@remarks GetEventID return the ID of the event which ocures. Valid
ID∩s are specified by the classes derived from XEvent
@returns ULONG theEventID
/*@ XControlEvent::GetEventID()
@remarks Returns a pointer to the window which has send the event
@returns LONG id the id of the event, see XControlEvent.
/*@ XControlEvent::GetWindow()
@remarks Returns a pointer to the window which has send the event
@returns XWindow * thePointer the pointer of the sending window, if you
know the window type, you can typecast to
the needed class
/*@ XControlEvent::GetWindowID()
@remarks Returns the ID of the window which has send the event
@returns LONG theWindowID the ID of the sending window
/*@ XMouseEvent::GetEventID()
@remarks Returns the ID of the mouse-event. To get a mouse-event you must
register a XMouseHandler!
@returns LONG theID the ID of the mouse-event, see XMouseEvent.
/*@ XMouseEvent::GetKeyInfo()
@remarks Returns the state of the keyboard
@returns SHORT keyInfo information of the keyboard
@class XContainerEditEvent
@parent XContainerEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks An XContainerEditEvent is catched with a XContainerHandler. This event occures
if the user edit the text of a container-item.
/*@ XContainerEditEvent :: GetText( XString * s)
@remarks Returns the text of an edited item. On CON_REALLOC
the old text is returned, on CON_ENDEDIT the new text is avaible.
@parameters XString * buffer buffer to hold the data
/*@ XContainerEditEvent::GetTextSize()
@remarks Returns the length text of the edited text. On CON_REALLOC
you must realloc the buffer which contains the text.
@returns ULONG size
/*@ XContainerEditEvent::GetColumn()
@remarks Returns a pointer to that column in which
an item is edited;
@returns XContainerColumn * theColumn
@class XItemDrawEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks An XItemDrawEvent is catched with a XItemDrawHandler. This event occures
if a listbox, menu or container is set with the style OWNERDRAW. In this case the
items must be drwan by the application.
/*@ XItemDrawEvent::GetItemHandle()
@group item-related
@remarks Returns a handle to the item which must redrawn. Only use
this function in listbox-controls! (There you can set the handle
with XListBox::SetItemhandle() )
@returns ULONG theHandle
/*@ XItemDrawEvent::GetWindowID()
@group misc
@remarks Returns the ID of the window.
@returns LONG theID
/*@ XItemDrawEvent::GetItemID()
@group item-related
@remarks Returns the ID of the item to draw. Don∩t use
this function in container-controls! (use XItemDrawEvent::GetObject() and XItemDrawEvent::GetColumn()
to find out what you have to draw )
@returns LONG theID
/*@ XItemDrawEvent::GetWindowHandle()
@remarks Returns the sytem-define window handle.
@returns OOL_WINDOWHANDLE handle
/*@ XItemDrawEvent::SetTextColor()
@group colors
@remarks Set the text color for non-selected items
@parameters XColor * color new color
/*@ XDragEvent::GetDragItemCount()
@remarks Return the count of drag-items of this dragevent
@returns SHORT count of items
/*@ XDragEvent::GetSourceWindow()
@remarks Query the system-define handle of the window where the objects
were dropped.
@returns: OOL_WINDOWHANDLE The system-defined window handle.
@class XContainerDragEvent
@parent XContainerEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks Drag/drop events in a container generate a XContainerDragEvent which is derived
from XContainerEvent and has the same functionality like XDragEvent (see there for
further information).
/*@ XContainerEvent::GetObject()
@remarks Query the object which belongs to the event.
@returns XContainerObject * theObject
@class XContainerEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks Events in a container generate a XContainerEvent, if you want to catch these
events you must generate a XContainerHandler. Possible event-IDs are:
<t '°' 2>
°CON_BEGINEDIT °the user start to edit a field
°CON_COLLAPSTREE °in tree-view the tree or a part of it is collapsed
°CON_CONTEXTMENU °a context-menu is requested
°CON_DRAGOVER °one or more objects fly over the container
°CON_DROP °one or more objects are dropped
°CON_EMPHASIS °the emphasis of an item has changed
°CON_ENDEDIT °the user stopped to edit a field
°CON_ENTER °ENTER was pressed
°CON_EXPANDTREE °in tree-view the tree or a part of it is expanded
°CON_INITDRAG °a drag-operation is requested
°CON_PAINTBACKGOUND °the background of the container must be redrawn
°CON_REALLOC °the user edited text and memory must be reallocated
which you can get with XEvent::GetEventID(). In the cases of CON_BEGINEDIT, CON_ENDEDIT and CON_REALLOC
a event of the Type XContainerEditEvent is posted, in the case od CON_DROP and CON_DRAGOVER a XContainerDragEvent is posted, you can simple typecast to them.
