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Text File  |  2001-01-10  |  125KB  |  1,987 lines

  3.                   Operating System/2 API Trace Supported APIs
  5.   The following table shows all of the supported OS/2 APIs,  in alphabetical
  6.   order,  along with their OS/2 DLL,  trace API group (if any),  and minimum
  7.   required version of 32-bit OS/2:
  9.                                                   API
  10.   API                               | DLL      | Group | Version
  11.   ----------------------------------+----------+-------+--------
  12.   Ddf32BeginList                    | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  13.   Ddf32Bitmap                       | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  14.   Ddf32EndList                      | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  15.   Ddf32HyperText                    | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  16.   Ddf32Inform                       | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  17.   Ddf32Initialize                   | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  18.   Ddf32ListItem                     | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  19.   Ddf32Metafile                     | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  20.   Ddf32Para                         | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  21.   Ddf32SetColor                     | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  22.   Ddf32SetFont                      | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  23.   Ddf32SetFontStyle                 | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  24.   Ddf32SetFormat                    | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  25.   Ddf32SetTextAlign                 | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  26.   Ddf32Text                         | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  27.   Dev16CloseDC                      | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  28.   Dev16Escape                       | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  29.   Dev16OpenDC                       | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  30.   Dev16PostDeviceModes              | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  31.   Dev16QueryCaps                    | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  32.   Dev16QueryDeviceNames             | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  33.   Dev16QueryHardcopyCaps            | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  34.   Dev16StdOpen                      | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.10
  35.   Dev32CloseDC                      | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  36.   Dev32Escape                       | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  37.   Dev32OpenDC                       | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  38.   Dev32PostDeviceModes              | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  39.   Dev32PostEscape                   | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.40
  40.   Dev32QueryCaps                    | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  41.   Dev32QueryDeviceNames             | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  42.   Dev32QueryHardcopyCaps            | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.00
  43.   Dev32StdOpen                      | PMGPI    | DEV   | 2.10
  44.   Dos16AcquireSpinLock              | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  45.   Dos16AllocHuge                    | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  46.   Dos16AllocSeg                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  47.   Dos16AllocShrSeg                  | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  48.   Dos16Beep                         | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  49.   Dos16BufReset                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  50.   Dos16Callback                     | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  51.   Dos16CallNmPipe                   | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  52.   Dos16CaseMap                      | NLS      |       | 2.00
  53.   Dos16ChDir                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  54.   Dos16ChgFilePtr                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  55.   Dos16CLIAccess                    | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  56.   Dos16Close                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  57.   Dos16CloseQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  58.   Dos16CloseSem                     | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  59.   Dos16CloseVDD                     | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  60.   Dos16ConnectNmPipe                | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  61.   Dos16Copy                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  62.   Dos16CreateCSAlias                | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  63.   Dos16CreateQueue                  | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  64.   Dos16CreateSem                    | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  65.   Dos16CreateSpinLock               | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  66.   Dos16CreateThread                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  67.   Dos16Cwait                        | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  68.   Dos16Delete                       | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  69.   Dos16DevConfig                    | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  70.   Dos16DevIOCtl                     | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  71.   Dos16DevIOCtl2                    | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  72.   Dos16DisConnectNmPipe             | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  73.   Dos16DupHandle                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  74.   Dos16DynamicTrace                 | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  75.   Dos16EditName                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  76.   Dos16EnterCritSec                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  77.   Dos16EnumAttribute                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  78.   Dos16ErrClass                     | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  79.   Dos16Error                        | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  80.   Dos16ExecPgm                      | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  81.   Dos16Exit                         | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  82.   Dos16ExitCritSec                  | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  83.   Dos16ExitList                     | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  84.   Dos16FileIO                       | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  85.   Dos16FileLocks                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  86.   Dos16FindClose                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  87.   Dos16FindFirst                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  88.   Dos16FindFirst2                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  89.   Dos16FindNext                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  90.   Dos16FlagProcess                  | DOSCALLS | SIG   | 2.00
  91.   Dos16ForceDelete                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  92.   Dos16FreeModule                   | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  93.   Dos16FreeResource                 | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  94.   Dos16FreeSeg                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  95.   Dos16FreeSpinLock                 | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  96.   Dos16FSAttach                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  97.   Dos16FSCtl                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  98.   Dos16FSRamSemClear                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  99.   Dos16FSRamSemClear2               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.45*
  100.   Dos16FSRamSemRequest              | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  101.   Dos16FSRamSemRequest2             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.45*
  102.   Dos16GetCollate                   | NLS      |       | 2.00
  103.   Dos16GetCp                        | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  104.   Dos16GetCtryInfo                  | NLS      |       | 2.00
  105.   Dos16GetDateTime                  | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  106.   Dos16GetDBCSEv                    | NLS      |       | 2.00
  107.   Dos16GetEnv                       | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  108.   Dos16GetHugeShift                 | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  109.   Dos16GetInfoSeg                   | DOSCALLS | INFO  | 2.00
  110.   Dos16GetMachineMode               | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  111.   Dos16GetMessage                   | MSG      |       | 2.00
  112.   Dos16GetModHandle                 | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  113.   Dos16GetModName                   | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  114.   Dos16GetPID                       | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  115.   Dos16GetPPID                      | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  116.   Dos16GetProcAddr                  | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  117.   Dos16GetPrty                      | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  118.   Dos16GetResource                  | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  119.   Dos16GetResource2                 | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  120.   Dos16GetSeg                       | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  121.   Dos16GetShrSeg                    | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  122.   Dos16GetVersion                   | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  123.   Dos16GiveSeg                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  124.   Dos16HoldSignal                   | DOSCALLS | SIG   | 2.00
  125.   Dos16InsMessage                   | MSG      |       | 2.00
  126.   Dos16KillProcess                  | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  127.   Dos16LoadModule                   | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  128.   Dos16LockSeg                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  129.   Dos16MakeNmPipe                   | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  130.   Dos16MakePipe                     | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  131.   Dos16MemAvail                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  132.   Dos16MkDir                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  133.   Dos16MkDir2                       | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  134.   Dos16MonClose                     | MONCALLS |       | 2.00
  135.   Dos16MonOpen                      | MONCALLS |       | 2.00
  136.   Dos16MonRead                      | MONCALLS |       | 2.00
  137.   Dos16MonReg                       | MONCALLS |       | 2.00
  138.   Dos16MonWrite                     | MONCALLS |       | 2.00
  139.   Dos16Move                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  140.   Dos16MuxSemWait                   | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  141.   Dos16NewSize                      | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  142.   Dos16Open                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  143.   Dos16Open2                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  144.   Dos16OpenQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  145.   Dos16OpenSem                      | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  146.   Dos16OpenVDD                      | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  147.   Dos16PeekNmPipe                   | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  148.   Dos16PeekQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  149.   Dos16PhysicalDisk                 | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  150.   Dos16PortAccess                   | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  151.   Dos16PrintDestAdd                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  152.   Dos16PrintDestControl             | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  153.   Dos16PrintDestDel                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  154.   Dos16PrintDestEnum                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  155.   Dos16PrintDestGetInfo             | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  156.   Dos16PrintDestSetInfo             | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  157.   Dos16PrintDriverEnum              | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  158.   Dos16PrintJobContinue             | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  159.   Dos16PrintJobDel                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  160.   Dos16PrintJobEnum                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  161.   Dos16PrintJobGetId                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  162.   Dos16PrintJobGetInfo              | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  163.   Dos16PrintJobPause                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  164.   Dos16PrintJobSetInfo              | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  165.   Dos16PrintPortEnum                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  166.   Dos16PrintQAdd                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  167.   Dos16PrintQContinue               | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  168.   Dos16PrintQDel                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  169.   Dos16PrintQEnum                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  170.   Dos16PrintQGetInfo                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  171.   Dos16PrintQPause                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  172.   Dos16PrintQProcessorEnum          | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  173.   Dos16PrintQPurge                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  174.   Dos16PrintQSetInfo                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  175.   Dos16ProtectChgFilePtr            | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  176.   Dos16ProtectClose                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  177.   Dos16ProtectEnumAttribute         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  178.   Dos16ProtectFileIO                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  179.   Dos16ProtectFileLocks             | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  180.   Dos16ProtectNewSize               | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  181.   Dos16ProtectOpen                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  182.   Dos16ProtectQFHandState           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  183.   Dos16ProtectQFileInfo             | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  184.   Dos16ProtectSetFHandState         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  185.   Dos16ProtectSetFileInfo           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.30
  186.   Dos16Ptrace                       | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  187.   Dos16PurgeQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  188.   Dos16PutMessage                   | MSG      |       | 2.00
  189.   Dos16QAppType                     | DOSCALLS | SES   | 2.00
  190.   Dos16QCurDir                      | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  191.   Dos16QCurDisk                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  192.   Dos16QFHandState                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  193.   Dos16QFileInfo                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  194.   Dos16QFileMode                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  195.   Dos16QFSAttach                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  196.   Dos16QFSInfo                      | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  197.   Dos16QHandType                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  198.   Dos16QNmPHandState                | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  199.   Dos16QNmPipeInfo                  | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  200.   Dos16QNmPipeSemState              | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  201.   Dos16QPathInfo                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  202.   Dos16QSysInfo                     | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  203.   Dos16QueryDOSProperty             | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  204.   Dos16QueryExtLIBPATH              | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.30
  205.   Dos16QueryModFromCS               | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.10
  206.   Dos16QueryProcType                | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  207.   Dos16QueryQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  208.   Dos16QueryResourceSize            | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  209.   Dos16QVerify                      | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  210.   Dos16R2StackRealloc               | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  211.   Dos16RawReadNmPipe                | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  212.   Dos16RawWriteNmPipe               | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  213.   Dos16Read                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  214.   Dos16ReadAsync                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  215.   Dos16ReadQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  216.   Dos16ReallocHuge                  | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  217.   Dos16ReallocSeg                   | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  218.   Dos16RegisterPerfCtrs             | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  219.   Dos16ReleaseSpinLock              | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  220.   Dos16RequestVDD                   | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  221.   Dos16ResumeThread                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  222.   Dos16RmDir                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  223.   Dos16ScanEnv                      | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  224.   Dos16SearchPath                   | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  225.   Dos16SelectDisk                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  226.   Dos16SelectSession                | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  227.   Dos16SemClear                     | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  228.   Dos16SemRequest                   | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  229.   Dos16SemSet                       | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  230.   Dos16SemSetWait                   | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  231.   Dos16SemWait                      | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  232.   Dos16SendSignal                   | DOSCALLS | SIG   | 2.00
  233.   Dos16SetCp                        | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  234.   Dos16SetDateTime                  | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  235.   Dos16SetDOSProperty               | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  236.   Dos16SetExtLIBPATH                | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.30
  237.   Dos16SetFHandState                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  238.   Dos16SetFileInfo                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  239.   Dos16SetFileMode                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  240.   Dos16SetFSInfo                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  241.   Dos16SetMaxFH                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  242.   Dos16SetNmPHandState              | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  243.   Dos16SetNmPipeSem                 | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  244.   Dos16SetPathInfo                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  245.   Dos16SetProcCp                    | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  246.   Dos16SetPrty                      | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  247.   Dos16SetSession                   | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  248.   Dos16SetSigHandler                | DOSCALLS | SIG   | 2.00
