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Text File  |  1995-10-07  |  8KB  |  188 lines

  1. PokerYouStartGame   @c^pOkay, you've started Poker game #^k@1^p.@c
  2. PokerMsgStartGame   @b^l@1^p has started Poker game #^k@2^p!
  3. PokerYouJoinGame    @c^pOkay, you've now joined Poker game #^k@1^p.@c
  4. PokerMsgJoinGame    ^l@1^p has joined Poker game #^k@2^p!
  5. PokerNoMainGame     @c^mYou have not set a main game in Poker!@c
  6. PokerBadGameNum     @c^mInvalid game number specified!@c
  7. PokerYouQuitGame    @c^pOkay, you have quit Poker game #^k@1^p.@c
  8. PokerMsgQuitGame    ^l@1^p has quit Poker game #^k@2^p!
  9. PokerMainGameSet    @c^pOkay, your main Poker game is now game #^k@1^p.@c
  10. PokerGameNotOn      @c^mGame #^l@1^m has not started!@c
  11. PokerWhosTurn       @c^nIt is ^l@1^n's turn to ^k@2^n in Poker.@c
  12. PokerShowPot        @c^pThe current pot is ^k@1^p CyberDollar@2.@c
  13. PokerNotInGame      @c^mYou aren't playing in Poker game #^l@1^m!@c
  14. PokerHandPrefix     @c
  15. PokerHandSuffix     @c
  16. PokerHandNameSuf    @c
  17. PokerNoBet          @c^mYou must specify a bet when using ^lPOKER @1^m!@c
  18. PokerNotYourTurn    @c^mIt is not your turn to ^k@1^m in Poker game #^l@2^m!@c
  19. PokerNotEnoughCash  @c^mYou don't have enough CyberCash!  (Bet = ^l@1^m, CyberCash = ^l@2^m)@c
  20. PokerBetTooLow      @c^mYou did not bet enough!  (Bet = ^l@1^m, Needed = ^l@2^m)@c
  21. PokerInvalidBet     @c^mInvalid bet! (Bet = ^l@1^m, Minimum = ^l@2^m, Maximum = ^l@3^m)@c
  22. PokerNoMoreRaise    @c^mRaise limit reached!  Can't raise any more this round.@c
  23. PokerYouCall        @c^nOkay, you call the bet.  (^l@1^n CyberDollar@2)@c
  24. PokerMsgCall        ^pIn Poker game #^k@1^p, ^l@2^p calls the bet (^k@3^p CyberDollar@4).
  25. PokerYouRaise       @c^nOkay, you call the bet (^l@1^n CyberDollar@2) and raise by ^l@3^n CyberDollar@4.@c
  26. PokerMsgRaise       ^pIn Poker game #^k@1^p, ^l@2^p calls the bet (^k@3^p CyberDollar@4), and raises by ^k@5^p CyberDollar@6!
  27. PokerDealtCard      ^pYou are dealt a ^k@1^p of ^k@2^p.
  28. PokerYouDiscard     @c^mOkay, you discard ^p@1^m card@2.@c
  29. PokerMsgDiscard     ^pIn Poker game #^k@1^p, ^l@2^p discards ^k@3^p card@4.
  30. PokerNotPlaying     @c^mYou are not playing in Poker game #^l@1^m!@c
  31. PokerYouFold        @c^nOkay, you fold your hand.@c
  32. PokerMsgFold        ^pIn Poker game #^k@1^p, ^l@2^p folds @3 hand.
  33. PokerBadGameOver    @c^I^mWARNING - Can't finish up Poker game #^l@1^m!  If you were playing in@cgame #^l@1^m, report this to your Sysop immediately!^A @c
  34. PokerBadFinish      @c^I^mERROR!  Conflicting results finishing Poker game #^l@1^m!!^A @cThe game has been cleared and your CyberCash total restored.@cPlease inform Sysop immediately!!^A @c
  35. PokerWinAmount      ^kYou win ^o@1^k CyberDollar@2!@c
  36. PokerYouLose        ^mSorry, you didn't win!  Better luck next time!@c
  37. PokerTooBroke       @c^mYou are too broke to play in Poker game #^l@1^m!  You will still be able@cto watch proceedings, but you will not be dealt a hand.
