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C/C++ Source or Header
218 lines
/* antlrx.h
* Define the generic ANTLRParser superclass, which is subclassed to
* define an actual parser.
* Before entry into this file: TokenType must be set.
* ast stuff has not been converted to c++ and will not even compile
* due to stuff in this file.
* We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
* Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
* company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
* PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
* PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
* We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
* that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
* we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
* programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
* acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
* etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
* output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
* addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
* As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
* this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
* completed.
* ANTLR 1.20
* Terence Parr
* Purdue University
* With AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
* 1989-1994
#ifndef ANTLRX_H
#define ANTLRX_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "AToken.h"
#include "ATokenStream.h"
#ifndef ZZINF_LOOK
#define ZZINF_LOOK
/* define usable bits SetWordType */
typedef unsigned char SetWordType;
#define WORDSIZE (sizeof(SetWordType)*8)
/* s y n t a c t i c p r e d i c a t e s t u f f */
typedef struct _zzjmp_buf {
jmp_buf state;
} zzjmp_buf;
/* these need to be macros not member functions */
#define zzGUESS_BLOCK ANTLRParserState zzst; int zzrv;
#define zzNON_GUESS_MODE if ( !guessing )
#define zzGUESS_FAIL guess_fail()
#define zzGUESS_DONE guess_done(&zzst);
#define zzGUESS saveState(&zzst); \
guessing = 1; \
zzrv = setjmp(guess_start.state);
/* a n t l r p a r s e r d e f */
struct ANTLRParserState {
/* class variables */
ANTLRTokenStream *lexer; //place to get tokens
zzjmp_buf guess_start;
int guessing;
int inf_lap;
int inf_labase;
int inf_last;
int dirty;
TokenType *token_type; // fast reference cache of token.type()
ANTLRTokenBase **token; // the token with all its attributes
int lap;
int labase;
/* notes:
* multiple inheritance is a cool way to include what stuff is needed
* in this structure (like guess stuff). however, i'm not convinced that
* multiple inheritance works correctly on all platforms. not that
* much space is used--just include all possibly useful members.
* the class should also be a template with arguments for the lookahead
* depth and so on. that way, more than one parser can be defined (as
* each will probably have different lookahead requirements). however,
* am i sure that templates work? no, i'm not sure.
* no attributes are maintained and, hence, the 'asp' variable is not
* needed. $i can still be referenced, but it refers to the token
* associated with that rule element. question: where are the token's
* stored if not on the software stack? in local variables created
* and assigned to by antlr. they are pointers actually to the tokens
* sitting in parser.token[i].
class ANTLRParser {
/* class variables */
static SetWordType bitmask[sizeof(SetWordType)*8];
int LLk; // number of lookahead symbols (old LL_K)
int demand_look;
TokenType eofToken; // when do I stop during resynch()s
int bsetsize; // size of bitsets created by ANTLR in
// units of SetWordType
ANTLRTokenStream *lexer; //place to get input tokens
zzjmp_buf guess_start; // where to jump back to upon failure
int guessing; // if guessing (using (...)? predicate)
// infinite lookahead stuff
int can_use_inf_look; // set by subclass (generated by ANTLR)
int inf_lap;
int inf_labase;
int inf_last;
ANTLRTokenBase **inf_token;
int *_inf_line;
ANTLRChar **token_tbl; // pointer to table of token type strings
int dirty; // used during demand lookahead
TokenType *token_type; // fast reference cache of token.getType()
ANTLRTokenBase **token; // the token with all its attributes
int lap;
int labase;
void fill_inf_look();
int inf_LA_valid(unsigned i) { return (((inf_labase+i-1)-LLk+1) <= inf_last); }
int inf_LA(unsigned i) { return inf_token[(inf_labase+i-1)-LLk+1]->getType(); }
inline inf_line(unsigned i) { return _inf_line[(inf_labase+i-1)-LLk+1]; }
void guess_fail() { longjmp(guess_start.state, 1); }
void guess_done(ANTLRParserState *st){ restoreState(st); }
int guess(ANTLRParserState *);
void look(int);
ANTLRTokenBase *inf_gettok();
int _match(TokenType, ANTLRChar **, TokenType *, ANTLRTokenBase **, SetWordType **);
virtual void consume();
void resynch(SetWordType *wd,SetWordType mask);
void prime_lookahead();
virtual void tracein(ANTLRChar *r)
fprintf(stderr, "enter rule \"%s\"\n", r);
virtual void traceout(ANTLRChar *r)
fprintf(stderr, "exit rule \"%s\"\n", r);
unsigned MODWORD(unsigned x) {return x & (WORDSIZE-1);} // x % WORDSIZE
unsigned DIVWORD(unsigned x) {return x >> LOGWORDSIZE;} // x / WORDSIZE
int set_deg(SetWordType *);
int set_el(TokenType, SetWordType *);
void edecode(SetWordType *);
void FAIL(int k, ...);
ANTLRParser(ANTLRTokenStream *,
int k=1,
int use_inf_look=0,
int demand_look=0,
int bsetsize=1);
virtual ~ANTLRParser();
inline TokenType LA(int);
inline ANTLRTokenBase *LT(int);
void setEofToken(TokenType t) { eofToken = t; }
void syn(ANTLRTokenBase *tok, ANTLRChar *egroup,
SetWordType *eset, TokenType etok, int k);
void saveState(ANTLRParserState *);
void restoreState(ANTLRParserState *);
void ANTLRPanic(ANTLRChar *msg);
static ANTLRChar *eMsgd(ANTLRChar *,int);
static ANTLRChar *eMsg(ANTLRChar *,ANTLRChar *);
static ANTLRChar *eMsg2(ANTLRChar *,ANTLRChar *,ANTLRChar *);
#define zzmatch(_t) \
if ( !_match((TokenType)_t, &zzMissText, &zzMissTok, &zzBadTok, &zzMissSet) ) goto fail;
#ifndef zzfailed_pred
#define zzfailed_pred(_p) \
zzNON_GUESS_MODE { fprintf(stderr, "semantic error; failed predicate: '%s'\n",_p) }
#define zzRULE SetWordType *zzMissSet=NULL; TokenType zzMissTok=(TokenType)0; \
ANTLRTokenBase *zzBadTok; ANTLRChar *zzBadText=""; \
int zzErrk=1; \
ANTLRChar *zzMissText="";