  249.   Dos16SetVec                       | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  250.   Dos16SetVerify                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  251.   Dos16Shutdown                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  252.   Dos16SizeSeg                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  253.   Dos16Sleep                        | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  254.   Dos16SMRegisterDD                 | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  255.   Dos16StartSession                 | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  256.   Dos16StopSession                  | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  257.   Dos16SubAlloc                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  258.   Dos16SubFree                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  259.   Dos16SubSet                       | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  260.   Dos16SuspendThread                | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  261.   Dos16SystemService                | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  262.   Dos16SysTrace                     | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  263.   Dos16TimerAsync                   | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  264.   Dos16TimerStart                   | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  265.   Dos16TimerStop                    | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  266.   Dos16TmrQueryFreq                 | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  267.   Dos16TmrQueryTime                 | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  268.   Dos16TransactNmPipe               | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  269.   Dos16UnlockSeg                    | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  270.   Dos16WaitNmPipe                   | NAMPIPES |       | 2.00
  271.   Dos16Write                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  272.   Dos16WriteAsync                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  273.   Dos16WriteQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  274.   Dos32AcknowledgeSignalException   | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  275.   Dos32AcquireSpinLock              | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  276.   Dos32AddMuxWaitSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  277.   Dos32AliasMem                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  278.   Dos32AliasPerfCtrs                | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  279.   Dos32AllocMem                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  280.   Dos32AllocSharedMem               | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  281.   Dos32AllocThreadLocalMemory       | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.30
  282.   Dos32AsyncTimer                   | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  283.   Dos32Beep                         | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  284.   Dos32CallNPipe                    | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  285.   Dos32CancelLockRequest            | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  286.   Dos32CancelLockRequestL           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  287.   Dos32Close                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  288.   Dos32CloseEventSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  289.   Dos32CloseMutexSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  290.   Dos32CloseMuxWaitSem              | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  291.   Dos32CloseQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  292.   Dos32CloseVDD                     | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  293.   Dos32ConfigurePerf                | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  294.   Dos32ConnectNPipe                 | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  295.   Dos32Copy                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  296.   Dos32CreateDir                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  297.   Dos32CreateEventSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  298.   Dos32CreateMutexSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  299.   Dos32CreateMuxWaitSem             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  300.   Dos32CreateNPipe                  | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  301.   Dos32CreatePipe                   | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  302.   Dos32CreateQueue                  | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  303.   Dos32CreateSpinLock               | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  304.   Dos32CreateThread                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  305.   Dos32CreateThread2                | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.45
  306.   Dos32Debug                        | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  307.   Dos32DeconPerf                    | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  308.   Dos32Delete                       | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  309.   Dos32DeleteDir                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  310.   Dos32DeleteMuxWaitSem             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  311.   Dos32DevConfig                    | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  312.   Dos32DevIOCtl                     | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  313.   Dos32DisConnectNPipe              | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  314.   Dos32DumpProcess                  | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.10
  315.   Dos32DupHandle                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  316.   Dos32DynamicTrace                 | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  317.   Dos32EditName                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  318.   Dos32EnterCritSec                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  319.   Dos32EnterMustComplete            | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  320.   Dos32EnumAttribute                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  321.   Dos32ErrClass                     | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  322.   Dos32Error                        | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  323.   Dos32ExecPgm                      | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  324.   Dos32Exit                         | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  325.   Dos32ExitCritSec                  | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  326.   Dos32ExitList                     | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  327.   Dos32ExitMustComplete             | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  328.   Dos32FindClose                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  329.   Dos32FindFirst                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  330.   Dos32FindNext                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  331.   Dos32ForceDelete                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  332.   Dos32FreeMem                      | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  333.   Dos32FreeModule                   | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  334.   Dos32FreeResource                 | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  335.   Dos32FreeSpinLock                 | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  336.   Dos32FreeThreadLocalMemory        | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.30
  337.   Dos32FSAttach                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  338.   Dos32FSCtl                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  339.   Dos32GetDateTime                  | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  340.   Dos32GetInfoBlocks                | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  341.   Dos32GetMessage                   | MSG      |       | 2.00
  342.   Dos32GetNamedSharedMem            | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  343.   Dos32GetProcessorStatus           | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  344.   Dos32GetResource                  | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  345.   Dos32GetSharedMem                 | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  346.   Dos32GiveSharedMem                | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  347.   Dos32InsertMessage                | MSG      |       | 2.00
  348.   Dos32KillProcess                  | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  349.   Dos32KillThread                   | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  350.   Dos32ListIO                       | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  351.   Dos32ListIOL                      | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  352.   Dos32LoadModule                   | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  353.   Dos32MapCase                      | NLS      |       | 2.00
  354.   Dos32Move                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  355.   Dos32Open                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  356.   Dos32OpenL                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  357.   Dos32OpenEventSem                 | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  358.   Dos32OpenMutexSem                 | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  359.   Dos32OpenMuxWaitSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  360.   Dos32OpenQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  361.   Dos32OpenVDD                      | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  362.   Dos32PeekNPipe                    | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  363.   Dos32PeekQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  364.   Dos32PerfSysCall                  | DOSCALLS | SMP   | 2.40
  365.   Dos32PhysicalDisk                 | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.00
  366.   Dos32PMPostEventSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.30
  367.   Dos32PMR3PostEventSem             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.45
  368.   Dos32PMRequestMutexSem            | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.30
  369.   Dos32PMWaitEventSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.30
  370.   Dos32PMR3WaitEventSem             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.45
  371.   Dos32PMWaitMuxWaitSem             | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.30
  372.   Dos32PostEventSem                 | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  373.   Dos32Profile                      | DOSCALLS | PROF  | 2.00
  374.   Dos32ProtectClose                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  375.   Dos32ProtectEnumAttribute         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  376.   Dos32ProtectOpen                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  377.   Dos32ProtectOpenL                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  378.   Dos32ProtectQueryFHState          | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  379.   Dos32ProtectQueryFileInfo         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  380.   Dos32ProtectRead                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  381.   Dos32ProtectSetFHState            | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  382.   Dos32ProtectSetFileInfo           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  383.   Dos32ProtectSetFileLocks          | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  384.   Dos32ProtectSetFileLocksL         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  385.   Dos32ProtectSetFilePtr            | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  386.   Dos32ProtectSetFilePtrL           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  387.   Dos32ProtectSetFileSize           | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  388.   Dos32ProtectSetFileSizeL          | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  389.   Dos32ProtectWrite                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.10
  390.   Dos32PurgeQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  391.   Dos32PutMessage                   | MSG      |       | 2.00
  392.   Dos32QueryABIOSSupport            | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.10
  393.   Dos32QueryAppType                 | DOSCALLS | SES   | 2.00
  394.   Dos32QueryCollate                 | NLS      |       | 2.00
  395.   Dos32QueryCp                      | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  396.   Dos32QueryCtryInfo                | NLS      |       | 2.00
  397.   Dos32QueryCurrentDir              | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  398.   Dos32QueryCurrentDisk             | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  399.   Dos32QueryDBCSEnv                 | NLS      |       | 2.00
  400.   Dos32QueryDOSProperty             | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  401.   Dos32QueryEventSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  402.   Dos32QueryExtLIBPATH              | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.30
  403.   Dos32QueryFHState                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  404.   Dos32QueryFileInfo                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  405.   Dos32QueryFSAttach                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  406.   Dos32QueryFSInfo                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  407.   Dos32QueryHType                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  408.   Dos32QueryMem                     | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  409.   Dos32QueryMemState                | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  410.   Dos32QueryMessageCP               | MSG      |       | 2.00
  411.   Dos32QueryModFromEIP              | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.10
  412.   Dos32QueryModuleHandle            | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  413.   Dos32QueryModuleName              | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  414.   Dos32QueryMutexSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  415.   Dos32QueryMuxWaitSem              | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  416.   Dos32QueryNPHState                | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  417.   Dos32QueryNPipeInfo               | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  418.   Dos32QueryNPipeSemState           | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  419.   Dos32QueryPathInfo                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  420.   Dos32QueryProcAddr                | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  421.   Dos32QueryProcType                | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  422.   Dos32QueryQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  423.   Dos32QueryRASInfo                 | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  424.   Dos32QueryResourceSize            | DOSCALLS | RES   | 2.00
  425.   Dos32QuerySysInfo                 | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  426.   Dos32QuerySysState                | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  427.   Dos32QueryThreadAffinity          | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.45
  428.   Dos32QueryThreadContext           | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.40
  429.   Dos32QueryVerify                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  430.   Dos32RaiseException               | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  431.   Dos32RawReadNPipe                 | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  432.   Dos32RawWriteNPipe                | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  433.   Dos32Read                         | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  434.   Dos32ReadQueue                    | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  435.   Dos32RegisterPerfCtrs             | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  436.   Dos32ReleaseMutexSem              | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  437.   Dos32ReleaseSpinLock              | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  438.   Dos32ReplaceModule                | DOSCALLS | MOD   | 2.00
  439.   Dos32RequestMutexSem              | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  440.   Dos32RequestVDD                   | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  441.   Dos32ResetBuffer                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  442.   Dos32ResetEventSem                | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  443.   Dos32ResumeThread                 | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  444.   Dos32ScanEnv                      | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  445.   Dos32SearchPath                   | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.00
  446.   Dos32SelectSession                | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  447.   Dos32SendSignalException          | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  448.   Dos32SetCp                        | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  449.   Dos32SetCurrentDir                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  450.   Dos32SetDateTime                  | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  451.   Dos32SetDefaultDisk               | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  452.   Dos32SetDOSProperty               | DOSCALLS | MVDM  | 2.00
  453.   Dos32SetExceptionHandler          | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  454.   Dos32SetExtLIBPATH                | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.30
  455.   Dos32SetFHState                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  456.   Dos32SetFileInfo                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  457.   Dos32SetFileLocks                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  458.   Dos32SetFileLocksL                | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  459.   Dos32SetFilePtr                   | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  460.   Dos32SetFilePtrL                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  461.   Dos32SetFileSize                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  462.   Dos32SetFileSizeL                 | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.45
  463.   Dos32SetFSInfo                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  464.   Dos32SetMaxFH                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  465.   Dos32SetMem                       | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  466.   Dos32SetNPHState                  | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  467.   Dos32SetNPipeSem                  | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  468.   Dos32SetPathInfo                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  469.   Dos32SetPriority                  | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  470.   Dos32SetProcessCp                 | DOSCALLS | NLS   | 2.00
  471.   Dos32SetProcessorStatus           | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  472.   Dos32SetRelMaxFH                  | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  473.   Dos32SetSession                   | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  474.   Dos32SetSignalExceptionFocus      | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  475.   Dos32SetThreadAffinity            | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.45
  476.   Dos32SetVerify                    | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  477.   Dos32Shutdown                     | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  478.   Dos32Sleep                        | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  479.   Dos32StartSession                 | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  480.   Dos32StartTimer                   | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  481.   Dos32StopSession                  | SESMGR   |       | 2.00
  482.   Dos32StopTimer                    | DOSCALLS | TIME  | 2.00
  483.   Dos32SubAllocMem                  | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  484.   Dos32SubFreeMem                   | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  485.   Dos32SubSetMem                    | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  486.   Dos32SubUnsetMem                  | DOSCALLS | MEM   | 2.00
  487.   Dos32SuppressPopUps               | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.10
  488.   Dos32SuspendThread                | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  489.   Dos32SystemService                | DOSCALLS | DEV   | 2.45
  490.   Dos32TestPSD                      | DOSCALLS | SMP   | SMP
  491.   Dos32TmrQueryFreq                 | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  492.   Dos32TmrQueryTime                 | DOSCALLS | PRF   | 2.00
  493.   Dos32TransactNPipe                | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  494.   Dos32UnsetExceptionHandler        | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  495.   Dos32UnwindException              | DOSCALLS | XCPT  | 2.00
  496.   Dos32VerifyPidTid                 | DOSCALLS | MISC  | 2.30
  497.   Dos32WaitChild                    | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  498.   Dos32WaitEventSem                 | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  499.   Dos32WaitMuxWaitSem               | DOSCALLS | SEM   | 2.00
  500.   Dos32WaitNPipe                    | DOSCALLS | PIPE  | 2.00