  38. PokerGameStarted    ^I^pPoker game #^k@1^p has started!^A@s
  39. PokerTooManyPeople  @c^mThere are too many people playing in Poker game #^l@1^m right now!@c
  40. PokerCantFindPlyr   @c^I^mCan't find your player record in Poker!!^A @cPlease inform Sysop about this error!@c
  41. PokerNameLHighCard  ^pHigh Card (^k@1^p).
  42. PokerNameLOnePair   ^pA pair of ^k@1^p.
  43. PokerNameLTwoPair   ^pTwo pair, ^k@1^p and ^k@2^p!
  44. PokerNameL3Kind     ^pThree ^k@1^p!!
  45. PokerNameLStraight  ^I^pA straight (^k@1^p high)!!!^A@s
  46. PokerNameLFlush     ^I^pA flush in ^k@1^p (^k@2^p high)!!!!^A@s
  47. PokerNameLFHouse    ^I^pA full house, ^k@1^p over ^k@2^p!!!!!^A@s
  48. PokerNameL4Kind     ^I^pFour ^k@1^p!!!!!!^A@s
  49. PokerNameLStrFlush  ^I^pA straight flush in ^k@1^p (^k@2^p high)!!!!!!!!^A@s
  50. PokerNameLRoyFlush  ^I^pA ROYAL FLUSH IN ^k@1^p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^A@s
  51. PokerNameSHighCard  ^k@1^p High
  52. PokerNameSOnePair   ^pPair of ^k@1
  53. PokerNameSTwoPair   ^pTwo Pair (^k@1^p & ^k@2^p)
  54. PokerNameS3Kind     ^pThree ^k@1
  55. PokerNameSStraight  ^k@1^p High Straight
  56. PokerNameSFlush     ^pFlush (^k@1^p, ^k@2^p High)
  57. PokerNameSFHouse    ^pFull House (^k@1^p/^k@2^p)
  58. PokerNameS4Kind     ^pFour ^k@1
  59. PokerNameSStrFlush  ^pStraight Flush (^k@1^p, ^k@2^p High)
  60. PokerNameSRoyFlush  ^I^oROYAL^A^p Flush (^k@1^p)
  61. PokerYourHand       @c^nYour Hand:@c
  62. PokerDispHandPref
  63. PokerDispCardPref   ^H
  64. CardShrtColour1     ^a
  65. CardShrtColour2     ^a
  66. CardShrtColour3     ^m
  67. CardShrtColour4     ^m
  68. CardShrtSngValue1   A
  69. CardShrtSngValue2   2
  70. CardShrtSngValue3   3
  71. CardShrtSngValue4   4
  72. CardShrtSngValue5   5
  73. CardShrtSngValue6   6
  74. CardShrtSngValue7   7
  75. CardShrtSngValue8   8
  76. CardShrtSngValue9   9
  77. CardShrtSngValue10  T
  78. CardShrtSngValue11  J
  79. CardShrtSngValue12  Q
  80. CardShrtSngValue13  K
  81. CardShrtSngValue14  A
  82. CardShrtSngValue15  O
  83. CardShrtPluValue1   As
  84. CardShrtPluValue2   2s
  85. CardShrtPluValue3   3s
  86. CardShrtPluValue4   4s
  87. CardShrtPluValue5   5s
  88. CardShrtPluValue6   6s
  89. CardShrtPluValue7   7s
  90. CardShrtPluValue8   8s
  91. CardShrtPluValue9   9s
  92. CardShrtPluValue10  Ts
  93. CardShrtPluValue11  Js
  94. CardShrtPluValue12  Qs
  95. CardShrtPluValue13  Ks
  96. CardShrtPluValue14  As
  97. CardShrtPluValue15  Os
  98. CardShrtSngSuitA1   S
  99. CardShrtSngSuitA2   C
  100. CardShrtSngSuitA3   H
  101. CardShrtSngSuitA4   D
  102. CardShrtPluSuitA1   Ss
  103. CardShrtPluSuitA2   Cs
  104. CardShrtPluSuitA3   Hs
  105. CardShrtPluSuitA4   Ds
  106. CardShrtSngSuitI1   @x006
  107. CardShrtSngSuitI2   @x005
  108. CardShrtSngSuitI3   @x003
  109. CardShrtSngSuitI4   @x004
  110. CardShrtPluSuitI1   @x006s
  111. CardShrtPluSuitI2   @x005s
