>>> " << bn <<"AuxTimer::TimerTick <<<====================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "AuxTimer::TimerTick()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " cmdw->WindowCommand(cmdAuxTimer, cmdAuxTimer, C_Button); // update clock\n";
of << " }\n\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "CmdWindow::" << bn << "CmdWindow <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "CmdWindow::" << bn << "CmdWindow(char* name, int width, int height) :\n";
of << " vCmdWindow(name, width, height)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug1(Constructor,\"" << bn << "CmdWindow::" << bn << "CmdWindow(%s) Constructor\\n\",name)\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addMenu)
of << " // The Menu Bar\n";
of << " " << bn << "Menu = new vMenuPane(StandardMenu);\n";
of << " AddPane(" << bn << "Menu);\n\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
of << " // The Command Pane\n";
of << " " << bn << "CmdPane = new vCommandPane(ToolBar);\n";
of << " AddPane(" << bn << "CmdPane);\n";
of << "\n";
of << " // The Canvas\n";
if (op.canvasType != NoCanvas)
if (op.canvasType == Canvas)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas = new " << bn << "CanvasPane;\n";
else if (op.canvasType == Text)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas = new " << bn << "TextCanvasPane;\n";
else if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas = new " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane;\n";
of << " AddPane(" << bn << "Canvas);\n\n";
if (op.addStatus)
of << " // The Status Bar\n";
of << " " << bn << "Status = new vStatusPane(StatBar);\n";
of << " AddPane(" << bn << "Status);\n\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " _timer = new " << bn << "Timer(this); // create timer\n";
of << " _timer->TimerSet(1000); // 1 second intervals\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << " _auxTimer = new " << bn << "AuxTimer(this); // create aux timer\n";
of << " _auxTimer->TimerSet(500); // 1/2 second intervals\n";
of << " // Associated dialogs\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " " << bn << "Dlg = new " << bn << "Dialog(this,name);\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " " << bn << "MDlg = new " << bn << "ModalDialog(this,name);\n";
of << " \n";
of << " // Show Window\n";
of << "\n";
of << " ShowWindow();\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " WindowCommand(lblCurTime,lblCurTime,C_Button); // update clock\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << " WindowCommand(cmdAuxTimer,cmdAuxTimer,C_Button); // update clock\n";
if (op.vScroll)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas->ShowVScroll(1); // Show Vert Scroll\n";
if (op.hScroll)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas->ShowHScroll(1); // Show Horiz Scroll\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "CmdWindow::~" << bn << "CmdWindow <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "CmdWindow::~" << bn << "CmdWindow()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug(Destructor,\"" << bn << "CmdWindow::~" << bn << "CmdWindow() destructor\\n\")\n";
of << "\n";
of << " // Now put a delete for each new in the constructor.\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addMenu)
of << " delete " << bn << "Menu;\n";
if (op.canvasType != NoCanvas)
of << " delete " << bn << "Canvas;\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
of << " delete " << bn << "CmdPane;\n";
if (op.addStatus)
of << " delete " << bn << "Status;\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " _timer->TimerStop(); // end it\n";
of << " delete _timer; // free it\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << " _auxTimer->TimerStop(); // end it\n";
of << " delete _auxTimer; // free it\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " delete " << bn << "Dlg;\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " delete " << bn << "MDlg;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "CmdWindow::KeyIn <<<====================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CmdWindow::KeyIn(vKey keysym, unsigned int shift)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCmdWindow::KeyIn(keysym, shift);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "CmdWindow::WindowCommand <<<====================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CmdWindow::WindowCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal val, CmdType cType)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Default: route menu and toolbar commands here\n";
of << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << " UserDebug1(CmdEvents,\"" << bn << "CmdWindow:WindowCommand(%d)\\n\",id)\n";
of << "\n";
of << " switch (id)\n";
of << " {\n";
if (op.addMenu)
of << " //@V@:Case M_New\n";
of << " case M_New:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"New\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_Open\n";
of << " case M_Open:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Open\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_Save\n";
of << " case M_Save:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Save\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_SaveAs\n";
of << " case M_SaveAs:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Save As\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_CloseFile\n";
of << " case M_CloseFile:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Close File\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_Exit\n";