  501.   Dos32WaitThread                   | DOSCALLS | PROC  | 2.00
  502.   Dos32Write                        | DOSCALLS | FILE  | 2.00
  503.   Dos32WriteQueue                   | QUECALLS |       | 2.00
  504.   Drg16AcceptDroppedFiles           | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  505.   Drg16AccessDraginfo               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  506.   Drg16AddStrHandle                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  507.   Drg16AllocDraginfo                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  508.   Drg16AllocDragtransfer            | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  509.   Drg16DeleteDraginfoStrHandles     | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  510.   Drg16DeleteStrHandle              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  511.   Drg16Drag                         | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  512.   Drg16DragFiles                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  513.   Drg16FreeDraginfo                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  514.   Drg16FreeDragtransfer             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  515.   Drg16GetPS                        | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  516.   Drg16PostTransferMsg              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  517.   Drg16PushDraginfo                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  518.   Drg16QueryDragitem                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  519.   Drg16QueryDragitemCount           | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  520.   Drg16QueryDragitemPtr             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  521.   Drg16QueryNativeRMF               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  522.   Drg16QueryNativeRMFLen            | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  523.   Drg16QueryStrName                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  524.   Drg16QueryStrNameLen              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  525.   Drg16QueryTrueType                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  526.   Drg16QueryTrueTypeLen             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  527.   Drg16ReleasePS                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  528.   Drg16SendTransferMsg              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  529.   Drg16SetDragImage                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  530.   Drg16SetDragitem                  | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  531.   Drg16SetDragPointer               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  532.   Drg16VerifyNativeRMF              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  533.   Drg16VerifyRMF                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  534.   Drg16VerifyTrueType               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  535.   Drg16VerifyType                   | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  536.   Drg16VerifyTypeSet                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  537.   Drg32AcceptDroppedFiles           | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  538.   Drg32AccessDraginfo               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  539.   Drg32AddStrHandle                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  540.   Drg32AllocDraginfo                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  541.   Drg32AllocDragtransfer            | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  542.   Drg32CancelLazyDrag               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  543.   Drg32DeleteDraginfoStrHandles     | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  544.   Drg32DeleteStrHandle              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  545.   Drg32Drag                         | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  546.   Drg32DragFiles                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  547.   Drg32FreeDraginfo                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  548.   Drg32FreeDragtransfer             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  549.   Drg32GetPS                        | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  550.   Drg32LazyDrag                     | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  551.   Drg32LazyDrop                     | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  552.   Drg32PostTransferMsg              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  553.   Drg32PushDraginfo                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  554.   Drg32QueryDraginfoPtr             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  555.   Drg32QueryDraginfoPtrFromDragitem | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  556.   Drg32QueryDraginfoPtrFromHwnd     | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  557.   Drg32QueryDragitem                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  558.   Drg32QueryDragitemCount           | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  559.   Drg32QueryDragitemPtr             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  560.   Drg32QueryDragStatus              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  561.   Drg32QueryFormat                  | PMDRAG   |       | 2.40
  562.   Drg32QueryNativeRMF               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  563.   Drg32QueryNativeRMFLen            | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  564.   Drg32QueryStrName                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  565.   Drg32QueryStrNameLen              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  566.   Drg32QueryTrueType                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  567.   Drg32QueryTrueTypeLen             | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  568.   Drg32ReallocDraginfo              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.30
  569.   Drg32ReleasePS                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  570.   Drg32SendTransferMsg              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  571.   Drg32SetDragImage                 | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  572.   Drg32SetDragitem                  | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  573.   Drg32SetDragPointer               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  574.   Drg32VerifyNativeRMF              | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  575.   Drg32VerifyRMF                    | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  576.   Drg32VerifyTrueType               | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  577.   Drg32VerifyType                   | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  578.   Drg32VerifyTypeSet                | PMDRAG   |       | 2.00
  579.   Gpi16AnimatePalette               | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  580.   Gpi16Associate                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  581.   Gpi16BeginArea                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  582.   Gpi16BeginElement                 | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  583.   Gpi16BeginPath                    | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  584.   Gpi16BitBlt                       | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  585.   Gpi16Box                          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  586.   Gpi16CallSegmentMatrix            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  587.   Gpi16CharString                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  588.   Gpi16CharStringAt                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  589.   Gpi16CharStringPos                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  590.   Gpi16CharStringPosAt              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  591.   Gpi16CloseFigure                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  592.   Gpi16CloseSegment                 | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  593.   Gpi16CombineRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  594.   Gpi16Comment                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  595.   Gpi16Convert                      | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  596.   Gpi16ConvertWithMatrix            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  597.   Gpi16CopyMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  598.   Gpi16CorrelateChain               | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  599.   Gpi16CorrelateFrom                | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  600.   Gpi16CorrelateSegment             | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  601.   Gpi16CreateBitmap                 | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  602.   Gpi16CreateLogColorTable          | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  603.   Gpi16CreateLogFont                | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  604.   Gpi16CreatePalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  605.   Gpi16CreatePS                     | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  606.   Gpi16CreateRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  607.   Gpi16DeleteBitmap                 | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  608.   Gpi16DeleteElement                | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  609.   Gpi16DeleteElementRange           | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  610.   Gpi16DeleteElementsBetweenLabels  | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  611.   Gpi16DeleteMetaFile               | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  612.   Gpi16DeletePalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  613.   Gpi16DeleteSegment                | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  614.   Gpi16DeleteSegments               | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  615.   Gpi16DeleteSetId                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  616.   Gpi16DestroyPS                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  617.   Gpi16DestroyRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  618.   Gpi16DrawBits                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  619.   Gpi16DrawChain                    | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  620.   Gpi16DrawDynamics                 | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  621.   Gpi16DrawFrom                     | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  622.   Gpi16DrawSegment                  | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  623.   Gpi16Element                      | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  624.   Gpi16EndArea                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  625.   Gpi16EndElement                   | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  626.   Gpi16EndPath                      | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  627.   Gpi16EqualRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  628.   Gpi16Erase                        | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  629.   Gpi16ErrorSegmentData             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  630.   Gpi16ExcludeClipRectangle         | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  631.   Gpi16FillPath                     | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  632.   Gpi16FloodFill                    | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  633.   Gpi16FrameRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  634.   Gpi16FullArc                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  635.   Gpi16GetData                      | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  636.   Gpi16Image                        | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  637.   Gpi16IntersectClipRectangle       | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  638.   Gpi16Label                        | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  639.   Gpi16Line                         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  640.   Gpi16LoadBitmap                   | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  641.   Gpi16LoadFonts                    | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  642.   Gpi16LoadMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  643.   Gpi16LoadPublicFonts              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  644.   Gpi16Marker                       | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  645.   Gpi16ModifyPath                   | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  646.   Gpi16Move                         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  647.   Gpi16OffsetClipRegion             | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  648.   Gpi16OffsetElementPointer         | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  649.   Gpi16OffsetRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  650.   Gpi16OpenSegment                  | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  651.   Gpi16OutlinePath                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  652.   Gpi16PaintRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  653.   Gpi16PartialArc                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  654.   Gpi16PathToRegion                 | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  655.   Gpi16PlayMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  656.   Gpi16PointArc                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  657.   Gpi16PolyFillet                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  658.   Gpi16PolyFilletSharp              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  659.   Gpi16PolyLine                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  660.   Gpi16PolyLineDisjoint             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  661.   Gpi16PolyMarker                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  662.   Gpi16PolySpline                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  663.   Gpi16Pop                          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  664.   Gpi16PtInRegion                   | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  665.   Gpi16PtVisible                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  666.   Gpi16PutData                      | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  667.   Gpi16QueryArcParams               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  668.   Gpi16QueryAttrMode                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  669.   Gpi16QueryAttrs                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  670.   Gpi16QueryBackColor               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  671.   Gpi16QueryBackMix                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  672.   Gpi16QueryBidiAttr                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  673.   Gpi16QueryBitmapBits              | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  674.   Gpi16QueryBitmapDimension         | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  675.   Gpi16QueryBitmapHandle            | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  676.   Gpi16QueryBitmapInfoHeader        | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  677.   Gpi16QueryBitmapParameters        | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  678.   Gpi16QueryBoundaryData            | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  679.   Gpi16QueryCharAngle               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  680.   Gpi16QueryCharBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  681.   Gpi16QueryCharBreakExtra          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  682.   Gpi16QueryCharDirection           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  683.   Gpi16QueryCharExtra               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  684.   Gpi16QueryCharMode                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  685.   Gpi16QueryCharSet                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  686.   Gpi16QueryCharShear               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  687.   Gpi16QueryCharStringPos           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  688.   Gpi16QueryCharStringPosAt         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  689.   Gpi16QueryClipBox                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  690.   Gpi16QueryClipRegion              | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  691.   Gpi16QueryColor                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  692.   Gpi16QueryColorData               | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  693.   Gpi16QueryColorIndex              | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  694.   Gpi16QueryCp                      | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  695.   Gpi16QueryCurrentPosition         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  696.   Gpi16QueryDefArcParams            | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  697.   Gpi16QueryDefAttrs                | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  698.   Gpi16QueryDefaultViewMatrix       | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  699.   Gpi16QueryDefCharBox              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  700.   Gpi16QueryDefTag                  | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  701.   Gpi16QueryDefViewingLimits        | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  702.   Gpi16QueryDevice                  | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  703.   Gpi16QueryDeviceBitmapFormats     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  704.   Gpi16QueryDrawControl             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  705.   Gpi16QueryDrawingMode             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  706.   Gpi16QueryEditMode                | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  707.   Gpi16QueryElement                 | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  708.   Gpi16QueryElementPointer          | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  709.   Gpi16QueryElementType             | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  710.   Gpi16QueryFaceString              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  711.   Gpi16QueryFontAction              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  712.   Gpi16QueryFontFileDescriptions    | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  713.   Gpi16QueryFontMetrics             | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  714.   Gpi16QueryFonts                   | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  715.   Gpi16QueryGraphicsField           | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  716.   Gpi16QueryInitialSegmentAttrs     | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  717.   Gpi16QueryKerningPairs            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  718.   Gpi16QueryLineEnd                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  719.   Gpi16QueryLineJoin                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  720.   Gpi16QueryLineType                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  721.   Gpi16QueryLineWidth               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  722.   Gpi16QueryLineWidthGeom           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  723.   Gpi16QueryLogColorTable           | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  724.   Gpi16QueryLogicalFont             | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  725.   Gpi16QueryMarker                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  726.   Gpi16QueryMarkerBox               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  727.   Gpi16QueryMarkerSet               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  728.   Gpi16QueryMetaFileBits            | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  729.   Gpi16QueryMetaFileLength          | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  730.   Gpi16QueryMix                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  731.   Gpi16QueryModelTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  732.   Gpi16QueryNearestColor            | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  733.   Gpi16QueryNumberSetIds            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  734.   Gpi16QueryPageViewport            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  735.   Gpi16QueryPalette                 | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  736.   Gpi16QueryPaletteInfo             | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  737.   Gpi16QueryPattern                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  738.   Gpi16QueryPatternRefPoint         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  739.   Gpi16QueryPatternSet              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  740.   Gpi16QueryPel                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  741.   Gpi16QueryPickAperturePosition    | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  742.   Gpi16QueryPickApertureSize        | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  743.   Gpi16QueryPS                      | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  744.   