  112. CardShrtPluSuitI3   @x003s
  113. CardShrtPluSuitI4   @x004s
  114. PokerDispCardSuf    ^A@s
  115. PokerDispHandSuf    @b
  116. PokerHandPrefix     @c
  117. PokerHandSuffix     @c
  118. CardLongSngValue1   Ace
  119. CardLongSngValue2   Two
  120. CardLongSngValue3   Three
  121. CardLongSngValue4   Four
  122. CardLongSngValue5   Five
  123. CardLongSngValue6   Six
  124. CardLongSngValue7   Seven
  125. CardLongSngValue8   Eight
  126. CardLongSngValue9   Nine
  127. CardLongSngValue10  Ten
  128. CardLongSngValue11  Jack
  129. CardLongSngValue12  Queen
  130. CardLongSngValue13  King
  131. CardLongSngValue14  Ace
  132. CardLongSngValue15  Joker
  133. CardLongSngSuit1    Spade
  134. CardLongSngSuit2    Club
  135. CardLongSngSuit3    Heart
  136. CardLongSngSuit4    Diamond
  137. CardLongPluValue1   Aces
  138. CardLongPluValue2   Twos
  139. CardLongPluValue3   Threes
  140. CardLongPluValue4   Fours
  141. CardLongPluValue5   Fives
  142. CardLongPluValue6   Sixes
  143. CardLongPluValue7   Sevens
  144. CardLongPluValue8   Eights
  145. CardLongPluValue9   Nines
  146. CardLongPluValue10  Tens
  147. CardLongPluValue11  Jacks
  148. CardLongPluValue12  Queens
  149. CardLongPluValue13  Kings
  150. CardLongPluValue14  Aces
  151. CardLongPluValue15  Jokers
  152. CardLongSngSuit1    Spade
  153. CardLongSngSuit2    Club
  154. CardLongSngSuit3    Heart
  155. CardLongSngSuit4    Diamond
  156. CardLongPluSuit1    Spades
  157. CardLongPluSuit2    Clubs
  158. CardLongPluSuit3    Hearts
  159. CardLongPluSuit4    Diamonds
  160. PokerDiscSingular
  161. PokerDiscPlural     s
  162. PokerGameEnded      @c^lPoker^p game #^k@1^p has ended!@c
  163. PokerHandsWere      @c^nThe hands were:@c
  164. ;
  165. ; Other more complex EndHandDisp stuff goes here once I figure out how
  166. ; to make it easily configurable.
  167. ;
  168. PokerPotWas         @c^oThe pot was ^l@1^o CyberDollar@2.@c
  169. PokerMsgYourTurn    @b^pIt is your turn to ^l@1^p in Poker game #^k@2^p!
  170. Bet                 bet
  171. Discard             discard
  172. CmdsPoker           POKER
  173. CmdsSlots           SLOTS SLOT
  174. CmdsMatch           MATCH
  175. CmdsMatchShow       SHOW DISPLAY
  176. CmdsMatchStart      START BEGIN
  177. MatchNotEnoughCash  @c^mNot enough cash!  MatchGame requires ^l@1^m CyberDollars to play, and you only have ^l@2^m!@c
  178. MatchNewGame        @c@c^J^pA new MatchGame has begun!!^A^p
  179. MatchGameAlreadyOn  @c^mGame already underway!@c
  180. MatchGameNotOn      @c^mGame not in progress!@c
  181. MatchAlreadyPicked  @c^I^mAlready picked that number!@c
  182. MatchDispSep        @c@c
  183. MatchDispPicked     @1@2.02^A
  184. MatchDispUnPicked   ^g-^l@2.02^g-
  185. MatchDispBoardEnd   @c@c
  186. MatchWin            ^I^kYou win ^p@1^k CyberDollars!!!@c@c
  187. MatchLose            ^mSorry, you lost ^l@1^m CyberDollars.@c@c