of << " case M_Exit:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " theApp->Exit();\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addMenu)
of << " //@V@:Case M_Cut\n";
of << " case M_Cut:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Cut\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_Copy\n";
of << " case M_Copy:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Copy\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " //@V@:Case M_Paste\n";
of << " case M_Paste:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Paste\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " //@V@:Case m_Dialog\n";
of << " case m_Dialog:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " if (!" << bn << "Dlg->IsDisplayed())\n";
of << " " << bn << "Dlg->ShowDialog(\"Sample Modeless Dialog\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " //@V@:Case m_ModalDialog\n";
of << " case m_ModalDialog:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " ItemVal rval = " << bn << "MDlg->" << bn << "Action(\"Sample Modal Dialog\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
of << " //@V@:Case btnTestTool\n";
of << " case btnTestTool:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Tool Bar Test\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << " //@V@:Case auxTimer\n";
of << " case cmdAuxTimer: // Event from aux timer\n";
of << " {\n";
if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
of << " " << bn << "Canvas->TimerAnimate();\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
if (op.addDate)
of << " case lblCurTime: // Update time on status bar\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " char buff[40];\n";
of << " char date[20];\n";
of << " vGetLocalTime(buff);\n";
of << " vGetLocalDate(date);\n";
of << " strcat(buff,\" \");\n";
of << " strcat(buff,date);\n";
of << " SetString(lblCurTime,buff);\n";
of << " }\n\n";
of << " default: // route unhandled commands up\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCmdWindow::WindowCommand(id, val, cType);\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << " }\n";
of << " }\n";
// Generate the cmdw .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"cmdw.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "cmdw.h: Header for " << bn << "cmdw class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "CMDW_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "CMDW_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vcmdwin.h> // So we can use vCmdWindow\n";
if (op.addMenu)
hf << "#include <v/vmenu.h> // For the menu pane\n";
hf << "#include <v/vutil.h> // For V Utilities\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
hf << "#include <v/vcmdpane.h> // command pane\n";
if (op.addStatus)
hf << "#include <v/vstatusp.h> // For the status pane\n";
if (op.addDate || op.addTimer)
hf << "#include <v/vtimer.h> // Timer\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifdef vDEBUG\n";
hf << "#include <v/vdebug.h>\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
hf << "\n";
if (op.canvasType == Canvas)
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\" // " << bn << "CanvasPane\n";
else if (op.canvasType == Text)
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\" // " << bn << "TextCanvasPane\n";
else if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\" // " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane\n";
if (op.addDialog)
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "dlg.h\" // " << bn << "Dialog\n";
if (op.addModal)
hf << "#include \"" << fn << "mdlg.h\" // " << bn << "ModalDialog\n";
if (op.addDate || op.addTimer) // using timers
hf << "\n class " << bn << "CmdWindow;\n";
if (op.addDate) // Add a time/date to status bar
hf << "\n class " << bn << "Timer : public vTimer\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "Timer(" << bn << "CmdWindow* cw) { cmdw = cw; }\n";
hf << " ~" << bn << "Timer() {}\n";
hf << " virtual void TimerTick();\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow* cmdw;\n";
hf << " };\n";
if (op.addTimer) // add aux timer
hf << "\n class " << bn << "AuxTimer : public vTimer\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "AuxTimer(" << bn << "CmdWindow* cw) { cmdw = cw; }\n";
hf << " ~" << bn << "AuxTimer() {}\n";
hf << " virtual void TimerTick();\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow* cmdw;\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "\n class " << bn << "CmdWindow : public vCmdWindow\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " friend int AppMain(int, char**); // allow AppMain access\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow(char*, int, int);\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "CmdWindow();\n";
hf << " virtual void WindowCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal val, CmdType cType);\n";
hf << " virtual void KeyIn(vKey keysym, unsigned int shift);\n";
if (op.addTimer) // Add aux timer
hf << " " << bn << "AuxTimer* Get" << bn
<< "AuxTimer() {return _auxTimer;}// Aux Timer\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Standard elements\n";
if (op.addMenu)
hf << " vMenuPane* " << bn << "Menu; // For the menu bar\n";
if (op.canvasType == Canvas)
hf << " " << bn << "CanvasPane* " << bn << "Canvas; // For the canvas\n";
else if (op.canvasType == Text)
hf << " " << bn << "TextCanvasPane* " << bn << "Canvas; // For the canvas\n";
else if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