Gpi16QueryRealColors              | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  745.   Gpi16QueryRegionBox               | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  746.   Gpi16QueryRegionRects             | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  747.   Gpi16QueryRGBColor                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  748.   Gpi16QuerySegmentAttrs            | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  749.   Gpi16QuerySegmentNames            | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  750.   Gpi16QuerySegmentPriority         | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  751.   Gpi16QuerySegmentTransformMatrix  | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  752.   Gpi16QuerySetIds                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  753.   Gpi16QueryStopDraw                | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  754.   Gpi16QueryTag                     | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  755.   Gpi16QueryTextBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  756.   Gpi16QueryViewingLimits           | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  757.   Gpi16QueryViewingTransformMatrix  | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  758.   Gpi16QueryWidthTable              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  759.   Gpi16RealizeColorTable            | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  760.   Gpi16RectInRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  761.   Gpi16RectVisible                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  762.   Gpi16RemoveDynamics               | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  763.   Gpi16ResetBoundaryData            | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  764.   Gpi16ResetPS                      | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  765.   Gpi16RestorePS                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  766.   Gpi16ResumePlay                   | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  767.   Gpi16Rotate                       | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  768.   Gpi16SaveMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  769.   Gpi16SavePS                       | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  770.   Gpi16Scale                        | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  771.   Gpi16SelectPalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  772.   Gpi16SetArcParams                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  773.   Gpi16SetAttrMode                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  774.   Gpi16SetAttrs                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  775.   Gpi16SetBackColor                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  776.   Gpi16SetBackMix                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  777.   Gpi16SetBidiAttr                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  778.   Gpi16SetBitmap                    | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  779.   Gpi16SetBitmapBits                | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  780.   Gpi16SetBitmapDimension           | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  781.   Gpi16SetBitmapId                  | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  782.   Gpi16SetCharAngle                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  783.   Gpi16SetCharBox                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  784.   Gpi16SetCharBreakExtra            | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  785.   Gpi16SetCharDirection             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  786.   Gpi16SetCharExtra                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  787.   Gpi16SetCharMode                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  788.   Gpi16SetCharSet                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  789.   Gpi16SetCharShear                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  790.   Gpi16SetClipPath                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  791.   Gpi16SetClipRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  792.   Gpi16SetColor                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  793.   Gpi16SetCp                        | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  794.   Gpi16SetCurrentPosition           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  795.   Gpi16SetDefArcParams              | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  796.   Gpi16SetDefAttrs                  | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  797.   Gpi16SetDefaultViewMatrix         | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  798.   Gpi16SetDefTag                    | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  799.   Gpi16SetDefViewingLimits          | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  800.   Gpi16SetDrawControl               | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  801.   Gpi16SetDrawingMode               | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  802.   Gpi16SetEditMode                  | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  803.   Gpi16SetElementPointer            | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  804.   Gpi16SetElementPointerAtLabel     | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  805.   Gpi16SetGraphicsField             | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  806.   Gpi16SetInitialSegmentAttrs       | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  807.   Gpi16SetLineEnd                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  808.   Gpi16SetLineJoin                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  809.   Gpi16SetLineType                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  810.   Gpi16SetLineWidth                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  811.   Gpi16SetLineWidthGeom             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  812.   Gpi16SetMarker                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  813.   Gpi16SetMarkerBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  814.   Gpi16SetMarkerSet                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  815.   Gpi16SetMetaFileBits              | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  816.   Gpi16SetMix                       | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  817.   Gpi16SetModelTransformMatrix      | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  818.   Gpi16SetPageViewport              | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  819.   Gpi16SetPaletteEntries            | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  820.   Gpi16SetPattern                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  821.   Gpi16SetPatternRefPoint           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  822.   Gpi16SetPatternSet                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  823.   Gpi16SetPel                       | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  824.   Gpi16SetPickAperturePosition      | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  825.   Gpi16SetPickApertureSize          | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  826.   Gpi16SetPS                        | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  827.   Gpi16SetRegion                    | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  828.   Gpi16SetSegmentAttrs              | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  829.   Gpi16SetSegmentPriority           | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  830.   Gpi16SetSegmentTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  831.   Gpi16SetStopDraw                  | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  832.   Gpi16SetTag                       | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  833.   Gpi16SetViewingLimits             | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  834.   Gpi16SetViewingTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  835.   Gpi16StrokePath                   | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  836.   Gpi16SuspendPlay                  | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  837.   Gpi16Translate                    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  838.   Gpi16UnloadFonts                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  839.   Gpi16UnloadPublicFonts            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  840.   Gpi16UnrealizeColorTable          | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  841.   Gpi16WCBitBlt                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  842.   Gpi32AnimatePalette               | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  843.   Gpi32Associate                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  844.   Gpi32BeginArea                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  845.   Gpi32BeginElement                 | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  846.   Gpi32BeginInkPath                 | PMGPI    | INK   | 2.40
  847.   Gpi32BeginPath                    | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  848.   Gpi32BitBlt                       | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  849.   Gpi32Box                          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  850.   Gpi32CallSegmentMatrix            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  851.   Gpi32CharString                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  852.   Gpi32CharStringAt                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  853.   Gpi32CharStringPos                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  854.   Gpi32CharStringPosAt              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  855.   Gpi32CloseFigure                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  856.   Gpi32CloseSegment                 | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  857.   Gpi32CombineRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  858.   Gpi32Comment                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  859.   Gpi32Convert                      | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  860.   Gpi32ConvertWithMatrix            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  861.   Gpi32CopyMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  862.   Gpi32CorrelateChain               | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  863.   Gpi32CorrelateFrom                | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  864.   Gpi32CorrelateSegment             | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  865.   Gpi32CreateBitmap                 | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  866.   Gpi32CreateEllipticRegion         | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.40
  867.   Gpi32CreateLogColorTable          | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  868.   Gpi32CreateLogFont                | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  869.   Gpi32CreatePalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  870.   Gpi32CreatePolygonRegion          | PMGPI    | POLY  | 2.40
  871.   Gpi32CreatePS                     | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  872.   Gpi32CreateRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  873.   Gpi32CreateRoundRectRegion        | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.40
  874.   Gpi32DeleteBitmap                 | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  875.   Gpi32DeleteElement                | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  876.   Gpi32DeleteElementRange           | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  877.   Gpi32DeleteElementsBetweenLabels  | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  878.   Gpi32DeleteMetaFile               | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  879.   Gpi32DeletePalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  880.   Gpi32DeleteSegment                | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  881.   Gpi32DeleteSegments               | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  882.   Gpi32DeleteSetId                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  883.   Gpi32DestroyPS                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  884.   Gpi32DestroyRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  885.   Gpi32DrawBits                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  886.   Gpi32DrawChain                    | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  887.   Gpi32DrawDynamics                 | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  888.   Gpi32DrawFrom                     | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  889.   Gpi32DrawSegment                  | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  890.   Gpi32Element                      | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  891.   Gpi32EndArea                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  892.   Gpi32EndElement                   | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  893.   Gpi32EndInkPath                   | PMGPI    | INK   | 2.40
  894.   Gpi32EndPath                      | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  895.   Gpi32EqualRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  896.   Gpi32Erase                        | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  897.   Gpi32ErrorSegmentData             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  898.   Gpi32ExcludeClipRectangle         | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  899.   Gpi32FillPath                     | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  900.   Gpi32FloodFill                    | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  901.   Gpi32FrameRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  902.   Gpi32FullArc                      | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  903.   Gpi32GetData                      | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  904.   Gpi32Image                        | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  905.   Gpi32IntersectClipRectangle       | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  906.   Gpi32Label                        | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  907.   Gpi32Line                         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  908.   Gpi32LoadBitmap                   | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  909.   Gpi32LoadFonts                    | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  910.   Gpi32LoadMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  911.   Gpi32LoadPublicFonts              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  912.   Gpi32Marker                       | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  913.   Gpi32ModifyPath                   | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  914.   Gpi32Move                         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  915.   Gpi32OffsetClipRegion             | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  916.   Gpi32OffsetElementPointer         | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  917.   Gpi32OffsetRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  918.   Gpi32OpenSegment                  | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  919.   Gpi32OutlinePath                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  920.   Gpi32Oval                         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.45
  921.   Gpi32PaintRegion                  | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  922.   Gpi32PartialArc                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  923.   Gpi32PathToRegion                 | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  924.   Gpi32PlayMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  925.   Gpi32PointArc                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  926.   Gpi32PolyFillet                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  927.   Gpi32PolyFilletSharp              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  928.   Gpi32Polygons                     | PMGPI    | POLY  | 2.00
  929.   Gpi32PolyLine                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  930.   Gpi32PolyLineDisjoint             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  931.   Gpi32PolyMarker                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  932.   Gpi32PolySpline                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  933.   Gpi32Pop                          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  934.   Gpi32PtInRegion                   | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  935.   Gpi32PtVisible                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  936.   Gpi32PutData                      | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  937.   Gpi32QueryArcParams               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  938.   Gpi32QueryAttrMode                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  939.   Gpi32QueryAttrs                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  940.   Gpi32QueryBackColor               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  941.   Gpi32QueryBackMix                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  942.   Gpi32QueryBidiAttr                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  943.   Gpi32QueryBitmapBits              | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  944.   Gpi32QueryBitmapDimension         | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  945.   Gpi32QueryBitmapHandle            | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  946.   Gpi32QueryBitmapInfoHeader        | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  947.   Gpi32QueryBitmapParameters        | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  948.   Gpi32QueryBoundaryData            | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  949.   Gpi32QueryCharAngle               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  950.   Gpi32QueryCharBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  951.   Gpi32QueryCharBreakExtra          | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  952.   Gpi32QueryCharDirection           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  953.   Gpi32QueryCharExtra               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  954.   Gpi32QueryCharMode                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  955.   Gpi32QueryCharSet                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  956.   Gpi32QueryCharShear               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  957.   Gpi32QueryCharStringPos           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  958.   Gpi32QueryCharStringPosAt         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  959.   Gpi32QueryClipBox                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  960.   Gpi32QueryClipRegion              | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  961.   Gpi32QueryColor                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  962.   Gpi32QueryColorData               | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  963.   Gpi32QueryColorIndex              | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  964.   Gpi32QueryCp                      | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  965.   Gpi32QueryCurrentPosition         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  966.   Gpi32QueryDefArcParams            | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  967.   Gpi32QueryDefAttrs                | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  968.   Gpi32QueryDefaultViewMatrix       | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  969.   Gpi32QueryDefCharBox              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  970.   Gpi32QueryDefTag                  | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  971.   Gpi32QueryDefViewingLimits        | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  972.   Gpi32QueryDevice                  | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  973.   Gpi32QueryDeviceBitmapFormats     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  974.   Gpi32QueryDrawControl             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  975.   Gpi32QueryDrawingMode             | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  976.   Gpi32QueryEditMode                | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  977.   Gpi32QueryElement                 | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  978.   Gpi32QueryElementPointer          | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  979.   Gpi32QueryElementType             | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  980.   Gpi32QueryFaceString              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  981.   Gpi32QueryFontAction              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  982.   Gpi32QueryFontFileDescriptions    | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  983.   Gpi32QueryFontMappingFlags        | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.40