@class XControlEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks The XControlEvent is send to a XFrameWindow when the user has performed
some interaction with a client window of the frame window. If you have caught the XControlEvent
by overriding XFrameWindow::DoControl you can get information about the sending window
and the type (ID) of the event. Valid event-ID∩s are:
<t '°' 2>
°WIN_CHANGED °the content of the client has changed
°WIN_DBLCLICK °the user double-clicked on the window
°WIN_PAINT °the window will be redrawn
°WIN_ENTER °the user pressed ENTER
°WIN_SELECTED °an item of the window was selected
°WIN_VSCROLL °the window scrolls it contents
°WIN_HSCROLL °the window scrolls it contents
°WIN_SETFOCUS °the window recieves the focus
°WIN_KILLFOCUS °the window lost the focus
°WIN_SHOWLIST °the list of a XComboBox will be displayed
°WIN_TRACK °the user tracks the window (in XSlider)
°WIN_ENDTRACK °the user stopped tracking (in XSlider)
°WIN_UPARROW °the user pressed the arrow "up" (in XSpinButton)
°WIN_DOWNARROW °the user pressed the arrow "down" (in XSpinButton)
°MEDIA_PLAYED °a media-window has completed playing a file
°MEDIA_PAUSED °a media-window paused playing a file
°MEDIA_REWINDED °a media-window completed rewinding a file
@class XDragEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks For drag-events a XDragEvent is generated, to catch them you need to install
a XDragHandler. Possible event-IDs are:
<t '°' 2>
°DRG_DROPPED °An item was dropped.
°DRG_DRAGOVER °An item fly over the window.
°DRG_ENDCONVERSATION °The converation ends. No informations about dragitems avaible!
°DRG_DISCARDOBJECT °Delete the items(s).
°DRG_PRINTOBJECT °Print the item(s). Use QueryPrinterInfo() to get information about the requested printer.
For drag-events in a container see:
@class XMouseEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks To catch events from the mouse like moving using mouse-buttons etc you must
install a XMouseHandler. If you use this handler you recieve XMouseEvents
which contains information about the mouse-state. For drag/drop you don∩t
need a XMousehandler but a XDragHandler. Possible event-IDs are
<t '°' c=2>
°MOU_BTN1CLICK °button 1 clicked
°MOU_BTN1DBLCLICK °button 1 double-click
°MOU_BTN1DOWN °button 1 down
°MOU_BTN1UP °button 1 up
°MOU_BTN2CLICK °button 2 clicked
°MOU_BTN2DBLCLICK °button 2 double-click
°MOU_BTN2DOWN °button 2 down
°MOU_BTN2UP °button 2 up
°MOU_BTN3CLICK °button 3 clicked
°MOU_BTN3DBLCLICK °button 3 double-click
°MOU_BTN3DOWN °button 3 down
°MOU_BTN3UP °button 3 up
°MOU_INITDRAG °the user requested a drag-operation
°MOU_MOVE °mouse moved
@class XKeyboardEvent
@parent XEvent
@type overview
@symbol _
@remarks A XKeyboardEvent represents a user input to the keyboard, to catch these
events install a XKeyboardHandler.<P>
XKeyboardEvent::GetEventID() returns the ASCII-code of the key which was pressed, with XKeyboardEvent::GetVirtualKey()
and XKeyboardEvent::GetScanCode() you receivemore information.
/*@ XKeyboardEvent::GetVirtualKey
@remarks Use this function to get the virtual key defined by the OS
<t '°' c=2>
°SHORT key °virtual key, this value can be:
<t '°' c=2>
°XKC_KEYUP °The event is a key-up transition
°XKC_PREVDOWN °The key has been previously down
°XKC_LONEKEY °Indicates if the key is pressed and released without any other keys