hf << " " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane* " << bn << "Canvas; // For the canvas\n";
if (op.addToolBar)
hf << " vCommandPane* " << bn << "CmdPane; // for the command pane\n";
if (op.addStatus)
hf << " vStatusPane* " << bn << "Status; // For the status bar\n";
if (op.addDate) // Add a time/date to status bar
hf << " " << bn << "Timer* _timer; // Timer for Date/Time\n";
if (op.addTimer) // Add aux timer
hf << " " << bn << "AuxTimer* _auxTimer; // Aux Timer\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Dialogs associated with CmdWindow\n";
hf << "\n";
if (op.addDialog)
hf << " " << bn << "Dialog* " << bn << "Dlg;\n";
if (op.addModal)
hf << " " << bn << "ModalDialog* " << bn << "MDlg;\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genCnv <<<==========================
int genCnv(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the canvas .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"cnv.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "cnv.cpp: Source for " << bn << "CanvasPane class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\"\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::" << bn << "CanvasPane <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "CanvasPane::" << bn << "CanvasPane()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::~" << bn << "CanvasPane <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "CanvasPane::~" << bn << "CanvasPane()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::HPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::HPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::HPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::VPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::VPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::VPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::HScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::HScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::HScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::VScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::VScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::VScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseDown <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseDown(int X, int Y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::MouseDown(X,Y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//========================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseUp <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseUp(int X, int Y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::MouseUp(X,Y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseMove <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseMove(int x, int y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::MouseMove(x,y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::Redraw <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::Redraw(int x, int y, int w, int h)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::Redraw(x,y,w,h);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::Resize <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "CanvasPane::Resize(int w, int h)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vCanvasPane::Resize(w,h);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
// Generate the canvas .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"cnv.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "cnv.h: Header for " << bn << "CanvasPane class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "CNV_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "CNV_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vcanvas.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "CanvasPane : public vCanvasPane\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "CanvasPane();\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "CanvasPane();\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Scrolling\n";
hf << " virtual void HPage(int shown, int top);\n";
hf << " virtual void VPage(int shown, int top);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void HScroll(int step);\n";
hf << " virtual void VScroll(int step);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Events\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseDown(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseUp(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseMove(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void Redraw(int x, int y, int width, int height);\n";
hf << " virtual void Resize(int newW, int newH);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genOGLCnv <<<==========================
int genOGLCnv(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the canvas .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"cnv.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "cnv.cpp: Source for " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\"\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::" << bn << "OGLCanvasPane <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::" << bn <<
"OGLCanvasPane(unsigned int vGLmode, PaneType pt)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " initDone = 0;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::~" << bn << "OGLCanvasPane <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::~" << bn << "OGLCanvasPane()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addTimer)