  984.   Gpi32QueryFontMetrics             | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  985.   Gpi32QueryFonts                   | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  986.   Gpi32QueryFullFontFileDescs       | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  987.   Gpi32QueryGraphicsField           | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  988.   Gpi32QueryInitialSegmentAttrs     | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  989.   Gpi32QueryKerningPairs            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  990.   Gpi32QueryLineEnd                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  991.   Gpi32QueryLineJoin                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  992.   Gpi32QueryLineType                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  993.   Gpi32QueryLineWidth               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  994.   Gpi32QueryLineWidthGeom           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  995.   Gpi32QueryLogColorTable           | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  996.   Gpi32QueryLogicalFont             | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  997.   Gpi32QueryMarker                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  998.   Gpi32QueryMarkerBox               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  999.   Gpi32QueryMarkerSet               | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1000.   Gpi32QueryMetaFileBits            | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1001.   Gpi32QueryMetaFileLength          | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1002.   Gpi32QueryMix                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1003.   Gpi32QueryModelTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1004.   Gpi32QueryNearestColor            | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1005.   Gpi32QueryNearestPaletteIndex     | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.40
  1006.   Gpi32QueryNumberSetIds            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1007.   Gpi32QueryPageViewport            | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1008.   Gpi32QueryPalette                 | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1009.   Gpi32QueryPaletteInfo             | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1010.   Gpi32QueryPattern                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1011.   Gpi32QueryPatternRefPoint         | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1012.   Gpi32QueryPatternSet              | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1013.   Gpi32QueryPel                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1014.   Gpi32QueryPickAperturePosition    | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1015.   Gpi32QueryPickApertureSize        | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1016.   Gpi32QueryPS                      | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1017.   Gpi32QueryRasterizerCaps          | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.40
  1018.   Gpi32QueryRealColors              | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1019.   Gpi32QueryRegionBox               | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  1020.   Gpi32QueryRegionRects             | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  1021.   Gpi32QueryRGBColor                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1022.   Gpi32QuerySegmentAttrs            | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1023.   Gpi32QuerySegmentNames            | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1024.   Gpi32QuerySegmentPriority         | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1025.   Gpi32QuerySegmentTransformMatrix  | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1026.   Gpi32QuerySetIds                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1027.   Gpi32QueryStopDraw                | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1028.   Gpi32QueryTabbedTextExtent        | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.40
  1029.   Gpi32QueryTag                     | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1030.   Gpi32QueryTextAlignment           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1031.   Gpi32QueryTextBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1032.   Gpi32QueryViewingLimits           | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1033.   Gpi32QueryViewingTransformMatrix  | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1034.   Gpi32QueryWidthTable              | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1035.   Gpi32RectInRegion                 | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  1036.   Gpi32RectVisible                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1037.   Gpi32RemoveDynamics               | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1038.   Gpi32ResetBoundaryData            | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1039.   Gpi32ResetPS                      | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1040.   Gpi32ResizePalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.40
  1041.   Gpi32RestorePS                    | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1042.   Gpi32ResumePlay                   | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1043.   Gpi32Rotate                       | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1044.   Gpi32SaveMetaFile                 | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1045.   Gpi32SavePS                       | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1046.   Gpi32Scale                        | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1047.   Gpi32SelectPalette                | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1048.   Gpi32SetArcParams                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1049.   Gpi32SetAttrMode                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1050.   Gpi32SetAttrs                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1051.   Gpi32SetBackColor                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1052.   Gpi32SetBackMix                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1053.   Gpi32SetBidiAttr                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1054.   Gpi32SetBitmap                    | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1055.   Gpi32SetBitmapBits                | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1056.   Gpi32SetBitmapDimension           | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1057.   Gpi32SetBitmapId                  | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1058.   Gpi32SetCharAngle                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1059.   Gpi32SetCharBox                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1060.   Gpi32SetCharBreakExtra            | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1061.   Gpi32SetCharDirection             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1062.   Gpi32SetCharExtra                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1063.   Gpi32SetCharMode                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1064.   Gpi32SetCharSet                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1065.   Gpi32SetCharShear                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1066.   Gpi32SetClipPath                  | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  1067.   Gpi32SetClipRegion                | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  1068.   Gpi32SetColor                     | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1069.   Gpi32SetCp                        | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1070.   Gpi32SetCurrentPosition           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1071.   Gpi32SetDefArcParams              | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  1072.   Gpi32SetDefAttrs                  | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  1073.   Gpi32SetDefaultViewMatrix         | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1074.   Gpi32SetDefTag                    | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  1075.   Gpi32SetDefViewingLimits          | PMGPI    | DEF   | 2.00
  1076.   Gpi32SetDrawControl               | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1077.   Gpi32SetDrawingMode               | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1078.   Gpi32SetEditMode                  | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  1079.   Gpi32SetElementPointer            | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  1080.   Gpi32SetElementPointerAtLabel     | PMGPI    | EDIT  | 2.00
  1081.   Gpi32SetFontMappingFlags          | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.40
  1082.   Gpi32SetGraphicsField             | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1083.   Gpi32SetInitialSegmentAttrs       | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1084.   Gpi32SetLineEnd                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1085.   Gpi32SetLineJoin                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1086.   Gpi32SetLineType                  | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1087.   Gpi32SetLineWidth                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1088.   Gpi32SetLineWidthGeom             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1089.   Gpi32SetMarker                    | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1090.   Gpi32SetMarkerBox                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1091.   Gpi32SetMarkerSet                 | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1092.   Gpi32SetMetaFileBits              | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1093.   Gpi32SetMix                       | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1094.   Gpi32SetModelTransformMatrix      | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1095.   Gpi32SetPageViewport              | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1096.   Gpi32SetPaletteEntries            | PMGPI    | LCT   | 2.00
  1097.   Gpi32SetPattern                   | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1098.   Gpi32SetPatternRefPoint           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1099.   Gpi32SetPatternSet                | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1100.   Gpi32SetPel                       | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1101.   Gpi32SetPickAperturePosition      | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1102.   Gpi32SetPickApertureSize          | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1103.   Gpi32SetPS                        | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1104.   Gpi32SetRegion                    | PMGPI    | RGN   | 2.00
  1105.   Gpi32SetSegmentAttrs              | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1106.   Gpi32SetSegmentPriority           | PMGPI    | SEG   | 2.00
  1107.   Gpi32SetSegmentTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1108.   Gpi32SetStopDraw                  | PMGPI    | CTRL  | 2.00
  1109.   Gpi32SetTag                       | PMGPI    | CORR  | 2.00
  1110.   Gpi32SetTextAlignment             | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.00
  1111.   Gpi32SetViewingLimits             | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1112.   Gpi32SetViewingTransformMatrix    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1113.   Gpi32StrokeInkPath                | PMGPI    | INK   | 2.40
  1114.   Gpi32StrokePath                   | PMGPI    | PATH  | 2.00
  1115.   Gpi32SuspendPlay                  | PMGPI    | META  | 2.00
  1116.   Gpi32TabbedCharStringAt           | PMGPI    | PRIM  | 2.40
  1117.   Gpi32Translate                    | PMGPI    | TRAN  | 2.00
  1118.   Gpi32UnloadFonts                  | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1119.   Gpi32UnloadPublicFonts            | PMGPI    | LCID  | 2.00
  1120.   Gpi32WCBitBlt                     | PMGPI    | BIT   | 2.00
  1121.   Kbd16CharIn                       | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1122.   Kbd16Close                        | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1123.   Kbd16DeRegister                   | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1124.   Kbd16FlushBuffer                  | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1125.   Kbd16FreeFocus                    | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1126.   Kbd16GetCp                        | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1127.   Kbd16GetFocus                     | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1128.   Kbd16GetHWId                      | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1129.   Kbd16GetStatus                    | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1130.   Kbd16Open                         | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1131.   Kbd16Peek                         | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1132.   Kbd16Register                     | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1133.   Kbd16SetCp                        | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1134.   Kbd16SetCustXt                    | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1135.   Kbd16SetFgnd                      | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1136.   Kbd16SetHWId                      | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1137.   Kbd16SetStatus                    | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1138.   Kbd16StringIn                     | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1139.   Kbd16Synch                        | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1140.   Kbd16Xlate                        | KBDCALLS |       | 2.00
  1141.   Mou16Close                        | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1142.   Mou16DeRegister                   | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1143.   Mou16DrawPtr                      | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1144.   Mou16FlushQue                     | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1145.   Mou16GetDevStatus                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1146.   Mou16GetEventMask                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1147.   Mou16GetNumButtons                | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1148.   Mou16GetNumMickeys                | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1149.   Mou16GetNumQueEl                  | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1150.   Mou16GetPtrPos                    | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1151.   Mou16GetPtrShape                  | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1152.   Mou16GetScaleFact                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1153.   Mou16GetThreshold                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1154.   Mou16InitReal                     | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1155.   Mou16Open                         | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1156.   Mou16ReadEventQue                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1157.   Mou16Register                     | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1158.   Mou16RemovePtr                    | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1159.   Mou16SetDevStatus                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1160.   Mou16SetEventMask                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1161.   Mou16SetPtrPos                    | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1162.   Mou16SetPtrShape                  | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1163.   Mou16SetScaleFact                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1164.   Mou16SetThreshold                 | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1165.   Mou16Synch                        | MOUCALLS |       | 2.00
  1166.   Pic16Ichg                         | PMPIC    |       | 2.00
  1167.   Pic16Print                        | PMPIC    |       | 2.00
  1168.   Pic32Ichg                         | PMPIC    |       | 2.00
  1169.   Pic32Print                        | PMPIC    |       | 2.00
  1170.   Prf16AddProgram                   | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1171.   Prf16ChangeProgram                | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1172.   Prf16CloseProfile                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1173.   Prf16CreateGroup                  | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1174.   Prf16DestroyGroup                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1175.   Prf16OpenProfile                  | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1176.   Prf16QueryDefinition              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1177.   Prf16QueryProfile                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1178.   Prf16QueryProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1179.   Prf16QueryProfileInt              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1180.   Prf16QueryProfileSize             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1181.   Prf16QueryProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1182.   Prf16QueryProgramCategory         | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1183.   Prf16QueryProgramHandle           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1184.   Prf16QueryProgramTitles           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1185.   Prf16RemoveProgram                | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1186.   Prf16Reset                        | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1187.   Prf16WriteProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1188.   Prf16WriteProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1189.   Prf32AddProgram                   | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1190.   Prf32ChangeProgram                | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1191.   Prf32CloseProfile                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1192.   Prf32DestroyGroup                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1193.   Prf32OpenProfile                  | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1194.   Prf32QueryDefinition              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1195.   Prf32QueryProfile                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1196.   Prf32QueryProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1197.   Prf32QueryProfileInt              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1198.   Prf32QueryProfileSize             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1199.   Prf32QueryProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1200.   Prf32QueryProgramTitles           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1201.   Prf32RemoveProgram                | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1202.   Prf32Reset                        | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1203.   Prf32WriteProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1204.   Prf32WriteProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1205.   Prt16Abort                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1206.   Prt16AbortDoc                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1207.   Prt16Close                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1208.   Prt16DevIOCtl                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1209.   Prt16Open                         | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1210.   Prt16Query                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1211.   Prt16ResetAbort                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1212.   Prt16Set                          | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1213.   Prt16Write                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1214.   Prt32Abort                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1215.   Prt32AbortDoc                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1216.   Prt32Close                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1217.   Prt32DevIOCtl                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1218.   Prt32NewPage                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1219.   Prt32Open                         | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1220.   Prt32Query                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1221.   Prt32ResetAbort                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1222.   Prt32Set                          | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1223.   Prt32Write                        | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1224.   Spl16MessageBox                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1225.   Spl16QmAbort                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1226.   Spl16QmAbortDoc                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1227.   Spl16QmClose                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1228.   Spl16QmEndDoc                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1229.   Spl16QmOpen                       | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1230.   Spl16QmStartDoc                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1231.   Spl16QmWrite                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1232.   Spl16StdClose                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1233.   Spl16StdDelete                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1234.   Spl16StdGetBits                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1235.   Spl16StdOpen                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1236.   Spl16StdQueryLength               | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1237.   Spl16StdStart                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1238.   Spl16StdStop                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1239.   Spl32ControlDevice                | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1240.   Spl32CopyJob                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1241.   Spl32CreateDevice                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1242.   Spl32CreatePort                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1243.   Spl32CreateQueue                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1244.   Spl32DeleteDevice                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1245.   Spl32DeleteJob                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1246.   Spl32DeletePort                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1247.   Spl32DeleteQueue                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1248.   Spl32Disable                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1249.   Spl32DisplayControlPanel          | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1250.   Spl32Enable                       | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1251.   Spl32EnumDevice                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1252.   Spl32EnumDriver                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1253.   Spl32EnumJob                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1254.   Spl32EnumPort                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1255.   Spl32EnumPrinter                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1256.   Spl32EnumQueue                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1257.   Spl32EnumQueueProcessor           | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1258.   Spl32GetControlPanelList          | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1259.   Spl32GetPortFromQ                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1260.   Spl32HoldJob                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1261.   Spl32HoldQueue                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1262.   Spl32MessageBox                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1263.   Spl32ProtSendCmd                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1264.   Spl32ProtXlateCmd                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1265.   Spl32PurgeQueue                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1266.   Spl32QmAbort                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1267.   Spl32QmAbortDoc                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1268.   Spl32QmClose                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1269.   Spl32QmEndDoc                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1270.   Spl32QmGetJobID                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1271.   Spl32QmNewPage                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.30
