OS/2 Shareware BBS: 10 Tools
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# Make file for the 16-bit Image sample.
# Copyright 1991 IBM Corporation
# The IMAGE16.MAK and .DEF files are provided for comparison purposes.
# Together with the source files, they are not
# sufficient to build a 16-bit executable. They have a dependency on an
# OS/2 1.3 toolkit being available locally, since they need 16-bit
# compilers/linkers. The sample source files contain conditional
# compilation statements for PORT_16 and PORT_32,
# which show some of the changes needed in making the port.
# .SUFFIXES line helps NMAKE recognize other file suffixes besides
# .c, .exe, etc.
.SUFFIXES: .res .rc .hlp .ipf
# Macro definitions
# These macro definitions set are used to set up the options needed
# to build the application. Such options include the command line
# options for the compiler and the libraries needed for the linker.
# The flags are created as macros so that they can be easily modified
# so they need to be changed.
# The macros also allow you to have a different set of options
# for each environment your application is built for. The macros
# below include the flags for compiling the application in
# 32-bit and 16-bit versions. You can also add flags for a
# a retail version of the product, a version which does not contain
# any debugger symbols and has the maximum optimization.
CC = cl -c
CINC16 =
LINK16 = link
LIBS16 = os2286 llibcep
RC = rc
HEADERS = img_main.h img_xtrn.h
# This section is used to set which options macros are to be used
# in the build. By changing the macro names on the right, we can
# change which environment the application will be built for. This
# make file has flags set for the 16-bit memory model.
LINK = $(LINK16)
LIBS = $(LIBS16)
CINC = $(CINC16)
# Default inference rules
# This section lists the command and flags to build each type of
# of source file listed.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) $*.c
$(RC) -r $*.rc
# A list of all of the object files
ALL_OBJ1 = img_ma16.obj img_da16.obj img_in16.obj img_pn16.obj img_vi16.obj
ALL_OBJ2 = img_dl16.obj img_he16.obj img_si16.obj img_fi16.obj img_me16.obj img_ut16.obj
# A list of all of the Help text files
ALL_IPF = img_main.ipf img_file.ipf img_view.ipf img_help.ipf img_dlg.ipf
# This section lists all files to be build my the make. This make
# file build the executible as well as its associated help file.
all: image16.exe image.hlp
# This section creates the command file used by the linker. This
# command file is recreated automatically every time you change
# the object file list, linker flags, or library list.
image16.lnk: image16.mak
echo $(ALL_OBJ1) + > image16.lnk
echo $(ALL_OBJ2) >> image16.lnk
echo image16.exe >> image16.lnk
echo image16.map $(LFLAGS) >> image16.lnk
echo $(LIBS) >> image16.lnk
echo image16.def >> image16.lnk
# Dependencies
# This section lists all object files needed to be built for the
# application, along with the files it is dependent upon (e.g. its
# source and any header files).
img_ma16.res: img_main.rc img_main.h img_dlg.h image.dlg \
img_help.rc img_help.h
copy ..\prodinfo.bmp
$(RC) -r img_main.rc img_ma16.res
del prodinfo.bmp
img_ma16.obj: img_main.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_ma16.obj img_main.c
img_me16.obj: img_menu.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_me16.obj img_menu.c
img_si16.obj: img_size.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_si16.obj img_size.c
img_fi16.obj: img_file.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_fi16.obj img_file.c
img_vi16.obj: img_view.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_vi16.obj img_view.c
img_da16.obj: img_data.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_da16.obj img_data.c
img_dl16.obj: img_dlg.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_dl16.obj img_dlg.c
img_in16.obj: img_init.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_in16.obj img_init.c
img_pn16.obj: img_pnt.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_pn16.obj img_pnt.c
img_he16.obj: img_help.c $(HEADERS) img_help.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Foimg_he16.obj img_help.c
img_ut16.obj: img_util.c $(HEADERS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) -Fa -Oi -Foimg_ut16.obj img_util.c
# This section creates the help manager file. The IPF compiler
# creates a file called main.hlp which is renamed to image.hlp.
image.hlp: $(ALL_IPF)
ipfc img_main.ipf /W3
if exist image.hlp del image.hlp
rename img_main.hlp image.hlp
# This section links the object modules into the finished program
# using the linker command file created earlier. At the end, the
# resource file is bound to the application.
image16.exe: $(ALL_OBJ1) $(ALL_OBJ2) image16.def image16.lnk img_ma16.res
$(LINK) @image16.lnk
$(RC) img_ma16.res image16.exe
mapsym image16