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::TimerAnimate <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::TimerAnimate(void)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // **** Called by CmdWindow AuxTimer for animation.\n\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::graphicsInit <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::graphicsInit(void)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::graphicsInit(); // Always call the superclass first!\n\n";
of << " // **** Your OpenGL initialization code goes here!\n\n";
of << " initDone = 1;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::HPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::HPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::HPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::VPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::VPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::VPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::HScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::HScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::HScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::VScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::VScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::VScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::MouseDown <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::MouseDown(int X, int Y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::MouseDown(X,Y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//========================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::MouseUp <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::MouseUp(int X, int Y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::MouseUp(X,Y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "CanvasPane::MouseMove <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::MouseMove(int x, int y, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::MouseMove(x,y,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::Redraw <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::Redraw(int x, int y, int w, int h)\n";
of << " {\n static int inRedraw = 0;\n\n";
of << " if (inRedraw || !initDone) // Don't draw until initialized\n";
of << " return;\n\n";
of << " inRedraw = 1; // Don't allow recursive redraws.\n\n";
of << " vglMakeCurrent(); // Typically done here\n\n";
of << " // *** Your drawing code typically goes here. You may\n";
of << " // insert it here, or just call a drawing routine.\n\n";
of << " vglFlush(); // After you draw, typically flush\n\n";
of << " inRedraw = 0; // Out of Redraw\n\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::Resize <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane::Resize(int w, int h)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vBaseGLCanvasPane::Resize(w,h);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
// Generate the canvas .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"cnv.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "cnv.h: Header for " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "CNV_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "CNV_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vbglcnv.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane : public vBaseGLCanvasPane\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "OGLCanvasPane(unsigned int vGLmode = vGL_Default, PaneType pt = P_Canvas);\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "OGLCanvasPane();\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void graphicsInit(void);\n\n";
if (op.addTimer)
hf << " void TimerAnimate(void); // for AuxTimer animation\n";
hf << " // Scrolling\n";
hf << " virtual void HPage(int shown, int top);\n";
hf << " virtual void VPage(int shown, int top);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void HScroll(int step);\n";
hf << " virtual void VScroll(int step);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Events\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseDown(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseUp(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void MouseMove(int x, int y, int button);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void Redraw(int x, int y, int width, int height);\n";
hf << " virtual void Resize(int newW, int newH);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << " int initDone;\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genTextCnv <<<==========================
int genTextCnv(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the canvas .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"cnv.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "cnv.cpp: Source for " << bn << "TextCanvasPane class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cnv.h\"\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::" << bn << "TextCanvasPane <<<================\n";
of << " " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::" << bn << "TextCanvasPane()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::~" << bn << "TextCanvasPane <<<================\n";
of << " " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::~" << bn << "TextCanvasPane()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=====================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::HPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::HPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::HPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=====================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::VPage <<<========================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::VPage(int shown, int top)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::VPage(shown, top);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::HScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::HScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::HScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::VScroll <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::VScroll(int step)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::VScroll(step);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::FontChanged <<<==================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::FontChanged(vFont& newFont)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::FontChanged(newFont);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseDown <<<==================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseDown(int row, int col, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::TextMouseDown(row,col,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseUp <<<==================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseUp(int row, int col, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::TextMouseUp(row,col,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseMove <<<=================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::TextMouseMove(int row, int col, int button)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::TextMouseMove(row,col,button);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::Redraw <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::Redraw(int x, int y, int w, int h)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::Redraw(x,y,w,h);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::ResizeText <<<======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "TextCanvasPane::ResizeText(const int rows, const int cols)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " static int first = 1;\n";
of << " if (first)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " first = 0; DrawText(\"This is a Text Canvas\\n\");\n";
of << " }\n";
of << " vTextCanvasPane::ResizeText(rows,cols);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
// Generate the canvas .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"cnv.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "cnv.h: Header for " << bn << "TextCanvasPane class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "TCNV_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "TCNV_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vtextcnv.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "TextCanvasPane : public vTextCanvasPane\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "TextCanvasPane();\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "TextCanvasPane();\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Scrolling\n";
hf << " virtual void HPage(int, int);\n";
hf << " virtual void VPage(int, int);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " virtual void HScroll(int);\n";
hf << " virtual void VScroll(int);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " // Events\n";
hf << " virtual void FontChanged(vFont& newFont);\n";
hf << " virtual void ResizeText(const int rows, const int cols);\n";
hf << " virtual void Redraw(int x, int y, int w , int h);\n";
hf << " virtual void TextMouseDown(int row, int col, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void TextMouseUp(int row, int col, int button);\n";
hf << " virtual void TextMouseMove(int row, int col, int button);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
hf << "\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genDlg <<<==========================
int genDlg(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the dialog .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"dlg.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "dlg.cpp: Source for " << bn << "Dialog class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "dlg.h\"\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cmdw.h\"\n";
of << "#include <v/vnotice.h>\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginIDs\n";
of << " enum {\n";
of << " lblMainMsg = 1000,\n";
of << " btnTestDlg // add your id's here\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndIds\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginDialogCmd DefaultCmds\n";
of << " static DialogCmd DefaultCmds[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {C_Label, lblMainMsg, 0,\"X\",NoList,CA_MainMsg,isSens,NoFrame, 0, 0},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_Button, M_Cancel, 0, \" Cancel \",NoList,CA_None,\n";
of << " isSens,NoFrame,0, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << " {C_Button, M_OK, 0, \" OK \", NoList, CA_DefaultButton,\n";
of << " isSens, NoFrame, M_Cancel, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_Button, btnTestDlg, 0, \" Test \", NoList, CA_None,\n";
of << " isSens, NoFrame, M_OK, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_EndOfList,0,0,0,0,CA_None,0,0,0}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndDialogCmd\n";
of << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//=========================>>> " << bn << "Dialog::" << bn << "Dialog <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "Dialog::" << bn << "Dialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title) :\n";
of << " vDialog(bw, 0, title)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug(Constructor,\"" << bn << "Dialog::" << bn << "Dialog()\\n\")\n";