  1272.   Spl32QmOpen                       | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1273.   Spl32QmStartDoc                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1274.   Spl32QmWrite                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1275.   Spl32QueryControlPanel            | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1276.   Spl32QueryDevice                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1277.   Spl32QueryDriver                  | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1278.   Spl32QueryJob                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1279.   Spl32QueryPath                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1280.   Spl32QueryPort                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1281.   Spl32QueryQueue                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1282.   Spl32Register                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1283.   Spl32RegisterControlPanel         | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1284.   Spl32ReleaseJob                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1285.   Spl32ReleaseQueue                 | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1286.   Spl32SetDevice                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1287.   Spl32SetDriver                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1288.   Spl32SetJob                       | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1289.   Spl32SetPort                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1290.   Spl32SetQueue                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1291.   Spl32StdClose                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1292.   Spl32StdDelete                    | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1293.   Spl32StdGetBits                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1294.   Spl32StdOpen                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1295.   Spl32StdQueryLength               | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1296.   Spl32StdStart                     | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1297.   Spl32StdStop                      | PMSPL    |       | 2.00
  1298.   Spl32UnRegister                   | PMSPL    |       | 2.40
  1299.   Vio16Associate                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1300.   Vio16CheckCharType                | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1301.   Vio16CreateLogFont                | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1302.   Vio16CreatePS                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1303.   Vio16DeleteSetId                  | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1304.   Vio16DeRegister                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1305.   Vio16DestroyPS                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1306.   Vio16EndPopUp                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1307.   Vio16GetAnsi                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1308.   Vio16GetBuf                       | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1309.   Vio16GetConfig                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1310.   Vio16GetCp                        | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1311.   Vio16GetCurPos                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1312.   Vio16GetCurType                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1313.   Vio16GetDeviceCellSize            | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1314.   Vio16GetFont                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1315.   Vio16GetMode                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1316.   Vio16GetOrg                       | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1317.   Vio16GetPhysBuf                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1318.   Vio16GetState                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1319.   Vio16GlobalReg                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1320.   Vio16ModeUndo                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1321.   Vio16ModeWait                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1322.   Vio16PopUp                        | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1323.   Vio16PrtSc                        | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1324.   Vio16PrtScToggle                  | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1325.   Vio16QueryFonts                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1326.   Vio16QuerySetIds                  | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1327.   Vio16ReadCellStr                  | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1328.   Vio16ReadCharStr                  | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1329.   Vio16RedrawSize                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1330.   Vio16Register                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1331.   Vio16SavRedrawUndo                | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1332.   Vio16SavRedrawWait                | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1333.   Vio16ScrLock                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1334.   Vio16ScrollDn                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1335.   Vio16ScrollLf                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1336.   Vio16ScrollRt                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1337.   Vio16ScrollUp                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1338.   Vio16ScrUnLock                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1339.   Vio16SetAnsi                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1340.   Vio16SetCp                        | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1341.   Vio16SetCurPos                    | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1342.   Vio16SetCurType                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1343.   Vio16SetDeviceCellSize            | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1344.   Vio16SetFont                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1345.   Vio16SetMode                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1346.   Vio16SetOrg                       | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1347.   Vio16SetState                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1348.   Vio16ShowBuf                      | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1349.   Vio16ShowPS                       | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1350.   Vio16WrtCellStr                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1351.   Vio16WrtCharStr                   | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1352.   Vio16WrtCharStrAtt                | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1353.   Vio16WrtNAttr                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1354.   Vio16WrtNCell                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1355.   Vio16WrtNChar                     | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1356.   Vio16WrtTTY                       | VIOCALLS |       | 2.00
  1357.   Win16AddAtom                      | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1358.   Win16AddProgram                   | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1359.   Win16AddSwitchEntry               | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1360.   Win16Alarm                        | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1361.   Win16AllocMem                     | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1362.   Win16AssociateHelpInstance        | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1363.   Win16AvailMem                     | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1364.   Win16BeginEnumWindows             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1365.   Win16BeginPaint                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1366.   Win16BroadcastMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1367.   Win16CalcFrameRect                | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1368.   Win16CallMsgFilter                | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1369.   Win16CancelShutdown               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1370.   Win16Catch                        | PMWIN    | ENV   | 2.00
  1371.   Win16ChangeSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1372.   Win16CheckInput                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.10
  1373.   Win16CloseClipbrd                 | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1374.   Win16CompareStrings               | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1375.   Win16CopyAccelTable               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1376.   Win16CopyRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1377.   Win16CpTranslateChar              | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1378.   Win16CpTranslateString            | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1379.   Win16CreateAccelTable             | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1380.   Win16CreateAtomTable              | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1381.   Win16CreateCursor                 | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1382.   Win16CreateDlg                    | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1383.   Win16CreateFrameControls          | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1384.   Win16CreateGroup                  | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1385.   Win16CreateHeap                   | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1386.   Win16CreateHelpInstance           | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1387.   Win16CreateHelpTable              | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1388.   Win16CreateMenu                   | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1389.   Win16CreateMsgQueue               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1390.   Win16CreatePointer                | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1391.   Win16CreatePointerIndirect        | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1392.   Win16CreateStdWindow              | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1393.   Win16CreateSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1394.   Win16CreateWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1395.   Win16DdeInitiate                  | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1396.   Win16DdePostMsg                   | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1397.   Win16DdeRespond                   | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1398.   Win16DefAVioWindowProc            | PMVIOP   |       | 2.00
  1399.   Win16DefDlgProc                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1400.   Win16DefWindowProc                | PMWIN    | DWIN  | 2.00
  1401.   Win16DeleteAtom                   | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1402.   Win16DeleteLibrary                | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1403.   Win16DeleteProcedure              | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1404.   Win16DestroyAccelTable            | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1405.   Win16DestroyAtomTable             | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1406.   Win16DestroyCursor                | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1407.   Win16DestroyHeap                  | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1408.   Win16DestroyHelpInstance          | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1409.   Win16DestroyMsgQueue              | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1410.   Win16DestroyPointer               | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1411.   Win16DestroyWindow                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1412.   Win16DismissDlg                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1413.   Win16DispatchMsg                  | PMWIN    | MSGL  | 2.00
  1414.   Win16DlgBox                       | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1415.   Win16DrawBitmap                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1416.   Win16DrawBorder                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1417.   Win16DrawPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1418.   Win16DrawText                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1419.   Win16EmptyClipbrd                 | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1420.   Win16EnablePhysInput              | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1421.   Win16EnableWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1422.   Win16EnableWindowUpdate           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1423.   Win16EndEnumWindows               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1424.   Win16EndPaint                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1425.   Win16EnumClipbrdFmts              | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1426.   Win16EnumDlgItem                  | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1427.   Win16EqualRect                    | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1428.   Win16ExcludeUpdateRegion          | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1429.   Win16FillRect                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1430.   Win16FindAtom                     | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1431.   Win16FlashWindow                  | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1432.   Win16FocusChange                  | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1433.   Win16FreeErrorInfo                | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1434.   Win16FreeMem                      | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1435.   Win16GetClipPS                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1436.   Win16GetCurrentTime               | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1437.   Win16GetDlgMsg                    | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1438.   Win16GetErasePS                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1439.   Win16GetErrorInfo                 | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1440.   Win16GetKeyState                  | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1441.   Win16GetLastError                 | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1442.   Win16GetMaxPosition               | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1443.   Win16GetMinPosition               | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1444.   Win16GetMsg                       | PMWIN    | MSGL  | 2.00
  1445.   Win16GetNextWindow                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1446.   Win16GetPhysKeyState              | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1447.   Win16GetPS                        | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1448.   Win16GetScreenPS                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1449.   Win16GetSysBitmap                 | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1450.   Win16InflateRect                  | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1451.   Win16Initialize                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1452.   Win16InSendMsg                    | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1453.   Win16InstStartApp                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1454.   Win16IntersectRect                | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1455.   Win16InvalidateRect               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1456.   Win16InvalidateRegion             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1457.   Win16InvertRect                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1458.   Win16IsChild                      | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1459.   Win16IsPhysInputEnabled           | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1460.   Win16IsRectEmpty                  | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1461.   Win16IsThreadActive               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1462.   Win16IsWindow                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1463.   Win16IsWindowEnabled              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1464.   Win16IsWindowShowing              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1465.   Win16IsWindowVisible              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1466.   Win16LoadAccelTable               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1467.   Win16LoadDlg                      | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1468.   Win16LoadHelpTable                | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1469.   Win16LoadLibrary                  | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1470.   Win16LoadMenu                     | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1471.   Win16LoadMessage                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1472.   Win16LoadPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1473.   Win16LoadProcedure                | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1474.   Win16LoadString                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1475.   Win16LockHeap                     | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1476.   Win16LockInput                    | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1477.   Win16LockPointerUpdate            | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.10