of << "\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
of << " _myCmdWin = (" << bn << "CmdWindow*) bw;\n";
of << " AddDialogCmds(DefaultCmds); // add the predefined commands\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//========================>>> " << bn << "Dialog::~" << bn << "Dialog <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "Dialog::~" << bn << "Dialog()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug(Destructor,\"" << bn << "Dialog::~" << bn << "Dialog() destructor\\n\")\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "Dialog::DialogCommand <<<=======================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "Dialog::DialogCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal retval, CmdType ctype)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " // Dialog commands to here\n";
of << "\n";
of << " UserDebug2(CmdEvents,\"" << bn << "Dialog::DialogCommand(id:%d, val:%d)\\n\",id, retval)\n";
of << "\n";
of << " switch (id) // We will do some things depending on value\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " //@V@:Case: btnTestDlg\n";
of << " case btnTestDlg:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Test Dialog\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << "\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << " vDialog::DialogCommand(id,retval,ctype);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
// Generate the dialog .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"dlg.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "dlg.h: Header for " << bn << "Dialog class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "DIALOG_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "DIALOG_H\n";
hf << "#include <v/vdialog.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
hf << " class "<< bn << "CmdWindow;\n\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "Dialog : public vDialog\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "Dialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = \"" << op.title << "\");\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "Dialog(); // Destructor\n";
hf << " virtual void DialogCommand(ItemVal,ItemVal,CmdType); // action selected\n";
hf << " void AddDefaultCmds(); // to add the defined commands\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << "\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow* _myCmdWin;\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
return 1;
//=========================>>> genMdlg <<<==========================
int genMDlg(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char cppName[100], hName[100];
// Generate the modal dialog .cpp file
strcpy(cppName,fn); strcat(cppName,"mdlg.cpp");
ofstream of(cppName);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
of << "// " << fn << "mdlg.cpp: Source for " << bn << "ModalDialog class\n";
of << "//=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#include \"" << fn << "mdlg.h\"\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
of << "#include \"" << fn << "cmdw.h\"\n";
of << "#include <v/vnotice.h>\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginIDs\n";
of << " enum {\n";
of << " lblMainMsg = 1000,\n";
of << " btnTestMDlg // add your id's here\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndIds\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//@V@:BeginDialogCmd DefaultCmds\n";
of << " static DialogCmd DefaultCmds[] =\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " {C_Label, lblMainMsg, 0,\"X\",NoList,CA_MainMsg,isSens,NoFrame, 0, 0},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_Button, M_Cancel, 0, \" Cancel \",NoList,CA_None,\n";
of << " isSens,NoFrame,0, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << " {C_Button, M_OK, 0, \" OK \", NoList, CA_DefaultButton,\n";
of << " isSens, NoFrame, M_Cancel, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_Button, btnTestMDlg, 0, \" Test \", NoList, CA_None,\n";
of << " isSens, NoFrame, M_OK, lblMainMsg},\n";
of << "\n";
of << " {C_EndOfList,0,0,0,0,CA_None,0,0,0}\n";
of << " };\n";
of << "//@V@:EndDialogCmd\n";
of << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//======================>>> " << bn << "ModalDialog::" << bn << "ModalDialog <<<==================\n";
of << " " << bn << "ModalDialog::" << bn << "ModalDialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title) :\n";
of << " vModalDialog(bw, title)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug(Constructor,\"" << bn << "ModalDialog::" << bn << "ModalDialog()\\n\")\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
of << " _myCmdWin = (" << bn << "CmdWindow*) bw;\n";
of << " AddDialogCmds(DefaultCmds); // add the predefined commands\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//===================>>> " << bn << "ModalDialog::~" << bn << "ModalDialog <<<====================\n";
of << " " << bn << "ModalDialog::~" << bn << "ModalDialog()\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug(Destructor,\"" << bn << "ModalDialog::~" << bn << "ModalDialog() destructor\\n\")\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "ModalDialog::" << bn << "Action <<<====================\n";
of << " int " << bn << "ModalDialog::" << bn << "Action(char* msg)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " ItemVal ans,rval;\n";
of << "\n";
of << " ans = ShowModalDialog(msg,rval);\n";
of << " if (ans == M_Cancel)\n";
of << " return 0;\n";
of << "\n";
of << " // *** Add code to process dialog values here\n";
of << "\n";
of << " return ans == M_OK;\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << "//====================>>> " << bn << "ModalDialog::DialogCommand <<<====================\n";
of << " void " << bn << "ModalDialog::DialogCommand(ItemVal id, ItemVal retval, CmdType ctype)\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " UserDebug2(CmdEvents,\"" << bn << "ModalDialog::DialogCommand(id:%d, val:%d)\\n\",id, retval)\n";
of << "\n";
of << " switch (id) // We will do some things depending on value\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " //@V@:Case: btnTestMDlg\n";
of << " case btnTestMDlg:\n";
of << " {\n";
of << " vNoticeDialog note(this);\n";
of << " note.Notice(\"Test Dialog\");\n";
of << " break;\n";
of << " } //@V@:EndCase\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
of << " vModalDialog::DialogCommand(id,retval,ctype);\n";
of << " }\n";
of << "\n";
// Generate the modal dialog .h file
strcpy(hName,fn); strcat(hName,"mdlg.h");
ofstream hf(hName);
if (!hf)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "//"); //=========================================================
hf << "// " << fn << "mdlg.h: Header for " << bn << "ModalDialog class\n";
hf << "//=======================================================================\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#ifndef " << bn << "MDLG_H\n";
hf << "#define " << bn << "MDLG_H\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << "#include <v/vmodald.h>\n";
hf << "\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
hf << " class "<< bn << "CmdWindow;\n\n";
hf << " class " << bn << "ModalDialog : public vModalDialog\n";
hf << " {\n";
hf << " public: //---------------------------------------- public\n";
hf << " " << bn << "ModalDialog(vBaseWindow* bw, char* title = \"" << op.title << "\");\n";
hf << " virtual ~" << bn << "ModalDialog(); // Destructor\n";
hf << " virtual void DialogCommand(ItemVal,ItemVal,CmdType); // action selected\n";
hf << " virtual int " << bn << "Action(char* msg);\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " protected: //--------------------------------------- protected\n";
hf << "\n";
hf << " private: //--------------------------------------- private\n";
hf << "\n";
if (!op.extraDialog)
hf << " " << bn << "CmdWindow* _myCmdWin;\n";
hf << " };\n";
hf << "#endif\n";
hf << "\n";
return 1;
// Generate the V IDE Project file
//=========================>>> genProject <<<==========================
int genProject(vgOptions& op)
static const char SecProjOpts[] = "//% Section 1 - PROJECT OPTIONS";
static const char SecProjOptsEnd[] = "//%end-proj-opts";
static const char SecMakefile[] = "//% Section 2 - MAKEFILE";
static const char SecOptions[] = "//% Section 3 - OPTIONS";
static const char SecOptionsEnd[] = "//%end-options";
static const char SecHomeV[] = "//% Section 4 - HOMEV";
static const char SecTarget[] = "//% Section 5 - TARGET FILE";
static const char SecObjFiles[] = "//% Section 6 - SOURCE FILES";
static const char SecObjFilesEnd[] = "//%end-srcfiles";
static const char SecCompiler[] = "//% Section 7 - COMPILER NAME";
static const char SecIncDirs[] = "//% Section 8 - INCLUDE DIRECTORIES";
static const char SecIncDirsEnd[] = "//%end-include-dirs";
static const char SecLibDirs[] = "//% Section 9 - LIBRARY DIRECTORIES";
static const char SecLibDirsEnd[] = "//%end-library-dirs";
static const char SecDefs[] = "//% Section 10 - DEFINITIONS";
static const char SecDefsPoolEnd[] = "//%end-defs-pool";
static const char SecDefsEnd[] = "//%end-defs";
static const char SecCFlags[] = "//% Section 11 - C FLAGS";
static const char SecLibFlags[] = "//% Section 12 - LIBRARY FLAGS";
static const char SecSrcDir[] = "//% Section 13 - SRC DIRECTORY";
static const char SecObjDir[] = "//% Section 14 - OBJ DIRECTORY";
static const char SecBinDir[] = "//% Section 15 - BIN DIRECTORY";
static const char SecUserTargets[] = "//% Section 16 - USER TARGETS";
static const char SecUserTargetsEnd[] = "//%end-user-targets";
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char name[100];
strcpy(name,bn); strcat(name,".vpj");
ofstream prjf(name);
if (!prjf)
return 0;
char buff[40];
char date[20];
prjf << "//=======================================================================\n";
prjf << "//@V@:Note: Project File generated by VGEN for VIDE: ";
prjf << "(" << buff << " " << date << ").\n";
prjf << "//CAUTION! Hand edit only if you know what you are doing!\n";
prjf << "//=======================================================================\n\n";
// Project Options
prjf << SecProjOpts << endl;
prjf << SecProjOptsEnd << endl << endl;
// Makefile name
prjf << SecMakefile << endl;
prjf << "makefile." << op.fileName << endl << endl;
// Options
prjf << SecOptions << endl;
prjf << SecOptionsEnd << endl << endl;
prjf << SecHomeV << endl;
prjf << op.home << endl << endl;
// 1) name of exe target file
prjf << SecTarget << endl;
#ifdef V_VersionX
prjf << bn << endl << endl;
prjf << bn << ".exe" << endl << endl;
// 2) source files
prjf << SecObjFiles << endl;
prjf << fn << "app.cpp" << endl;
if (op.addDialog)
prjf << fn << "dlg.cpp" << endl;
if (op.addModal)
prjf << fn << "mdlg.cpp" << endl;
if (op.canvasType != NoCanvas)
prjf << fn << "cnv.cpp" << endl;
prjf << fn << "cmdw.cpp" << endl;
prjf << SecObjFilesEnd << endl << endl;
// 3) compiler name
prjf << SecCompiler << endl;
prjf << "g++" << endl << endl;
// 4) include dirs
prjf << SecIncDirs << endl;