  1478.   Win16LockVisRegions               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1479.   Win16LockWindow                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1480.   Win16LockWindowUpdate             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1481.   Win16MakePoints                   | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1482.   Win16MakeRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1483.   Win16MapDlgPoints                 | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1484.   Win16MapWindowPoints              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1485.   Win16MessageBox                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1486.   Win16MsgMuxSemWait                | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1487.   Win16MsgSemWait                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1488.   Win16MultWindowFromIDs            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1489.   Win16NextChar                     | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1490.   Win16OffsetRect                   | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1491.   Win16OpenClipbrd                  | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1492.   Win16OpenWindowDC                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1493.   Win16PeekMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1494.   Win16PopupMenu                    | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1495.   Win16PostMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1496.   Win16PostQueueMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1497.   Win16PrevChar                     | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1498.   Win16ProcessDlg                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1499.   Win16PtInRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1500.   Win16QueryAccelTable              | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1501.   Win16QueryActiveWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1502.   Win16QueryAnchorBlock             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1503.   Win16QueryAtomLength              | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1504.   Win16QueryAtomName                | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1505.   Win16QueryAtomUsage               | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1506.   Win16QueryCapture                 | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1507.   Win16QueryClassInfo               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1508.   Win16QueryClassName               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1509.   Win16QueryClassThunkProc          | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1510.   Win16QueryClipbrdData             | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1511.   Win16QueryClipbrdFmtInfo          | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1512.   Win16QueryClipbrdOwner            | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1513.   Win16QueryClipbrdViewer           | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1514.   Win16QueryCp                      | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1515.   Win16QueryCpList                  | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1516.   Win16QueryCursorInfo              | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1517.   Win16QueryDefinition              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1518.   Win16QueryDesktopBkgnd            | PMWIN    | DESK  | 2.00
  1519.   Win16QueryDesktopWindow           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1520.   Win16QueryDlgItemShort            | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1521.   Win16QueryDlgItemText             | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1522.   Win16QueryDlgItemTextLength       | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1523.   Win16QueryFocus                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1524.   Win16QueryHelpInstance            | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1525.   Win16QueryKbdLayer                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1526.   Win16QueryLangInfo                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1527.   Win16QueryLangViewer              | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1528.   Win16QueryMsgPos                  | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1529.   Win16QueryMsgTime                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1530.   Win16QueryObjectWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1531.   Win16QueryPointer                 | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1532.   Win16QueryPointerInfo             | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1533.   Win16QueryPointerPos              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1534.   Win16QueryPresParam               | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1535.   Win16QueryProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1536.   Win16QueryProfileInt              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1537.   Win16QueryProfileSize             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1538.   Win16QueryProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1539.   Win16QueryProgramTitles           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1540.   Win16QueryQueueInfo               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1541.   Win16QueryQueueStatus             | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1542.   Win16QuerySendMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1543.   Win16QuerySessionTitle            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1544.   Win16QuerySwitchEntry             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1545.   Win16QuerySwitchHandle            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1546.   Win16QuerySwitchList              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1547.   Win16QuerySysColor                | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1548.   Win16QuerySysModalWindow          | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1549.   Win16QuerySysPointer              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1550.   Win16QuerySystemAtomTable         | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1551.   Win16QuerySysValue                | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1552.   Win16QueryTaskSizePos             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1553.   Win16QueryTaskTitle               | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1554.   Win16QueryUpdateRect              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1555.   Win16QueryUpdateRegion            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1556.   Win16QueryVersion                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1557.   Win16QueryWindow                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1558.   Win16QueryWindowDC                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1559.   Win16QueryWindowLockCount         | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1560.   Win16QueryWindowModel             | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1561.   Win16QueryWindowPos               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1562.   Win16QueryWindowProcess           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1563.   Win16QueryWindowPtr               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1564.   Win16QueryWindowRect              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1565.   Win16QueryWindowText              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1566.   Win16QueryWindowTextLength        | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1567.   Win16QueryWindowThunkProc         | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1568.   Win16QueryWindowULong             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1569.   Win16QueryWindowUShort            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1570.   Win16QueueFromID                  | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1571.   Win16RealizePalette               | PMWIN    | PAL   | 2.00
  1572.   Win16ReallocMem                   | PMWIN    | HEAP  | 2.00
  1573.   Win16RegisterClass                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1574.   Win16RegisterUserDatatype         | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1575.   Win16RegisterUserMsg              | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1576.   Win16RegisterWindowDestroy        | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1577.   Win16ReleaseErasePS               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1578.   Win16ReleaseHook                  | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1579.   Win16ReleasePS                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1580.   Win16RemovePresParam              | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1581.   Win16RemoveSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1582.   Win16ReplyMsg                     | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1583.   Win16SaveWindowPos                | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1584.   Win16ScrollWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1585.   Win16SendDlgItemMsg               | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1586.   Win16SendMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1587.   Win16SetAccelTable                | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1588.   Win16SetActiveWindow              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1589.   Win16SetCapture                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1590.   Win16SetClassMsgInterest          | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1591.   Win16SetClassThunkProc            | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1592.   Win16SetClipbrdData               | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1593.   Win16SetClipbrdOwner              | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1594.   Win16SetClipbrdViewer             | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1595.   Win16SetCp                        | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1596.   Win16SetDesktopBkgnd              | PMWIN    | DESK  | 2.00
  1597.   Win16SetDlgItemShort              | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1598.   Win16SetDlgItemText               | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1599.   Win16SetErrorInfo                 | PMWIN    | SEI   | 2.00
  1600.   Win16SetFocus                     | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1601.   Win16SetHook                      | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1602.   Win16SetKbdLayer                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1603.   Win16SetKeyboardStateTable        | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1604.   Win16SetLangInfo                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1605.   Win16SetLangViewer                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1606.   Win16SetMsgInterest               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1607.   Win16SetMsgMode                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1608.   Win16SetMultWindowPos             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1609.   Win16SetOwner                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1610.   Win16SetParent                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1611.   Win16SetPointer                   | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1612.   Win16SetPointerOwner              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1613.   Win16SetPointerPos                | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1614.   Win16SetPresParam                 | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1615.   Win16SetRect                      | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1616.   Win16SetRectEmpty                 | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1617.   Win16SetSynchroMode               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1618.   Win16SetSysColors                 | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1619.   Win16SetSysModalWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1620.   Win16SetSysValue                  | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1621.   Win16SetWindowBits                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1622.   Win16SetWindowPos                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1623.   Win16SetWindowPtr                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1624.   Win16SetWindowText                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1625.   Win16SetWindowThunkProc           | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1626.   Win16SetWindowULong               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1627.   Win16SetWindowUShort              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1628.   Win16ShowCursor                   | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1629.   Win16ShowPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1630.   Win16ShowTrackRect                | PMWIN    | TREC  | 2.00
  1631.   Win16ShowWindow                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1632.   Win16StartApp                     | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1633.   Win16StartTimer                   | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1634.   Win16StopTimer                    | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1635.   Win16StretchPointer               | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1636.   Win16SubclassWindow               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1637.   Win16SubstituteStrings            | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1638.   Win16SubtractRect                 | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1639.   Win16SwitchProgramRegister        | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1640.   Win16SwitchToProgram              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1641.   Win16Terminate                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1642.   Win16TerminateApp                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1643.   Win16ThreadAssocQueue             | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1644.   Win16Throw                        | PMWIN    | ENV   | 2.00
  1645.   Win16TrackRect                    | PMWIN    | TREC  | 2.00
  1646.   Win16TranslateAccel               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1647.   Win16UnionRect                    | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1648.   Win16UpdateWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1649.   Win16Upper                        | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1650.   Win16UpperChar                    | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1651.   Win16ValidateRect                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1652.   Win16ValidateRegion               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1653.   Win16WaitMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1654.   Win16WakeThread                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1655.   Win16WindowFromDC                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1656.   Win16WindowFromID                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1657.   Win16WindowFromPoint              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1658.   Win16WriteProfileData             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1659.   Win16WriteProfileString           | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1660.   Win32AddAtom                      | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1661.   Win32AddSwitchEntry               | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1662.   Win32Alarm                        | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1663.   Win32AssociateHelpInstance        | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1664.   Win32BeginEnumWindows             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1665.   Win32BeginPaint                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1666.   Win32BroadcastMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1667.   Win32CalcFrameRect                | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1668.   Win32CallMsgFilter                | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1669.   Win32CancelShutdown               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1670.   Win32ChangeSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1671.   Win32CheckInput                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.10
  1672.   Win32CloseClipbrd                 | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1673.   Win32CompareStrings               | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1674.   Win32CopyAccelTable               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1675.   Win32CopyObject                   | PMWP     |       | 2.10
  1676.   Win32CopyRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1677.   Win32CpTranslateChar              | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1678.   Win32CpTranslateString            | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1679.   Win32CreateAccelTable             | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1680.   Win32CreateAtomTable              | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1681.   Win32CreateCursor                 | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1682.   Win32CreateDlg                    | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1683.   Win32CreateFrameControls          | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1684.   Win32CreateHelpInstance           | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1685.   Win32CreateHelpTable              | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1686.   Win32CreateMenu                   | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1687.   Win32CreateMsgQueue               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1688.   Win32CreateObject                 | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1689.   Win32CreatePointer                | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1690.   Win32CreatePointerIndirect        | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1691.   Win32CreateShadow                 | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1692.   Win32CreateStdWindow              | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1693.   Win32CreateSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1694.   Win32CreateWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1695.   Win32DdeInitiate                  | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1696.   Win32DdePostMsg                   | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1697.   Win32DdeRespond                   | PMWIN    | DDE   | 2.00
  1698.   Win32DefDlgProc                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1699.   Win32DefFileDlgProc               | PMCTLS   |       | 2.00
  1700.   Win32DefFontDlgProc               | PMCTLS   |       | 2.00
  1701.   Win32DefWindowProc                | PMWIN    | DWIN  | 2.00
  1702.   Win32DeleteAtom                   | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1703.   Win32DeleteLibrary                | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1704.   Win32DeleteProcedure              | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1705.   Win32DeregisterObjectClass        | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1706.   Win32DestroyAccelTable            | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1707.   Win32DestroyAtomTable             | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1708.   Win32DestroyCursor                | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1709.   Win32DestroyHelpInstance          | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1710.   Win32DestroyMsgQueue              | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1711.   Win32DestroyObject                | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1712.   Win32DestroyPointer               | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1713.   Win32DestroyWindow                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1714.   Win32DismissDlg                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1715.   Win32DispatchMsg                  | PMWIN    | MSGL  | 2.00
  1716.   Win32DlgBox                       | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1717.   Win32DrawBitmap                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1718.   Win32DrawBorder                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1719.   Win32DrawPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1720.   Win32DrawText                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1721.   Win32EmptyClipbrd                 | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1722.   Win32EnablePhysInput              | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1723.   Win32EnableWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1724.   Win32EnableWindowUpdate           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1725.   Win32EndEnumWindows               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1726.   Win32EndPaint                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1727.   Win32EnumClipbrdFmts              | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1728.   Win32EnumDlgItem                  | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1729.   Win32EnumObjectClasses            | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1730.   Win32EqualRect                    | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1731.   Win32ExcludeUpdateRegion          | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1732.   Win32FileDlg                      | PMCTLS   |       | 2.00