prjf << "$(HOMEV)/include" << endl;
#ifdef V_VersionX
prjf << "/usr/X11/include" << endl;
prjf << SecIncDirsEnd << endl << endl;
// 5) lib dirs
prjf << SecLibDirs << endl;
prjf << "$(HOMEV)/lib" << endl;
#ifdef V_VersionX
prjf << "/usr/X11R6/lib" << endl;
prjf << SecLibDirsEnd << endl << endl;
// 6) defs
prjf << SecDefs << endl;
prjf << SecDefsPoolEnd << endl;
prjf << SecDefsEnd << endl << endl;
// 7) cflag
prjf << SecCFlags << endl;
prjf << "-O" << endl << endl;
// 8) libflag
prjf << SecLibFlags << endl;
if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
prjf << OGLDEF_LIBS << endl << endl;
prjf << DEF_LIBS << endl << endl;
// src directory
prjf << SecSrcDir << endl;
prjf << "." << endl << endl;
// 9) object directory
prjf << SecObjDir << endl;
prjf << "." << endl << endl;
//10) bin directory
prjf << SecBinDir << endl;
prjf << "." << endl << endl;
// User Targets
prjf << endl << "//% User targets section. Following lines will be" << endl;
prjf << "//% inserted into Makefile right before the generated cleanall target." << endl;
prjf << "//% The Project File editor does not edit these lines - edit the .vpj" << endl;
prjf << "//% directly. You should know what you are doing." << endl;
prjf << SecUserTargets << endl;
prjf << SecUserTargetsEnd << endl << endl;
return 1;
// Generate the g++ Make file
//=========================>>> genMake <<<==========================
int genMake(vgOptions& op)
char *bn = &op.appName[0];
char *fn = &op.fileName[0];
char name[100];
strcpy(name,"makefile."); strcat(name,fn);
ofstream of(name);
if (!of)
return 0;
GeneratedBy(of, "#"); //=========================================================
of << "#=======================================================================\n";
of << "\n";
of << "CC = g++\n";
of << "\n";
of << "HOMEV = " << op.home << "\n";
#ifdef V_VersionX
of << "X11INC = /usr/X11/include\n";
of << "X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib\n";
if (op.canvasType == OpenGL)
of << "LIBS = " << OGLDEF_LIBS << "\n";
of << "LIBS = " << DEF_LIBS << "\n";
of << "VLibDir = $(HOMEV)/lib\n";
of << "oDir = .\n";
of << "Bin = .\n";
of << "\n";
of << "VPATH = $(HOMEV)" << DEF_VPATH << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << "#--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
of << "# Architecture dependent\n";
of << "\n";
of << "# Flags for includes and libraries\n";
of << "\n";
#ifdef V_VersionX
of << "CFLAGS = -O -I$(X11INC) -I$(HOMEV)" << DEF_VPATH << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << "LFLAGS = -O -L$(X11LIB) -L$(VLibDir)\n";
of << "\n";
of << "CFLAGS = -O -I$(HOMEV)" << DEF_VPATH << "\n";
of << "\n";
of << "LFLAGS = -O -L$(VLibDir)\n";
of << "\n";
of << "EXOBJS = $(oDir)/" << fn << "app.o \\\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << " $(oDir)/" << fn << "dlg.o \\\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << " $(oDir)/" << fn << "mdlg.o \\\n";
if (op.canvasType != NoCanvas)
of << " $(oDir)/" << fn << "cnv.o \\\n";
of << " $(oDir)/" << fn << "cmdw.o\n";
of << "\n";
#ifdef V_VersionX
of << "all: $(Bin)/" << bn << "\n";
of << "all: $(Bin)/" << bn << ".exe\n";
of << "\n";
of << "objs: $(EXOBJS)\n";
of << "\n";
of << "clean:\n";
of << " rm $(EXOBJS)\n";
of << "\n";
// BEW: 4/6/98 Changed so that same makefile will work with either
// libV.a or libV.so. Probably should put a dependency on
// v_defs.h in the code files, but that will have complications
// of its own. We will assume that V is constant for now.
#ifdef V_VersionX
of << "$(Bin)/" << bn <<": $(EXOBJS) $(VLibDir)/libV.a\n";
of << "$(Bin)/" << bn <<".exe: $(EXOBJS) $(VLibDir)/libV.a\n";
#ifdef V_VersionX
of << "$(Bin)/" << bn <<": $(EXOBJS)\n"; // so don't require libV.a
of << "$(Bin)/" << bn <<".exe: $(EXOBJS)\n"; // so don't require libV.a
of << " $(CC) -o $@ $(LFLAGS) $(EXOBJS) $(LIBS)\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.canvasType != NoCanvas)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "cnv.o: " << fn << "cnv.cpp " << fn << "cnv.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addDialog)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "dlg.o: " << fn << "dlg.cpp " << fn << "dlg.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
of << "\n";
if (op.addModal)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "mdlg.o: " << fn << "mdlg.cpp " << fn << "mdlg.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
of << "\n";
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "cmdw.o: " << fn << "cmdw.cpp " << fn << "cmdw.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
of << "\n";
//***** Handle different dependencies for dialogs
if (op.addDialog && op.addModal)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "app.o: " << fn << "app.cpp " << fn << "dlg.h " << fn << "mdlg.h \\\n";
of << " " << fn << "app.h " << fn << "cmdw.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
else if (op.addDialog)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "app.o: " << fn << "app.cpp " << fn << "dlg.h \\\n";
of << " " << fn << "app.h " << fn << "cmdw.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
else if (op.addModal)
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "app.o: " << fn << "app.cpp " << fn << "mdlg.h \\\n";
of << " " << fn << "app.h " << fn << "cmdw.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
of << "$(oDir)/" << fn << "app.o: " << fn << "app.cpp \\\n";
of << " " << fn << "app.h " << fn << "cmdw.h\n";
of << " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n";
return 1;