  1733.   Win32FillRect                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1734.   Win32FindAtom                     | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1735.   Win32FlashWindow                  | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1736.   Win32FocusChange                  | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1737.   Win32FontDlg                      | PMCTLS   |       | 2.00
  1738.   Win32FreeErrorInfo                | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1739.   Win32FreeFileDlgList              | PMCTLS   |       | 2.00
  1740.   Win32FreeFileIcon                 | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1741.   Win32GetClipPS                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1742.   Win32GetCurrentTime               | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1743.   Win32GetDlgMsg                    | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1744.   Win32GetErasePS                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1745.   Win32GetErrorInfo                 | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1746.   Win32GetKeyState                  | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1747.   Win32GetLastError                 | PMWIN    | ERR   | 2.00
  1748.   Win32GetMaxPosition               | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1749.   Win32GetMinPosition               | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1750.   Win32GetMsg                       | PMWIN    | MSGL  | 2.00
  1751.   Win32GetNextWindow                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1752.   Win32GetPhysKeyState              | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1753.   Win32GetPS                        | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1754.   Win32GetScreenPS                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1755.   Win32GetSysBitmap                 | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1756.   Win32InflateRect                  | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1757.   Win32Initialize                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1758.   Win32InSendMsg                    | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1759.   Win32IntersectRect                | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1760.   Win32InvalidateRect               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1761.   Win32InvalidateRegion             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1762.   Win32InvertRect                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1763.   Win32IsChild                      | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1764.   Win32IsPhysInputEnabled           | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1765.   Win32IsRectEmpty                  | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1766.   Win32IsSOMDDReady                 | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1767.   Win32IsThreadActive               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1768.   Win32IsWindow                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1769.   Win32IsWindowEnabled              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1770.   Win32IsWindowShowing              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1771.   Win32IsWindowVisible              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1772.   Win32IsWPDServerReady             | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1773.   Win32LoadAccelTable               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1774.   Win32LoadDlg                      | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1775.   Win32LoadFileIcon                 | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1776.   Win32LoadHelpTable                | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1777.   Win32LoadLibrary                  | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1778.   Win32LoadMenu                     | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1779.   Win32LoadMessage                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1780.   Win32LoadPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1781.   Win32LoadProcedure                | PMWIN    | LOAD  | 2.00
  1782.   Win32LoadString                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1783.   Win32LockInput                    | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1784.   Win32LockPointerUpdate            | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.10
  1785.   Win32LockupSystem                 | PMWP     |       | 2.10
  1786.   Win32LockVisRegions               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1787.   Win32LockWindowUpdate             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1788.   Win32MakePoints                   | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1789.   Win32MakeRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1790.   Win32MapDlgPoints                 | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1791.   Win32MapWindowPoints              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1792.   Win32MessageBox                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1793.   Win32MessageBox2                  | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.30
  1794.   Win32MoveObject                   | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1795.   Win32MsgMuxSemWait                | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1796.   Win32MsgSemWait                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1797.   Win32MultWindowFromIDs            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1798.   Win32NextChar                     | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1799.   Win32OffsetRect                   | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1800.   Win32OpenClipbrd                  | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1801.   Win32OpenObject                   | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1802.   Win32OpenWindowDC                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1803.   Win32PeekMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1804.   Win32PopupMenu                    | PMWIN    | MENU  | 2.00
  1805.   Win32PostMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1806.   Win32PostQueueMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1807.   Win32PrevChar                     | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1808.   Win32ProcessDlg                   | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1809.   Win32PtInRect                     | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1810.   Win32QueryAccelTable              | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1811.   Win32QueryActiveDesktopPathname   | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1812.   Win32QueryActiveWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1813.   Win32QueryAnchorBlock             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1814.   Win32QueryAtomLength              | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1815.   Win32QueryAtomName                | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1816.   Win32QueryAtomUsage               | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1817.   Win32QueryCapture                 | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1818.   Win32QueryClassInfo               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1819.   Win32QueryClassName               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1820.   Win32QueryClassThunkProc          | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1821.   Win32QueryClipbrdData             | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1822.   Win32QueryClipbrdFmtInfo          | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1823.   Win32QueryClipbrdOwner            | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1824.   Win32QueryClipbrdViewer           | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1825.   Win32QueryClipRegion              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.40
  1826.   Win32QueryControlColors           | PMMERGE  |       | 2.40
  1827.   Win32QueryCp                      | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1828.   Win32QueryCpList                  | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1829.   Win32QueryCpType                  | PMMERGE  |       | 2.45
  1830.   Win32QueryCursorInfo              | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1831.   Win32QueryDesktopBkgnd            | PMWIN    | DESK  | 2.00
  1832.   Win32QueryDesktopWindow           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1833.   Win32QueryDlgItemShort            | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1834.   Win32QueryDlgItemText             | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1835.   Win32QueryDlgItemTextLength       | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1836.   Win32QueryFocus                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1837.   Win32QueryHelpInstance            | HELPMGR  |       | 2.00
  1838.   Win32QueryKbdLayer                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1839.   Win32QueryLangInfo                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1840.   Win32QueryLangViewer              | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1841.   Win32QueryMsgPos                  | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1842.   Win32QueryMsgTime                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1843.   Win32QueryObject                  | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1844.   Win32QueryObjectPath              | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1845.   Win32QueryObjectWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1846.   Win32QueryPointer                 | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1847.   Win32QueryPointerInfo             | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1848.   Win32QueryPointerPos              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1849.   Win32QueryPresParam               | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1850.   Win32QueryQueueInfo               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1851.   Win32QueryQueueStatus             | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1852.   Win32QuerySendMsg                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1853.   Win32QuerySessionTitle            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1854.   Win32QuerySwitchEntry             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1855.   Win32QuerySwitchHandle            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1856.   Win32QuerySwitchList              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1857.   Win32QuerySysColor                | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1858.   Win32QuerySysModalWindow          | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1859.   Win32QuerySysPointer              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1860.   Win32QuerySysPointerData          | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.10
  1861.   Win32QuerySystemAtomTable         | PMWIN    | ATOM  | 2.00
  1862.   Win32QuerySysValue                | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1863.   Win32QueryTaskSizePos             | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1864.   Win32QueryTaskTitle               | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1865.   Win32QueryUpdateRect              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1866.   Win32QueryUpdateRegion            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1867.   Win32QueryVersion                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1868.   Win32QueryVisibleRegion           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.10
  1869.   Win32QueryWindow                  | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1870.   Win32QueryWindowDC                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1871.   Win32QueryWindowModel             | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1872.   Win32QueryWindowPos               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1873.   Win32QueryWindowProcess           | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1874.   Win32QueryWindowPtr               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1875.   Win32QueryWindowRect              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1876.   Win32QueryWindowText              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1877.   Win32QueryWindowTextLength        | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1878.   Win32QueryWindowThunkProc         | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1879.   Win32QueryWindowULong             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1880.   Win32QueryWindowUShort            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1881.   Win32QueueFromID                  | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1882.   Win32RealizePalette               | PMWIN    | PAL   | 2.00
  1883.   Win32RegisterCircularSlider       | PMCTLS   |       | 2.30
  1884.   Win32RegisterClass                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1885.   Win32RegisterObjectClass          | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1886.   Win32RegisterUserDatatype         | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1887.   Win32RegisterUserMsg              | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1888.   Win32ReleaseErasePS               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1889.   Win32ReleaseHook                  | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1890.   Win32ReleasePS                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1891.   Win32RemovePresParam              | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1892.   Win32RemoveSwitchEntry            | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1893.   Win32ReplaceObjectClass           | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1894.   Win32ReplyMsg                     | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1895.   Win32RequestMutexSem              | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1896.   Win32RestartSOMDD                 | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1897.   Win32RestartWPDServer             | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1898.   Win32RestoreWindowPos             | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1899.   Win32SaveObject                   | PMWP     |       | 2.30
  1900.   Win32SaveWindowPos                | PMWIN    | FRAM  | 2.00
  1901.   Win32ScrollWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1902.   Win32SendDlgItemMsg               | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1903.   Win32SendMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1904.   Win32SetAccelTable                | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1905.   Win32SetActiveWindow              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1906.   Win32SetCapture                   | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1907.   Win32SetClassMsgInterest          | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1908.   Win32SetClassThunkProc            | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1909.   Win32SetClipbrdData               | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1910.   Win32SetClipbrdOwner              | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1911.   Win32SetClipbrdViewer             | PMWIN    | CLIP  | 2.00
  1912.   Win32SetClipRegion                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.40
  1913.   Win32SetControlColors             | PMMERGE  |       | 2.40
  1914.   Win32SetCp                        | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1915.   Win32SetDesktopBkgnd              | PMWIN    | DESK  | 2.00
  1916.   Win32SetDlgItemShort              | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1917.   Win32SetDlgItemText               | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1918.   Win32SetErrorInfo                 | PMWIN    | SEI   | 2.00
  1919.   Win32SetFileIcon                  | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1920.   Win32SetFocus                     | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1921.   Win32SetHook                      | PMWIN    | HOOK  | 2.00
  1922.   Win32SetKbdLayer                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1923.   Win32SetKeyboardStateTable        | PMWIN    | INPT  | 2.00
  1924.   Win32SetLangInfo                  | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1925.   Win32SetLangViewer                | PMBIDI   |       | 2.30
  1926.   Win32SetMsgInterest               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1927.   Win32SetMsgMode                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1928.   Win32SetMultWindowPos             | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1929.   Win32SetObjectData                | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1930.   Win32SetOwner                     | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1931.   Win32SetParent                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1932.   Win32SetPointer                   | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1933.   Win32SetPointerOwner              | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1934.   Win32SetPointerPos                | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1935.   Win32SetPresParam                 | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1936.   Win32SetRect                      | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1937.   Win32SetRectEmpty                 | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1938.   Win32SetSynchroMode               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1939.   Win32SetSysColors                 | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1940.   Win32SetSysModalWindow            | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1941.   Win32SetSysPointerData            | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.10
  1942.   Win32SetSysValue                  | PMWIN    | SYS   | 2.00
  1943.   Win32SetVisibleRegionNotify       | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.10
  1944.   Win32SetWindowBits                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1945.   Win32SetWindowPos                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1946.   Win32SetWindowPtr                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1947.   Win32SetWindowText                | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1948.   Win32SetWindowThunkProc           | PMWIN    | THK   | 2.00
  1949.   Win32SetWindowULong               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1950.   Win32SetWindowUShort              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1951.   Win32ShowCursor                   | PMWIN    | CUR   | 2.00
  1952.   Win32ShowPointer                  | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1953.   Win32ShowTrackRect                | PMWIN    | TREC  | 2.00
  1954.   Win32ShowWindow                   | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1955.   Win32ShutdownSystem               | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1956.   Win32StartApp                     | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1957.   Win32StartTimer                   | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1958.   Win32StopTimer                    | PMWIN    | TIME  | 2.00
  1959.   Win32StoreWindowPos               | PMWP     |       | 2.00
  1960.   Win32StretchPointer               | PMWIN    | PTR   | 2.00
  1961.   Win32SubclassWindow               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1962.   Win32SubstituteStrings            | PMWIN    | DLG   | 2.00
  1963.   Win32SubtractRect                 | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1964.   Win32SwitchProgramRegister        | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1965.   Win32SwitchToProgram              | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1966.   Win32Terminate                    | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1967.   Win32TerminateApp                 | PMSHAPI  |       | 2.00
  1968.   Win32ThreadAssocQueue             | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1969.   Win32TrackRect                    | PMWIN    | TREC  | 2.00
  1970.   Win32TranslateAccel               | PMWIN    | ACCL  | 2.00
  1971.   Win32UnionRect                    | PMWIN    | RECT  | 2.00
  1972.   Win32UnlockSystem                 | PMWP     |       | 2.10
  1973.   Win32UpdateWindow                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1974.   Win32Upper                        | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1975.   Win32UpperChar                    | PMWIN    | CTRY  | 2.00
  1976.   Win32ValidateRect                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1977.   Win32ValidateRegion               | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1978.   Win32WaitEventSem                 | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1979.   Win32WaitMsg                      | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1980.   Win32WaitMuxWaitSem               | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1981.   Win32WakeThread                   | PMWIN    | MSG   | 2.00
  1982.   Win32WindowFromDC                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1983.   Win32WindowFromID                 | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1984.   Win32WindowFromPoint              | PMWIN    | WIN   | 2.00
  1986.   * - Removed by the Convenience Package for OS/2 Warp Server for e-business